Friday 14 December 2018

[COM] The Headmistress’ Task

A follow-up to "Sex Ninja Finals" in which Kai and Talia get called into the office of the headmistress for causing too much trouble, so she sends both goblin and elf into the Forest of Mist to steal something from a powerful witch and claim it as a trophy. Only then are they allowed back into the Ninja School.
Commissioned by pantboy678
Contains: futanari, dick growth, huge breasts, tentacles, goblin, elf, autofellatio, huge cock, excessive spunk

The Headmistress’ Task
‘You two again?’ the headmistress of the only ninja school on this part of the globe asked as two all too familiar young women walked in.

One of them was a goblin adopted by one of the teachers from the school named Kai, like most of her kind she was short and stood a little less than four feet in height. She was quite a beauty as well, her jawline was delicate and her cheeks softly rounded and she looked around with large pink eyes that sparkled mischievously, usually with her full lips tugged up in a smile.

Yet despite being so short Kai had curves that seemed to belong on a woman several feet taller than her, full green breasts a little larger than her own head sat high and proud on her chest and her slim, fit waist flared out into a pair of broad, breeder hips. And today said curves were squeezed into a black leotard that looked a few sizes too small, which was apparent due to the way her nipples tried to escape. But Kai wasn’t just curvy; she was also in the best shape of her life due to growing up in a school for ninja’s giving her strong, sleek legs, strong arms and a flat belly. Combined with the naturally high libido of a female goblin and she had drained more men while she was training than most professional female ninjas had in their entire careers.

Standing next to her was Talia, and elf that was nearly the complete opposite of Kai. First of all, she stood almost six feet tall and while Kai was soft and curvy in all the right places, Talia was a bit…harder. Her face beautiful as well, but reminded the headmistress more of a noblewoman or a warrior with its sharp jawline and pointed chin while her high cheekbones were well defined and as thin as icicles, even her nose was slender and pointed sharply downwards. Her face had a kind of angular, but beautiful intensity to it. An intensity that wasn’t helped by her ice blue, almond-shaped eyes that seemed to look down on everyone.

The same went for the elf’s body, her shoulders were broad for a woman and the discreet muscles along her arms and legs were a little more obvious than they were on Kai, her stomach was flat and stripped ruthlessly of excess fat to show off her abdominal muscles. The one place where she beat the goblin when it came to curves where her breasts, the tanned globes were enormous and nearly twice as big as those of Kai’s! The globes were held in a loose-fitting top made of colourful cloth, far too small for her huge breasts and so short that her stomach and abdominal muscles could be showed off. If the headmistress remembered correctly, the cause of her huge bust had been a talisman used by Kai and when a teacher tried to remove it there were complications, resulting in Talia’s newly enlarged bust. She had made a show of being disgusted by her newly acquired “chest fat” as she called it, but it had been clear to everyone that she enjoyed showing off her tits.

‘This is the third time this week you two have been sent to my office for having matched about who can use sex techniques the best or who can drain a man the fastest, you’ve even brought outsiders into this!’ the headmistress screamed as she slammed her fists on her desk, making her own considerable bust jiggle pleasantly as a result.

‘It isn’t my fault that only other elves are interested in sleeping with Ms. Stick-Up-Her-Ass, here.’ Kai grumbled underneath her breath.

‘It’s called having standards, not that you know anything about that you little green skank.’ Talia retaliated while folding her arms underneath her massive chest.

‘Enough! I don’t want to hear any more excuses!’ the headmistress barked. ‘This sort of behaviour will ruin the good reputation of our school and will give our existence away to the common folk! I believe that I and my co-workers have been far too lenient with you, so it’s time for punishment.’ She growled.

‘Another night with the guardians?’ Kai asked, and to the headmistress’ eyes the little goblin looked just a tad too excited to spend the night with those magical statues.

‘No,’ she replied with a shake of her head. ‘Deeper in the Forest of Mist, far past the edges of this school, is a hut in which a…well, let’s call her a “witch” resides. I ask you to find this hut and retrieve something from it as a trophy and return. Only then are you worthy of forgiveness.’ The headmistress explained.

‘What if we can’t find the hut or retrieve a trophy?’ Talia asked business-like.

‘Then don’t bother coming back.’ The headmistress replied, her tone cold.

Both of the students swallowed audibly and the room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, before Kai finally spoke up. ‘What exactly are the dangers?’ she asked in a small voice.

‘You will be employed for scouting and spying as well as assassination, it’s up to you to find out the dangers,’ the headmistress snapped. ‘Now leave this office and go to work on your task!’

Neither Kai nor Talia needed to be told twice and quickly ran from the office.

* * * *

Both elf and goblin soundlessly made their way through the Forest of Mist, avoiding branches and dry leaves with ease as they did their best to see through the thick fog that covered the forest floor while sunlight barely managed to pierce through the thick foliage. Before leaving the school they had spoken to students and teachers for any information about the forest, or this “witch” the headmistress had sent them after. They had managed to pry the fact that a pair of powerful Oni had been seen patrolling this area of the woods from a young, sexually frustrated underclassman. But so neither Kai nor Talia had seen them, they haven’t even heard anything.

‘What was that?’ Talia asked as she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Kai opened her mouth to argue with the elf, when her ears picked up a rustling sound from further ahead. Both of the female ninja shared a look, before jumping up in the tree. The rustling sound came closer and closer…yet neither of the ninja saw anything, no large looming shadows of ogres, no voices, no nothing. When the rustling sound had passed them Kai shrugged and jumped down, Talia didn’t follow the goblin immediately as she landed quietly at the base of the tree. Instead she seemed to wait and see if Kai would get attacked by whatever had just passed them. When nothing of the sort happened, she landed next to her friend who gave her a snide look before they resumed their walk through the forest.

When they finally reached a clearing the oppressing fog seemed to disappear and both goblin and elf saw a small wooden hut built against the base of an enormous old oak. Kai didn’t even look at Talia as she sprinted forwards, desperate to get a trophy from the witch’s house first and return to school, Talia wanted to yell in frustration as the goblin tried to beat her to the punch but she didn’t want to give her cover away. Instead, she just started running and easily caught up with Kai thanks to her longer legs. The fact that they had seen neither hide nor hair of the Oni, or the witch for that fact, had made the two young ninjas cocky and loud. Meaning that neither heard the loud, rapidly approaching rustling sound until it was too late.

As soon as both of them finally looked over their shoulders to see just what it was they were hearing, several brown and green tentacles resembling vines or the roots of trees snapped around their wrists and ankles and dragged them to the ground. Kai released a shriek of surprise, while Talia merely grunted and tried to escape the tentacles’ hold. It quickly turned out to be useless but the elf wasn’t going to give in so easily, besides the touch of those slimy appendages touching her skin gave her the creeps! The duo of ninjas struggled against their bonds for several minutes, occasionally releasing an involuntary squeak as a tentacle rubbed against a breast or leg, before someone finally came out of the hut.

‘Hmm? It’s not often someone slips so far into my territory that Father Oak here has to intervene.’ A low, seductive voice mused, making both ninjas aware of the tentacles hiding amongst the branches of the strange tree, as well as the fact that they weren’t dealing with an ordinary witch here.

‘A Kitsune!’ Kai shouted at the woman who had stepped out of the hut.

‘Very good well spotted, my dear! Did the tails give it away? Or perhaps the ears?’ the witch said in a patronizing tone of voice.

The Kitsune was a creature that came from the land across the Emerald Sea and looked just like the drawings she had seen in scrolls while growing up, but how she had ended up in the Forest of Mist was a mystery to her. The first thing she had noticed, of course, were nine bushy fox tails growing from the woman’s backside and fanning out behind her. Their colour reminded the goblin of wheat and they matched her hair, as well as the fox-like ears sticking out of her hair and sitting on top of her head. While the second thing she noticed was the Kitsune’s height, she had to be the same height as Talia!

Another thing she had in common with the elf had to be her bust, the golden brown globes were just as massive as Talia’s and threatened to spill out of her garment as well. This in the Kitsune’s case was a thin, straight-lined robe, the hemline of which reached her ankles and was kept closed with a sash. Kai had seen some of her teachers wear something similar on occasion, only they didn’t show nearly as much cleavage and the Kitsune’s robe was far more colourful and adorned with falling maple leaves.

‘How did you to get past my Oni?’ the witch asked, while folding her arms underneath her prodigious chest.

‘Very simply,’ Kai said with a cocky smile, which abruptly disappeared when the Kitsune’s amber, almost orange, eyes narrowed. ‘…they weren’t there, ma’am!’ she then added politely.

The Kitsune’s ears twitched as she looked down at Kai while all nine of her tails began to swing back and forth in an agitated fashion, before she flicked her wrists and filled the clearing with a brilliant gold light that hurt the eyes of both elf and goblin. When the light faded, and the eyes of both ninjas had recovered, they saw a duo of Oni standing in the clearing, other creatures that were originally from the lands of their teachers, one of them had bright red skin while the skin of the other was a dark blue. Other than that, they looked virtually identical.

Both of them stood a foot taller than the Kitsune and had broad shoulders and arms and legs lined with obvious muscles, yet had curves so obvious that no one could mistake them for being male. Enormous breasts were barely contained by the skin of some massive, striped creature they wore, while their firm, full buttocks peeked out from underneath it. But despite their height, and the wicked horns that protruded from their forehead and the small tusks that peeked out past their lips, they looked terrified of the Kitsune and tried to avoid her angry gaze.

‘You,’ the witch snapped as she pointed at the red-skinned Oni. ‘Why weren’t you guarding the forest?’

‘Well, uh w—’ the Oni rumbled but was interrupted by the Kitsune.

‘What is that at the corner of your mouth?’ she asked in a voice like a blizzard which, appropriately enough made both Oni freeze in place. ‘You accepted that creamy custard again, didn’t you?’ she shouted, causing the two taller women to wince. ‘How did I end up with guards that have a weak spot for sweets!?’ she shouted again, before her gaze snapped back to Kai and Talia.

‘Did the two of you have anything to do with this?’ she asked quietly.

‘No!’ Talia snapped back, while Kai just wildly shook her head, although she did wonder if her teachers had anything to do with this.

The witch’s eyes remained on her two captives for a moment, watching them squirm as the tentacles that had captured them moved over their skin, before her eyes flashed towards her Oni guards again. ‘It doesn’t matter who lured you away, what does matter is that you accepted the custard again! Even after my numerous warning, which means you must be punished.’

‘Mistress please—’ the blue Oni began, but her mouth abruptly clamped shut when the Kitsune flicked her wrist again.

Kai watched as both of the tall, strong Oni fell to their knees with a grunt, an unseen force pushing them down. Ignoring the tentacles that had slid into her leotard to weigh the underside of her tits the goblin continued to watch as the strange, striped fur was pulled over the head of each Oni, exposing enormous busts and flat, fit stomach’s, much like Talia’s, before the same unseen force forced their arms behind their backs. As soon as they were in that position the witch snapped her fingers, making two balls of fire, each the size of her fingertip and burning with a golden fire, appear in front of her, which she abruptly waved towards her kneeling guards.

Kai continued to watch intently while Talia cursed next to her as she attempted to escape the hold of the tentacles. The goblin’s eyes remained on the small balls of golden flame until they stopped in front of the two Oni, at which point they suddenly flew between their thick, strong thighs. A duo of flashes, much like the one when the Oni first appeared, came from between their legs after which the witch’s guards both released a loud, drawn-out moan.

Once Talia heard a sound like that come from an Oni she just had to see what was going on and briefly stopped fighting against the tentacles holding her, when she saw just what was going on her eyes grew as wide as those of Kai. Slowly the clitorises of both Oni became visible as they peeked up past their thighs, as they grew longer they steadily turned thicker as well while colouring a bright red, or dark blue. It quickly became obvious to Kai that the Kitsune had used a strange magic to give her guards cocks, much like Talia had done to her with one of her talismans during the finals several months ago.

Only, the members of the Oni seemed to be much, much bigger. Kai gasped as the fleshy stalks slipped between the enormous, outthrust tits of the two Oni, bringing a moan from both of them, yet they continued to grow! The Kitsune watched this all with a detached expression on her face, yet the goblin noticed how her cheeks had turned a faint pink as her nine tails lazily waved back and forth. When their members were each a few inches away from their chin both Oni moaned and beads of precum slowly slid down their lengths, only when the spongy heads were pressed against their lips did they stop growing.

‘Now go on, treat yourself to some more “creamy custard”.’ The Kitsune growled as she flicked her hand one last time.

With that command the unseen force that was holding the witch’s guards pushed their heads down, driving their freshly grown monstercocks into their warm, wet mouths. Kai and Talia watched how the Oni were forced to fellate their members, spittle and precum sliding down their huge shafts only to splatter on top of their massive, outthrust tits. And the Kitsune seemed to watch it with equal interest; every now and again Kai caught her moving a hand close to her own crotch before quickly moving it away. But after a minute or two, she finally turned her attention back to her captors.

‘Now what to do with the two of you? Should I give you to Father Oak as a reward for catching you both? Or perhaps my Oni would like to spend the night with you once their punishment is over? Although it would be easier to kill you now…’ the Kitsune thought aloud, all while tapping against her lower lip with her index finger.

‘What if you spent the night with one of us?’ Kai suggested.

This caught the witch off-guard. ‘…what?’

‘I mean, I’ve seen the way you look at your guards as you punish them, all hot and bothered, plus I doubt anyone would punish someone in that fashion unless they were seriously sexually frustrated themselves.’ Kai rambled on.

‘Did you get hit on the head one too many times during training!?’ Talia hissed. ‘You’ve seen what this creature can do! Why would you antagonize her?’

Kai only flashed an arrogant smirk as a response, which made Talia look back at the Kitsune. She was obviously blushing this time and wiggling her hips a little as she tried to avoid eye contact with the goblin and the elf.

‘…you have got to be kidding me!’ Talia shouted.

‘Unfortunately your companion is correct,’ the Kitsune replied. ‘It has been quite some time since I’ve had a partner and I can’t exactly ask my guards to help me scratch this particular itch, especially not after carrying out punishments like this.’ She added with an embarrassed grin.

‘I’ll gladly help you out Foxy, as long as I get to go back home afterwards.’ Kai shot back with an inviting little smile.

The Kitsune seemed to contemplate this idea for a few seconds, until finally she flashed the goblin a smile. ‘Very well, if you think you can please me…’ she purred, and the tentacles holding onto Kai and slithering around in her leotard abruptly retracted and slid back underground.

‘Have fun playing with the tentacles, Pointy Ears.’ Kai hissed at Talia before crawling towards the Kitsune on all fours, making sure to sway her ass in the air as she went, before stopping in front of her.

‘Now undo the sash…’ the witch said in a husky tone of voice as she looked down at the goblin sitting in front of her.

‘I might need to get up for that.’ Kai chuckled as she swiftly jumped to her feet and, without warning, undid the sash and threw open the Kitsune’s robes.

Kai licked her lips as she saw the witch’s breasts in their full glory, huge and heavy golden brown orbs that sat high and proud on her chest, each capped with thick, bright pink nipples and casting a shadow over her waspish waist and flat stomach. But as the goblin’s eyes drifted lower she saw something she hadn’t expected on the Kitsune, a pair of plain white panties…which were bulging outwards quite a few inches and seemed stretched to their limits. How had this not been visible when she was still wearing her robes? Kai wondered this as she looked up at the Kitsune with wide eyes, who only flashed a smug smile in return.

‘It seems that you like what I had hidden under my robes,’ she mused. ‘Now let’s see what you have…’ she mused as she snapped her fingers.

Kai yelped as her leotard was suddenly enveloped by a golden flame but when she felt no pain or heat she relaxed until the flames vanished, leaving her standing in the clearing naked. Her large green breasts were shining, due to being coated with a thin layer of tentacle slime, while her plump pussy was moist. The Kitsune licked her lips hungrily and Kai heard the sound of cloth straining, before finally a loud tearing sound echoed through the clearing accompanied by a surprised shriek of Kai as the witch torn underwear landed on her face. It had the musky scent of an animal on it, as well as spots of dried spunk.

‘You didn’t think you were going to get off easy, did you?’ the witch asked after the goblin removed her torn underwear from her face.

‘Y’know, I actually kinda thought I would.’ Kai muttered as she looked at was sticking up from between the Kitsune’s thighs.

The witch had a cock, one that looked like it belonged on a horse…literally! A pink and brown mottled shaft was pushed out of a fleshy sheath and was sticking up in the air, it wasn’t as massive as the members the Oni guards had grown but it was definitely bigger than the goblin was used to. Hanging underneath it was a pair of large, apple-sized testicles which, once again, made Kai wonder how neither she nor Talia had noticed something off about the Kitsune’s crotch before.

‘Unfortunately for you,’ the Kitsune began as she grabbed the goblin’s waist and lifted her up in the air. ‘You were wrong.’ She added with a cocky smile, just as she pushed the flared crown of her horsecock against Kai’s plump green cunt.

The Kitsune didn’t even give Kai a chance to talk her way out of it, as soon as her cockhead was resting against the goblin’s snatch she started to pull the small green ninja down. As the massive member splayed her labia apart and entered her pink depths Kai remembered the time she had spent with the guardian statues back at school, after she and her class had failed her finals. She did her best to relax and let her training take over, but feeling the girth of the Kitsune’s horsecock spreading her wide took her breath her way and shot spikes of lust up to her brain.

‘Having some trouble, little goblin?’ the witch asked sweetly as Kai’s hot cunny clenched and unclenched around her shaft while she gasped for breath, keeping her from inserting more of her shaft into the goblin’s pink depths. ‘Let me help!’ she grunted while thrusting her hips forwards and pulling Kai’s body down.

Kai’s vision briefly went white as the Kitsune mercilessly pounded several more inches of her monstrous horsecock up her twat, but all the sound the goblin could make in protest was a weak gurgle. Yet, despite the witch’s roughness and the discomfort she felt, her packed slit was drooling copious amounts of femcum, which would hopefully lubricate her tight passage to make it easier for the Kitsune to fuck her.

While Kai was being used as a masturbatory aid by the Kitsune, Talia was still held by the tentacles who had decided that, since the goblin had been picked by the witch, she would be their plaything. So as wet squelches resounded through the clearing, to signal that the Kitsune was still trying to squeeze her dick into Kai’s cunt, accompanied by the desperate moans and groans of the two Oni guards forced to suck themselves off, several tentacles pushed out of the ground and closed in around the struggling Talia.

‘No! Don’t you dare, you slimy bastards!’ Talia screamed as two slippery tentacles slid into her top and freed her heavy brown breasts, before wrapping around the massive globes and squeezing them tight.

Talia continued to rant and rave as the tentacles holding her pulled her up in the air, yet each time she opened her mouth her voice had risen an octave higher and the insides of her discreetly muscled thighs were gleaming with moisture. This drew the attention of the tentacles to her crotch, meaning that the short, cloth skirt she wore was abruptly torn away to reveal her damp, clenching muff.

‘Don’t you dare look!’ Talia growled, although it wasn’t certain if this was directed at Kai or the tentacles.

If it was directed at the tentacles however, then Talia would quickly find out that the slimy appendages had more in mind than just looking at her soaked snatch. Without warning one of the thick green tentacles forced itself into the elf’s hot cunt, causing a lewd moan to pass Talia’s lips. When she realized he had made this sound Talia blushed furiously and set her jaw, determined not to let another sound slip. But when another tentacle pushed against her pucker and slowly slid into her bowels, she could help but groan softly.

‘You’re friend certainly seems to be enjoying herself.’ The Kitsune mused as she looked up at the elf suspended in mid-air, tentacles sliding in and out of her ass and pussy while two more pulled on and squeezed her breasts.

‘Y-Yeah,’ Kai babbled, finally managing to make some noise. ‘N-not that she would ever, ah, ever a-admit it to anyone, not even he-herself.’ She babbled with a little half-smile.

‘Hmm… A-as much as I enjoy our chats, it’s time to continue this.’ The Kitsune said sarcastically, while trying to supress a moan, before looking back down at Kai again.

The goblin’s small, curvy form was trembling in her grip and coated with sheen of sweat, this made her long, silky black hair cling to her face as well while her eyes looked back at her slightly unfocused. Kai’s stomach was bulging outwards somewhat as well due to the Kitsune’s massive horsecock, yet to the witch’s surprise she still seemed to have room for more. So with a grunt of effort she pushed her hips forwards one last time, bringing a weak moan from Kai’s lips which was soon followed by a soft slap that announced her testicles hitting the goblin’s shapely green rear.

‘Uhn…ho-how is this possible?’ The Kitsune babbled, her composure finally starting to crack, as the entirety of her monstercock had disappeared in the smaller woman’s tight, hot pink depths.

‘Ha…with a lot of t-training,’ Kai answered. ‘No-now are you just going to s-stand there? Or should I c-come back tomorrow?’ she asked with a cocky little smile.

That comment seemed to shake the Kitsune from her surprise enough to snarl at the curvy goblin and grab her hips tightly, before lifting her up from her cock. As the witch monstercock was dragged out of Kai the sound of rain hitting leaves could briefly be heard as her juices flowed from her stretched cunt, before it was abruptly drowned out by the pleased shriek of Kai as the Kitsune mercilessly rammed her member back into the goblin’s pink depths. As soon as the witch’s beefy balls slapped against Kai’s rear she extracted her member once more, only to ram it inside again. This continued for several minutes, all while Kai was squealing and moaning, and pretty soon the Kitsune was breathing heavily while beads of sweat slid down her forehead.

‘Ti-tired already?’ Kai snapped with a shaky, but smug, smile.

‘Shut…up…’ the Kitsune growled as she continued bouncing the goblin up and down her monstrous shaft.

Kai merely chuckled and began to teasingly rub the bulge that was pushing up her stomach, all while watching the Kitsune fight down her approaching climax. So the goblin decided to make it a little more difficult for the witch. With a lewd wink Kai used her free hand to rub and squeeze her bouncing breasts, while her other hand slid lower and lower until she found her sensitive little clit. She began to tease the little nub as she patted her swollen stomach, all while lewd little moans squeezed past her plump lips. Until finally the Kitsune stopped ramming her down her shaft and she released a desperate cry.

‘I can’t take it anymore!’ she howled and Kai’s eyes widened when a deluge of hot, sticky seed as thick as molasses blasted against her twitching folds a moment later.

Something about the sensation of her womb getting flooded with virile spunk set off a climax in poor Kai, she briefly wondered if all goblin women had the same reaction before her mind went blank and she released an orgasmic squeal. The Kitsune gasped at the same time due the goblin’s already tight twat squeezing around her member even more, seemingly desperate to milk her for each last drop of seed, which made the Kitsune release another gasp.

‘Ha…too tight, you’re too tight!’ she babbled as she desperately tried to pull Kai off of her huge horsecock.

Unfortunately it wasn’t up to Kai; she continued to writhe in pleasure on the Kitsune’s massive prick even as her stomach was growing larger and larger. Only when the goblin’s tummy was so large that she looked like she was on the verge of giving birth did her snatch stop trying to milk the witch’s balls, at which point the Kitsune breathed a sigh of relief and slowly pulled Kai off of her shrinking member before placing her on the forest floor. As soon as that was done, the Kitsune fell backwards with a loud snore and a dopey smile on her face.

Almost immediately after that two loud, muffled moans were heard, causing a tired Kai to look in the direction of the Oni. Now that the Kitsune had passed out, apparently her spell had worn off as well. So now jets of white semen were blasting from the tips of both the blue and red Oni’s cocks as they shrank shooting hot ropes of cum down their throats in the process, before painting their bodies white. Once the meaty poles were completely gone both of the Oni fell to their back as well, breathing heavily as white slime slowly slid down their body.

‘Well, this is as good a time as any to leave,’ Kai mused to herself as she pushed herself to her feet with one hand while cradling her belly with the other. ‘But I won’t get far with this,’ she grumbled while looking at her tummy. ‘I know, what about giving it back to the owner!?’ she chuckled as she placed both of her feet next to the Kitsune’s head and pushed down on her stomach while using the muscles of her snatch at the same time.

As soon as she did this nearly all the spunk the Kitsune had pumped into the goblin’s cunt was ejected, causing all of the witch’s own slimy cum to splatter onto her face and prodigious chest with a lewd splattering sound. Once her stomach was flattened enough to walk properly Kai stepped away, only to notice that the Kitsune’s monstrous horsecock had magically disappeared to reveal a plump, soaked pussy between her thighs. With an evil grin the goblin grabbed one of the tentacles that had just decided to peek out of the ground to join its comrades in fucking Talia, and instead inserted it into the Kitsune’s damp muff before walking away and grabbing the witch’s torn panties.

‘Well, I’ve got my trophy,’ she shouted up to Talia while waving the torn, stained piece of cloth. ‘Good luck getting yours, elf! Have fun with those tentacles, I’m heading back to school!’ she added as she observed the tentacles hammering in and out of Talia’s holes, while others teased her huge breasts and sensitive nipples.

Talia responded with some muffled grunts that sounded quite threatening, at which point Kai decided it was time to leave. After all, she didn’t want the Kitsune or her Oni guards to wake up now that she had what she came for…


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