Sunday 16 December 2018

[TRADE] Dark Night at the Festival

My part of a trade between RMK178 and I that we did two years ago. It’s a story starring his character Zera, a shortstack demon that can manipulate shadows, leaving the Underworld to have some fun at a human festival.
Contains: M/F, M/FF, MM/F, orgy, tentacles, demon girl, shortstack, size difference, tentacles, blowjob, vaginal sex, double penetration.

Dark Night at the Festival
Sitting on her black throne in one of the shadowy realms of the underworld was a demon named Zera, the self proclaimed Ruler of Shadows, with a bored expression on her face. She watched as ghostly forms changed and solidified in the distance as if it was some sort of play. Only pulling her attention away from it when she noticed someone approach her. The first thing she noticed were a pair of shining pale eyes, before the rest of the creature’s body became visible.
‘Mistress,’ it said as it bowed its horned head. ‘You told me to inform you of anything “fun” going on in the human world?’
‘Yes imp, I remember,’ Zera sighed as she looked down at the small demon. ‘So, what have you found for me?’
‘A small village called Harst seems to be holding some sort of festival,’ the imp said. ‘I saw a lot of them were wearing costumes or a mask while they drank, danced or engaged in other sorts of debauchery. Even the local church has joined in. It is the perfect place for you to enjoy yourself without standing out, Mistress.’ It explained.
‘Anything would be better than sitting here and waiting for one of the Demon Princes to give me an order,’ Zera grumbled as she hopped off of her throne. ‘So I will be taking a vacation.’
With that said Zera grabbed onto the darkness in front of her and pulled it apart as if she was opening the curtains in a dark room. Behind her imps, demons and other creatures shrieked as light poured into their dark corner of the underworld. Zera simply ignored their cries of pain and terror as she stepped into the human realm, however. And as soon as she was through, the gateway abruptly closed behind her. So the demon decided to observe her surroundings.
She seemed to have arrived on the outskirts of Harst just as the sun was setting. And the demon was quite annoyed by all the dirt and leaves touching the fancy dress made of darkness that was wrapped around her curvaceous form. The light of the setting sun was also unpleasant, even if she wasn’t as weak to it as the rest of her kin. When she heard the laughter and music coming from nearby, however, she almost instantly cheered up. Unfortunately it still took her several minutes of walking before she arrived in Harst, and when she finally did the sky had turned from orange into a dark violet. So she decided to not waste any time, and immediately joined in on the festivities.
Like the imp had said, almost everyone in the village was wearing a mask or a costume. So when a woman that was only three and a half feet appeared with dark grey skin who had black horns poking out from the top of her head, nobody really seemed to care. One of the villagers, who was wearing a crude wooden mask resembling a dragon’s head, even complimented her on having “a great costume!” as he shoved a mug of ale in her hand. Which Zera was only too happy to accept.
Now that she got herself a drink, Zera decided to head to the town plaza where most of the people seemed to have gathered. In the centre of the plaza was a bonfire, and a circle of townsfolk were dancing around it. It also appeared to be true that the local church had joined in the festivities, seeing as Zera spotted a man wearing priest robes stained with food and drink dancing with a topless woman with long black hair who was wearing a mask that resembled a bat.
‘It can not possibly be difficult to find out who she is if she wears a mask that only covers her cheekbones,’ Zera mused. ‘Then again, I doubt a lot of people will be looking at her face.’ She added with an amused smile while she looked at the way the woman’s large chest bounced pleasantly while she danced.
With a shrug Zera knocked back the last of her ale and joined the rest of the townspeople. As the small, curvy woman danced among them, some of the townspeople gave her odd looks. Perhaps they had finally realized that her “costume” simply was a little too good. However, Zera noticed that when the priest didn’t have any objections to her being at the festival, they all visibly relaxed. After all, a man of God would know when someone was actually a demon, right?
But after a while, Zera wanted more than simply dancing and drinking. Sure, it was fun. And it definitely helped that she was short enough to get a good look at everyone’s crotches as they bumped and grinded into her. Which also meant that she knew that she wasn’t the only one who wanted to take things a step further. So with a wicked smile she grabbed the wrist of a tall, muscular young man who had been staying close to her all night. His face was covered by a mask resembling a skull, but after seeing everything else she didn’t really care about his looks.
‘Wh-what are you doing?’ He asked, sounding surprisingly shy, when Zera pulled him towards and old wooden building that appeared to be Harst’s church.
‘I thought that was obvious?’ Zera replied with a cocked eyebrow, before running her hand over the tube-like bulge that was running down the young man’s trouser leg.
He merely grunted in response this time, and allowed the small woman to drag him towards the church. When they got there, Zera saw that she wasn’t the only one who thought that it might be a fun idea to have some fun in a building that was considered sacred. A young, slender man who was one of the few people that hadn’t bothered to put on a mask or costume of any kind was trying to open the door. With him was the topless woman with the bat mask that Zera had seen before, and a young blonde woman dressed as a barmaid who was wearing a headband that had a pair of demon horns attached to it.
‘Oh, hey,’ the slender young man said when he noticed Zera and the musclebound man with the skull mask. ‘Don’t bother, it seems like the priest has locked the place up.’
‘And I was just imagining how naughty it would be to have sex in a place like this too…’ the topless woman whined.
‘Maybe it’s for the best, this whole festival is about warding off evil and all that,’ the young woman in the barmaid uniform said. ‘So defiling a church might be kind of counterproductive.’
‘Oh please! I think this festival stopped being about that ages ago!’ The topless woman laughed. ‘Nowadays we just use it as an excuse to go as crazy as we can, before returning to our boring everyday lives.’
‘Not that your conversation isn’t positively enthralling,’ Zera interjected before the barmaid could respond. ‘But maybe I can get a look at that door? If I can get it open, I wouldn’t mind sharing the place with you all…’ She added with a wicked little smile.
Everyone looked at the small, grey skinned woman and they seemed to notice her eyes for the first time. The silver, almost luminous, rings of her irises were the only light in the pools of darkness. So the young man in front of the door wisely stepped aside to let Zera do her thing. The short demon merely nodded politely, before placing her finger against the lock. After using a small bit of shadow manipulation, the lock clicked and Zera pushed against the heavy wooden door.
‘There,’ Zera said as she stepped over the threshold. It felt as if she had broken out into a rash when she entered the holy place, but aside from that small annoyance she was fine. ‘The door is open. Now let’s have our fun away from prying eyes.’
When the small woman didn’t burst out into flames as soon as they entered the church, everyone once again convinced themselves that Zera was simply wearing a very elaborate costume and entered the church after her. Only the young blonde woman wearing the devil horns hesitated, but eventually decided to follow her friends instead of remain outside of the church that they had just broken into. She even closed the door behind them.
‘How’d you do that?’ The slender young man asked.
‘Magic.’ Zera answered truthfully, while her dark grey lips tugged upwards to form into an impish smile.
The men and women that had followed her in the church laughed awkwardly, uncertain about whether she was joking or not. Zera decided to just let them squirm as she slowly walked closer towards the muscular young man that she had dragged along with her. He swallowed audibly as she got close to her, and even sounded a little scared. But when Zera’s slender fingers disappeared into the waistband of his trousers, he seemed to have forgotten all about his fear. Not to be outdone, the topless woman immediately dropped to her haunches in front of the other young man and started to pull down his trousers. Leaving the third woman to just look at both of the pairs, feeling very much like the fifth wheel.
‘Oh my!’ Zera said theatrically as the masked man’s member came into view. ‘I think I can use some help with this!’ She added, while looking at the blonde with the devil horns headband.
She nodded shyly in response as she walked over and kneeled down next to Zera, only to gasp in surprise. The musclebound young man’s cock was nearly as long and thick as Zera’s forearm. Of course, the small demon still wouldn’t have much trouble with it. But at least this way nobody would be left out.
‘You take this side, I’ll take this one.’ Zera said as she pointed at the monstrous erection.
‘What do you…Oh!’ before the young woman could finish her question, she saw how the short, curvy woman was slowly running her tongue over the right side of the masked man’s cock. So she shyly followed her example, and began to lick the left side of the beefy shaft.
The slender young man looked envious at the masked man since he got his member serviced by two women. However, his attention soon returned to the black haired woman that was sitting on her knees in front of him when she decided to remind him that she was still here. She did this by gently massaging his balls, and when the young man looked down at her the topless woman shot him a glare and rapidly bobbed her head back and forth. Allowing the slender young man’s dick to fuck her throat.
Zera looked at the couple just as she moved her tongue upwards, and decided to take things a step further with her lover as well. With a wicked grin she slipped the masked man’s cockhead into her mouth and started to slide her head down. Before the young woman in the barmaid uniform had a chance to say anything, the small demon gently grabbed the back of her head and pushed it towards the young man’s balls. She seemed confused, but tentatively started to kiss and lick the fat orbs.
As a result of Zera and the black haired woman started to try and one up one another. So currently the only noise that resounded through the church were the groans of pleasure from both men. Which was accompanied by the muffled moans of effort from Zera and the black haired woman, as well as the soft sighs of the blonde woman that was still servicing the masked man’s balls. As time went on, the groans of pleasure steadily grew louder and louder. And both women knew that the men they were sucking off were going to hit their orgasms soon. So obviously the both of them wanted to see who could make their lover climax first.
Fortunately for Zera, the masked man came first. He announced his orgasm with a very impressive roar. So when the small, curvy demon heard that, and felt the large cock twitching in her throat, she quickly pulled her head back. Allowing the masked man’s hot white seed to spill over her eager face as soon as his cumspewing cockhead escaped her soft lips.
‘What?’ Zera asked the woman with the fake horns when she received an odd look from her. ‘It’s very good for the complexion.’ She added, while pointing at the slimy jizz that was clinging to her cheeks, chin and forehead.
‘Gods…that was something,’ the slender young man groaned after he had finished shooting several ropes of seed down the topless woman’s throat, which she had dutifully swallowed. ‘So, what do you ladies want to do next?’ He asked, obviously trying to pit Zera and the busty woman against one another again.
‘Oh, there is nothing for you to worry about,’ Zera answered. ‘I have someideas.’ She added with an impish smile.
And with a snap of her fingers, Zera’s regal black dress disappeared like the morning mist. All three of the humans in the church with her were very surprised when they small, grey-skinned woman was suddenly only wearing a pitch black choker, as well as matching gloves and boots that went up past her elbows and up to her thighs respectively. They also saw her currently very visible tail, complete with spaded tip.
What they didn’t noticed as they focused on the naked demon, was the way in which the shadows cast by the objects in the church were moving. Not until the woman in the barmaid uniform made her way to the door only to be snatched up by them, anyway. At that point, screams of surprise and terror echoed through the church. But they were drowned out by the festivities going on outside.
‘Tsk, tsk,’ Zera clicked her tongue as she shook her head. ‘It’s a little rude to leave in the middle of our fun, don’t you think?’ She asked the woman in the barmaid uniform as the shadows brought her closer to the curvy little demon.
‘What do you want with us?!’ The woman demanded as she looked down at Zera.
‘Just what we all came here for in the first place, don’t you worry.’ Zera replied, while blowing the woman a kiss.
Not even a moment after she had blown the kiss, the living shadows took on a distinctly phallic shape and started to tear off the uniform. Until finally, all that the young woman was still wearing was the headband with the fake demon horns in her blonde hair. She whimpered softly as shadowy tentacles brushed over her stiff, pink nipples and prodded against her darkened, wet labia. But whether these were sounds of fear or pleasure, the others in the church didn’t know.
‘Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the rest of you.’ Zera chuckled.
On cue, several other shadows that had seemingly come to live grabbed on to the remaining three humans. The muscular, masked man was pulled to the ground while the slender young man merely seemed to be bound in place. Meanwhile, the topless, black haired woman wearing the bat mask got the same treatment as the blonde. Her skirt was torn off, while shadowy tentacles teased her large, heavy breasts and wet sex.
‘Oh my, you have gone soft?’ Zera pouted as she approached the masked man tied to the floor by shadows. ‘Well, we can’t have that now, can we?’
Without waiting for a response, Zera lied down on top of him. Unfortunately, due to the difference in height her pussy wasn’t even close to his face. So instead, the curvy little demon decided to focus solely on getting the muscular young man’s member erect again. With a smile she rested her large, heavy breasts on his legs, encasing his shaft partially in her soft cleavage, before slipping the crown of his dick into her mouth.
While the masked man was getting a blowjob from the curvy little demon, the other man in the church was never brought any closer to Zera. Yet, his flaccid cock did slowly grow hard as he watched the shadowy tentacles toy with the other women. He swallowed audibly as he spotted one such tentacle slide between the black haired woman’s large tits. While another tentacle began to push its way into the blonde’s soaked snatch. Once he was completely hard, he could do nothing but send an envious glare in the direction of the man tied to the floor, while female moans bounced off the walls of the church.
‘Looks like you are both ready to go!’ Zera chuckled, after spitting out the muscular man’s cockhead to stare at both his erect member, and that of the tied up young man.
‘You can say that again!’ The slender young man groaned as he looked at the blonde and black haired woman thrashing in the air as their pussies were being violated by shadowy tentacles.
‘Unfortunately, I have no need of you just yet.’ Zera mused with an evil little smile as she got to her feet.
The young man wanted to say something, but the curvy little demon simply turned her back on him and straddled the masked man’s hips. Giving the slender young man an excellent view of her rear as she slowly sank down on the muscular man’s monstercock. Zera’s evil smile only broadened when she heard the frustrated groan coming from behind her, and responded by releasing an exaggerated moan. Only after every single inch of the masked man’s fat shaft was inside of her, which resulted in her stomach bulging outwards slightly, did she look over her shoulder at the young man that had been watching them.
‘I suppose I have teased you enough,’ she chuckled. ‘Come on over.’
Instead of releasing the slender young man and allowing him to walk over to her like he had hoped, however, Zera simply pulled him closer using the shadows that bound him. Now that he was close enough, the curvy little demon reached back and grabbed her asscheeks before spreading them to show off her small, tight asshole. Why a demon would have need of such an orifice, the young man didn’t know. Nor did he care, especially since Zera manipulated the shadows in such a way to allow his member to slip inside of her hot, tight ass.
‘I hope you boys are ready,’ Zera groaned, as her ass was being stretched. ‘Because you’re going to be in for a long night!’ She added excitedly.
‘Ladies, you are too too. Trust me when I say that those tentacles aren’t going to run out of energy anytime soon.’ Zera announced as she glanced over at both women, and both the blonde and the black haired woman responded with groans that somehow sounded both happy and weary.
With those words being said, the small demon began to move her hips. From where he was lying the masked man could see how her stomach was showing vague outlines of both his own member and the one of the man fucking Zera’s ass, but she didn’t show any signs of discomfort. In fact, she seemed to handle their members with ease, despite their differences in size.
‘Oh, you don’t have to worry about me,’ Zera purred when she noticed the masked man staring at her stomach. ‘I can handle this much with ease.’ She added, while cradling her belly.
Zera quickly proved her words by picking up the pace, all while manipulating the shadows that were holding the man behind her to have him pump his hips faster as well. And while Zera’s pace increased, the tentacles toying with the bodies of both the blonde woman and the busty lady wearing the bat mask began to speed up too. Both women screamed in pleasure as those shadowy tentacles explored every inch of their bodies. But not for long, seeing as said shadowy tentacles quickly decided to silence them by plugging up their mouths.
So currently, the only sounds that were heard in the church were the grunts of both the men, as Zera’s holes expertly milked their cocks. The little demon could feel spurts of precum smacking against the twitching walls of her pussy and anal tunnel, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before her two partners would reach their orgasms. And then, sure enough, the man behind her released a loud groan.
‘Cumming…’ He moaned, as hot spurts of jizz were shot into the demon’s bowels.
When she felt her ass being filled up with spunk, Zera’s pussy clamped down hard on the masked man’s monstercock. Which resulted, of course, in him reaching his orgasm as well. An orgasm which he announced with a deep, dark groan just as thick, sticky ropes of cum were blasted into the demon’s hot, tight pussy.
‘My, my, very impressive!’ Zera cooed appreciatively as she allowed both dicks to slide out of her holes.
Almost as soon after their cockheads escaped from her pussy and her ass, they were followed by fat globules of semen that slid down the insides of her thighs and the back of her legs.
‘Still,’ Zera mused a moment later, while making the masked man rise to his feet. ‘I hope you understand that I am not done with you yet.’ She added with a wicked smile, before she began to suck both of the men erect again…
* * * *
When Father Pietrus walked back to his church the next morning he did so with a splitting headache. If his peers in the big cities knew he had joined in on some pagan festival, or what he had done while celebrating, he most likely wouldn’t be considered a priest for much longer. Still, even he needed to unwind every now and again.
‘Strange,’ Father Pietrus mumbled as he pushed open the heavy wooden door to his church. ‘I could have sworn I locked up before going out last night.’
Just as he stepped inside, he noticed something that looked like a tear in the world which had darkness spilling out of it. He also swore that he saw a small, familiar form with grey skin stepping inside of it. But when he blinked, there was nothing there.
‘…Am I still drunk from last night?’ Father Pietrus asked himself while he went to his quarters to clean himself up. Not noticing the pile of exhausted, but happy, townspeople that Zera had left behind…

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