Saturday 15 December 2018

[COM] Body Image

Jealous of all the attention her traveling companion gets on their journies together, Atha the half-elf leaves the inn they’re staying in one night and flees into the nearby woods. There she finds, and makes a deal with, an imp to become the centre of attention instead…
Commissioned by Gothicpaladin
Contains: M/F, imp, half-elf, breast expansion, huge breasts, big ass, anal sex.

Body Image

‘My, but that was quite the mission!’ Ammy groaned as she and her companion, Atha, stepped into the town of Evington. ‘I’ve seen enough dusty tombs for one lifetime after all that… But at least the old man paid well for that old sword we retrieved for him,’ she continued. ‘We couldn’t have done it without you disabling those traps, either, Atha. How do they keep those things running after so many years, anyway?’ Ammy complained.

‘Yeah…’ Was Atha’s disinterested reply. Ammy continued to talk excitedly about their mission, however, while her companion looked her over with some jealousy in her eyes.

Ammy was everything that Atha wanted to be, tall, beautiful and blessed with an amazing hourglass figure. And she was confident enough to show it off. All Ammy wore was a leather vest that did nothing to hide her breasts, instead it only seemed to emphasize the size of the huge globes while leaving her slender waist completely exposed. How she was such an amazing archer with breasts the size of cantaloupes, Atha could never understand. That wasn’t all she wore to show off her body, however. No, the archer also wore a pair of tight-fitting leather leggings that hugged the contours of her broad hips, shapely rear and long, sleek legs perfectly. The only garment that actually covered parts of her body was the long, dark cloak she wore. Ammy often had the hood up to hide her beautiful face in shadows, as well as keep her long, raven hair in check.

Standing next to her, Atha felt like a little girl. She was five foot nothing and thanks to the Elven blood she had inherited from her mother, she looked quite a few years younger than she actually was. But even if she hadn’t been a half-elf, her doll-like facial features and large, expressive green eyes might’ve made her look like a child to some anyway. Of course, it didn’t exactly help that she had almost no chest to speak off, which was only made more obvious due to the tight-fitting leather armour she wore. Ammy also had pale, ivory white skin which most men seemed to adore, while Atha’s skin was tanned and resembled bronze. The only place where the half-elf beat the human woman was in the hip area, they were broad and shapely and supported her large, peach-shaped rear. Which looked even bigger on her small, slender frame.

‘…Atha! Hey, Atha!’ Ammy’s voice finally shook the half-elf from her jealous musings and she quickly looked up into the archer’s almond shaped, deep blue eyes. ‘Tired, huh? Can’t say I blame you,’ she chuckled with a winning smile. ‘Come on, let’s find ourselves an inn, get wasted and get some rest,’ she mused. ‘Well, unless we find a man to warm our beds. Then rest might have to wait.’ Ammy added with a naughty wink.

‘Yeah, let’s go.’ Atha replied with a small smile. I think I can use a drink. She added mentally.

When they stepped inside the local inn, The Dancing Demon, Ammy threw off her hood and shook loose her thick, inky black hair, which nearly fell to her hips. Immediately Atha noticed several eyes turning towards the tall, busty archer as she found a table for herself and Atha. Apparently Ammy didn’t notice the attention she was getting, or at least pretended not to. The half-elf tugged on her ponytail of brown hair in frustration, wishing she had been the centre of attention instead. At least Ammy’s entrance had made it so that they were helped almost immediately, which suited Atha just fine. She needed to drink herself into a stupor before she made a fool of herself…

Fortunately there wasn’t a shortage of men willing to approach her and Ammy to buy them drinks, though most of the attention seemed to be focused on the dark haired archer. Atha’s suspicions were confirmed when a handsome goblin, even shorter than she was, managed to sweet talk the tipsy Ammy into coming upstairs with him. Atha had to buy her own drinks after that. Eventually, she had enough of knocking back booze and sitting in the common room feeling sorry for herself, however.

‘Forget it, I’m just going to hit the hay.’ She mumbled to herself.

That quickly turned out to be a mistake, though. After having collected the key to her room from the innkeeper, the half-elf slowly walked upstairs to find her room. But after stepping inside, she quickly realized that Ammy had bought them both adjoining rooms. This realization mainly hit the half-elf because she could hear the dark haired archer moaning and screaming in pleasure through the wall, accompanied by the grunts of the goblin that had gone with her and the creaking of the bed. For a few moments, Atha sat on her bed in stunned silence. Listening to the sounds of pleasure, while still dressed in her leather armour.

Oh screw this! She thought angrily. I need to get out of here. Atha added, as she stormed out of her room, down the stairs and right out of the inn.

Only, she didn’t stop there. Atha continued walking until she reached the edge of the village, and then she walked some more. When she finally stopped walking, Atha had ended up in the forest close to Evington. It was dark, and a little scary, but Atha felt at peace there. It probably had something to do with her Elven blood. She also saw a lot better in the darkness than most humans, and she knew that that definitely had something to do with her Elven blood. Atha didn’t know how long she sat there, enjoying the sounds of the forest and the star-filled sky above her. But then, every animal suddenly grew quiet and she heard something moving closer to her. At first, she thought someone from the town had come looking for her. But then, her body shivered as she felt a magic presence washing over her.

‘Who’s there?’ Atha demanded, and she hoped she sounded intimidating.

‘Someone who can help you,’ a deep voice replied, making the half-elf’s body tremble. ‘I have been trailing you and your companion from the tombs you visited, I saw the way you looked at her. Jealous of the curves, jealous of the attention they get her.’ The voice said, and Atha noticed its tone turning amused.

‘Yeah? Well, so what! It’d be nice if guys would hit on me every once in awhile! It would be nice if I got gifts I didn’t really deserve! Why is it always her?’ Atha shouted angrily at the unseen person in the woods. A small voice in the back of Atha’s head told her that she had perhaps drank too much and should probably be running away from this stranger, instead of speaking to him. She was quick to silence it, though.

‘What if I told you I could give you a body that made men want you, and women want to be you?’ The mysterious voice mused.

‘You can do that?’ Atha asked in wonderment, again silencing the voice in the back of her head not to speak with this person but to get away.

‘Yes,’ The stranger replied. ‘I just need one thing from you…’

‘What is it? I’ll do anything!’ Atha responded, stumbling into the direction of the voice.

‘Your hand in marriage.’ The voice replied again, and a small, clawed red hand grabbed Atha’s left hand, making the half-elf shriek in terror as a result.

When Atha recovered from her fright, she noticed that she was looking down at a small red imp. He was perhaps a foot shorter than her and a little on the skinny side, though he was blessed with a strong jawline and surprisingly handsome facial features. Well, for an imp anyway. He also wore very little clothing, only a loincloth and a simple leather belt with several pouches hanging from it. Then Atha suddenly remembered what the little demon had asked of her, before he scared the living daylights out of her.

‘M-my hand in marriage?’ The half-elf stammered.

‘Yes,’ the imp replied smoothly, his deep voice didn’t match his appearance at all. ‘Creatures such as I can only exist in this realm for a few days. Unless…we are bound to someone and gain energy from their soul. Usually bindings like those are done through a contract, and marriage seems like one of the most binding contracts of them all.’ He explained while flashing his straight, pointy white teeth at Atha in a smile.

‘So if I marry you, you will give me a body that even Ammy will be jealous of?’ Atha asked.

‘Yes.’ The imp once again replied.

‘Well, fine! We’re married then! Together until death do us part, and all that!’ Atha huffed. ‘Now do as you promised!’

‘Not very romantic, but as you wish. Please remove your armour and any articles of clothing.’ He replied simply.

‘Wh-what, why?’ Atha stammered.

‘To have our first night together as husband and wife, of course,’ the imp replied with a smile, while he pulled something from his pouch. ‘Also, to apply this to your body.’ He added, while he showed the half-elf a jar filled with a softly glowing pink paste.

‘What is that?’ Atha asked in confusion.

‘It will give you the body you so desire,’ the imp explained. ‘But it needs to be applied to bare skin, so please. Undress.’

Atha eyed the jar for a moment, and then nodded excitedly as she did as the imp asked of her. The half-elf did her best to undress as quickly as she could, but instead it ended up taking longer than expected. After all, it was dark and she was still slightly tipsy. Fortunately, she did finally succeed, after several failed attempts of getting her armour off, and stood in front of the imp as naked as the day she was born. Moon and starlight illuminated her bronzed skin and showed off her fit body, and suddenly Atha was reminded of her lack of curves. She wanted to cover herself up and run away, not in fear of the imp but because of the embarrassment she felt. But, a single word from the imp stopped her.

‘Beautiful,’ he murmured softly. ‘But if you want to go through with this, you will have to lie down. I can’t reach most of your body otherwise.’

Atha couldn’t help but blush at the comment and, while hoping that the imp couldn’t see her reddened cheeks, lied down on the forest floor as instructed. A moment later the imp unscrewed the lid of the jar he was holding, and the pink goo inside seemed to glow even brighter. The little demon spent a moment or two to admire the naked form of the half-elf, before he put the jar down close to Atha and scooped up a fingerful of the pink, glowing paste. Then, he applied it to Atha’s body.

The half-elf hissed as the cool, slimy substance touched her bare skin, but the imp ignored her. He rubbed the glowing pink paste over Atha’s body in strange. curving patterns, as if he was using her as a canvas. And the pink paste left behind a trail that seemed to glow brighter and brighter with each new line that was added. At the same time, Atha’s nerves felt as if they were on fire whenever the imp added a new line. Though it wasn’t painful, instead the half-elf only felt waves of pleasure washing over her at the slightest touch.

‘Raise your hips.’ The imp suddenly said, he hadn’t said a word at all since he started and had only stopped painting her with the pink paste to coat his fingers with some more.

‘…OK.’ Atha replied in a dreamy state, while raising her hips and part of her upper body until she vaguely resembled an arch.

With a satisfied smile the imp started to coat the small of Atha’s back with the pink paste, as well as her large, firm bronzed buttcheeks before he moved on to the back of her legs. When the half-elf’s arms and legs started to twitch due to the trouble she had with remaining in her current position, the imp connected the lines on her back and ass to the ones already painted to her stomach. Once he had succeeded in that, the lines on Atha’s body glowed so brightly that they were almost blinding. However, the imp merely nodded in satisfaction and uttered a few words in a rough, guttural tongue that Atha didn’t understand. All she understood was that, after he said those words, the pleasure rampaging through her body became too much. Resulting in her collapsing to the forest floor with a scream of ecstasy.

While Atha was writhing on the forest floor in pleasure, the imp simply watched her. For a moment, the half-elf tanned skin turned pink and then a bright white as her body began to change. At first, any change was barely noticeable. But then, Atha’s glowing body began to shift rather abruptly. Her breasts grew the fastest, first they were the size of oranges, then grapefruits and pretty soon they were bigger than those of Ammy. Easily bigger than a pair of melons. At the same time, the rest of the half-elf’s body changed to support Atha’s new, massive tits. Her already broad hips seemed to grow a little wider and her large, peach-shaped ass got a little fuller while at the same time her discreetly muscled thighs got a little thicker. Yet, she remained only five feet tall.

So when the light faded and the marks disappeared from Atha’s skin, she way lying on the forest floor with a pair of massive tits that sagged slightly due to their heavy weight, covering a small portion of her slim waist and flat stomach, before said slim waist flared out into a pair of broad breeding hips. She had been blessed with an hourglass figure even more exaggerated than that of her companion, and her chest and rump looked even larger than they were on her small, slim frame.

Curiously, Atha grabbed her breasts to make sure they weren’t an illusion, and they turned out to be very real and very sensitive. So Atha released them almost immediately with a loud moan, it wasn’t as if she could hold on to the huge globes for long anyway. Seeing as the meaty orbs threatened to spill out of grip. The imp allowed Atha a few moments to observe her changed body, until he finally decided to get her attention by loudly clearing his throat so that she would turn her attention to him.

‘Now it’s time that you fulfill your part of our bargain.’ He said softly.

Atha briefly thought about running away from the imp, though a part of her already felt his presence in the back of her head somewhere. The contract she had with him, had already been sealed. Besides, after her body had changed so much she didn’t think she could run. She was still getting used to the weight of her enhanced breasts, plus the waves of pleasure that had ran through her had left her legs feeling limp and shaky. So she decided to do as her new husband had asked of her and lied down on her stomach, raising her big, round bubble butt up in the air while pressing her breasts against the cool soil of the forest.

The imp eyed the half-elf’s amazing ass for a few moment, before he smiled to himself and removed his loincloth. Both he and Atha had enough light to see one another due to the star-filled sky above them, and the jar of glowing pink goo sitting next to them, so the half-elf had a good view of the imp’s dick as it escaped its cloth confines. It was perhaps a little above average in length and girth as it grew erect, but on the imp’s small, skinny frame it looked huge! Atha’s green eyes widened in disbelief and she nibbled on her lower lip in fear, but didn’t try to stop the little demon. Fortunately, the imp seemed to grab something from another one of the pouches hanging from the belt, this time it was a vial of clear liquid.

Without any sort of explanation he poured most of it over the meaty halves of Atha’s ass, while he used the rest of it on his erection before carelessly tossing the empty vial aside. As the cool liquid ran down her bronzed buttocks, Atha’s body felt hot again and her pussy clenched with need. But the imp’s goal wasn’t her snatch, but her ass. With a grunt the little red demon started to rub the liquid he had poured over Atha’s rear into her buttcheeks, before he spread the halves of her ass apart to catch a glimpse of her twitching anus. It was already shining somewhat due to the lubrication he had poured over her ass, so the imp wasted no time in climbing on top of Atha and pressing his fat, purple cockhead against her asshole.

Atha opened her mouth to ask what the imp was doing, but before a word could leave her mouth the little red demon carelessly rammed his hips downwards. Smoothly inserting nearly half of his member into the half-elf’s clenching ass, while her mouth hung open in a silent scream of pleasure. Despite the odd sensation of having her rump filled with a demon dick, Atha’s cunt still clenched violently and drooled copious amounts of her clear, orgasmic juices. While the half-elf tried to figure out why she enjoyed this so much, the imp was forcing the rest of his shaft into her hot, clenching rear.

‘There was…something strange in that vial, wasn’t there?’ Atha babbled. ‘That’s why…that’s why I’m loving this!’ She mumbled as her slit clenched again and peppered the forest floor with her orgasmic juices.

‘Just one of the many perks of being married to me,’ the imp grunted as he tried to pull his hips back. ‘I got potions and other goodies you won’t find anywhere in the mortal realm.’ He added with a fierce grin.

Atha’s only response was a long, seductive moan as the imp managed to pull part of his member out of her ass, which he was quick to reinsert. For the next few minutes the little red demon was bouncing up and down on the half-elf’s curvy form, his sharp black claws leaving marks on Atha’s back and hips which fortunately weren’t deep enough to actually hurt her. The only sounds the two made were desperate moans, from Atha, and short, happy grunts, from the imp. Accompanying this were the meaty slaps of the imp’s stomach hitting the half-elf’s full buttocks, as well as the soft, wet sounds of Atha’s orgasmic juices hitting the forest floor. All the while, Atha’s saw lights dancing in her field of vision and was clawing at the ground in pleasure as wave after wave of lust hit her.

‘Yes!’ was the only coherent word Atha managed to form in response to the imp’s rough assfucking, and did her best to thrust her ass upwards in tandem with him.

A lot more time passed after that, Atha wasn’t exactly sure how much. Her head and vision went blank with pleasure every now and then, though her head finally cleared up properly when the imp slamming his cock down into her anal tunnel hit his climax. He announced it with a deep, dark grunt that sent a pleasant shiver up the half-elf’s spine, before thick, hot gouts of slimy jizz blasted from the tip of his cock. The imp was pumping out far more spunk than a normal human, and Atha quickly felt very full. While her bowels were being flooded by demonic cum, her pussy clenched one more time in orgasm. Causing Atha’s eyes to roll up in pleasure.

She didn’t know when the imp had pulled his cock out of her ass, all she knew was that he was standing in front of her when she could properly focus her eyes again. While thick strands of seed escaped her gaping asshole, Atha croaked. ‘So, what now?’

‘I think it’s time you introduce your traveling companion to your new husband,’ the imp replied with a smug smile. ‘I also think it might be best if you pursue magic from now on, after all it will be a lot harder to pull the kind of tricks you did back in the tomb with your current body.’

‘Magic? Yeah, that would be nice,’ Atha mumbled as she got to her feet, only half-listening. She had some affinity for magic thanks to Elven blood from her mother, and it wouldn’t be too hard to pursue it since she had a demon to teach her now. ‘I doubt I can keep wearing leather armour anyway.’ she muttered as she did her best to squeeze back into her old clothes.

* * * *

When she returned to Evington the sun was already coming up, and Atha was finally the centre of attention. Her leather armour barely fit and was left open to show the sides of her massive breasts, even her areolae were peeking out somewhat. But that wasn’t all, her slender waist was exposed as well, the half-elf was even certain that someone caught a glimpse of her glistening pussy. People were barely paying attention to the small red imp walking next to her.

‘Atha!’  a voice suddenly shouted, and a tall, curvaceous shape ran towards her. ‘Thank goodness, I’ve been looking all over for you!’ Ammy said with a relieved smile as she got close enough, before her relieved expression abruptly changed to one of confusion. ‘Atha? What happened to you? Is that an imp!’

‘I suppose I have some explaining to do,’ Atha chuckled, acting as if the situation was completely normal. ‘First of all, this is my husband!’ She said cheerfully, as she nodded at the imp.

‘Wh-what?’ Ammy stammered.

‘Come on, let’s go to the inn. I’ll explain the rest there.’ Atha said with a broad smile, before pushing past Ammy. The human archer looked at her friend in confusion for a few seconds, before she quickly followed her back to The Dancing Demon.


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