Friday 14 December 2018

[COM] Out in the Cold

Out in the Cold
Cover by Kumi Pumi
A story based on the cover. Starring Elementrexx’s golden golem Galatea and Doppelswagger’s Raenbu trying to stay warm during a blizzard.
Commissioned by Elementrexx.
Contains: M/F, monster boy, monster girl, size difference, huge breasts, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex.

Out in the Cold

‘Fuck, fuck, FUCK! We weren’t supposed to worry about any snow until next month! You should never trust a weather mage, I tell you!’ A small red figure complained as large snowflakes drifted to the ground around him and a taller shape.

‘Keep screaming like that and we might attract something more troublesome than snow, little one,’ his companion, a tall, Amazonian woman with gold skin and bright yellow markings shot back. ‘Or have you forgotten where we are?’

Both adventurers where currently making their way through the valley of the Talon Mountains, so named for the wicked black spires that rose from the ground at impossible angles to resemble the claws of some enormous beast. It wasn’t the most hospitable place, known for landslides, unstable footholds and of course dangerous creatures. As well as weather that could change at the drop of a hat, like our friends here had found out.

But there was the rumor of old castles built in these parts, their names long since forgotten and fallen from history. So of course curious adventurers had to explore it.

Her companion released a breath which was too dark to be from the cold and stretched his red wings. ‘I just don’t like the cold is all,’ the dragonkin complained. ‘And I know you’re not all that fond of it either.’ He added as he looked up at his travelling partner and felt a small shiver running through him that had nothing to do with the cold as her golden skin glimmered in the beams of sunlight that managed to pierce the thick cloud cover.

‘Don’t get excited now, Raenbu,’ the gold woman said, knowing the look in the young man’s eyes all too well. ‘I’m sure we’ll find enough gold for you to roll around in soon enough.’ She added with a chuckle.

Raenbu’s cheeks briefly flashed as red as his hair…and scales, before he recovered. ‘You’ve been making that promise for days now and we’ve found nothing searching three of these damn spires from top to bottom. Perhaps it’s best to return to town and enjoy ourselves in an inn, what do you say Galatea?’ he suggested.

‘Hmm…’ his gold-skinned companion mused while pressing a slender index finger against her lips, which were more bronze than gold. ‘And with what would we pay our drinks, exactly?’ she asked with a raised eyebrow.

‘…good point,’ Raenbu agreed. ‘We should still find some shelter though; it feels like the wind is picking up.’ The dragonkin suggested as he held a hand in front of him.

Galatea wanted to call her companion out for his concerns again, until she realized she started to feel cold and sluggish as well. This might not have been strange for your average human, especially if you wore nothing more than a pair of boots and some belts and straps of leather, but Galatea was a golem made of a strange gold metal and fuelled with a magic even she didn’t understand. So when she started to feel cold, it was obvious that this was storm was serious.

‘You’re right,’ Galatea said eventually. ‘But where can we sit this storm out?’ she asked squinting her eyes as tried to find a cave or something where she and Raenbu could hide.

‘I think we were close to another one of those spires!’ Raenbu shouted to get over the howling of the wind. ‘Come this way!’

Without waiting for a reply he grabbed the golem’s wrist and did his best to drag Galatea along, it was hard to think…she felt cold. All she could focus on was the dragonkin with his red hair and those bright red scales covering his arms and legs dragging her along, despite being nearly two heads smaller than her. She smiled and did her best to keep moving while trying to ignore the sensation of ice starting to coat her body as her yellow markings started to grow dimmer and dimmer…

Raenbu wasn’t doing that much better than the golden golem, he had armour and cloth covering pieces of his body were no scale grew and was breathing an occasional small flame to heat up the air around him and Galatea and get a better view of where he was going. It wasn’t enough to beat the cold but it did help his sense of direction slightly, seeing as he finally stumbled against the base of one of the spires.

‘Oh thank the Gods something is going right,’ Raenbu whispered. ‘Now there has to be an entrance somewhere, please let there be an entrance!’ he added frantically as he pawed at the rock wall and desperately began to walk around the spire, practically dragging Galatea along behind him.

Luckily for Raenbu after taking a few steps he practically fell into a cave and, with a cry of happiness, he dragged Galatea inside with him. He quickly got her out of the wind and was just about to go into a tirade about weather mages when he noticed the shape his companion was in. The golem’s eyes, normally pools of amber, almost orange, light had grown dim and looked brown while a thin sheet of ice covered her body and her glowing markings were dim and flickering. He had to warm Galatea up, and quick!

‘Well, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to do this the entire trip.’ He said more to himself than to Galatea, before pressing his lips against her plump, surprisingly soft lips. Despite the chill that he himself felt he managed to breathe one more small flame into the golem’s mouth and slowly her eyes grew brighter.

A sense of triumph washed over Raenbu and he shot another tongue of flame into the gold-skinned woman’s mouth. Galatea’s markings began to glow a little brighter and a soft hiss resounded through the cave as the ice coating her skin abruptly melted and turned into vapour. Just as Raenbu was ready to send more fire down Galatea’s throat he felt two strong, feminine hands grabbing his black horns while a tongue forcefully slipped into his mouth. Raenbu was stunned by the sudden invasion and barely noticed it when the golem climbed to her feet, dragging him upwards in the process.

When the kiss was finally broken Galatea had risen to her full height, holding on to the much smaller Raenbu whose legs were dangling a few inches from the ground. ‘I really needed that,’ the golem sighed. ‘But I’d like to stay warm as we ride out the storm, got any ideas?’ she asked with a cocky smile as she released Raenbu.

After Raenbu’s rear hit the cave’s floor he looked at Galatea in awe, starting at her feet and slowly looking up to take in her long, strong legs and thick, discreetly muscled thighs. Something stirred in his armour as he eyed the plump, moist labia hidden away between those thighs, but his eyes quickly drifted higher to observe how slim her waist looked in comparison with her broad hips as well as the defined abdominal muscles. Before finally his eyes rested on her breasts, both of the golden globes were probably twice as big as his head yet seemed to be unaffected by gravity.

‘I think I have a few ideas…’ Raenbu growled as he eyed the stiff bronze nipples that capped Galatea’s enormous breasts, before jumping to his feet.

Raenbu heard the golem chuckle as he grabbed one of her massive breasts with both hands, before standing on his toes to shove one of her nipples in his mouth. Despite the fact that Galatea was made of metal her skin felt soft to the dragonkin’s fingers and his hands sank into the golden globe he was holding onto without much resistance, while the bronze nub he was sucking on didn’t taste like any metal Raenbu knew. Galatea’s chuckle had quickly turned into a series of moans thanks to the way her travelling companion was massaging one of her breasts and sucking hungrily on her nipple, so she decided she would not just stand around passively in the cave while the dragonkin played with her tits.

When Raenbu felt two strong hands squeezing his buttocks he grunted in surprise, before his eyes swivelled up to Galatea’s. The golden golem flashed a mysterious little smile as her hands slowly slid a little higher, before her fingers disappeared down the waistband of the loose green trousers the dragonkin wore. Raenbu responded by moaning around the fat bronze nub due to the golem’s cold fingers, only to find out he’d soon be a little colder as Galatea began to slide his trousers down. He shrugged as best as he could while standing on his toes and wanted to return playing with Galatea’s chest like he would with all precious metal, only to have the golem stepping backwards.

He wanted to hold on to Galatea’s breast so desperately, but afraid to harm her with his claws after she nearly shut down due to the cold Raenbu decided to release the large, soft gold globe anyway while her nipple slipped out of his mouth.

‘Well now, don’t be too disappointed. We’re just getting started.’ Galatea mused with a teasing little smile as she noticed Raenbu’s expression.

The dragonkin blushed faintly as he threw one last glance at the golem’s bronze nipple, all shiny with his saliva, before he stopped standing on his toes, which made Galatea loom over him again. The golem’s teasing smile widened slightly as she grabbed Raenbu’s trousers again and resumed pulling them down while she slowly sank down to her knees in the process, otherwise she’d be incapable of removing them all the way. Galatea’s eyes remained fixated on the dragonkin’s crotch, taking in how a part of his thighs were smooth at first before they were dotted with a few small, red scales until scales covered his legs completely halfway down his thighs.

But there was one thing Galatea was far more interested in than her companion’s legs, which was, of course, his member. The golem hungrily licked her lips as Raenbu’s hard prick, covered with the occasional scale-like bump, slowly appeared into view. Until finally his trousers had been pulled down far enough and his erection came swinging upwards, only to stop when the spongy crown slapped against Galatea’s chin. Despite his status as a dragonkin, it seemed like Raenbu hadn’t been as affected by the cold as Galatea had been.

As a result Galatea looked up at Raenbu with an impish sparkle in those orange eyes of hers while the dragonkin’s cockhead throbbed against the bottom of her chin, which made her travelling companion smile sheepishly in response. After a few seconds, which felt like hours to Raenbu, the golem finally broke eye contact with him and instead wrapped a soft, but strong, hand around his shaft and began to jerk the dragonkin off. Raenbu released a happy groan and awkwardly began to thrust his hips in tandem with the motions of Galatea’s hand, who quickly wrapped her other hand around the dragonkin’s cock as well. His member was hot, hotter than any human shaft she’d touched, and throbbed so powerfully that she was afraid it would escape her hand even if Raenbu wasn’t pumping his hips so furiously.

Eventually Galatea decided it was easier to just let her eager young companion have his way. So she released his shaft and instead grabbed his buttocks, while opening her mouth wide and bringing it close to the crown of the dragonkin’s shaft. As his fleshy stalk slid passed the golem’s velvety soft bronze lips and slipped down her tight, surprisingly wet throat Raenbu’s eyes widened and he looked down. There Galatea was smiling around his girth and looking up at his confused, but happy, face. It wasn’t often that the young man received a blowjob due to certain bodily fluids being a little…hot for your average human, so the golem decided to give the dragonkin a little treat.

Since Raenbu had stopped in his tracks and seemed to be confused about what to do next Galatea briefly removed her hands from the young man’s ass. Instead she grabbed his wrists and placed them on top of her head, before she grabbed the dragonkin’s rear once more and began to bob her head along the length of his member. At first Raenbu let Galatea do whatever she wanted, only moaning softly whenever his dick slid down her tight throat. Fortunately it didn’t take long before his confidence was rekindled, and a little shiver went down the golem’s throat as the dragonkin’s hands tighten to grab her silver locks.

‘Th-this is going to feel a li-little different than me breathing f-fire down your throat.’ Raenbu growled with a grimace, before ramming his hips forwards.

Galatea didn’t even gag as her companion’s testicles slapped against her chin while her nose pushed against some of the scales acting like Raenbu’s pubic hair. Instead she squeezed his buttocks and looked up at him with a pleading look in her amber eyes, begging for more. And of course the dragonkin wasn’t going to stop with just one thrust. No, Raenbu took a moment to admire how the golem’s plump bronze lips were stretched around his girth and how her throat was bulging outwards, before he roughly pulled his hips back as far as he could before Galatea’s grip stopped him.

And as soon as he could go no further, Raenbu rammed his hips forwards again. This continued for quite some time, until the only sound that could be heard were Raenbu’s grunts accompanied by the meaty slapping sounds of his testicles hitting Galatea’s chin. As well as, of course, the howling wind coming from outside which both golem and dragonkin ignored. But eventually, both those sounds were drowned out by the orgasmic roar that blossomed forth from Raenbu’s throat as he pushed the entirety of his pole down Galatea’s throat and climaxed.

Galatea’s eyes widened as she felt the dragonkin’s testicles tensing against her chin before his seed blasted from the tip of his member, painting the walls of her throat with his orgasmic juices. Galatea’s body grew even warmer as she swallowed Raenbu’s semen; the sticky globs seemed to be even hotter than his flames and practically tasted like magic. Her aroused snatch clenched and unclenched powerfully, eager to be filled with the dragonkin’s cock as well, and Galatea whole body shivered slightly as a wave of pleasure washed over her.

Once Raenbu came down from his orgasm he released a pleasant sigh and released Galatea’s hair. ‘I really needed that,’ he rumbled softly. ‘And apparently you did as well.’ He added when he noticed Galatea’s markings were now shining at their brightest and practically lit up the entire cave.

‘Oh yes…’ Galatea purred after the dragonkin’s cockhead left her lips with a soft pop. ‘But you’re not done yet, little one. The blizzard is still raging outside and I’d rather not shut down again, so let’s keep this going.’ Galatea said as she slowly got to her feet.

‘Yeah, I’m sure you’re only doing this because of the blizzard,’ Raenbu snorted as he kicked off his trousers that were now pooled around his ankles. ‘Also, you used that excuse already.’

‘…be silent and sit down on that rock.’ Galatea grumbled after Raenbu flashed a cocky smile.

Raenbu allowed a chuckle to escape his throat but did as the giant gold woman asked of him and sat down on the rock outcropping Galatea had directed him to, hissing softly as his bare buttocks touched the cold stone.

‘Stop whining, you’ll be warm soon enough.’ Galatea chastised him as she sauntered closer, although her eyes twinkled impishly.

‘Well, at least now you have a new excuse for doing all th—Oof!’

Galatea decided to rudely interrupt the young dragonkin by parking herself in his lap, Raenbu didn’t complain as her huge breasts enveloped his head and her large, but firm, buttocks rested on his legs. Galatea smirked cockily at silencing her traveling companion, a smirk that quickly disappeared as her lips began to quiver. Raenbu’s member was throbbing powerfully against her golden buttocks, while the young man eagerly rubbed his face between her breasts and even kissed the sides of the soft globes.

‘Glad you’re enjoying yourself, little one. Just don’t forget about me.’ Galatea purred as she reached back and grabbed Raenbu’s shaft, slick with her saliva and any remnants of his previous cumshot, before pressing the spongy tip against her tight pucker.

Raenbu reacted wildly and his hips suddenly shot up, causing his prick to slam up into the golem’s anal tunnel as a result. Galatea winced at the sudden intrusion but unfortunately for her the dragonkin seemed to have no intention about going slow. Galatea didn’t know if he thought he was fucking her pussy, or if he was just a tad excitable due to the two huge, golden orbs pressed against the sides of his face. All she knew was that she had to try and relax as her companion’s young cock pounded into her ass.

Fortunately for her Galatea was a golem and managed to accept the dragonkin’s large, slightly scaly, shaft with relative ease. So after a few seconds her uncomfortable grunts were replaced with pleasurable moans that bounced off the cave’s walls. After a few minutes, she returned Raenbu’s thrusts eagerly and her moans were accompanied by the meaty slaps of her big buttocks bouncing off the dragonkin’s lap. Muffled grunts soon came from Galatea’s cavernous cleavage to make it clear that Raenbu was enjoying himself just as much as she was and wasn’t only paying attention to her tits, he also decided to make this a bit clearer by suddenly grabbing the golem’s bouncing buttocks and squeezing them tightly as he increased the pace of his hips.

‘It’s good to, ah, t-to see your ass didn’t f-freeze to that, oh, rock!’ Galatea moaned with impish delight.

Raenbu responded by slapping one of her asscheeks and although it didn’t hurt the golem, she did feel a little spike of excitement and released a loud moan. Suddenly Galatea noticed the dragonkin’s red eyes peering at her from her cleavage, sparkling mischievously, and sure enough Raenbu lifted his hand, only to bring it down on one of her buttocks again and again. He continued this while doing his best to keep fucking Galatea’s delectable golden rump at the same, brutal pace, which was something the golem definitely appreciated.

Over the last few minutes her moans had grown louder and louder, practically drowning out the snowstorm that was raging outside, her snatch was twitching wildly as the dragonkin’s member throbbed against the walls of her anal tunnel as it continued to slide back and forth in her bowels, which sent sparks of pleasure up her spine. Until eventually, the golem couldn’t take it any longer. With one last shriek she hit her climax and firmly grabbed Raenbu’s shoulders as her whole body shook in pleasure, while at the same time her ass clenched tightly around the young man’s cock.

‘Fuck, Galatea if you do that I’ll also—Argh!’

Raenbu didn’t even have a chance to finish his sentence before the golem’s bowels milked his hot seed from his balls, and as it blasted into Galatea’s bowels she sighed softly while coming down from her own orgasm. Despite the fact that he had previously pumped a load of hot spunk down Galatea’s throat there was quite a lot of his gooey jizz blasting from the tip of Raenbu’s member, so much in fact that she couldn’t keep it all inside. Causing strings of bright, orange semen to slip past Galatea’s stretched pucker, only for it to slowly run down the dragonkin’s dick.

‘My, that was quite the ride.’ Galatea mused with another sigh as she arched her back slightly to give Raenbu some room to breathe.

‘Oh don’t relax just yet, it’ll continue shortly.’ He replied with a grin before he suddenly lifted the taller woman with surprising strength.

A pleased giggle escaped Galatea’s lips as the dragonkin lifted her up, followed by a soft moan as his member slipped out of her cum-filled rear with a soft *pop!-*. Her pucker quickly tightened up again, to make sure most of the hot goo would stay inside to keep her warm, but it quickly became clear that despite the big load of jizz sloshing around in her bowels Raenbu wasn’t done yet. His cock was as hard as it had been when the golem had first sucked him off and the dragonkin wasted no time in trying to get it into her slick snatch.

With beads of sweat running down his forehead he did his best to line his cockhead up with the golem’s pussy, before he carefully tried to lower the tall, heavy golem onto his dick. Galatea flashed Raenbu a happy grin for his efforts and decided to assist him by wrapping her hand around his shaft and pushing the spongy tip against her aroused labia, which made the dragonkin breathe a sigh of relief as he continued to lower her. As soon as the tip of Raenbu’s dick slid inside Galatea’s golden cunt they both released a loud moan, although Raenbu’s was quickly silenced by Galatea shoving her nipple into his mouth and of course he was happy to start sucking on the stiff bronze nub.

Galatea stroked Raenbu’s cheek as he teased her nipple and he looked up at her with burning red eyes as he continued to slide her down on his member. Galatea moaned as the few scales covering his cock softly tugged at her folds as it slid deeper and deeper inside, sending sparks of pleasure up her spine and making her snatch coil around the invading cock. Once she reached the base of Raenbu’s member, and her large rear was once again parked in his lap, the dragonkin released her buttocks to place a hand on Galatea’s waist, while using his free hand to paw at the golem’s free breast.

‘Ha…You’re certainly a fan of my chest, aren’t you?’ Galatea sighed while she wiggled to and fro on Raenbu’s lap.

The dragonkin nodded his head by way of reply; he didn’t even bother spitting out her nipple. Galatea merely smirked in response as she grabbed her travelling companion’s scaly shoulders and pulled herself upwards, amber eyes and glowing markings both flickering softly as pleasure washed over her due to the scales on Raenbu’s member teasing her folds. And as soon as she reached the tip of his dick she dropped down again, causing a loud, meaty slap to resound through the cave as her big, firm buttocks hit the young man’s lap.

‘I’d hold on if I were you.’ Galatea mused after Raenbu looked up at her after the golem’s nipple had escaped his mouth.

He decided to grab the golden woman’s broad hips after, somewhat reluctantly, releasing one of her breasts. Before he had a chance to ask why he had to hold on however, Galatea quickly lifted her hips. Once again she didn’t stop until only the crown of Raenbu’s member remained slotted in her tight, slippery gash and like the first time she quickly rammed her hips down again while a pleasant squeal escaped her throat. She did the same thing again…and again…and again making sure to move a bit faster with each thrust, all while Raenbu did his best to hold on.

‘S-slow do-down, Galatea!’ Raenbu gasped. ‘I-I’m still pr-pretty sensitive from my last orgasm!’ he babbled, not even able to suck one of the golem’s nipples into his mouth thanks to the way the huge, heavy globes were shaking in front of him.

‘So…am I! Isn’t it great?’ Galatea shouted as Raenbu’s member plumbed her depths while the small scales on it continued to tease her folds.

Raenbu’s reply was a desperate growl and Galatea could feel his member swelling up inside of her. With a triumphant cry she slammed herself down on last time and pulled the dragonkin against her chest while hot, sticky orange spunk battered against her folds and filled her snatch up, the sensation of which caused Galatea to cry out in climax as well. As her folds held Raenbu’s cum-blasting rod as tightly as a silken vice her companion released a loud moan, muffled by her breastflesh, before wrapping his lips around her nipple one last time. He sucked on the bronze nub as they both came down from their respective orgasms; his hot, orange spunk spilling from the golem’s stretched snatch as well as her anus.

‘…I think we’re both plenty warm for now, don’t you?’ Galatea gasped and Raenbu nodded without bothering to take her nipple out of his mouth once again. ‘Still, seeing as the storm hasn’t stopped raging…what do you say to staying like this for a while?’ Galatea mused, clenching both of her holes to make sure no more of the dragonkin’s spunk escaped.

Raenbu was fine with it, of course, and both stayed on the rock for several hours. Enjoying each other’s warmth as well as each other’s bodies, as soon as they recovered. When the blizzard finally ended the two of them continued their search for treasure. But if they had just peered through a small crack in the cave they had been in all this time, they would have seen the vault of one of the old fortresses that had since been swallowed by Talon Mountains, safely squirrelled away in one of the spires…


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