Sunday 16 December 2018

[TRADE] Zoe and Lux in: Womb Peggin’ in Wartime

My part of a trade I did with Hizzacked three years ago.. It stars her two gynoids, Zoe and Lux, getting it on while their ship is about to crash

Contains: robot girls, futanari, futanari on female.


Zoe and Lux in: Womb Peggin’ in Wartime
Above the planet of Majest a war was raging, what it was about did not matter to The Hewer, all the small scouting ship and its crew cared about were the floating wreckages each side left behind. It had been Sebastian “Bas” Asura’s–Captain of The Farstar—idea to sneak one of their smaller ships into the warzone, amidst the large warships of whoever opposed Majest and its armies, and pick apart the wreckages of any ships that were shot down. It had been a risky, one could say suicidal, plan, and one only Bas could come up with…and pull off successfully.
Although the risks had been great, The Hewer had managed to bring back a valuable haul after each skirmish. Cargo containing weaponry, explosives and armour nobody on the crew of The Farstar had even heard off, parts of star ship weapons, shield cores (intact or broken) and several other parts that would be worth a ton of credits to certain people. Of course, their luck had to run out eventually…
Just as The Hewer was picking apart a Majest fighter with a pair of long, robotic arms normally used for mining asteroids, another fighter approached and blew a hole in their hull. Before The Hewer could retract its mining equipment and flee, a bright orange flash erupted from the fighter’s cannon, blowing another hole in the hull of the small scouting ship. Apparently the pilot was not happy about the fact that its companion was being picked apart, and showed it by continuing to pump The Hewer full of boiling hot plasma.
Meanwhile inside The Hewer’s cockpit, alarms were blaring and the sound of fingers rapidly tapping keys could be heard. ‘Damn it! That thing didn’t even appear on our sensors!’ Lux, one of the gynoids that served on-board The Farstar cursed. ‘We have to get out of here!’
Just as she said this, the ship’s console beeped to inform Lux that the mining equipment had been retraced and she abruptly started up The Hewer’s engines to fly away. Unfortunately they didn’t get far, one last blast of plasma hit them straight in the ship’s thrusters before the Majest fighter decided they had enough. Lux watched it fly off to re-join the war that was raging above the planet, a war that they were slowly coming closer to as The Hewergot stuck in Majest’s gravitational pull.
‘Damn it!’ Lux cursed again. ‘Everyone, this is your captain speaking, our thrusters are down and sectors of the ship are rapidly losing oxygen. Please make your way to the escape pods, I’ll redirect power to light your way and make sure you have a safe path!’ she announced over the ship’s PA system, her fingers in constant motion.
Lux wasn’t the only one in the cockpit however, her younger partner Zoe was there too. She had been in charge of flying The Hewer, while other crewmembers in another section of the ship had operated the mining equipment and stored salvage in the cargo hold. Unlike those crewmembers Zoe wasn’t running towards the escape pod, no, she had something else in mind entirely.
She had slipped out of the pilot’s seat and was now standing behind the older gynoid, both of them were dressed rather casually and Zoe couldn’t help but admire how Lux looked in her current get-up. Her long-sleeved jacket only really covered her arms and chest, leaving much of her slim, pale blue back exposed. Zoe ran her eyes over it until she rested them on Lux’s backside; the hip-hugging shorts she wore could barely contain the blue gynoid’s shapely behind. In fact, the straps of a black thong were peeking out of the garment, slung high over her hips.
With a predatory smile, she sauntered closer to the console and her partner, wasting no time in placing her hands on Lux’s firm, shapely backside. The older gynoid shot Zoe an annoyed glare over her shoulder, but continued to instruct the fleeing crew over the PA system and tapping away at the console’s keys. Disappointed by the lack of reaction Zoe squeezed the blue gynoid’s asscheeks through the fabric of her shorts, before she slowly began to tug them down. Lux did not resist as this happened, far too busy with saving the crew of The Hewer as it drifted closer and closer towards the warzone. She didn’t even bother to chew Zoe out as she pulled down her thong, exposing her snatch to the younger robot woman.
Yet despite Lux’s lack of reactions to Zoe’s actions, the younger gynoid did notice that her older partner’s snatch was flushed a dark blue and shining. With an impish grin she quietly pulled down her oversized dark red overalls, she wore it in such a way that it never covered her upper body, allowing her fat, orange E-Cock to leave its confines. With her shapely red lips still set in an impish smile the gynoid wrapped a slim hand around the base of her shaft and pushed the crown of the artificial cock against her companion’s damp pussy, finally eliciting a soft whimper from the older gynoid.
‘What the—you’ve had that thing attached to you the whole time?!’ Lux hissed softly.
Zoe shrugged. ‘These salvage runs get pretty boring.’
Then, acting as if that explained everything, the orange gynoid slowly pushed her hips forward and slid the E-Cock inside her Lux tight, wet slit. ‘Zoe!’ Lux whimpered, her voice rising in pitch. ‘Not now, this is far too dangerous!’
‘I know! That’s what makes this so exciting!’ the younger gynoid responded with a gleeful smile.
‘I really think we should make our way to the escape po—ah!’
Lux’s sentence was abruptly cut off as Zoe firmly pushed her down on the console bank, sinking several inches of her meaty E-Cock up the blue gynoid’s twat in the process. Lux whimpered in response, both in pleasure and in fear as a frigate blew up close to them, rocking the small scouting vessel back and forth. Yet despite the wild movement, Lux and Zoe remained in place. In fact, Zoe’s pumping hips seemed to move in tandem with the shakes of the ship.
‘Oh what the hell,’ Lux whispered more to herself than to her sister. ‘I’m sure everyone made it safely to the escape pods by now anyway…’
‘That’s the spirit, Lux!’ Zoe replied, as she pulled up the white tank top she wore to free her shapely orange breasts.
Lux decided to follow the younger gynoid’s example and flicked a small switch on her collar, causing her small vest to fall open and expose her light blue breasts, capped with dark blue nipples. The erect nubs scraped over keys and cold plastic as Zoe’s thrusts pushed her upper body back and forth, all while she held on to the console as if her life depended on it. Of course it didn’t stop her from moving her shapely blue hips in tandem with those of her orange-skinned companion, whatever she might have said the whole experience was exciting.
As ships were torn apart by plasma fire in front of her eyes, Zoe’s thrusts seemed to grow more intense. When a spaceship exploded close to The Hewer, Lux felt a sense of pleasure overtaking her systems. As they drifted closer and closer the sounds of cannons firing and ships exploding grew louder and louder, but quickly seemed to be overtaken by the noise of Zoe’s flat stomach hitting Lux’s shapely rear. Or perhaps this was because of the ship’s audio emulators slowly dying? In any case Lux was edging closer and closer to her climax, which the younger robot woman quickly realized.
‘I knew it! You get turned on by danger too!’ she shouted gleefully.
‘I-I do not!’ Lux huffed as her cheeks flushed a darker blue. But her body could not lie, when a massive dreadnaught exploded over Majest her pussy tightly coiled around Zoe’s E-Cock as it thrust into her, causing a lewd, wet sound to fill the cabin.
Zoe said nothing; she only laughed wickedly as she planted one foot on the console and wrapped her free hand around Lux’s waist. The blue gynoid could feel her partner’s bright orange hair tickling her bare back as Zoe’s thrusts seemed to grow more furious with every explosion. The sensation of Zoe’s hair tickling her back was accompanied by warm breaths hitting her neck. The throbbing of the orange gynoid’s artificial dick seemed to grow more powerful against the sensitive walls of her dripping cunt as well, until finally…Zoe stopped moving altogether.
Zoe squealed loudly as she climaxed, a squeal accompanied by several barely audible explosions coming from outside. Lux wasn’t as loud as Zoe but slammed her hand down on the keys of the console and shuddered in pleasure as hot, artificial spunk painted the light blue walls of her pussy white. She felt the younger gynoid’s soft breasts pushing against her back as Zoe lied on top of her, breathing softly as she came down from her orgasm. But the post-coital bliss of both robotic women was rudely interrupted by a crew member barging into the cockpit.
‘Couldn’t you sexbots wait until we get back to The Farstar!? This piece of shit only has one escape pod!’ he shouted.
‘Ah…I can’t believe I forgot about that.’ Lux whispered in embarrassment as she and Zoe quickly got dressed and followed the angry, frightened crew member to the escape pod.

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