Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] Mother and Son Monster Hunt: Cumming Age of Warriorhood

Dylan HeavyCrotch, son of Grond HeavyCrotch, has to slay a monster to be considered an adult among the barbarian tribes of the north. Unfortunately, his father isn’t there to aid him, so instead his mother, Barbaria FunJuggs, joins him. Things…don’t go as planned.
Commissioned, and partially edited, by Azane78.
Contains: MM/F, incest, mother/son, beastiality, huge breasts, huge cock, titfuck, throatfuck, vaginal sex.

Mother and Son Monster Hunt: Cumming Age of Warriorhood
In a mountainous region in the Frozen North, simply known as the Dragon’s Tongue to the local barbarian tribes, two figures walked through the snow. The Dragon’s Tongue was known as a location occupied by dangerous monsters, slaying one and taking back its corpse to your tribe was a rite of passage to adulthood for a lot of men and women from various tribes. This time the one trying to pass into adulthood was Dylan HeavyCrotch, member of the HeavyCrotch tribe and son of the legendary barbarian hero Grond HeavyCrotch.

Normally this rite of passage was done by father and son, but since Grond was off on one of his many adventures, Dylan was paired up with his mother, Barbaria FunJuggs of the FunJuggs tribe. Once Grond had returned to the Frozen North from one of his adventures, he had challenged the chief of the FunJuggs tribe for Barbaria’s hand. He had beaten the chief, but Barbaria wouldn’t accept his proposal. At least not until challenging Grond herself, the fight was long and went down as a popular tale in both HeavyCrotch and FunJuggs history. But eventually Grond ended up victorious, and this time Barbaria gladly accepted his proposal.

So when it was announced that Barbaria was pregnant, both husband and wife as well as their respective tribes expected a mighty warrior to be born. As it turned out, they would be disappointed. Despite the fact that Dylan was technically old enough to attempt this rite, he was easily a head shorter than most adults in the HeavyCrotch tribe. Not only that, he also had trouble putting on weight and muscle. Despite his size he was still surprisingly strong, not that that meant he would be much of a match against the other men and women his age among the barbarian tribes.

With his short and skinny stature he would have trouble finding a wife in the Frozen North, though with his gold blonde hair and handsome facial features, he’d find people in more civilized regions more easily. Honestly Dylan would prefer to leave the Frozen North, despite the fact that he, like the other barbarians, could handle the cold he was sick of the snow and mountains. He would have prefered to become a scholar or something, of course doing so would greatly disappoint his parents…and he feared that they might actually kill him if he left. Especially if he didn’t finish his passage into adulthood first.

Next to his mother he almost looked like a child, Barbaria FunJuggs was nearly as tall as his giant of a father and her body showed some obvious muscles. Not that someone would notice her muscles first, however. Barbaria’s muscles might have been fairly large, but her breasts were enormous. Easily bigger than some of the eggs left by monsters that Dylan had seen, Barbaria might have been his mother but even he took the occasional peek at her lightly tanned, cavernous cleavage. But how could he not? Like himself, Barbaria wasn’t bothered by the cold and only wore a bikini made of fur. Of course men of any barbarian tribe were wise enough to only go as far as staring at her, because despite her outrageous pair of tits the barbarian babe could still swing her huge greataxe with ease.

‘Let’s stop here,’ Barbaria suddenly snapped, making Dylan rip his eyes away from her cleavage to quickly look her in the eye. ‘We should set up camp in that cave over there.’

Dylan merely stared up at her, the only thing he had inherited from his mother was the colour of her long, golden blonde hair. He had the dark brown eyes of his father, while Barbaria’s almond shaped eyes were pale blue, like shards of ice. While Barbaria was speaking Dylan’s eyes started to drift lower again, moving towards his mother’s chest. As they did, he took in his mother’s facial features. They were sharp and beautiful, with high pronounced cheekbones, Barbaria wouldn’t look out of place as a noblewoman. That thought drifted to Dylan’s head as his mother suddenly continued speaking, resulting in Dylan looking away from her plump, soft-looking lips to make eye contact with her again.

‘Did you not hear me, Dylan?’ She asked curtly.

‘You said to make camp in that cave over there.’ Dylan replied.

‘Then why aren’t we moving?’ Barbaria asked coldly. ‘We are moving further up into the mountains tomorrow, to find you a monster to slay. We need all the rest that we can get.’ She explained.

‘Oh…yes of course, mother. I’m sorry.’ Dylan replied as he started walking in the direction of the cave Barbaria had pointed out, while silently adding. Maybe if I didn’t have to carry everything this would go a lot faster!
Dylan was certain that the only reason he was carrying camping supplies, rations and water along with his weapon of choice, the spear, because his mother thought it would make him stronger. At least he didn’t have to carry the greataxe, he was fairly certain it was already heavier than most of the stuff he was carrying anyway. When the two of them finally arrived at the cave, Dylan was quick to set up camp without his mother having to ask. They didn’t start a campfire, however. Even if they brought, or could find, dry logs it could attract the attention of a dangerous monster. So they had their rations cold. As soon as the food was gone Barbaria got to her feet and walked over to the cave’s entrance, her back turned to her son.

‘I will take the first watch,’ Barbaria said without looking at Dylan. ‘You’d better get some rest before it’s your turn.’ She added.

Dylan said nothing as he crawled in his bedroll, he merely enjoyed the sight of his mother’s broad hips and large, shapely rear for a few minutes before he fell asleep…

* * * *

When Dylan was awakened for his watch it was done by Barbaria roughly shaking him in his bedroll, though she stopped as soon as she noticed he was awake. After Dylan crawled out of his bedroll she simply grunted and nodded in the direction of the cave’s mouth before lying down on top of her bedroll, not bothering to crawl inside of it. When Dylan had grabbed his spear and sat down at the cave’s entrance, Barbaria had already fallen asleep. Dylan merely sighed and peered outside, looking out for any monsters that might arrive while praying that this rite of adulthood would quickly come to an end. Despite the fact that they didn’t have any fire, the night was surprisingly bright.

Looking up, Dylan noticed that it had stopped snowing and that the clouds were gone. A million tiny lights lit up the sky together with the moon, as well as the bright, colourful aurora the Dragon’s Tongue mountain range was well known for. The snow reflected it all, making the evening quite bright. Dylan stared up at the sky for a long time, it might not have been fun but it was definitely prettier to look at than the boring snowcovered landscape. Of course he realized that, if he kept gazing up at the sky, a monster might approach the cave and kill him and his mother before he realized. So reluctantly he moved his gaze down to the snowcovered landscape again…

…only to realize he was face to face with a monster, a demonic snow monkey to be exact. Dylan was too afraid to move, he didn’t even open his mouth to shout and warn his mother. The snow monkey was only slightly smaller than him, and even thinner, covered from head to tail with white fur. Despite its size, Dylan knew not to underestimate it. Demonic snow monkeys were fast and almost as intelligent as monkeys, many young barbarians had been lured into traps or lairs of other monsters by them in the past. If they weren’t killed by the creatures themselves, those pitch black fingers looked soft but they could be used to tear someone’s face off.

‘Hey kid, what are you doing out here?’ It suddenly asked in a high pitched, almost nasally, voice as it observed Dylan with its small, intelligent red eyes.

‘Y-you can talk?’ Dylan hissed in surprise, he’d never heard of snow monkeys being capable of that. Then again, most barbarians didn’t exactly stop to chat with a monster they were supposed to kill.

‘Well ‘course I can,’ the creature replied drily. ‘If you humans can do it, how tough can it be?’ it explained as it showed its pointed fangs into something that was supposed to resemble a smile. ‘Now I’ll ask again, what are you doing out here?’

‘Wh-what do you mean?’ Dylan asked.

‘That’s what I wanna know,’ the snow monkey mused. ‘I’ve been following you ‘n yer Ma for most of the day and I can’t figure out for the life of me what the both of you are doing in a frozen hellhole like this, so I figured I’d just ask,’ it explained with a shrug. ‘Didn’t want ta ask your Ma, though, she seemed kinda intense. But you look like an alright kid.’

‘We are, uh, here for my rite of passage into adulthood,’ Dylan explained. ‘I’m supposed to kill a monster.’ He added, while swallowing hard. The snow monkey did not become hostile, however. It didn’t even seem to be insulted.

‘Really?Yer going ta kill a monster?’ The snow monkey snorted, its tone of voice amused.

‘Why…why is that so hard to believe!?’ Dylan snapped, quiet enough for his mother not to wake up.

‘You really have ta ask that? You’re sitting here having a conversation with me, instead of pointing that spear ye got there at me,’ it replied, amused. ‘Seriously, wouldn’t you rather be a scholar living in some big, fancy city instead of living in this frozen hellhole, killing monsters in the mountains?’ it asked.

‘W-well, I’d like to,’ Dylan muttered, it was something he’d thought of himself on several occasions after all. ‘I just need to become a man first! Maybe then I can leave this place without shame…’ He explained to the snow monkey.

‘Oh? Well, there are other ways to become a man you know?’ The snow monkey mused.

‘What do you mean?’ Dylan asked.

‘Well, your Ma over there…’ The snow monkey mused as it looked past Dylan, watching Barbaria’s mountainous breasts rise and fall as she slept. ‘She’s a fine woman, isn’t she?’ It said with a chuckle.

‘I can see why my father fell for her, if that’s what you mean.’ Dylan responded quickly.

‘Oh…really? So you staring at her chest so often is what? You showing affection?’ The snow monkey asked, chuckling once again. Before Dylan could say anything to defend himself, the snow monkey lifted a paw to stop him. ‘You can lie to yourself all you want, kid. But you know with the way things are now, that you’ll never get to leave and pursue yer dreams with the way you are now.’ It explained to the young barbarian with a serious look in its red eyes.

‘Then what do you suggest?’ Dylan asked jokingly, yet at the same time he was curious.

‘Mating season for the Scaled Yskat is almost at an end, in fact it will end sometime tomorrow, and this little snow monkey just happens to know where one makes it lair,’ The snow monkey explained, a grin appearing on its face that only grew wider and wider as he continued to speak. ‘Lead yer mother to the cave it calls home and we’ll trap her there. Once that is done you lose your virginity to her, thus becoming a man.’ The snow monkey stated as it finished its sentence.

‘You’ve got to be joking, trap her?’ Dylan whispered incredulously. ‘Do you have any idea how strong she is? Besides, I’m pretty sure screwing my mom won’t make me an adult in the eyes of the barbarian tribes. Hell, my dad’ll probably kill me if my mother doesn’t do it first!’

‘That’s where the Scaled Yskat comes in,’ the snow monkey replied calmly. ‘I know slaying one of those is considered a heroic feat for you guys, even for an adult warrior. After mating season, they tend to be weakened and tired from claiming females and fighting off other males, so a Scaled Yskat should be easier to take down. I’m sure if yer Ma gets to kill one that she might forget about what you’ve done to her, and you’ll be a man and a hero in the eyes of yer tribe if the two of you return with its corpse.’ It explained.

‘It still doesn’t sound right…’ Dylan mumbled.

‘Bah, you humans are so obsessed with what’s right and wrong,’ the snow monkey said while rolling his eyes. ‘You know what’ll feel right? Sliding yer prick between those enormous puppies of hers. Can you honestly say you’ve never thought about doing something like that? Because let me tell you, there aren’t a lot of women out there with tits like that.’ The snow monkey ranted.

‘Hm…I-I guess if I just do that, and don’t go any farther, it’ll be alright.’ Dylan thought aloud.

‘That’s the spirit, kid! So, do we have a deal?’ The snow monkey asked as it stuck out his hand in a surprisingly human-like gesture.

Dylan stared at the outthrust hand for a moment before looking the creature in the eye again. ‘Telling me about all this, offering to help me trap my mother…what exactly do you get out of all this?’ he asked suspiciously.

‘To tell you the truth kid, I just want to slide my prick between those huge knockers of hers, same as you. I won’t go any farther than that, honest!’ He revealed with a toothy grin.

Once again Dylan stared at the demonic snow monkey’s hand for a few moments, was it the right thing to do to allow this creature to use his mother’s breasts? Then he thought about how disappointed both his mother and father had been in, the humiliating things they had made him do if there was a small chance of him growing stronger, how often he had been ignored. After the flood of memories stopped Dylan set his jaw and grabbed the snow monkey’s hand, and shook it firmly.

‘You’ve got yourself a deal, eh…do you have a name?’ Dylan asked awkwardly as he continued to shake the creature’s hand.

‘Call me Gargesh, kid.’ The snow monkey said by way of introduction.

‘Then you’ve got yourself a deal, Gargesh!’ Dylan said and stopped shaking the demonic snow monkey’s hand. ‘It’s also not “kid”, call me Dylan.’

‘Alright then Dylan, this is how you’ll get to the Scaled Yskat’s lair from here…’ Gargesh began describing the route and Dylan listened intently. Eventually the snow monkey left to place some route markers for Dylan, and time passed slowly once again.

* * * *

Dylan awoke the next morning because he felt something prodding his side. When he opened his eyes he realized it was the haft of his mother’s greataxe, and his mother didn’t look pleased. ‘Finally awake, I see?’ Babaria asked icily. ‘I wonder, what is the point of taking watches when one of us falls asleep during his?’ She asked, but before Dylan had a chance to answer his mother cut him off with a gesture. ‘Just pack up camp and get going, we need to find and slay a monster today. I hope you are prepared.’

Dylan decided it would be best to do as his mother asked of him, and do it quickly. So before Barbaria knew it, her son had broken and packed camp and slung the heavy pack of supplies on his back. She simply nodded in satisfaction, and both left the cave in which they had spent the night. It didn’t seem to have snowed after Dylan’s conversation with Gargesh, fortunately the snow monkey had left no obvious tracks that his mother could spot either. So as they walked, Dylan kept an eye out for any route markers that Gargesh might have left as he subtly tried to steer his mother in the direction of the Scaled Yskat’s lair.

Eventually, it became obvious that they were getting close to its lair due to the claw marks left into boulders around them. Barbaria seemed to grow nervous as they got closer and closer to the creature’s lair, even going as far as grabbing her son’s shoulder when they spotted the entrance of the cave the Scaled Yskat called home. ‘Stop, we can’t go in there.’ Barbaria whispered.

‘Why not?’ Dylan asked, playing dumb.

‘Because that is the lair of a Scaled Yskat,’ she explained, pointing at the cave. ‘Even your father and I would have trouble taking down one of those beasts. An inexperienced warrior like you would be no match for it.’

‘Well, perhaps we can get it if it’s still sleeping? If it’s not, we can always move on and find another beast to slay,’ Dylan suggested. ‘Or perhaps we can set up a trap while it’s out hunting?’ He added, pretending not to know that slaying a Scaled Yskat would make his mother a hero. Though it was clear to see on Barbaria’s face that she was thinking about bringing the creature down and then, finally, she gave in.

‘Fine, let’s sneak inside. But I’ll be leading the way!’ Barbaria whispered as she went inside ahead of her son.

‘Wouldn’t have it any other way…’ Dylan mumbled, more to himself than to her.

The Scaled Yskat’s lair was littered with the skeletal remains of several creatures, some enormous and others barely bigger than a demonic snow monkey, so both Dylan and Barbaria had to be careful not to step on any small bones or they could attract the attention of the lair’s occupant. Of course, Dylan knew the Scaled Yskat wasn’t in here, but it was still wise to do as his mother did lest she get suspicious. Still, as they walked deeper into the cave Dylan started to wonder just what sort of trap Gargesh had set up and how they would lead Barbaria into it.

Fortunately, Dylan wouldn’t have to wait for long. As she walked past the skull of a mammoth Barbaria stepped on a bone partially hidden underneath the soil and a loud *CRACK!* echoed through the cave, making Barbaria freeze in place while she prepared her greataxe in case the Scaled Yskat pounced on them. Meanwhile Dylan heard the skeletal remains around them rattling softly, until suddenly the large mammoth skull moved. Barbaria was caught of guard and the tusk still attached to the skull swept her off her feet, causing her to fall on her rump.

As soon as it happened, a small white shape rushed from a nearby pile of bones and before Barbaria could react, a pair of small ribcages were driven into the ground around her ankles. When she tried to sit up, her greataxe was suddenly ripped from her hands and the white shape disappeared into the pile of bones again. Dylan saw his mother turning towards him to ask for help, only for the white shape to jump from the pile of bones again and bounce against her chest. This caused Barbaria’s back to hit the ground again, but when she tried to push herself up her wrists were being held in the same small ribcages as her ankles.

‘What’dya say, kid? Pretty nice trap, huh?’ Gargesh asked.

‘Yeah,’ Dylan muttered. ‘I heard you guys could move fast, but that was something else.’ He added when he realized that the white shape had been Gargesh.

‘Dylan! What the hell is going on here!? Why are you talking to that creature!?’ Barbaria roared.

‘Wow, yer Ma’s got quite the temper.’ Gargesh

‘Mom, eh…’ Dylan started, though he could only open and close his mouth when he had no excuse for this. So instead the young barbarian looked over at Gargesh with desperation in his eyes, the demonic snow monkey had used his silver tongue to talk him into doing this after all.

‘It’s to capture the Scaled Yskat.’ Gargesh stated frankly.

‘So you’re planning to use me as bait, is that it?’ Barbaria snarled.

‘Something like that,’ Gargesh shrugged. ‘Right about now, the mating season of the Scaled Yskat should be over and the owner of this lair should be returning home. If it smells that other animals have mated here, perhaps it will take some time to collect its strength before moving deeper into its lair. Giving you some time to set traps and take it down.’ The snow monkey explained.

‘That…sounds like it could work?’ Dylan replied with uncertainty, not sure whether anything Gargesh was saying was true.

‘If that’s true, then why all this?’ Barbaria asked skeptically as she nodded towards the ribcages holding her limbs in place.

‘Well, you wouldn’t screw with a snow monkey willingly now, would you?’ Gargesh asked as he smiled.

‘If this truly gives me the chance to slay a creature like a Scaled Yskat, I’ll gladly debase myself by sleeping with a disgusting creature like you,’ Barbaria replied. ‘If not, snow monkey pelts sell for quite a bit of coin in the southern markets.’ She added, her lips tugging upwards to show her teeth.

‘Yer Ma’s a practical lady, huh?’ Gargesh mused quietly as he looked at Dylan from the corner of his eye, then louder he said. ‘Alright, let’s get this over with.’

With that said the snow monkey jumped away from Dylan and landed near the top of Barbaria’s head, in response the barbarian opened her mouth, probably to ask Gargesh what he was planning, only to be promptly silenced when the snow monkey shoved his his thick red prick into her mouth. Dylan expected his mother to use her teeth on the demonic snow monkey’s member, but apparently she kept her word and was willing to do anything to bring down the Scaled Yskat and be seen as a hero among the barbarian tribes.

As Dylan watched how his mother’s plush lips wrapped around Gargesh’s red, surprisingly human, cock he felt an odd twinge of jealousy. However, it abruptly disappeared when the snow monkey  cleared his throat and roughly pulled off the fur top Barbaria was wearing, after which he shot Dylan a knowing look. The young man didn’t catch the snow monkey’s look, though, as he was too busy staring at his mother’s bared breasts.

After Barbaria’s enormous breasts were freed from her fur top they sagged ever so slightly, more due to the weight of the tanned globes than the barbarian babe’s age. At the sight of them any uncertainty Dylan had left about Gargesh’s plot faded away, instead he swallowed hard while he dropped his spear and removed his backpack. Then, with his heart pounding in his ears, Dylan removed the fur loincloth he was wearing. A meaty slap resounded through the cave and Gargesh briefly stopped fucking Barbaria’s throat, instead pulling his hips back far enough so that Barbaria’s vision was no longer obscured.

‘My, my, looks like yer kid isn’t small and skinny everywhere.’ The demonic snow monkey mused.

Barbaria’s ice blue eyes widened at the sight of her son’s prick. Her husband, Grond, had been hung as well. But when it came to Dylan? Well, it seemed that everything he should have gained in height and muscle over the years went to his member, because the thick, veiny pole sticking up from between his legs would have looked more at home on a horse. When Dylan moved towards her chest she opened her mouth to protest, but was once again silenced by Gargesh’s fat red cock. Fortunately for her, the snow monkey did stop her son with a hand motion.

‘Hey, can you give me a minute? From the looks of things you’ll need both her cleavage and her mouth, so let me finish up here first.’ The snow monkey explained with a grin.

Dylan didn’t bother to hide his disappointment, but responded with a nod. This resulted in Gargesh groping Barbaria’s huge breasts for support, before he started to rapidly pound his dick down Barbaria’s throat. Occasionally she would release a gag, or a wad of spit would fly from the corners of her mouth, but she pretty much let the snow monkey do as he wanted. Despite the fact that Dylan hadn’t joined in on the fun, watching the way his mother’s throat bulged outwards as Gargesh hammered his dick down it made his dick twitch. So while he watched how Gargesh rammed his member down Barbaria’s gullet, Dylan started to stroke his huge prick with both hands.

Eventually thick, clear strands of precum started to flow from Dylan’s distended cumslit as he waited patiently to slide his monstercock between his mother’s breasts. Meanwhile Barbaria was clenching her fists in annoyance as the snow monkey continued to have his way with her throat, she even considered using her teeth on him and simply wait for the Scaled Yskat. Luckily for Gargesh, things never got that far because he hit his climax with a loud shriek. Dylan watched with wide eyes as several large bulges traveled down his mother’s throat as she swallowed Gargesh’s load, though if the runnels of white spunk running from the corners of her mouth were any indication, she couldn’t swallow all of it.

‘She’s all yers, kid.’ Gargesh said while extracting his dick from Barbaria’s throat.

As soon as the snow monkey’s member slipped from the barbarian babe’s mouth, he jumped away from her head. Leaving Barbaria coughing and spitting out some of his semen, only to end up looking up at Dylan looming over her with his huge, precum-drooling erection. Barbaria wanted to say something, to chastise her son, call him a weakling. But she didn’t. Grond always was away on some adventure or another and as his wife and a warrior herself she wouldn’t give herself to another man, but she needed the attention. Even if it did come from her son. So when Dylan sat down on her flat, powerful stomach she didn’t resist and allowed him to slide his meaty pole between her breasts.

Dylan couldn’t suppress a groan as he grabbed his mother’s mountainous breasts and felt his hands sinking into the soft globes. However, he wasted no time in pushing them around his monstercock as he started to move his hips. Thanks to the copious amounts of precum that continued to drool from his cumslit Barbaria’s cavernous cleavage was lubricated, making it easy for Dylan to slide his meaty dick between his mother’s enormous knockers. However, despite the size of the tanned orbs a portion of Dylan’s huge pole would still stick out of Barbaria’s cleavage, only to rub over her face and leave a trail of silvery precum. Eventually Barbaria got sick of it and decided to simply open her mouth, allowing her son’s cockhead to slip inside.

Almost immediately she regretted the decision since the crown of Dylan’s dick was nearly the size of her clenched fist. so sliding it inside of her mouth hurt her jaw. To make matters worse, precum was still flowing from his cumslit and Barbaria had trouble swallowing it all, especially since it was nearly as thick as the snow monkey’s regular cum. Dylan didn’t seem to notice the trouble his mother was having, however. The young barbarian had his eyes clenched shut, either in pleasure or because he feared looking at Barbaria, while he continued to move his hips and massage his mother’s huge, heavy tits.

Meanwhile Gargesh had moved between Barbaria’s thighs where he immediately tore away her loincloth. With some amusement the snow monkey noticed how wet and dark her labia was, apparently the barbarian babe wasn’t just doing all this to slay a Scaled Yskat. Gargesh pushed the tip of his member, which had grown erect again as he watched Dylan violate his mother’s huge boobs, against Barbaria’s twat. In response the blonde released a muffled moan around her son’s cockhead, but whether it was one of pleasure or protest Garesh didn’t know. Nor did he care.

Garesh released a pleased little shriek as he slipped his member inside of Barbaria’s cunt, it accepted his fat member easily. Once he managed to slip the entirety of his thick cock inside of the barbarian’s warm, wet pink depths Garesh placed his hands on her thick, muscled thighs and began to work his hips. It was clear from the snow monkey’s fast, rough pace that he only cared about his own pleasure, yet Barbaria’s body seemed to react to the rough fucking favourably. Garesh felt her folds coiling around his shaft and he heard loud, but muffled, moans coming from the blonde’s stuffed mouth.

‘Man…you barbarian girls sure do love it rough, don’t ya? Garesh mused while pinching Barbaria’s clit as it peeked out of its hood.

Barbaria responded by arching her back, causing Dylan to nearly fall off her. He, like Garesh, was also scared that she would escape her makeshift bonds. Fortunately, nothing like that happened. Instead the barbarian babe’s body seemed to relax again, although her cheeks were flushed and her eyes unfocused. Yet she calmly continued sucking on the tip of Dylan’s member, while Garesh resumed plowing her clenching snatch uncaringly. Because of his inexperience with sex, Dylan was the first of the men to reach his orgasm. Unfortunately for Barbaria, who was still coming down from her own climax, her only warning was a soft grunt.

So when ropes of hot, sticky jizz almost as thick Barbaria’s thumb blasted from the tip of her son’s monstercock, the blonde had a little trouble swallowing it all. Her effort was heroic, however. Fat bulges traveled down her throat as she did her best to drink down mouthfulls of Dylan’s sticky seed, and for a while Barbaria managed, tears of effort were streaming down her face but she managed. Of course, she could only hold out for so long. Her jaw had been sore for a while, and Garesh had filled her stomach with seed only a few minutes ago. So eventually, she gave up.

When Dylan felt his seed running down his shaft he opened his eyes curiously, and was greeted by the sight of his mother’s messy face. Barbaria’s cheeks were wet with tears of effort, while thick strands of cum escaped from the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin only to land on Dylan’s member on splatter on her own boobs. At the sight of this Dylan grunted and seemed to force out the last bit of seed that remained in his balls, before finally pulling his member out of Barbaria’s mouth. In response his mother only released an unladylike burp, while the last few ropes of Dylan’s cumshot escaped her mouth.

While Dylan’s climax was just winding down, Garesh hit his with another high pitched shriek. Yet despite the fact that ropes of hot jizz were blasting from his member, the snow monkey kept up his ferocious pace. Barbaria could only manage a weak gurgle, however, as Gurgesh painted the pink folds of her snatch white. But when the snow monkey was done, Barbaria realized she wasn’t done yet.

‘Hey, I think it’s my turn with yer Ma’s sweet tits now, don’t ya think?’ Gargesh asked as he extracted his member from Barbaria’s cunny.

‘Then what am I supposed to do?’ Dylan asked as he started to rock his hips back and forth slowly again, slowly sliding his semi-erect member between Barbaria’s breasts.

‘Well, her cunt’s free.’ Gargesh suggested with a shrug.

‘Are you kidding me? She’s my mother!’ Dylan shouted.

‘That didn’t stop you from sliding yer prick between her knockers, though,’ Gargesh replied. ‘And neither did it stop her from slipping yer cockhead into her mouth.’

‘I guess…’ Dylan muttered.

‘Look, I’m not gonna force you to do anything. But if you’re not going to get busy, you might wanna look away because things might get freaky.’ Gargesh chuckled as Dylan got to his feet.

Almost as soon as Dylan had gotten off of Barbaria, Gargesh crawled on top of her and eagerly shoved his prick between her breasts. The snow monkey’s member, unlike Dylan’s, did disappear between the barbarian’s soft, mountainous breasts and Gargesh showed how happy he was with this by shrieking loudly as he began to move his hips. Dylan watched the demonic snow monkey have its way with Barbaria’s breasts for a few moments, but eventually he grew tired of it and curiously moved between her legs. While Barbaria managed to shoot Gargesh an annoyed, but tired, look, Dylan was staring at her pussy and contemplating Gargesh’s words.

‘Screw it, Gargesh and I are probably going to end up dead before the day is over anyway.’ Dylan muttered to himself as he grabbed his shaft and lined it up with Barbaria’s dripping snatch.

As soon as Dylan forced his cockhead into his mother’s slit, Barbaria gasped for air. Even though she just had sex with Gargesh a few minutes ago, the snow monkey’s thick red dick had not been able to prepare her poor pussy for the size of her son’s member. Barbaria continued to have trouble catching her breath as more and more of Dylan’s huge, vein corded shaft slipped inside of her, stretching her twat wide. All while Gargesh continued to roughly fuck her breasts. For the next few minutes both Barbaria and Dylan grunted and groaned as the young man did his best to slide as much of his monstrous pole up her mother’s cunt as possible, while Barbaria did her best to accommodate him as she struggled against her bonds.

Eventually, after much time had passed Dylan’s beefy balls were resting against Barbaria’s rump, signalling that he had managed to slip the entirety of his length up her twat. It also showed on her normally fit and flat stomach, as a tube-like bulge had appeared. Yet, despite the fact that he had succeeded in fitting his entire member up Barbaria’s cunt, Dylan already felt as if he was close to hitting his orgasm, and he wasn’t the only one. With a sharp cry Gargesh hit his climax, and as ropes of sticky seed blasted from the tip of his member Barbaria got a nasty surprise seeing as the snow monkey’s cum sprayed from her cleavage and in her face.

‘This better bring out the Scaled Yskat soon…’ Barbaria grumbled as she wrinkled her nose.

‘Trust me, it’ll be here soon.’ Gargesh replied with a lazy smile as he crawled off of the barbarian babe.

Unfortunately, Gargesh turned out to be right. While Dylan was slowly jerking his hips back and forth he suddenly became aware of a low growling coming behind him, and he also assumed his mother’s eyes hadn’t grown that wide because she was enjoying herself with his member. When Dylan looked over his shoulder he saw a monster that was easily taller than he was on all four paws while he was standing up, covered from shoulders to tail with scales that resembled shards of ice while it’s head and enormous maw were coated with white fur.

Dylan cried out in fear and climaxed right there, more from losing control than from lust, and reached for his spear. The Scaled Yskat stepped forwards just when the young barbarian lifted his spear, causing the spearhead to be jammed just below the neck where its body wasn’t protected by scales. Meanwhile Gargesh was quick to remove the ribcages that held Barbaria in place while her pussy was being packed full of spunk, but the barbarian babe didn’t let that stop her. As soon as one of her hands were free, she removed the other bindings and with a grunt pulled her body backwards until her son’s massive, cum-spewing cock escaped her snatch.

Barbaria’s legs were coated with spunk while more drooled from her gaping pussy, but she didn’t care. Instead she grabbed her greataxe where it had fallen and swung it at the monster, just as it roared and lifted a paw to attack her son. The greataxe’s blade shattered the Scaled Yskat’s fangs as it separated the top half of its head, killing it instantly. Both Gargesh and Dylan stared at the corpse of the creature, and then at Barbaria, fortunately the blonde didn’t seem to care about them right now.

‘Hm…we actually brought one down, I can’t believe all of this actually worked.’ Barbaria mused as she stared at the Scaled Yskat’s corpse in amazement.

‘You should probably run now.’ Dylan whispered to Gargesh.

‘Good call, kid. Thanks for everything.’ The demonic snow monkey said, flashing one his teeth in one last grin, before rushing out of the cave as fast as he could.

‘Alright, if we show this to the other tribes you’ll be recognized as an adult for sure,’ Barbaria said as she turned to face Dylan with a proud smile. ‘So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get going already.’
‘O-of course.’ Dylan stammered as he pulled his spear from the Scaled Yskat’s corpse and got dressed. Apparently bringing the Scaled Yskat down had made his mother forget all about what he and Gargesh had done to her, at least he hoped so. It would probably be best to leave for the Southern Lands as soon as possible, Dylan thought to himself. I don’t want to know what sort of punishment she has in store for me when her mood sours.
* * * *

And so, Dylan HeavyCrotch became a man, and both he and his mother went down into legend. But after that day, another legend formed. As more parents and children went out to the Dragon’s Tongue to hunt monsters for their rite of passage into adulthood, the story of a snow monkey called Gargesh spread. Usually he would set up barbarians to take down monsters that had invaded his territory, other times he would lure them into traps.

Of course, no barbarians would claim that a snow monkey had done anything like that to them. But behind closed door, parents warned their children about Gargesh the Trickster and not to believe in his lies. What became of Gargesh after he reached this level of infamy, however, is a story for another time.


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