Friday 14 December 2018

[COM] Wanted: Shelia Longhand

Minotaur Centurion Mayiigh's current job is to catch a goblin bandit by the name of Sheila Longhand.
Commissioned by Empyreanobscure
Contains: M/F, Minotaur, goblin, shortstack, big ass, huge cock, hotdogging, excessive cum.

Wanted: Shelia Longhand

Mayiigh stared at the beautifully drawn charcoal portrait of Shelia Longhand, a notorious goblin bandit. Her facial features were sharp and combined with her aquiline nose she looked like a bird of prey, but Mayiigh had to admit that she was quite a beauty. Beautiful or not, it didn’t explain how she had managed to take out several legionaries from the IVth Legion that had to be twice her size! The Minotaur Centurion could understand it if they had been seduced or taken out in their sleep, but most of his men had returned with bruises and broken bones and claimed to have taken on the goblin in a fair fight. So now the Centurion had to show his legionaries how to do their job.

The last legionaire that had gone up against Shelia Longhand said that he had faced her in a small fishing village along one of the Empire’s trade routes, she had probably set up shop there to assault passing merchant caravans. It was, after all, a common tactic of hers. A tactic Mayiigh was all too happy to use against her. So after exchanging some bribes and threats with a passing merchant caravan the Minotaur Centurion had managed to hide himself within one of the wagons, wondering whether the goblin criminal would take the bait or not. As it turned out, Mayiigh didn’t have to wonder for long.

Suddenly the groaning and crashing of wood could be heard, accompanied by panicked voices and neighing horses as the cart Mayiigh was in suddenly jolted to a halt. The Minotaur Centurion carefully peeked out of the cart he was hiding in to see that a tree had fallen on the road, and it was easy to see that it was deliberately cut down. Especially when a small green form jumped on top of the felled tree, arms crossed underneath a modest chest. Mayiigh took one last glance at the piece of parchment in his hand to make sure, but it really wasn’t necessary. The woman that had stopped the caravan was clearly Shelia Longhand.

‘Leave your valuables behind and you can continue your journey with your life.’ The goblin stated, her voice was deep for a woman and not what Mayiigh expected a goblin to sound like.

Just before the Minotaur Centurion had a chance to step out of his hiding place and arrest her however, one of the merchant’s guards attacked the goblin. He was a thickset man, perhaps two heads smaller than Mayiigh and armed with a heavy looking club which he swung into Shelia Longhand’s direction. To Mayiigh’s surprise the goblin dodged the swinging club with ease, before the guard could swing his club again Sheila lashed out at him with a kick. The small woman’s foot hit the guard square in the gut, and the man crumbled clutching his stomach.

At the sight of his companion collapsing, another caravan guard attacked the goblin. This one was shorter and leaner, but he was definitely strong and dangerous in a fight. Strangely enough, despite the obvious hostility Shelia wasn’t the first one to attack. Instead she waited until the second caravan guard slashed at her with his shortsword first before, like the first time, she dodged the attack only to land a devastating punch to his side. The guard gasped and grabbed his side with one hand while swinging his shortsword at the goblin. Shelia dodged the clumsy swing easily and landed one more punch on the caravan guard, this time hitting him in the gut. Like his companion, the second caravan guard dropped to the ground as well.

‘Anyone else?’ Shelia asked calmly.

Just like my men said, she always lets her opponent attack first for some reason. Mayiigh observed as he looked the goblin over.

She certainly looked strong, her bare arms showed compact, but obvious, muscle and her slim waist was ruthlessly stripped of any excess fat to show off her abdominal muscles. Yet, that still didn’t explain how she could fight men and women that were nearly twice her size with such ease. Enchanted weapons or armour were ruled out since the goblin fought with her fists and the only clothes she wore were a short, sleeveless black tunic that showed off her stomach and a pair of loose-fitting dark brown pants. On her head she wore nothing, no helmet or circlet. Just a simple leather cord to keep her dark red hair tied in a ponytail.

She must be affected by some kind of spell, then. Mayiigh deduced as he stepped out of his hiding place. ‘Yes, I’ll take you on.’ The Minotaur said calmly as he approached the goblin, carelessly stepping over the two crumpled over caravan guards gasping for air.

‘Hm? Wouldn’t be the first bull boy I’ve taken on,’ Shelia replied with a smirk. ‘So, what are you waiting for? Show me what you’re made of!’

As I thought, she needs others to make the first move. Mayiigh thought as the goblin taunted him. ‘This better work.’ He whispered to himself as he clenched his fists before pretending to throw a punch.

Shelia took the bait and dodged, despite the fact that Mayiigh had barely moved, before jumping close to the Minotaur Centurion and kicking one of his shins. Mayiigh braced himself, but to his surprise found that it barely hurt. Shelia seemed to wait for him to fall down with a broken leg, so Mayiigh surprised the goblin by grabbing her. When he did, the goblin suddenly grew surprisingly strong and he had trouble holding onto her. However, after a moment the sudden burst of strength suddenly seemed to disappear and the goblin practically grew limp in Mayiigh’s grip with a defeated expression on her face.

‘Thank you for your assistance,’ Mayiigh shouted to the closest merchant, out of breath despite the short struggle. ‘I’ll take this criminal back to my camp. When I arrive, I will also send some men to clear the road for you.’

‘Th-that’s fine sir, we can do it ourselves.’ The merchant replied, looking from the two crumpled guards, to the goblin, to the Minotaur Centurion.
Mayiigh merely grunted in reply and decided to leave the merchant caravan behind and return to camp on foot, this turned out to be a mistake since he would have Shelia squirming against him all the way. The goblin might not have been very blessed in the chest area, but it turned out that her baggy trousers weren’t so baggy in the hip area, her ass was large, firm and perfectly shaped…and Shelia wasn’t afraid to use it. The goblin squirmed in the Minotaur’s grip, pressing her large rear against Mayiigh’s crotch while rubbing her modest chest against one of his thick, muscular arms.

The Minotaur Centurion pretended not to be affected, but Shelia knew better. After a few minutes of her teasing Mayiigh’s massive bullcock, still partially covered by his loincloth, rose up and peeked past the armoured skirt made from thick leather strips. Shelia gazed over her shoulder at it and, when she was sure Mayiigh was looking, nibbled on her lower lip while she continued to rub her tush against the Minotaur’s impressive manhood. When Mayiigh finally released a dark grunt, Shelia spoke up.

‘Say, need me to take care of that for you, bull boy?’ Shelia said with a teasing smile.

‘A small creature like you?’ Mayiigh snorted, but his pace faltered somewhat.

‘Like I said earlier, you wouldn’t be the first bull boy I’ve taken on,’ Shelia whispered hotly. ‘But if you want to walk into camp like this, be my guest it’s not my reputation on the line. At least, I assume you have a reputation to uphold, seeing as you look a lot fancier than the other bull boys.’ The goblin teased.

‘Fine,’ Mayiigh grumbled as he suddenly stopped in his tracks. ‘But I am taking your trousers so you don’t run away on me.’

‘Do whatever you think is necessary, sir.’ Shelia replied in a mocking tone of voice as the Minotaur slid her trousers down over her broad hips and lightly muscled legs.

As soon as they were off Mayiigh tossed them aside and pushed Shelia up against a tree, the goblin didn’t complain. Instead, she simply grabbed on and pushed her ass in the Minotaur’s direction. Mayiigh took a moment to enjoy the sight of the large, round and firm buttocks of the goblin as he removed his loincloth, before he slid his massive bullcock between then. With a grunt he grabbed the halves of Shelia’s large, green ass and pushed them against his cock, to his surprise the goblin’s asscheeks nearly managed to obscure a large part of it.

‘Last time I checked, this wasn’t sex.’ Shelia mused sarcastically.

‘I am just getting you prepared.’ Was Mayiigh’s response as he began to move his hips.

As the Minotaur’s hot, throbbing bullcock rubbed over her anus Shelia couldn’t surpress a whimper, a whimper that turned into a moan when Mayiigh’s beefy testicles slapped against her snatch. Shelia wasn’t the only one enjoying herself either, Mayiigh might have claimed that he was doing this to prepare Shelia but hotdogging the little goblin clearly got him off. Which was made evident when thick strands of clear, sticky precum began to drool from the tip of his member. Shelia gasped when those strands of precum landed on her back, and her cunny clenched with need as Mayiigh’s nuts slapped against it again.

After Mayiigh had finished sliding his monstrous member between Shelia’s buttocks a couple of more times, the goblin removed one hand from the tree in front of her and instead began to rub her twat. Over time, the moans and groans of both the Minotaur and the goblin grew louder and louder. Until finally, Mayiigh hit his climax with a roar that was loud enough to cause several birds to take to the air. Shelia felt thick, hot globs of cum hitting the back of her head and raining down on her back, as well as her shapely asscheeks. Yet at the same time, she had trouble standing as her own climax washed over her.

When their respective orgasms came to an end, Mayiigh released the goblin’s buttocks and pulled his, still semi-erect, member from between them. As soon as he did, though, Shelia surprised him by running away, bottomless and still covered in spunk. The small green woman laughed heartily to herself as she ran, ropes of spunk falling off of her body and leaving a trail. Mayiigh merely stared at the fleeing goblin in stunned silence for a while, before he released a series of foul curses that echoed through the forest and sent even more birds flying.

‘How the hell am I going to explain this one to my legionaries? To my superiors?’ Mayiigh wondered to himself as he looked from Shelia’s discarded trousers, to the fleeing goblin that was gradually getting farther and farther away.

Briefly he considered following the trail of semen she had left behind, or telling the trackers in the IVth Legion to do so. Of course that meant having to explain why she had been covered in semen in the first place. No, doing that would just complicate things and bring even greater shame to his name than simply admitting that he had underestimated her and let her escape. So with a sigh, Mayiigh decided to bury the goblin’s trousers in the woods. Afterwards he fixed his loincloth and decided to return to where the IVth Legion had set up camp, and he didn’t look forward to telling his legionaries the bad news…

* * * *

For the next few months rumours of a goblin with no pants robbing several merchant caravans travelling along the trade routes and beating up their guards circulated throughout the Empire, Mayiigh and his IVth Legion chased those rumours zealously so that the Minotaur Centurion could make up for the mistake of letting Shelia escape in the first place. Eventually, he and the goblin bandit would meet again. But that is a story for another time.


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