Saturday 15 December 2018

[TRADE] Gamila’s Release

Gamila’s Release
Cover by Dieselbrain

Dieselbrain and I did a trade about three years ago. Here is my story, starring his shortstack “reverse Genie” Gamila being set free from her lamp after centuries. Fortunately for her, a young archaeologist is the one to release her…
Contains: M/F, shortstack, size difference, monster girl, hotdogging, titfuck, vaginal sex, cockgrowth, excessive cum.

Gamila’s Release
Nasir Samara had become an archaeologist at the age of nineteen. Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite like he had imagined it. The job hadn’t required a whip, nor did he have to run from any boulders rolling his way. Still, the job had its own kind of charm. For example, right now he had joined an archaeological dig that took him to the Arabian Desert. A storm had blown through it to reveal ruins that had been buried underneath the sand for generations! Plus, in his free time he got to experience the land that his grandparents had come from.
Currently Nasir wasn’t at the dig site, however. He had to answer the call of nature. But he was lucky that he did, because he had spotted something interesting while looking for a good place to empty his bladder. Mainly that there was an opening in one of the dunes a little farther away, one that hadn’t been there before, of that Nasir was certain. He considered getting his colleagues to look into it, but he was young and chances were that they would dismiss his claims of a cave as a mirage. So instead, he decided to look into it himself.
‘This is more the sort of thing I had in mind when I became an archaeologist!’ Nasir said to himself as he walked towards the dune. ‘Exploring caves and ruins man has not set foot in for centuries all on my own, instead of dusting off fragments of old clay pots.’ He added with a fierce grin.
Unfortunately, Nasir had miscalculated the distance somewhat. So when he finally arrived his throat was dry and he was covered in sweat. But…the opening in the dune was no mirage. So forgetting about how thirsty, sweaty and tired he was, Nasir stepped inside. To his surprise, it wasn’t a simple cave. It looked more like a part of a larger building that had been submerged in the sand over several centuries. Hell, it was practically a treasury in Nasir’s eyes. The floor was decorated with a luxurious carpet covered in sand, there was a collapsed cabinet placed against the wall with scrolls that had mostly turned to dust. There were several other pieces of furniture and items that could tell him and his colleagues about how people in the past had lived, but Nasir’s eyes fell on one item in particular.
Resting on the floor in a pile of sand was an antique Arabian oil lamp which, to Nasir, looked like it was silver. Of course, with centuries of sand and dust on it, he wasn’t certain. So he picked it up from the dirt and began to clean it with the shirt he was wearing. Before the thought, I wonder if a Genie will pop out?, even entered his mind, the lamp belched out a strange purple and blue smoke. This made Nasir drop the oil lamp in surprise, but before it even hit the ground, a feminine shape had formed before him.
The first thing Nasir noticed that she was short, really short, Nasir estimated that she was somewhere between three and four feet tall. It was kind of difficult to be sure, though, seeing as she was floating a few inches above the ground. So of course, the second thing Nasir noticed was that she was clearly not human. Which should have been obvious, since humans don’t come out of lamps but creatures from Arabian mythology made from smoke, Djinn, did. Although this particular Djinn was very attractive.
Her skin was a light purple, bordering on pink, though it shifted into a dark blue as Nasir gazed past her waist. Despite the fact that she seemed to lack legs, instead hovering above the ground with her lower body covered in dark blue smoke that vaguely looked like cloth, her hips were wide and the portion of her lower body that Nasir would classify as her thighs were thick. He also spotted a plump, pretty purple pussy hiding between the place he mentally called her “thighs” and swallowed audibly. The Djinn obviously hadn’t missed the young archaeologist’s staring and suddenly spoke in a language Nasir didn’t understand.
‘I’m sorry, what?’ Nasir babbled, quickly looking the Djinn in the eyes.
Her eyes were ancient, deep blue pools that seemed to contain centuries of knowledge set in sclera that seemed as if they were made of gold. When she heard Nasir speak her brow furrowed, and for the first time Nasir noticed that thin, arched eyebrows were cyan, and so was her hair. Most of it seemed to be kept fairly short, though a single plume stuck up and made her appear taller than she was. Her nose was perfect and slanted downwards straightly, it kind of reminded Nasir of the kind of nose Cleopatra had when depicted in artwork and sculptures. Just as he was taking in her plump, soft-looking lips, the Djinn spoke up once again.
‘Well, let me try this again,’ she said, her smooth, clear voice suddenly breaking the silence. ‘For setting me, Gamila, free from my lamp you have my gratitude.’
Just your gratitude? No three wishes?’ Nasir replied with a grin and a curious cock of his head.
‘Ah, so the world hasn’t completely forgotten about our kind,’ Gamila mused. ‘Unfortunately, I do things a little differently…’
‘How so?’ Nasir asked, unable to hide his curiosity.
‘Well, you fulfill my wishes,’ Gamila explained. ‘And seeing a young man such as yourself after being locked in my stuffy old lamp for so long, well I already have one wish in mind. Are you ready? Here comes my first wish: Satisfy me.’ the short Djinn stated in a tone that made it clear to Nasir that he shouldn’t refuse.
‘But that’s not how it works!’ Nasir blurted out.
‘I am in no mood to explain myself again,’ Gamila sighed with a roll of her eyes. ‘So let me help you understand.’
With that, she lazily waved her hands in Nasir’s direction and suddenly purple and blue smoke seemed to pour into his clothes. The young archaeologist cried out in surprise, but the smoke didn’t appear to be harmful in any way. It only made his clothes disappear, leaving him standing naked in front of Gamila. And the Djinn made sure take advantage of this to ogle him. Nasir was tall, easily over six feet, with a slender build, though there were some defined muscles along his arms and abdomen. His hair was pitch black and fell over his ears, it curled slightly making it look a little wild and unkempt. He also had a short, black beard that didn’t quite obscure his sharp jawline. Though what Gamila liked the most about him were those large, innocent dark eyes of his. It was easy for her to tell just how young he was, she liked young man.
Very nice,’ the Djinn finally purred after briefly glancing at his crotch. ‘Though I am certain that you won’t mind if I give you a little upgrade.’
Without waiting for a response from Nasir, Gamila waved her hand again and before Nasir knew it his crotch was covered by purple and blue smoke, smoke that abruptly seemed to grow denser and denser. As it did, Nasir suddenly became very aware of his libido and, before he knew it, he felt as if he was on the edge of an orgasm already. When the smoke finally dissipated, he had to set his jaw to keep a groan of need to escape his lust…as well as a scream of surprise. Where his member had previously been about average, or maybe even a little smaller than that, it had suddenly gained a few inches and looked as if it was easily thicker than a soda can. His balls, meanwhile, also seemed to have gained an upgrade as they were each about the size of a lemon, while clear, sticky precum seemed to run from his cumslit at a slow but steady pace.
‘W-what…have you…d-done to me?’ Nasir growled as he started to jerk himself off, he just couldn’t help himself.
‘Like I said, I gave you a little upgrade,’ Gamila said innocently. Then, acting as if she had just remembered something, she added. ‘I also made sure that you cannot reach your orgasm until I command you to. After all, I wouldn’t want you to leave without fulfilling my wish.’
It was true. Despite the fact that Nasir felt like he was on the verge of hitting his climax, he just couldn’t cum despite how furiously he masturbated. The only difference was that more precum squirted from his cock. He looked at Gamila again, took in her beautiful facial features, her broad, shapely hips and her plump labia. Then, for the first time, he looked at her breasts. Those enormous purple globes were so big and, apparently, heavy that they were partially draped over her stomach. Once Nasir had taken in her body once again, he shrugged. She could have asked for something far worse, I guess.
‘What do you want me to do first?’ Nasir asked.
‘Oh yes, this is always so much more enjoyable if everyone has fun!’ Gamila replied happily as she clapped her hands together. ‘But to start off, why don’t you slide that big, drooling dick of yours between my buttocks?’ She mused as she turned around.
‘Then am I allowed to cum?’ Nasir asked as he looked at the Djinn’s heart-shaped, ballooning asscheeks while trying not to sound too desperate.
‘Maybe…I suppose it depends on whether you do a good job or not.’ Gamila mused while looking over her shoulder at the young man and tapped her bottom lip with a finger.
It was enough for Nasir, seeing as he abruptly stepped up behind the short, curvy Djinn and slipped his member between her buttocks. At first, the young archaeologist did nothing. He simply stood there, enjoying the sensation of having the halves of Gamila’s big, purple booty wrapped around his member. Of course, this resulted in the Djinn’s asscheeks being coated with a thin film of Nasir’s clear, sticky precum. So, fortunately, when Nasir did start to pump his hips the passage between the Djinn’s buttocks was properly lubricated, allowing him to move as fast as he wanted.
‘Now, was it really worth it to make such a big fuss over all this?’ Gamila mused with impish delight as she felt Nasir’s shaft throbbing between the halves of her big, shapely purple rump.
However, it appeared that Nasir was not in any shape to respond to the Djinn’s question. Instead he was grunting and groaning loudly, his fingers digging into Gamila’s buttcheeks while he focused on his member sliding between them. All he heard was his heart beating in his ears, and all he saw were the silvery wads of precum escaping from the Djinn’s ass-cleavage to slide over her buttocks. Yet, no matter how desperate Nasir was, Gamila still didn’t seem ready to allow him to cum.
But, having a young man paw at her ass while sliding his prick between her asscheeks had awakened something within Gamila. So while Nasir continued to desperately work his hips back and forth behind her, the Djinn was furious fingering her pussy. She moaned and sighed softly as she felt so much of that young man’s precum sliding over and between her buttcheeks, while she focused on the way Nasir’s dick throbbed so powerfully against the halves of her big purple rump. So, she quickly realized that her fingers just weren’t going to cut it.
‘That’s enough!’ Gamila said softly, though it was clearly a demand.
‘A-am I allowed to cum?’ Nasir asked while breathing heavily.
‘Don’t be silly, this was simple foreplay,’ Gamila mused, spinning around to face Nasir when his grip on her ass loosened. ‘Now the real fun begins.’ She purred, while glancing down at the young man’s fat, precum-drooling cock, the tip of which mere inches away from her wet, aroused snatch.
Nasir quickly got the hint and grabbed the Djinn’s broad hips, before pushing her down on his member. Gamila was surprisingly light and seemed to take his member with ease, despite how thick she had made him. After a few inches of his fat prick had disappeared in the Djinn’s warm, wet clenching depths, Gamila released a sharp cry of pleasure. She started to claw at Nasir’s shoulders and chest before she babbled something in the same strange language she had spoken when they first met, before she had effortlessly switched to English. It took a few moments before the Djinn realized that she had fallen back into her native tongue, so she repeated herself for Nasir’s benefit.
‘So big! So hot!’ She hissed. ‘It had been far too long since I had a fat, youngcock in me…’ Gamila added with a pleased sigh.
Spurred on by the Djinn’s lustful words Nasir continued to push her down on his shaft, only stopping when he had managed to fit it inside of her to the hilt. Obviously, he didn’t stop there. Taking advantage of how light Gamila was Nasir pulled her up a few inches, before he roughly shoved her down again. The young archaeologist continued to bounce the Djinn up and down on his fat member, and was quick to increase his pace when he realized how easy it was with the light, floating Gamila. Sure enough, after only a few moments it seemed that he was using the short, curvy Djinn as nothing more than a mastubatory aid. If Gamila had any issues with being treated like one, however, she didn’t voice them.
In fact, it seemed like she was actually enjoying. Juices drooled from Gamila’s stretched snatch in copious amounts as a young, handsome stud violated her and stared intently at the way her huge, purple breasts jiggled as he pulled her up and down his thick cock. Currently Gamila could barely focus her eyes, even when she did stars mostly filled her field of vision and every thought she had seemed to be interrupted by a wave of lust washing over her body. Until finally, everything became too much for the Djinn. The incessant throbbing of Nasir’s cock against her folds, the copious amounts of precum filling her snatch, the rough way the young man was using her…Gamila was going to cum.
‘Cum for me!’ She demanded of Nasir, and he replied to her with a deep, primal roar.
As Nasir roared, hot, white ropes of cum as thick as molasses blasted violently from the tip of his member, instantly making Gamila’s stomach bulge outwards until her poor cunny could take no more. To Nasir, it seemed as if as much of his seed was blasting out of the Djinn’s snatch as he was shooting into it. But he didn’t care, for him this was one of the best climaxes he had ever experienced. What he didn’t know was that Gamila was experiencing an orgasm of the same magnitude, the small Djinn’s eyes had rolled up to only showed her golden sclera and she was shaking in pleasure in the young archaeologist’s arms.
‘My…you have no idea how much I needed that after being stuck in that lamp for so long!’ Gamila sighed as they both came down from their respective orgasms. ‘As for you, I think you deserve a reward for treating me so nicely.’ She added as she floated out of Nasir’s arms.
When she did, his member also slipped out of her stretched pussy, resulting in a deluge of his sticky spunk to escape from her slit, which rained down on the carpet she was floating above. Wonder how I’m going to explain that when I do show this place to my colleagues… Nasir thought. While he was lost in thought, Gamila had drifted down and pushed her chest against Nasir’s slick, softening prick, making the young man jump in surprise.
‘What are you doing?’ Nasir asked in confusion.
‘Rewarding you!’ The Djinn stated as she wrapped her huge, soft purple tits around his shaft.
‘Thank you, but I honestly don’t think I have another round in me after all that…’ Nasir replied with a sheepish smile.
‘Are you sure of that?’ Gamila asked, as purple and blue smoke covered her chest and Nasir’s crotch.
When the smoke disappeared, Nasir’s dick was once again fully erect and dripping precum. Leaving the young man feeling as if he hadn’t just pumped out enough jizz to fill a bucket. Very little had changed about Gamila, though. The only thing that had disappeared were the strange golden caps that had covered her thick, dark purple nipples, the only sort of garment Nasir had seen the Djinn wear.
‘Now that we are both ready, it is time to give you your reward!’ Gamila mused as her plush lips formed into an impish little smile.
Due to how slippery Nasir’s dick was with girlcum, as well as strings of his own seed, Gamila could easily work her purple jugs along it. This was made even easier because of the copious amounts of precum the young archaeologist’s prick was pumping out, so before the Djinn knew it her cleavage was slick with clear, sticky liquid. Nasir grunted and groaned as Gamila expertly rubbed her tits along his shaft, but he found out that he could not get off, no matter how much he wanted to. So, it quickly became clear to him that, once again, he couldn’t climax until the curvy little Djinn commanded it.
‘Fuck it.’ Nasir finally grumbled, as he grabbed the large plume of Gamila’s cyan hair with both hands and started to move his hips.
Having anticipated that Nasir might want to take charge, well, actually she hoped he would, Gamila stopped sliding her tits along his cock. Instead, she pushed the soft, heavy purple globes as tightly around the young archaeologist’s cock as she could while he did all the work. The Djinn’s cleavage completely swallowed Nasir’s dick, and no matter how roughly he thrust his hips upwards the crown of it was never able to escape. But what did escape Gamila’s cavernous cleavage was his precum. Clear, sticky strands of it were slowly seeping from the bottom, coating her belly while at the same time small lake of the stuff seemed to be forming at the top of her cleavage. Yet, Gamila still didn’t allow Nasir to have his orgasm.
‘Let me cum…let me cum…let me cum…’ Nasir began to say, repeating the words like a mantra as he continued to pump his hips.
‘Do you really want to empty those balls of you again so desperately?’ Gamila purred, as she watched the lake of prejizz overflow to spill over her breasts, making the purple orbs shine.
‘Yes!’ Nasir hissed desperately.
‘Then you must fulfil my second wish.’ Gamila replied with a serious look in her eyes.
‘Fine, I’ll do it!’ Nasir snapped.
‘My, without even knowing what I will ask for?’ Gamila teased, though when she heard the desperate whine that escaped from the young archaeologist’s throat she decided just to tell him. ‘I want you to take my lamp, and by extension me, with you. Do not leave me here, do not give me away and do not sell me. Do you understand?’
‘Yes!’ Nasir yelled.
‘Then you may climax when you wish.’ Gamila replied.
Just as the Djinn finished her sentence, spunk blasted from Nasir’s cumslit. It violently sprayed from Gamila’s cleavage, causing the Djinn’s eyes to widen in surprise before most of her face was suddenly covered by a mask of thick, sticky white jizz. Her breasts, shining with precum, also got a generous coating of the young archaeologist’s seed and rapidly started to resemble a pair of snowcapped mountains. Gamila could also feel Nasir spunk coating the inside of her cleavage, and slowly spilling out of it to coat her stomach. When the young man’s orgasm finally came to an end, Gamila’s upper body was more white than purple.
‘Now, make sure to fulfill my wish. Or you will regret it.’ Gamila stated, before turning into smoke and returning to her lamp.
‘Wait, what about my clothes!?’ Nasir yelled as Gamila returned to her lamp.
A few second later, smoke poured out of the lamp again and covered Nasir’s body. When it disappeared, he was once again fully dressed. In fact, it felt as if his clothes had been cleaned. Though his trousers were a little tight in the crotch. Briefly, Nasir debated leaving Gamila’s lamp behind. But a part of him was actually looking forward to fulfilling Gamila’s third wish, so he took the silver oil lamp along and returned to the dig site. He had found a site he wanted to share with the rest of his colleagues, after all.

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