Thursday 13 December 2018

[GIFT] Mystra visits Mitera

A non-cannon story I wrote for CrimsonInfiltrator about four years ago as a gift. It's about Mystra from The 18 Inch Curse visiting Mitera, the home of his OC Milky.

Contains: dickgrowth, Futa, futa on female, threesome, girl on girl, throatfucking, oral sex, size diference, large insertion, huge breasts, titfuck, lactation, monstergirls.


Mystra visits Mitera

No matter how long she had spent on the road, Mystra doubted she could ever get used to sleeping in a tent, or sleeping alone for that matter. She almost started to miss her days back in the caves, before Rickard found her and he and that Frostlands barbarian raised hell and changed the life of her tribe. At least back then she always had a soft bed, and someone to keep it warm. Nowadays she had to settle for a bedroll to sleep on, and her fingers to try and please her raging libido.

‘How much longer until the next town?’ the goblin grumbled to herself.

It had been a few days since she had last gotten laid, but it felt like years to the short, curvy green priestess. At least she was doing good work; she had received donations from the several men and women she had “convinced” to worship Lady Hyasint, while others promised to build temples in their town. Mystra was no fool and knew that the majority of people just did what she asked of them because she had been naked at the time and promising sex. But if at least one person took it seriously and spread the word, she was happy. Unfortunately those thoughts didn’t make her any less eager for a good, hard dicking.

While Mystra fingered herself the woods were quiet. Aside from the wet sounds of the goblin’s slender digits sinking into her moist, twitching slit, only the sounds of nocturnal animals scurrying about was heard. But the peace of the forest was soon disturbed by a bright light that appeared right in front of the goblin’s cloth tent.

‘By Hyasint’s tits!’ Mystra cursed to herself, abruptly pulling her fingers from her cunt and jumping from her bedroll to squeeze herself as far back into her tent as she could.

But when the strange light didn’t turn out to be a spell to blow her tent apart, or a portal which spawned many-tentacled horrors, the goblin became curious. With her tent lit up well enough Mystra could get dressed. While casting a wary glance at the light outside, the goblin approached her pack, swaying her baby bearing hips seductively despite the fact that no one was watching. From her pack she grabbed a simple purple robe; it wouldn’t show the amount of soft green skin she would have wanted. But at least it wouldn’t be a hassle to put on.

So the goblin pulled the robes over her head, allowing them to cover her soft, juicy breasts. Each of the green globes was slightly bigger than her head, and she normally loved showing them off. Her slim waist and flat belly were covered too, but the bottom of her robes felt a little tight around her broad hips and round, ballooning buttocks.

‘I guess I should take it easy on the blessings of Lady Hyasint for a while…’ Mystra mused in disappointment as she struggled to pull the robes down over her legs.

Once she was dressed Mystra did her best to comb through her long, inky black tresses in an attempt to look presentable. After she was finished she put on a pair of simple, sturdy boots and was about to step out, before looking back at her things. She went back to grab a small bag with a single strap that she slung over one of her shoulders, as well as a small pouch with some potions. When she had everything she needed the goblin took a deep breath, and stepped outside.

As soon as she did she squeaked in surprise and almost jumped back into her tent. Inside the light were…people? It was like she was staring into a pool of water, but she was obviously looking at a large, white temple and people with cow-like features walked around in white robes or red armour. Mystra’s plush, pitch black lips stretched into a smile. She recognized those people, and she realized she had seen this “light” before as well. Of course, it was during the day back then. And had acted like a portal.

Lips still stretched into a smile Mystra pressed a hand against the rippling surface of the portal and, just as she’d suspected, went through it. Taking a deep breath the goblin stepped through it. She gasped sharply once she got to the other side, the trip was short. It hadn’t taken more than two steps, but a snap of cold had coursed through her body and it felt like she had been dunked in ice water. Even her nipples were so stiff they were clearly visible through the thick cloth of her robes. She quickly felt warm again however, and observed her surroundings.

Mystra found herself standing at the foot of a large staircase leading up to the temple while behind her was a large, circular plaza with an orb floating in the centre of it that reflected the surrounding houses and greenery and the blue sky above. The other thing she noticed was that –despite the fact that she had just appeared out of thin air— no one seemed to pay her any mind. The tall, musclebound bullmen guarding the plaza and the foot of the stairs barely glanced at her, while curvy bovine women carelessly shoved her aside as they ascended the stairs.

A temple, huh?’ the goblin mused to herself as she watched the robed women ascending the stairs to the temple. ‘I guess that the place my friend the goddess calls home’

With that observation in mind Mystra followed the other bovine women up the stairs and entered a table through a pair of double doors that were tall and wide enough for a giant to pass through without ducking his head. Mystra suddenly remembered the bull man that was bigger than a house when she had first met the bovine goddess back in her house, he had threatened the crush her underneath his hoof for her lewd talk. But when she entered the grandiose temple she was relieved, and a little disappointed, that he wasn’t here. But neither was her friend.

In fact, all that was in the room were the bovine women that had first shoved Mystra to get up the stairs, talking to a woman whose features seemed to be a strange blend of equine and bovine. They were standing behind a large, stone throne which was placed on a dais that was raised slightly. Behind it was another set of double doors, not as large as those she had just come through, but still big enough for the bovine men and women of the city to pass through comfortably. The woman with the equine and bovine features seemed to be guarding it and was arguing with the taller, curvier bovine women.

‘…like I just said, the time for offerings is over. If you want to I will hand over your gifts to the Goddess Galaxia, but she needs her rest and isn’t seeing anyone.’ The woman guarding the door explained in an exasperated tone of voice.

‘Why are you allowed to see her and not us, Equus?’ One of the bovine women snapped.

‘Because I’m on guard duty for a day, seeing as Tyrtaios,’ the Equus replied, her voice slowly growing louder. ‘So trust me, if you two wish to cause trouble over this, I will do my duty and throw you out.’

‘Then I guess we’ll come back tomorrow.’ One of the bovine women said, and both turned around and swiftly left the temple, clearly annoyed. Once again pushing past Mystra and nearly knocking the goblin over.

Mystra didn’t let it bother her however and approached the double doors behind the stone throne when the two bovine women had left. The woman whose features were a mixture of both equine and bovine, the Equus, watched the two women leave with an annoyed expression on her face. The goblin watched her with interest, her face was definitely a little more animalistic than the bovine females, but she was definitely beautiful with her large, expressive eyes and soft-looking lips. The Equus girl also had something Mystra hadn’t seen on any of the bovine people back in the city, a blue crystal in the centre of her forehead. Mystra wondered what it was for. All she knew it looked pretty against the backdrop of her grey skin. Or maybe it was a thin layer of fur? The goblin wasn’t sure.

After taking in the rest of the Equus features she noticed that, like the bovine people in the city, she had floppy cow ears and bovine horns. But unlike them, her hair colour was a little unnatural. It was a light, violet colour. Of course Mystra’s curious eyes quickly drifted lower. When compared to the bovine women who had been in the temple before, the Equus woman was a little more slender. She still had curves of course, but they looked a little more modest when compared to the cow women with their huge breasts and baby-bearing hips. But at least the guard seemed more willing to show off her body, wearing nothing more than a red, skimpy top that covered her nipples as well as skirt made from leather strips that fell a little past her knees. While her eyes followed the strips of the guard’s skirt, Mystra noticed that the Equus woman’s legs also ended in animalistic hooves, but they looked a little more fit for running than those of the bovine woman.

The rest of her “armour” consisted of a pair of red and gold pauldrons as well as gauntlets and greaves of the same colour scheme. Although none of it really covered much of her shapely body. Still, going from the pale grey staff in her right hand with the blue, circular light coming from the top Mystra knew the guard would be able to handle herself.

‘Can I help you? The Equus asked. Apparently Mystra had finally been noticed.

‘Yes, I need to see your Goddess Galaxia.’ The goblin replied while putting her hands on her hips.

The Equus released an annoyed sigh in response. ‘I’m sorry, but she’s not seeing anyone. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.’

‘I would. Except due to some crazy magic portal I’m stuck in this city. So since I highly suspect she has something to do with it, I might as well spend my time with your goddess until she sends me back home.’ Mystra replied with a grin.

‘The answer is still “no”,’ the Equus replied while she tightened her grip on her staff. ‘Now leave.’

‘Could you not even go inside and tell her someone named Mystra is here? We shared quite the memorable day together in an inn together a few months ago.’ Mystra asked, one hand creeping closer to the bag resting against her hip.

The Equus woman decided to answer her with a flat, ‘No.’ while glaring down at the goblin.

Mystra sighed in response. ‘It’s a shame we couldn’t come to an understanding,’ she began as she turned around; sticking her hand in the bag when she was certain the guard wouldn’t notice. ‘But I’m sure this will distract you long enough!’ she shouted as she grabbed a fistful of glittering dust from her bag, the words Dick Dust emblazoned on it in colourful letters, and tossed it at the taller woman.

At first nothing happened and the Equus merely sighed in annoyance while brushing the colourful dust off of her body. ‘What do you think you’re doi—ah!’ she suddenly squeaked, staff clattering to the floor while she moved her hands towards her belly.

As she watched the Equus reached for her stomach, Mystra’s plush lips once again stretched into a smile. It only broadened when she saw the Equus large, amber eyes widen as she looked down at skirt and saw it rise up. Mystra only whistled in appreciation when the guard’s new shaft was reveal. It was a little shorter than the goblin’s forearm and almost as thick, it also resembled a horse’s member. Apparently the sight of her new member was too much for the poor Equus as she fell on her ass, continuing to stare at her cock with her mouth agape.

‘Don’t worry, it’ll disappear after a few hours,’ Mystra said to comfort the guard as she squeezed past her and opened the door. ‘Well, probably’ She added while stepping into an opulent bedroom and whistling appreciatively.

Across from the way Mystra had entered were a set of large glass windows leading out to a balcony that overlooked the green forests below, she could even see a river and mountains in the distance. To the left, of the balcony was an enormous bed. The biggest Mystra had ever seen. It looked like it could fit quite a few of the large bull men and women she had seen. But the right side of the room quickly took up her attention when a feminine, slightly slurred voice resounded through the room.

‘Desiree? I thought you I didn’t want to be disturbed?’ a familiar voice called out.

Lying on a large, plush chaise longue was another bovine woman with long, golden blonde hair and pure white horns with gold bands around them sticking from the sides of her head. Her face was soft and feminine, although her usually pale cheeks were flushed slightly pink and her large, expressive green eyes were squinted as the cow girl looked at Mystra. Of course the goblin’s attention was quickly captured by the blonde’s enormous breasts. Both of the creamy white globes were more than twice as large as the bovine woman’s head and seemed intent on escaping her white robes, even while they rested heavily on the chaise longue.

‘…Mystra?’ the blonde mumbled as she pushed herself upwards, breasts wobbling softly in the process and the cowbell she wore on her choker ringing.

‘Glad you remember me at least,’ the goblin mused as she looked around. She noticed a decanter of wine and an empty glass standing on a small round table near the blonde. ‘Been drinking Galaxia?’ she asked. ‘Or do you still prefer Milky?’

‘Milky’s fine!’ the bovine woman muttered. ‘Have a seat, have a seat!’ she said excitedly while waving at some of the furniture across from her.’

Mystra did as the blonde asked of her and climbed into one of the chairs across from the bovine woman, seeing as the furniture was made for the bull people in the city the chair was a bit too large for the goblin, but she didn’t complain. While she had been busy climbing in her chair, Milky sat up and poured herself another glass of wine, showing the goblin her blonde-furred bovine legs, as well as her cow tail. Further showing she wasn’t a human in case people missed her horns of fluffy cow ears.

‘So, how did you get here?’ Milky asked while taking a dainty sip from the glass of wine in her hand.

‘That’s what I’d like to know,’ Mystra replied drily. ‘A portal just opened in front of my tent and when I stepped through it I was in your city.’

‘…oh yeah,’ Milky began after a few moments of silence, furrowing her brow as she stared into her glass. ‘I might have asked my Alumni to open a portal at your location so you could come visit me…’ she muttered to herself.

‘And why did you want me to come visit me?’ Mystra asked again, while raising an eyebrow. ‘Just to enjoy my company?’ she mused with a half-smile.

‘Probably!’ The bovine beauty replied with a giggle. ‘Do you…want anything to drink?’ she asked Mystra while eyeing her own glass of wine again.

Just before the goblin could answer, someone else burst into the bedroom. It had been the Equus guarding the doors. She angrily strode over towards Mystra when she saw her sitting across from Milky, but slowed down and quickly threw her hands over her groin when she noticed the blonde glancing in her direction. Mystra smiled when she noticed the Equus’ flushed cheeks and the way she tried to push her erect shaft down so that her skirt would cover it. But she couldn’t mask the sounds of splat- splat- splat- as thick globules of precum drooled from erect shaft.

‘Desiree?’ Milky mumbled, seemingly not noticing that her guard for the day had suddenly grown a cock. ‘What are you doing here? I thought you were guarding the doors to my bedroom?’ she asked in confusion.

‘Yes I was, Lady Galaxia but—’ Desiree started, but was interrupted by the bovine beauty.

‘Please, call me Milky.’ The blonde requested with a friendly smile.

‘But I—Fine,’ Desiree growled. ‘What I was trying to say, Lady Milky, was that I was guarding your door until the little green pest sitting there did something to me and entered your room!’

‘Oh? Well, Mystra is a friend you should have let her through, Desiree!’ Milky snapped, trying to sound angry while she pouted cutely. ‘Yet I can’t stand by while a friend bothers my followers. So I have to know. What did she do to you Desiree?’ the blonde asked.

‘Well, I—’ Desiree began, but was interrupted as Mystra got out of her chair.

‘You know what, Milky? I will have that drink.’ She mused with an evil grin as she approached Desiree, who took a startled step back when seeing the predatory gleam in the goblin’s green eyes.

‘Wonderful!’ Milky squeaked. ‘But where are you going? The wine is here, you know?’ the added while lifting the decanter of wine.

‘I know,’ Mystra replied as she stopped in front of Desiree. ‘But I’m thirsty for something else.’ She added, while looking up at the Equus.

Before Desiree could stop her the goblin swiftly unclasped the bullhead buckle holding the Equus’ leather skirt together, causing Desiree to squeak in surprise as it suddenly dropped. She tried to catch it, but all she succeeded in was pulling her hands away from her horsecock, causing it to loudly slap against her belly. When she realized what happened Desiree covered her face in embarrassment, while Mystra merely looked at the shaft hungrily.

‘Now that’s what I need…’ the goblin purred, as she watched the thick globules of pearlescent precum rolling down the Equus’ throbbing shaft.

‘Please don’t look at it, it’s weird.’ Desiree begged her voice slightly muffled due to the fact that she had covered her face with her hands. 

‘Oh, I plan to do more than just look, sweetie.’ Mystra mused as she grabbed the shaft with both of her dainty, feminine hands and pulled it down slightly.

Once the flared cockhead was on the same level as her face Mystra opened her mouth, stretching her black, into a lewd “O”, all while shooting Desiree a wink, although she doubted the Equus could see it. The goblin then pushed her head forwards, beginning to stuff the guard’s horsecock down her throat. A muffled moan escaped Desiree’s lips a moment later as she felt her new member being enveloped by the goblin’s tight, moist throat. The Equus’ body seemed to shiver in pleasure, but Desiree seemed too scared to actually move more than that. So Mystra simply continued to grip the Equus’ fat horsecock tightly with both her hands, while slowly pushing her head closer to the base of Desiree’s shaft.

Mystra could hear the sound of a cowbell clanging from behind her before Milky dropped to her knees next to the goblin, who was standing up. ‘Oh? I never knew you had a penis, Desiree.’ She mused while cocking her head, watching how the Equus’ horsecock made Mystra’s throat bulge obscenely as it was pushed deeper and deeper.

‘I…I didn’t!’ Desiree stammered. ‘Th-this is her fault!’ she added as she pulled her hands away from her face to glare at Mystra.

‘Oh…’ Milky muttered. ‘Well, it looks like you’re both having fun at least. I’m kinda jealous.’ She added while pouting.

From the corner of her eye the goblin saw how the bovine beauty lifted the hemline of her white robe; unknowingly flashing Mystra’s her drenched, plump labia before she began to finger her poor pussy. With that, she started to suck Desiree’s dick a little more ferociously in an attempt to make Milky jealous. So while grinning around the Equus’ girth she began to hammer her head back and forth along Desiree’s monstercock faster and faster, until eventually tears of effort streamed down her face while involuntary glurks-and glarks- were pushed from her cockstuffed throat.

It did seem to work however, as Milky was quickly gnawing on her bottom lip while her fingers rapidly entered and exited her drooling muff. Of course, it didn’t work only for her. By now the Equus’ horsecock was throbbing so powerfully that it made the goblin’s jaw and throat hurt and Mystra wanted to slow down. Unfortunately for her it seemed like Desiree was close to reaching her orgasm but apparently she wanted to reach it now. So without warning the Equus grabbed the sides of Mystra’s had, and began to pump her hips as fast as she could.

It had been too sudden for the goblin, she gagged violently and released Desiree’s shaft to pound against her strong legs. But the Equus didn’t notice, or didn’t care, and continued her rapid pace. After only a few thrusts from Desiree tears of effort streamed down her face while she loudly breathed through her nose. But despite the discomfort she felt, something flared hotly in the pit of her stomach and Mystra rubbed her thick thighs together in need. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, she didn’t have to endure the throatfucking much longer.

‘Cumming!’ Desiree shrieked as she buried the entirety of her shaft down Mystra’s throat, while arching her back.

As thick, gooey sperm blasted from the tip of Desiree’s new cock Mystra’s eyes widened. Partially in surprise, partially because she was worried she wouldn’t be able to swallow it all. But when the delicious salty goo warmed up her stomach, the goblin closed her eyes in delight and began working her throat muscles to swallow as much of the Equus’ thick load as she could. She heard soft coos coming from her side, presumably Milky as she watched fat bulges of Desiree’s semen sliding down into the goblin’s stomach. Yet, despite her hard work, a few globs of jizz still dribbled from the corners of Mystra’s mouth and down her chin to stain her heavy purple robes.

Once Desiree’s orgasm was finished, she released Mystra’s head and stumbled backwards. This caused her to extract her softening prick from the goblin’s throat rather roughly, although aside from some coughing Mystra didn’t really show any discomfort. As the Equus plopped down on her rear however, Milky released a disappointed sigh as she crawled closer to Desiree and grabbed her flaccid member while pouting.

‘Aw…now it’s all floppy.’ Milky complained as she jerked it, causing Desiree to release a grunt.

‘Don’t worry Milky,’ Mystra muttered as she pulled her robes over her head. ‘I’m sure I know of a way to get your guard here hard again.’ She added with a grin as she stood in the bedroom, naked as the day she was born.

‘Oh yeah?’ Milky asked excitedly, her tail wagging wildly while she rested her heavy breasts on Desiree’s legs.

‘Yeah,’ the goblin replied with a firm nod. ‘In fact, it has something to do with these puppies!’ she added, while using both hands to try and pull one of the top-heavy blonde’s tits from her robe.

Milky followed the goblin’s example and pulled her other breast from her robe without much effort, while Mystra seemed to be grunting and sweating to hold the huge, heavy globe of creamy breastflesh. ‘What now?’ she asked the goblin.

‘Wrap your breasts around her cock and try to use your mouth as well to get it hard again,’ Mystra explained as the bovine beauty squeezed her breasts around the Equus’ soft cock. ‘I’ll be taking care of something else.’ She added with a grin, while circling around and stopping at Milky’s big rump and eyeing her soaked cunny.

‘Alright.’ Milky responded with a beaming smile as her tail wagged happily.

‘Lady Galaxia you don’t have to—Ah!’ Desiree protested, but abruptly snapped her mouth shut when her flaccid member was enveloped by a cocoon of soft breastflesh.

Mystra chuckled at the Equus’ reaction before dropping to her knees behind Milky and pulling up the hemline of the skimpy white robe she wore. An appreciative whistle left Mystra’s mouth as the blonde’s broad, ballooning buttocks came into view. The goblin grabbed as much of Milky’s asscheeks as her small, dainty green hands could handle before spreading them apart to reveal the bovine babe’s tight, puckered asshole with her soaked snatch below it. With a grin the goblin pressed her head between the blonde’s buttocks while sticking her tongue into Milky’s pink, drenched folds.

Milky briefly stopped rubbing her breasts along Desiree’s growing shaft to glance over her shoulder to look at Mystra. Of course, it was impossible to see the goblin while she was sitting on her knees with her face was buried between the blonde’s buttocks. Still, Milky released a lewd moan and pushed her rear back a little further, almost knocking the goblin over in the process. Luckily for her, Mystra was holding on to the blonde’s rump as if her life depended on it.

But while Milky was looking over her shoulder to see what Mystra was doing, Desiree’s member seemed to have become fully erect. When Milky focused on titfucking the Equus’ member again, she noticed how the flared crown was barely peeking out from her cavernous cleavage. In response she giggled happily and pushed her head down as far as she could, before running her tongue over the Equus’ cockhead. While she lapped at Desiree’s member Milky continued slowly rubbing her massive breasts along the Equus’ shaft, and soon enough beads of precum began drooling from her cumslit.

‘Mmm! Tasty!’ Milky mused, briefly pulling her head away from Desiree’s shaft to watch as globs of precum drooled from her guard’s cockhead to slide between her breasts.

But when watching pearlescent globs of the Equus’ precum running down Desiree’s shaft was no longer fun Milky moved her face as close as she could to the horsecock between her breasts, and resumed lapping up the tasty goop. Meanwhile Desiree’s former shyness seemed to have made a return. While Milky’s soft, heavy boobs slid along her, now precum-slick, dick, she lied on her back unmoving, moaning softly while covering her face with her hands. Her soft, shy mewls combined with Milky’s happy squeaks as she lapped up the Equus’ precum were the only sounds that were heard in the bedroom for a while, until Milky suddenly went silent and stopped bouncing her boobs along Desiree’s horsecock.

Curious Desiree peeked through her fingers, only to see Milky roughly squeeze her own breasts while staring into nothingness. Small streamers of milk squirted from the blonde’s thick, suckable nipples, splattering against Desiree’s stomach and running down her legs. After a few moments of silence Milky began to moan and her body began to shudder, causing her curves to jiggle softly. The sight greatly aroused the Equus, and as a result Desiree began to softly buck her hips while Milky held her enormous, weighty breasts in place while milk continued to flow from her nipples.

‘Ah…Mystra, you’re so m-mean!’ Milky complained while wiggling her large rump and inadvertently shoving the goblin’s face even closer to her gushing gash.

Milky had stopped pampering Desiree’s shaft because Mystra had found her fat, erect clit, and as soon as she had coaxed the sensitive pink nub out of its hood, she had not stopped teasing it. Causing poor Milky’s already wet, drooling slit to release even more of its orgasmic juices while Mystra happily suckled on the bovine beauty’s fat clit. By now the goblin’s face would be shining with the blonde’s juices, but Mystra didn’t care. She continued teasing Milky’s clit while using her hands to squeeze and massage her large, shapely buttocks. Although she sounded muffled, Milky could hear the bovine babe’s moans growing louder and louder while her needy muff clenched and unclenched powerfully. 

It won’t be long before she reached her climax now! Mystra thought to herself.

As it turned out, she was right. Milky’s curvaceous form shuddered mightily before she released a loud squeal. Mystra’s face was abruptly showered with the bovine beauty’s juices which made her snap her head back in surprise,  although this only resulted in her large, green tits getting blasted by orgasmic juices as well. But the goblin would quickly find out that the blonde hadn’t been the only one close to her orgasm…

While Milky had been in the throes of orgasm Desiree was quick to grab on to the bovine woman’s massive, soft tits as well, and was now wildly pumping her hips and fucking Milky’s precum and milk-slick cleavage. Apparently the Equus became a lot more confident when she was close to reaching an orgasm, because she paid no attention to Milky as she eyed her guard through half-lidded, content eyes. Nor did she care about Mystra who had gotten to her feet again to observe what was happening, face and breasts shining with the blonde’s juices.

But after only a few minutes of being watched by the goblin and Milky, Desiree had reached her limit. ‘I’m cumming!’ the Equus squealed, gripping Milky’s breasts so tightly that more milk squirted from her nipples.

And while milk squirted from the blonde’s nipples, coating Desiree’s body and the rest of her guard uniform in milk, thick ropes of spunk blasted from the Equus’ distended cumslit. Mystra cocked an eyebrow and Milky released an appreciative squeal as hot blobs of seed rained down on Milky’s creamy breastflesh, making an even larger mess of her cleavage in the process. And while Desiree was cumming, and Milky was enjoying the sensation of semen slithering over her enormous bust, the goblin took her chance and dropped to her hands and knees in front of one of Milky’s boobs and began lapping up the mixture of milk, cum and precum. Milky chuckled happily as the goblin’s small tongue cleaned her up, while Desiree merely gasped for air as she started to come down from her orgasm.

After a few moments of Desiree lying back on the floor again, breathing heavily while Mystra did her best to clean up Milky’s tits, the blonde finally broke the silence. ‘Aww…Desiree’s thing is going floppy again.’ She complained.

‘Hm…yes, I was afraid that was going to happen,’ Mystra mused as she got to her feet, milk and jizz dripping from her chin. ‘Luckily, I got a little something that might keep Desiree hard and ready to play with us.’ She added with an evil little grin as she walked back to her chair.

There she bent down to grab her pouch of potions, which she had left next to her chair together with the small bag of Dick Dust. After a few moments of searching she triumphantly pulled out a small glass vial with a swirling pink liquid in it. With the potion in hand she returned to Milky and Desiree, the Equus was still lying on her back trying to get her breath back, and the top-heavy blonde still had her enormous breasts resting on the Equus’ groin and stomach while her ass was sticking in the air. Mystra dropped to her knees next to Desiree’s head and uncorked the bottle, before placing it against her lips.

‘Drink this, you’ll feel better.’ She explained in a reassuring tone of voice.

Either Desiree was too dazed to notice who was offering her this potion, or she simply didn’t care, because she accepted it immediately. Once the bottle was empty nothing happened, at first. After a few moments of silence Desiree groaned loudly and her member swelled up again, thick and pulsing between Milky’s heavy breasts. Both the goblin and the bovine woman released a pleased sigh at the sight, while Desiree was staring at it with wide eyes. A soft, surprised squeak escaped the Equus’ mouth as she crawled back, escaping from underneath Milky’s titanic tits. Once her erect, throbbing cock came into view Desiree grabbed it with both hands and stared at it, still wide-eyed.

‘What did you do!’ she shouted towards Mystra. ‘It’s all hard and hot and throbbing and I feel really, really h-horny!’ she stammered, some orgasmic juices squirting from her twat located underneath her swollen member.

‘I know how to take care of that,’ Mystra replied while sauntering towards the Equus sitting on the floor. She didn’t get very far though, Milky quickly grabbed her wrist. ‘Milky? What are you doing?’ she asked flatly while trying to pull her wrist out of the bovine woman’s strong grip.

‘Why do you get to go first?’ she asked with an annoyed expression on her face.

‘Because you already got to cum once and I still haven’t.’ Mystra replied.

‘But that was because of you! Not Desiree. It’s not fair, you got to drink her yummy cum first too!’ she replied, while pouting.

‘Yes, but I’m your guest, aren’t I?’ Mystra tried.

Milky looked like she was considering the goblin’s argument, and eventually let go of her wrists. ‘Fine,’ she muttered. ‘But I get to go next!’ she said as Mystra quickly rushed over to Desiree.

Of course, the goblin didn’t listen to Milky. Instead she quickly straddled Desiree’s hips while the Equus was still obsessed with her sudden spiked arousal, and before she could protest the goblin lowered herself on her horsecock. A low, pleased groan passed Mystra’s plush black lips as the flared crown of the Equus splayed apart her labia and entered her dripping quim. This was what she had craved for all those days alone on the road. Desiree’s reaction was a little more…obvious. As soon as her cockhead got enveloped by the goblin’s tight, moist pussy she cried out in pleasure, and unleashed a welter of hot, sticky precum inside of her.

‘Hm? Getting close already?’ Mystra mused as some of the Equus’ excess precum flowed out of her cunny. Desiree nodded while her cheeks flushed red. ‘Well,’ Mystra started, her tone taking on a dangerous edge. ‘You better not cum before I do, understand?’ this time Desiree nodded a bit more rapidly.

Mystra chuckled in response before sinking down further on Desiree’s shaft. She went at an almost tortuously slow pace, wanting to enjoy every inch and every bumpy vein on the Equus’ monstrous cock. Desiree herself was nibbling on her lower lip and clenching and unclenching her hands, trying desperately not to cum before the curvy goblin. Yet, Mystra still felt the welter of precum blasting into her quivering depths. But her only response was to crack an eye open to glare at Desiree, before continuing her trip down the Equus’ large pole. But while she was focusing on the monstercock throbbing against the walls of her cunny, she didn’t hear the clanging of a cowbell coming from behind her.

‘Come on Mystra, don’t tease the poor girl.’ Milky suddenly said from behind the goblin while putting her hands on her shoulders.

‘No, Milky wai—Eep!’ Mystra was instantly silenced as the bovine beauty suddenly pushed her down the rest of the way. Stuffing the goblin’s twat full with Desiree’s horsecock and making her stomach bulge.

‘Come on now, you have to move, Mystra,’ Milky said while shifting her grip to hold the goblin underneath her arms. ‘Unless you need help?’

Going from the sound of the blonde voice, Mystra had deduced that Milky had sobered up and decided to tease her. Unfortunately for her, Milky seemed to take her silence for assent. So a moment later, the taller, stronger woman lifted Mystra up and extracted almost half of Desiree’s horsecock from her twitching depths…and then quickly released her, letting gravity do its work. When she slammed down on the Equus’ member again Mystra found that the air had been knocked from her lungs for a second time, once again leaving her with no chance to protest as Milky picked her up again.

Milky did this several times, leaving both Desiree and Mystra moaning, mewling wrecks. With loud, wet sucking sounds coming from the goblin’s desperately clenching snatch whenever Milky picked her up, usually quickly followed by loud splats- of the goblin’s orgasmic juices and Desiree’s precum escaping her gash whenever Milky dropped her again. Of course, neither Mystra nor the Equus could hold out for long considering the circumstances. So after a while the both of them squealed, in unison: ‘Cumming!’

As soon as the words had left their mouths Mystra’s cunny clamped down on Desiree’s cock like a silken vice, while thick gouts of hot seed blasted from the Equus’ distended cumslit. Milky meanwhile did nothing; she just smiled as she watched the lewd expressions appear on the faces of her goblin friend and her guard. But when she noticed how Mystra’s belly began to swell due to the amount of cum Desiree pumped inside of the goblin’s twat, she began to chuckle.

‘You look like a wineskin being filled!’ Milky commented, but Mystra seemed far too absorbed with the orgasm rocking her body to hear the blonde’s comments.

When both Desiree and Mystra’s orgasms came to an end, Milky released her grip on the goblin’s arms. Abruptly the goblin slumped over, landing on top of Desiree. This caused her swollen belly to slowly deflate as the pressure caused thick ropes of white, slimy goop to spray from the goblin’s abused pussy, past the thick seal of the Equus’ thick cock. But despite the fact that she had just came, and her partner was out for the count, Desiree was still erect. This was something Milky noticed with an impish grin.

‘Ready to go again, Desiree?’ she asked with the grin still on her face, while lifting Mystra off of the Equus, causing another outpouring of jizz to leave the goblin’s stretched slit.

Desiree gulped and nodded. ‘Y-yes Lady Gal—Milky.’

‘Good, then follow me!’ Milky replied as she approached her bed.

Mystra was lying on the floor during the entire discussion, too tired to speak or stand up, and watched as the top-heavy blonde rested her heavy breasts on her bed, while sticking out her ass. Then she reached back, and pulled her ballooning buttocks apart to reveal her pink, puckered anus and drooling, twitching twat. Mystra noticed how the Equus scampered to her feet and approached the bovine babe, pressing the flared crown of her horsecock against Milky’s asshole, before blackness crept in at the edges of her vision. Mystra let it claim her, and she abruptly fell asleep.

* * * *

The next morning Mystra woke up by something that sounded like a landslide. The first thing she noticed was that she was lying in Milky’s humongous bed, using one of the blonde’s massive mammeries as a pillow. Apparently she had re-joined the fun again somehow, which was something that became all too obvious due to the fact that Desiree’s monstercock seemed to be buried in her ass. The second thing she noticed was that it wasn’t a landslide that had woken her up, but Milky’s giant bodyguard, Tyrtaios, clearing her throat.

‘I see that you have found a way to defile our goddess again, little green pest.’ He said in a deep, rumbling voice.

‘It’s nice to see you too, big guy,’ Mystra croaked. ‘Just let me catch some more shut-eye, when I wake up again I’ll find another way to “relieve” you of guard duty.’ She added with a wicked little grin, before resting her head on Milky’s boob and dozing off again.

Tyrtaios was about to retort, but what Mystra didn’t see was Milky opening her eyes to glare at him. Apparently that was enough for him to get off his hands and knees, because he had no other way to look into Milky’s room, and resume guard duty. Milky meanwhile continued lying in bed despite being awake, allowing Desiree and Mystra to continue using her breasts as a pillow.


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