Sunday 16 December 2018

[COM] Adventures on Planet Sechs - Meeting the Sechs Amazons

While enjoying a day off from her Operative duties Blair suddenly gets a call early in the morning from an acquaintance of her mother, a Fraal called Samma. She offers Blair a job to explore a planet with her that is technically off-limits to the common, space-faring folk. But she has gotten a permit. After the older Fraal speaks to the explorer in Blair, and brings up her mother, Blair finally decides to go. But they need one more companion…
Commissioned by pantboy678
Contains: futanari, dick growth, big cocks, huge cocks, big breasts, huge breasts, gangbang, orgy, excessive spunk

Meeting the Sechs Amazons
In the early morning hours of the planet Yaptonb the sharp chirping of a holo-phone going off resounded through the small apartment of Blair, the Fraal Operative. The chirping of the holo-phone continued insistently, until the dark, ruby red eye of the Operative opened and kicked the thin blanket covering her off of her.

‘It’s not even 5 AM yet,’ Blair grumbled as she noted the numbers ticking away on her holographic alarm clock, it showed the time in Terran hours. ‘Who could be calling me now?’ She continued to complain, yet dutifully got out of bed.

The Fraal stumbled out of her bedroom, switching on the lights as she went, and combed through her crimson locks in an attempt to look professional. This was kind of tough to do, considering that she was wearing nothing more than an oversized black T-shirt and a pair of panties. But the least she could was answer the call without drool hanging from her plush, dark violet lips. She quickly found her holo-phone on the countertop of her small kitchen and pressed the “answer” button on the side of the small, round black device.

‘Yes, who is it!?’ she snarled before the holographic image of her caller had formed.

‘Oh I do apologize, I’ve completely forgotten about the differences in time between our two systems,’ a warm, cultured voice replied as the image of her caller slowly formed. ‘Am I speaking to Operative Blair, daughter of Anica?’

Blair frowned at that, not a lot of people knew who she was related to since she had given up her real name when she became an operative. But she felt a faint stab of recognition when she saw the caller’s face; she was a Fraal just like her with pale blue skin and long pointed ears which had split in two to indicate her age, even if it couldn’t be seen on her face. This Fraal had an air of seductive maturity surrounding her, even if she lacked any wrinkles. Her dark blue lips were plump and inviting and her inky black hair was pulled back in a loose, simple bun so everyone got a good look at her sharp, almost regal, facial features. Then, when she looked into the older Fraal’s bright grey, almost silver, eyes Blair knew who she was.

‘Miss Samma? Why are you calling me, did you forget my mother’s phone-number?’ she asked in confusion.

Samma was an old acquaintance of Blair’s mother, she was a real adventurer that was usually one of the first to volunteer to explore a new found planet or observe a new race and their culture. Blair hadn’t heard of the older woman in quite a while, she just figured she was stuck exploring some newly found planet for a long time.

‘No, no, young lady, I really did call for you,’ Samma explained with a friendly smile. ‘It’s about Planet Sechs in the Nozama system.’

‘Planet Sechs is off-limit to outside for at least several more decades; it has been ordered that the locals should be allowed to develop without interference.’ Blair quickly cut in.

‘That’s true,’ Samma replied calmly. ‘But guess who just got permission to document the customs of the indigenous population?’ she added proudly, while tapping a button on her holo-phone to show Blair a signed, official looking document.

‘Congratulations,’ Blair said with a warm smile when Samma’s face replaced the document again. ‘But why did you need to call me for this?’

‘Well, the offer was that I’m allowed to document them but I can’t be seen, a shield generator is available to cloak us…but I am still wary to go alone.’ Samma explained.

‘So you want me to go along with you, just in case things go wrong?’ Blair asked wryly as she raised an arched, dark red eyebrow.

‘Preferably you and one of your companions,’ Samma replied with a nervous giggle. ‘Three pairs of eyes see more than one, plus the stealth field will be stronger if we stick together.’

‘Samma, I’m not sure of this…’ Blair groaned as she rubbed her forehead. Messing with a planet that was off-limits was dangerous; even if you had permission to be there you could get killed or captured by the locals. Or encounter some strange disease.

‘Please!’ Samma begged. ‘Who knows what the inhabitants of Sechs have to offer, what they can teach us? Besides, it would mean a lot to me and my family and I’m sure your mother would be very proud of you as well.’

‘Fine,’ Blair sighed, giving in to the older Fraal’s demands. ‘I will find us another partner, in the meantime send me a message via the extranet about where I have to meet you along with any extra details.’

‘Thank you so much, Blair! I knew I could count on you! I hope we shall meet soon.’ Samma responded while clasping her hands together, after which they ended the call.

‘Yeah, yeah, just don’t make me regret it…’ Blair grumbled to herself.

Over the course of the next hour the Fraal Operative called several contacts she knew she could trust, some didn’t answer her calls meaning that they were likely in a situation they couldn’t bring their holo-phone to, or at least that was what Blair hoped. While others simply told her they couldn’t go. Luckily, she did get the number of a mercenary calling herself a Jack-of-all-Trades. Blair had never heard of her, but she trusted the contact who had given her the number. So she decided to call this “Jack-of-all-Trades”.

After a few moments her call was answered revealing the holographic, green-tinged face of a Xyli, signalling that she was using an older model of holo-phone. ‘Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades speaking!’ she introduced herself in a chipper tone of voice. ‘I’ll do anything from Bounty hunting to Babysitting, so what can I help you with today, ma’am?’

Blair blinked her eyes a couple of times, she didn’t expect a Xyli to be in this kind of business, nor to be so happy to do it. But she quickly got her composure back. ‘Good day Miss Starshine,’ Blair began politely. ‘I’m looking for someone to help me and another Fraal document the Planet Sechs, it is supposed to be off-limits but my client has gotten permission to explore it.’

‘Sure, what’s the pay?’ The Xyli replied with a bright smile.

‘…you don’t need more information?’ Blair blurted out in surprise.

‘Well, I’m late with paying for my docking fees again, so I can’t exactly afford to be picky here,’ the Xyli shot back with an embarrassed giggle. ‘Besides, the less I know about these forbidden planets the better, right?’ she added, her smile growing conspiratorial.

‘Right…’ Blair said drily. ‘If you want to know about your payment you’ll have to contact my employer, Samma. I’ll send you her contact information now.’ As Blair said that she seemed to pull away something from underneath the holographic image showing Nex Starshine, which abruptly shaped itself into a holographic keyboard.

After the Fraal finished her message and sent it, she heard a soft bleep coming from the other end of the call and saw that the Xyli was reading her message. ‘Alright, that seems fair I’ll contact this “Samma” person and hopefully I’ll see you soon. Nex Starshine out!’ she announced excitedly, before ending the call.

‘Something tells me this trip is going to be exhausting,’ Blair sighed, while putting down her holo-phone. ‘I’d better take a hot shower to unwind, I won’t be able to soon.’ She added, before slipping out of her shirt and underwear while slipping into the bathroom.

* * * *

After taking her, much needed, hot shower Blair had dressed herself in her suit. The thing was pitch black, befitting an Operative like her, and would off her protection from most forms of damage. The only problem with it was, was the fact that the thing was so damn tight. Blair didn’t know what material her suit was made off, but it managed to cling to her fit, shapely body perfectly. The firm, shapely globes of her buttocks were gripped tightly and the same went for her perky breasts, plus the Fraal was certain that anyone with good vision could see her nipples or her labia. If the suit didn’t protect her from the cold, as well as several other nasty things, she would have never worn it

‘Do I have everything?’ Blair muttered to herself as she observed her gear lined out on her bed.

It showed her holo-phone, the keys to her ship, a trusty blaster and her helmet in case Sechs’ atmosphere wasn’t breathable. She also had a stealth generator of her own, just in case as well as a small pack to put everything in. Before putting on her suit she had received a message from Samma which read:


I will be meeting you, as well as this “Nex Starshine” figure, on the Wudo space port in the Nozama system. It is the closest to planet Sechs and once we are there we have to secure a transport, as I doubt an Operative’s vessel will be large enough for three. Miss Starshine offered us transportation on her ship, but first she’ll have to see if she can pay off her docking fees.

I am not certain if she is completely trustworthy, but I hope she comes through for us. This research could be beneficial for all races.

Kind regards,


Blair had to agree that the Xyli didn’t look like the type to be in this kind of business and she did seem kind of…bubbly, but her contact had told her to trust the Jack-of-all-Trades. So she did. ‘I think this is everything I need…’ Blair muttered to herself, while packing everything and putting on her helmet. ‘Now to find Samma on this Wudo space port.’ She added, while firmly grasping the key to her ship.

* * * *

The distance between planet Yaptonb and the Wudo space port was large, but Blair’s small, sleek Operative’s vessel was fast and there was a nearby Warp Gate that made a trip that could possibly take weeks take only a few hours. As soon as she left the gate she quickly made her way to Wudo, the port was nearby to give pilots the opportunity to restock and refuel quickly as the Nozama system had few planets that were inhabited. She was quickly cleared for docking, whether it was the fact that it was a slow day or because the people on the port recognized an Operative’s ship Blair didn’t know, but she was happy that she could slip out of her small vessel quickly.

When she stepped out of her ship the dock was mostly empty, but the doors leading towards the rest of the port hissed open as soon as she was finished locking up her ship. Blair’s head snapped into the direction of the doorway, but relaxed when she realized it was Samma who had entered. The older Fraal looked just like Blair remembered her, if a little curvier. Her legs were long and shapely and looked strong, indicating that she had done plenty of walking, running and climbing in her years of exploring planets. Her feet were squeezed into simple, sturdy knee-length boots but her thick, discreetly muscled thighs and broad hips were covered by nothing more than simple cloth shorts that looked like they would tear easily if they had to contain the Fraal’s baby bearing hips and cushiony asscheeks for long.

As Blair’s eyes drifted higher she realised Samma’s outfit didn’t become more conservative. The older woman’s slender waist and flat, pale blue stomach were left bare while a simple white shirt did its best to contain a pair of massive, heavy-looking breasts. Blair doubted the woman was even wearing a bra. To complete her outfit Samma had a simple, metallic choker clasped around her swan-like neck and a bracelet that Blair recognized as a stealth field generator hanging from her left wrist. The only thing that looked useful was the large pack slung over the older Fraal’s shoulder.

‘Please tell me you are not wearing that to Sechs,’ Blair groaned. ‘Who knows what kind of diseases the insects carry or how hot it will be!’

‘Don’t worry, it’s taken care of,’ Samma replied with a warm smile as she touched her choker, which to Blair made it look as she was looking at the woman through thick glass. ‘This field will keep out any bugs and will protect me from the heat or cold just as well as one of your fancy spacesuits.’ The older woman explained with a grin, before she shut it off again.

‘I’d feel safer if you wore a suit…but alright, you’re the professional here,’ Blair sighed. ‘And what of our Xyli friend?’

‘Last I heard she had succeeded in paying of her docking fees with the first half of the payment I sent her and was now on her way here from Floating Eden.’ Samma explained.

Before Blair could ask anything else about the mission or the Jack-of-all-Trades Samma’s holo-phone chirped and the older Fraal quickly answered it. The face of the caller appeared, although Blair could only see the back of the person’s head, and a few words were exchanged. When the call ended Sama put the small, circular holo-phone in one of the pockets of her shorts, how the older woman could get anything else in there Blair would never find out.

‘It seems like our third companion has landed in Dock 08, what do you say to greeting her?’ Samma asked while quickly approaching the door leading out of the current dock. Blair’s only reply was a curt nod as she followed the older woman.

When they stepped into the bustling hallway of Wudo’s space port Blair had trouble keeping up with Samma, there were so many people trying to get somewhere. High-speed elevators were constantly in motion to carry people from the docks to the marketplace or a rest area, while voices in different languages seemed to call out names over the speakers. But apparently Samma had been here before as she effortlessly pushed her way through the masses and found Dock 08. The older Fraal pushed the OPEN button next to the door, but nothing happened. Instead the words ‘Please be patient, entering this dock while the plasma shield is down is very dangerous.’ flashed above the large steel doors in several languages. When the warning disappeared, the doors hissed open and Samma stepped inside with Blair following close behind.

This dock certainly housed more ships than the one the two Fraal women had just come from, but one ship stood out. It was an odd blend of a cargo ship and a medium-sized cruiser, but that was not why it stood out. No, it was because the ship was shaped like the genitals of a male human and coloured a bright silver, but if the pilot was embarrassed about that she certainly didn’t show it. In fact the words The Silver Shafter were emblazoned on one side in hot pink letters, while a small, curvy blue Xyli straddled a smaller version of the ship painted on one of the testicles that added as a cargo-hold.

‘Please don’t tell me that’s going to be our third companion.’ Blair groaned.

‘I’m afraid so…’ Samma replied as the doors of The Silver Shafter opened up and the Xyli that had been painted on the ship stepped out of it.

Blair had known the Xyli were small, but it looked like the feelers poking from the woman’s forehead would barely brush against her chest. Now that she wasn’t talking to Nex through a green-tinged holographic image she saw that her skin was blue, although darker than that of Samma. Her hair meanwhile was a snow-white and fell towards her shoulders in a bobcut-like fashion and the tips of her pointed ears peeked out of it. The Xyli’s eyes were large and inquisitive with pitch-black sclera, while her purple irises sparkled impishly as she spotted the two Fraal and her plush, inky black lips stretched into a smile.

‘Hello boss,’ she said with a wave in Samma direction as she approached the two Fraal and extended her hand. ‘Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades at your service.’ She said while shaking the older woman’s hand.

While the Xyli was shorter than her, her breasts were certainly larger than Blair’s. Nowhere near the size of the pale blue orbs Samma was blessed with, but the Fraal still wondered how such a small woman could lug around boobs that big. But at least she was dressed properly; a bodysuit that was such a light pink that it looked almost white hugged her shapely curves while two strange, circular things protruded from her wrists. Perhaps small motors to power the suits functions? Blair wasn’t sure. Yet, properly dressed to visit a strange planet or not, a few of the black, magnetic strips that kept her suit closed seemed to have been purposely left open to expose a lot of tantalizing dark blue breastflesh.

‘Do we have transportation yet?’ Nex asked, causing Blair to rip her eyes from the Xyli’s short, curvy form.

‘Not yet, I have been looking for someone to take us but I’m not sure whom I can trust.’ Samma replied.

‘Well, we can take my ship,’ Nex mused while nodding at The Silver Shafter. ‘She may be old but she’s fast, reliable and you can stuff quite a few things in the cargo hold.’

Samma was quiet for a while and looked the ship over, causing Blair to break the silence. ‘You can’t seriously be considering taking this thing?’ She hissed. ‘Even if it wasn’t shaped like a giant dick, and it is, the colour and the paintings on the side would still make it stand out!’

‘You’re right Blair, you really are,’ Samma replied, ignoring the hurt look the Xyli threw in her direction. ‘But I don’t think we have much choice in the matter. Finding a reliable captain will take too long and Miss Starshine has already been paid for her silence, so perhaps she is the best choice.

‘I won’t disappoint you, Samma,’ the Xyli said excitedly while giving the older Fraal a mock salute. ‘Now come on get in, get in! Don’t be shy.’ Nex quickly rambled, before entering The Silver Shafter through the cargo-hold again.

‘I really hope this trip will be worth it.’ Blair grumbled as she followed the Xyli, glad that her helmet covered her blushing face.

‘So do I…’ Samma sighed as she stepped into the ship, appearing less embarrassed about it then her younger companion.

And with that they were off to planet Sechs, there was one more stop at a small military base orbiting the planet were Samma had to prove she had permission, but they were quickly flagged through and landed on the verdant green, jungle-like planet. Nex and Samma placed some pylons they had received at the military base around The Silver Shafter and switched them on, causing a stealth field to cover the ship and then went searching for planet Sechs’ indigenous population.

‘Before I forget, please take these,’ Samma whispered as she grabbed two small bracelets from her backpack and handled them to the Xyli and the younger Fraal. ‘Please turn this small dial to frequency 1.8,’ she explained as she began turning a small black dial on her own bracelet, causing numbers to appear. ‘We should be visible to one another, but not to anyone else.’

Blair and Nex did as the older Fraal told them and both Samma and the blue Xyli briefly disappeared for Blair, until she reached the right frequency and they appeared again. Both women looked see-through, like they were holographic images and not really there, but everyone confirmed that they saw one another so Blair figured she looked like that to their eyes as well. With everyone invisible Samma grabbed a thin, glass-like computer from her backpack as they continued to look for signs of Sechs’ inhabitants.

It didn’t take as long as Blair had expected before they found someone, she spotted the figure first and silently stopped her companions before pointing the figure out to Samma. The person was a humanoid woman with skin the same shade of colour brown as the bark of the trees around her and she could have been mistaken for a human, if it weren’t for the strange, leaf-shaped patterns marking some parts of her skin, or the fact that her hair looked like thin, green vines. The other strange thing about her was the fact that she was sporting a big, thick penis between her thighs, muscled thighs. In fact, she seemed to be rather muscular all over, she certainly was womanly with her shapely hips and huge breasts, but she also looked powerful.

‘What is she doing?’ Samma whispered, more to herself than her companions, as she took a picture of the Amazonian alien woman with her computer tablet and rapidly began to type.

‘Looks like she’s picking fruit.’ Nex answered, although her eyes didn’t seem to be focused on the alien woman’s activities at all.

The Xyli was correct, the tall woman was moving from tree to tree to pick a variety of strangely shaped, brightly coloured fruits and placed them in a small basket. Samma wrote everything down eagerly, even making a soft, excited sound as she saw the Amazonian woman bite down on a small, blue fruit with strange yellow patterns. Blair could swear that she saw the alien’s large penis twitch and swell slightly as the juices of the fruit ran down the Amazon’s chin, but told herself she was seeing things. Once the basket was full, the Amazonian alien turned to leave.

‘Should we follow her?’ Blair asked.

‘Of course!’ Samma responded excitedly, before eagerly following the alien woman.

Blair and Nex quickly followed the older Fraal as she pursued the strange alien woman while making sure to move quietly. Eventually they ended up in a large clearing where a city of stone was built, terrifying statues of what Samma theorized were their gods were built on the outskirts of the city, probably to scare off trespassers, while small, square stone homes were built a little further in. But the Amazonian alien that they were following passed them all, and most of them didn’t seem to be occupied, it all seemed a bit eerie to Blair. Until they arrived in the town centre at least, then the city was suddenly bustling.

Several more Amazonian aliens like the one they followed were here, many were shorter and less muscular than the woman they had followed, while others towered over her and sported more obvious muscles, as well as gigantic breasts and members that were massive even while they were flaccid. Samma wondered aloud if this meant that the bigger and more muscular the woman was, the older she was. While the Fraal seemed to ponder about this, the Xyli didn’t pay attention and simply seemed to be captivated by all the nude, hung women standing around. All of their attention seemed to be focused on a small, intricate slab of stone, it looked too small for any of the gathered women to lie on but yet Blair worried.

‘Are they going to sacrifice anyone?’ Blair hissed in worry.

‘No, no look!’ Samma replied pointing as one of the smaller, less muscular alien woman stepped up to the far end of the altar.

Once she was there one of the older Amazonian women gently grabbed the smaller woman’s member and worked her strong hands over it until it was erect, at which point she laid it on the stone slab. Some of the other older Amazonian women looked at it pensively, while the young alien looked at them nervously. Eventually the elders nodded and said something in a language not even the translator built into Blair’s helmet could understand, causing the young girl to cheer before moving to stand with some of the older women.

‘It’s…some kind of coming of age ritual?’ Blair wondered aloud.

‘It seems so,’ Samma whispered in reply. ‘Oh look, they are going to measure another girl!’

Blair’s attention quickly snapped back to the stone slab as another woman stepped up, she seemed even less musclebound than the previous woman. When she laid her erect member upon the slab however, the older Amazonian aliens shook their heads and the smaller woman looked dejected. However, she too approached the group of older women. But instead of standing with them like an equal, she dropped to her knees and wrapped her small hands around the trunk of one of the Amazon’s huge cocks, stroking the thick pole until it grew erect between her fingers. Once it was, the smaller woman slowly stretched mouth into a lewd “O” shape and began swallowing the older woman’s monstrous length. Blair could be mistaken, but to her eyes the facial features of both women looked kind of similar, as did the leaf-shaped patterns marking their skin, like they were somehow related.

She relayed information to Samma as she made notes and took pictures with her tablet. They continued to watch the ceremony for a little longer; some of the Amazonian women joined the ranks of adulthood while others had to get on their knees and jerked off their elders before stuffing their members down her throat. Although those that didn’t pass this strange test looked disappointed, they didn’t seem to take sucking of their elders, and possible relatives, as a punishment. Instead they seemed to do it eagerly while trying to swallow as much of the amber, gooey-looking spunk those cocks pumped out as they could.

‘Alright, we have enough now let’s get out of here!’ Blair hissed as only a few more young Amazons remained.

‘Just a little longer, the ceremony is almost o—’ But Samma didn’t get to finish her sentence as both her choker projecting a shield and her bracelet projecting a stealth field suddenly sparked and released a high-pitched whine.

All eyes turned to Samma as she suddenly looked solid to the eyes of Nex and Blair, which meant she was visible to the Amazons. Apparently the protective shield her choker emitted hadn’t worked well with the stealth generator, causing it to break down. Still invisible Blair grabbed the older Fraal’s wrist and tried to run away with her, only to run face first into a pair of enormous, soft breasts causing her to fall backwards and land on her wrist hard. This, of course, resulted in her stealth generator breaking as well. Looking confused the woman Blair had ran into swiped at the air close to her and Samma, until her lips stretched into a triumphant smile as she grabbed something invisible.

‘Looks like they caught me too…’ Nex sighed, appearing as she switched off her stealth generator willingly with a sheepish smile.

The woman wasted no time picking up Blair from the ground as well, while one of her companions grabbed Samma. The crowd surrounding the small altar parted as the Amazons and their prisoners approached, they all glared at the strangers with a mixture of hostility and curiosity as they were unceremoniously dropped in the centre of the crowd. One of the tall, muscular aliens spoke to the crowd and although Blair couldn’t understand her tongue, going from the passion of the Amazon’s voice and the reaction of the crowd she deduced that these women probably weren’t happy that strangers had intruded their city. With a wary glance at the small stone slab she briefly wondered that they were going to be sacrificed after all, but it appeared they had another sort of punishment in mind for them.

After the Amazon that had carried them into the city’s centre finished her passionate speech the crowd parted for two newcomers. One was the first alien woman they had found, still carrying her basket of fruits, while the other towered even over the older Amazonian aliens in the crowd. From the looks of her she was probably the oldest women in the city, she lacked any sort of wrinkles but if her imposing stature, truly gigantic breasts and enormous cock weren’t indicators enough the fact that her green, vine-like hair had started to go a rusty brown at the roots showed this. At first, Blair thought she was the leader, but when she noticed her brown skin had been painted with tribal like designs and the fact that she was wearing a belt with several pouches hanging from it, she figured this woman was some sort of shaman instead.

Some brief words were exchanged with the shaman and some of the other older Amazons before the shaman stepped up to the small stone slab while grabbing the basket of fruits from the woman who had brought her. One of the Amazonian aliens in the crowd handed her a wooden bowl and with a nod to herself the shaman began to squeeze the juices from all the blue fruits in the bowl, before adding some strange herbs and powders from the fruit juice, making it bubble and hiss as he blue colour turned a pale white. Blair wondered what the shaman was going to do with those juices but when the huge, musclebound woman grabbed Samma, the intruder closest to her, and forcefully made her drink from the bowl the younger Fraal realized her question would quickly be answered, especially because the bowl headed to her next…

Blair tried to fight, tried to spit out the strange liquid, but the Amazonian aliens were too strong and made her swallow it. Once the pale liquid was down her throat she began to breathe heavily and her body felt uncomfortably hot, so hot in fact that she removed her helmet, which caused the Amazonian aliens around her to release a confused shriek. Looking over she realized Samma was reacting much the same, as did Nex after she had the drink forced down her throat. Suddenly Samma released a loud, orgasmic shriek and doubled over to grab her groin, before releasing another squeal which made her arch her back causing Blair to direct her attention towards the older Fraal’s crotch. Something long and thick was making Samma’s shorts bulge out obscenely, but as the front of the cloth garment was showered with orgasmic juices and a thick, white slime Blair realized what it was. A cock, Samma had grown a cock just like the local woman and apparently the growth was quite pleasurable. But as she watched the older woman writhe and coo in pleasure a realization hit the Operative, this was going to happen to her as well.

Sure enough a few moments later the intense heat that had made her sweat so heavily suddenly disappeared, just as a spike of intense pleasure hit her clit. The Fraal gasped sharply and grabbed her crotch as the small sensitive nub peeked out of its hood only to grow bigger…and bigger…and bigger, until the sensation of her sensitive new cock being trapped between her suit and her skin became too much and Blair howled out in pleasure and shame as she coated her own stomach with her first load of hot, sticky jizz. Another cry came from Nex Starshine as she too stained her suit with her thick white seed, Blair noted from the bulge travelling down the Xyli’s leg that, just like her breasts and hips, her new member looked large on her small frame.

After their transformation was finished the Amazonian aliens surrounding the three women laughed heartily at their reactions, before one of them suddenly picked up Samma from the floor. The older Fraal shrieked in protest, but the Amazon simply ignored her while she tore off Samma’s cumsoaked shorts. As the Fraal’s freshly grown monstercock flopped against her belly Samma’s cheeks took on a dark blue hue, but the Amazon ignored it and instead grabbed the cushiony asscheeks of the other woman while she lined her own massive member up with the Fraal’s snatch, her labia soaked with orgasmic juices and her own spunk. Another shriek passed Samma’s lips as the Amazonian alien roughly slammed her hips forwards, suddenly packing Samma’s muff full with cock. As a result the older Fraal’s new, hypersensitive dick released another burst of spunk, which ended up splattering against her shirt, causing the white material to become see-through.

Other Amazons quickly followed the example of the first woman; an alien woman that had been getting her dick sucked by one of the younger Amazons quickly stepped up behind Samma and her partner before she unceremoniously stuffed her saliva-coated cockhead past the older Fraal’s tight pucker and into her anus. This made Samma moan lewdly as her member released several more ropes of hot, sticky cum. Another of the Amazonian aliens was advancing upon her, but as she tried to crawl away Blair winced and moaned when she realized the sensation of her member trapped between her body and her suit was simply too pleasurable.

The Amazon took advantage of the Operative’s weakened state and simply grabbed the pitch black material of Blair’s suit, before tearing it open at the crotch. When the cool air hit the young Fraal’s sensitive, cum-coated cock Blair released a sharp gasp and her eyes briefly lost focus as she tried to fight off another orgasm. Unfortunately for her the alien woman that had torn open her suit simply grabbed her pale violet cock with one hand, to steady herself, while lining up her beefy cock with Blair’s drooling muff. As soon as her monstercock slid inside of the Fraal’s quivering depths, Blair released a howl as more sticky, salty jizz jetted from her twitching dick, splattering all over the Amazonian woman’s huge, brown breasts.

‘P-please…stop! I-it’s so sensitive!’ Blair begged as the Amazon began slamming her hips back and forth, while continuing to stroke the Fraal’s stiff, cum-spewing shaft.
It was no use, of course. Even if the woman spoke her language, some rational part of Blair’s mind doubt she would stop. But with so much pleasure assaulting her brain, she didn’t care. Weakly she opened her mouth to beg the Amazon to stop stroking her new member, or at least slow down. But was quickly silenced as another one of the aliens suddenly grabbed the sides of her head and shoved her large, veiny cock into the Fraal’s opened mouth and down her gullet. Now, at the mercy of two musclebound Amazonian aliens, Blair could do nothing. She briefly pounded her fists weakly against the powerful legs of the woman who was violating her throat, but when that seemed to have no effect she did nothing and simply hung limply between the two women, hot jets of seed occasionally blasting from her large prick while her squeals sent pleasant vibrations up the shaft of the Amazon who had her monstercock shoved down the Operative’s tight throat.

As this was going on several of the Amazons had surrounded Nex as well, the Xyli’s already dark blue skin was blushed and she breathed heavily. ‘A-alright, keep your n-non-existent pants on; I’ll get out of th-this thing already. No need to rip it up, these things are e-expensive, you know?’ she muttered, looking a lot less confident than she tried to act.

From the corner of her eye Blair saw the Xyli reaching for the raygun that was holstered on her belt, but when the Jack-of-all-Trades noticed just how many of the alien women were around them she seemed to think better of it and instead undid her belt buckle. As her belt slipped from her wide hips she quickly began undoing the magnetic straps keeping her suit sealed, causing more and more tantalizing blue skin to come into the open until she finally slipped out of the suit, her new blue member jerking excitedly as she presented herself to the surrounding women. None of the Amazons wasted any time; one of the alien women behind the Xyli parked her shapely, athletic rear on the cold, stone ground and eagerly dragged Nex onto her lap.

‘Hey s-slow down back th—By the Matron!’ the Jack-of-all-Trades’ mask of confidence abruptly crumbled as her anal tunnel was suddenly stretched by the meaty prick of the Amazon whose lap she was sitting in.

The Amazons around her laughed as thick spurts of creamy jizz sprayed from the tip of the Xyli’s bobbing, climaxing cock. Yet, they seemed intrigued by the fact that such a small body could pack away such a monstrous cock, so as the Xyli’s stomach began to bulge and more jets of semen blasted from her cock, coating the feet of the Amazons standing close by, one of them seemed to be curious just how much she could handle and dropped to her knees in front of Nex. When the alien woman’s cockhead brushed against the Xyli’s aroused labia another rope of cum escaped her cock, this time splattering against the Amazon’s powerful stomach. With a grin the Amazonian alien scooped the Jack-of-all-Trade’s spooge up from her stomach and used it to coat her own member, making it act as some sort of impromptu lubrication, before roughly hammering her hips forwards.

A sharp squeal left Nex’s plush, inky-black lips and briefly rose above the grunts, moans and sounds of flesh slapping against flesh as her stomach was now bulging with two huge cocks, but still the curious Amazons didn’t seem satisfied. Now that her mouth was hanging open a third of the alien women couldn’t resist joining her companions and stepped up the Xyli as well before eagerly sliding her member down Nex’s flexible throat, which meant that in her current position she had pushed the face of her kneeling kinswoman between her large, firm buttocks. If the other Amazon minded however, she didn’t show it. No, instead she did her best to continue moving her hips, while running her tongue over her companion’s plush, dripping slit.

The surrounding Amazons watched how their kinswomen violated the three strangers with great interest and quickly the larger, more muscular women grabbed the smaller, slender women. None of them objected as a large, veiny monstercock was forced down their throat or worked into their anus. Instead, they seemed to moan with glee. Those that couldn’t find a partner were instead slowly jerking themselves off as they patiently waited to get a turn with Blair or Samma or Nex. The only one that didn’t seem to be joining in on the fun was the huge shaman who was sitting a little away from the orgy, occasionally some of the younger woman approached her and tried to lift her enormous, heavy shaft and stroke it. But she always shooed them away.

Blair didn’t know how long the orgy had been going on but she was exhausted. Semen no long came from her over-sensitive cock when she orgasmed and her stomach felt bloated from the Amazonian aliens’ strangely sweet cum, while more coated her violet skin and torn suit. Yet despite how weak she felt, the Amazons were still going strong as one of them was still pounding away at her cum-stuffed quim, while one of the smaller women was sitting on her stomach and sliding her cock between the young Fraal’s shapely breasts. The last she saw her companions weren’t any better off, Samma eyes had partially rolled up and drool was running down her chin but that hadn’t stopped one particularly hung Amazon to roughly plough her ass and Nex still had to deal with multiple partners at once.

But then, as daylight broke and Blair realized they had been here for an entire day, the Amazonian women suddenly screamed and backed off as smoke began to appear around the centre of the city. Then smoke began to appear near Blair and her companions and her eyes fell on a smoke grenade, she didn’t know who had come for them but they were being rescued. Not knowing just what was happening the Amazonian aliens screamed and backed away, luckily letting Blair and Nex, as well as the barely conscious Samma, go. As soon as they left figures dressed in military uniforms appeared and helped everyone up, before they quickly escaped the city and returned to Nex Starshine’s ship, The Silver Shafter, the stealth field around it having been shut off while a smaller, military vessel stood parked close to it.

‘W-what happened, who are you?’ Blair asked, too tired to bother covering her nudity.

‘We are the soldiers stationed at the military base Nestron that is orbiting this planet, normally we are supposed to keep people out and not interfere any further with the planet,’ the young soldier carrying Blair explained. ‘But the deal was that Miss Samma over there was supposed to check in with us every 8 hours or so, when she didn’t and the wait became longer and longer he realized that something must have gone wrong and mounted a rescue mission.’

‘Ho-how did you find us?’ Blair asked groggily.

‘Those stealth field generators you were using? Miss Samma got them from us,’ he replied. ‘There is a small tracker inside each of them which we switched on as we came here, two of them were broken so we just hoped you were all still together and thankfully you were.’ He explained with a relieved grin.

‘Oh…’ was Blair’s only reply, before she gave into her fatigue and let sleep claim her.

* * * *

When she woke up again Blair found herself on the orbiting base Nestron, lying on a soft bed in a sterile white room. She heard some muffled arguing in the distance before the door to her room hissed open and someone stomped inside, going from the angered grunts that the person released Blair figured out that it was Samma. ‘Of all the stupid…’ she hissed to herself.

‘What’s wrong?’ Blair asked groggily as she sat up.

‘The damn commander doesn’t want to allow us to return to the planet, despite the fact that the document is still valid.’ Samma grumbled as she folded her arms underneath her heavy breasts, which were only covered by the thin hospital gown she wore.

‘True, you did lose all your research…I’m sorry.’ Blair replied, the only thing they men of base Nestron had managed to grab along with the three women were Nex’s suit and belt as well as Blair’s helmet. Samma’s things were unfortunately lost.

‘Oh don’t worry, all the files saved on my tablet are safely in the cloud right now and will appear on my desktop in a few days,’ the older Fraal replied, waving away Blair’s concerns. ‘It’s just…we haven’t even scratched the surface of what Sechs is hiding!’ she said excitedly.

‘Well, the permit is still good for now,’ Blair started, without really thinking. ‘Why don’t we grab the Xyli’s ship and just go exploring on her own.’ She replied with a lazy shrug.

‘I would, but that “Jack-of-all-Trades” is nowhere to be found,’ Samma grumbled. ‘I think she’s on this base somewhere testing that new dick of hers.’ She added.

In response to that Blair lifted her blanket and shrieked as she saw that, yes, she was still packing a penis. ‘W-w-why haven’t they gotten rid of this yet?’ the younger Fraal stammered.

‘Because the doctor doesn’t know what sort of weird side-effects there will be if she started tampering with it now, seeing as the substance those women on Sechs used is unknown to them,’ Samma explained. ‘But at least it’s temporary, it should be gone in a few days.’

‘Days!?’ Blair yelled in turn. She would have continued, but shut her mouth when the doors of the med bay hissed open again and a small, blue woman with a dopey smile on her face came stumbling in.

‘Hey ladies, what’s going on?’ Nex asked, still smiling.

Samma and Blair shared a look; although she was the one that had suggested the idea of going back to Sechs she wasn’t so sure now. But the older Fraal seemed ready to go.

‘Uhm…what’s going on?’ Nex asked again, a little more serious as tension suddenly filled the room…


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