Saturday 15 December 2018

[GIFT] Truck Trouble

A story starring Alex that I wrote for Dieselbrain's birthday about a year ago.
Contains: M/F, MMM/F, titfuck, size difference, monster boy, orgy, blowjob, excessive cum.

Truck Trouble
‘Ugh, I hate taking the backroads…’ Alex complained as she peered out into the darkness. ‘And this weather definitely isn’t helping!’ She shouted, as if it would make the rain stop.
According to her fellow truckers back in “The Pit” truck stop, this was a shortcut to “Sticky Steve’s Porn Emporium” for who she was currently transporting several pallets worth of ink in the back of her truck. Back then she had decided to simply take their advice, mostly because she wanted to leave that truck stop behind as fast as she possibly could. “The Pit” lived up to its name in that it was a pit, it was the most filthy truck stop Alex had ever stayed in…and there’d been some competition!
Of course, now she regretted her rash actions. The roads were barely big enough for her rig to safely drive on and the few streetlights that dotted the sides of the road were dim to say the least, that, or they were busted… The only good thing about all of this was that Alex didn’t have to share the road with any other cars.
‘Well, at least you’re working fine, baby.’ Alex cooed as she lovingly tapped her steering wheel.
As if on cue, her engine suddenly began to sputter before going silent completely. Alex could only swear as she hit the brakes and steered her rig towards the edge of the road, while grabbing the microphone to her CB radio. Before she could call for assistance the expensive piece of electronica began to spark and smoke, though Alex was certain she could hear someone giggling on the other side before it broke down completely.
‘…Fuck!’ Alex growled as she brought her fist down on the steering wheel. ‘How can this day get any worse!’ Alex asked herself while she glared at her rearview mirror.
Looking back at her was a beautiful blonde with full, soft beestung lips and piercing green eyes. Some men would direct lewd comments her way, only to quickly take them back when the sheepskin bomber jacket came off and her bulging pythons made their appearance. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t get out of this situation by staring angrily at her reflection.
Alex’s stewing in anger was interrupted by a flash of bright light, followed soon by an explosive thunderclap and the blonde swore that she saw something from the corner of her eye. Without a second thought, she looked at the passenger seat. For a moment she would have expected to see a ghost sitting there, it wouldn’t be the first time, but it was just the usual assortment of burger wrappers and empty milkshakes from BEEFERS.
‘I should really clean my cab out when I’m done with this job…’ Alex muttered to herself.
Just as she thought her mind had only been playing tricks on her, lightning flashed again. That’s when she saw it. On the top of a small hill near the road was a colonial mansion. It was hard to see the state it was in through the pouring rain and the lack of light, but if there was someone who could help her. Well, why shouldn’t she risk it?
‘Hell, it wouldn’t be my first haunted house!’ Alex told herself with a confident smirk as she straightened her trucker hat and grabbed a flashlight from the dashboard of her truck.
Now that she was adequately prepared, well… as prepared as she could be anyway, Alex threw open the door of her cabin and jumped out of her rig. Her trusty old combat boots got splattered with mud as soon as her feet touched the ground, while her bomber jacket was almost instantly soaked. With a shudder Alex shut the door of her truck and pulled her jacket’s zipper a little higher, before turning on her flashlight and making her way over to the mansion she had seen from her truck.
Alex quickly found a gravel pathway that led towards the building and nervously followed it. Gravel crunched underneath her heavy boots as she hurried to get inside before she became the victim of a lightning strike. With the kind of luck she had had today, she honestly wouldn’t be all that surprised. As she got closer, however, she saw what she had feared when she had first laid eyes on the house. Its condition… wasn’t great.
Nearly every window had the glass knocked out of its panes, the front door was hanging off its hinges and the left side of the roof seemed to have collapsed. Honestly, the only thing holding it together was probably all the ivy. However, Alex saw a small figure run by the destroyed door. A child, perhaps? It was most likely just her imagination, and if there was someone living here they were probably squatting and probably didn’t pay the phone bill. At this point, though, Alex simply didn’t care. She wanted desperately to get out of this weather.
‘Hello?’ Alex shouted so her voice wouldn’t be drowned out by the wind and rain. ‘I don’t know if anyone’s there, but I’m coming inside! I don’t want any trouble, I just need to take shelter from the rain!’ Alex explained. ‘Oh, and a phone…i-if you got one!’ She added as an afterthought.
When no response came, Alex figured the place was abandoned like she thought and she decided to simply make her way inside. As soon as her feet came over the threshold, her flashlight fizzled out and she swore she could hear the same giggling, just like when her CB radio broke down. Alex simply swore and smacked the thing a couple of times, not that it seemed to have any effect.
‘Oh come on! I know I changed these batteries last week!’ Alex growled in frustration. Without warning the front door, that had just seemed barely attached when Alex walked in, slammed shut and the blonde jumped in fright. ‘I really should have seen that coming, shouldn’t I?’ Alex whispered to herself as she waited for her heart to stop pounding so frantically.
Unfortunately for Alex, there would be no time for that. Lightning struck once again, close to the house this time, and lit up the hallway she was standing in to reveal three small figures. All three of them screeched and stuck their tongues out at her, or made other faces, before giggling maniacally and running deeper into the house. Even though their attempts at scaring her were juvenile, Alex had to admit they proved effective seeing as she shrieked like an actress and ran into the closest room.
‘What the hell were those things?’ Alex whispered to herself as she grasped her chest.
Despite the fact that her clothes were still soaked by the rain, the scare she had just experienced made Alex’s body feel warm and her garments constrictive. So with a grunt, she started unzipping her jacket. After her zipper had been pulled down past a certain point her huge breasts came spilling out into the open. Her black tank top was nearly as wet as her jacket, and clung to the curves of her impressive bust while her nipples threatened to poke through the fabric thanks to the chill.
Only then did Alex realize she wasn’t alone. Apparently, in her fright, she had ran into the same room as one of the small figures. So now there she was, alone with a monster who appeared to be hungrily sizing her up. Suddenly, her flashlight seemed to return to live and shone on the monstrous figure to reveal… a cute demon?
Staring up at Alex was what she could only assume was an imp. She based her assumption on the fact that it was clearly demonic, what with its smooth, deep red skin and the matching small red horns that peeked out from its mop of wild black hair. His eyes were a featureless black that reflected the light of her flashlight, but otherwise it looked surprisingly human with its small nose and, slightly full, dark red lips. Secondly, she knew it was an imp because the small creature’s head just barely came above her knee.
What did surprise Alex was the disproportionately large dick between the imp’s legs, his androgynous face and rather slender build had made Alex think she had just run into a female of the species. But this imp was very clearly male, and obviously attracted to her. At least, if his fattening shaft and the way his eyes were glued Alex’s rising and falling chest were any indication. When she saw that, fear was quickly replaced by lust and the blonde decided to unzip her jacket the rest of the way with a confident smirk.
‘You know, you shouldn’t scare people like that, Red.’ Alex mused as she shrugged out of her jacket, showing of her muscular arms and the arrow-pierced hearts that were tattooed on both of her upper arms. Not that it made Alex’s new friend look up from her massive tits as they were just barely contained in her drenched, black tank top. ‘Still, I can think of a way for you to make it up to me.’ Alex added as she approached the imp.
The short, hung demon Alex had dubbed “Red” attempted to scamper away when he noticed Alex approach, but this time he was not fast enough. Alex dropped to her haunches before him and grabbed his slender buttocks to keep him from running. At first Red struggled and tried to worm out of Alex’s vice-like grip on his buttocks, but he quickly stopped when he noticed that his shaft was poking against something soft.
‘Here, let me help you with that.’ Alex chuckled before she grabbed the imp’s tail with one hand and wrapped the other around Red’s shaft. ‘Here, you’ll like this!’ She teased as she raised her body a few inches before shoving the imp’s fat, surprisingly hot, cock into the bottom of her tank top. When Alex lowered her body again, Red’s shaft slid into her deep, soft cleavage.
Within seconds, Red began to thrust his hips back and forth without any input from the blonde. It almost made Alex forget that the short demon had tried to scamper away only a few moments ago, now however she doubted he’d try it again. So Alex simply released Red’s tail, and instead pushed her huge, heavy breasts together around the imp’s hot prick. He released a soft hiss of pleasure in response to having his dick stuffed between so much soft boobflesh, and the drops of rain that still clung to Alex’s skin soon mixed with the hellishly warm precum that had started to leak from Red’s cumslit.
‘Ah…that’s nice!’ Alex cooed as the chill she’d felt ever since she stepped out of her truck was now replaced by the pleasant sensation of Red’s hot precum coating her huge boobs. One downside was that it began to seep into her tanktop, most likely because the tight grip she had on her chest made it all to pool up in her cleavage before spilling over the soft globes. Which included the garment.
Alex hoped she had a chance to take her top off, many a tank top had been ruined like this before, after all. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t think there was going to be any chance of convincing Red to take a break now. The imp had laid its small hands on Alex’s broad shoulders and she could feel his black claws dig into her muscles as he continued to eagerly ram his small body into her tits. Alex could feel his balls brushing over her belly and smacking against the underside of her tits, while his pre-leaking dick was throbbing powerfully against the sides of her massive knockers.
‘Well, guess this another tank top that I can throw in the garbage…’ Alex muttered, more to herself than to Red. ‘It’s a good thing I buy these things in bulk.’ She added with a little half-grin on her face.
As soon as Alex finished her sentence, Red released a dark little groan and hot jets of his white, viscous seed blasted from his prick with enough force that one of the ropes smacked against Alex’s chin, while the rest ran down her neck. Meanwhile, her black tank top slowly turned white as the imp’s cum seemed to be squeezed out of her cleavage like syrup from a bottle, slowly running over her impressive chest and the black fabric that did it best to contain it. When the imp finally stumbled backwards, and allowed his prick to slip from Alex’s cleavage, the top half of the blonde’s torso was coated in his slimy spunk.
‘Huh,’ Alex grunted. ‘For such a little man you sure made a big mess.’ She added as first took her trucker hat off, before pulling her cumdrenched tank top. It hit the filthy floor with an impressive loud, wet *SPLAT!* as Alex carelessly tossed it aside before fastening her cap onto her head again. But that was also when she became aware of another sound.
Footsteps were rapidly approaching her and Red, and the flashlight, which had rolled towards the centre of the room, began to flicker. Moments later, two more imps stepped into the room. One had green skin, and looked quite similar to Red. The only difference being that his features were sharper and more pinched, giving him a sort of weasley or rat-like appearance. Green also had a short white mohawk that grew between a pair of thick black horns that spanned the distance from his forehead to the back of his skull.
Next to Green stood what Alex imagined when you spoke of imp. It was a demonic figure with yellow skin, a little taller than Red and Green. It was completely bald and had brown, ram-like horns that curled underneath pointed ears. In the centre of his pitch black eyes were two small red slits that acted as pupils, and instead of a nose he simply he had two small, slitted nostrils. Like a snake. Yellow was also built more solidly than his friends. Although nothing compared to Alex, his shoulders were broad and his arms thick. This imp also seemed to have a bit of a gut, but it mostly seemed to be muscle and Alex didn’t miss the long, fat cock that peeked out from underneath it.
‘Here to join the fun?’ Alex asked the two newcomers nonchalantly while she jiggled her massive tits for their benefit.
Both Yellow and Green watched from the doorway as Alex’s mountainous mammaries swung back and forth, ropes of cum and precum hanging from her hard pink nipples and stretched out longer and longer before the strands snapped and fell onto the filthy floor, joining the rest of the mess. Like their buddy, the two imps definitely seemed to enjoy the sight of the blonde’s funbags, since Alex didn’t miss how their pricks seemed to stir against their legs before rising up.
Then, before Alex knew it, both Yellow and Green where upon her. The suddenness of their approach made the blonde lose her balance, and before she knew it she was lying on the floor and trying not to think about the centuries of filth that had accumulated there. Red grabbed her right boob with both hands and lifted it as high as he could, before shoving his erection underneath it. Green followed his example with Alex’s left boob, and just like that both imps were using the undersides of her huge, soft breasts to get themselves off.
Yellow seemed to want something else from the blonde, however. Alex could feel someone tugging on the ponytail that stuck out from the back from her trucker cap, and when she glanced up she found the biggest of the three imps holding her hair in one hand and his impressive shaft in the other. Alex didn’t have to guess what he wanted her to do, which made his hint of rubbing his cockhead over her plush, bee-stung lips completely unnecessary. Without hesitation, Alex opened her mouth and allowed Yellow to have his way with her throat.
Just like Red and Green’s shafts, Yellow had a dick that was far hotter than that of any human and the strange sensation of having it slide down her throat made Alex sputter. Not that it made Yellow slow down in the least. It didn’t matter to Alex, she had handled all sorts of creatures far bigger than this imp. Even as her throat started to bulge outwards slightly, she did not gag or hesitate. Instead, she simply glared up at the big imp with her piercing green eyes before his large testicles obscured them from view. As if to tell him that she had won this round.
Whether Yellow had gotten this message or not was unclear. But when his balls dragged over Alex’s face, and he had pushed his shaft as far down her throat as he could, he began to move. Yellow began slow, eying Alex’s bulging throat and the way it moved whenever he slid his hips back and forth. But his excitement and the urge to get off grew quickly as he watched his two friends. Green was still holding onto Alex’s left tit and had placed one clawed foot on her powerful stomach as he rapidly moved his hips. Opposite of him was Red, who seemed to still be tired from the first titfuck he had received as he moved his body slowly and gently while tugging on the blonde’s hard, pink nipple. And, of course, all three of the imp’s cocks were practically drooling precum as all of this went on.
There was so much of it, in fact, that Alex was no longer completely sure if her body felt hot due to the large amounts of hot, slimy precum Yellow was depositing in her stomach. Or that it was because she was practically bathing in the silvery fluid thanks to the way in which Red and Green used her tits. Even her jeans started to collect stains now!
In the end, Alex didn’t know how long she had been lying on that filthy floor, servicing a trio of large imp cocks. But after a while, she did become aware of the fact that the rain outside seemed to have stopped. Just as this realization hit her, however, the three impish pranksters appeared to be ready to subject her to a different kind of rain. When both Red and Green were close they decided to stand atop of Alex’s flat, fit belly and began to stroke their disproportionately large dicks. When Yellow noticed this, he released the blonde’s ponytail and took enough steps backwards to extract his, now saliva coated, cock from Alex’s throat before he decided to follow the example of his companions.
Alex was no fool, if anything she was something of an expert on taking monstrous loads, so she decided to simply shut her eyes. Apparently just in time too, because about two seconds later she felt the unnaturally hot cum of all three imps splattered onto her face. Her left eye was practically glued shut by the heavy lump of jizz that had landed there, and some of her hair was no doubt sticking to her face as well. Of course, that was far from the end of it…
Alex almost wished she hadn’t put her cap back on after pulling her tank top over her head, because she could almost imagine the state it was in. Yet, the aim of all three imps seemed to be excellent because she felt more of their syrup-like spunk rain down on her face or splatter against her impressive knockers than her clothes. It seemed as if the little guys simply couldn’t get enough of her tits! By the end of it, she managed to squeeze one eye open and assess the damage that had been done to her.
She could taste the thick layer of cum that had coated her plush lips, and it was still impossible for her to open her left eye with the amount of semen that was stuck on her eyelid. Dangling from her chin were enough ropes of the stuff to make it appear like some kind of funky goatee, that almost immediately spilled out to join the mess of cum that was clinging to her neck, resembling something akin to a pearl necklace. Most impressive of all, though, had to be the state of her cumblasted tits. It just looked like she had exchanged her black tank top for a, faintly see through, white one.
‘Damn, boys…’ Alex croaked. ‘You sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself.
As a response, the imps began to disappear into clouds of black smoke. Red, who looked the most exhausted, went first. Green disappeared after him and Yellow was the last to disappear. Alex could only yelp in surprise as she scooted backwards over the filthy floor in the direction of her flashlight, which was now no longer flickering, and shone it around the room as if trying to find where the imps had disappeared to. But all she saw were the flecks of cum she had left behind on the floor in her panic.
‘What the fuck just happened.’ Alex whispered.
‘They simply didn’t have the strength to stay any longer, I’m afraid.’ A raspy, slightly nasally voice replied. Right by her ear.
Alex squealed and spun around as fast as she could in her current position…and saw another imp.
This one was blue and the shortest of the three…and also the oddest looking. He had thick, ridged brown horns grow from his head, each taking on a kind of crescent shape and pointing towards each other. The blue imp’s facial features were similar to Yellow, but flatter and somehow even more snake-like. He even had similar irises, only his were a bright orange. In terms of build, he was perhaps even skinnier than Green but with slightly larger hands and feet, both tipped with black claws.
The oddest thing about him had to be the fact that he had a sense of modesty, the others hadn’t bothered to put on a loincloth like this one. He was also carrying a heavy, old-looking brown book with weathered yellow pages.
‘Boo!’ He joked, showing sharp, triangular teeth.
‘What are you talking about?!’ Alex shouted rising to her full height, fear now replaced with anger as she was annoyed with herself due to getting scared by another one of these small creatures.
‘Eh, we’re imps!’ The blue imp said in a bored tone of voice and a shrug of his skinny shoulders. ‘Every half-baked wizard’s apprentice can summon us. Hell, sometimes we just…pop up in places like this one that have a lot of dark magic swirling about. But no master to bind us to their soul, no permanent residence in this plane of existence.’ He explained in a tone of voice that made it sound like he was talking to a child.
‘Dark magic?’ Alex asked with a confused shake of her head.
‘I think all this is above your paygrade, lady.’ The imp mused. ‘You should head back to your rig, with those three jokers gone the hex they placed around this area should be lifted too.’
Alex wanted to ask more questions, but was interrupted by something that sounded like the song of a whale. Only much deeper. Much darker. She wisely decided to take the imp’s word on this not being worth investigating, before she snatched up her jacket and made her way to the exit. She didn’t even bother trying to salvage her cum drenched tank top, instead she simply zipped her jacket all the way up and left the words.
‘Have a nice trip!’ Was shouted at Alex’s back, but she ignored it and decided to just kick down the front door with her heavy combat boots just in case it was still held shut with magic.
‘Nope, nope, nope, nope!’ Alex repeated over and over again as she remembered the haunting song she had heard moments ago while rushing out of the mansion and down the hill. ‘Enough supernatural bullshit for one night!’ She yelled to herself as gravel crunched underneath her boots.
When she finally got back in her rig, which started as promised, Alex took one last glance at the mansion before driving off and swore that she saw some many tentacled thing made of shadows and starlight look back at her through the ruined roof…

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