Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] Cast in the Name of Love

Another story in the Thornfall setting, this time starring a hero with elastic powers who visits a female admirer after his patrol
Commissioned by Fort77
Other Thornfall stories:
Contains: M/F, incest, brother/sister, big cock, huge breasts, cockgrowth, blowjob, vaginal sex.

Cast in the Name of Love
It was nearly midnight in the city of Thornfall when the hero Moldcaster’s patrol came to an end. Another hero’s shift would begin soon, so he made his way over to the suburbs. With his black and green suit made of a material far stretchier than spandex hugging his tall, lean body and his youth, Moldcaster was quite popular with Thornfall’s female citizens. Though, he imagined as he stretched out one of his arms to a great length to wrap around a tree and pull himself forward, it had more to do with his powers than anything. After all, the mask covered most of the top of his face so it couldn’t be for his looks.
But Moldcaster was only interested in one woman in Thornfall, and tonight he was visiting her again. Veronica Hayworth, he already saw her through her bedroom window as he softly landed on the rooftop of the house across the street. She was three, perhaps four, years older than the eighteen year old himself. And drop dead gorgeous.
First of all, Veronica was tall, probably even taller than Moldcaster when he wasn’t using his powers to stretch himself out. Second of all, she was beautiful. Which was something the young man had already told himself tonight, but he didn’t mind repeating the thought. Her hair was a strawberry blonde that curled slightly and nearly fell to her waist, while her almond shaped eyes were so blue that Moldcaster convinced himself he could see them sparkle from across the street. His favourite part about her face had to be her lips though, they looked so full and soft… Although the young superhero had to admit, that his attention was usually taken up by her body. And who could blame him?
Even in the loose fitting shirt she wore at night Moldcaster could easily see the outlines of her huge breasts, the perfectly rounded, seemingly gravity defying, globes were nearly twice, if not thrice, as large as her own head. Yet, her waist was so slender that the superhero wondered how she hadn’t snapped in half yet. It probably had something to do with how said waist flared out into a pair of broad, curvy hips and a large, full firm rear which were easy to spot even while she was wearing pajama bottoms.
‘Perhaps she has some latent superpowers I don’t know about?’ Moldcaster thought aloud as he observed Veronica Hayworth’s outrageous curves.
Before he had enough time to ponder the thought, however, the blonde seemed to realize she was being watched and quickly spotted the young superhero. With a wide grin she opened her window, and waved at him to get his attention. Obviously, she quickly got it and Moldcaster stretched his body wide to span the gap between the two homes, before he quickly returned to normal after his hand grasped the windowsill of Veronica’s bedroom.
‘Oh my, you come by almost every night now,’ Veronica whispered as Moldcaster pulled himself inside. ‘You either really like me, or you live nearby.’ The blonde teased.
‘I hope you believe me when I say that it’s the former,’ Moldcaster quickly replied. ‘After all, which man wouldn’t travel all across the city to get his hands on these puppies?’ He asked as he cupped Veronica’s clothed breasts. Though he had to extend his fingers to prevent them from spilling out of his grip.
‘I’d call you a pig right now,’ Veronica mused, while running a hand down Moldcaster’s flat, fit stomach and towards his groin. ‘But then I’d be quite the hypocrite, considering how much I love how you use those powers of yours whenever you visit…’
‘Perhaps we shouldn’t waste any time then?’ Moldcaster suggested with an impish grin, as he reluctantly released Veronica’s huge, soft tits and stepped backwards.
Knowing what was about to come, the blonde dropped to her haunches in front of the young superhero. As soon as she was in position Moldcaster whipped out his dick through a special opening in his suit, even superheroes have to use the bathroom every now and then after all, and enjoyed Veronica’s pleased reaction when his erection was out in the open. Even without using his powers, his member was easily over ten inches long. Which obviously impressed the busty blonde.
‘I never get tired of seeing you do that,’ Veronica sighed in response to the superhero whipping out his erection. ‘It’s so long and thick…but I know you can do better!’ She teased.
In response, Moldcaster’s member suddenly shot forwards. Taking advantage of the blonde’s opened mouth to slide his dick, which now resembled some sort of tentacle, down her throat. Meanwhile he extended one of his arms and made it just long enough to slip his hand down her pajama bottoms, where he found her warm, dripping slit. It was obvious from the muffled moans that escaped Veronica’s throat that she was pleased with the young superhero’s actions, and did her best to relax her throat while teasing the underside of his sensitive shaft with her tongue. Since he had spent most of the night bored out of his mind, Moldcaster quickly felt his orgasm approaching faster and faster. Which was something Veronica picked up on, and quickly made use of as she cupped his balls that were still encased in his suit and slowly began to massage them.
‘F-fuck, that’s not playing fair.’ Moldcaster groaned, as he sought out the blonde’s g-spot with his extended fingers and mercilessly began to assault it.
After a few minutes of this, both civilian and superhero seemed about ready to climax. Veronica was the first one to reach her peak, and she squealed loudly around Moldcaster’s shaft as it continued to slide up and down her throat seemingly without him having to move his hips. The pleasant vibrations that shot up Moldcaster’s cock because of Veronica’s voice was the thing that pushed him over the edge, and with a soft grunt his balls clenched in the blonde’s grip as hot gouts of semen blasted from the tip of his member. Veronica moaned again as a result, and her eyes widened, but she didn’t seem to have any problems with swallowing the thick, sticky white goo.
‘That’s the stuff,’ Veronica growled lustfully as Moldcaster’s member returned to his previous size. ‘Show me what else you can do, and do it fast,’ the blonde mused as she pulled her shirt over her head, freeing her huge, shapely tits. ‘My brother’s a heavy sleeper, but he’ll be getting up in a few hours.’
‘R-right!’ Was Moldcaster’s only response, clearly he was still coming down from his orgasm and stunned at the sight of the blonde’s massive breasts capped with small, hard pink nipples.
Once he had managed to catch his breath again, Moldcaster slipped his fingers out of Veronica’s quim. Instead, he picked the blonde up and tossed her on top of her bed. She giggled in response and quickly tugged down her pajama bottoms, as well as her soaked panties. Clearly she expected the young superhero to start fucking her pussy right off the bat, but when Moldcaster instead pushed his head between her shapely thighs it quickly became obvious that he had something else in mind.
‘What are you-…oh!’ Veronica gasped as Moldcaster suddenly stuck out his tongue, only it kept growing and growing and growing, not stopping until most of her hot, pink tunnel was filled with the wet, dexterous muscle.
Before Veronica knew it, her mind was going blank. Moldcaster’s tongue was reaching places where the dicks of ex-boyfriends and one night stands had never managed to go, and he was teasing every sensitive spot expertly. If the blonde were to look at her stomach now, it would seem as if several tentacles were squirming just below the surface. But instead, Veronica had thrown a pillow over her head and was currently screaming and moaning into it so she wouldn’t wake up the rest of her family. For a short moment she pulled the pillow aside, but seemed to regret it instantly.
‘F-fucking cumming!’ She announced in a high pitched voice, as she arched her back and desperately tried to throw the pillow over her head again.
After Moldcaster slipped his tongue into his mouth again, he watched the climaxing Veronica and quietly listened for anyone to approach the bedroom door. Fortunately, no one seemed to have woken up. So as soon as Veronica seemed to be coming down from her orgasm, the young superhero pulled her off the bed again and lifted her up by her buttocks. The blonde moaned as her huge breasts were pushed against Moldcaster’s strong chest, while the tip of his dick prodded against her soaked, darkened labia.
‘You want to go again? Even though I’m clearly exhausted?’ She asked incredulously. ‘Are you sure you’re a hero?’ She joked.
‘Well, if you want me to stop so you can rest…’ Moldcaster began, as he prepared to put her down.
‘I’m kidding, I’m kidding,’ Veronica giggled. ‘Come on, we don’t have much time left before my brother has to get up.’ She added with a purr.
Moldcaster simply flashed her an impish smile, and began to push her down. Meanwhile, as the blonde’s pink slit stretched around the girth of his invading prick, Moldcaster extended one of his fingers and slowly started to insert it in Veronica’s ass. She jumped slightly in surprise, and flashed him a look of mock anger. It wasn’t a look she could maintain for long, however, as she was quite surprised when she found that the young superhero had extended his tongue again. Only this time, he used it to lick her sensitive nipples.
‘S-sex with you always gets crazy so fast.’ Veronica babbled as she looked up at Moldcaster with unfocused eyes.
Seeing as he currently had his tongue wrapped around one of the blonde’s huge tits, Moldcaster couldn’t really respond to that. But he decided to take it as a compliment, and continued to push Veronica down on his shaft while he continued to finger her asshole and tease her tits with his tongue. After a few moments, Moldcaster succeeded in sliding the entirety of his member into the blonde’s hot, spasming pussy, and instead decided to fuck her in earnest.
But as he started to bounce Veronica up and down on his shaft, the blonde’s moans started to grow louder and louder. So eventually, he decided to simply shut her up by returning his tongue to its original size, and kissing her violently. As a result, the only sounds that emanated through the bedroom were the muffled moans of Veronica, and the meaty smacking sounds that were heard whenever Moldcaster brought the blonde down on his dick. After several minutes of this, Moldcaster finally moaned loudly into Veronica’s mouth instead as he reached his climax. He felt the blonde shudder in his grip as he painted the pink walls of her pussy white with his thick, hot seed and after a few seconds she too released an orgasmic moan in his mouth.
‘That was…amazing,’ Veronica sighed as the superhero put her down on her bed again. ‘When will you come by again?’
‘I have another patrol in three days,’ Moldcaster answered as he opened her bedroom window again. ‘I’ll be sure to swing by again after that.’
‘Are you sure you can’t see me sooner?’ Veronica moaned.
‘Only if there is an emergency.’ Moldcaster replied with a shake of his head.
‘I’ll be sure to contact you when something bad happens, then,’ Veronica chuckled. ‘Now, get going or you’ll be late.’ She added, just as Moldcaster jumped out of the window…
…only to sneak behind the house and climb through another opened window. There, he rapidly pulled off and hid his suit and jumped into his bed. And just in time too, as a moment later someone knocked on his door and Veronica stepped inside.
‘Come on, Randy. It’s time for school.’ She announced to the young man lying in bed, a young man with copper coloured hair and the same blue eyes as her.
‘Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.’ Randy muttered in annoyed tone of voice as he got out of bed.
‘Looks like you already did.’ Veronica chuckled as she looked at his flaccid member, which reminded Randy, too late obviously, that he hadn’t changed into his pajamas after taking off his suit.
All Randy could do was blush furiously and shut the door in his sister’s face, before trying to find his clothes. As he got dressed, he remembered the words she had said to him as Moldcaster.Right before leaping out of the window. “Now, get going or you’ll be late.” Did she perhaps know who he really was? Or did he just feel guilty about fooling his sister like this? With that thought in mind, he left his room and prepared to go to school…

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