Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] Fair Share

A sequel to Body Image. This time, Ammy is the one getting some love after having to spend a week with Atha and her new, lovey-dovey imp husband.
Commissioned by Gothicpaladin
Contains: M/F, lizardman, big cock, size difference, excessive cum, big breasts, big ass.

Fair Share
Atha and Ammy had been in the town of Evington for over a week now. Usually, the girls would have found a job and moved on by now. But when they first arrived in town, something strange had happened to Atha. Ammy sat across from the half-elf during breakfast this morning, in The Dancing Demon inn, trying to remember what her travelling companion had been like before this mess. At first she had been a slender, kind of quiet young woman that could pick any lock and disarm any trap no matter how new or ancient. But she had completely changed in just one night.
The Atha the raven haired archer was looking at now had a pair of huge breasts that were practically resting on the table, while the rest of her curves were nothing to scoff at either. For some reason the half-elf had given up on her previous tasks and had instead turned to a life of magic. The brunette had gotten rid of her old leather armour, which didn’t fit her anymore anyway, and had found a tailor to make her some robes. The material it was made of was dark, thin and somehow still managed to hug her outrageous new curves. Atha also seemed to be a bit more open with people, and flirted easily. While she never seemed to have showed any interest in stuff like that before.
It’s all his fault, Ammy thought to herself as she looked as the small red form that was sitting next to the half-elf. You must have brainwashed her, or something.
Ammy, of course, was referring to the imp who called himself Atha’s husband. He had introduced himself as Ahpuck after a few days of being holed up in Atha’s room together with the half-elf, he claimed he had been teaching her magic. Though it was clear from the sounds that came through the walls that they had been doing other things as well. For the past few days, he had been helping the girls find some new work. Finally he had told them about some noble in Endspire looking for a Grail that was supposedly resting in a place called “The Grave of the Poisoned King”, which was a few days travel north from Evington. Of course, now he wanted to join their little party. And a cut of the loot.
‘I say that he doesn’t get anything.’ Ammy grumbled as she glared at the little imp.
‘Well, why not? You wouldn’t have heard about this job without me.’ Ahpuck replied, his voice was surprisingly deep.
‘Because we could have found out about something like this ourselves,’ Ammy snapped back. ‘We don’t give random villagers that tells us a rumours about old ruins holding treasure a cut of our loot either!’
‘Still Ammy, it might be handy to have a third person watching our back.’ Atha chimed in.
‘Of course you’d say that, he’s your…husband,’ Ammy said, her face twisting into a grimace as she said the word “husband”. ‘You two get to share the loot, while my cut gets smaller!’
‘That’s a fair point,’ Atha sighed. ‘What about running a trial first? We’ll see how things go with Ahpuck in the party before deciding how we split the loot?’ The half-elf suggested.
‘Sounds good to me!’ The imp replied cheerfully.
‘Fine,’ Ammy grumbled. ‘Though I doubt my answer will change much.’ She added quietly.
The next few hours, the three of them prepared to set out on their journey towards “The Grave of the Poisoned King”. During their preparation Ammy noticed, not for the first time, how Atha got a lot more help from the town’s men. They helped her prepare the horse she had got for this journey, gave her discounts for rations and whatnot. Ever since she had gotten back with Ahpuck, Ammy had gotten a lot less attention. She wondered whether the imp had done something to the population, yet felt a pang of anger whenever she looked at her friend being showered with praise.
The next few days, they journeyed towards “The Grave of the Poisoned King” on horseback, and Ahpuck made sure to squeeze himself up against Atha and fondle her all the while. Much to the delight of the half-elf, while Ammy watched on in annoyance. Fortunately, they didn’t seem in the mood to screw around whenever they made camp. Which was a big plus for the archer. As they got closer to their location, the local plantlife slowly seemed to disappear until only the skeletal remains of trees dotted the roads. The horses also seemed to get more and more uneasy the closer they got.
‘I think we should proceed on foot from here on out.’ Ahpuck suddenly called out.
Ammy had to agree, the last thing they needed now was for their horses to throw them off and flee in terror with all their stuff. So Atha and Ammy did as the imp said, and bound their horses to a nearby tree before they continued their journey on foot. Luckily, “The Grave of the Poisoned King” wasn’t too far away. But that didn’t mean that the rest of their journey was pleasant. A foul scent hung in the air, and close to the impressive structure which had to be the ruins they were looking for were several pools of a strange, bubbling purple liquid.
‘Let me go in alone.’ Ahpuck suddenly piped up.
‘What!’ Atha gasped in surprise.
‘Sure, go ahead.’ Ammy said, at almost the same time. Which, of course, earned her a glare from Atha.
‘I’m sorry, dear,’ Ahpuck replied, ignoring Ammy. ‘But I don’t think that the bridge over that lake of…whatever it is, wouldn’t be able to hold you or Ammy. So it seems only fair that I go. After all, I do still have to prove myself to the two of you, don’t I?’ He explained.
‘Fine,’ Atha pouted. ‘Just be careful, alright?’
‘It’ll be fine,’ Ahpuck said to put her at ease. ‘I’ll be back with the grail before you know it.’ He added, while shooting Ammy a look.
With that, he left the woman behind and crossed the bridge leading toward “The Grave of the Poisoned King”. Despite the things he had said to Atha and Ammy, it seemed to hold him just fine. Ammy didn’t complain, though. At least she didn’t have to join him. And if Ahpuck didn’t return, she wouldn’t have to cut her share of the loot for him…
* * * *
‘Ronald!’ Ahpuck called out after successfully crossing the bridge successfully and standing in the dusty hall that led to the rest of the ruins. ‘Ronnie, come on man! I saw your claw marks on some of the trees over here and even spotted some of the scales you shed on the bridge. I know you’re in here!’ He called again.
The bridge would easily have been sturdy enough to hold Ahpuck and both women, it probably could’ve even hold the horses if they hadn’t left those behind. But, knowing what he knew, Ahpuck had a different idea. A better idea. Sure enough, a few minutes later something seemed to have heard his call and the imp heard heavy footfalls coming closer and closer. Until finally, a huge shape stepped into the open.
It turned out to be a lizardman, perhaps 8 feet tall and blessed with broad shoulders and powerful muscles. A small row of red horns grew from the top of his head, making Ahpuck liken the lizardman to a rooster, and his dark green scales were covered with scars. The only piece of clothing he wore was a piece of filthy brown cloth that fell to between his knees, while he held a huge, but crude, spear made of bone in his right hand. Though the imp knew that his thick tail and his claw-tipped hands and feet were dangerous enough weapons in and of itself.
‘Puck? When did you get back to the mortal realm?’ He asked, his voice sounded strange. As if his throat shouldn’t be able to produce the common tongue.
‘I managed to marry a half-elf who was down on her luck, I figured it would act the same way as a contract. Turned out I was right,’ Ahpuck explained with a cocky smile. ‘Also, please don’t call me “Puck”. It’s Ahpuck, I’m a demon. Not a fairy.’ He added with a sour expression.
‘Hm…that was pretty clever of you, Puck,’ Ronald replied, completely ignoring the imp’s comments about his name. ‘So, what did you come here for? I’m sure you didn’t just visit me just to gloat about your new wife.’
‘That’s true,’ Ahpuck said in response, choosing to ignore the nickname the lizardman had given him for now. ‘There is supposed to be a grail in this place, I’m going to need you to find it.’
For a moment, Ronald said nothing. Then, he released a strange, hissing laughter. ‘Oh yes, sure. I’ll just do all the work, and you get the reward. No thank you!’ the lizardman replied. ‘I think you better get out of here before I throw you out, Puck.’ He said as he turned away from the imp to make his way back deeper into the ruins.
‘I didn’t come alone,’ Ahpuck said before the lizardman got too far away. ‘I came with my wife, and she brought a friend,’ he explained in a sing song voice. ‘Interested in seeing what they look like?’ He then asked, knowing he had Ronald’s attention.
When the giant lizardman turned to face him again, Ahpuck knew his answer. With a smile, the imp moved his hand through the air in front of him as if he was wiping something off of it. When he did, the air in front of him seemed to move before it suddenly showed the area outside of “The Grave of the Poisoned King”, clearly showing Atha and Ammy. And although Ahpuck and Ronald could clearly see the two women, they couldn’t hear them.
Ronald eyed them both with great interest, at first he looked over Atha. She was five foot nothing and blessed with an outrageous hourglass figure, her breasts were easily bigger than a pair of melons and she had broad breeding hips. While a robe made of thin material hugged her impossible curves. Her skin was tanned, reminding the lizardman of bronze, and her brown hair fell to about her shoulderblades. Though the tips of her pointed ears were clearly visible.
‘You got yourself a fine wife there, Puck.’ Ronald murmured, clearly impressed, before he looked over Ammy. Ahpuck noticed that he took longer when it came to looking at her.
Ammy was quite a bit taller that Atha and was also blessed with an hourglass figure, though not as exaggerated as that of the half-elf. She had thrown her hood off, revealing a beautiful face with a soft femininity to it, plush lips and deep blue, almond shaped eyes. Her pitch black hair also fell nearly to her hips, and like Atha her clothing seemed to cling tightly to her curves and accentuate them. The raven haired archer wore a simple leather vest that showed off much from her perky, cantaloupe sized breasts as well as her slim waist and flat stomach. As for the leather leggings she wore, they seemed to be painted on to her long, shapely legs and broad hips.
Clearly, Ronald liked what he saw. So Ahpuck knew just what to say. ‘You know,’ he piped up as he waved the image of the two beautiful, curvaceous women away. ‘If you get me that grail, I can introduce you so the archer with the long black hair.’ He explained, with a broad grin.
For a moment, a dangerous growl rumbled forth from Ronald’s throat as he glared at the imp. Then abruptly stopped, and nodded. ‘Fine, you got yourself a deal, Puck. Wait here…’ And with that said, he turned back around and wandered deeper into the ruins. Leaving Ahpuck behind with a smug smile on his face.
* * * *
‘No, I don’t think I’ll have my robe retailored once we arrive in Endspire. I quite like how tightly it fits,’ Atha said, apparently answering a question Ammy had asked her, before she turned her head towards the entrance of “The Grave of the Poisoned King. ‘Oh, welcome back Ahpuck!’ She said cheerfully as she spotted the imp exiting the ruins, before her expression abruptly changed in one of fear when she spotted Ronald behind him. Next to her, Ammy had already drawn her bow.
‘Calm down, he’s with us!’ Ahpuck snapped as he raised his hands in a defensive gesture. ‘Show the ladies what you found for us.’
Ronald responded by lifting his hand and showing the grail they were supposed to find. It looked tiny in his grip and was made of bronze. It had a few gems set in the metal, close to the rim, which glowed a sickly green. All in all it didn’t look too valuable, but Ahpuck could feel a strange magic radiating from it. The imp didn’t know what some noble in Endspire wanted with it, but from the rumours he had heard it was clear that he was willing to pay handsomely for it. Which was all the imp cared about.
When the girls saw the grail they visibly relaxed and Ronald loudly cleared his throat to get Ahpuck’s attention, while nodding in the direction of Ammy. ‘Oh, right,’ the imp muttered, getting the hint. ‘Ladies, this lizardman who has so graciously helped me out while I stepped into his lair is called Ronald. Ronald, these beautiful ladies are Atha and Ammy.’
Ammy rolled her eyes at the way Ahpuck introduced them, but when the tall, powerful lizardman approached them and looked down at her she suddenly felt very warm. It had been some time since a man had paid any attention to her. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you both.’ Ronald rumbled after he had been introduced, though his eyes never left Ammy.
‘Great! So everyone is happy meeting one another,’ Ahpuck said drily as he stepped next to Atha, placing his hand on her big, shapely rump possessively. ‘Now let’s get out of here before this smell gets stuck in my nostrils forever…’
There wasn’t anyone there who disagreed with that idea, even Ronald who had called the ruins home until recently.
As they made their way back to where they had left their horses, Ahpuck and Atha were being their lovely selves. Flirting and groping at each other. Although Ammy had to admit that it didn’t bother her so much, especially with the way Ronald was looking at her. She also noticed that something was twitching behind the loincloth of the musclebound lizardman, the sight of which in turn reminded Ammy about how little attention she had received over the week. This memory made her poor pussy clench with need.
‘Ah, uh…oh no! I lost something,’ Ammy suddenly babbled. ‘It must be a little farther down the path. Will you help me look for it, Ronald?’ Ammy asked the lizardman. It was one of the worst lies she had told, but she didn’t really care. Fortunately, Ronald seemed to get the hint.
‘Sure,’ He rumbled. ‘You two go on ahead.’ The lizardman told Atha and Ahpuck.
Atha seemed to want to offer her help as well, but seemed to forget all about it when the imp squeezed her ass to get her attention before whispering something in her ear. Whatever Ahpuck said made the half-elf giggle and blush, before she quickly  walked ahead with him. During their conversation, Ronald had turned his attention to Ammy and was now looming over the raven haired archer.
‘You didn’t actually lose anything, did you?’ He asked as his mouth formed into something that resembled a smile while a wicked glimmer had appeared in his reptilian eyes.
‘No,’ Ammy replied weakly as she shook her head. ‘Though… I am curious about what you are hiding behind your loincloth?’ She added with a smile that was both hopeful and lustful.
Fortunately, Ronald was only too happy to show her. He stuck the crude bone spear he was wielding in the ground next to him and removed his loincloth with a flourish, and Ammy gasped as she got a good look at his member. It was long, nearly as long as her forearm, and peeked out of a strange slit on Ronald’s crotch. It was also a light pink and ended in a point, while the entire length was covered with strange bumps. As Ammy watched the lizardman’s cock it started to rise up, growing slightly longer and thicker in the process.
Ammy nibbled on her lower lip at the sight of Ronald’s huge erection and, without a word, turned around and began to pull down her leather leggings. The process was slow due to how tight they fit her, especially around the hip area, but the lizardman watched loving her struggle. However, she did eventually succeed and the big, pale globes of her shapely ass slowly appeared. When her leggings came off far enough, Ronald also noticed a few clear strings of lubrication clinging to the insides of Ammy’s shapely thighs.
‘L-let’s hurry, if we take too long Atha and the imp might get suspicious!’ Ammy hissed as she looked over her shoulder and placed her hands against the bark of a nearby tree.
‘I’m pretty sure they already know,’ Ronald replied. ‘But fine.’
Ammy wasn’t listening however, she could only hear the sound of her heart beating in her ears as she noticed the shadow of the tall, musclebound lizardman falling over her. A moment later a powerful arm wrapped around her slim waist to keep her in place, while a large hand grabbed her long black hair. Then, the tip of Ronald’s monstercock brushed against her plumped up labia and she could feel the lizardman’s hot breath brushing against her ear.
‘Just so you know, I’ve been stuck inside those ruins without a woman for a long time.’ He whispered, before forcing his hips forwards.
Ammy’s eyes became as wide as dinner plates at the insertion of Ronald’s monstercock, and a loud, piercing howl of pleasure exploded from her throat and echoed through the woods. If Atha and Ahpuck hadn’t known what she and Ronald were up to before, they certainly did now. The lizardman ignored the archer’s scream however, and while roughly yanking her hair continued to force his meaty pole into Ammy’s hot, pink depths. All the while, she moaned and squealed loudly as her snatch was being stretched, while the bumps on the lizardman’s member teased her folds.
‘Yes! More!’ Ammy cried as she did her best to force her hips backwards.
‘Geez, never figured you for a loud one.’ Ronald mused, but he gave the archer what she wanted.
He tightened his arm around her waist and pulled Ammy up until she was barely standing on her toes and released her hair. Instead Ronald used his, now free, hand to peel open the skimpy leather vest the archer wore. Freeing her cantaloupe sized breasts. Once the huge, pale globes were out in the open he wrapped both his arms around Ammy waist and pulled her against him, before forcing her down on the rest of his monstrous member without much trouble. This time, the only sound Ammy could make was a weak, but happy, gurgle.
‘Now the real fun begins.’ Ronald breathed hotly, before he lifted her up.
A long, drawn-out moan passed Ammy’s lips as she was lifted partially off of Ronald’s huge shaft, the bumps upon it ticking the inside of her pink pussy. Before to many inches could escape, however, he forced her back down again. Ronald repeated this process several times, going a little faster whenever he bottomed out in the raven haired archer. Ammy could only moan loudly, and weakly writhe in pleasure in the lizardman’s powerful grip. Ronald kept this pace up for a very long time, considering that he claimed not to have been with a woman for some time while a hot, curvy babe was currently climaxing on his shaft. But eventually, he announced his own orgasm with a strange hiss.
Ammy, of course, had never been with a lizardman before. So she didn’t know what this hiss of Ronald meant. But she would find out soon enough.
The first thing she learned, was that Ronald had told her the truth about not having been with a woman for a very long time, seeing as copious amounts of hot, sticky seed blasted into her snatch and filled her up rapidly. But even when she had been filled to the brim, the lizardman continued to pump out more jizz. It quickly ended up staining the insides of her thighs as well as, of course, her leather leggings. The forest floor beneath the two of them also got a taste. When it was finally over, it looked like Ammy had exchanged her leather leggings for ones made out of some strange white material.
‘Don’t worry, that won’t get you pregnant,’ Ronald said to put the archer at ease as he pulled her off of his member and back on the ground. ‘It can only fertilize the eggs of other lizardmen.’ He explained.
‘I’m more worried about how I’m going to explain this mess to Atha.’ Ammy chuckled, as she tried to pull her sticky legging back over her legs.
‘I’ll help you think of an excuse,’ Ronald replied as he released a strange, hissing laughter and put his loincloth back on. ‘Come on, they’re probably already back at your horses by now.’ He added while offering Ammy his arm, which the archer accepted gratefully since her legs felt like rubber.

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