Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] UNABU - Operation: Futa - Chapter 2

A direct follow-up to the first chapter, Natalie and her squad are about to meet with Lady Syn the owner of Club Futa to ask her about the location of the Prin they have been hunting.
Commissioned by Liralii


Once her squad reached the bottom of the staircase Natalie laid her hand on the door handle while she felt Fatima and Natasha tensing up behind her, ready for a fight. Penny’s mind still seemed to be clouded by lust, so the private stood around casually not noticing the nerves of her squad mates. Natalie nodded at the other alert women and slowly pushed the door open, only to be introduced to a pleasant looking waiting room with screens hanging from the walls and comfortable looking chairs and couches. It seemed empty, but as Natalie stepped into the room someone pressed up against her.

‘Hmmm…’ A smoky voice purred into the Master Sergeant’s ear as to big, soft breasts pressed against her side while something hard poked against her leg. Her skin felt…cool. ‘Miri mentioned there were some UNABU skanks looking for the boss, but she neglected to say how sexy you all were.’ To punctuate her sentence the stranger licked Natalie’s face clean of any leftover droplets of Fatima’s cum with a long, thick pierced tongue.

Fatima’s muscled arm shot over Natalie’s shoulder to punch the stranger, but she hit only air. Now standing in the centre of the waiting room stood the person who was previously squeezed up against the UNABU soldier, she had moved faster than humans should have been capable of. ‘Prin!’ Natalie hissed.

‘Bingo!’ the Prin said with a warm smile. ‘You’re very observant, lady. I can see why you got the job.’

Natalie said nothing and the room fell quiet as she and her squad observed the Prin. She could have passed for a human girl with a bio-attachment if she hadn’t shown her reflexes and speed, a human with features that were a little out of place perhaps. But in this day and age having humans trying to stand out to compete with Prins wasn’t that uncommon. Her skin was a beautiful, creamy white colour only slightly darker than her pale, ivory hair which was slightly unkempt but held in a pixie hairdo. Perhaps the most obvious thing about her were her eyes, her left eye was brown, but a faint, silver-blue line appeared at the edges making it look like a halo surrounded it. Her right eye meanwhile was entirely blue, the same pale, silver-blue colour as the halo surrounding her left eye. The Prin’s plush, purple lips tugged up in another friendly smile, revealing two long, pointed fangs.

‘A vampire Prin,’ Natalie grumbled. ‘I really don’t like your kind.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ the vampire Prin replied with an exaggerated pout. ‘Is there anything I can do to change your mind?’ she added with a wicked grin as she pressed her hands against her chest and slowly slithered them down her own body.

For a moment Natalie felt something inside her stir and her member twitched slightly, but she shook her head to snap out of it. The Master Sergeant didn’t like to admit it, especially because the woman was a Prin, but the pale vampire Prin was a beauty. She was wearing a schoolgirl outfit, one you would most likely see appear in a porn movie. The white blouse was tied up above the Prin’s belly button, revealing a lot of pale, lovely cleavage, and the cloth was almost see-through! Which gave Natalie a good view at the Prin’s pretty pink nipples. Natalie’s tits were still larger than those of the vampire, but those of the Prin were shapely and seemed to defy gravity. Natalie and her squad followed those hands as they stroked over the Prin’s flat stomach and slender waist and they looked curiously at the pierced bellybutton and the strange tattoo on her side that went down to her thigh, her schoolgirl skirt was short. So short that it would be sooner qualified as a belt.

…it didn’t hid one bit of the Prin’s fat, stiff cock. It was a foot long and peeked out proudly from underneath her skirt, a tacky rope of precum hanging from the tip. Her big, lemon-sized balls weren’t exactly hidden either from the way she stood. The Prin raised a curious eyebrows and licked her lips with that fat tongue again, it was almost the same size as her cock…or was it longer? Natalie briefly wondered how it would feel to have that tongue slithering into her womb and doing things no dick could do. Apparently the Prin noticed her distraction as she jumped towards the Master Servant as fast as her stocking clad legs would allow.

‘Jenner, get down!’ Natasha shouted in a faintly accented voice.

Natalie quickly did as the Russian said and felt Natasha’s slender, graceful leg wooshing over her head to hit the Prin in the side. The vampire landed silently, not bothered by the kick, but quickly danced out of the way when Fatima stepped up to her throwing a punch at her jaw. She seemed to dodge it with ease while she watched the only person in the room that wasn’t trying to fight her. Penny Andrews, the private was still bottomless and her erection was clear for anyone to see, she watched the pale woman lustfully. The Prin smiled and quickly ran up to her, only to be tackled by Natalie.

‘Go ahead, UNABU! I like it rough!’ she growled hungrily, and Natalie felt the Prin’s cock twitch between her buttocks.

‘I have a toy that can give you just what you need then.’ Natalie said coldly as she snatched a slender black Taser from one of her thigh-high socks and pressed the trigger.

The Prin’s body jerked and writhed wildly underneath her and Natalie smiled as her eyes rolled back. What she didn’t expect was the pleasurable squeal that left the Prin’s mouth, neither did she think the vampire would achieve orgasm. Yet she still felt the Prin’s monstrous cock swell between her buttocks before thick, long jets of semen blasted from the distended cumslit. It splattered against Natalie’s back while it hit the legs of Natasha who stood to the side, Penny giggled as her top and stomach got soaked in a hot blast while some of the white gunk splattered over Fatima’s arms. Another volley of seed blasted from the Prin’s cock as she bucked her hips in the air, most of her semen rained down on her own body, but several other ropes ended up staining the floor below her or the ceiling above.

‘…I did not expect that,’ Natalie said after the Prin’s orgasm came to an end and she finally passed out with a happy gurgle. The floor and walls, even a small patch of the ceiling! It was all covered in ropes of molasses thick Prin jizz. ‘She sure came a lot.’

‘What should we do with her?’ Fatima asked as she shook her arm, trying to get as much of the white goop off of it as she could.

‘UNABU’s science department said this thing would shut down a Prin’s body for 24 hours,’ Natalie grumbled as she stared at the Taser. ‘It should have worked like any other Taser, the manual certainly didn’t cover this,’ she explained as she pointed at the mess the vampire Prin’s cumshot had left behind. ‘Let’s tie her up just in case.’

‘With what?’ Natasha asked as she gestured at their clothes. ‘These clothes don’t exactly let me hide any handcuffs or rope, hell we weren’t even allowed to bring any equipment. But you obviously didn’t listen to that.’

‘That’s a good thing too, we wouldn’t have lasted long against this Prin without a weapon,’ Natalie said as she got to her feet with an angry glare. ‘Shame it only has one charge.’ She added with a scowl as she tossed it away.

‘Why don’t we use the thigh-high socks Sergeant Jenner and the Prin are wearing?’ Fatima suggested. ‘It isn’t much, but it should hold her until we are finished with this Lady Syn.’ She added.

Natalie nodded, ‘Sounds like a plan, Fatima. Take off her socks and I’ll take off mine.’ She said as she took off her shoes and slowly rolled the striped socks down her legs until they were completely off. After that she helped Fatima and Natasha tie up the vampire Prin as best as they could, all while Penny scooped up small handfuls of the Prin’s jizz and eagerly gobbled it up.

‘Do you think it will hold her?’ Fatima asked.

‘No time to worry about that now,’ Natalie sighed. ‘Talking to Lady Syn and finding more information on this dangerous Prin that has sent many too the hospital is our top-priority right now.’ She said as she walked to the unopened door. Fatima sighed, but reluctantly followed her. Natasha was right behind her, dragging Penny along.

Natalie looked at the tied up, unconscious Prin one last time. Then, with a nod towards her squad, she opened the door.

As the door creaked open a spacious office came into view. Despite it being underground it was quite luxurious, the back wall was made up of a large screen showing a starry sky while the other walls were painted a simple black and decorated with posters promoting the club and shelves filled with books, several comfortable chairs were placed before a big, mahogany desk. A desk occupied by a beautiful woman that looked up from her work with a bored expression.

‘What a bother…’ she sighed. ‘Normally Ell is able to take care of troublemakers, UNABU or not,’ she muttered, more to herself than to Natalie and her squad. ‘Well, I can’t exactly go anywhere and my bodyguard has been defeated, so what do you want of me?’ she asked as she curiously eyed the Prin cum that was clinging to the bodies of all the women.

‘Information,’ Natalie said as she stepped into the office, her squad mates following close behind her.

‘About what?’ Lady Syn asked.

Stepping closer Natalie noticed that the woman was older than she thought, her skin was a golden brown which, along with her almond-shaped and canted eyes, made the Master Sergeant suspicious that she was at least part Asian. Lady Syn’s inky black hair was pulled back in a bun and held in place with chopsticks, it was streaked with white but Natalie wasn’t certain if it was dyed that way or if it had something to do with the woman’s age. Lady Syn did seem to have a maturity to her features, much like her XO Caitlin Callahan. But while Officer Callahan’s features were soft and rounded, Lady Syn looked severe. Her jawline was slender and sharp and the woman was blessed with a slightly pointed chin as well, her cheekbones were thin and well defined. Her face reminded Natalie of that of a powerful empress, but she felt something stir inside of her and her member began to rise. Luckily the Master Sergeant managed to clear her head before she jumped over the desk to fuck the woman’s brains out.

‘Th-there…’ Natalie stammered. Then she took a deep breath and continued more confidently. ‘There have been attacks in this area, mostly men. Some have been kidnapped and haven’t been seen again, others were left as if they were drained. Thin and weak along with genitalia a lot larger than before,’ The Master Sergeant said, trying not to blush. ‘There have been rumours floating around that it was a Prin that caused this, and that you know more about it.’

‘Oh, you mean Cecilia?’ Lady Syn replied offhandedly. ‘She swings by on occasion, yes.’

‘Do you know where here lair is?’ Natalie asked, although it sounded more like a demand. ‘This Cecilia has hurt a lot of people and UNABU would like to know why.’

‘And what do I get in return for giving you this information?’ Lady Syn asked, she still looked bored but a dangerous edge had crept into her voice.

‘The satisfaction of locking away a dangerous Prin! Shouldn’t that be enough!?’ Natasha suddenly shouted from behind her. The Russian’s jaw was set and beads of sweat had formed on her forehead. Actually, all of Natalie’s squad mates looked agitated…and all of them were sporting throbbing erections.

‘Not for me, dear,’ Lady Syn replied. ‘I have to manage this club, so money is important. Plus, Cecilia is the only one that can really pleasure me…’ she added with a soft sigh.

‘I-if we can pleasure you,’ Penny stammered. ‘Will you tell me where the Prin is hiding?’

‘Now that,’ Lady Syn replied, rising from behind her desk. ‘Is an interesting offer. Tell me, did Ell blast you with her spunk by any chance?’

‘Maybe, why do you ask?’ Natalie growled.

‘Ell’s cum contains A-4-D-C-AK, it’s quite a powerful aphrodisiac. I’m impressed the four of you managed to get in here without screwing each other like bunnies in the waiting room.’ She purred as she stepped closer to Natalie.

Only now did the Master Sergeant notice Lady Syn’s attire, the woman was dressed in a black, strapless evening gown that hugged her figure tightly. Her bust was almost as big as Natalie’s and jiggled slightly, the hemline had a long slit running all the way up to her hips, revealing a lot of leg. Along with something else. Natalie’s mouth suddenly felt very dry when she spotted a fat, semi-erect cock that already looked bigger than Fatima’s and unlike the dark-skinned woman Lady Syn was blessed with two fat, apple-sized balls. With a knowing smile Lady Syn stopped in front of Natalie and raised an eyebrow. ‘Well, do it. Please me.’ She commanded.

Natalie wanted to protest, but her mouth still felt so dry and the woman’s monstrous pole looked so tasty…No! She had to fight the aphrodisiac, if she didn’t she’d turn into a drooling slut who couldn’t focus on anything but getting her holes stuffed with cum as soon as someone whipped his dick out. Penny, however, seemed to have no such worries and quickly pushed her Master Sergeant aside to get her hands on the older woman’s massive member. Lady Syn released a pleased coo as Penny’s small hands began squeezing and jerking her monstercock and it began to rise.

Despite the fact that the older woman’s prick had been semi-erect only moments before it still took a long time before it was fully erect, but Penny watched the throbbing pillar of cockmeat rise with wide, lustful eyes as it casted a shadow over her facial features. Natalie was lied on the floor a few inches away with an open mouth, while Fatima and Natasha both stood a little away from the spectacle. Unsure about what they should they.

‘I-I’m sorry Sarge.’ Fatima eventually said with an apologetic look as she approached Lady Syn and slid behind her.

‘Usually I enjoy doing the fucking more than getting fucked,’ Lady Syn sighed. ‘But I guess I’d make an exception for you.’

Even if she hadn’t given her permission, Fatima still would have fucked the older woman. Seemingly without effort the dark-skinned woman tore off the hemline of Lady Syn’s dress, revealing her massive cock in all her glory. But more importantly for Fatima, it revealed her ass. Lady Syn wore no underwear so Fatima could ogle the older woman’s big, bare ass. Her buttocks had the same tanned, golden brown skin as the rest of her skin and stood firm as they ballooned outwards. With a grunt the powerful UNABU soldier grabbed Lady Syn’s asscheeks in her large, but feminine, hands and squeezed them roughly before pulling them apart to reveal a tight-looking pink pucker. With a lustful grunt Fatima pressed her fat, domed cockhead against the older woman’s anus and began pushing her hips forwards, causing Lady Syn to release a soft squeak as her ring of muscles stretched around the girth of Fatima’s shaft.

‘Y-you!’ Lady Syn hissed at Penny as a blush crept up her cheeks. ‘What are you waiting for!?’ She asked as her now completely erect cock twitched with every inch of cockmeat that slid up her ass.

Penny wasn’t actually waiting for something, she was staring in awe with her arms limply held at her sides. The older woman’s member looked like it was two or three inches longer than Fatima’s monstercock and just as thick, with long, pulsing veins crisscrossing the surface. Unfortunately, Lady Syn wasn’t in too patient a mood. Thick strings of precum had already started to flow from her distended cumslit, so she decided to take advantage of the Private’s opened mouth. With a groan she used one hand to grab Penny’s hair and wrapped the other one around her shaft, before eagerly pushing the crown of her member past the young woman’s lips and into her mouth.

As this happened Penny finally took the hint and did her best to relax her throat as she pushed her head forwards, gagging loudly as the monstrous pole slid down her throat. Although the Private had been with some Prins in the past, she wasn’t quite used to the size of Lady Syn’s member. So after six or so inches had disappeared down her, now bulging, throat tears of effort began to stream down her face while she coughed up wads of spit. The older woman cared very little for the brunette’s comfort however and simply grabbed the sides of Penny’s head and pulled her closer to her groin. Although the younger woman struggled and gagged and coughed, she didn’t really fight Lady Syn. In fact, Natalie noticed how Penny had grabbed her own stiff prick and was jerking it furiously.

‘Her libido has really gotten out of control…’ Natalie said to herself while shaking her head, but at the same time she didn’t trust herself to get up and stop Penny and the older woman.

Natalie’s musings were interrupted by a particularly loud, vicious gag from Private Andrews and her head snapped back in the direction of Penny and Lady Syn. ‘Only ten inches?’ the older woman sighed. ‘How disappointing.’ She rumbled while looking down at the petite brunette.

Penny’s eyes had rolled back to show only the whites and her cheeks were streaked with tears. The poor girl’s throat was bulging obscenely and she breathed loudly through her nose, but her hand never stopped stroking her cock. She released a desperate, disappointed moan as Lady Syn began pulling her hips back, but as soon as the fat cockhead escaped her lips with a pop she squealed. Abruptly the Private’s hand stopped moving and Natalie noticed thick strings of cum jetting from her cumslit to splatter against the feet and legs of the older woman.

‘You came just from that? Pathetic,’ Lady Syn snorted. Then she pointed at Natasha, the only one aside from Natalie that hadn’t gotten swept up by the lust the A-4-D-C-AK aphrodisiac had brought. ‘Come over here and pleasure me.’

Fortunately for Natasha, Fatima wasn’t done with the older woman yet. ‘Oh no, you stay right there!’ the dark-skinned Amazon growled as she looked at the Russian with wild lust in her eyes. ‘I’m not done with her yet!’

‘How dare y-.’ Lady Syn started, but before she could finished Fatima turned around to face the desk and, since she was impaled on the powerful woman’s pole, she made the older woman with her.

With a snarl Fatima pushed Lady Syn’s upper body onto the top of her desk while her big, heart-shaped ass was stuck up into the air. Papers, pens and several other knickknacks lying on the desk were scattered around as she the older woman was pushed down. She glared, but couldn’t do much more than that since the strong arm of Fatima held her in place. Lady Syn’s glare abruptly turned into a look of surprise as Fatima brutally rammed her hips forwards, causing the dark-skinned soldier’s member to be pounded deep into her guts.

‘So deep!’ Lady Syn shrieked, her stoic mask cracking even further.

‘Wh-what do you know about the Prin Cecilia’s hideout!’ Natalie demanded as she finally climbed to her feet.

‘Ha! I’m not going to tell you, UNABU scu-Ooooooo!’ Her curse turned into a wail of pleasure as Fatima brutally slammed her hips forwards again, causing several welters of precum to shoot from Lady Syn’s shaft to splatter against her expensive-looking desk.

‘Answer the question.’ Fatima said in a dangerous tone of voice as she pushed her hips forwards again.

‘Haaa….’ Lady Syn sighed. ‘Not yet!’ She answered, directing a snarl over her shoulder at the Amazonian woman.

‘If you’re not going to use your mouth for talking,’ Natasha said, the Russian had rushed away from her perch by Natalie and now sat on the desk. Her nipples threatened to tear through the top she wore and her erect prick peeked up past the hemline of her skirt. ‘Then you should use it for something else!’

With that the blonde violently grabbed Lady Syn’s head and pushed her down on her erect cock. The older woman released a muffled moan as her throat was suddenly packed with the Russian’s cock, but she didn’t struggle as Natasha roughly began to push and pull her head along her erect shaft. Her black hair fell out of her bun to cover her face and back and she hoped no one would see her lustful expression as the two strong woman used her like nothing more than a masturbation aid. Another surprised, muffled moan left Lady Syn’s throat when she felt something warm and wet enveloping her cockhead.

From Natalie’s perspective she could see that Penny was the culprit. The young Private was lying on her back with her head slightly raised to pop the crown of Lady Syn’s monstercock into her mouth, while she furiously stroked her own member. Natalie watched it all desperately, was she the only one fighting this damn aphrodisiac that was messing with her libido? Fatima was pumping her powerful hips back and forth that her hips became a blur while sweat dripped down her beautiful dark skin and powerful muscles. Meanwhile Natasha was sitting on Lady Syn’s desk with her legs spread wide as she hammered the older woman’s head down on her shaft to violate her throat. Should she leave the room and wait until they were finished to question Lady Syn?

But then, Fatima said, ‘Hey Sarge, we’ve got room for one more.’ While shaking her big, muscular behind and Natalie could no longer fight it.

With a grunt the Master Sergeant slipped behind Fatima and grabbed her rock-hard buns while lining up her member with the dark-skinned soldier’s dripping gash. As soon as Fatima pulled her hips back, Natalie’s dick sank into her quivering cunny. The Amazonian woman moaned and briefly stopped her brutal pace, only to have Natalie smack one of her big, powerful buttocks. ‘No slacking off, soldier!’ she growled as she started to move her own hips.

‘S-sorry ma’am!’ Fatima groaned as she began to move again.

Natalie briefly forgot about the mission and set about enjoying herself for once, she groaned and sighed in delight as Fatima’s pink, slippery pussy coiled around her member. No more words were spoken and the only noises that were heard were the ones of flesh hitting flesh and loud, wet sucking sounds as cocks were pulled out of, or pushed into, tight, slippery holes along with grunts from Natalie, Fatima and Natasha followed by a muffled moan from Penny or Lady Syn. But unfortunately for Natalie, who had just joined the fun, it had to cum to an end.

‘Oh God…cumming!’ Fatima babbled as she rammed her member into Lady Syn’s ass to the root.

As she felt hot, slimy ropes of seed spraying deep into her bowels and splattering against the walls of her twitching anal tunnel, Lady Syn squealed around Natasha’s prick. Her squeal shot vibrations up the Russian’s shaft and with a moan she hit her climax as well, shooting her sticky, salty load down the older woman’s gullet which she gratefully swallowed.  While Fatima was climaxing her snatch was also clenching around Natalie’s member as tight as a silken vice, and simultaneously tried to milk it of her seed. Seed the Master Sergeant was only all too happy to give. With a dark, pleasured groan Natalie allowed hot jets of semen to spray from the tip of her cock to fill Fatima’s snatch. And as she was cumming, so did Lady Syn.

Penny gagged and her cheeks bulged as hot, tacky wads of cum spewed from the older woman’s distended cumslit and straight into her mouth. Fat bulges travelled down her throat as the Private did her best to swallow it all, but Lady Syn’s apple-sized gnads contained more spunk than the poor girl could handle. After a few moments she coughed and gagged as thick strings of sticky jizz sprayed from her nostrils and escaped the corners of her mouth as she kicked her legs in the air and experienced her own orgasm. As ropes of seed sprayed from Penny cock to cover her stomach Lady Syn’s cockhead escaped her mouth with a soft pop, which resulted in the Private getting a facial as the last volley of semen spewed from Lady Syn’s dick.

‘Wi-will you tell us about where this Cecilia is hiding now?’ Natalie gasped as she pressed her head against Fatima’s strong back and held her tight as her member softened.

‘Oh yes…’ Cecilia sighed after Natasha pulled her head back and allowed for her member to escape. ‘There is an abandoned factory not too far from here were she is holed up, it should be pretty recognizable. There are several demonic looking Prins nearby and a large, satanic figure is spray painted on the wall near the entrance.’ She explained.

‘Are we going there now?’ Fatima asked as she began pulling her hips back, causing several large wads of gunk to escape Lady Syn’s stretched anus.

‘Absolutely,’ Natalie growled as she pulled her flaccid cock from Fatima’s pussy. ‘We have gear back in the armoured car and who knows, if we don’t go know this bitch might warn them that we’re coming.’

Lady Syn released a little gasp as Fatima’s domed cockhead escaped her ass with a soft pop and did her best to tighten her now gaping rosebud up again. ‘I probably will, very few people are able to pleasure me like she can,’ She murmured softly. ‘Although you four are a close second.’

Natalie ignored her. ‘Natasha,’ she said to the blonde standing closest to the door. ‘Get that vampire Prin, we can’t have one who has A-4-D-C-AK in their semen running around.’

Now that everyone’s head was a little clearer the Russian nodded and opened the door, only to reveal that Ell had escaped her bindings. Both her body and the two pairs of thigh-high socks were slippery with jizz. ‘Get her!’ Natalie hissed, but the Prin was quicker. She pressed something underneath one of the chairs in the waiting room and a wall slid open.

‘Catch me if you can!’ the vampire shouted, before running through the opening with an excited. ‘Wheeeee!’

Natasha was about to run after her, but the door at the top of the staircase slammed open to reveal the Elf Prin and two tall, musclebound Oni girls. ‘Everybody out!’ Natalie shouted as she left the office with Fatima close behind her, the Amazonian woman had the dazed Penny slung over her shoulder. Seeing no other option all of them ran through the same secret passage Ell had escaped through before the other Prins could capture them.

Once they reached the end of the tunnel they reached the basement of a different, collapsed warehouse. Luckily Ell was nowhere to be seen and the Elf Prin and her two Oni companions didn’t seem to be following them. ‘Callahan is going to have a ball when we return to her looking like this.’ Natalie grumbled.

‘At least we have the information, that’s all that matters, right?’ Fatima asked.

‘True,’ Natalie sighed. ‘Still, I don’t look forward to facing this Cecilia Prin after that Ell girl sprayed us with A-4-D-C-AK jizz. But let’s get back to the car, we have a long night ahead of us…’

* * * *

‘Lady Syn! Are you alright?’ the Elf Prin, Miri, asked as she stepped into the owner’s office, the two Oni Prins that usually acted as bouncers following close behind.

Lady Syn smiled, her dress was ripped and her anus was gaping as hot strings of semen flowed past the abused hole to slither over the back of her thighs. Her face and cleavage had been stained with some of Natasha’s cum, and her monstrous shaft hung flaccid. ‘I’m fine, Miri,’ she sighed. ‘I haven’t felt this good in a while.’

‘But the UNABU soldier, they’ve escaped after they did this to you,’ the Elf Prin hissed. ‘Should I send Akane and Aoi after them?’ she asked.

Both of the Oni Prins were tall, almost as tall as Fatima, and had obvious, bulging muscles. But were also blessed with huge breasts and broad, baby bearing hips. They looked almost identical, the only difference being that Akane’s skin was a bright red while Aoi’s skin was a deep blue. The two of them took care of anyone that dared to make trouble in Club Futa.

‘No, keep them here.’ Lady Syn said after a few moments of silence.

‘But-.’ Miri started.

‘No buts, Miri,’ the older woman said with an annoyed sigh. ‘None of the UNABU soldiers made any troubles for the club, they just came for information to capture a dangerous Prin. That is what they do,’ Lady Syn explained. ‘Also, Ell seems to have decided to take an unannounced vacation, so I need Akane and Aoi here until she gets back.’

‘Understood, ma’am,’ Miri said, but Lady Syn could see that she did not agree with the decision. ‘I will get someone else to take care of any troublemakers upstairs.’

‘Good,’ Lady Syn purred. ‘Also, make sure to get someone to take over your bartending job. Cecilia won’t be coming over anymore, and I need someone to entertain me.’

Miri swallowed audibly and shot the older woman a wary look. ‘Y-yes ma’am.’ She stammered as she rushed upstairs…

To be continued…

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