Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] Phylo Demands an Offering

A sequel to A Nightly Visit, in which the adventurer that Stella had some fun with while he slept brings and offering to a Goddess of Fertility. Only, it turns out he got the offering wrong…
Commissioned by Dieselbrain
Contains: M/F, breast expansion, butt expansion, cock growth, ball expansion, stomach expansion, blowjob, handjob, buttjob, titfuck, excessive cum.

Phylo Demands an Offering
‘It’s not quite like I imagined it…’ Dameon muttered to himself as he exited the passage between mountains that led to Phylo’s Cleavage.
It was said that that this valley, named for the Goddess of Fertility that was worshipped in these lands, was a lush and fertile place with a mighty temple built in its centre that housed Phylo herself. Unlike the stories, the grass around the passage that Dameon exited from was yellow and dead. And only seemed to grow sparser the further he looked. Until there was nothing but dried, cracked earth. There were no beautiful flowers in sight either, or huge, old trees whose branches were sagging because of the weight of the fruit that hung from them. Dameon saw only thin trees, barely any taller than he was. And certainly much thinner.
‘This is serious!’ Dameon whispered to himself. ‘It’s a good thing the village elders sent me on this quest to bring Phylo her yearly offering.’
Dameon was a young lad. He had only been considered an adult by the village he called home for a few years now, and even then he was still called a “boy” for his fanciful dream of becoming an adventurer. Yet, he had been entrusted by travelling to Phylo’s Cleavage and finding her temple. He had been offered a horse, an old sturdy beast that had been used to pull a plough until becoming his mount, and a blade. Said blade was short and rusty, but had been all Dameon’s teacher, an old hedge knight, had to spare. Dameon’s mother had gifted him a comfortable, mustard yellow tunic, white tights and comfortable traveling boots. Which Dameon wore gratefully every day.
When he was all set, the village priest had laden his packs with fruit with the specific instructions not to eat them. According to the tales of old you had to offer Phylo “the fruit of the lands” to please her and in turn the fertility that blessed the valley would spread across the lands until her hunger returned. Dameon had promised he wouldn’t eat of the offering and that he would ride as fast as his old horse was able to make sure it wouldn’t spoil! And with that, he had set off to Phylo’s Cleavage.
It was then that Dameon found out…that adventuring was actually rather boring. He had found no ruffians to fight, damsels to save or dragons to slay. Mostly he just sat in the saddle until his ass became sore, and slept outside on the uncomfortable ground. The only highlights of his journey to the valley had been his rather pleasant dreams as he came closer and closer to Phylo’s Cleavage.
‘I wonder if that white haired woman in my dreams is Phylo?’ Dameon asked himself as he pushed his glasses up his nose, his white tights, well, tightening at the mental image of the full bodied woman with the star shaped marks on her cheeks.
While he had been lost in thought, fantasizing about his “dream girl”, Dameon had arrived in the centre of the valley. There was no life, even the few remaining skeletal trees that had dotted the valley didn’t seem to sprout here. All that was here was a pile of rubble. Something that could have, perhaps in the past, have been a temple of Phylo? There was a statue that was still mostly intact that portrayed a woman with wide hips, a plump belly and enormous breasts.
‘Now, that certainly looks like a fertility goddess,’ Dameon told himself. ‘But would a goddess really live in a ruined old temple like this?’ He asked nobody in particular.
Dameon pondered the thought for a few minutes before deciding to head inside. He had promised the priest back home he would leave an offering, hadn’t he? Besides, he didn’t want to feel as if he had made this journey for nothing. So he jumped off of his horse and grabbed an armful of fruit from the saddlebags. Thankfully, none of it had spoiled during his travels.
With fruit in hand Dameon managed to squeeze through one of the collapsed entryways. It was a bit of a challenge, seeing as he was broad of shoulders and plump almost everywhere else. Though underneath the fat he had gathered quite a bit of muscle thanks to all the practice he had done with his sword fighting instructor and the hard manual labour he had done at home. Unfortunately, the inside of the temple wasn’t much better off than the outside. The tiled floor was cracked, the walls were crumbling and everything was covered in an impressive layer of dust.
Everything but the altar Dameon found in the centre of an open, circular room in the middle of the temple. It was a pristine block of black marble with small white specks and veins. There was an indentation in the middle, one that vaguely made it look like a bowl, but there was still no sign of Phylo. Or anything else, really, residing within the temple.
‘I guess the fruit goes in here?’ Dameon asked himself as he prepared to drop the fruit he was holding on the altar.
‘I swear, you people get this “offering” to me wrong every year.’ A powerful, but slightly exasperated, female voice suddenly stated.
Dameon let a little yelp of surprise slip as all the fruit he had been holding was tossed up into the air, instead of into the intended “bowl” in the centre of the altar.
‘I’m sorry for startling you, but it’s been nearly a decade and none of the pilgrims making the journey these days leave me what I crave on my altar.’ The voice said again, and Dameon suddenly became aware that someone was standing across from him at the opposite side of the altar.
It was a woman. Although that had been obvious from her voice. She was shorter than Dameon and very thin. Her features were sharp and angular with pronounced cheekbones and a pointed chin, somehow she reminded Dameon of the strict priestess that had taught all the boys and girls in his village to read. Speaking of priestesses she was dressed in a perverse imitation of the garb they would wear. What with the white headdress and the tight coif from which small, tight little ringlets of hair had escaped.
Honestly, that was probably the only part that resembled a priestess’ garb because her clothing seemed to just…stop below her shoulders. Fortunately, she was wearing something underneath the tiny piece of white cloth. Unfortunately they were two thin, partially translucent golden ribbons that were draped over nipples and reached all the way to the floor. Her crotch wasn’t exactly covered either. Something that vaguely resembled a skirt was tied around her waist, seemingly made from the same golden material as the ribbons covering her breasts.
‘Wh-who are you?!’ Dameon asked, swallowing audibly while not so subtly reaching for his sword.
‘Is it not obvious?’ The strange woman asked with a cock of an arched brown eyebrow.
Dameon followed her example and raised an eyebrow of his own while staring at her as if she was mad. Which she may very well be. When it became obvious to her that she wasn’t going to get an answer out of him, the woman merely sighed and placed her hands on her slender hips.
‘I am Phylo, Goddess of Fertility. This temple is my home and those fruits scattered all across the floor were to be my…offering.’ She said those last words with a bit of a sneer, Dameon noticed.
Claiming that she was the goddess he was looking for did little to make Dameon less certain that she was crazy. Especially since she looked nothing like he had envisioned. And he wasn’t afraid to share that fact.
‘You? Phylo?I don’t believe you!’ Dameon rambled, while slowly inching backwards towards the exit of the temple. ‘First of all, you look nothing like the statues outside!’ He continued, while hoping that the woman did not notice how he tried to escape.
‘That is hardly my fault, now is it?’ The woman claiming to be Phylo replied as she circled around the altar. ‘Your people haven’t exactly been feeding me right.’
‘What are you talking about? We’ve left fruit here every year!’ Dameon exclaimed, almost upset, as he nodded at the fruit spilled on the floor. ‘Just like the legends said “fruit of the lands”! So stop claiming to be a goddess or I’ll…’ Dameon didn’t finish his threat, instead he decided to go in a different direction. ‘If…if the legends are wrong than what should we offer to Phylo?’
‘Ah…that’s easy.’ The strange woman mused. ‘What you are supposed to offer me is “the fruit of your loins” not “the fruit of your lands”.’ She explained.
‘Tha-that’s ridiculous!’ Dameon sputtered, surely a goddess would never ask for that.
‘Really?’ The woman claiming to be Phylo mused. ‘I bless the lands with fertility, true. But also women. I also don’t mind blessing young men with virility, especially if they feed me. So, weary young pilgrim that traveled all this way. Why don’t you bless me with the fruit of your loins, so I can set these lands in bloom once more?’ The strange woman asked with a warm smile on her plump, bee stung lips.
‘…what’s the catch?’ Dameon asked after a moment of silence.
‘There is no catch.’ She replied, warm smile turning amused. ‘I promise you, I simply want to enjoy myself. And while you feed me the fruit of your loins, I will attempt to prove that I am who I say I am. And if I can not? Then you are free to leave.’
Dameon swallowed audibly. Perhaps he should have taken this chance to run. But he found that he couldn’t. Every dream that he had had of the white haired woman during his travels returned, making his member swell in his tights once more. Not only that, he found that he wanted this woman. Needed her. Even though his interest usually focused on much larger women.
‘Fine, I suppose I do deserve to enjoy myself after traveling all this way here.’ Dameon finally said with a deep sigh. ‘What do you suggest we d-Woah!’ Before he had a chance to finish speaking, the woman claiming to be Phylo was on her knees before him and already in the process of yanking down his tights.
The strange woman cried out happily as Dameon’s short, fat shaft swung upwards to smack against the young man’s plump stomach. Beneath his shaft his scrotum was pulled tightly over his throbbing balls, clearly responsible for the pearly ropes of precum that were leaking from his cockhead to stain his mustard yellow tunic. The short brunette was clearly pleased by this, which was made obvious to Dameon by the way in which she hungrily licked her plush, beestung lips. So he wasn’t surprised when a small, soft hand angled his dick towards her face before swallowing his length whole.
Now, Dameon wasn’t exactly blessed with the largest member but that didn’t mean he’d never had the good fortune of experiencing a blowjob, though nothing quite like this one. And feeling his cock stuffed into this woman’s throat, with her plump, soft bottom lip brushed up against his sack, was an indescribable feeling. He desperately tried to remain stoic, like the adventurers and knights he so worshipped before this madwoman claiming to be a goddess, but a soft, drawn-out hiss did manage to escape his mouth even though he had set his jaw.
Not that the fact that he was enjoying himself had been any sort of secret before that. Silvery prejizz was flowing like a river from his widened cumslit to fill the brunette’s stomach and his balls trembled against her lips. Still, his expression of pleasure made little lights dance in the woman’s forest green eyes and Dameon was left gasping in surprise when he suddenly felt two small, delicate hands digging into his meaty backside.
He didn’t have a chance to ask her what she was plotting since the brunette very quickly threw her head back. When only his precum leaking cockhead was still sealed in her full lipped mouth the brunette dug her fingers into Dameon’s buttocks a little more and very eagerly pushed her head back forwards. She only needed to repeat this course of action one more time before Dameon grabbed the sides of her head and released a mighty bellow.
If the supposed goddess had any issue with the way Dameon held her head in place while he pumped her stomach full of cum, she had an odd way of showing it. Her forest green eyes glazed over while her grip on Dameon’s rear seemed to strengthen even more. As for Dameon, this had to be the best orgasm he had experienced in his life so far. Yet, his member didn’t seem to go soft at all. If anything, it felt harder and bigger than ever while his balls pulsed powerfully against the insides of his thighs, as if begging to be emptied again.
While he pondered these strange sensations, he realized he was still holding onto the woman’s head. ‘Oh, sorry.’ He mumbled as he let go and took a dazed step backwards. ‘What in the-’ He then gasped as his erect length slipped out of the brunette’s warm mouth.
When he glanced down at his shaft, still wet with saliva and stray ropes of his cum he realized that it hadn’t been just his imagination. His cock had grown. It wasn’t that noticeable, perhaps he had only gained half an inch in length and a little less than that in girth. But he was certainly bigger. Dameon wasn’t the only one who had changed, however. As he noticed when a small hand wrapped around his shaft and began to stroke it.
‘Do you like my gift?’ The brunette asked while her strokes slowly began to speed up. ‘I hope you do, because I need you to feed me more of your…fruit.’ She added with a sly smile, and Dameon noticed how her cheeks looked a little fuller.
Of course, more had changed than just her face.
Her previously flat chest had began to swell outwards somewhat. Now her breasts were easily the size of cantaloupes while her flat belly looked a little softer. Despite the fact that he had just emptied his balls Dameon couldn’t help but spray the brunette with precum after seeing the new size of her tits.
‘Now do you believe me, young man?’ Phylo, the Goddess of Fertility asked.
‘Yes!’ Dameon squeaked, as another fat rope of precum splattered over Phylo’s body.
Phylo merely smiled warmly as she continued to jerk the young man off with one hand, while the other cupped his balls. They had also grown ever so slightly, though Dameon hadn’t noticed, and the goddess was only all too eager to coax a new load of jizz out of them. Fortunately, it turned out that she didn’t have to wait very long. Whether it was the revelation of her being an actual goddess, the fact that he was still sensitive from his blowjob or a combination of the two Phylo didn’t know. Nor did she particularly care when she felt Dameon’s member swell in hand.
The Goddess of Fertility watched eagerly as the young adventurer’s cumslit widened as it started to expel thick, hot ropes of cum and she happily brought her body closer to the spewing cock, as if to make sure that nothing would be wasted on the floor. Dameon groaned and desperately tried not to clench his eyes shut in pleasure, because he wanted to commit the image of Phylo’s tits jiggling as blasts of jizz impacted against them to memory.
‘Quite impressive!’ Phylo cooed as the ribbons covering her nipples had been glued to her chest while thick lumps of Dameon’s load had started to slide down over her stomach. ‘But I know you can do better!’
With that, all the semen coating the goddess’ body seemed to be absorbed into her skin and both her breasts and belly got a little bigger. At the same time, it felt to Dameon as if Phylo had strengthened her grip on his balls. Instead, it turned out that his testicles, previously about the size of quail eggs, had grown to now match the size of a pair of chicken eggs. As a result, his precum had become much more viscous and was, again, drooling from the tip of his swollen member.
‘Now that is starting to look like a proper offering…’ Phylo sighed hungrily, before flashing Dameon a teasing smile. ‘Now, please get comfortable and I will busy myself with finding something to lubricate these breasts you keep staring at.’ She added, as she stood up and approached the altar.
As she rose to her full height it became obvious to Dameon that she had gone from simply looking “soft” to going explicitly “chubby”. Her large breasts had begun to cover her belly somewhat after their newest growth spurt, but they couldn’t quite hide her plump stomach. Dameon also hadn’t missed how the translucent ribbons covering her nipples were no longer being dragged over the floor due to her body having plumped up quite a bit.
Dameon quickly followed her suggestion and kicked off his boots before quickly getting out of the tights that had been bunched up around his knees. Afterwards, he unfastened his sword belt and threw his tunic over his head. He felt a little guilty just throwing his prized possessions on the floor like that, but at least the temple was clean.
Wait, clean? Hadn’t the place been a dusty, ruined mess when he walked in? ‘Am I going crazy?’ Dameon asked, as he looked around. Sure, the walls showed some wear and tear and the floor some cracks. But it all looked freshly cleaned, not like it had when he first stepped inside at all.
However, Dameon didn’t spend a lot of time contemplating his sanity because he also saw how Phylo stood bent over before the altar, her hindquarters raised high in the air. Like her chest and stomach, it was clear that her hips and buttocks had expanded somewhat. Her hips were broad and motherly like you would expect from a Fertility Goddess, while her buttocks were meaty and bulged outwards. For a few seconds, Dameon simply looked at the ballooning globes peeking out from underneath Phylo’s golden skirt. All the while, the wet sound of his precum hitting the floor resounded through the temple. Though he quickly decided that he wanted to do more than just watch…
So the sound of his precum splattering all over the floor was soon accompanied by the slapping of his bare feet as he approached. Dameon didn’t hesitate in grabbing hold of the translucent golden cloth tied around the goddess’ waist, before giving it a rough yank. The skirt slipped off with barely any resistance, yet Phylo did appear to be pulled backwards because soon Dameon’s fat member prodding against one of the brunette’s buttcheeks. The adventurer groaned softly as a long, syrupy rope of precum escaped his shaft. Splattering all over Phylo’s meaty rear before slowly sliding down her leg.
‘Sneaking up on a goddess while she is preoccupied?’ Phylo mused. ‘You certainly are bold!’ She teased while rubbing her, now shining, buttocks against the young man’s erection.
Since it was obvious that Phylo wasn’t troubled by him yanking her skirt away, much like how she had taken how he’d held her head in place while orgasming in stride, Dameon decided that it was probably time to take it a step further. With a grunt he grabbed onto her slippery asscheeks and spread them lewdly. He took a moment to enjoy the view, before slapping his prick down into her crack.
Dameon couldn’t help but admire his member for a moment. Before his shaft had been fairly girthy, but below average in length. Now he was sure that his fingers would barely touch if he wrapped his large hand around his shaft and that it was now a little longer than average. He also noticed how a fat blue vein had formed that ran from the bottom of his member all the way up to his crown. Yet, when he pushed Phylo’s fat asscheeks around his cock it didn’t seem to matter how much he’d grown. His dick simply disappeared between the halves of the goddess’ huge rear.
‘Mmm…’ Phylo purred. ‘Why was I down here again?’ She asked, as Dameon began to move.
‘You were looking…for lube…!’ Dameon said through clenched teeth.
There hadn’t been anything of the sort near the altar when he first entered. Not only that, but as he continued to shove his hips back and forth he could feel his own viscous precum sliding down his shaft and coating Phylo’s asscrack. Why had she even needed lube in the first place? The passage between her meaty buttcheeks had grown slick within seconds.
‘Yes, where did I put that again?’ Phylo asked innocently as she hugged the altar’s base to keep herself standing. ‘If only I had something else to coat my chest with?’ She added, clearly amused, as she felt the young adventurer’s hot precum touch the swollen, aroused lips of her pussy.
Even though it was now blatantly obvious that the goddess had been goading Dameon into taking the actions he was currently undertaking, he hadn’t exactly heard her. At the moment, his eyes were focused on the hypnotizing jiggle of her buttocks whenever he pushed his hips all the way forward and made his chubby stomach impact against them. At the same time, his large balls would smack against her hot, twitching pussy and force another volley of precum out of his cumslit. Phylo clearly didn’t mind her partner’s silence and simply held on to the base of the altar a little tighter, all while the sound of flesh impacting against flesh echoed through the temple.
Dameon lasted a fair bit longer than he had when Phylo had first sucked his cock and jerked him off. When his balls finally started to clench both the goddess’ rump and his stomach had taken on a faint pink hue from how hard, and how often, they had smacked against each other. Not that either of them seemed to be bothered by the faint stinging sensation they had in their respective body parts because of it. Phylo especially wasn’t bothered by it for long because Dameon eased up on his grip on her ass and began to groan.
Moments later he absolutely doused her lower back and meaty rump with his semen. Thanks to his balls having grown a few sizes since the last time he reached his climax Dameon painted Phylo’s back with so much white seed that it appeared that she now was, in fact, wearing proper robes. It probably helped that his cum had taken on the consistency of oatmeal with how thick it was and barely seemed to slide down the chubby goddess’ frame at all.
But like the previous instances, his seed was soon absorbed into her skin. Dameon had a few seconds to admire the way in which his cock expanded again, growing so much in length that the crown managed to peek out from between her buttocks while swelling in girth so much that he doubted he needed his hands to keep them spread. Of course, it was swallowed again when the Goddess of Fertility’s own body began to expand…
Hips grew wider at such a rapid pace that Dameon’s arms started to spread further apart while her buttocks started to gain more meat as well, until it slowly but surely began to resemble a boulder that gained a cleft in the centre due to being in a river too long. Obviously, Phylo’s rear was much softer. Which was something Dameon noticed easily since his proud cock had been completely smothered in assflesh once again, while his fingers had similarly sunk deep into her massive buttocks.
Dameon hadn’t quite finished admiring Phylo’s newly enhanced posterior before the goddess pulled herself up and spun around to rest against her altar. Dameon’s breath caught in his throat then. Where her face had previously been sharp and severe, it was now softly rounded and motherly with lips that somehow looked even fuller than before. But, the young adventurer had to admit, he was soon distracted by something else. Mainly, her chest! He had enjoyed the sight of her breasts before, but now they looked like a pair of overripe melons. Sagging simply because of their huge weight and only supported by her big, full belly underneath. Dameon could say nothing, but his girthy cock sprayed her massive mammaries down with an impressive load of hot, sticky precum.
‘It appears I managed to find some lubrication after all!’ Phylo teased as she spread the silvery fluid over her huge breasts while pulling the ribbons that covered her thick nipples aside.
Once her humongous bust was nice and shiny Phylo hefted the two enormous globes up and leaned back further against the altar. Dameon watched as her breasts poured out of her small hands while her thick pink nipples turned stiff. It was an invitation more obvious than when she had presented her rear to the young adventurer, so obvious that Dameon understood it immediately. So with a grunt, he laid his hands on Phylo’s shoulders and pushed his body forwards.
Despite how much his cock had grown, it managed to disappear completely in the goddess’ cleavage. It was something he should have expected after the way her newly expanded backside managed to swallow his thick prick, but Dameon’s eyes still widened in surprise. Phylo merely flashed him a smug little smile as she pushed her watermelon-sized tits closer together. The increased pressure around his shaft made Dameon’s balls jump, and immediately the goddess’ expanded chest got hosed down with another volley of precum.
Ropes of the viscous pearly fluid jumped from the top and the front of Phylo’s cleavage, also managing to pepper Dameon’s own stomach, while more of it ran down her plump, full stomach. Dameon merely tightened his hold on Phylo’s shoulders and began pulling his hips back. The Goddess of Fertility did nothing to stop him. She merely continued to lean back against the altar while glancing up at him with an impish sparkle in her big green eyes. Not that she needed to do anything, obviously. Dameon was eager enough to fuck her enormous, slick tits without being goaded by her.
When he pushed his hips back forward the young adventurer’s stomach smacked against the goddess’ chest. This was immediately followed by another prodigious outpouring of precum that rapidly managed to escape her tight cleavage and run down her stomach. As Dameon continued to pound his dick into her cleavage like that it was obvious that more of the pearly fluid was coaxed from his balls. And as another volley was fired between her tits, it was spread over them or flowed down her belly. So it came as no surprise that soon Phylo’s entire torso was as slick and shiny as her breasts.
Before too long, Dameon was pounding his body against Phylo’s with such force and passion that it became difficult to remain standing for the goddess. What with the way that she offered her breasts up to the young adventurer while leaning back against her own altar. After a few more minutes of it, she reluctantly relinquished her hold on her tits and instead reached back to lay her hands on the top of her altar and began to push her body forwards against Dameon’s.
Dameon didn’t exactly miss the way in which the goddess’ enormous tits had started to sway, and how it felt less tight between them for his member. So with a soft grunt he slid his hands down Phylo’s shoulder and over her breasts, before pawing at the massive globes and pushing them tightly around his shaft once more. Phylo couldn’t help but nibble on her plump lower lip at this. Evidently, the constant attention her rear and chest had been getting from Dameon’s hands and dick were starting to take a toll on her.
As Dameon continued to ruthlessly pound his hips back and forth to bury his thick member between Phylo’s breasts, he finally started to notice her arousal. In hindsight, it was obvious. Her flushed cheeks, her heavy breathing, the way her legs were trembling. He actually felt kind of proud of himself. So when he started to feel a familiar tightening in his balls, he brought his hands lower again. They remained on Phylo’s chest, however. He was simply seeking out her thick, aroused pink nipples…and wasted no time when it came to teasing them.
When Phylo gave a sharp gasp, and shuddered while wetness traveled down her thick, plump thighs, Dameon also reached his climax. The Goddess of Fertility just started to sink to the floor when Dameon’s hot, unbelievably thick load left his cumslit. Thick ropes of spunk exploded from the top of her cleavage. Lazily at first, to coat her already slick tits with even more of Dameon’s fluids. But as she sank further, the volleys of Dameon’s seed left with more force. Knowing what would come next, Phylo opened her mouth. Unfortunately, her face and the coif she wore got blasted with more semen than her outstretched tongue.
When her wide behind finally touched the floor, and Dameon’s slack hands had released her massive mammaries, the young adventurer’s cock was still blasting out cum. Some of it it managed to stain Phylo’s headdress further, but most of it landed on her altar. Right in the bowl like indentation that Dameon had wanted to drop fruit in on his first visit. Obviously, the altar couldn’t quite contain the young man’s prodigious load and soon semen was overflowing from it. Which, in the end, meant that Phylo did end up being showered with more of Dameon’s seed after all.
After what seemed like an eternity Dameon stumbled backwards and fell on his ass, exhausted. One part of his body was still very much awake, however. It appeared he had undergone one last growth spurt during what had to be the longest, most volatile, orgasm of his life. His member was now a good eight or nine inches long, about as big as the cucumbers that they grew back in his village. Its girth had to be the most impressive, however.
He reached out to touch it and found that his hand could barely encompass the whole thing. If he had to compare it to anything then it seemed to be as thick around as one of the jars in which you preserved food. And the vein that ran from base to, now fist sized, tip had grown to be about as fat as his pinkie finger.
Below his impressive shaft, he also noticed his testicles had undergone another transformation. Although he couldn’t see them past said shaft, he noticed that he could no longer bring his legs as closely together as before. Later he would find out that his balls had swollen to be nearly the size of lemons and housed a nearly inexhaustible supply of spunk.
‘Now, that looks quite fun to play with!’ Phylo mused as she glanced at his shaft, once again her body was completely clean of any semen that it had been stained with before. ‘Unfortunately, it appears that you are in dire need of some rest.’
‘Mhm.’ Was Dameon’s reply as he gazed up at the ceiling and noticed a scene of the valley was painted upon it. Was that there when I walked in? His exhausted mind asked itself.
‘I should not complain, you offered up enough up your “fruit”,’ Phylo mused. ‘But I must admit that I quite enjoyed spending time with one of my worshippers like this again after so long.’
This time, all Dameon managed was a weak nod as his eyelids were starting to sag. He could smell flowers and heard birdsong from outside. But the valley was a wasteland, wasn’t it? Then again, both the temple and the goddess it housed looked quite a bit better than they had at first too…
‘Unfortunately, my presence is needed elsewhere and I can not spend all my time here…’ Phylo sighed, but very quickly perked up. ‘So, since you have received my blessing I entrust that you spread the word about which “fruits” should actually be offered onto me. What do you say, Dameon? Will you be my prophet?’
When did I give her my name? Dameon wondered, before another thought immediately followed: Oh, right. Goddess. When he realized Phylo was waiting for an answer he simply said ‘Yes.’ Perhaps without fully understanding what he had just agreed to.
‘Excellent! I look forward to hearing from your exploits, young Dameon!’ Phylo cooed, before her expression turned sad. ‘However, I must leave for now. But I hope we can meet here again someday!’
And with that, she simply disappeared. Dameon fell asleep soon after, a hard marble floor had never felt so comfortable before. He did not dream of the white haired woman that night. But just like he was certain that he’d see Phylo again, he also knew that he’d dream about the strange white haired woman with the star marks on her cheeks before too long.

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