Sunday 16 December 2018

Blowing off Steam (Raffle Prize)

Back when I hit 2000+ followers on Tumblr I held a Raffle, here's the second winner.
Raffle Winner Hizzacked suggested:
“Lux goes in to the mens shower area to do some cleaning and accidentally spots the ship captain showering. She doesn’t look away because she’s starting to have some other kind of feelings for him. When he turns around and almost notices her she bolts out of there. She’s so overcome with horniness now after seeing that sexy guy all wet she must find some release. Idea for that is pretty open, I was thinking she could go find Zoe, or pretty much anything at that point, if you have some more fun ideas let me know  :D”
What does she decide to seek out? I guess you have to read the story to find out.
Contains: M/F, robot girl, standing 69, deepthroat, vaginal sex.

Blowing off Steam

Sailing through the inky blackness on the edges of civilized space was an enormous cargo ship which belonged to Captain Sebastian “Bas” Asura. Going by the different shades of red the hull had been patched up numerous times and the name that had once graced it, Farstar, had long since faded away. The old girl wasn’t very fast either, but it got the job done and had plenty of cargo space for the ships they salvaged. Currently the lights were dimmed and not a single person could be seen, all except one.

Moving through cramped, dim hallways of the old clunker was a slender young woman that looked out of place on the ship. Her skin was a blue so pale it almost looked grey and was not marked in any way by scars or moles and her long hair was a bright shade of cyan. This was certainly a strange sight, but with gene mods or full-body dyes even humans could look like aliens. Yet, this woman was neither human nor alien. No, Lux was a sentient artificial intelligence in the shape of a beautiful gynoid, she and her sister Zoe had both been brought into existence thanks to the sick cravings of a brilliant scientist. All highly illegal of course, she and her sister would both no doubt be destroyed if anyone found out what they were.

Luckily they could easily be mistaken for pleasure droids due to their appearance, or choice of attire. For example, today Lux was wearing a suit resembling a leotard with a hole in it to expose a good amount of her tantalizing blue cleavage. Accompanying that were a pair of magboots that went up to her thighs, just in case she had to go out to repair the ship and to complete her get-up she wore fingerless black gloves that nearly went up to her shoulders. All pieces of clothing were adorned with small blue lights to draw attention to her legs, breasts or shapely rear.

Perhaps it was a strange sight to see a highly intelligent gynoid like Lux on a ship like this, but to her it was home. Sure, the pay was crap for all the repairs and cleaning her and her Zoe were stuck with and the constant groping from the crew was a pain in the ass thanks to the pain and pleasure sensors their creator, Doctor Nykros, had stuck them with. But they had seen more and experienced more than they would have if they had if they never stowed away on the Farstar.

Finally Lux reached her destination and pushed a large button next to the door. Her eyes, two crystal blue orbs of light in a sea of black, flitted up to the sign above the door as it slowly hissed open. It read Male locker room, just like the map of the Farstar in her memory banks had told her. Still, it felt good to be sure. Finally the doors slid into the frame with a loud *CLUNK!-*, announcing that it was save to step inside.

‘That took some time; perhaps I should take a look at the hydraulics when I cleaned the showers?’ Lux mused aloud, before she realized that the lights in the locker room were a lot brighter than in the hallways. ‘The artificial night cycle should be in effect, are the lights malfunctioning?’ Lux asked herself. But that was when her auditory sensors picked up the sounds of running water.

Curious about who would be using the showers at this time the gynoid slipped behind one of the lockers and peered inside; when Lux noticed who it was she covered her mouth to keep herself from a sound. Standing underneath the hot streams of water from one of the communal shower’s showerhead was Captain Asura, although nearly everyone on the Farstar’s crew called him Bas. He allowed the water to wash over him with his eyes closed, from the look of it he hadn’t heard Lux talking to herself or even the door to the locker room opening up.

need to take a closer look. Lux thought to herself while biting her lower lip.

Her eyesight was far better than any human, so she actually didn’t need to come any closer. But somehow the thought of being near the captain made her feel better, plus the fact that Bas might catch her in the act of peeking on him excited her a little. So slowly Lux crept out from behind the locker she was hiding behind while sneaking closer to the entrance of the communal showers, yet Bas continued to remain standing underneath the shower with his eyes close. Showing no indication if he heard the gynoid. Finally Lux was as close as she dared and pressed herself against the cool, tiled wall. To her left was a closet containing cleaning supplies for shower, to her right was the doorway leading into the showers. She wasted no time sticking her head through the doorway to continue spying on her captain.

Sebastian Asura was a kind man, even if the faint scar along one side of his face made him look a little dangerous. Whenever Lux looked at him she felt like he was someone she could trust, his facial features were handsome and his jawline strong, normally when he told his crew they had a new job his dark eyes would twinkle happily and he’d flash those white teeth of his in a smile. Suddenly Lux realized that, despite the fact that Bas was completely naked, she was focusing a lot on his face and the peaceful expression on it as water ran down his body and plastered his dark hair against his head. She felt…something when she took it all in, but it wasn’t lust. The gynoid knewlust and this was different.

Admittedly, lust did come into play when her eyes finally drifted lower. Sebastian wasn’t overly muscular, but he was definitely in shape. Lux couldn’t help but rub her thighs together as she took in his broad shoulders and his tanned skin. As she took in more and more of her captain she noticed the occasional pale scar, or the scorch mark of a blaster. She felt a pang of concern yet wanted to run her finger over each and every one of them and ask him how he got them at the same time. When her gaze finally stopped between Bas’ thighs she caught a glimpse of his soft member and quickly snapped her eyes up towards his face again as her cheeks turned a darker shade of blue.

‘Why are you acting like this, Lux? It’s not like his is the first penis you’ve ever seen!’ the gynoid whispered to herself.

As soon as she uttered this Bas’ dark eyes snapped open, Lux disappeared behind the wall before he could spot her and left the locker room as quickly and quietly as she could. She made sure to hit the button to close the door behind her before breaking into a full-blown sprint, while making sure to turn as many corners as she could to make sure the captain wouldn’t catch her. Never before had Lux felt so embarrassed and she didn’t even know why, she and her sister had done worse things than this. When she finally stopped running she had to consult the map in her memory bank to know just where she was in the Farstar, but instead she recalled the image of Bas. Naked…and wet.

‘…perhaps it would be best if I blow off some steam before returning to my cabin,’ Lux whispered to herself as she shook her head to make the image disappear. ‘Hmm…I recall that we took a guest on-board at our last stop.’ She mused as she consulted her map and made way to the cargo hold.

Of course Lux could take care of her libido back in her cabin, but her sister would be there. And Lux was in no mood to deal with her clever tongue today, or that E-cock of hers for that matter. So to the cargo hold she went, to find the “guest” who was paying them to take him back to his home world. The hold was by far the largest space in the Farstar; it had enough room to house several smaller ships and still have room left for several crates of goods. As always the hold was filled with several heaps of junk that had previously been parts of other ships, as well as any crates of cargo Bas had taken on. Unfortunately, it didn’t contain what Lux was interested in. 

‘Ikar! Are you in here, Ikar?’ Lux shouted.

Barely a moment later a humanoid shape peered down at her from the rafters. Lux gave a friendly wave and the shape safely made his way down several crates that were stacked in a suspicious way against one of the hold’s walls, before approaching the gynoid. Due to the dimmed lights it took some time before Lux could get a good look at Ikar, once he was close enough however she was glad with her decision to visit him.

Ikar was a Zona, a rarely seen humanoid creature from the Zon planet, and he had jumped on board the Farstar because he wanted to return home. Unfortunately he had racked up a bit of a debt on Dervos 4, the colony he had been staying at, and the only way to pay it off was enter into a rather unfair contract with a local crime family. So instead he had opted to make a call to his family in Zon to wire Sebastian some credits and hid in the rafters of the cargo bay. One thing Lux had learned from the time she had served on the Farstar was that Hegemony officials didn’t really bother searching the rafters for criminals or illegal cargo, even if they checked almost every other hidden nook and cranny.

Neither Sebastian nor anyone else from the Farstar crew had managed to pry exactly what this crime family wanted Ikar to do out of him; personally Lux wouldn’t have put it past them to have him work as a prostitute. He certainly was exotic enough, as well as handsome by human standards. Although short for most males of his species he was fairly tall in comparison to Lux, nearly Sebastian’s height now that she thought about it, and he wasn’t in bad shape either.

Zon was a famous for its enormous mountain ranges and jungles filled with tall trees, combine this with some dangerous wildlife and you’d better hope you become a good climber fast if you want to survive. Ikar definitely looked like he had climbed plenty of mountains with his broad shoulder, thick muscled arms and defined abdominal muscles. Adding to that was a thick, muscular prehensile tail all Zona had to assist them in climbing. Aside from that, the only thing that marked him as alien was his rusty red skin and the strange, swirling grey marks that covered his body. They were easy to mistake for tattoos, but apparently all Zona had them from birth making them closer to resembling birthmarks.

‘Lady Lux?’ Ikar grumbled, causing the gynoid to look up.

Black tendrils, each about as thick as Lux’s finger, grew from Ikar’s head and fell to about his broad shoulders, covering his ears. His strong, angular jawline was accentuated by his strange birthmarks and Lux couldn’t help but smile herself when the Zona’s shot her a dashing grin. Apparently put at ease by her smile Ikar stepped a little closer which caused the gynoid to find out, much to her pleasure, that the Zona was wearing no clothing.

‘Is there anything I can help you with?’ the Zona asked curiously, apparently not aware of the fact that Lux was eyeing his crotch.

‘I was, eh, just wondering if you wanted some company.’ Lux asked as she glanced from Ikar’s face to his crotch.

‘Are you asking me to mate with you?’ Ikar wondered as he curiously cocked his head.

‘Would you be opposed to that?’ Lux asked with a bold smile.

‘Definitely not,’ Ikar replied. ‘It has been several cycles since I’ve last lain with a woman. Of course, you will have to disrobe.’

‘That won’t be a problem.’ Lux mused as she tapped a few buttons on the side of her “suit”.

It gave a hiss as the small blue lights on it powered down and the shell made of duraplastic reinforced with a lightweight ceramic opened up, before splitting in two and falling onto the hold’s deck with a soft thud. Going by his reaction Ikar liked what he saw, so Lux decided to strike a pose. She puffed out her chest to show off her shapely blue breasts capped with nipples that were a slightly darker shade, while turning sideways ever so slightly to give the alien man a view of her firm, nicely rounded buttocks as well.

Lux flashed the Zona a happy smile as he admired her body, a smile that quickly grew strained as she felt something prodding against her pussy. Looking down, Lux saw that the tip of Ikar’s tail had disappeared between her thighs and was splaying her plump, drenched labia apart. When she looked back up, the Zona was eyeing her with a cocky smile.

‘It appears that you are more than ready for this. Perhaps you would like to prepare me as well?’ he asked, while nodding down towards his swelling member.

But before she even had a chance to reply, Ikar’s tail pulled away from her slit and instead wrapped around her waist. Lux released a yelp as the Zona used the muscular appendage to lift her off the ground and pull her closer to him. Once she was face to face with Ikar he flashed her one more smile before she was suddenly turned upside down, Lux gasped in surprise before bursting out in a fit of giggles as the Zona’s large, course hands grabbed her shapely buttocks and began to tease her pussy with his tongue.

‘It might be nice to, hmm, warn someone before yo—ah! …before you do this to someone, you know?’ Lux babbled as Ikar’s tongue continued to probe her pale blue folds while she felt the heat of his swelling member hit her face.

‘I apologize, but when I see a beautiful specimen of womanhood such as yourself I just have to sweep her off her feet.’ Ikar replied as he briefly stopped teasing Lux’s folds.

‘F-flattery will get you everywhere.’ Lux muttered with a faint blush as she rested her knees on his shoulders and grabbed his ass before sucking his member into her mouth.

Ikar’s released a moan which, although muffled, sounded very appreciative to Lux. So with a smile around his girth she started to push her head forwards, taking inch after thick inch without much effort, before she finally reached the base of his shaft. Ikar grunted and moaned above her, and seemed to have a little trouble with continuing to eat the gynoid out, but he’d soon find out that Lux hadn’t shown him everything she was capable off yet.

With some effort Lux stuck out her tongue and caressed the Zona’s leathery sack. As a result Ikar’s tail loosened somewhat, which made Lux lock her legs around his head and grab his ass a little tighter. Luckily Ikar quickly tightened his grip and released a ragged gasp. He had completely stopped pleasuring Lux at this point and his pole was throbbing powerfully against the walls of the gynoid’s throat. A chuckle bubbled forth from her throat, sending pleasurable vibrations up the Zona’s shaft, and she began extracting Ikar’s member from her throat as he groaned darkly.

‘You aren’t forgetting about me, are you?’ Lux asked as Ikar’s dick, slick with article saliva, escaped her lips and smacked her in the face.

‘I—no! It’s just, it feels so good…’ the Zona babbled, his composure cracking.

‘You haven’t seen good yet!’ Lux replied calmly, before sliding his cock back down her throat.

Once again she took it to the base, only to pull her head back until only the crown remained stuffed in her gob. Ikar gasped in pleasure, to which Lux replied by stuffing the entirety of his shaft down her throat once more. And when she felt the Zona’s beefy testicles hitting her chin, she pulled her head back again. She continued to do this again and again, speeding up a little every time. Going by Ikar’s heavy breathing and the powerful throbbing of his shaft, Lux deduced that it wouldn’t be long until he would reach his climax. It would quickly turn out she was right when she felt one of the Zona’s rough hands releasing her buttocks, only to push against the back of her head.

‘I-I’m very sorry about this.’ Ikar croaked weakly.

Lux felt his testicles tighten against her chin as he hit his orgasm, followed a moment later by hot jets of semen blasting down her throat. It quickly became obvious to Lux that the Zona wasn’t lying about the fact that he hadn’t been with anyone in quite some time, as even she had trouble trying to swallow every last drop of his salty, slimy seed. Fortunately it wouldn’t be the first time dealing with a partner this virile, and she doubted it would be her last, so the gynoid put her practiced throat to work and swallowed every last drop while Ikar moaned above her.

When the Zona’s climax finally came to an end he unceremoniously pulled Lux up with his tail until his member slid from her throat and she reluctantly released his butt. Then he gently placed her on the cold floor…before falling to his ass with a tired sigh.

‘That was…something else.’ Ikar mumbled with a shake of his head.

‘I hope you’re not too tired to give me a good time?’ Lux mused with a cocky smirk as she pushed herself to her feet and straddled the Zona’s hips.

As an answer Ikar’s tail shot up and worked its way into Lux’s dripping quim, bringing a soft moan from her blue lips. Lux allowed the tip of the Zona’s tail to thrust in and out of her twitching snatch a few times, before grabbing hold of it with surprising strength.

‘I really need something that isn’t your tail, Ikar.’ She said softly as the Zona winced.

‘Well, it looks like I have one more round in me, even after making use of that wonderful throat of yours.’ He chuckled while pointing at his member.

‘That’s what I needed to hear.’ Lux purred happily as she released his tail and began to lower herself.

Both she and Ikar hissed as the Zona’s cockhead pushed against her slick snatch, they remained in place like that until Ikar grabbed Lux’s slim waist and pulled her down further. A pleased sigh passed the gynoid’s blue lips as the Zona’s cock filled her needy snatch, while Ikar growled at the same time due to her folds coiling around his throbbing shaft. They enjoyed the pleasurable sensations that washed over them for a moment, before the Zona resumed pulling Lux downwards.

‘Hmm…This is just what I needed!’ Lux squeaked as she reached the base of Ikar’s shaft, her eyelids fluttering due to the pleasure that assaulted her senses.

While Lux trembled on top of Ikar she felt something prodding against her anus, she was about to chew out the Zona for using his tail again. But when the tip of the muscular appendage slid into her anus all that escaped her throat was a weak moan. Ikar noticed this of course, and flashed Lux a cocky smile. To which the gynoid responded by placing her hands on his chest as she raised her hips at a slow, agonizing pace. Ikar’s smile quickly faded, instead his mouth turned into a pained grimace.

Lux cooed softly as she felt the tip of the Zona’s tail thrashing around in her bowels in an attempt to pull her back down, but her strength won out in the end. Once half of Ikar’s dick had been extracted from her hot, tight slit she flashed him a smile and slowly pushed her hips down again. She continued her slow pace for several minutes until Ikar could take no more. With a deep, frustrated growl that sent a pleasant tingle up Lux’s spine he pushed himself to his feet and grabbed the gynoid’s waist.

‘Argh, you evil little tease! Let me show you how a real Zona screws!’ he yelled.

With that said he extracted his tails from Lux’s rump, who released a soft yelp in response, and ran towards the crates he had first jumped down from with surprising speed for someone who had his member inserted into a woman. Lux couldn’t suppress an excited giggle as Ikar jumped on top of the boxes and she had to wrap her arms and legs around him as he climbed into the rafters. As soon as his feet were planted on top of the beams he began to move his hips, bringing a gasp from Lux. 

‘Isn’t, ah, this, unf, very dangerous?’ Lux asked between moans as she looked down at the cargo hold with wide eyes.

‘That’s what makes it fun!’ Ikar growled as he kissed his way down Lux’s neck.

She wasn’t sure if she would agree with that, although the Zona certainly seemed to have gained his second wind. Soft slapping sounds resounded through the cargo hold as Ikar roughly pounded his dick into the gynoid, causing his balls to slap against her rear with each thrust. All while clawed at his back, partially because she was afraid to fall. But mostly because there was just something terribly exciting about this! Eventually however Lux loosened her grip, before she stopped holding onto Ikar altogether.

Instead she had wrapped her legs around the Zona’s waist while she lowered herself until her torso was basically a horizontal bar. Ikar grabbed her tightly and held onto the beam he was standing on with his tail to make sure Lux’s weight wouldn’t pull him too far forwards, luckily he quickly recovered and continued pumping his hips. His thrusts were short and rapid, as Lux didn’t allow him much movement. It was enough for the gynoid however, as the danger of what she and Ikar were doing only excited her further. 

Her pale blue eyes were locked with the Zona and she nibbled her lower lip in pleasure as her snatch clenched and unclenched around his throbbing cock. Until finally her folds gripped Ikar’s shaft tightly while she shrieked in orgasm. Lux felt the Zona pull her closer as her entire body writhed and twitched in orgasm, apparently frightened that she would fall otherwise. Once she was close enough however she peppered his broad chest with loving kisses, bringing a strangled groan from his own lips. This treatment resulted in the Zona reaching his second climax of the evening, and once Lux felt his hot seed blasting into her depths her mind went white…

When she finally came down from her orgasm she was sitting in Ikar’s lap, his soft member resting between her buttocks. ‘Are you sure you’ve never been with someone of my kind before, because that was fantastic?’ he rumbled tiredly as the gynoid shifted on his lap.

‘No, but I learn fast,’ Lux said as her cheeks flushed a darker shade of blue. ‘Just…don’t tell Zoe about this, if she heard she’d never let me hear the end of it after all those times I chastised her for doing something idiotic.’

‘I won’t tell, but on one condition…’ Ikar rumbled.

‘I think I can already guess what it is and I accept.’ Lux replied with a smile, before breaking out into happy laughter as the Zona picked her up again.

* * * *

‘Zoe, there you are. Have you seen your sister?’ Sebastian Asura asked as he saw a beautiful gynoid with flawless golden skin and fiery orange hair stomping down the hallway.

‘I can tell you where she isn’t, which is in the male locker room! She was supposed to clean that place up and make any repairs yesterday. Now I have to deal with complaints about the door getting stuck while I was supposed to have a day off.’ Zoe grumbled to herself.

Bas seemed to recall something from last night…but quickly shook his head. ‘It couldn’t have been,’ he said more to himself than to Zoe. ‘Would you join me while I look for her?’ he asked.

‘Fine!’ Zoe said with an exasperated sigh. ‘But only because it’s you, Bas.’ She added with a teasing little smile. Bas returned her smile without skipping a beat as the beautiful gynoid pushed herself close to him before they started their search for Lux.

They wouldn’t find her until much later in the day, cleaning the Farstarcargo hold after the crew complained about strange puddles having appeared there. Zoe smiled knowingly as she and Bas arrived however, although Lux was relieved that neither noticed the strings of pearlescent goo hanging from the rafters…


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