Thursday 13 December 2018

[COM] Beast Slayer Etya: Getting Ninja’d

Etya the beast slayer meets Kuro, a mysterious young elf as she is spending her free time in the city of Ashmer. He wants her help slaying a monster residing in the woods to the west of the city, woods so old that they have long since lost their name. Although it isn’t usually a place were monsters reside, Etya just couldn’t resist joining him after hearing what Kuro offers as payment…
Commissioned by ashraam.
Kuro belong to the commissioner.
Etya belongs to Dmin.
Contains: M/F, tentacles, big cock, huge breasts, excessive cum

Beast Slayer Etya: Getting Ninja’d
To the west of the city of Ashmer was an old, verdant green forest that was mostly left alone by humanity and monsters alike, this made it an uninteresting place for adventurers and had caused many to forget its original name. Yet a small elf with wild, oily black hair and a tall, blonde woman travelled through them, going even farther west towards a small mountain range. The woman’s name was Etya, a beast slayer that tended to lay with some of the monsters she was supposed to kill. Her long blonde hair was kept in two intricate braids, while a simple red band wrapped around her forehead kept her bangs out of her large, expressive blue eyes.

While her travelling companion was dressed rather simple and seemed to disappear in the shadows of the enormous trees around them, the beast slayer stood out wearing a leather leotard that had been dyed red. Her breasts could barely be contained by the garment and the enormous, soft-looking pale orbs wobbled dangerously with each step, threatening to spill out into the open. The rest of her attire wasn’t much better, leather socks dyed the same red as her leotard went past her knees, showing a delightful amount of her discreetly muscled thighs, other than that she wore nothing more than simple leather boots and gloves. Of course, the giant axe she had resting on one shoulder kept most people from doing something stupid.

‘Hey kid, is this cave of yours much farther?’ Etya asked her travelling companion breaking the silence that hung over the old forest as she followed the small elf.

‘I am not a child,’ the young elven man replied, not even bothering to look over his shoulder. ‘And yes, it should not be long now.’

‘Could’ve fooled me.’ Etya replied as she looked at the elf that was about seven inches shorter than her.

She had met the elf where she found most of her jobs, travelling companions and, of course, booze. The local tavern of the city she was currently residing in. The elf had approached her and introduced himself of Kuro before he offered a job; he spoke of a valuable jewel being held by a strong monster. But he needed her help in slaying it, in turn he would show her to its lair and as payment he offered his virginity. It was a little unorthodox and the elf could be a little stoic, but it was Etya’s job to slay beasts and monsters so she agreed. Besides, she hadn’t popped anyone’s cherry in ages and Kuro wasn’t exactly bad to look at.

The young man was short and slender and thanks to his smooth cheeks and the strange elven agelessness that surrounded him, it was difficult to calculate his true age. But he certainly didn’t look like most elves Etya had encountered, his skin tone was a dark, olive brown, lighter than the obsidian skin of the Drow but darker than those of a regular elf. Then there was the way he dressed, he wore a simple leather vest that left his arms and midriff bare and baggy trousers with a large variety of pockets, completing his outfit were a pair of pitch black leather boots and fingerless leather gloves. But all in all, he exposed a lot of his fit, lean physique which Etya didn’t mind at all.

After a few more minutes of walking in silence, Etya released a bored sigh. ‘You know, if you were a bit more talkative some girl might have popped your cherry ages ago.’ She said in an attempt to get a conversation out of the elf.

‘I can be quite a pleasant person to talk to, Miss Etya,’ Kuro replied, his tone carrying a hint of humour. ‘But that wasn’t the problem.’

‘Oh? Then what was it?’ Etya asked curiously.

‘When we arrived in the bedroom most of the partners didn’t seem pleased about…the size of my manhood.’ He revealed after a brief pause.

‘Ah…Well, don’t worry about it kid, I can handle any size!’ Etya said with a teasing wink as she slapped the elf’s rear.

‘I keep telling you I am not a child.’ Kuro replied drily again, but the corners of his mouth did briefly tug up to form a ghost of a smile.

Unfortunately Kuro still wasn’t the most talkative of elves during the rest of the trip, luckily it didn’t take much longer before he and Etya arrived at their destination. It was the small entrance to a cave, partially concealed by the local foliage, which Kuro could probably slip into with relative ease while Etya had to duck. The beast slayer had never heard of a monster making its lair in the woods west of Ashmer, then again the place had been left alone for so long that more than one monster could have made it its home. But at least it appeared that the elf had told Etya the truth.

‘The creature is through here, follow me.’ Kuro finally said, breaking the silence as he squeezed himself through the interest.

‘How did you know…about this place anyway?’ Etya groaned as she wormed her way into the damp, dark cave herself.

‘I have my sources.’ Kuro shrugged.

‘Oh, a mysterious one, aren’t we? Women like that!’ Etya said with a teasing grin.

‘Fine, fine, let’s just say that there are people that still remember the history of these woods,’ he admitted with a wry smile, those strange gold-coloured eyes of his twinkling impishly. ‘Now follow me, the beast is deeper inside.’

Etya did as he asked, but the only light filling the cave was the sunlight pouring in from the small entrance so to her, Kuro was nothing more than a silhouette until eventually, she barely saw him at all and tried to follow the sounds of his footsteps. Around her she heard the sounds of fatter dripping from the ceiling, which was quite unnerving in the darkness and didn’t make following the elf by sound any easier. Luckily as they got deeper and deeper inside the cave started to become a little less dark, until she noticed that the cave was filling with a bright blue light that came from deeper in the cave. When she and her travelling companion rounded the corner, Etya could finally see just what was producing that light.

In the centre of the roughly rounded cavern, springing up from large cracks appearing on the cave’s floor was a massive pink gel monster. Its appearance reminded Etya vaguely of a tree thanks to the way it seemed to have grown from the rocky ground, while it’s multiple tentacle-like appendages slowly moved their way along the cavern walls in an attempt to suck up the moisture, making it look as if the creature was caught in the breeze. In the centre of its “trunk” the gel beast carried a glowing blue gem, shaped like a heart and a little larger than Etya’s clenched fist. Upon seeing it the beast slayer whistled appreciatively.

‘By my grandmother’s tits, I can see why you wanted me help you kill this thing,’ the blonde mused. ‘That gem is going to sell for a big sack of gold.’

‘I held up my first part of the bargain and showed you the way to this creature,’ Kuro replied, his face an expressionless mask but his eyes glinting with hunger as he looked at the gel beast’s heart. ‘Now please, distract this thing so I can procure the heart and we can move on to fulfilling my second part of this bargain.’

‘Wait, “distract”? Didn’t you want me to kill this thing?’ Etya asked as she loosened her shoulders and gripped her battle-axe a little tighter as she prepared herself to fight the gel monster.

‘I said I needed your help in slaying it, yes. But I didn’t say you had to kill it,’ Kuro explained. ‘The only way a warrior such as yourself could kill it is, unfortunately, by breaking the heart.’

‘And that would make this whole mission pointless, gotcha,’ Etya mused. ‘So what do I do?’

‘Simply fight it, disable its appendages and keep it focused on you while I use my own set of skills to safely remove the beast’s heart.’ Kuro explained.

‘You’re a wizard then? You don’t look the type.’ The beast slayer asked with a curious cock of her head.

‘Not exactly,’ the elf replied with a mysterious grin. ‘Just fight, you will see soon enough.’

‘Yeah, yeah, you don’t have to keep pushing me,’ Etya said while childishly sticking out her tongue. ‘I don’t mind get up close and personal with beasts like this,’ she added as she approached the gel monster, while being wary of the reach it had with its tentacle-like appendages. ‘Hey! Big pink and ugly, are you ready for a fight?!’

As Etya would quickly figure out, it was. The blonde’s yelling made the surface of the monster’s gel like skin ripple and one of its tentacles quickly snapped at the beast slayer; unfortunately she had miscalculated just how long the beast’s appendages are. However, this wasn’t the first time Etya was fighting monsters and the blonde was able to quickly dance out of the way. Of course the creature wasn’t done with her yet, after the tentacle had slammed down on the cavern floor it swiped into the direction Etya had dodged, but luckily the blonde was able to slam her axe into the pink appendage.

‘Ha! This is easy!’ Etya bragged as the blade of her weapon cut to the pink gel with ease, causing the tip of the gel beast’s tentacle to splatter on the floor.

This had apparently caught the monster’s attention as the surface of its body bubbled and the blue gem in its centre flared up a little brighter, apparently the beast slayer had angered it. Which Etya soon found out as she was reminded that the gel beast had more than one tentacle-like appendage, mostly because they all swiped at her as one. Etya cut through several of the tentacles that were foolish enough to come close to the blade of her axe while she jumped over others to dodge, or ducked low enough to have them whooshing over her head. Yet those that she hadn’t cut always came back for more, of course this resulted in her simply cutting those off as well, all while laughing triumphantly.

‘See, easy?’ Etya bragged as she looked over her shoulder at Kuro, her heavy breasts rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath.

‘You might want to pay attention to what you are doing.’ The elf replied, not looking up from his work as he pricked his thumb with a strange, black throwing knife Etya hadn’t seen before and began to write symbols on a blank piece of parchment that lied in front of him.

‘What? Oh…maybe I spoke to soon.’ Etya muttered as she focused her attention on the gel beast again.

All of the appendages that had been cut and fallen on the ground to form little puddles of slime had slowly flowed back to the gel monster’s main body, which had absorbed them causing all of his tentacle-like appendages to be the same size as they had been before. And apparently, the beast was ready even if the beast slayer wasn’t. Etya managed to get her axe up in time to slice off the first to tentacles that whipped towards her, but unfortunately the ones that followed managed to snatch the dangerous weapon away from the blonde. Leaving Etya unarmed as she tried to dodge the barrage of tentacles.

‘Ha! Don’t think that’s the only weapon I have!’ Etya shouted at the monster, not caring that it probably couldn’t understand her. ‘I have a few more tricks up my sleeve, or should I say in my boots!’ she yelled, while pulling a long, thin and slightly curved silver dagger from each of her boots.

Kuro groaned and shook his head at the beast slayer’s joke as he continued filling his parchment with bloody marks as the battle between Etya and the gel monster continued. Despite not having the reach of her battle-axe her daggers were lighter, making it easier to run around and dodge the tentacles while simultaneously cutting them up. And yet, Etya’s battle didn’t become any easier. She started to grow tired while the gel beast showed no signs of weakening; instead it continued to endlessly regenerate its removed tentacles. The beast slayer was afraid she was going to slip up soon and, sure enough, as soon as the thought reached her mind she slipped in one of the puddles of pink gel that had been a tentacle-like appendage just moments before.

Etya wasn’t even allowed to hit the floor and make a fool of herself as the tentacles that hadn’t been caught quickly snatched her up, wrapping around her ankles and yanking her up higher in the air while two more of the soft, tentacle-like appendages wrapped around her wrists so tightly that she was forced to drop her silver daggers. After a while the gel monster had fully regenerated his tentacles and the curious appendages closed in around Etya, sliding over her leather leotard or rubbing against her cheeks. Before Etya knew it one of the tentacle-like appendages actually slid inside her leotard and she felt the cool appendage made out of gel prodding against her plump labia, causing her to release a little sigh.

‘Ah! What the hell is it doing?’ Etya squeaked in surprise as the cold gel beast continued to feel her up.

‘These things live off moisture…so I think you can guess,’ Kuro explained as he finished putting down the strange symbols on his parchment. ‘Now will you be silent, I need to focus.’

Etya wanted to chew out the elf and tell him to hurry up, but as she opened her soft pink lips one of the gel beast’s tentacles just so happened to see that she had yet another source of moisture and stuck one of its appendages in her mouth. It tastes like strawberries! Etya thought as the gel monster’s tentacle brushed over her tongue and worked its way down her gullet, making her throat bulge out in an obscene fashion. Being treated like this set something off in the beast slayer and abruptly her plump snatch became to grow wet, which of course caught the attention of the curious tentacle-like appendage that was rubbing against her labia. So focused was the blonde on keeping her throat loose and relaxed for the tentacle violating her throat that she squealed around the appendage in surprise as one of its companions suddenly began to push its way in her snatch, splaying her labia apart in the process while her pink folds stretched around the thick, tentacle-like appendage.

Kuro’s gold-coloured eyes briefly flashed upwards to look at the way his travelling companion’s throat bulged out as one pink, gel tentacle roughly worked its way in and out of her tight throat, but he quickly looked down and focused on his parchment again. Etya could swear that the elf’s olive brown cheeks had darkened, but the thought abruptly left her head as the second tentacle-like appendage pushed itself deeper into her, now drenched, muff. The large pink tentacle had made her stomach push dramatically, so much so that it was in fact visible through her leather tentacles. Around her the other tentacle-like appendages belonging to the monsters started getting restless, but luckily none of them focused on Kuro as he worked his spell. He didn’t prepare his spell like any wizard’s Etya had seen, using his hands to make intricate signs like that. Still, the blonde beast slayer had faith that the small elf would deliver.

Of course, unfortunately for her, he was quite ready yet and apparently the gel beast curious tentacles didn’t want just two of their companions to have all the fun. So as she held and suspended in the air, with one tentacle roughly hammering itself down her throat in an attempt to absorb her saliva for nutrition, while another fat tentacle filled up her moist gash and seemed to do the same with her orgasmic juices, two their restless companions slid in through the top of Etya’s leotard. The blonde once again howled around the gel shaft that was relentlessly fucking her throat as the two cool, tentacle-like appendages of the beast suddenly wrapped themselves around her huge, heavy breasts and dragged them out of her leotard. With the two cold gel tentacles holding her tits, and the cool, damp air of the cave blowing against them, Etya’s pink nipples abruptly stiffened. The tentacles holding her weighty knockers seemed to notice and stretched themselves out a bit, caressing the sensitive pink nubs curiously. Etya moaned around the gel shaft in her throat again as she writhed in the grip of the gel beast’s tentacles, while the amount of juices leaking from her snatch increased, much to the enjoyment of the tentacle-like appendage in her pink depths which abruptly increased the speed of its thrusts.

As this was going on another tentacle pushed itself between the Etya breasts, which had been squeezed together by its companions, and quickly began sliding itself back and forth between the two soft, creamy white globes while yet another of the gel beast’s pink appendages slid into the beast slayer’s leotard, only this one ended up disappearing between her firm, nicely rounded buttocks. When she felt the cool tip of the tentacle-like appendage pressing against her ring of muscles Etya’s blue eyes widened and she screamed around the gel shaft in her throat, but once again it was in vein as the pink, gel tentacle began to force its way into the blonde’s bowels. It slowly pushed its way deeper and deeper, stretching Etya’s anal tunnel and pushing out her stomach even farther. She felt so full and didn’t know how much more she could take, yet the tentacle-like appendage stubbornly pushed on.

Although a cloud of lust had fallen over Etya’s mind, which was only occasionally cleared by stabs of worry or discomfort, she did pick up the sound of Kuro clapping his hands together focused by the sounds of crunching parchment. From her position she could see that he had slammed his fists down on the parchment, which he had filled with intricate signs she didn’t understand, and a moment later his hands were set ablaze with green flames. The beast slayer’s eye widened with concern, but as soon as she blinked Kuro was gone leaving behind only a trail of strange green fire…and she was falling.

Luckily she landed softly, in a large puddle of pink slime. ‘What the hell…’ she croaked, the pink slime that had once been a gel tentacle running down her chin as she looked over at the gel beast, or at least what remained of it.

Where its heart had been was now a man-sized, bubbling hole with green flames eating away at its pink body. On the other side stood Kuro, proudly clutching the fist-sized, heart-shaped gem while the gel beast slowly started to lose its form, any of the tentacles that had been around Etya, with had been all of them, had turned into a pink slime as well. Leaving her huge breasts coated with the stuff while more flowed from her gaping anus and abused cunny, it was going to be a pain in the ass to clean up but at least it didn’t stink.

‘Are you ready to go?’ Kuro asked, still clutching the gem as it was their only source of light.

‘I’m fine, thanks for asking,’ Etya replied drily. ‘And I’ll be ready to go once I found my axe as well as my daggers.’

Kuro nodded in response and helped Etya dig through the slime as best as he could, until they found all her weapons. All were coated with the stuff of course, but they should still work fine. With that the two of them left the cave again, but as they got closer and closer to Ashmer the stoic Kuro began to look a little nervous about what was going to happen next…

* * * *

‘Wh-what am I supposed to do?’ Kuro asked while swallowing nervously as Etya pushed him towards the bed of the room they had purchased for the night. The gel beast’s gem heart having long since disappeared into one of the many pockets of Kuro’s baggy trousers.

‘Just sit down and let me enjoy my payment.’ Etya replied as she childishly stuck out her tongue and placed her battle-axe against a nearby wall.

Kuro did as was asked of him and slowly sat down on the bed Etya had pushed him towards, while the blonde slowly began to move her hips to a beat the elf suspected was only in her head. The beast slayer began by slowly pulling off her brown gloves, one finger at a time, before letting them fall carelessly to the floor. After that she turned to face away from Kuro to bend over and take of her boots, which of course caused her to wiggle her firm, shapely rear into his direction. But when she moved to undo her red, leather socks the elf made a sound of protest.

‘Could you, uh, please keep those on?’ he asked, cheeks darkening.

Etya grinned, he was actually blushing. ‘Fine, fine, it is your first time after all.’ She said in response, before she began to heroic task of pulling her huge, heavy breasts from her leotard.

Since he had been so focused on getting the gem heart when they were fighting the gel beast, this seemed to be the first time Kuro really saw what Eyta’s breasts looked like. They were two pale, creamy globes that were each a little larger than her head and capped with light pink, suck-able nipples. The beast slayer chuckled at his direction and slowly pulled her red leather leotard down further, revealing a slender waist and a powerful stomach as well as a plump, moist snatch that was hiding between her discreetly muscled thighs. Now that she was completely naked, aside from the red leather socks that went past her knees and the red band tied around her forehead, Etya approached the young elf sitting on the bed.

Kuro’s golden eyes flashed from her softly shaking breasts to the wet gash hiding between the blonde’s thighs, before he seemed to realize Etya was coming closer. When she finally dropped to her knees in front of the elf and dug her fingers into the waistband of Kuro’s baggy trousers she saw a faint flash of embarrassment appear in those eyes of it, but she ignored it and simply pulled his trousers down. When the elf’s erect member came swinging into view, before slapping against Kuro’s fit stomach, Etya released an appreciative whistle.

‘When you said women weren’t “pleased with the size of your manhood” I thought it’d be smaller.’ Etya mused as she wrapped a slender, but strong, hand around the elf’s cock.

‘So it is not too…large?’ Kuro asked, still blushing faintly.

Etya observed his member as she slowly began to stroke it. ‘It certainly is large; Etya mused as her hand began to move a little faster. ‘But I think that gel beast has loosened me up enough for it not to be an issue.’ She added while looking at the elf’s cock.

It appeared to be around ten inches long and four inches wide, which was definitely bigger than most of her human and elven lovers had been, and the skin was thick and covered his domed crown. With a smile up at Kuro Etya stretched her lips into a lewd “O” before pushing her head towards his groin, swallowing his big, stiff virgin cock. Kuro gurgled happily and reflexively slammed his hips upwards, ramming the rest of his large rod down the blonde’s throat. Etya gagged loudly as a result and covered the elf’s crotch with saliva, when he realized what had happened Kuro quickly lowered his hips again while his face took on a worried expression.

As Kuro opened his mouth to apologize however, Etya quickly swallowed the inches he had extracted from her throat. The elf gasped sharply and grabbed the beast slayer’s thick blonde braids for support, which Etya didn’t seem to mind at all. Although tears of effort had appeared in the corners of her eyes and her throat was bulging obscenely, Etya continued bobbing her head along the length of Kuro’s thick, lengthy shaft. All in all it didn’t take long before pearlescent, salty precum began to flow from his distended cumslit and from her current position Etya could see that the elf’s plum-sized balls had started to clench up.

‘Ah…uh…’ Kuro gasped while gripping Etya’s braids a little tighter. ‘C-cumming!’ he finally bellowed.

With a rough yank on her braids Etya’s face was pulled tightly against Kuro’s body, her nose was pressed against his bare crotch while her chin disappeared between his large, heavy testicles. Not even a moment later jets of hot, salty jizz blasted from the tip of Kuro’s member, filling her throat with so much of the molasses-thick white goop that Etya had trouble swallowing it all. Unfortunately, she had to try since Kuro was holding onto her hair so strongly that the beast slayer doubted she could extract his cum-spewing member from her throat. But due to a good amount of luck and effort, Etya managed to swallow it all and after a moment the elf released her braids while breathing heavily.

‘Man you can pump out a lot of seed,’ Etya croaked after extracting the elf’s monstrous member from a throat. ‘And still hard too, huh? I bet the ladies are going to love you!’ she added with a chuckle as she got to her feet. ‘Now lie down on the bed, it’s time for the “main event”.’ She purred.

Although he still looked a little nervous, Kuro eagerly kicked off his trousers as they were bunched up around his ankles before he did what Etya asked of him. A smile played over the blonde’s lips as she saw the way Kuro’s large, saliva and semen covered monstercock stuck up like a sundial before she got on the bed with him. As she straddled Kuro’s hips and loomed over him, his cock a mere inches away from her hot, dripping box she took in the previously stoic young elf’s now eager expression. Then, she lowered herself on him.

‘S-so hot! So tight!’ Kuro hissed as his cock stretched Etya’s snatch wide.

Meanwhile Etya herself released a groan of pleasure as well. ‘As I thought, a good, hard cock is way better than some slimy, wiggling tentacle.’ She mused aloud in a pleased tone of voice.

With that said the blonde began to push herself down further until the entirety of Kuro’s member had disappeared into her hot, tight pink depths, at which point she placed her hand on her stomach with a fond smile. Kuro meanwhile was gripping the sheets tightly as he breathed heavily and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. When Etya noticed this, her fond smile quickly stretched into an impish grin and she began to work her hips, sliding the elf’s stiff prick in and out of her moist depths. It went slowly at first, but soon enough Etya was bouncing on Kuro’s monstercock rapidly.

The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh resounded through the inn room accompanied by desperate grunts from Kuro and pleased moans from Etya. The beast slayer’s firm buttocks smacked powerfully against the elf’s legs while her huge tits jiggled each time she slammed herself down on Kuro’s monstrous pole. When the elf noticed those wonderful creamy breasts bouncing so close to him, he decided he wouldn’t simply lie down and do nothing. With a grunt of effort he released the bed sheets that he had gripping so tightly and raised his hands up towards the jiggling globes.

‘Ah! Well, aren’t we getting excited?’ Etya moaned as Kuro grabbed her breasts and squeezed as much of the large globes in his hands as he could.

Etya got no answer from the elf, of course. Kuro seemed far to obsessed with watching how the blonde’s pale, soft breastflesh spilled from his hands as he squeezed and massaged them. So with a shrug, Etya simply continued pumping her hips, moving faster and faster as her own climax seemed to get closer and closer. Kuro groaned and his hips jumped slightly, but his hands remained on Etya’s breasts. Unfortunately for the beast slayer, this was still the elf’s first time. So when she thought she was about to hit her orgasm, Kuro released a feral growl while arching his back.

‘Cumming!’ he roared louder than Etya thought he was capable off, as warm, thick semen blasted from his fat cock.

White gunk smacked against the blonde’s pink folds and threatened to blast straight into her womb, the sheer force of Kuro’s orgasm set off a small climax for Etya as well and as her pussy got packed with elven spunk her body shuddered slightly and she clenched her eyes shut. It wasn’t the big orgasm she had been hoping for, but at least it was something. Besides, the night wasn’t over yet.

‘Th-thank you, tha-that was amazing…’ Kuro gasped as he came down from his climax.

Etya soundlessly pushed herself upwards, excess spunk dribbling from her stretched cunny to coat the insides of her thighs and stain her red leather socks. ‘Don’t thank me yet,’ she purred as she scooted backwards slightly. ‘The night is just getting started!’ she added, while wrapping her huge breasts around Kuro’s softening cock with a triumphant smile…

* * * *

Etya and Kuro had been going at it since the early hours of the morning, at which point they had finally decided to go to sleep. After wringing about two more orgasm from Kuro with her breasts and with her snatch the young elf started to grow a bit more confident and adventurous, causing Etya to try different positions and fetishes with him. All in all, it had probably been the most fun the beast slayer had had in a while.

…Which was why she was so disappointed to find that Kuro wasn’t there when she woke up early in the afternoon. All he had left was a strange throwing star that Etya, recognized as a weapon some warrior from over the sea used much like the strange black throwing knife Kuro had used in the cave, embedded in the wall with a note attached.

It read:

Thank you for your services, you performed as promised and helped me complete my mission with ease. You also gave me the best first time a guy could ask for and I hope we meet again.

‘Still so formal after everything we did last night,’ Etya mused with an amused smile. ‘But I won’t exactly mind bumping into him again myself.’ She added, before leaving her room in search of a hot bath and a good meal…


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