Saturday 15 December 2018

[GIFT] Helen’s Date

A story I wrote about 2 years ago after a chat with Jamesab gave me some ideas. It stars his OC Helen having some fun with her shy date.
Contains: M/F, big cock, muscle, titfuck, buttjob, thighfucking, vaginal sex.

Helen’s Date
‘Well, that was fun,’ Helen de Silva mused as switched off the television as the credits of the movie she’d been watching scrolled down the screen. ‘What do you want to do next, Robert?’ She asked, turning towards her date.
Robert Young, her date, was sitting next to her, fidgeting nervously as usual. He was dressed in his usual brown sweater, despite the fact that it was a fairly warm night, and loose khaki pants. His facial features were soft and round which, combined with how shy he tended to act, made him look younger than he actually was.
‘O-oh, anything is fine.’ Robert replied with a shy smile as he looked at Helen, before abruptly looking away with flushed cheeks.
Helen grinned ferociously at her date’s reaction, even during the movie he had been watching her more than the TV. Not that she could blame him, Helen had purposely worn clothes that showcased her assets. Which were a red top that hugged her shapely chest and was short enough to show off a stomach that was ruthlessly stripped of all excess fat to show of her powerful abdominal muscles. And a pair of tight black shorts that showed plenty of leg and clung tightly to the contours of her hips and rear.
‘Well…’ Helen began, thinking aloud as she moved a little closer to Robert. ‘I could use a massage, don’t you think?’ She asked softly while pushing her chest against Robert’s arm.
‘Yes, I-I could help you with that,’ Robert stammered after swallowing audibly. ‘But what about your roommate?’ He asked as he began to fidget again.
‘Don’t worry, Annabelle will be out for a while,’ Helen reassured him. ‘And even if she does come back early, we’ll be in my room.’
‘Your room?’ Robert squeaked.
‘Yep,’ Helen chuckled. ‘So wait here while I get everything ready.’’ She added, before she got off the couch and walked into her bedroom.
First she removed all the sheets, the pillows and the blankets before she covered it all with large bath towels. After that, she lit some candles and grabbed the massage oil she had prepared for tonight. Then she slowly got undressed and, once she was completely naked, lied down on her stomach with only a small towel on top of her to cover her ass.
‘Come in!’ Helen shouted in a sing-song voice to get Robert’s attention.
It didn’t take long before her date came walking into the room, and the sight of her naked with only a towel to cover her was enough to elicit an approving groan from Robert. Helen’s lips tugged up to form a smile at his reaction, before she cleared her throat to get Robert’s attention.
‘I put the massage oil on the dresser,’ Helen indicated by nodding at it. ‘But first, you should probably strip too. You don’t want to get any oil on your clothes, do you?’
‘N-no, it’s fine,’ Robert assured her as he grabbed the bottle. ‘I’ll be careful.’
Helen wanted to say more, but thought better of it. You’ve known how shy he is since we met at the gym, Helen. Let’s take this one step at a time. She thought to herself while Robert twisted the cap off of the bottle.
‘Ah! Cold!’ Helen hissed when her date gently poured some of the oil over her.
Robert released an amused chuckle, and placed the bottle of massage oil on Helen’s bedside table before he slowly started to spread the oil and began to massage Helen’s back to work it into her skin. He did quite a good job of loosening up Helen’s muscles too and she couldn’t help but release the occasional moan of pleasure. As things were, Robert was doing a fine job. But Helen hadn’t suggested a massage just because she wanted one.
Why don’t we try taking things a step further? Helen thought to herself.
‘Robert, can you go a bit lower? I still feel a bit tense there.’ Helen groaned.
‘Sure,’ Robert replied and did as Helen asked of him. ‘Is this alright?’ He asked as his hands were on Helen’s lower back.
‘Hmm…yeah, that’s great.’ Helen groaned lazily as Robert began to massage her there.
Occasionally, Helen felt his hand moving a little bit closer to the towel that covered her asscheeks. But Robert never touched her ass or removed the towel, despite it being pretty clear that that was what he wanted. So, while grinning to herself, Helen decided to give her date permission.
‘Just a little lower, Robert.’ Helen sighed.
‘Are you sure?’ Robert asked with another audible swallow.
‘Yes.’ Helen replied as she sighed again.
Another groan passed Robert’s lips, and he placed his hands on Helen’s ass. The only thing between his hands and the firm globes of Helen’s butt was the small towel. But instead of removing the piece of cloth, he decided to fondle her ass through it. Helen let him do as he pleased for a couple of minutes before she spoke up again.
‘Robert, this isn’t working,’ She muttered lazily. ‘You should really remove the towel first and then pour some massage oil over my skin.’ Helen suggested.
‘Oh right, of course!’ Robert replied, acting as if he had forgotten to do just that.
Slowly and cautiously, as if he was afraid that Helen would suddenly change her mind, Robert pulled the small towel aside. And when her asscheeks came into view, Robert released another pleased grunt. Helen, meanwhile, couldn’t help but smile proudly at herself. She might not have had an ass as nice as Annabelle’s, but due to her strict fitness regime her butt was firm and perfectly shaped.
‘O-okay, so…massage oil.’ Robert stammered softly as he remembered what he was supposed to be doing.
This time when the cool oil touched her skin, Helen managed to suppress her yelp of surprise and instead shuddered softly as she watched her date at work. Robert was watching intently at the dark, shapely globes of her ass and how the massage oil made them shine. He watched the clear substance slide between the halves of Helen’s firm butt, or trickle slowly down her legs for a little too long and was only shaken out of his daze when Helen politely cleared her throat.
As a result Robert blushed even brighter than he had before, and he clumsily put the bottle of massage oil back on the bedside table. Then, he turned his attention back to Helen and slowly placed his hands on her rear before gently working the oil into the halves of her shapely ass. Helen rewarded Robert with a soft, pleased moan. Although she doubted that he heard it.
Her date was breathing loudly, and Helen could pick up the occasional audible gulp as well, as he focused on her asscheeks. He was squeezing the firm globes awkwardly under the guise of “massaging” Helen, but the both of them knew that Robert was actually just enjoying himself. As for Helen? She decided to let him do as he pleased for a little while longer.
However, after about five minutes had passed Helen decided to take the next step.
‘That’s enough, Robert,’ Helen mused, and her date couldn’t help but groan in disappointment when he heard her say that. ‘I think it’s time to do my front now.’ She added.
Before Robert had a chance to ask for clarification, Helen turned over and didn’t bother to cover her breasts or anything. Instead she folded her arms underneath her head and patiently looked up at Robert, although there was an impish glimmer in her blue eyes. Like she expected, Robert blushed furiously at the sight of her tits and nervously started to fidget again, nearly staining the brown sweater he wore with the massage oil on his fingers.
‘Yo-your front?’ Robert mumbled, glancing from Helen’s eyes to her breasts and then back to her eyes.
‘Yes,’ Helen replied innocently. ‘What’s wrong, don’t you want to?’
‘Of course I want to!’ Robert answered immediately. ‘I-I just didn’t think we’d be moving this fast.’ He added quietly.
Helen was quiet for a while, and smiled. ‘If things are going too fast we can finish this some other time.’ She said softly.
‘I’m fine, really,’ Robert reassured her. ‘J-just a little nervous.’ He muttered after taking a deep breath.’
‘Well, alright the- Cold!’ Helen squealed as Robert suddenly poured a large helping of massage oil over her stomach.
Although his cheeks were still coloured a dark pink, Robert flashed Helen a small, impish grin and immediately began to rub her stomach. Due to the hard abdominal muscles his fingers barely sank into her skin, but he didn’t seem to mind and Helen clearly enjoyed the attention her abs received from the young man.
‘Huh, and here I expected you’d grope my tits the first chance you’d get,’ Helen chuckled. ‘You really like my abs, huh?’
‘Well, we did meet because I was gawking at your stomach whenever I was at the gym,’ Robert admitted with a chuckle of his own. ‘So now when you gave me the chance to touch them, I just had to.’
‘Knock yourself out, Robert.’ Helen replied with a proud smile. She had worked hard to get her abdominal muscles and she was proud enough of them to show them off. So of course she was glad that someone else seemed to love them just as much as she did.
And Robert definitely loved them. He carefully stroked Helen’s abs and poured more oil over her stomach just to see how rivulets ran down, or between, her abdominal muscles and made them shine. He also gently rubbed Helen’s breasts, of course. But his attention always seemed to return to her powerful stomach. Now that she was lying on her back, Helen noticed something about Robert. Mainly that she could see a clear outline of his member as it pushed against his trousers.
That… Helen thought to herself. Looks pretty big. She added mentally as she saw how far the bulge traveled down his pant leg.
‘Robert,’ Helen said softly to get her date’s attention. ‘Are you almost done massaging me?’
‘Why, do you want to stop?’ He asked in response.
‘Yes,’ Helen said with a small nod of her head. ‘I would like to move on to something else now.’
‘Oh…’ Robert replied, not bothering to hide his disappointment. ‘Oh!’ He added a little louder when he saw the hungry look in Helen’s eyes and realized what she meant.
‘I think it’s about time that you take off your clothes, Robert.’ Helen added as she sat up and started to fiddle with her date’s pants.
‘W-wait a second!’ Robert added nervously, but he was too late.
‘Holy Mother of God!’ Helen gasped after she pulled Robert’s pants down to his ankles. ‘It’s even bigger than I thought!’
Robert was glancing away and fidgeting again as Helen was staring at his member. This time, it was her turn to blush furiously. The thing was still filling up with blood, and thus pointing downwards, and was about half as long as Robert’s own thigh and a little thinner than his own wrist. Below Robert’s monstrous shaft was a smooth sack with some fairly large testicles as well.
‘Oh wow…’ Helen breathed after she had taken it all in.
‘I-I know, it’s way too big,’ Robert sighed. ‘If you want to stop now, I understand.’ He added softly.
‘Nuh-uh,’ Helen muttered with a shake of her head. ‘I want to at least give this a shot before giving up.’ She added before she lied back down on the bed.
‘I’m glad to hear that,’ Robert mumbled. ‘But I don’t think we should jump to sex straight away.’ He added as he looked at Helen lying on the bed.
‘Oh?’ Helen mused playfully. ‘I just figured that you might want to slide that monster of yours between my slippery tits,’ she suggested, while pressing the dark, oiled-up globes together with her hands. ‘Or perhaps…you’d rather rub it against my abs?’ She asked with a twinkle in her eyes.
Robert seemed to like the sound of that, seeing as he pulled his brown sweater over his head without a word. Although he had come to the gym to bulk up, Robert was still kind of skinny and had slender limbs. Which was actually something Helen kind of prefered on him. She just couldn’t picture the young man with the muscular body he seemed to want for himself.
Helen wasn’t given a lot of time to admire Robert’s body, however. Because as soon as he had taken of his sweater, and kicked off his trousers that were still bunched up around his ankles, Robert climbed on the bed. Or, to be more specific, on top of Helen.
‘Wow…’ Helen breathed again as Robert’s hot, heavy penis was rested on her stomach. The tip of it nearly brushed against her chest.
‘So, I’m going to start moving now, alright?’ Robert asked.
Helen merely nodded in response while she continued to stare at her date’s monstercock. So a moment later, Robert began to slowly move his hips. Helen sighed softly as Robert’s warm length moved over her hard, oiled up abs while its spongy tip poked against the bottom of her chest. After a few minutes, silvery precum began to flow from Robert’s cumslit. So as a result, Helen’s body was quickly sticky with both massage oil and precum.
When the silvery fluid started to leave trails on her breasts and abdominal muscles, Helen also started to notice how more and more of Robert’s massive member started to disappear between her oiled-up tits. Which made her glance up at the young man in confusion.
‘Are you…moving closer?’ She asked.
‘Y-yes.’ Robert replied sheepishly.
‘If you want to stick that monster between my tits you only have to ask, you know?’ Helen said with a cocked eyebrow and an amused smile.
‘I do want that,’ Robert said while nodding eagerly. ‘I’m just not sure what you can do with the part that sticks out of your cleavage…’ He added softly.
‘Oh yeah, it’s probably big enough for that to happen,’ Helen mumbled to herself. ‘Still, that only means I can give you a blowjob and a titfuck at the same time!’ She said with a fierce smile.
‘Are you sure you can,’ Robert asked. ‘I mean, I’m pretty big…’
‘Please, I once made a guy pass out by sucking his dick,’ Helen stated proudly. ‘I’m sure this’ll be a piece of cake. So come on, scoot closer.’
Robert did as instructed, and as a portion of his long, fat shaft suddenly slid over her face Helen wondered if she hadn’t bitten off more than she could chew. Still, she was going to try to give Robert the best blowjob he’d ever had, damn it! So when he slid his hips back, Helen opened her mouth as wide as she could while angling her head towards her date’s crotch. And when Robert pushed his hips forwards again, his member slid into Helen’s open mouth and disappeared down her throat with relative ease.
I guess I should be grateful that most of this thing is stuffed between my tits! Helen thought to herself when her gag reflex didn’t kick in.
Robert started to moan as soon as his dick disappeared down Helen’s tight, wet throat, which made her smile around his girth as best as she could. At that point, Robert started to move his hips a little faster by reflex. Fortunately, Helen handled it without any trouble. She even started to bob her head back and forth as well as she could in her current position, doing her best to match her date’s pace and speed.
‘O-oh…so good!’ Robert moaned. ‘H-Helen, I think I might come soon.’ He added, and began to pull his hips back.
‘Let me help you with that.’ Helen suddenly said as she gently shoved Robert away from her.
Her date looked at her in confusion as he lied on his back on the towel covered mattress, the twitching of his huge dick making it obvious that he was desperate to cum. Helen only smiled and sat down on her knees in front of him, wrapping her right hand around the long, throbbing shaft while her left hand searched out her wet pussy.
‘Sorry, I just really wanted to do this.’ Helen chuckled, blushing slightly as she started to jerk monstercock with one hand while using the other to pleasure yourself.
Robert said nothing in response, but it was clear from the soft grunts and moans that he didn’t really mind it. Helen was jerking him off with short, rapid strokes and it didn’t take long before her arm started to get tired while beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead from the effort.
‘Damn, this is quite the workout…and that’s me saying that,’ Helen groaned. ‘I thought you said you were going to cum soo- Ah!’
Before Helen had a chance to finish her sentence, Robert orgasmed with a loud grunt. Thick white streamers of semen blasted from the tip of his cock, and Helen quickly aimed the large, cum-spewing cock away from her face. Instead, her breasts and powerful abdominal muscles got coated with Robert’s warm, sticky jizz.
‘Wow!’ Helen said for the third time as she looked at the state Robert had left her in.
Cum was slowly sliding from her tits to drip down on one of the towels covering her bed, while more rivulets slowly trickled down her powerful stomach to land on her lap. While she was looking herself over, Helen also noticed how Robert’s member was slowly softening in her grip.
‘Oh no, I’m not done with you yet, Robert!’ Helen growled, and wasted no time in slipping Robert’s monstercock down her throat.
She knew that there was no way she could deepthroat the entirety of her date’s length, but that wasn’t why she was doing this. Helen simply wanted to get Robert’s dick erect again. And Robert certainly appreciated the effort. After having swallowed a little over half of his monstercock, Helen gagged softly. Signalling that she had reached her limit. So she began to bob her head up and down along the portion of Robert’s length that she could fit down her throat, while she used her right hand to jerk off the rest of him.
A few seconds later, Robert was moaning loudly again and Helen could swear that she could feel his shaft growing harder in her mouth. To hasten the process she stopped playing with herself. Instead, she gently cupped Robert’s balls with her left hand and gently began to massage them. Sure enough, not even two minutes later her date’s dick was at full mast again and drooling beads of precum.
‘How did you do that?’ Robert asked, amazed.
‘I don’t know, it’s a gift.’ Helen said with a shrug and an impish grin after she had pulled Robert’s monstercock from her throat.
‘I’d say…’ Robert groaned as he looked at his erection.
‘So, ready for another round?’ Helen asked as she got off the bed, pushing out her ass slightly and shaking it for Robert’s benefit.
Helen didn’t hear Robert answer, but she did hear the bed creaking as he got up and felt a sudden presence behind her. She also felt something long and hot sliding between her buttocks, and she couldn’t help but push herself back a little further while wiggling her hips. What she didn’t expect, however, was for Robert to go along with her teasing.
A gasp of surprise passed Helen’s lips when Robert grabbed onto her waist and started to move his hips, sliding his member back and forth between her asscheeks which were still coated with massage oil. It was clear from his moans and heavy breathing that he quite enjoyed the feeling of having his cock trapped between the halves of Helen’s firm asscheeks, but unfortunately for him Helen really wanted to try something else.
‘Robert, I promise that you can play with my butt more later,’ Helen chuckled. ‘But right now, I want to feel that monster of yours inside of me.’ She growled, and it made Robert stop mid-thrust.
‘Are you sure you want to? I mean, I know uncomfortable it can be when a guy’s as big as I am…’ He added shyly.
‘I promise that I’ll tell you to slow down or stop if I need you to,’ Helen said. ‘So come on, let’s give this a shot.’
‘Alright.’ Robert replied as he released his grip on Helen’s waist, though he sounded uncertain.
Helen took a few steps forward, and then wiggled her hips at Robert again while sending him a wink over her shoulder. Robert approached…and slid his dick between Helen’s discreetly muscled thighs.
‘…You’re just screwing with me now, aren’t you Robert?’ Helen asked with a cocked eyebrow as her date’s huge, throbbing member brushed against her wet pussy as it slid back and forth between her thighs.
‘I-it seemed only fair that you got some payback after you teased me so much.’ Robert said in response.
Helen’s eyes widened in surprise when she heard that. So he knew what I was doing? I guess he isn’t as innocent as he looks! She thought to herself with a fierce grin. ‘Well, you got a good point there.’ Helen said aloud, while she decided to let Robert do as he pleased.
For a while, neither of them said anything. Instead, they merely enjoyed feeling the other against them as Robert moved his hips back and forth. The only sounds within Helen’s bedroom were the moans of pleasure that passed their lips and a soft, meaty impact whenever Robert pushed his hips all the way forwards. During all this, clear juices were spilling from Helen’s wet, darkened labia and pouring all over Robert’s monstercock. After a few more minutes of fucking Helen’s thighs, Robert finally pulled his hips all the way back.
‘Okay, I think we’re both prepared enough now,’ Robert said as he gently directed Helen back to the bed. ‘Or, at least, almost.’ He added, while grabbing something from his pants.
It was a condom wrapper, which he quickly opened before rolling the condom down his erect shaft. Helen merely watched him as she spread her legs wide in invitation. Robert quickly understood and approached her, placing his hands on her hips while he lined his member up with Helen’s snatch. Then, he slowly started to push his hips forwards. Helen hissed as her pink folds stretched around the large invader, but indicated that Robert should keep going. She managed to take a big portion of Robert’s monstercock, but not every last inch.
‘Looks like this is as far as you can go.’ Helen groaned, beads of sweat looking down her forehead.
‘Don’t worry, I’m used to it.’ Robert said softly, before slowly pulling his hips back.
He continued at the same, gentle pace fucking Helen in long, slow strokes while he kissed her neck or sucked on one of her hard, sensitive nipples. Helen could only lie back and moan, she had never felt so full! As Robert continued, seemingly knowing just how to move and just when to kiss her, Helen felt wave after wave of pleasure washing over her. The next one always stronger than the one that came before. Then, suddenly, the pink walls of her pussy wrapped around Robert’s shaft and her legs suddenly turned to jelly.
‘Are you alright?’ Robert asked curiously as he stopped moving.
‘Uh-huh, definitely,’ Helen croaked as she tried to focus her eyes on Robert. ‘Keep going.’
Robert nodded and resumed pumping his hips, while Helen decided to use her free hands to rub one of her breasts while the other teased her sensitive, erect clit. This caused the waves of pleasure to come a little faster, and soon Helen was shaking underneath Robert again. Only this time, he didn’t stop moving. This pattern repeated itself several times, until Helen felt it coming. A big one.
‘Robert, please, move a little faster!’ Helen gasped, her face coated with sweat and her hair in disarray.’
‘But…’ Robert began.
‘Don’t worry, y-you won’t hurt me. I know you won’t,’ Helen stammered, her voice rising several octaves. ‘Just…please.’
Robert nodded slowly and began to move his hips a little faster. He didn’t go at a fast or brutal pace, but it was enough. Helen’s moans of pleasure became higher and higher until Robert could no longer hear her voice. Then, suddenly, her eyes widened and she arched her back before she fell back on the mattress. Her body shaking softly while the walls of her soaked pussy held on tight to Robert’s monstercock. At that point, Robert felt his balls starting to clench as well, and he filled his condom with a large load of cum…
‘Fuck,’ Helen eventually swore, just as Robert pulled out. ‘I can really use a shower.’ She added, as she looked down at herself. She was sweaty, covered in massage oil and some of Robert’s cum was still clinging to her abs or stomach and was slowly drying up.
‘And you,’ Helen said as she rose to her feet. ‘Are going to join me.’ She added as she grabbed Robert’s wrist and dragged him into her bathroom.
‘O-okay!’ Robert stammered happily.

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