Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] UNABU: Operation - Futa - Epilogue

After capturing the Prin Cecilia and getting stuck with their bio-attachments back in chapter 3, Natalie and her squad go on a vacation and stay at a resort owned by UNABU.
Commissioned by Liralii
No sex in this story, plenty of nudity and silliness though. Was a pretty fun write and a funny ending for a cool story to write.

Epilogue: Vacation‘Was it just me,’ Natalie stated as they stepped out of the small, private airplane courtesy of UNABU. ‘Or was that most of the uncomfortable plane rides of your life?’ she asked with a sigh.

‘It was pretty cramped,’ Fatima agreed with a nod. ‘Penny sat squeezed against me the whole flight.’

‘Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it,’ the Private teased the tall, musclebound woman. ‘You dick was peeking out of your skirt for most of the flight.’

‘I sat on my balls a lot,’ Natasha stated flatly. ‘Do they look bruised to you?’ She asked, hiking up her skirt without shame to reveal to low-hanging testicles the size of grapefruits in a smooth, hairless sack. Above it hung a semi-erect member covered in a pink condom filled with precum; it was a miracle it hadn’t burst.

‘Put those away, Natasha,’ Natalie growled and she swore she saw the faintest smile gracing the Russian’s lips. ‘I’m just happy your damn condom didn’t break. I got covered in enough of your juices when we tried to capture Cecilia, thank you very much.’

‘You will never let me hear the end of that, huh?’ Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow.
‘Absolutely not,’ Natalie replied while childishly sticking out her tongue. ‘Anyway, where are we staying?’ She asked, turning to Penny and Fatima.

‘Uhm…’ Penny mused, looking up at the darkening sky as she thought. ‘I think Officer Callahan said we’d be staying at UNABU Resort 04?’ she replied after a few moments.

‘Great, they can’t come up with an original resort name but they do remember to add random numbers,’ Natalie grumbled. ‘Anyway, let’s go. Most of our stuff should have been sent ahead of us.’ She added while they left the airport. There didn’t seem to be any transportation waiting for them, so instead they hailed a cab.

As the cab stopped the cab driver rolled down his window, he looked to be in his 40’s with a strong, broad jaw and thick black hair that was greying at the temples and, Natalie had to admit, he was still quite handsome. He smiled friendlily and looked the Master Sergeant and her squad up and down while asking: ‘So where can I take you…ladies?’ and Natalie couldn’t help but smile at his surprise.

Not that she could blame him everyone was dressed for warm weather, despite their bio-attachments. Natalie wore her trademark black top, the outlines of her nipples clearly showing through it, as well as a pair of dark green bike shorts that bulged out dramatically thanks to her member. Next to her stood Natasha, looking like she did in her modelling days. Her hair pulled back in a stylish bun and wearing sunglasses, although it was more to keep her damaged eye hidden than anything else. A stylish yellow top with spaghetti straps covered her bust, which had returned to its normal size, while a short white skirt barely covered her butt and didn’t manage to hide her huge balls, or filling condom, at all!

A little behind them stood Penny and Fatima, Penny wore a thin summer dress that hugged her slender curves and had her short brown hair done up in something resembling pigtails, but had foregone wearing underwear so you could catch the occasional glimpse of her flaccid bio-attachment as she moved. Meanwhile Fatima wore a simple purple shirt stretched over her huge breasts and shorts that went a little past her knees, but there was simply no hiding the obscene bulge of her monstrous bio-attachment.

‘Yes,’ Natalie said opening the cab door and sitting next to the driver. ‘We would like to go to UNABU Resort 04, please.’ She explained as the rest of her squad took a spot on the backseat.

‘You got it, ma’am!’ The cabby said as he set his jaw and focused on the road, clearly trying not to look at Natalie’s bulging bike shorts.

The ride to the resort was silent with a clearly uncomfortable cab driver, Natalie placed a hand in her lap to try and cover herself up. But Natasha was clearly in a teasing mood as she sat with her legs spread to give anyone a good view of her big, low-hanging balls and Natalie noticed the poor driver getting more and more embarrassed. Luckily, there wasn’t a lot of traffic and they reached the resort soon.

‘Alrighthereitis!’ the cab driver rattled quickly.

‘Thank you very much, sir,’ Natalie said with a slight blush as Penny and Natasha stepped out of the cab while giggling. ‘Goodbye.’ She said after paying the fair and stepping out of the cab as well, but as soon as she stood on the sidewalk and shut the door, the car practically raced off.

‘You’d think most folks would be used to something as simple as chicks with dicks when 3D bio-printers can have dragons flying in the sky.’ Fatima stated drily.

‘If people are still surprised by it, then it must mean UNABU is doing a good job getting rid of the Prins,’ Natalie shot back. ‘Anyway, let’s see where our rooms are. I didn’t sleep at all on that damn plane.’ She grumbled as they entered the resort and stepped into the lobby.

‘Hello, how can I help you?’ A pretty little blonde asked Natalie as she approached the counter, and suddenly she heard a loud, wet SPLAT! from behind her.

‘Sarge, I think Tsarina needs a new condom!’ Natalie heard Fatima proclaim loudly and without much tact. Natalie clenched her eyes shut in shame and opened them again after a few moments to see the pretty receptionist giggling.

‘You must be Miss Jenner and her squad,’ she said after collecting herself. ‘Officer Callahan told us about the malfunctions from you bio-attachments.’

‘Yeah…’ Natalie mumbled, her bike shorts suddenly feeling a lot tighter.

‘In any case, here is your keycard,’ she said, handing Natalie a rectangular plastic card with the number 410 on it. ‘You will be sharing a suite on the fourth floor and your luggage has already arrived, enjoy your stay!’ She explained with a beaming smile.

‘Thanks,’ Natalie said. ‘About the mess…’ she added, looking over her shoulder to see a large puddle of precum having formed underneath Natasha.

‘Don’t worry, we have excellent janitors. Enjoy your stay.’ The receptionist said again.

‘Absolutely.’ Natalie said with a nod as she and her squad approached one of the elevators.

After a few minutes in the elevator, on the floor of which was a rapidly growing puddle of precum, they arrived on their floor. Natalie and her squad quickly excited the elevator before any of the other hotel guests would found the mess Natasha had left, but not before a loud yelp came from behind them, followed by an ‘Oof!’. Turning around Natalie saw that Fatima was holding Penny, how had apparently slipped on the Russian’s precum. ‘We really need to put a cork in that thing…’ Natalie sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

Natasha could only shrug and Penny and Fatima burst out into laughter at the absurdity of what had just happened, Natalie flashed a little half-smile as well but was quick to turn around and walk to their suite. A soon as she found the door with the number 410 painted on it she stuck the key card in the door handle and opened it up, her mouth fell open in surprise at the sight of the suite. There was a large sitting area with a soft couch and comfortable looking chairs while a plasma TV hung from the while, there was a little side-area for the kitchen as well and several bedrooms by the looks of it.

‘This place is bigger than my damn apartment.’ Natalie said softly to herself.

‘Bigger or not my luggage can’t be far away,’ Natasha said as she strode past Natalie and went looking for her room. ‘I want to go to sleep…’ the Master Sergeant heard the blonde mutter to herself.

‘I feel sorry for the poor maid that has to change her sheet.’ Fatima said with a soft chuckle as she stepped into suite as well.

‘I’m pretty sure the entire cleaning staff will like a raise after our vacation is over.’ Penny added with a giggle as she stepped inside as well, closing the door behind her.

‘Yeah…’ was all Natalie could say, in awe at the room they were staying in. But she too was feeling the fatigue of the long plane flight and went searching for her room as well. Apparently whoever brought in their luggage had been kind enough to tape a piece of paper with her name on one of the bedroom doors; she saw that it was the same for the rest of her squad. So she entered her chamber with a relief sigh…

…only to abruptly scowl when she saw what had been left on her nightstand. A fleshlight with a little note lying next to it.

“Hello Sergeant Jenner,” it read in flowing red ink. “I’m sure you and your squad can use some relief after your long flight, so I have left a fleshlight like this for everyone in their rooms so they can blow of a little steam. I hope you enjoy it!

- Caitlin Callahan
‘Damn it Callahan,’ Natalie growled, the paper grumbling in her hand. ‘What kind of sick prank is this? Who would like to stick their cock in a flashlight anyway?’ She yelled, while grabbing the sextoy and throwing it into a small trashcan in her room. Of course, just as she said that she heard the muffled moans from Penny coming from the bedroom across from hers.

Natalie rolled her eyes in response, after that blast of A-4-D-C-AK aphrodisiac hit Penny Andrews about a year ago she turned into the raging nympho she was today. Oddly enough Natalie, Natasha and Fatima hadn’t suffered the same effects when Ell sprayed them with the stuff back in Club Futa. Perhaps every person reacted to it different? Maybe it simply took longer for the effects to wear off for Penny? Natalie shook her head, this was her vacation! No time to think about Prins and aphrodisiacs. All she knew was that the bio-attachment only seemed to have made the young Private worse, but she guessed she was getting used to it.

What she hadn’t expected, however, was the loud, orgasmic shriek from the room next to her followed by a loud THUMP! against her wall. The Master Sergeant rushed out of her room, expecting an enemy attack, and rushed into Natasha’s without looking. ‘Natasha are you o…kay?’ she asked, her mouth falling open in shock at the scene she saw before her.

Natasha Tsarina was lying on the bed with her legs spread wide open and a dopey expression on her face, her eyes still hidden behind her shades. From her bed towards the opposite walls was a large trail of white, jelly-thick semen. Staining the bed, the carpet on the floor and several bags standing in the way, while glued to the wall with sticky jizz was the Russian’s very own fleshlight. Natalie stood in the doorway a while longer before she heard soft snores coming from the blonde, her member already drooling precum again after her huge cumshot.

‘I’ll deal with that in the morning…I’m going to bed.’ Natalie said to herself while shaking her head in disbelief.

* * * *

Natalie woke up bright and early, apparently her body hadn’t gotten the message yet that she was on vacation and didn’t need to be at the UNABU headquarters. Instead, she had to struggle with something that was new for her, morning wood. Natalie had gone to sleep in nothing but a big, comfortable shirt and panties, panties that her bio-attachment had escaped to push up her sheets. She briefly thought about jerking herself off…but it didn’t seem right somehow. The Master Sergeant had been given the bio-attachment as part of a disguise, and apparently to tire out Prins and club owners, somehow it didn’t feel right to use it to pleasure herself.

So instead she got out of bed, with her awkward boner, grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and a fresh towel provided by the resort, as well as some shampoo and bodywash, and headed to the bathroom. Natalie made sure to lock the bathroom door behind her, she didn’t want anyone to sneak in and “surprise” her with their bio-attachment, and started to brush her teeth. But still her morning wood didn’t subside! After spitting out the toothpaste and gargling some water, Natalie simply sighed and undressed.

‘Might as well test if a cold shower actually works.’ She grumbled in annoyance as she folded her shirt and underwear on the washbasin and jumped into the shower, placing her shampoo and bodywash on a nearby rack, and twisted the cold water tap until it stopped. Immediately a blast of cold water hit her skin. ‘Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Coldcoldcold!’ Natalie shrieked, but quickly got to work on cleaning herself up.

The Master Sergeant’s prick indeed slowly softened as the cold water rained down on it, but Natalie didn’t turn on the warm water tap and instead quickly washed herself clean with her bodywash, before shampooing her hair and washing it out. Once all of that was done, she turned off the shower and grabbed her towel to quickly dry off with a relieved sigh. ‘So, that got it down.’ She mused happily while looking down at her member, humming something nonsensical to herself as she put her shirt and underwear back on; her bio-attachment still flopped partially out of her panties. But there wasn’t much Natalie could do about that.

Still humming to herself Natalie brought her thing back to her room, but before she could get her clothes on there was an incessant knocking on the door of the suite.  While grumbling to herself the Master Sergeant quickly rushed out of her room to see who it was, the rest of her squad was still sleeping damn it! So she swung the door open ready to chew someone out, when she noticed a young man pushing a cart with boiled, fresh bread and several things to spread over said bread, as well as several other delicious looking fruits and coffee and tea.

‘Complimentary breakfast from Caitlin Calla-…huh.’ The resort worker trailed off and Natalie noticed his eyes moving down. So she glanced down as well.

…and of course her member peeked out from her underwear, past the hemline of her shirt, giving the young man quite a shock. ‘Yes, thank you very much!’ Natalie said, face turning red, as she grabbed the cart and wheeled it into the room. Once it was inside, she unceremoniously slammed the door in the young man’s face before shouting: ‘Wake up, you lazy cunts! Breakfast has arrived and we have a lot to do!’

She didn’t have to wait long before the doors of Penny, Fatima and Natasha’s rooms slammed open.

Fatima wore some shorts that looked like they could barely contain her monstrous horsecock, seeing as the pink and brown mottled shaft rested against her powerful stomach, while she wore a sleeveless shirt that had trouble containing her massive brown breasts, and showed a lot of stomach. While Penny and Natasha came out of their rooms with happy smiles, she looked like she had barely slept. But her facial features lit up when she saw all the food.

Meanwhile Penny next to her was smiling happily and wore nothing but an oversized jersey from some American team Natalie had never heard off. In any case, it looked like a dress on the petite brunette; the hemline even hid her member. Behind them walked Natasha, still wearing the same clothes as she had the night she fell asleep…stained with her own spunk.

When the Russian approached the cart of food Natalie cleared her throat, loudly. ‘No food until you hit the showers and put on a condom.’ She said in her most commanding voice, causing the blonde to look down at herself.

‘I’ll be right back.’ Natasha muttered, and Natalie could swear she saw the Russian’s cheeks turning a little pink.

After watching Natasha rushing from her room to the bathroom the rest of the squad laid out their breakfast on the table, once they were done the Russian emerged from the shower wearing a bathrobe, a bathrobe that was short enough to still show her huge, heavy balls. But Natalie ignored it and let her sit down as they all started on their breakfast. A few minutes into the breakfast Penny broke the silence. ‘So what do you guys think we should do first? Go shopping, watch a movie?’ She asked excitedly.

‘I’d like to go swimming,’ Natalie said after thinking for a few moments. ‘Been ages since I got to take a dip in a pool that didn’t have some tentacle monster lurking in its depths that we needed to take out.’

‘The pool sounds nice,’ Natasha replied with a nod. ‘I could use a tan and I can’t remember the last time I wore a cute swimsuit…’ she mused, more to herself than to the rest of the squad.

‘Okay, the pool it is then!’ Penny said cheerfully, before turning to Fatima and asking. ‘Unless you want to do something else?’ she asked the dark skinned woman that was staring off into the distance while chewing on a croissant.

‘Hm…Oh yeah!’ Fatima quickly replied with a nod.

‘You seem a little distant Fatima, did you sleep alright?’ Natalie asked.

‘No, Penny was a bit…loud.’ The dark-skinned woman replied with some embarrassment.

‘Sorry,’ the Private said while rubbing the back of her neck. ‘But that fleshlight Officer Callahan sent just felt so good!’ she sighed.

Suddenly a loud THUMP! resounded through the suite and the table lifted up slightly, sending some plates of food crashing to the floor. Natalie, Natasha and Penny were quick to hold the table to keep more from falling, but all turned their attention to Fatima who seemed to have lifted the table without using her hands. ‘Sorry,’ she mumbled. ‘Mine was too small to fit around my cock.’ She added with an embarrassed chuckle, followed by the rest of the squad bursting out into laughter.

‘Anyway,’ Natalie said after the laughter died down, ‘I think we should get our swimming stuff and head to the resort’s pool!’

Everyone responded to that with a happy nod, and after finishing their breakfast and clearing the table everyone returned to their respective rooms. Natalie quickly unpacked a tight-fitting, vibrant blue swimsuit. It still exposed some skin, like the sides of her huge boobs, and her nipples threatened to poke through it like with all her other clothes, but at least it wasn’t as skimpy as the clothes she had to wear the last few days. Of course, the outline of her bio-attachment was clearly visible…

But after stuffing some sunscreen, a towel and some fresh clothes in a sports bag, Natalie returned to the living room to see that she didn’t have it the worst.

Natasha was wearing a green bikini; her breasts were covered just fine. But her bottom piece only succeeded in cradling her huge balls, leaving her member to droop downwards as it filled up another condom. Fatima had picked something less revealing, a purple bikini-top that just barely managed to contain her enormous bust, as well as some male swimming trunks. But her horsecock still peeked out off one of the legholes. Meanwhile Penny wore a swimsuit like Natalie did, a black, tight-fitting number that showed a lot of her modest cleavage while a thin strip was all that covered her bellybutton, while at the bottom it bulged outwards due to her large member.

‘Well…this outta shock some guests,’ Natalie grumbled with a sigh. ‘But I don’t feel like staying cooped up in this damn suite for the rest of the vacation either, so let’s go!’ Of course, just as they were about to leave there was a knock on the door, causing Natalie to open it with an annoyed, ‘What!?’

‘Ah, good morning ladies. My name is Calentt and I am a morality officer UNABU has assigned to you, I came to check up on you and introduce myself,’ the person at the other end of the door said in a posh, British accent. Only it wasn’t a person, it was a large purple octopus walking around on its tentacles…wearing a bowler hat. Only as he lifted his hat something about him seemed to change. ‘And I look forward to buggering the living daylights out of you.’

‘What the fuck…’ Fatima said in response.

‘My such language,’ the Prin, and it was obvious a Prin, gasped after putting his bowler hat back on. ‘And I do hope you don’t plan to go out looking like that! It’s obscene!’ Calentt muttered.

All the squad mates exchanged confused glances at the sudden change in behaviour from the strange tentacle monster, but Natalie turned back to Calentt with a smile. ‘We were just hoping to go for a dip, where is the resort’s pool?’ she asked sweetly.

‘Why it’s on the ground floor, there should be a hallway next to the lobby leading outside to the pool,’ he explained. ‘But you can’t go out like that with your…members on display and your breasts barely covered! Why, you should cover yourselves with a shirt and…’

‘Alright, thanks! Bye!’ Natalie said before quickly pushing past Calentt, not wanting to listen to the Prin prattle on.

‘Well I’ll say, get back here while I’m talking to you young lady!’ the Prin shouted, shaking one of his tentacles in rage as Natalie rushed towards the elevator. Of course, with the Prin’s attention focused on the Master Sergeant, the rest of the squad quickly pushed past Calentt and followed her example, Fatima’s member slapping loudly against her thigh and making the rest of the resort guests gasp in surprise.

Once they reached the elevator Natalie was already standing in, they burst out into laughter at the silliness of it all and went down to the lobby. Occasionally they stopped on another floor, but all the other guests seem to suddenly want to take the stairs when confronted by barely dressed women with huge dicks. This, of course, caused Natalie or another squad member to grin broadly. ‘At this point will probably have the pool all to ourselves.’ The Master Sergeant mused.

* * * *

As it turned out, Natalie was right. A lot of the guests left when they arrived at the pool, but still many stayed to watch in curiosity. She was relaxing in the warm summer sun next to Natasha while Penny and Fatima were swimming around in the pool. Fatima was doing laps, swimming back and forth at surprising speed, while Penny was diving and either trying to see how long she could hold her breath or sneaking a peek at the butts of the other people in the pool.

‘Oh man, are those real?’ Natalie heard one passer-by ask as he stared at the members of Natalie and Natasha. Both the members of the Master Sergeant and the Russian had grown erect due to all the stares.

‘I don’t know, but they look like a couple of freaks!’ replied the woman walking next to the man. She was either his girlfriend or his sister, Natalie didn’t know. What she did know, was that she was pretty. Long dark hair and blessed with huge breasts and wide hips squeezed in a slingshot bikini that barely covered her nipples or the mound of her pussy.

In any case, a loud SPLAT! was heard a moment later, followed by a girly, high-pitched squeal as a big, filled condom smacked against her big, ballooning buttocks and burst open. Coating her buttocks in a layer of Natasha’s precum. ‘Time to change my condom again…’ the blonde stated matter-of-factly as the girl ran off in embarrassment.

‘You really need to control that thing.’ Natalie said while trying not burst into laughter.

‘I can’t exactly swim like this,’ Natasha said in response. ‘So I might as well find different ways to have fun.’ She added while rolling another condom over her member.

‘Just don’t get us kicked out,’ Natalie said with a sigh. ‘I’m going in for a quick dip if you don’t mind.’

‘Knock yourself out.’ Natasha replied with a sarcastic wave, before basking in the sun’s rays again.

Natalie shrugged and jumped in the pool a moment later, enjoying the cool water during the warm day and began to lazily swim around…only to stop when she felt someone bump into a crotch. With a sigh she rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance and stuck one hand underwater to pull up Penny, who was laughing sheepishly at her. ‘Sorry, it’s hard to see with the chlorinated water.’ She said.

‘Uh-huh, I’m sure it is,’ Natalie said sceptically. ‘Now stop peeking at the crotches and asses of other poolgoers!’ she added with a dangerous growl, before she began swimming laps as well.

After swimming a few laps, both Natalie and Fatima climbed out of the pool. Or at least, attempted to. ‘Ouch!’ Fatima squeaked as she pressed herself up and her member squeezed painfully against the edge of the pool. ‘How do guys do this? It’s so unhandy!’ She complained. Natalie laughed at her but ended up in the same position as the dark-skinned woman, and she winced in pain.

Once out of the water Natalie lied down on her towel again, next to Natasha, with a satisfied sigh while wondering what they were going to do next. But was quickly distracted by a weird, wet slithering sound what was getting closer, she reached for a weapon…but being on vacation, she didn’t have one. Luckily, the rest of her squad had noticed too, but they soon found out it was an all too familiar figure. ‘Oh look, it’s the, how you say? Party-pooper.’ Natasha mused as Calentt approached the pool

‘Let’s hide in the water until he leaves.’ Natalie said with some annoyance. Even while on vacation she couldn’t go a day without being bothered by Prins, it seemed.

‘But the water…’ Natasha stammered, gesturing at her cum-filled condom.

‘I’m sure we’ve all been covered in…filthier things,’ Natalie said with a grin. ‘Let’s go!’ she hissed while shooting Fatima and Penny a look as well. So the Master Sergeant jumped in the water, quickly followed by her other squad mates. The Russian was the only one who lagged behind a bit as she had to remove her condom.

‘Ladies, I know you’re here,’ Calentt said in his posh accent as he approached the pool, while Natalie and her squad had disappeared underwater. ‘The resort has received numerous complaints due to the obscene way you dress and behave and I will not have it. UNABU’s reputation is at stake here! Now come out at once!’

Now, of course Natalie wasn’t planning on doing that and wanted to wait until he left. But suddenly they saw a cock floating upwards, a strange sight for sure, and then another…and then two more. Natalie opened her mouth in shock, swallowing a bunch of pool water in the process, before getting up for air and screaming in surprise and terror. She wasn’t the only one, Fatima and Penny did the same while Natasha quickly got out of the water.

Deciding that the Russian had the best idea, Natalie and the other squad mates quickly followed their example. As well as the few guests still remaining in the pool, before they ran back screaming to the resort. ‘What the hell is going on?!’ Natalie asked, completely ignoring Calentt who was still going on about ‘public indecency’ while saying stuff like ‘terrible for UNABU’s image’ .

Only then did she realize that her bathing suit felt a lot less cramped, and indeed. After looking down the Master Sergeant found that her bio-attachment had released her clit and had escaped her bathing suit. Natasha, Penny and Fatima had the same revelation. Although in Natasha’s case she pulled the bottom of her bikini aside to reveal her bare snatch, while Penny did the same with her bathing suit. All of them laughed happily before casting another glance at the pool and their floating bio-attachments.

‘I think it would be a smart idea to leave the pool and find something else to do…’ Natalie muttered while rubbing the bridge of her nose in embarrassment.

‘Are you sure it’s wise to just leave the bio-attachments here, Sarge?’ Fatima asked in a worried tone of voice.

‘We’re at a resort owned by UNABU, I’m sure it’ll be fine,’ Natalie told Fatima. ‘Besides, who would want to steal some fake cocks anyway?’

While Fatima and Natalie were discussing whether or not to leave the bio-attachments floating in the water Natasha was grabbing her things, and Penny was slowly creeping closer to Calentt as the Prin chewed them out without anyone listening. ‘Hey guys, I have a fun idea for what we can do with the rest of our day!’ the petite brunette said to get everyone’s attention, and once all eyes were on her, Penny grabbed Calentt’s bowler hat.

Like when he first introduced himself, the Prin’s behaviour changed once the bowler hat was removed. ‘Well, if you insist on acting so obscene and damage UNABU’s image,’ he said while raising some of his tentacles. ‘Why don’t you let me help!’ Calentt yelled, his tentacles wrapping tightly around the bodies of the girls.

Penny giggled happily, Natasha screamed in surprise as she was suddenly yanked away from her belongings and Fatima grunted as she tried to pull the Prin’s tentacles off of her body, but she didn’t succeed. All Natalie could do was say: ‘Goddamn it, Penny!’ as her bathing suit got shredded and Calentt walked off with her and her squad mates squeezed in his tentacles.

Something told her this vacation wasn’t going to be much different from actual work…


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