Friday 14 December 2018

[COM] Zataille’s Kinky Backstory

A little bit of backstory about the commissioner’s goblin OC, Zataille, inspecting a strange island close to the city of Karbay with her mercenary companions…
Commissioned by myrlicious
Contains: Goblin, tentacles, mindcontrol (although that’s not really involved much in the sex parts.)

Zataille’s Kinky Backstory
A few miles out at sea, close to the city of Karbay, was a large island. It was covered in strange foliage that looked more at home in a jungle and strange rumours had circulated about it for about as long as Karbay had existed. Yet despite tales of it being cursed the island grew several plants and flowers that could be found almost nowhere else in the world. Causing curious alchemist and doctors to visit it anyway and collect ingredients for potions or medicine. The braver fishermen from Karbay would often visit the island as well, fishing for salt water fish in the ocean while fishing for sweet water fish in one of the island’s many small ponds.

But when several people that had gone to that island didn’t return, the rumours about the place being cursed only grew stronger. The city lord merely believed that those that had not returned were the victim of a shipwreck and sent out ships to explore the area between the island and Karbay. But when nothing turned up he sent a small contingent of the city guard to look for his people, fearing that perhaps they had gotten lost on the island. None of them returned either.

Worried about the fact that the rumours might be true after all, the city lord hired a group of mercenaries and sent them towards the island, of course warning them about the potential danger. So now he had nothing left to do but wait, and hope they returned with answers…

One of the mercenaries that had been sent was Zataille, a young goblin looking for glory. Like most of her kind she stood a little less than four feet in height, but unlike most goblins Zataille sought to become and adventurer instead of being slaughtered by one. She was clad in simple leather armour, which somehow still managed to accentuate the curves of her large breasts while the leather skirt she wore seemed too short to completely cover her firm, shapely green rump. Zataille wondered if perhaps her comrade had given her armour that was too small on purpose, but she didn’t care. She had seen women wandering around in skimpier sets of armour.

Still, she had handled herself well so far; the double-bladed battle-axe slung over her back wasn’t just for show, which was obvious to anyone who had caught a glimpse at her discreetly muscled arms. The goblin had pulled her long blonde hair in a simple ponytail, freeing her small, bat-like ears and exposing most of her feminine face with its smoky, almond-shaped eyes and plush, dark green lips. One of her eyes was covered by her bangs however, which was quite annoying in battle but the goblin had long since given up on taming her wild hair.

Currently she was the only one of her mercenary group on this part of the island; so far they had only found empty piles of clothing that seemed to lead to different parts of the island. None of them seemed to have torn, as if people removed them willingly. Or had disappeared and left only their clothes behind. The only other thing out of the ordinary were the strange plants Zataille had seen nowhere else, and the strange, overgrown statues in the woods. The creatures depicted on them gave Zataille the shivers.

‘Come to us.’

Speaking of things that gave her the shivers, she heard that vague command in her head again. It was as if a dozen voices whispered it in her ear every few minutes, but whenever she looked around no one was there. A few others in her mercenary group had heard it as well and had taken some men to look for the origin, so at least she wasn’t going mad. Yet she moved on, more unnerved than she had ever been but with a job to do.

Zataille passed through the woods, careful not to trip over the thick black vines that seemed to spring up around the area while ignoring the sounds of animals moving around in the forest close to her, but with a hand close to the handle of her battle-axe. None of the island’s animals came to her however, so Zataille pressed on walking deeper into the strange woods as the whispers continued to ring through her mind.

‘Come to us.’

They continued to say, and each time the goblin tried to move a little faster in an attempt to get away from the voices. But with each step they seemed to grow louder.

‘Come to us!’

The voices said again, growing louder. Causing Zataille to break out in a run, leaves crunched underneath her boots and low-hanging branches whipped against her arms and armoured torso. Yet despite the terror she felt, the goblin continued running in the same direction, towards the voices instead of away from them.


The voices boomed and Zataille stopped in her tracks and looked around to where she had ended up. She had ran into a large clearing in the centre of which was clear pool of water, perhaps one of the places Karbay’s fishermen had gotten their sweet water fish? It looked clean and cooler than the water in her canteen; perhaps she should take a quick sip? She had been running all over this strange island for a while now. But then Zataille noticed something far more interesting from the corner of her vision and tore her eyes of the pool of water.

Standing a few feet away from the pool of water, partially hidden between the trees, was a large, stone structure. The entry way reminded Zataille of the large, gaping maw of some beast, especially because a stone staircase leaded down in the darkness. Perhaps it was the entrance to some sort of temple? The stone did have carvings similar to the strange statues spread around the island, depicting odd trees and insect monster and…eyes. Just so many eyes. Perhaps this was where the missing people of Karbay had ended up? In Zataille’s experience old temples and cults were usually bad news. She had to back and find the rest of her group; she had to tell the—…


Then again, she had been running all over the island. They probably wouldn’t mind if she were to enjoy the fresh, cool water of the pool of water here. As these thoughts flashed through her mind something screamed at Zataille that something was terribly wrong, but she didn’t listen to that voice as she approached the pool of water. After all, she had been hearing crazy whispers for a while now, hadn’t she? With a grin Zataille dropped to her knees in front of the pool and dipped her hands into the pool, making them form a cup to scoop up some of the clear water. But just as she was about to bring it to her lips, she hesitated.


For some reason when the command echoed through her mind this time, the goblin’s body jerked in shock. The strange spell she seemed to have been under was broken and only now she realized that the pool of water she was kneeling in front of was completely black and strange shapes swan underneath the surface. Zataille quickly jumped to her feet in shock, planning to run and find her mercenary crew. But before she could, a large orange eye opened in the centre of the pool and it looked at her.

The voices in her head called and Zataille remained standing, too frightened to move like a deer staring into the open maw of a dragon.

‘I think I’ve heard enough of this.’ Zataille hissed in return, trying to keep her voice steady, before she ran. Unfortunately she did not get far.

Black tentacles coated with a deep green slime whipped out of the pool and wrapped themselves around Zataille’s ankles and wrists, the small goblin screamed in defiance but could not reach her battle-axe to free herself. A mocking laughter soon filled her head as other tentacles roughly ripped the battle-axe from her back and tossed it aside, before they began tearing off her armour. Before Zataille knew it she was wearing nothing more than her fingerless leather gloves and simple leather boots, while the rest of her curvaceous green form was on display for the perverted tentacle monster.

‘Damn it! Why is it that when old gods are involved there are always tentacles?’ Zataille growled angrily while trying to repress a shudder as the slick appendages rubbed her legs.


‘So you’ll let me go?’ Zataille replied grinning as she felt a wave of confusion from the strange creature hit her mind by way of response. ‘Because cutting you to pieces with my friendly axe will make me truly happy.’ She added, grin broadening.


‘Oh ye—Oh!’ Zataille’s response was cut short as one of the slimy tentacles pushed against the entrance of her pussy and a wave of lust abruptly washed over her, making her body writhe and shake in the hold of the black tentacles.

Once again several voices laughed as one, mocking her as her green labia plumped up and grew moist with arousal. Zataille whimpered, she didn’t know what was wrong with her but she found that her body was incapable of resisting the thick, black tentacle coated with that strange green slime as it slid inside of her. The thing moved slowly, almost torturously so, drawing desperate whimpers and moans from the goblin’s lips. Whimpers and moans Zataille desperate tried to repress, but couldn’t as her folds stretched around the wriggling intruder with each inch that was pushed inside of her, sending such powerful sensations to her brain that Zataille was afraid her mind would break.

The voices mused in her head, sounding impressed. Zataille could only laugh in response, it was more uncomfortable than she was used to thanks to the tentacle stretching her pussy and making her stomach bulge outwards slightly. But she still continued to chuckle, even as her nerves seemed to be on fire due to the lust coursing through her small, curvy green form.

The voices asked, obviously angered. So Zataille replied. ‘We goblins breed like rabbits; if we didn’t adventuring parties would have wiped us out a long time ago. Our libidos are high and our bodies can take quite a bit of punishment, but I guess this island is your whole world so I guess I can’t blame you for having had such little variety.’

‘Bugbear’s balls…’ Zataille grumbled. ‘Should’ve kept my mouth shut.’

Zataille realized just how true that statement was when another tentacle shot out of the pool and wiggled between her large, firm buttocks, bringing a surprised yelp from the goblin’s lips as the cool, slimy flesh of the appendage touched her warm, sensitive skin. She began to struggle in her bonds, to try and escape, but quickly hung limp in the grip of the tentacle creature again as the tentacle in her snatch quickly reminded her of its presence by ramming forward and bashing against her cervix. Something that should have been painful instead sent a large wave of pleasure towards Zataille’s brain and all she could do was open and close her mouth like a fish on dry land as the tentacles held her, clear juices blasting from her stuffed quim to coat the insides of her green thighs.

Now that the goblin was briefly incapable of resisting the tentacle that had just appeared from the black pool pushed against Zataille’s tightly clenched pucker and, with the aid of the water and the strange green slime that lubricated its length, slowly began to work its way inside. Small sounds of protest escaped Zataille’s lips as she did her best to catch her breath, but the creature didn’t stop. Instead the mocking laughter returned in her head as her anus stretched wide around the invading black tentacle, the sheer girth of the slimy appendage even spreading her firm, shapely buttocks apart without any assistance. Once again it seemed as if pain or discomfort had turned into pleasure for Zataille, as copious amount of lubricant drooled from her stretched pussy as her stomach was bulging outwards even farther now due to the second tentacle violating her body.

Both tentacles began to move as one, sliding in and out of her desperately clenching holes with such force that Zataille’s body was shaking back and forth in the grip of the tentacles that held her. The black, slime-coated appendages moved as no normal penis could, hitting every sensitive spot in Zataille’s snatch, despite hammering into her so roughly. That, combined with the strange aphrodisiac-like slime that coated the tentacles, brought the small goblin to the heights of ecstasy. Zataille couldn’t recall just how many times a powerful climax had rocked her curvy green form, but going by how raw her throat felt she had squealed in orgasm quite a few times.

‘I told you goblins cou—Mph!’

Zataille’s reply was silenced as another tentacle slid out of the pool and pushed itself past the goblin’s opened lips and down her gullet. Zataille’s eyes widened as the slimy black tentacle made her throat bulge out and quickly began to water as the odd-tasting appendage began to move. Her mind might have lasted longer than the other women this thing had been with, but Zataille didn’t know how much longer that would last. Apparently sensing that the goblin’s mind was close to giving in two more tentacles of the creature shot out of the water, this time two wrap themselves around the green, curvy breasts of Zataille as they shook back and forth due to the thrusts of the tentacles violating her holes.

A loud, desperate moan muffled by the tentacle violating her throat left Zataille’s mouth as the two slippery black appendages wrapped themselves around her large breasts and began to squeeze and massage them lovingly, while flicking over her stiff nipples. Copious amounts of juices continued to drool from her violated snatch and Zataille had difficulty focusing her eyes as she was thrust back and forth between the slippery tentacles that had their way with her. Green slime coated her gloves and boots, while more of it stuck to her buttocks, the insides of her thighs and her breasts. At this point even the wind blowing against her sensitive skin made her shudder in pleasure, just what the hell was this thing doing to her?

Around her the land seemed to come alive. Flowers bloomed around the black pond and the grass seemed to grow just a little greener. Zataille’s eyes widened in confusion and again heard a mocking laughter in her head.


The voices explained and Zataille had a fuzzy recollection of those words, but they had to be the truth going from all the plant-life that seemed to spring up around her.

‘Perhaps…it won’t be so bad?’ Zataille thought, growing close to giving in.

The tentacles holding her began to disappear, slipping underneath the surface of the strange black pool and dragging Zataille with them. The goblin barely noticed as pleasure continued to wash over her while she curiously took in the island’s plant-life growing around her. But then, the tentacles suddenly stopped and Zataille heard multiple voices screaming in pain, the screams clearing the fog of lust that hung over her mind. And arrow with green and brown fletching was sticking out of one of the tentacles, which was bleeding a green ichor as it shook back and forth.

Feeling the grip of the tentacles that were wrapped around her ankles and wrists weakening, Zataille began to struggle again. The creature tried to tighten its hold on the goblin again, but was greeted by another arrow. Zataille did her best to ignore the screams of pain in her head as she tried to free herself. She had managed to pull her legs free, but the slippery black appendages still held on to her legs while the rest of them remained stuffed in her quim, ass and throat. Suddenly the creature yanked her down sharply and Zataille roughly hid the ground, her fingertips touching the icy cold black water. For a moment Zataille worried she would be pulled under, when suddenly the blade of an axe cut the tentacles holding her wrists.

‘Damn it, Zataille! Why do you always have to go off by yourself?’ Barret Hawks cursed as he pulled his axe, blade coated with green ichor, from the ground.

‘It’s more fun that way,’ Zataille replied as she pulled the tentacle violating her throat out of her mouth with some effort, while trying to hide the fear she felt just moment ago. ‘I never get to do anything exciting when I’m with the rest of the group, cautious bunch that you are.’ She added.

‘Well, be glad we found you or you’d never have another exciting moment again.’ The large human man grumbled, while slicing at another tentacle as it got out of the water.

Zataille didn’t reply, instead she did her best to wrap her hands around the slipper tentacle still working its way into her snatch in an attempt to yank it out. Barret saw what the tentacles were doing and cursed, he didn’t want to risk a chance hurting the goblin no matter how much he chewed her out. Fortunately, more of her mercenary group showed up. Slicing at the tentacles with swords, daggers and axes or raining down arrows on it. So when its life was at stake, the creature decided that protecting itself was more important than one little goblin.

When the slimy black appendages pulled themselves from Zataille’s tight holes with lewd, wet sucking sounds, the goblin quickly scrambled backwards to find her two-handed battle-axe. She did her best to help out her companions, but after everything that had happened her legs felt like rubber and her weapon felt even heavier than before. Luckily, there were few casualties. Some men lost their weapon or were tossed aside by a tentacle, but no one seemed to get seriously hurt. Still, it would probably a good idea to end the fight quickly and get the hell back to Karbay.

Apparently someone agreed with Zataille. ‘Stand aside!’ the voice of Brandon of Blackstone bellowed, before a ball of green fire as large as a grown man’s head flew into the clearing.

Everyone happily did as the mage commanded, ducking aside or dropping to the ground as the fireball blasted into the creature. Zataille heard shrieks of pain in her head again even worse than before and loud, sharp hisses. When she dared to look she saw the water had evaporated and most of the tentacles were nothing more than dried husks. All that remained was a large, single orange eye that had looked at her when it wanted her to drink the water. But underneath the pond, as the tentacles crumbled, she saw a room below made of stone. There were a lot more tentacles too and strange pulsing green sacks hanging from the ceiling.

But Zataille steeled herself and tried to ignore it as she raised her axe. ‘I told you I would cut you to pieces didn’t I?’

But before the voices could utter a single word, Zetaille brought her axe down and sliced the orange eye in half. The goblin smiled in satisfaction, but it quickly disappeared when she heard a loud, terrifying roar. A sound no human or animal could make and it wasn’t in her head this time, no. In fact the whole island shook with the force of it. Underneath what had once been the pool of water, in the stone room, the tentacles began to quiver and the sacks hanging from the ceiling tore open, revealing strange insect-like creatures.

‘Back to the ship!’ Brandon of Blackstone bellowed again and everyone happily followed his advice.

Despite his age and the size of his belly, the red haired mage with his wild beard quickly had a heard start over anyone else. But as Zetaille ran with her group, she noticed one thing. Where were all the women who had heard the voices again? She asked Barret and he explained they had found ponds like the one Zetaille had been at and although they quickly destroyed the creatures inside, the women had grown mad and attacked them. Luckily none of them died, but when Zetaille arrived at the ship most of the women had a swollen lump on the side of their heads and were tied down.

‘By the Gods’ balls…lift the anchor and get the blazes out of here!’ Brandon yelled as he looked over his shoulder.

A swarm of black things was coming their way as the crew of the ship set off. Brandon cursed and, together with his apprentices, used all the magic at his disposal to get the ship away from the island. Luckily the creatures didn’t seem able to swim, but they all stood on the coach. Watching them.

‘I think we need to tell the city lord that we’re not ready to face what’s on that island, not by a long shot.’ Barret muttered.

‘All Zataille could do was nod numbly in agreement.


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