Saturday 1 December 2018

Tv Tropes Writing Challenge - Trope 2: Shapeshifting Seducer

About 4 years ago now two other writers, Lucianite and Rakked, decided to take a writing challenge and write smut based around Tropes found on Tv Tropes for a week. Here are my entries.
This story is based on the trope Shapeshifting Seducer and stars Sem Warden, returning from a smuggling job he did for a group called The Ring that runs the city of Nympha. He also did a favour for the Xyli Madame Veni, which he likes to cash in on in the form one of Nympha’s most famous prostitutes. Alexa the Shapeshifter.
Set in the same universe as my Nex Starshine stories
Contains: M/F, M/FF, shortstack, cockgrowth, futanari, huge cock, breast expansion, huge breasts, titfuck, threesome.

Tv Tropes Writing Challenge - Trope 2: Shapeshifting Seducer
Sem Warden’s ship touched down on the city of Nympha a place known for being a city of sin, housing plenty of casinos, brothels and strip clubs. But crime was kept in check by a group of powerful men and women calling themselves The Ring. Sem was one of the people working for this Ringgroup; he was a small time smuggler who brought in things that weren’t strictly legal on Farus the planet housing Nympha. But they paid well, and his trusty ship the Nightingale always outpaced the bigger ships, plus it had plenty of nooks and crannies to hide his illegal cargo in.
Suddenly the Nightingale’s holographic screen buzzed on and the soft, beautiful face of a Xyli appeared into view. Her snow-white hair was pulled in a business-like bun and a slender, old-fashioned cigarette holder rested between her dark blue lips while crystal blue irises sparkled pleasantly while the black sclera surrounded them. Her skin was a light purple in colour, and only the vaguest of laugh lines were visible by the corners of her eyes and mouth. ‘Ah, Mister Warden. I trust you brought back what I requested?’ she asked in a sensual tone of voice that made Sem shiver pleasantly.
‘Of course Madame Veni,’ Sem replied, inclining his head. ‘But what about my part of the deal?’ he asked with a little half-smile.
Veni lazily exhaled a plume of smoke. ‘As promised, you will be Alexa’s only client today. But I warn you, a lot of rich and powerful people that were on the list before you are hungry for your blood.’ She told the smuggler.
‘I think I can handle them,’ Sem replied smugly while resting a hand on a slender black blaster hanging from his hip. ‘Now, the lackeys of The Ring are going to be unpacking my cargo soon. Should I hand your items to them, or is this something your partners don’t need to know about?’ he asked with a toothy smile.
‘Bring the cargo to the brothel, I will be there waiting for you.’ Madame Veni said, and with that the holographic image disappeared.
‘Well, I guess that’s that then.’ Sem mused before retrieving a few books wrapped in protective plastic from underneath his seat. Madame Veni lovedhuman things from the past, over the years Sem had brought her old televisions, computers, clothes, even the cigarette holder she was always smoking from. Still, there could be worse things to collect, he guessed.
Just after putting the books in his backpack, the holographic screen flashed on again. This time it showed the face of one of The Ring’s private dockhands. ‘Can we unload your cargo now, sir?’ He asked politely.
Sem tapped some buttons on the console near the screen, opening the cargo hold doors. ‘Sure, go ahead. Close up when you’re done though.’ The smuggler said with a grin, before leaving his ship.
* * * *
Signs flashed on brightly above the brothels and casinos, despite the fact that the sun had barely set. Shapely women and muscular men, both human and alien, danced in front of windows, trying to attract the attention of customers while others simply tried to call you inside. Rhythmic music blared from half a dozen strip clubs, while soft music came from larger establishment. All in all, visiting Nympha was like being a kid in a candy store for perverts. Sem had worked, and lived, in this city of sin for years now and he hadn’t even seen half of what the city had to offer. Unfortunately, work came first. So he tried to ignore the temptations and instead focused on The Golden Post, one of the most luxurious brothels in the city and it was started by none other than Madame Veni. Much of its popularity was due to Alexa, of course.
From the outside, it looked like an old-fashioned mansion you’d find on Earth. Its huge double doors held open by a duo of handsome, muscular man while waist-high, gold-coloured posts lined the sides of the path leading up towards the doors. Sem always thought they looked vaguely penile, but perhaps that was the intention. Above the double door hung a large white board on it, in luxurious gilded letters, the words The Golden Post was written. Despite the fact that it wasn’t holographic and the letters weren’t neon, the board still seemed to light up to Sem’s eyes.
‘Good evening, sir,’ one of the doorman said as he passed him. ‘Madame Veni and Alexa are waiting for you in the office on the second floor.’ He added in a whisper.
Sem nodded and stepped inside, another Xyli sat behind a desk that was just the right size for her four foot frame. When she spotted Sem, she abruptly got up and opened the door for him. He shot her one of his most dashing smiles when he left the waiting area, and as soon as he stepped into the actual brothel he approached the stairs, trying his hardest to ignore all those women dressed in skimpy outfits lounging around and waiting for a customer. The door to Madame Veni’s office was immediately recognizable due to the fact that it didn’t have a number hanging from the door, and Sem quickly rapped his knuckles against the wood.
‘Come in!’ Veni’s voice said from the other side, and Sem did as she asked.
Like the rest of the brothel, Veni’s office was old-fashioned but luxurious. A mahogany desk too large for the Xyli stood in the centre of the room, placed on a big red carpet. The Madame had to stand on her chair to peek over the desk, it looked comical but Sem didn’t dare laugh at her. Dominating the left side of the room was a large bookcase, containing books Sem and others had brought her in the past, it wasn’t even close to full. On the right was a drinks cabinet, with a door leading to Veni’s bedroom next to it.
‘Where is Alexa?’ Sem asked with a raised eyebrow.
‘In the bedroom,’ Madame Veni replied while nodding into the door’s direction. ‘You can go see her when I get the things I requested.’ The Xyli said.
Sem never thought a woman that barely reached his chest if she wasn’t standing on a chair could look so intimidating. He didn’t try to let it show on his face however. ‘Here you go,’ he said as he opened the backpack and handed the Xyli her books. In response, her facial features immediately lit up as she smiled broadly.
‘Ah! Excellent, excellent,’ she said excitedly. ‘Go see Alexa now, I’ll read these immediately.’ The Madame told Sem while carefully tearing open the protective plastic around one of the books.

Sem quickly did as the Xyli said and stepped inside the bedroom, a bedroom that was dominated by a bed that was big enough to fit four people. Why a Xyli needed a bed that huge, the smuggler didn’t know. Sitting on the bed was a small, pale human girl with long, raven black hair and big innocent brown eyes. She looked like she hadn’t even reached her teens yet. ‘Hello mister, are you my client for today?’ she asked with a beaming smile.
‘Eh…Alexa?’ Sem stammered.
‘Oh yes, sorry,’ the girl giggled, suddenly sounding a lot older. ‘My former client was into this sort of thing, and it gets hard to break character. Please excuse me.’ She added before closing her eyes.
Sem’s eyes widened as he saw the pale, raven-haired child grow in front of her eyes. Her legs grew longer and her hips grew a little broader, while her bust began to swell underneath the loose black dress she wore. When the transformation finally stopped, Alexa was the same height as Sem and looked the same age as well. You see, Alexa was from a race of shapeshifters, she could be the woman of your dreams and her contract with Veni was likely the reason The Golden Post had become so popular. Nowadays you had to be on a waiting list for months before you could spend a few hours with her, luckily working for The Ring had its benefits.
‘So then,’ Alexa purred. ‘What can I do for you, handsome? Want to sleep with an old flame? Or are there any celebrities you have an eye on? I can be whoever you want me to be.’ She added as she walked around the smuggler, taking him in. From the looks of it, she was pleased with what she saw.
Sem had to admit, he wasn’t too bad looking. He wore a black duster with several small shield generators built into the seams and wore a tight-fitting white shirt underneath it, he had wild, black hair falling past his ears and baby blue eyes the ladies seem to love. He also kept himself in shape, his muscles were strong but not overly bulky, he was leaner and people often jokingly described him as “built for running away”. Not that he minded he was a smuggler after all, not a warrior.
‘Actually,’ he stated as he shrugged out of his duster, revealing a few scars along his arms, the pale white standing out on his olive skin. ‘I want to see just what you can do with your powers.’
‘Naughty boy!’ the shapeshifter said with a grin while she slapped Sem’s arm. ‘So, what do you want to try first?’ she asked while raising an arched eyebrow.
‘Hm…I’ve always had a thing for dark-skinned women with light hair,’ Sem thought aloud. ‘Could you darken your skin, and make your hair blonde?’ he asked.
‘Child’s play.’ Alexa snorted, and immediately her creamy white skin slowly shifted until it was the shade of burnished copper. Meanwhile, her hair turned a honey blonde, starting at the inky black roots and quickly spreading out to the tips.
‘How about making it shorter?’ Sem then asked, as the dark-skinned blonde haired shapeshifter stood in front of him with her hands on her hips and a satisfied smile on her lips.
‘You could have at least acted amazed,’ Alexa replied with a huff. ‘But fine, how’s this?’ she asked as her honey blonde hair seemed to grow shorter by disappearing into her head. At this Sem’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘Finally got a reaction of you, huh?’ Alexa mused with a smile, her hair now done in a cute pixie cut. ‘What’s next?’
‘Well, I always wanted to get a titfuck. But most women I’ve been with couldn’t envelop my member with their breasts.’ Sem explained with some embarrassment.
‘Most women can’t change their bodies on a whim, sweetheart,’ Alexa replied with a wink. ‘Show me what you got.’
‘Well, alright.’ The smuggler said with a shrug as he pulled his shirt over his head, showing a few more scars as well as some visible abdominal muscles. Alexa eyed them hungrily before her eyes flashed down to Sem’s crotch as he undid his belt and unzipped his trousers. Her eyebrows rose high as he pulled his trousers down and showed a thick, veiny slab of cockmeat, his cockhead wasn’t revealed until Sem’s trousers were past his knees and Alexa gave an appreciative whistle.
‘Alright, I admit. You’re pretty damn big for a human,’ she said with a grin. ‘So how did that happen?’
‘Well…’ Sem started with some embarrassment. ‘Mister Taylor on The Ring asked me to steal these experimental drugs from the Mithras Corporation, it was said they would enhance the penis of a male. But since these “penile enhancement” schemes have existed years before us humans invented space travel, he asked me to test it before getting it on the market,’ the smuggler explained. ‘Well…it worked alright!’ he said, while pointing at his member.
‘Well, get on the bed. I’m sure we can make this work.’ The shapeshifter said, sounding like she was trying to suppress a giggle.
Sem stepped out of his trousers and went to sit on the edge of the huge, plush bed like Alexa had asked. As soon as he sat down the shapeshifter turned to face him and squeezed her breasts softly, they were a little larger than oranges and seemed to fit her dainty hands nicely. But after she’d squeezed the dark, shapely orbs they slowly began to grow. They quickly reached the size of grapefruits, threatening to spill out of the small dress she wore, before growing to the size of melons. The fabric of the dress threatened to rip and the hemline slowly got higher, causing Alexa to show Sem her bare, plump pussy. Once they reached the size of watermelons the dress gave way with a large tearing sound, revealing Alexa’s huge, dusky breasts and thick, dark nipples in all their glory.
‘B-bigger…’ Sem stammered, his member half-erect and still rising.
‘I-if you want me to be bigger than this, I also have to expand my hips fo-for support.’ Alexa stammered while small strings of girlcum ran down her thighs, being watched while changing shape obviously turning her on.
‘You won’t hear me complain…’ Sem growled in response.
‘You’re evil!’ Alexa moaned, but her bust continued to swell, and her hips begun to expand as well.
Sem watched it all eagerly as his member continued to swell, when Alexa’s breasts stopped growing they were larger than prize-winning pumpkins and cast a shadow over her slim waist, while her hips looked perfect for bearing a baby. Her figure now looked like an exaggerated hourglass in shape, and Sem loved it. The smuggler’s huge member now rested against his chest and twitched softly as he watched the curvaceous shapeshifter. Alexa grinned in response and walked closer to the bed, her thick thighs and broad hips making her walk with a seductive sway.
‘Now, let’s see if these puppies can make my dick disappear.’ Sem growled, grabbing Alexa’s breasts as she dropped to her knees in front of him.
Sem moaned as his hands couldn’t completely envelop the shapeshifter’s enormous breasts, what he could fit into his hands felt heavy. Still, he wouldn’t complain and placed the massive globes on his lap and wrapped them around his shaft. Eagerly he began to slide his member between the huge, soft knockers and growled in pleasure. But he wasn’t getting the friction he wanted and looked down at Alexa. Getting the hint she grabbed the sides of her breasts with a smile and pressed them around his member a little tighter, while simultaneously getting up to her haunches to wrap more of her titmeat around the monstercock of the young smuggler.
Another moan of pleasure escaped Sem’s throat in response to Alexa’s actions, causing him to pump his hips a little faster. But despite the enormous size of the shapeshifter’s mammeries, Sem’s cockhead still poked out of her cavernous cleavage. Sem noticed too, but before he could make a comment on it he watched as Alexa’s lips become a little plumper and more wet-looking, looking like the perfect lips to wrap around a cock. And with a wink she lowered her head towards her cleavage and opened her mouth, which allowed the smuggler’s plump cockhead to slide over her tongue.
As a result, hot, clear precum began to flow from Sem’s distended cumslit while he roughly grabbed the sheets of the bed he was sitting on. Instead of swallowing the pearlescent goop, however, Alexa simply allowed it to dribble from her mouth along with her saliva, causing it to fall on her enormous bust and slither between her boobs. The mixture of saliva and precum acted as lubrication for Sem’s monstrous pole and his thrusts quickened, grunting and groaning as he slid his dick between the shapeshifter’s huge knockers while his cockhead filled her mouth. To give her some pleasure as well, he released the sheets to grab Alexa’s nipples instead and pinched the thick brown nubs playfully.
Alexa moaned around Sem’s cockhead, enjoying the sensation of her nipples being teased. Her moan, meanwhile, shot pleasant vibrations down the smuggler’s shaft. So Sem continued doing pinching and tugging on the shapeshifter’s sensitive nipples, enjoying the way she moaned around his cock. Alexa smiled and moaned around the domed crown a little louder in response, egging on the smuggler’s teasing while she pushed her massive mammeries around the huge, throbbing pole a little tighter, Sem simply continued pumping his hips as fast as he could. But, unfortunately, he quickly felt his orgasm approaching. A man could only hold out for so long when a pair of huge, soft breasts were wrapped around his member while a wet, smooth tongue teased his cockhead.
‘Argh! Cumming!’ Sem growled, before suddenly grabbing the sides of Alexa’s head and pulling her closer.
The shapeshifter’s breasts flattened dramatically against the smuggler’s legs and stomach, while her nose threatened to disappear within her own cleavage. She could only release a brief sputter in protest though before she felt the taste of cum hitting her tongue. Thick, salty blasts of jizz jetted from Sem’s cockhead and filled up Alexa’s mouth, a few strings of warm goop sprayed from the corners of her mouth too before she remembered to swallow. Not another drop of the smuggler’s seed escaped Alexa’s throat when she did her best to swallow the rest of his load, causing her throat to bulge out obscenely on occasion as a mouthful of spunk travelled down to her stomach.
‘Ah…delicious,’ Alexa said with a smack of her plump lips, cum hanging from her dainty chin while more stained her breasts. ‘Let me just…clean that up.’ She said with a giggle, before her tongue suddenly shot out of her mouth and lengthened to lap up the stray ropes of semen.
Before Sem could suggest the next thing they should try, the door to the bedroom opened up. In the door opening stood Madame Veni. ‘Are you almost done, Mister Warden?’ she asked, hands on her hips.
Sem wanted to protest and say he had barely spent an hour with Alexa and had been promised more, but instead looked the older Xyli over. Her breasts were large, nearly the size of melons and looked even bigger on her frame, they even threatened the escape the tight-fitting black dress she wore. Her waist was slim, almost inhumanly so, but flared out into some of the broadest hips the smuggler had seen. Her thighs were also delightfully thick, but her feet looked almost oddly small and dainty in comparison. Still, his member stirred as he watched the short, curvaceous woman and he got an idea.
‘Say, Alexa?’ He asked with an impish grin. ‘What do you say to Madame Veni here joining the fun?’
‘That sounds like an excellent idea, sir.’ Alexa replied with her own impish grin as she got to her feet.
‘N-now wait a moment you two!’ the Madame stammered as she backed off.
‘I’m sorry, but the customer is always king.’ The shapeshifter replied, before her hair suddenly grew again and whipped out in the Xyli’s direction.
Veni squealed in surprise, but wasn’t quick enough to dodge the thick strands of hair wrapping around her arms and waist. She gave a token struggle, but allowed the shapeshifter to pull her in. Once she stood in front of Alexa and the smuggler, the shapeshifter’s hair released her and returned to the pixie cut it was in previously. Both Sem and Alexa gave her a self-satisfied smile while she crossed her arms underneath her prodigious bust and sighed.
‘You two will be working this off for a long time.’ She threatened, but it didn’t stop her from slowly pulling her dress over her head.
When Veni’s bare breasts came into view, still sitting high and proud on her chest despite her age, Sem’s member slapped against his chest. ‘Worth it!’ he growled, taking in the curvy and mature body of the Xyli.
‘So, what do you want me to do now, sir?’ Alexa asked, using her long tongue to lick her lips. Sem knew that it was probably meant as a hint, but he had other plans.
‘Grow a cock.’ He instructed her.
‘You want me…to turn into a man?’ the shapeshifter asked while raising a curious eyebrow.
‘No, I want you to turn your clitoris into a dick so you can fuck Madame Veni here.’ The smuggler explained.
‘Interesting…’ Alexa mused. ‘You really are a naughty client, sir.’ She added with a wicked grin.
Still, she wrapped her finger and thumb around her outthrust clit and softly began to stroke it. In front of Sem and Veni the little nub slowly grew longer and fatter, before it started to take the shape of a cock. It turned the same shade of brown of the shapeshifter’s skin and fat pulsing veins came to the surface, while the tip took the shape of a cockhead. Once it was fully formed it continued to grow, until it was almost the same length as Sem’s shaft. With a satisfied smile Alexa removed her hand from her newly grown member, and turned to face the smuggler.
‘What now?’ she asked curiously.
‘You will ride my cock,’ he explained while squeezing his own erect member. ‘While you bounce the Madame on your own dick.’
‘So you won’t double stuff me?’ Madame Veni suddenly said, before snapping her mouth shut in embarrassment.
‘…If there is time, perhaps.’ Sem replied with a smug smile.

‘Just…get it over with!’ the Xyli snapped.
‘With pleasure, Madame.’ Alexa replied, grinning as she picked up the short, curvy woman, who squeaked in surprise.
While she held on to the older Xyli the shapeshifter took a few steps back until she was straddling Sem’s hips and slowly lowered her cushiony buttocks towards his lap. The smuggler grinned in response and pressed the crown of his member against Alexa’s plump, dripping gash as soon as it got close enough, causing the shapeshifter to release a lewd moan as she sank down on his cock. At first, it went slowly and Sem released a grunt of discomfort at the tightness of Alexa’s cunt, but slowly her pussy adapted to the size of his member. She was still tight, but not painfully so and sank down on his monstrous pole a little easier.
‘Ah…S-so big!’ Alexa moaned as her folds quivered around the fat slab of cockmeat, her own member twitching in response and softly slapping against Veni’s stomach.
‘Can’t you control that thing!?’ the Xyli growled in annoyance.
‘I-I apologize, Madame Veni,’ Alexa stammered as the smuggler’s monstercock throbbed against her folds. ‘Le-let me get it out of the way for you.’ She added with a groan.
Suddenly the shapeshifter lifted the Madame a little higher, high enough to press her cockhead against the Xyli’s, surprisingly wet, muff. Her eyes widened when the crown of Alexa’s member splayed her labia apart, and she opened her mouth to protest. But the Xyli was too late. With a snarl the shapeshifter yanked the older woman down on her cock, stretching her quim wide, and Veni could only press her face between the shapeshifter’s breasts and squeal in a mixture of surprise and pleasure as the monstrous shaft plunged into her moist, quivering depths.
‘Ah…you bitch!’ the Madame hissed, her gash coiling tightly around the invading shaft and girlcum running down the insides of her thighs.
‘Do you want me to stop?’ Alexa asked as she stopped pulling the Xyli down and pretended not to notice how stiff the Madame’s thick nipples were.
‘…No.’ Veni admitted after a few moments, through clenched teeth.
‘Good!’ Alexa replied in a chipper tone of voice, and pulled the Xyli down further.
Another squeal escaped the Madame’s mouth, but this one sounded a lot more pleasurable. Unfortunately, Sem was feeling rejected and roughly grabbed the shapeshifter’s hips and pulled her down further. In response to the sensation of her pussy being stuffed with the smuggler’s monstercock, Alexa’s own member jerked inside of Veni, causing the Xyli to gasp and her snatch to tighten around Alexa’s member. Madame Veni writhed and jerked on the shapeshifter’s monstercock as it throbbed powerfully against her folds, Alexa barely did anything in the meantime. Pleasure was coursing through her body as she sank down farther and farther on the smuggler’s pole. Once it was all the way inside of her, her stomach bulged out slightly.
‘S-so…f-fu-full!’ She moaned as precum began to drool from the tip of her cock.
With the added lubrication of her precum, Alexa could pull the Madame down her shaft a little easier as well. Causing the Xyli to mewl and moan pathetically as her own stomach was pushed out by the shapeshifter’s monstercock, the tube-like bulge pushing out her previously flat, purple tummy. None of the participants seemed to care about anyone’s comfort however, as they quickly began to move their hips. Alexa’s riding Sem’s member wildly, while bouncing the older, shorter woman up and down her own cock. It was a little awkward at first, but they quickly found their rhythm.
‘Hngh! So full! So full!’ Alexa continued to babble as Sem’s massive member pounded into her, making her twat quiver and her cock drool precum.
‘Faster!’ Veni meanwhile growled, not bothered at all by a cock larger than her forearm pounding away at her wet, twitching depths. Instead she grabbed her big, heavy breasts and began to tease her nipples, while wrapping her plush, dark blue lips around one of the shapeshifter’s thick, erect nubs.
Sem didn’t make a sound, hearing the two women moan while his monstercock was enveloped by a tight pussy was too much, he had to set his jaw and fight his orgasm while pounding away at Alexa’s sweet clenching cunt. He tried to ignore her soft, shapely brown buttocks bouncing off of his lap; he tried to ignore the sounds of Veni sucking on the shapeshifter’s nipple as well. But he didn’t know how much longer he would last. After a few moments however, the room fell silent and only the sounds of sex were heard. Meaty slaps, the wet, obscene squelching sounds of dicks hammering into pussies, all combined with lewd, barely audible moans. But Sem quickly found out he wouldn’t be the first one to break this “silence” with his climax…
‘C-cumming!’ Alexa howled while pressing Veni tightly against her.
The Xyli’s eyes widened as she felt the meaty pole expand inside of her, before hot, creamy cum blasted inside of her cunny, making her stomach balloon out even more. But as the shapeshifter’s seed filled her up, she was thankful that her face had disappeared between Alexa’s soft, massive breasts, as an orgasm washed over her as well. The Madame bucked and writhed in Alexa’s grip as a mixture of spunk and girlcum blasted out of her quivering, cock-stuffed gash. Of course, with Alexa’s climaxing her own slit was coiling around Sem’s member as well, trying to milk it of its seed, and Sem let it. Without even bothering to announce his own orgasm, hot, sticky ropes of seed blasted from the tip of his monstercock, blasting in the depths of the shapeshifter’s hot, sweet snatch.
‘That was…amazing.’ Veni said she was the first one to break the silence, even if her voice was muffled by the shapeshifter’s bust.
‘Ye-yes it was, Madame.’ Alexa sighed as her stomach, slightly swollen by Sem’s seed, slowly returned to its old size.
‘Well then, are you ladies ready to go again?’ Sem asked his member still erect in Alexa’s clenching cunny.
‘Oh yeah…’ Alexa purred.
‘I am,’ Veni stated. ‘But you will have to do a lot more jobs for me to pay this off.’ She added, pulling her head away from the shapeshifter’s massive mammeries just to flash him an evil grin.
‘I’m sure it will be worth it.’ Sem replied with a grin of his own.

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