Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] Aamara’s New Pet

The “Puffer Squirrel” from the Tentacle Pet story makes a return, this time in a more fantasy setting. One of the creatures gets picked up by a female Minotaur that is patrolling the outskirts of Milkton, and takes it back home. Only to find out that it is mating season…
Contains: tentacles, cow girl, huge breasts, muscle, lactation, oviposition.
Commissioned by Esjob 

Aamara’s New Pet
Today, like every day, Aamara patrolled the outskirts of Milkton. For some reason the enormous, bustling city always gave her jobs far away from its walls, and whenever she went to visit its Adventurer’s Guild she drew strange looks from the population. Perhaps it was because of her height? It wasn’t as if she could help it, Minotaurs both male and female were very tall and Aamara was no exception. The warrior woman was about nine and a half feet tall, and that was without counting the large bovine horns that grew from the sides of her head.
Then, maybe, did it have something to do with how she was dressed? It was true that she wasn’t as armoured up as the other adventurers, seeing as she only wore a pair of white and pink gauntlets with gold spikes over fingerless purple gloves made of a light material that nearly went up to her broad shoulders. With matching boots and greaves. But the large tower shield with Milkton’s crest, a bottle of milk, on it offered her all the protection she needed. Then was it how she dressed aside from her armour?
Aside from her pieces of armour Aamara was wearing a corset with the same white and pink colour scheme, and like the pieces of armour the pattern on it resembled the spots you might find on a cow. Aamara hadn’t seen many human women wearing only a corset to cover their chest, and none of them were blessed with breasts as large as hers. Due to the fact that she was a female Minotaur, Aamara’s jugs were each larger than a full grown pumpkin. And despite their heavy weight, they were shaped perfectly and barely even sagged. In fact, most of the time when people were staring at her they seemed to be looking at her chest. Either that, or their attention was directed towards her rear. Perhaps because she was only wearing what essentially amounted to a pair of purple panties that was made from the same light cloth as her gloves and thigh high socks? Well, if you didn’t count a belt with a bull’s head on it too, anyway.
‘Humans must be such prudes…’ Aamara muttered to herself as she continued her patrol, while she listened for any sounds that were out of the ordinary.
However, everything seemed to be business as usual. Aamara heard nothing but the wind blowing through the trees, the dry leaves and twigs being crushed underneath her feet and the clanking of the cowbell that hung from the pink choker that was wrapped around her neck. But just as she came to the end of her route, Aamara’s floppy bovine ears picked up a strange keening sound. The Minotaur warrior woman raised a confused eyebrow and reached back. First sweeping her long purple hair aside, and then grabbing the handle of the greatsword that she had strapped on her back.
Now with her tower shield raised in front of her and a hand on her blade Aamara slowly followed the sounds to its source, careful not to make too much noise. Which was quite difficult for someone of her size. As she got closer to whatever was making the sound Aamara realized she was approaching a clearing, she also became aware of how something had left a trail of destruction. Across from her were several trees that were missing branches, or had toppled over entirety, the cause of all the damage that had been done to the forest seemed to be a large, strange boulder that was sitting in a small crater near the centre of the clearing.
‘Odd that no one noticed this before…’ Aamara whispered to herself, not aware of the fact that she was the only one of the entire Adventurer’s Guild in Milkton that had been told to go on patrol outside of the city’s walls.
Just when Aamara wanted to get a closer look, she heard the strange keening sound again. Because of this, her attention was drawn to a strange animal that was lying close to the crater that the strange boulder had formed. The warrior woman got a better grip on her greatsword as she took a few steps towards the clearing in an attempt to get a better look at it.
It was unlike any creature Aamara had ever seen before. The creature looked like a mouse. Or perhaps it was closer to a squirrel? Only, this animal was a lot bigger than a common squirrel or mouse. Instead, it was about the size of a dog and didn’t seem to have any fur. But it skin had strange, vibrant colours. It matched the bright pink on her armour, along with the deep purple of her cloth gloves and thigh high socks. Although Aamara had never seen any animal like it, she had to admit that the creature looked oddly cute and didn’t seem to pose a threat. In fact, it actually seemed to be sick or hurt.
Aamara released the handle of her greatsword and carefully approached the strange animal. ‘Hey little fella, are you alright?’ The Minotaur warrior woman asked softly, as she gently reached for it.
The creature released a soft squeaking sound that Aamara couldn’t quite place, but she figured that it might need some aid. ‘Perhaps someone at the Adventurer’s Guild in Milkton could take a look at you?’ She wondered aloud while she picked the creature up.
When the female Minotaur’s hands were wrapped around the creature’s waist, it turned its head up towards Aamara and opened it large, oval shaped black eyes. It made an inquisitive sound, despite the fact that it seemed to lack a visible mouth. Fortunately, it seemed to recognize that Aamara was friendly since it quickly climbed up along one of her muscular arms, before it went from one of her broad shoulders towards her deep cleavage.
‘Well, you sure seemed to have regained your energy quickly.’ Aamara chuckled, while she felt the animal’s cool, squishy body disappear between her enormous breasts.
Its head was peeking out from the top of her cleavage while its thick, bulbous tail was hanging out from the bottom where it tickled Aamara’s flat, powerful stomach. She didn’t know how the strange creature was holding onto her, however. Its paws had looked rather small and stubby. But when the female Minotaur started to move, Aamara felt something aside from the creature’s tail tickling her skin. And when she looked down, she noticed how about a dozen more of the strange animal’s “tails” seemed to have spread out from its underside and were currently roaming over her body.
‘I’ve never seen any animal behave like this before…’ Aamara muttered. ‘You must be really sick, little guy!’ The warrior woman added as she looked down at the strange creature, seemingly not caring about the tentacles were fondling her breasts.
I might not make it to Milkton in time! Aamara thought to herself, afraid to say the words out loud as it might frighten the animal that was currently holding onto her as if its life depended on it. I should probably bring it home. See if I can feed it something to help it regain its strength, before heading out to Milkton myself to seek help. Aamara figured that this would be the best course of action. So with a nod, she set out towards her home.
Only, this was easier said than done. The strange animal, which Aamara had dubbed a “Puffer Squirrel” due to its resemblance to a squirrel, just wouldn’t settle down. It continued to make those strange squeaking sounds, even though they sounded a lot happier now, and its tentacles continued to roam over Aamara’s curvy, muscular form to find purchase. Occasionally Aamara had to stopped when one of the Puffer Squirrel’s strange tentacles wrapped around her thick, sensitive nipples and she had to pry them off.
‘Don’t worry, we’re almost there…’ Aamara said in a soothing voice, while she gently patted the head of the Puffer Squirrel as it peeked out from her cavernous cleavage.
Finally, an enormous wooden hut built of wood and stone came into view. Aamara had built it herself, since inns within Milkton did not have beds large enough for a woman of her size. Before Aamara could get inside she had to push the Puffer Squirrel’s thick, bulbous tail away as it tried to wrap itself around one of her thick, muscular thighs and she had to pull its tentacles way from her breasts again too. It seemed as if the small animal’s body had been stretching itself more and more since Aamara had picked it up, and the warrior woman was quite worried.
‘Food, food, need to get some food…’ Aamara muttered to herself once she got inside of her hut, pulling open several cupboards in the hope that she would find something edible for the Puffer Squirrel. Although she was seemingly unconcerned about the fact that it was still wiggling around in her cleavage.
In her search for food, the fact that the Puffer Squirrel didn’t actually have a visible mouth didn’t seem to occur to Aamara. Not that it mattered, because when the female Minotaur pulled open another cupboard the small animal gave a sudden yank on one of her thick nipples. Something akin to both a “moo” and a moan passed Aamara’s lips, and she nearly yanked the cupboard door from its hinges in surprise.
‘C-careful now.’ Aamara sputtered as she glanced down at the Puffer Squirrel again.
In the brief moments that she had been home the small, squishy animal that had been hiding in the cleavage of Aamara’s enormous bust had tangled her up in its tentacles again. The warrior woman could feel the cool, soft tentacles of the Puffer Squirrel tugging on her breasts, while more of the thin, cilia-like protuberances were entangled with the leather straps that kept her corset closed.
‘Are you stuck?’ Aamara wondered, her big body shuddering as the small animal continued to toy with her sensitive nipples.
The Puffer Squirrel responded with a loud squeaking sound. One that, too Aamara’s ears, sounded as if it was in distress. So seeing that she was home anyway, the female Minotaur began to undo the leather straps that kept her corset closed. It took her a bit longer than usual due to the fact that the Puffer Squirrel seemed determined to remove Aamara’s corset itself, but eventually the warrior woman succeeded and the white and pink piece of garment fell to the floor.
Aamara released a pleased sigh as her breasts were freed from the confines of the corset, and she couldn’t help but massage the massive, tanned globes of titflesh as they came spilling out in the open. In turn, the Puffer Squirrel came crawling out of her cleavage and playfully bumped its head against the female Minotaur’s chin. Before it turned itself around and disappeared back into her cleavage. Aamara watched on in confusion as she watched the small animal’s hindquarters and its long, thick tail with the bulbous tip shake back and forth. But then, she released a sound of surprise that sounded suspiciously like another “moo” when she felt the Puffer Squirrel’s head brush against her crotch.
‘W-what is it?’ Aamara muttered as the Puffer Squirrel’s soft, squishy paws were prodding at her panties.
The only response the warrior woman got from the strange animal was an annoyed squeaking sound while the tentacles that seemed to come from underneath its small body were moving over Aamara’s flat, powerful stomach and towards her underwear. The female Minotaur couldn’t suppress a giggle as the thin, cool protuberances tickled her. Then, suddenly, with another annoyed squeak the Puffer Squirrel sprayed a strange, sweet smelling pale pink goo from the cilia that extended from the bottom of its body.
Although it was kind of tough to see everything that was going on with her mountainous breasts in the way, Aamara could feel the fluid run down her body. So with a grunt of surprise the tall, muscular woman lost her balance and landed, loudly, on her ass. While she was lying down, she noticed the strange pink fluid running down her breasts as well. Apparently, some of the Puffer Squirrel’s thin tentacles had still been fondling her breasts. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to harm her tanned skin. But what it did do, was eat away at her clothing.
Aamara’s panties slowly seemed to disintegrate as the pale pink fluid touched it, and within moments the female Minotaur could feel cool air brushing against her labia. At the sight of the warrior woman’s snatch, the Puffer Squirrel made a triumphant sound and all the tentacles that had been teasing Aamara’s strong, curvy body abruptly seemed to hold her tight. Aamara’s muscular arms seemed to be pressed against her sides while her legs were pulled open.
‘O-oh…’ Aamara stammered, as the Puffer Squirrel rested its, correction, his adorable head on one of her massive breasts. ‘I guess it’s mating season for you, huh?’ She muttered, as she felt that big bulb at the end of the Puffer Squirrel’s tail pressing against her damp snatch.
Her question was answered by the Puffer Squirrel pushing his tail into her warm, pink depths. Another mooing moan passed Aamara’s lips, while the small, squishy animal resting his head on her chest was releasing happy squeaking sound. The size wasn’t a problem for Aamara, being a female Minotaur she could take huge cocks with ease. But the Puffer Squirrel used his tail in ways that no male could copy with his member. It twisted around oddly, brushing against her g-spot, before forcing its way into her depths. And once the Puffer Squirrel noticed what sort of reactions Aamara gave in response to the ways in which his tail teased her folds, he decided to repeat them. Several times.
‘You…you sure are merciless for something that looks so cute!’ Aamara gasped while she shook her head in pleasure, making her long purple hair whip around.
All she got in reply was just more happy squeaking while the Puffer Squirrel’s tail pumped in and out of her snatch faster and faster. And that wasn’t all, one of the squishy animal’s thin tentacles had found how her clitoris was peeking out of its hood, and began to tease it quite mercilessly. A loud “MOO!” came from the hut and echoed through the woods, scaring several birds from their nests, as Aamara arched her back in orgasm. But the tentacles that were binding her body did not release her, despite how violently she had moved.
Beads of sweat had formed on Aamara’s muscular form and more were running down her titanic tits, where they seemed to be absorbed into the Puffer Squirrel’s squishy body. At least she had discovered what the creature “ate”. Seemed like he was interested in fluids. But going from the way he was still ruthlessly pummeling his tail into the female Minotaur’s drenched muff, it was clear that he was currently more interested in mating with Aamara than anything else. Fortunately for her, it seemed like the Puffer Squirrel at least wanted his partner to enjoy herself. And that Aamara did.
In fact, the female Minotaur was enjoying herself so much that milk had started to trickle from her thick, hard nipples. The Puffer Squirrel’s happy squeaking only grew louder as Aamara’s white milk was absorbed into his body, lightening the pink and purple colours of his skin. Aamara simply continued to make soft, mooing moans as the Puffer Squirrel continued to hammer his tail in and out of her snatch. However, after a few more minutes of passionately thrusting his tail into her snatch, the Puffer Squirrel suddenly stopped moving it.
‘Wh-what’s going on?’ Aamara babbled, feeling hazy due to all the pleasure that was rocking her body.
Once again, the only response she got from the squishy little animal lying on top of her was a squeaking sound. Which was something the warrior woman had expected. What she did not expect, however, was the fact that the bulb at the end of the strange creature’s tail seemed to be growing even bigger. It took Aamara a few seconds to realize that the bulb that tipped the Puffer Squirrel’s tail was not growing bigger but was, in fact, opening up. Even for her it felt as if her pussy was packed uncomfortably full. But the strangeness wasn’t over yet, because Aamara soon felt a strange, slimy orb pushing against her cervix. It quickly forced its way into her womb, and was soon followed by another and another.
As her womb was being stuffed by those strange, slick orbs Aamara’s mooing moans had turned into soft gasps for breath. Looking past her enormous breasts the female Minotaur could see how her stomach was swelling up, and how the vague outline of some of the creature’s eggs, because that was no doubt what they were, as they continued to fill her womb. The Puffer Squirrel simply continued to rest himself on her chest and belly, squeaking happily as he filled Aamara up with eggs while her milk ran down her breasts to coat his skin.
Just when Aamara was certain that her womb could take no more of the Puffer Squirrel’s eggs, they stopped leaving his tail. Instead she felt a thick fluid filling her already stuffed womb, no doubt fertilizing the eggs, before the bulb at the end of the Puffer Squirrel’s tail closed again. With another squeak the small animal pulled his tail from Aamara’s stretched muffed, while his tentacles released her. He darted around her squeaking happily, while the female Minotaur pushed herself up.
‘Doesn’t seem like I can push these out safely…’ Aamara croaked, exhausted, as she pressed down on her stomach and tried to push out the eggs that were currently in her womb. ‘Guess I’m stuck with them,’ she added with a sigh. ‘And with you.’ The warrior woman finished with a smirk, while looking down at the Puffer Squirrel as he happily explored her hut…

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