Saturday 1 December 2018

Tv Tropes Writing Challenge - Trope 3: Husband Husbandry

About 4 years ago now two other writers, Lucianite and Rakked, decided to take a writing challenge and write smut based around Tropes found on Tv Tropes for a week. Here are my entries.

This time the trope is Husband Husbandry, the Gender Flipped version of Wife Husbandry.

This story stars Miranda of Vienrad trying to get her nephew, the newly crowned king, Richard Arach to marry her so she has a chance at the throne and power. Only, she doesn’t seem to have him under her control as much as she thought…
Contains: M/F, Aunt/Nephew incest, huge breasts, big ass, big cock, oral sex, throatfuck, vaginal sex, spanking, rough sex.

Tv Tropes Writing Challenge - Trope 3: Husband Husbandry
Miranda of Vienrad watched her nephew, Richard, fondly. The young man had lost both his parents during a plague almost thirteen years ago, leaving no family members to take care of him and no one to rule the country. Since she was the boy’s only blood-relative she had left her lands the same day she got the news, and spent the next thirteen years raising her nephew while the king’s old adviser started a council to rule the kingdom until Richard came of age. And now, he was. Old enough to rule, and old enough to continue the Arach line. So there he sat, waiting for his crown as his father’s old adviser opened the crowning ceremony.
Miranda had to admit, he’d grown into a handsome young man. Thick, gold blonde hair that fell a little past his ears and started to curl, he probably needed to get it cut soon or he might strike a slovenly figure. But he was as handsome as his father had been, with a strong jaw and cheeks that dimpled when he smiled which was combined with his mother’s, Miranda’s sister, dark, intelligent green eyes. He was tall as well, taller than Miranda, with obvious muscles bulging underneath his green and yellow royal garments.
It was the result of her training; after all she had forced him to spar, and not just with duelling masters, but with the generals that would lead his armies. Showing him what a real fight was like and not just the safe, rule-heavy fights nobility had when they sparred. Along with that she had drilled etiquette into him and spent some of the treasury’s funds on the best tutors money could buy. All that training, and all those lessons, had turned him into a proper king. There was already talk amongst the council members that they should find him a bride immediately.
Miranda couldn’t agree more. In fact, she already had someone in mind…
* * * *
Richard plopped down on the bed with a sigh, if his aunt saw him now she’d probably chew him out about wrinkling his royal garments. But he was too exhausted to care. The crowning ceremony had gone on for hours and knowing that he was in charge of ruling the country now was one hell of a responsibility. He would have fallen asleep too, if someone hadn’t suddenly knocked on his bedroom door. Richard abruptly sat up and was about to snap at the person on the other side of the door, but thought better of it.
Instead he took a deep breath and said: ‘Come in.’
A moment later the door opened and his aunt stepped in. Despite the age gap, and the fact that they were related, Richard had to admit that his aunt was a beauty. She was tall for a woman, nearly five foot ten, and cut an intimidating figure with her long, scarlet hair and blazing green eyes. She had taught Richard many things when he was a young prince, and he wasn’t afraid to admit that her regal facial features and imposing stature had frightened him when she was displeased with him. When he got older, however, he started to focus on different things. Like her plush, dark lips that even seemed to shine with moisture when she wasn’t wearing any make-up. But what haunted his imagination the most while he spent lonely nights in his quarters was her body.
Tonight the older woman wore a dress of green and gold, the colours of Richard’s family. A slender green choker with golden embroidery graced her swan-like neck, while her green and gold dress had a plunging neckline that showed a great deal of his aunt’s huge, creamy breasts. Each of the soft-looking globes had a small dusting of freckles and seemed to be around the size of Richard’s head. Her waist was slender, but the young king didn’t know whether it was because his aunt was blessed with it herself or if it was caused by a corset. Her hips and legs, sadly, were hidden from view by her skirts.
Miranda cleared her throat, causing the young man’s eyes to quickly snap towards her face again. ‘My king, I was wondering…’ she began.
‘Yes, aunt?’ he replied with a raised eyebrow.
‘Have you given any thought to a bride?’ she asked sweetly.
‘I-…no I have not,’ Richard said. ‘I’ve been so focused on taking over where my parents left off for all these years that I never even thought about it.’ He said, resisting the urge to nervously rub his hands together.
‘Might I offer a suggestion?’ Miranda said with a smile.
‘And here I thought being king meant I had to make decisions of my own…’ Richard stated drily.
‘Don’t get snippy with me, young man,’ Miranda suddenly snapped, putting her hands on her hips. ‘Do you want my suggestion or not?’
‘Yes of course, aunt.’ Richard sighed; he just couldn’t win an argument with this woman.
‘Me.’ was the only word she said.
‘What…’ Richard stated flatly.
‘I suggest myself.’ Miranda replied with a smile.
‘But…we’re related…’ Richard said softly with wide, surprised eyes.
‘Many kings of the past married their relatives, to keep the blood pure,’ Miranda stated matter-of-factly. ‘I don’t see why we can’t.’
‘I-it’s not right!’ Richard sputtered.
‘Now, now, nephew. Haven’t I caught you more than once spying on me when I was bathing?’ she asked. Richard opened and closed his mouth in surprise, but before he could defend himself his aunt continued. ‘Haven’t you pleasured yourself many times while thinking about me, in this very room?’ she added.
‘I-…well, y-yes,’ Richard stammered. ‘Yes, yes I have.’ He replied while looking away.
‘So tell me truthfully,’ the older woman purred as she stepped closer, her face mere inches away from her nephew’s own. ‘Do you really not want to try sharing a bed with your aunt?’
Richard swallowed audibly and beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead. But then an idea hit him. It was, perhaps, a stupid idea but it was the only one he got. He would have to bluff. ‘I would very much like that,’ Richard stated, his voice coming out strong. ‘But how would I know that this isn’t just a grab for power? That, once I marry you, I won’t end up assassinated? Or worse, in a sexless marriage?’ he asked, grinning at his own silly joke.
‘Then what do you propose?’ Miranda asked warily.
‘Stay the night with me, prove that you are willing to carry on the Arach bloodline…and I’ll think about it.’ Richard replied. There was no way that a woman as noble as his aunt would agree to something like this.

‘That seems fair.’ Miranda answered as a predatory smile spread across her face.
Didn’t expect that. Richard thought to himself, but tried not to let his shock show on his face.
‘Now let’s get those pants off, young man!’ his aunt suddenly said, while her slender fingers disappeared in the waistband of his trousers.
Before he could protest, his pants were around his ankles and his member stood up proudly. It was almost as long as his forearm and as thick as his wrist, with two beefy, cum-filled orbs resting between his legs. Richard’s aunt stared at the erect, vein-corded pole in amazement, but quickly recovered and wrapped her small hands around the thick, throbbing pole.
‘Well, at least you have a member befitting a king,’ Miranda said drily, hoping that her nephew hadn’t noticed her amazement. ‘Now, let me prepare you…’ she purred before stretching her plush lips into a lewd “O”.
Richard suppressed a gasp as he felt his cockhead sliding past those velvety soft lips, and into his aunt’s warm, wet gob. For a few moments he did nothing and simply enjoyed the sensation of his member sliding down Miranda’s tight throat, but then he wondered what would happen if he let his aunt get the upper hand now? He sat a few moments contemplating before he decided to do something about it, she had ran his life for thirteen years after all. He couldn’t let her continue doing so while he was king. So with a growl, he grabbed her dark red locks and slowly got to his feet while holding on to his aunt’s hair.
‘That is not how you please your king, aunt.’ He told her in a low, dangerous tone of voice.
At first she shot him an angry glare, but when Richard suddenly yanked her closer to his groin while he pushed his hips forwards her eyes widened with worry and she gagged loudly as his cockhead hit the back of her throat. Her nephew didn’t seem to care much about her comfort however and simply continued moving his hips while pulling her head along his shaft. Amidst the loud, wet-sounding glurks- and glarks­- Miranda did her best to shoot the young king one of her better glares, but she had trouble focusing her eyes as her vision was clouded by stars dancing in front of her. Despite the rough treatment, or maybe because of it, Miranda felt herself getting hot and her pussy began to grow wet.
Slowly Miranda’s gags grew softer and she actually began to move with her nephew’s pumping hips, happily sucking down his monstrous, royal member as it bumped into the back of her throat. At first Richard ignored it, enjoying the older woman’s throat wrapping around his pulsing cock while it bulged out obscenely, but when he noticed the way she was rubbing her thighs together underneath her skirts while blushing fiercely. He realized she was getting off on this. With an evil grin he suddenly pulled his hips back while pushing his aunt away, causing his cockhead to leave her mouth with a soft *pop*.
‘Why?’ Miranda whined, causing the strings of saliva connecting her lips to her nephew’s trembling shaft to snap. As soon as she realized what she had said, her mouth snapped shut. But the damage had already been done.
‘Because, dear aunt, this is about your ability to pleasure me. Not the other way around,’ Richard replied as a smug smile came across his features. ‘Now, get undressed.’ He commanded her as he began removing the rest of his royal garb.
Miranda wanted to protest, wanted to say she wouldn’t let herself be bossed around by Richard just because he was king now. But seeing his bronzed, sculpted muscles coming into view, muscles he had gotten because she had pushed him into training, she couldn’t resist. The older woman licked her lips hungrily when she thought Richard wasn’t looking, and obeyed his command. Slowly she began to strip out of the intricate dress while her nephew simply watched her, with an amused smile and offering no help. Miranda made no comments about it, because despite how much Richard infuriated her right now. He was finally acting like a king.
While his aunt undressed, Richard tried to show no emotion as her huge, creamy breasts came into view. He had fantasized about them ever since he had first hit puberty and they looked even better than he had imagined! The top of the redhead’s bust had a small dusting of freckles, but the rest was delightfully pale. Miranda’s boobs sagged only slightly, probably because of age or because of the sheer size, and were capped with thick, suck-able pink nipples. To his surprise, his aunt didn’t wear a corset. This meant that her slender waist, a waist which was just begging to be touched, was her own.
Next her skirts came off, when they pooled around her ankles and those broad, babybearing hips came into view Richard’s breath got stuck in his throat. Her thighs were delightfully thick as well, barely contained by the white stockings she wore on her long, shapely legs. To his surprise, she wore no underwear. But when she moved to take off her stockings, the young king got to his feet and grabbed her wrist.
‘No,’ he growled softly. ‘Leave them on.’
With that said he removed his hand and began circling around his aunt, giving him the chance to take in her big, meaty buttocks as well as the small patch of red hair above her dripping gash. With a smile he walked around her one more time, before suddenly pushing himself against her. Using one hand to grab one of those big, soft, and surprisingly heavy, globes he used his other hand to cup her slit. His fingers were quick to dip into her honeypot. Miranda gasped, and had to suppress a moan at the sudden assault, she managed but had to chew on her bottom lip as her nephew’s monstrous pole throbbed between her buttocks.
‘Richard! How dare you assault your aunt like this!’ Miranda said indignantly. ‘Stop this right now!’
‘Oh no aunt, you’re not getting out of this now. You agreed to this, you just had to try everything to try and get the throne.’ Richard snapped, he was surprised at his own anger but it didn’t stop him from rubbing his prick back and forth between the older woman’s buttocks, while teasing her cunny and groping her breast.
‘I raised you…’ Miranda whimpered.
‘Yes, and it was all for this day, wasn’t it? To commit a taboo, but rule the land while whispering suggestions in my ear,’ Richard growled. ‘Well, tell you what. I’m going to let you…but in the bedroom, you’ll be mine.’
‘Wh-what?’ Miranda stammered, surprised at the intensity of her nephew’s words.
As an answer, Richard roughly pushed her forwards. Causing the redhead to stumble towards the bed and fall face-first into the downy mattress with her ass in the air. While she crawled backwards, Richard walked up behind her. His erect, saliva-covered pole slapping softly against his stomach as he approached. As soon as he was close enough, the young king sank his hands into Miranda’s soft, cushiony asscheeks and pressed his cockhead against her drooling quim.
‘Richard, no! Not like this!’ Miranda hissed angrily, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation. ‘At least turn me over and look me in the eye!’
But her nephew wasn’t about to listen, he was going to fuck her like an animal. With a grunt he rammed his hips forwards and, with one thrust, slammed the entirety of his monstercock into the older woman’s dripping, quivering pink depths. Miranda opened her mouth to scream at the sudden penetration, but all she managed was a barely audible gurgle as an orgasm slammed into her. It had been so long since she had sex, and even then men didn’t dare treat her like Richard treated her. She writhed and bucked on the bed and clawed at the sheets, but her nephew didn’t care. With a grunt of effort, he pulled his hips back.
‘N-nooo!’ Miranda whined as her regal features scrunched up in ecstasy, feeling her nephew’s cockhead pull and tug softly at her coiling folds as it threatened to leave was simply too much for her.
Of course Richard was quick to pound his cock back into the redhead’s sweet, climaxing cunny, causing his aunt to release a happy little squeak. Still, he wasn’t about to give her a moments rest. With a groan Richard pumped his hips back and forth, slamming his beastly pole in and out of the older woman’s pink depths, not giving her a chance to come down from her orgasm completely while he continued squeezing her big, meaty buttocks. He grunted and growled as the pace of his thrusts increased before suddenly releasing one of her asscheeks, and bringing a hand down hard on one of her creamy buttglobes.
‘Well! How does it feel aunt? To be taken by your nephew who you were “preparing for the throne” for all those years?’ he yelled, before slapping her ass again. ‘Just so you could get power yourself?’ He snarled.
‘Good…’ Miranda moaned, as waves of pleasure washed over her when Richard smacked her buttocks.
‘You didn’t even give me time to grief for my parents!’ he growled angrily in response to his aunt’s pleasure, smacking her ass again. ‘It was all about “what a king should be” since the day you arrived!’ he roared, speeding up his thrusts again.
‘Yesss…’ Miranda hissed, passionately moving her hips in tandem with Richard as he worked off his anger and frustration on her body.
Richard said nothing more after that, instead he just cursed underneath his breath and continued roughly pounding the redhead’s snatch while his member throbbed powerfully against the walls of Miranda’s quim. She just gurgled happily and moved her hips as quickly as she could herself, her royal mask having broken completely to show a rapturous expression. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be enjoying that pleasure for much longer as her nephew suddenly stiffened behind her and didn’t move for several seconds. But then he suddenly rammed the entirety of his monstercock into her twat and moved his head close to hers.
‘Cumming…’ He growled in her ear, before biting her neck softly.
As hot, thick jizz blasted against the walls of her twitching cunt another climax coursed through Miranda’s body. While her snatch was being filled with cum, and the edges of her vision began to darken, all that went through Miranda’s head was that he would make a good king. Before passing out with a happy grin on her face…


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