Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] By Sword or Spear

After his previous jobs, Mayiigh is tasked with whipping a camp of legionaries into shape. The Minotaur Centurion almost considers this a vacation compared to his previous tasks, and even has fun with the female Orc instructor that helps him out.
Commissioned by Empyreanobscure
Contains: M/F, Minotaur, Orc, huge cock, rough sex, standing 69, excessive cum.

By Sword or Spear
‘Finally a normal job.’ Mayiigh grumbled to himself as the Legion camp came into view.

After he had to investigate the workshop of a sorceress, apprehend a goblin bandit with strange powers and fight off a demon the Minotaur Centurion was relieved after he had heard what his latest task was. Mayiigh had been tasked with preparing the troops of a local Legion camp, the area he was in had been plagued by raiders from outside of the Empire. So the Centurion was to train them, give speeches, whatever he thought was necessary to make sure that they were prepared.

‘It’s almost like a vacation.’ Mayiigh mused as he walked up to the gates of the Legion camp.

Briefly the two legionaries guarding the gates watched Mayiigh in stunned silence, before saluting and letting him pass. Not that Mayiigh could blame them, this wasn’t his IVth Legion. Most of the camp seemed to be made up out of humans, so seeing a musclebound Minotaur covered in scars but wearing the shining armour of a centurion, his old one had been torn to shreds by a demon, must’ve been quite a strange sight to behold. Once he was inside, the Minotaur made his way over to the command tent. It wasn’t difficult to find, seeing as all Legion camps were constructed the same.

When Mayiigh stepped inside he got the same stunned looks from the officers inside the tent as he got from the legionaries guarding the camp. Fortunately, they seemed to gather their wits quicker than their men. ‘Yes soldier, what is your purpose here?’ An officer, a human with mostly grey hair, asked as he stepped forward.

Mayiigh pounded his chest in salute, sending a soft ringing through the tent in the process. ‘Centurion Mayiigh of the IVth Legion,’ he said by way of introduction. ‘And I’ve been tasked by the Empire to whip your men into shape.’ He explained.

‘W-what? Our legionaries are in fine shape!’ The officer replied, his cheeks turning red from either embarrassment or anger.

‘That is not what I’ve heard,’ Mayiigh stated in a low, dangerous tone of voice. ‘The reports I received spoke of raids from outside the Empire being prominent in this area, the area your men are supposed to protect. You’re making the Empire’s armies look bad, and I’m here to fix that.’ Mayiigh informed the officers, his voice remaining low and threatening.

‘But sir, it’s not our fault!’ Another officer cut in, younger than the first man that had spoken. ‘These raiders fight like demons, it’s like nothing can hurt them!’ He explained franticly.

Perhaps there is another reason why I was sent here by the Empire.Mayiigh thought to himself, but he didn’t share this with the other officers. ‘Then perhaps it’s a good thing the Empire sent me,’ he mused confidently. ‘Come, I’ll show your men how the IVth Legion fights!’

* * * *

The officers had gathered several legionaries in a matter of minutes, and Mayiigh set to teaching them. He taught them battle formations, even sparred with several of them one on one and had not a kind word to spare. Most of the things he taught these legionaries weren’t meant to be used by humans, however, but Minotaurs. Still, he had found ways to make the techniques and formations work. Mayiigh would tear this local Legion down and build them up stronger, it was a task that would likely take him several weeks, if not months, to do so. But if the Empire willed it, he would make it work.

‘Nicely done,’ a lightly accented female voice said after Mayiigh finished sparring for the day. ‘The officers usually don’t allow me to make them sweat that much.’ The Minotaur Centurion turned around to face the owner of the voice.

‘An Orc?’ Mayiigh exclaimed in surprise, the Empire had only captured a few, small outlying provinces of the brutal Orcish territories, and even then an Orc would rarely join one of the Empire’s Legions.

‘That is right,’ the Orc replied with a polite bow. ‘Nhataska, newly hired instructor for the XIIIth Legion. Looks like you’ve taken my job, though.’ Nhataska said after she introduced herself, smiling in amusement.

Nhataska was rather short for an Orc, Mayiigh guessed she was around 5 foot 3 or 5 foot 4 inches. Her thick black hair was kept in a simple ponytail, not cut short as was the norm for those that joined one of the Legions. Though the Orc wasn’t wearing any sort of uniform either. Nhataska only wore a simple, loose-fitting white tunic with the number XIII embroidered upon it in red as well as loose-fitting tan trousers, and no shoes. Despite the fact that she seemed to refuse to wear the XIIIth Legion’s uniform, it was obvious from the way she carried herself that she was a skilled fighter. Mayiigh noticed the taut, compact muscles along her arms as well, despite the loose clothing she wore.

‘What do you say to a match, big guy?’ Nhataska asked with a lazy smile that showed her small, pointed tusks.

‘Why?’ Mayiigh rumbled in response.

‘Because it’s been ages since I was in a good fight, even while sparring with my legionaries I was never allowed to go as far as you did today,’ Nhataska explained. ‘Don’t worry about losing, however. Everyone already returned to their tents, so no one will know if I beat you.’ She added with a cocky smirk.

‘As you wish,’ Mayiigh replied as he tossed a practice sword in the direction of the instructor. She was right, though. If the news somehow got out that he lost to Nhataska, he could lose the respect of the legionaries he had been training. ‘Let’s finish this quick.’ He added as he grabbed his own practice sword.

As soon as Mayiigh had spoken those words the female Orc dashed towards him with incredible speed, fortunately the Minotaur Centurion parried her first blow before striking at Nhataska herself. The instructor nimbly dodged out of the way, unfortunately she wasn’t fast enough since Mayiigh felt the blunt tip of his practice sword scraping the Orc’s side. It didn’t seem to hurt Nhataska too much however, since she quickly struck at Mayiigh’s side. It hit him before he had a chance to react and the Minotaur grunted in discomfort. That is going to leave a bruise… he thought as he whipped his practice blade in the direction of the Orc again.

Minotaur and Orc continued their sparring match for a long time, when it became clear that there would be no winner both Nhataska and Mayiigh collapsed to the ground while breathing hard. Their bodies were coated with sweat, Nhataska’s white tunic was clinging to her body and practically see-through, and both of them were probably covered with bruises. Nhataska was the first to regain her breath, and climbed to her feet. She approached Mayiigh and stuck a hand out to the Minotaur to help him up.

‘That was a hell of a fight,’ she chuckled in her lightly accented voice. ‘I haven’t had that much fun in months!’

‘Thanks.’ Mayiigh replied, still out of breath, as he grabbed the Orc’s hand.

Unfortunately, Nhataska wasn’t strong enough to lift the tired Minotaur to his feet. Instead, she ended up falling on top of him with a yelp and a happy chuckle. Nhataska seemed content to remain lying on top of Mayiigh,at least until she spotted how his skirt made from armoured leather strips was starting to lift up slowly. When she noticed it, she shot the Minotaur an inquiring glance. All Mayiigh could do in response was send her a sheepish smile.

‘Perhaps we should take this back to my tent?’ Nhataska purred as she slowly crawled off of the Minotaur Centurion.

‘I think that might be a good idea.’ Mayiigh replied in a low, rumbling voice.

* * * *

Once they arrived at Nhataska’s tent, they didn’t waste any time. Mayiigh practically tore the clothes from the Orc’s body, while Nhataska did her best to remove the Minotaur’s armour. When it came off, though, Nhataska dropped to her haunches in front of Mayiigh and started to remove the leather, armoured skirt he wore. Mayiigh, of course, was all too happy to help her and reveal his bulging loincloth. The Orc eyed it curiously, but decided that she needed to do more than just look when the bulge jerked slightly.

‘Is this all because of me?’ Nhataska asked as she freed Mayiigh’s huge, erect bullcock from its cloth confinement.

Mayiigh looked down at the Orc, and simply nodded as he took in her athletic body. Nhataska’s breasts were not the biggest he’d ever seen, but they were definitely large and very firm and perky. She was determined to use them as well, seeing as she seemed to be afraid that her tusks could hurt him if she used her mouth. So instead Nhataska rubbed her tits over the Minotaur’s monstrous, throbbing shaft, while running her tongue over his flared cockhead. For several minutes, Mayiigh simply stood there and enjoyed the Orc’s ministrations. However, when precum started to flow from his cumslit, Mayiigh decided that he shouldn’t be the only one enjoying himself.

So, despite the fact that he was still tired and aching from his sparring match with Nhataska, Mayiigh bent over somewhat and grabbed the Orc’s waist. Nhataska eyed the Minotaur in confusion, before releasing a surprised shriek as the Minotaur picked her up. Suddenly Nhataska saw the world from upside down and she wondered what Mayiigh was up to, at least she did until she felt the Minotaur’s large tongue lapping at her slit.

‘Oh, so this is what you wanted to do, huh?’ Nhataska mused. ‘I have a feeling this camp is going to be a lot more fun with you around, Mayiigh.’ The Orc added as she reached for the Minotaur’s bestial shaft again.

Mayiigh didn’t reply, instead he started to push his tongue into the Orc’s hot, twitching depths. Not to be beaten, Nhataska did her best to stroke the Minotaur’s massive pole as she hung upside down, while simultaneously running her tongue over his cockhead. After a while, both she and Mayiigh were releasing moans and groans that were a mixture of both pleasure and effort while juices flowed more copiously from Nhataska’s twat. Of course, she wasn’t the only one enjoying herself. Strings of precum had started to drool faster and faster from Mayiigh’s monstercock, which told the Orc that the Centurion was getting close to hitting his orgasm.

However, before Nhataska could finish the hung Minotaur off, she was turned around in his large hands again. This time Mayiigh made her face towards him, while the flat crown of his beefy bullcock was pressed against Nhataska’s dripping snatch. Nhataska released a soft moan as a result and grabbed Mayiigh’s broad, muscular shoulders as he began to push her down. Meanwhile, the Minotaur shifted his grip from her waist towards her small, athletic rear.

Despite the fact that both Orc and Minotaur had been excited to begin with, and had spent some time preparing one another, the insertion of Mayiigh’s fat, beastial shaft still went slowly. Nhataska growled and showed her tusks as her folds were forced to stretch around Mayiigh’s meaty cock, yet she didn’t stop the Minotaur. Fairly soon Nhataska’s fit stomach was bulging outwards somewhat, but if she felt any pain or discomfort she didn’t show it. Instead, the look in her eyes was somewhat dreamy and she babbled sweet nothings in the Orcish tongue.

‘I suppose I should have known you would enjoy this,’ Mayiigh grunted as he squeezed Nhataska’s firm buttocks. ‘Seeing as you Orcs seem to love it when things get a little rough in the bedroom.’

‘No talking!’ Nhataska growled in response as she clawed at Mayiigh’s shoulders.

The Minotaur winced as the Orc scratched at him, but wisely kept his mouth shut as he continued to push her down on his monstrous member. Unfortunately, Nhataska couldn’t take Mayiigh’s massive bullcock to the hilt, no matter how much she seemed to enjoy the sensation. Luckily for her, however, Mayiigh was going to make it up to her. With a tired grunt the Minotaur pulled the Orc partway of his beefy pole, bringing a loud, happy squeal from Nhataska’s lips. He held her like that for a few moments, enjoying the sight of her girlcum dripping off of his shaft, before he pushed her down.

Mayiigh repeated this several time, and every time he was rewarded with happy squeals from the Orc. Although she also chose to show her affection in ways Mayiigh was less appreciative of. Nhataska continued to claw at his shoulders and chest, while occasionally lightly nipping at his thick neck with her tusks. It was as if the Orc was marking Mayiigh as hers. Fortunately it helped keep him on the brink of his climax as he tried to give Nhataska the attention she deserved. Though Mayiigh knew that he couldn’t keep this pace up forever.

As it turned out, Mayiigh didn’t have to keep up his pace forever. Just as he brought Nhataska down on his bestial shaft again, the Orc let out a howl that she muffled by biting down on Mayiigh’s shoulder. When she did this, her twat clenched down on the Minotaur’s meaty monstercock, finally setting off the orgasm he had been holding back. So Mayiigh growled softly in a mixture of pain and pleasure as ropes of jizz, almost as thick as his thumb, blasted from his cumslit to paint the walls of Nhataska’s cunt white.

Unfortunately Mayiigh finally gave in to his exhaustion as he climaxed, causing him to fall on his ass and drive his member a little deeper into Nhataska’s snatch. In response, she bit down on his shoulder a little harder, while her folds seemed to tighten around the Minotaur’s meaty pole even more. So the both of them sat there for a while as the Orc’s cunt milked Mayiigh completely dry, stuffing her twat full of hot, sticky Minotaur seed while her stomach bloated outwards dramatically. Before, finally, strings of Mayiigh’s semen started to flow past the seal of the Minotaur’s thick, monstrous cock to stain the floor under them.

‘I really needed that…’ Nhataska croaked as she removed her mouth from Mayiigh’s shoulder.

‘I can agree with you on that,’ Mayiigh replied. ‘Although you could have warned me about the biting and the scratching.’ He complained.

‘That just means you had me bested both on the battlefield and in bed.’ Nhataska replied with an impish grin.

‘I’ll never understand Orc women.’ Mayiigh grumbled as he released Nhataska’s small, athletic rear and began to lift her up again.

As he did that, a lewd, wet sucking sound resounded through the tent and was probably heard by the rest of the camp. Mayiigh at least had the decency to blush, but Nhataska laughed heartily as Mayiigh’s monstrous bullcock was pulled from her cumstuffed quim. When the flat, flared crown of the Minotaur’s member finally escaped the Orc’s snatch, a small waterfall of spunk followed, making an even bigger mess of Nhataska’s tent. Not that she seemed to mind it much. No, instead she led Mayiigh towards her bedroll, the both of them more crawled than walked to it, and allowed him to lie down.

‘Yes, we better rest,’ Mayiigh yawned. ‘We’ll have another busy day tomorrow.’

However, Nhataska didn’t seem to have sleep on her mind, at least not yet. While Mayiigh seemed to drift off, the Orc crawled towards his crotch and slowly started to lick up the stray strings of cum that still clung to the Minotaur’s softening cock. Mayiigh didn’t stop her, though. No, Nhataska eventually stopped herself. When she realized that the Minotaur’s dick wasn’t growing erect, even after it was shining with her saliva, she figured that it might be better to continue tomorrow. So instead, she pushed herself against Mayiigh and quickly fell asleep…

* * * *

When Mayiigh awoke the next day, Nhataska was already gone. Cursing to himself for waking up late the Minotaur Centurion quickly got to his feet and tried to find the pieces of armour Nhataska had discarded the night before, and did his best to put them on as quickly as possible. When he arrived at the XIIIth Legion camp’s training grounds however, he found that the legionaries had already gathered and were training. He was confused, at least until he found Nhataska instructing the troops.

Today, the Orc was dressed in full uniform, although her hair was still too long. She was drilling the legionaries as heavily as Mayiigh had the day before, and fortunately none of the officers had any complaints. When she spotted the Minotaur Centurion, she allowed the legionaries a brief break and approached him.

‘Sir,’ she said with a salute. ‘I hope you do not mind that I warmed the men up for you.’

‘Not at all,’ Mayiigh replied. ‘Feel free to assist me in their training whenever you wish.’ He added with an evil little smile, and all the legionaries who could hear the two of them speaking groaned loudly.

* * * *

Mayiigh and Nhataska’s brutal training of the men of the XIIIth Legion continued for months, some legionaries were lost due to the attacks of the raiders from outside the Empire whenever they attacked. But with every attack, the XIIIth Legion lost less men, while the raiders lost more. Until finally, Mayiigh determined they would no longer need his help. So with the XIIIth Legion’s training complete, he left their camp behind. As well as Nhataska, who continued to drill new recruits as ruthlessly as she could.

Eventually, the XIIIth Legion became famous for its strength across the Empire as they slowly pushed the raiders back and claimed more territory, all while using techniques and battle formations that had only been used by Minotaurs before while fighting as savagely as some Orcs. The cause of these changes had been attributed to Mayiigh and Nathaska, who didn’t remain a simple instructor for long and whose promotion attracted more Orcs to the Legion.

As for Mayiigh? He continued leading the IVth Legion while completing the tasks the Empire gave him and his men.


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