Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] The Purloiner’s Penance - Thief

Set in the Party universe there is a city called Arcadia, a city of sin with gambling and plenty of prostitution. Another unique thing about this city are the “penance brothels” if you commited a crime, you work there until you paid off your debt. Though nowadays, you can also work there to get some extra cash.
A commission by pantboy678
Originally this was going to be one long story with three characters, but instead we decided to split it up in three seperate chapters. This one stars a thief whose working off her crime.
Contains futanari, breasts expansion, paizuri, anal sex, huge cock and huge breasts.

Arcadia, the city of sin where you can find gambling halls or brothels on every street corner. Some of these brothels and sex clubs had men and women perform acts that would make the stomach of any decent paladin churn, but all of it was done with their consent. You would find no pimps beating their girls and no Madame refusing to pay wages of the men and women that worked for her. The safety of all of them was guaranteed, and they were paid a fair wage.

Despite the fact that Arcadia was this city of sin, and proud of it, curious and horny men and women came from all over the world came to visit it. And since so many of the city’s gambling halls and brothel made their money from these visitors, they made sure to pay bouncers and guards to keep everything safe. But perhaps one of the best ways to keep criminals in check were the so-called “penance brothels”.

These brothels didn’t hire a regular work force, instead criminals were sent here to work until they “paid off” their crimes. None of them were forced to perform any sex acts they didn’t like, but the crazier the sex act the more money would go to paying off their debt to society. Over time, of course, it wasn’t just for criminals. When someone wanted to make a little extra coin they could sign themselves into one of the “penance brothels” for a pre-agreed upon amount of time, specify which acts they would and wouldn’t  do and then spend a night or two entertaining some johns and walking out with a full coin pouch.

One of the oldest of these brothels in Arcadia was the Purloiner’s Penance; previously it had been a large, impressive manor. But when the original owner found a burglar making off with her family heirlooms while wearing nothing but a nightie, she decided to punish the thief in a very interesting fashion. Which had brought about the idea of “penance brothels” and she had been all too eager to convert her home into one of the first brothels. A cloaked figure, with a smaller figure clad into a cloak of its own, stepped into the entryway of the Purloiner’s Penance. It had been converted into a lobby a long time ago and behind a low, luxurious desk sat the brothel’s Madame.

She was a cute little thing; a gnome of barely four feet tall with long, luxurious hair piled on top of her head, like was the fashion in the courts these days, held together by a few golden pins. The deep, dark pink it had been dyed in would only be considered fashionable by gnomes, however. Her eyes were big, blue and expressive and had the naughty glimmer in them that most gnomes seemed to possess, but she was certainly pretty. Her face was oval-shaped with an upturned, slightly pointed nose and soft, feminine cheeks. When she spotted her new customer she smiled and got away from behind her desk, showing off her luxurious pink and purple gown. It fit tightly around her waist and her cleavage exposed a lot of her large, shapely breasts.

Two huge, musclebound orcs in tight-fitting leather armour stepped out of the shadows simultaneously, staying close to their employer. Garl and Sarn, twin brothers and could do a lot of damage whether they were armed or not.

‘Ah, what can I do for my esteemed clients?’ The gnome asked with a faint curtsy, ignoring the two orcs standing close to her.

It was the taller figure that spoke first with a low, smoky feminine voice. ‘I need a whore for my “friend” here, someone that is fine with sleeping with monsters.’ She explained.

The Madame smiled as she turned to face her desk, and grabbed a piece of parchment from it; she briefly scanned it before turning back to the duo of cloaked figures. ‘Well you’re in luck, we got ourselves an orc called Shel Blackhands, she was caught stealing and told us she was up for “pretty much anything” to pay off her debts quicker,’ the gnome explained. ‘She is on the second floor in room 21. Sarn, show them the way.’ She said with a bright smile as she sat down behind her desk again.

Sarn grunted something and led the way, both of the cloaked figures followed close behind him. They left the lobby area and stepped into the main hallway were a set of grandiose staircases led up to the second floor. Both the clients and the orc ignored it however and ascended one of the staircases. Once they reached the top, Sarn stepped into the hallway directly to his left and knocked on one of the first doors with a metal 21 nailed on it. Without waiting for an answer, he opened the door.

‘Shel, you’ve got some customers.’ He said in a low, rumbling voice while waving the two cloaked figures inside.

When they stepped inside the smaller figure released a nasally, high-pitched giggle at the sight of the female orc. She wasn’t as buff as some of her kinsman, but Shel was no doubt strong. Her body was slender with discreet, lean muscles no doubt making it easy to squeeze through small openings, especially since her breasts weren’t as large as the average orc female. They were still big, or course, and the tight-fitting leather bikini-top she wore made them look even bigger! Below that she had a slim waist mot women would be jealous off, with a stomach that was flat and ruthlessly stripped of all fat. Showing hints of powerful abdominal muscles. Her waist flared out a little in some shapely hips which were barely covered by a tight leather skirt, the slightest movement made the two cloaked figures see flashes of a plump pussy between her discreetly muscled green thighs. To complete her outfit Shel wore fingerless leather gloves that went up to her elbows, along with boots that went past her knees.

‘Thanks Garl…or are you Sarn?’ She muttered in embarrassment, a dark green blush gracing her ferocious, but beautiful features. ‘I’ll take care of things from here.’

The big orc grunted and shut the door while Shel stared at her two clients, a think black eyebrow raising as she waited to see what they wanted. Finally, the taller of the two cleared her throat. ‘Dagn, take off your damn cloak and have some fun with your birthday present.’ When the shorter figure did as she asked, Shel’s dark brown eyes widened and she bared her short tusks.

‘Imp!’ She growled as a little green monster half her height stepped up to her, but for his species this Dagn was still rather tall. His horns were short and nubby however, and Shel had her doubts that his little wings could carry him. But, there was something else that was a longer than she was used to from an imp.

A thick, semi-erect imp cock nearly as long as Dagn’s own leg slapped against his thigh as he stepped up to the orc. ‘Get on your knees!’ He said in a high, nasally voice, and Shel looked from him to the cloaked figure.

‘The Madame said you were up for almost everything,’ she shrugged. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll pay handsomely.’ The cloaked woman mused, and Shel could almost hear the smile.

Shel grumbled but did as the imp had instructed her, she knew she had told the little gnome Madame that she would do pretty much everything but she hadn’t expected a hung monster to visit her this soon. Dagn released an impatient squeak and quickly stuffed his partially erect dick between Shel’s breasts as soon as she was close enough to him, not even bothering to take off her top. The female orc yelped in surprise when she felt the meaty pole throbbing between her breasts, sighing as it slowly grew erect. Much of Dagn’s member still stuck out however and the imp began to whine.

‘Mistress, her boobies are far too small!’ He complained.

‘What-.’ Shel started, but the other cloaked figure finally threw off the cloak she was wearing.

Underneath it hid a tall, mature tiefling wearing tight fitting robes that hugged her long, graceful limbs and curvy body. She was blessed with breasts that were big, without being overly huge, and were perfectly shaped sitting high and proud on her chest. They cast a shadow over a flat stomach and almost inhumanly slim waist, before they flared out in broad, baby-bearing hips. Her skin was a flawless, light pink and long, elegant horns grew from her forehead while completely yellow eyes ran over Shel’s body like she was a piece of meat.

‘Well, I guess we just have to do something about that, don’t we?’ She said to herself.

‘W-what!?’ Shell gasped in shock.

‘Don’t worry, I’ve got a lucrative shop in town that specializes in the modification of bodies, I’ll revert my little spell before we leave.’ She explained, before pressing her hands down on Shel’s chest.

Before the orc could protest the tiefling’s hands flashed a bright yellow and Shel felt like something had just stung her. Her breasts started to itch and the orc’s breathing quickened before she released a scream in surprise! Her tits had started to swell! She watched with wide, worried eyes as the green globes swelled to twice their original size and still didn’t stop! The strings holding up her top were stretched taut and began to dig into her strong as her jugs were nearly the size of watermelons, but still they didn’t stop! Her thick nipples threatened to poke to the small pieces of leather as worry and surprise fought with arousal and when two orbs the size of prize-winning pumpkins hung from her chest, her top finally snapped off.

‘Now those should be big enough to please Dagn’s cock,’ the tiefling mused with a smile. ‘Be sure to press them around his member tightly!’ she told Shel.

‘They’re so heavy!’ Shell sobbed as she pressed her hands against the two huge, green globes, her hands sinking into the soft flesh. ‘And so sensitive!’

‘Thank you Mistress!’ Dagn squeaked happily, paying no attention to the orc’s comments.

Even with Shel’s enlarged chest the imp’s crown still peeked out of her cavernous cleavage, and she could do nothing but wrinkle her nose as thick, smelly precum oozed from his wide, distended cumslit. It did help in lubricating the tight channel between her enormous boobs, but feeling it batter against her chin and feeling the sticky gunk dribble down her neck was a less than pleasant sensation. Unfortunately, the imp wanted more. With an annoyed grunt he grabbed one of Shel’s thick black braids and yanked it down hard. The orc roared in a mixture of pain and annoyance as her head was angled down to face Dagn, which the annoying little creature quickly took advantage of.

As soon as Shel’s mouth opened Dagn stuffed his cockhead inside of her mouth, managing to slide it between the orc’s tusks without getting cut. He then released a high-pitched laugh and began to fuck both her tits, and her mouth, in short, rapid thrusts. Shel’s eyes started to water as the taste of the imp’s precum hit her tongue and she refused to swallow it! Instead she let precum mixed with her own saliva escape the corners of her mouth to land on her huge, squeezable boobs. If Dagn was annoyed by this however, he didn’t show it and happily continued pumping his hips with a goofy smile on his face.

For Shel it was uncomfortable, but at least the saliva mixed with precum that slithered between her mountainous mammeries lubricated her cleavage, causing the imp to move faster and hopefully get off quicker. But, as the orc would soon figure out, that might not be a good thing. Dagn’s inane giggling continued as he moved faster and faster, sticky, slimy precum continuing to flow from his pisshole until suddenly…he stopped. Shel felt his massive pole swelling up between her breasts and her eyes widened, she tried to scream in protests but all she succeeded in was sending pleasant vibrations down the creature’s shaft.

‘Ah…’ Dagn sighed, and a moment later thick hot streamers of seed spewed from the tip of his cock.

Shel’s eyes watered as she did her best to swallow the great mouthfuls of hot, slimy imp cum, her throat bulging as the fat lumps of cum travelled down her throat. Unfortunately the orc couldn’t swallow Dagn’s entire load and runnels of the sticky gunk began to escape her mouth in great spurts, staining her chin and smacking down on her huge breasts. Dagn giggled happily and didn’t pull away, licking his thin lips as Shel released an embarrassed cry as strings of imp jizz blasted from her nostrils.

‘Dagn…go sit on the bed.’ The tiefling said quietly as her servant’s cumshot came to an end.

In response the imp growled happily and pulled his hips back, as his cockhead escaped Shel’s gob with a soft pop another wave of his seed escaped Shel’s mouth to fall on her breasts. ‘Th-thank you ma’am…’ the orc stammered as Dagn got on the bed in the room and she got to her feet.

‘What makes you think we’re done?’ the tiefling mused as she stepped up to the orc, eyeing her enormous, cum-glazed breasts while licking her lips. ‘Dagn there is going to fuck your ass, and I think it’s high time I joined in on the fun as well.’

‘What are you ta-…’ Shel wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Dagn’s nasally, high-pitched voice.

‘Shut up orc skank!’ he shrieked. ‘Let Dagn fuck your green butt!’

Shel grumbled, but there was no point in arguing. Doing this would get her out of this brothel faster, after all. So the orc approached the imp, walking slowly as she eyed the huge, cum-coated cock with worry. Was that thing really going up her ass? Still, when she was at the edge of the bed she turned around and lowered her shapely rump and spread her buttocks apart to show her tight little pucker. When she was a few inches away from the imp’s monstercock however Dagn got impatient and grabbed her ass, before suddenly pulling her down.

A loud shriek resounded through the room as Shel’s anus was suddenly stretched wide around Dagn’s cock, only the tip was in so far but the hung imp showed no mercy and kept pulling the orc down. The tiefling merely clacked her tongue at her servant’s roughness and approached the couple. ‘Perhaps this will keep your mind off of Dagn’s cock stretching your ass and help you relax.’ She mused.

With that said the tiefling suddenly pinched Shel’s stiff clit and a small, blue glow surrounded her fingers. Instead of screaming the orc relaxed and moaned loudly as a feeling of intense pleasure washed over her and made her pussy drool copious amount of femcum while her clit seemed to get harder and harder. Meanwhile Dagn giggled happily as Shel’s anal tunnel gently clenched and unclenched around his massive member, while allowing more to slide inside. A small bump pushed out the orc’s normally fit and flat stomach, while something else made her skirt rise up.

‘Ah…there it is.’ The tiefling said with a happy sigh.

Pushing up her short skirt was a long, wrist-thick slab of cockmeat covered with fat, pulsing veins. Shel looked down in shock at her large new member, but all that left her mouth was a lewd, pathetic moan as the monstercock pulsing against the walls of her ass suddenly felt a lot better. In response the tiefling only smiled mysteriously and dropped to her knees in front of the bed, eagerly sucking the plump, purple cockhead of the orc woman into her eager mouth. Immediately a fat welter of precum blasted over the tiefling’s tongue and Shel grabbed her horns to steady herself, but neither Dagn nor his mistress slowed down so that the orc could get used to her changed body.

‘Mistress Yuvine, what did you do?!’ Dagn croaked. ‘Her butt is going crazy!’

The tiefling didn’t bother to try and respond as she eagerly stuffed her throat with Shel’s brand new monstercock while the orc held on to her horns. All Shel could do was moan pathetically, but she did start moving her hips and eagerly bounced down on the hot, veiny pole entranced in her bowels while fucking Yuvine’s face. She was inexperienced however and precum had already started to squirt from the tip of her member, not that the tiefling cared. Her hands had disappeared underneath her robes so that she could furiously rub her own dripping cunny.

‘Argh…Mistress Yuvine, I’m cumming!’ Dagn hissed as he sped up his thrusts, moving in tandem with Shel’s bucking hips.

‘Nooo…’ Shell whined as she looked down at the rapidly appearing and disappearing bulge before Dagn slammed in completely and she felt something hot filling her ass.

Yuvine watched as the orc’s previously fit stomach swelled bigger and bigger while Shel howled again. From behind Shel the tiefling noticed how fat, tacky wads of jizz blasted from her cockstuffed ass, past the seal of her servant’s girthy cock and while smiling around the orc’s own fat monstercock Yuvine pinched her clit. A howl escaped the tiefling’s mouth, muffled by Shel’s member as her hips shook and writhed in orgasm. Her howl shot vibrations up the orc’s shaft and Shel felt very strange…but when Yuvine felt the orc’s cock swell up in her throat she knew it was now Shel’s turn to cum.

With little effort the tiefling pulled her head back and Shel’s weak, shaking hands fell away from her horns as her cockhead escaped Yuvine’s mouth with a soft pop. ‘Blast your sticky seed all over my face, Miss Blackhands!’ she growled in that low, smoky voice of hers.

It was a command Shel simply had to follow. While squeezing her own, enlarged breasts she squealed and hot, slimy orc jizz blasted all over Yuvine’s face while Shel’s ass coiled tightly around Dagn’s cock, wringing the last droplets of cum from his balls. Spunk hung from Yuvine’s graceful horns and was stuck in her hair, her forehead and cheeks were covered and her robes stained as blast after voluminous blast of pearly, sticky cum rained down on her. But she didn’t mind at all.

‘Well Miss Blackhands, that was quite something,’ Yuvine sighed, breathing in the scent of the orc’s spunk. ‘But I suppose I should reverse my modifications now.’ She added, almost sadly as she laid a hand on Shel’s softening prick.

‘No!’ Shel yelled as she rose up, causing Dagn’s massive prick to escape her rump with a wet, obscene-sounding schloorp. ‘No, I-I want to keep them. They feel so good!’ she sighed, ignoring the sensation of slimy seed drooling from her abused asshole.

‘Alright, but it will cost you some money to keep them.’ Yuvine said as she put on her cloak again, not bothering to clean the jizz from her body.

‘Just tell Madame Elsi to add it to my debt,’ Shel said with a snort. ‘I’d happily have a few extra sessions to practice with these.’ She added.

‘Done and done,’ the tiefling mused. ‘Come Dagn.’ She added while throwing the imp his cloak, and both left Shel alone to experiment with her enlarged breasts and fresh cock…

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