Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] Discharging Lightning

Reeno, a Rhino Faunus, finds himself in a bar brawl with some humans after losing his temper. Unfortunately, due to his anger he has also lost control of his natural lightning magic and the only one that can properly calm him down is his sister Cerise…
Contains: M/F, incest, brother/sister, big breasts, big cock, titfuck, vaginal sex.
Commissioned by Pentakillmetal

Discharging Lightning
Reeno was staring at his drink sullenly, the Rhino Faunus had hoped to spend his night drinking in peace and quiet in The Broken Horn, a tavern in Brighthills frequented mostly by other Faunus. Unfortunately, it seemed like some of Brighthills’ human citizens had thrown a wrench in his plans. Three of them had claimed a table of the tavern for themselves. They were loud and obnoxious, and weren’t afraid to make disparaging comments aimed at The Broken Horn’s Faunus staff and clientele. The three of them were clearly drunk, but to Reeno this was no excuse.
Typical humans, Reeno cursed mentally as he shot the group a hateful stare. Think they own the place because this is a Faunus establishment. So sure of themselves that none of these people will fight back.
Reeno wanted to show them otherwise. He wished he could throw the idiots out on the streets. Of course, if he did the city guard would get involved and that would cause trouble for his sister. Instead, Reeno took a deep breath and calmed himself, doing his best to ignore the sparks of electricity that streaked from the tips of his fingers. It was a magic both he and his sister had control over. Well, most of the time in Reeno’s case. It always showed itself whenever he was feeling angry, annoyed or frustrated. And once he was in a state of mind like that he couldn’t always suppress the lightning that came from his body.
Don’t look at those idiots, Reeno told himself with a mental sigh. Focus on something else.
So instead, Reeno looked away from the drunk group of humans and turned his attention back at his drink. Or at least, he tried to. A shriek of surprise suddenly cut through the crowd, followed by a crashing sound as various mugs and plates fell to the floor. The tavern went completely silent, except for the loud laughter that came from the table of humans. One of which was holding the fox-like tail of one of the tavern’s waitresses.
‘Sir…? Sir! Could you please let go of my tail?’ The Fox Faunus asked quietly, her ears drooping as she looked at the mess she had made because she had dropped the tray she had been carrying in sheer surprise when someone suddenly tugged on her tail.
‘Ohoho! Did you hear that!’ One of the humans asked his compatriots.
‘What a pair of lungs you have, young lady!’ Another chuckled, apparently completely unaware that the whole tavern was looking at them.
‘Are you sure you’re really a fox, honey?’ The young man that was holding the waitress’ tail and staring lecherously at her behind asked. ‘That sounded more like a pig squealing to me.’
‘Sirs, I really don’t see the amusement in all of this,’ the waitress responded, her voice growing a little louder. ‘Now please, let my tail go! I need to clean up the mess.’
‘Geez, calm down. It’s just a joke, it’s not my fault you’re such a clumsy tart.’ The human holding her tail replied while his friends snickered, he still didn’t seem intent on releasing the waitress’ tail, though.
However, the merriment of the group of humans died down when a large shadow fell over the table. Looming over them was Reeno who, unlike the waitress, was a grey skinned giant of a man with hard, powerful muscles.
As they looked up at him Reeno noticed the table of humans taking in his snow white hair and his horns. Reeno had two of them, a smaller one which grew from the centre of his forehead, just above his eyebrows, and a larger one growing halfway down the bridge of his nose. Bolts of lightning were shooting from his horns and the tips of his fingers, bathing his steely grey eyes in a ghostly light. All three of the humans looked ready to foul themselves on the spot, but they were drunk and filled with liquid courage.
‘Whadda ya want, freak?’ One of them sneered.
Reeno ignored him, instead turning towards the one pulling on the waitress’ tail. ‘Let. Her. Go.’ He said in a low, dangerous tone of voice.
‘What if I don’t?’ He hissed angrily, climbing out of his chair in an attempt to intimidate the Rhino Faunus. It was a foolish plan, the top of the skinny prick’s head barely reached Reeno’s chin. Although he could still smell the booze on the human’s breath despite their difference in height.
Reeno took a step backwards and the drunk grinned nastily, thinking that he had managed to scare the big Faunus. But that grin would soon disappear. As he looked at his friends Reeno pulled his arm back, and just as the human turned his attention back to the Rhino Faunus a huge, grey fist landed right in the centre of his stupid, grinning face. The loud, disgusting sound of cartilage snapping and teeth and bone breaking echoed through The Broken Horn as the human’s face had dented inwards. Teeth and blood flew from his ruined face and he finally loosened his grip on the waitress’ tail just before he landed on the table, breaking the normally sturdy piece of furniture.
‘Should’ve just done what I said…’ Reeno growled, before turning his attention to the two remaining humans while he cracked his knuckles and muscular neck menacingly.
‘Thomas!’ One of the men yelled when he got over the initial shock of what had just transpired in front of him, and he quickly rushed over to his fallen friend. ‘Thank the Gods, he’s still breathing…’ He added once he had checked up on him.
‘You freak! Look at what you did to his face,’ the other human hissed in a low, dangerous tone as he reached for something on his belt. ‘I’m going to kill you for that, you hear me! You’re dead, you monster! You’re fucking dead!’ He suddenly roared, while pulling out a knife.
Reeno being surprisingly quick for his size dodged the, still quite drunk, man’s wild flailing and grabbed his wrist. Although he knew that with his strength it would feel to the human as if his arm was stuck in a vice, he was still furious and only felt himself growing angrier in response to the fool pulling a knife on him with the intent to kill. So instead of simply disarming his attacker, Reeno violently pulled on his arm, knowing that the human’s arm shouldn’t bend that way. Then, a loud snap echoed through the tavern. Followed by something falling to the floor accompanied by a sharp outcry of pain.
‘Oh Gods, no,’ the remaining human whimpered. ‘I don’t want to fight, I just want to get Thomas and James over there and get the fuck out of this place. Please, let us go!’ He begged.
‘Smart move.’ Reeno growled, as he threw the crying drunk with the broken arm over his shoulder.
Nobody stopped him as he made his way to the door, they all backed down at the sight of the furious Rhino Faunus and the human that was crying in pain as he was slung over the Faunus’ shoulder. His cries had grown even louder since Reeno had picked him up, probably because all the electricity that was being discharged by him. But Reeno didn’t care. In fact, he threw the door to The Broken Horn open and unceremoniously tossed the human outside, there he landed in the garbage and howled even louder.
‘GET OUT!’ Reeno roared at the two remaining humans still in the tavern.
The only human that hadn’t fought Reeno was quick to drag his unconscious friend out of the bar with him, although several Faunas ran out of the bar to in response to Reeno’s rage as well. He hadn’t wanted them to leave, but was far too angry to care about how he was affecting things within the tavern. Just as the last two humans had left the tavern, four men nearly as tall as Reeno and dressed in the yellow and brown colours of the Brighthills city guard came walking in.
‘That’s him, officer,’ the familiar voice of the waitress said as she came walking in with the guardsmen. ‘He’s the one that started to fight.’
When did she leave? Reeno wondered as he looked at the waitress and the guards with a baffled expression on his face. It was difficult to think through the fog of anger that clouded his mind.
‘I did this for you…’ Reeno said quietly. ‘I did those for you! Because those filthy humans couldn’t keep their hands to themselves!’ He growled angrily, stepping forward while the Fox Faunus waitress took several steps backwards, with a terrified look in her eyes.
An older guardsman with a bushy gray mustache interposed himself between Reeno and the waitress and placed a hand on the young Rhino Faunus’ broad chest. Reeno abruptly made him the attention of his rage, but he calmed down significantly when he recognized the man. Although bolts of lightning were still shooting from his horns and fingertips without his control, leaving burn marks on the walls and the floors of the tavern.
‘Reeno, what would your sister say if she heard what you had done.’ The older guardsman said in a fatherly tone of voice while his men tried to calm the patrons of The Broken Horn down.
‘Herman,’ Reeno said by way of greeting, and quickly added. ‘I don’t care.’
‘Now, you and I both know that’s not true.’ Herman chuckled.
‘Oh yeah, is that right?’ Reeno said by way of challenge.
‘Well, I suppose we’re about to find out.’ Herman replied calmly.
‘…what?’ Reeno stammered in surprise.
‘Well, if we stick you in a cell either that power of yours goes out of control and lightning strikes in the city,’ Herman explained. ‘Or you’ll pick a fight with other prisoners or the guards. Of course, for an offense like that we’d have to stick you in a cell longer which only increases the chance of your powers going out of control and lightning striking. So directly taking you home so that Cerise can talk some sense into you will be the best option.’
‘…I’ll go alone.’ Reeno grumbled angrily, recalling his older sister’s face whenever she opened the front door to see that he had been escorted home by the city guard again.
‘Now, you know that I can’t allow that after all this, son.’ Herman sighed, gesturing at the mess he had made.
‘Oh yeah, so you’re going to stop me are you?’ Reeno said, stepping closer to the old guardsman.
‘I am certainly going to try,’ Herman replied, and continued talking before Reeno could say anything. ‘And then you’ll have to explain to your sister that you’ve beaten up, or possibly killed, some of Brighthills’ guards. At which point you will either have to flee with her and find a new home, or face execution for your crimes. Is that what you want?’ Herman explained, never raising his voice or breaking eye contact until he got through to the angry young Faunus.
‘No, it’s fine! Let’s go already!’ Reeno snapped as he made his way to the door, unaware that he was acting like a sullen child that had just been scolded by one of its parents.
* * * *
It was a long way from Brighthills to the home of the Rhino Faunus siblings. Both of them lived on the outskirts of the city, outside of the walls on one of the hills the city was named for. This was done so that their powers, should they lose control of them, would not harm anyone else. And if one were to look at Reeno now, they would agree that it was a wise idea.
Reeno, still angry and frustrated about everything that had happened in The Broken Horn was looking at his feet as he walked between the party of guardsmen. Two before him and two behind him, although all four gave the Rhino Faunus his space. Although this was more for their own safety than anything else. Since they left, the intervals between the bolts of lightning leaving Reeno’s body had only shortened, while their power seemed to have increased. A few trees along the way had already been felled because of the big Faunus’ power.
‘Nervous about what your sister will say?’ Herman finally asked the young man.
‘No!’ Reeno snapped back in annoyance.
Herman only sighed and shook his head. The home of the siblings had already come into view, but Reeno was stubbornly looking at his feet. Making it perfectly clear that the young man was not looking forward to what was to come. The home on the hill was made of stone and rather big, even if you took the size of both the Rhino Faunus siblings into account. It must’ve been expensive. Of course, if they had made their house of wood the siblings’ magic would probably have destroyed it on accident by now.
‘Alright, here were are,’ Herman announced after his men and Reeno finished climbing the hill. ‘Time to face the music, son.’ He sighed, before pounding on the heavy wooden door.
After a few moments of silence, Herman could hear someone approach before the front door was opened by Cerise. Reeno’s sister was shorter than her younger brother, but she was still easily at eye level with Herman and most of his fellow guardsmen. Her hair was a dark shade of red and fell to about her shoulders, framing her face. Like Reeno, she had two horns, one growing from her forehead and one from the bridge of her nose.
Seeing that it was Herman and his men escorting Reeno, Cerise closed her bright amber, almost yellow, eyes and crossed her arms underneath her large, heavy chest. ‘How can I help you, officer?’ She asked calmly.
‘Sis, I-’ Reeno began, but Cerise held up a hand to silence him.
‘I will hear your side of the story later, Reeno,’ Cerise stated in a tone of voice that made it clear that she wasn’t going to argue with him right now. ‘Just get inside.’ She added as she stepped aside.
Reeno growled but did what was asked, angrily brushing past his sister as he stomped inside. More bolts of lightning streaked from his body, but instead of hitting any of the guardsmen they seemed to be drawn to the horns of his sister. Fortunately, Cerise seemed to absorb it into her body without suffering any ill effects.
‘If only we had an ability like that.’ Herman lamented with a chuckle, indicating the burn marks on the armour of himself and the other guards.
‘It would make escorting him home when he gets like this easier,’ Cerise agreed with a sad smile. ‘Now, can you please tell me what happened, Herman?’ She asked quietly.
Reeno listened to his sister and Herman conversing in hushed tones about the events that had transpired tonight and felt himself grow even more frustrated and angry as he remembered everything that had happened. Streaks of lightning continued to come from his body, luckily Cerise absorbed most of it unconsciously. Keeping the damage to their home to a minimum.
‘I see,’ Cerise finally said. ‘My brother had good intentions in all of this, but he clearly went too far.’ She said loudly enough to make sure that Reeno could hear her.
‘To be fair, we’ve been getting complaints about those three for a while now. They seem to be part of some political faction and are always trying to stir things up between the human and Faunus population in Brighthills, I guess they just picked the wrong place to do it tonight.’ Herman reassured her.
‘Regardless, my brother was in the wrong,’ Cerise said with a shake of her head. ‘And you have my thanks for escorting him home, instead of tossing him in a jail cell to think on his actions.’
‘Not a problem, ma’am. Like I explained to Reeno, this is the best option for Brighthills too,’ Herman explained with a bow of his head. ‘In any case, I need to return to the city now. Hopefully we won’t have to see each other for a while.’ He added with a warm smile, before taking his leave.
Cerise returned his smile and bade the party of guardsmen farewell, before closing the door and heading towards the living room. There she found Reeno staring at his feet and still discharging the occasional both of lightning. She let him be for a few moments before loudly clearing her throat to get his attention. And Reeno slowly, reluctantly, raised his head.
Cerise was looking down at him with her hands on her broad, motherly hips. She was in no way weak, but where Reeno had muscles, Cerise had curves. Breasts big even for a woman of her considerable height, a belly with just enough fat to be considered chubby along with broad hips and thick thighs. Yet despite being that much taller than her and bulging with muscle, Reeno still felt himself shrink under the gaze of his older sister.
‘Again, Reeno?’ Were the only words Cerise said.
‘It’s not my fault! I was only defending an innocent woman from a bunch of racists! You heard what Herman said, they did this all on purpose. It doesn’t matter if they were drunk or not.’ Reeno quickly exclaimed, defending himself.
‘And was your interference welcomed? All I know is that you terrified your fellow Faunus, while giving those humans exactly what they wanted. Now tensions between our peoples and them will only rise higher, and who knows what will happen to The Broken Horn and everything who works there after you caused such a scene,’ Cerise answered calmly. ‘And here I thought you promised me you wouldn’t do stuff like this any more, Reeno.’ Cerise added in a tired, sad tone of voice.
‘I…’ Reeno began, feeling a lump in his throat. ‘They just can’t keep getting away with it!’ He shouted angrily, a bright flash filling the room only to disappear abruptly when the sudden bolt of lightning was absorbed into one of Cerise’s horns.
‘If what Herman said was true, then the city guard will have some questions for them too. And even if you don’t consider that, then the beating they got from you was already a pretty severe punishment in and of itself,’ Cerise reassured Reeno. ‘But I already know that isn’t what you are talking about.’
Cerise hadn’t missed that thousand yard stare, Reeno always thought back to their past whenever his anger reached a boiling point. Fighting between humans and Faunus wasn’t uncommon, in these lands the Faunus had been oppressed for a long, long time until tensions finally boiled over and the Faunus rose up as one. Nobody remembers at which point the protests turned into a war, but no one would soon be able to forget the horrors of it.
Reeno had been unfortunate enough to witness a group of humans killing their parents, after which he and Cerise had been separated for a long, long time. After the war finally ended, peace was made between the two species. And although things were still far from perfect, they were better than they had been. Unfortunately, Reeno remained plagued by the horrors he had witnessed, and even now could only see the worst aspects of humanity. Both Cerise herself and Herman were patient with the young man and did their best to steer him away from violence, but that was a goal difficult to achieve.
‘You know you can always talk to me, right?’ Cerise said softly as she embraced her younger brother. ‘I may be sad that you broke your promise, but I’m not going anywhere. Not as long as you still need me.’
‘I just don’t know what to do!’ Reeno cried out, holding his sister tightly. ‘I can’t just ignore all the pain they caused us, still cause us. But everything I do just makes things worse!’ He growled angrily, as lightning streaked between his horns and Cerise’s.
‘I know, I know,’ Cerise said soothingly. ‘Just calm down, let your big sister take all the pain away.’ She added softly as she released her brother and slowly dropped to her knees.
Once she was sitting on her knees in front Reeno, Cerise started unbuttoning his trousers, freeing his large, soft member. And as soon as it was out in the open, she began to undo the buttons of the crisp white blouse she was wearing. Slowly but surely her deep, grey cleavage started to come into view until, finally, Cerise undid the last button and shrugged herself out of her blouse and tossed it over a nearby chair.
‘Don’t want that to get dirty!’ She mused, while softly shaking her large breasts for her little brother’s benefit.
Reeno didn’t have a response ready, instead he only swallowed audibly as he watched the fleshy grey globes jiggle in front of him. However, it was clear to Cerise that he was enjoying the view because she could see his member slowly growing erect. Lightning was being discharged by Reeno, and Cerise absorbed it of course, but the intervals between them seemed to have grown longer.
Once Reeno’s dick was hard enough, Cerise wrapped both of her tits around it. Yet, despite the size of her tits, the tip of Reeno’s shaft still managed to peek out of her cleavage. For a moment, neither sibling moved or said anything. Cerise knew this sort of thing was probably frowned upon in both human and Faunus society, but after she and Reeno managed to reunite after the war, without their parents, she had discovered that sex was the only possible way for her to help Reeno get his magic back under control whenever he got like this. Since they couldn’t afford to hire a prostitute whenever this happened, especially one that could withstand the strength of an angry Rhino Faunus, Cerise had took it upon herself to keep her brother’s powers under control.
After what felt like an entirety to Reeno, his sister suddenly opened her mouth to allow several ropes of clear saliva to fall into her cleavage to lubricate it along with Reeno’s member. Once both were slick with her spit, Cerise pushed her breasts a little tighter around her younger brother’s cock and slowly started to slide them up and down. Reeno groaned and reached down, squeezing one of his sister’s breasts himself. Cerise gave a soft, appreciative moan when Reeno gently pinched one of her thick nipples and she decided to reward him by giving her brother’s cockhead a kiss when it came peeking out of her cleavage.
As soon as Cerise’s soft lips brushed over his cockhead Reeno groaned and abruptly released his sister’s nipple. A smile briefly flashed across Cerise’s face as she got an idea, she quickly pushed her breasts down again and slipped Reeno’s cockhead into her mouth. A groan that was a mix of both surprise and pleasure left her younger brother’s mouth at the same as he discharged several bolts of lightning. Cerise hummed around his sensitive cockhead while she continued to work her breasts up and down the rest of Reeno’s shaft with short, rapid movements.
From the sounds Reeno was making it was clear that he was enjoying his sister’s titfuck quite a bit. In fact, he was enjoying himself so much that it seemed as if his orgasm was closing in. Cerise could taste something salty hit her tongue as precum started to flow from Reeno’s cumslit, while his shaft throbbed powerfully against her breasts. Now that she realized that Reeno would cum soon, Cerise pushed her head downwards, taking even more of her brother’s cock into her mouth, and started to move her breasts even faster.
‘S-sis, I’m going to cum…’ Reeno moaned, as more sparks of his lightning were absorbed by Cerise’s horns.
Although Cerise had heard her brother, she simply continued to work her breasts up and down while sucking on his cock at the same time. She didn’t stop, at least not until she felt Reeno’s thick, salty seed filling her mouth. He cried out in pleasure while more bright flashes filled their living room. Cerise, of course, absorbed all his lightning with ease while she did her best to swallow every last drop of Reeno’s semen as not to make a mess. Unfortunately, despite everything the occasional streak of lightning was still being discharged by Reeno’s body. Even after his sister had swallowed the last ropes of cum that left his cumslit.
‘It’s still not enough, huh?’ Cerise asked, after allowing Reeno’s cock to slide out of her mouth.
Reeno only shook his head in response.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.’ Cerise replied, releasing her breasts and climbing to her feet.
As she stood up, Reeno’s member slipped out of her cleavage and was clearly still erect. Cerise could only smile at the sight of her younger brother’s youthful vigour and started to undo her pants. Reeno watched her slide them down her thick thighs and shapely legs before they were pooled around her ankles. Cerise simply kicked them away, before crawling into Reeno’s lap where she pushed the tip of his large erection against the entrance of her tight, wet cunt.
‘S-sis…’ Reeno groaned, while laying his hands possessively on Cerise’s big behind.
‘Take it slow, Reeno,’ Cerise said gently. ‘I may be bigger than most girls, but that still doesn’t make this easy.’
Reeno only nodded as another bolt of lightning went from his horn to Cerise’s. Cerise, meanwhile, grabbed her brother’s member, still slick with her saliva and his own spunk, and did her best to keep it steady as she slowly sank down on it. As Reeno’s cockhead entered her dripping snatch a loud moan passed Cerise’s lips. She and her brother had done this multiple times but he was still so big. Underneath her, Reeno was groaning in pleasure as well while he continued to squeeze his sister’s asscheeks. Unfortunately for Cerise, the way in which her brother was fondling her buttocks meant that he was also unintentionally pushing her down.
‘Slow down! S-slow down!’ Cerise stammered as she was suddenly filled up by Reeno’s large cock just a little too quickly.
But Reeno wasn’t listening, his hands continued to roam over Cerise’s bare ass and as she sank lower on his shaft his eyes fell on her softly shaking breasts. Without a moment’s hesitation he wrapped his lips around one of her nipples and began to suck on it, all while Cerise struggled to fit the rest of his dick in her pussy. Fortunately, the way in which Reeno was toying with her body did manage to arouse Cerise even further, making the insertion of her brother’s monstercock a little easier.
‘Oof…finally!’ Cerise moaned, when she succeeded in sinking down on the last few inches of Reeno’s member. Patting her soaked pussy proudly, which resulted in a few drops of her pussy landing on Reeno and the couch she was sitting on.
Reeno ignored his sister’s comment however, still entranced by her breasts. Although he was currently sucking on her other nipple. Seeing that her brother wouldn’t be much help, Cerise simply smiled to herself and grabbed onto Reeno’s broad shoulders. Then, with a grunt of effort, she pulled herself up. Both siblings released moans of pleasure as Reeno’s cock was extracted from Cerise’s tight, wet cunt. Cerise was shaking as she held onto her brother’s shoulders and her mouth hung open in a silent scream as her juices ran down Reeno’s member. However, she knew she couldn’t remain like this forever.
So, after closing her mouth and setting her jaw, Cerise forced her entire body downwards. When her big, shapely rear, still being held by Reeno, hit her brother’s lap both he and Cerise released another moan of pleasure. Louder this time. Cerise waited a few minutes, and then pulled herself up again. Only this time, it was Reeno who brought her body down. With a soft grunt he squeezed her buttcheeks a little tighter, and then pulled her down. Another loud moan resounded through the living room, accompanied by bolts of lightning streaking between the siblings’ horns for the umpteenth time.
‘A-ah…Reeno…’ Cerise sighed in pleasure.
‘It’ll go faster like this.’ Reeno grunted in response after Cerise’s nipple slipped free from his mouth, thinking she was chastising him for his roughness.
Cerise only flashed her brother a shaky smile in response, before tightening her grip on his shoulders and pulling herself up again. Of course, after having raised herself up a few inches Reeno was quick to pull her back down. They both moaned when Cerise’s behind smacked onto Reeno’s lap once more. Brother and sister continued to move like this, their pace slowly increasing as time went on while the sounds of their pleasure grew louder and louder. Bright flashes filled the room more often too as Reeno discharged his lightning, and from both this and the way his shaft was pulsing against her folds Cerise knew he was close to another orgasm.
‘T-that’s it…Reeno…’ Cerise said between gasps for air. ‘L-let it…all…out!’
It wasn’t something she had to tell Reeno twice. With a mighty roar the young man reached his second orgasm of the night. He pulled his sister close as hot, thick jets of semen were fired deep into her pussy, while at the same time several bright streaks of lightning shot forth from his body and into the horn of Cerise. Cerise, in turn, was crying out in pleasure too as Reeno’s semen coated the sensitive folds of her pussy.
As they both came down from their orgasms, Reeno had stopped firing off bolts of electricity. Instead, he seemed to have slumped down underneath his sister. Looking suddenly very tired, as if all the tension tonight’s events had brought him had suddenly left his body. Cerise only smiled down at him and slowly pulled herself off of her brother and his shaft, with how tired he was he didn’t seem to have the strength to hold onto her any longer.
‘Sleep well, little brother,’ She cooed as she felt his semen running down the insides of her thick, shapely thighs. ‘Be sure to apologize to the owner of The Broken Horn tomorrow.’
‘Will do…’ Reeno mumbled, clearly exhausted, as he climbed off the couch and shuffled towards his bedroom. Not caring at all about the fact that his cock was still hanging out of his trousers.
Cerise could only giggle at the sight as she collected her clothes and made her way to the bathroom.

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