Saturday 1 December 2018

Tv Tropes Writing Challenge - Trope 1: Villainesses Want Heroes

About 4 years ago now two other writers, Lucianite and Rakked, decided to take a writing challenge and write smut based around Tropes found on Tv Tropes for a week. Here are my entries.
This one is: Villainesses Want Heroes, and is about a bored, powerful elven sorceress seeking out a young hero to have some fun with.
Contains: M/F, huge breasts, big cock, femdom.

Tv Tropes Writing Challenge - Trope 1: Villainesses Want Heroes
‘Is everything alright, my dark queen?’ a small red imp asked while rubbing his hands together in a slimy fashion.
‘I’m fine, Parc,’ Fyra the Ageless told her familiar. ‘Everything is just so dreadfully boring.’
Parc looked from his mistress to the pit of purple flames in the centre of the throne room, its colourful smoke revealed the images of their kingdom. Fyra had taken over the Crimson Swamps with her raw magical powers, convincing the trolls, with their rock-hard skin, to join her cause. Together with her army of trolls she had then taken over the Spearblade Mountainsand taken every willing ogre and orc into her army, while killing anyone that resisted. After that she had burned down the Endless Woods, driving the elves out of their home, and was now in the process of taking over the lands of dwarves and humans. By all accounts she should be happy of her success, but she just stared at the images with an annoyed or bored expression on her face and slouched lazily on her throne.
‘Should I fetch a jester?’ Parc asked helpfully.
‘You know I’m scared of jesters,’ Fyra replied. ‘Don’t forget what happened the last time you had one perform here.’
How could he? Some of the banners hanging next to the throne room’s entryway were still stained with his blood. ‘Then what do you wish me to-’ Before Parc could finish his sentence, Fyra suddenly sat up and stared intently at the images the colourful smoke showed her. So being the loyal familiar that he was, Parc followed her example.
Most of the time the smoke showed images of battlefields, or her lands in peace, this time they showed the inside of the large tent of one of Fyra’s generals, Ralk Fireborn, a handsome half-elf that was an excellent tactician and loved slinging around fireballs. Unfortunately, he wasn’t all that good in any close-combat situations, as Fyra and her familiar would soon find out. The purple flames could only show an image of a certain place if there was a fire, so they likely saw Ralk and the stranger he was fighting from a candle standing on a table, the half-elf was beating a hooded stranger with his staff. Unfortunately he wasn’t trained when it came to fighting with quarterstaffs or spears so his opponent easily dodged the clumsy swipes, whenever Ralk tried to focus to cast a spell the stranger’s blade swept out, leaving Ralk to clumsily stumble backwards to try and dodge it.
As they got closer to the table it quickly became clear that the half-elf wouldn’t survive this encounter, his expression was one of terror and his regal purple robes were stained with dark, red spots. Meanwhile the swordsman approached him calmly, his blade dripping with blood and his clothing stained with it. But Fyra had her doubts any of it was his own. Ralk cried out, although for her and Parc he just stretched his mouth wide open, and swung his staff at the stranger’s head in a desperate attempt to strike him down. All he succeeded in however was knock the cowl of his cloak back as the swordsman quickly whipped his head backwards to dodge the staff, and with that large swing he left himself completely open to the stranger’s blade, something the swordsman was all too happy to take advantage off.
The blade flashed forwards and plunged into Ralk’s chest, leaving the half-elf to look at the blade before looking at the swordsman with shock. Uncaring the stranger pulled his sword out of Ralk’s chest, and wiped the blade on a clean portion of his robes as the half-elf crumpled to the ground. He cast one last glance at the candle, giving Fyra a glimpse of young, handsome facial features, before pulling the cowl over his head again and escaping the tent. Parc only cursed underneath his breath at seeing the man, but quickly wished he hadn’t as his mistress suddenly looked at him intently.
‘Parc,’ she asked sweetly. ‘Who was that?’
‘I…’ the imp began, thinking about lying to his mistress. But something in her eyes told him that probably wasn’t going to be a good idea. ‘His name is Kade; I believe you knew his father Jax?’
‘Ah yes, he was the only one that gave me a bit of a challenge in the past,’ Fyra mused with a grin as she wiggled excitedly in her seat. ‘Handsome bastard too, even as he got older. But he was so damn loyal to that wife of his,’ she pouted. ‘Whatever happened to him?’ she asked.
‘When he rejected your advances for the fifth time you became really pouty and ordered the Four Generals to look for him and kill him,’ Parc explained with a roll of his eyes. ‘That was twenty years ago, and if my guesses are correct Kade will hunt down the remaining Generals that killed his father now.’
‘Well then we better find him first,’ Fyra replied excitedly as she got up from her throne. ‘I will be right back, Parc!’ she said as she stuck a dainty foot in the purple flames.
‘Mistress, no!’ Parc shouted, but he was too late. The purple flames turned a bright white, and with a flash Fyra disappeared.
* * * *
Kade walked from the darkened camp, he had snuck up on the soldiers on watch and slit their throats while others had been murdered in their sleep. He didn’t feel good about it, but when fighting someone that used magic you couldn’t give them the time to focus and cast a spell on you. So he couldn’t have left any of Ralk’s men alive, lest they became a distraction during his fight with the half-elf. Still, he had succeeded. The first of his father’s murderers would be screaming in the Pits by now. Only three more to go, and then he would face the woman that had been his father’s mortal enemy and the one that commanded these Generals. Or so he thought.
The dark, silent camp suddenly lit up as a bright flash of light came from behind him and Kade quickly turned around, sword in hand. ‘My, you’re a jumpy one, aren’t you? A warm, feminine voice asked.
‘Who’s there?’ Kade called out, taking a step closer to the smoke arising from the ruins of Ralk’s tent.
Before he could react a form jumped out of the smoke and crashed into Kade’s body, the sudden impact knocking his sword out of his hand, he looked up angrily at who had tackled him and his expression turned from rage to fear. Pressed close to him was the face of Fyra the Ageless, her snow white hair was pulled back in an intricate braid, showing off her long, pointed ears. Her eyes were a dark purple and almond shaped, they sparkled mischievously as she looked down at Kade, her facial features were regal and gorgeous and her plump, soft-looking lips were painted black and were currently set in an impish smile.
‘Oh my, you’re even cuter than your father…’ she purred as she pressed her lips against his cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.
Kade’s eyes widened in surprise as he felt her plush lips against his skin, while something huge, soft and heavy rested on his chest. But finally, Kade snapped out of his surprise and grabbed her shoulders. ‘Get off me!’ He yelled, before pushing the woman off of him.
Fyra barely seemed to hit the ground as the young man shoved her away; she simply seemed to float through the air before ending up landing on her feet. Kade wasted no time however, the young man grabbed his blade and swung it at the elven woman’s face. Before he got too close though, he found himself tripping over a root. Before he could fall to the ground, several more roots shot up from the ground and wrapped themselves around his ankles and wrists, before roughly pulling him down on his back again. ‘Now, now, that’s no way to treat a lady.’ Fyra pouted as she dusted a few specks of dirt from her dress and approached the young man.
‘Quiet, witch! You and your man got my father killed!’ Kade spat.
‘Well, I said those words in anger! I didn’t mean them,’ Fyra replied while pouting theatrically. ‘When Jax was around I had the most fun in years, he was always raising armies and freeing damsels. Nowadays heroes are so quick to give up, it’s all so dreadfully boring.’
‘W-what?’ Kade sputtered. Was this woman really the conqueror they all feared? She commanded armies and ruled kingdoms, but acted like a bored, spoiled child with too many toys.
‘Still, now that you’re here I can have some fun!’ she giggled as she approached him.
Despite knowing what she had done, Kade couldn’t help but admire her beauty. The first thing his eyes fell upon were her breasts, they were nearly twice as large as his own head and seemed to defy gravity, her tight-fitting black dress hugged her perfect curves tightly causing Fyra to show nothing, and everything at the same time. The inky black dress hugged her flat stomach and slender waist just as tightly, while the hemline of it was slit at the sides, going all the way up to the elven woman’s broad, hips. Yet her long, shapely legs and thick, discreetly muscled thighs were completely hidden by a pair of dark purple stockings.
When she noticed the young man’s eyes on her body Fyra raised a regal eyebrow. ‘Oh my, enjoying the view aren’t we?’ she asked teasingly.
‘I-I won’t fall for your temptations, witch!’ Kade stammered with a blush.
‘You’re reactions are a lot cuter than your father, you know,’ Fyra teased. ‘Of course, we never got this far.’ She added before suddenly yanking Kade’s trousers down.
A phallus almost as long as Fyra’s forearm, and about as thick as her wrists, swung into the open and slapped against the young swordsman’s stomach. At first she had just wanted to tease the youth a little, really make him angry and more than ready to fight her and her troops. But at the sight of that virile young cock her mouth started to water and she felt something hot in the pit of her stomach. It had been so long since she had been with a man. Fighting and conquering and learning new magic had been everything on her mind for the last few decades, but perhaps young Kade could help her have some fun this way.
‘Well, would you look at that,’ Fyra grinned. ‘It looks like you did fall for my temptations.’
‘I- no…no, y-you must have used magic.’ Kade muttered while looking away in shame.
‘Oh?’ Fyra mused before pulling her dress over her head. ‘I assure you; I used no magic to get this body.
Kade cock twitched again as he Fyra now loomed over her in all her pale, naked beauty. Her huge breasts were capped with pretty pink nipples that looked good enough to suck, and the only mar on her otherwise flawless creamy flesh was the dark, oval indentation of her belly button set in her flat, trained stomach. Her legs were still clad in purple stockings, and the only other garment she wore beside them was a skimpy piece of purple underwear. The front was a small triangle that couldn’t cover her plump, darkened pussylips completely and was already soaked with Fyra’s juices. With a grin, the elf stepped out of her underwear and straddled Kade’s hips, who opened his mouth to speak again.
‘Shush,’ she said softly while stuffing her panties into his mouth. ‘I’ve beaten you, so I’m taking what I want.’ She said before pressing the fat, purple crown of the young man’s dick against her sopping slit.
Kade muttered something through the underwear stuffed in his mouth, but Fyra ignored it and sank down on the youth’s monstrous shaft. She had to bite down on her lower lip to keep a shriek from escaping; the young man’s cock stretched her tight elven quim so wide that it hurt! But it hurt so good! Fyra whimpered, trying not to let Kade see her discomfort, before slowly pushing herself downward further, with her legs twitching softly during the descent. The elven woman mewled as she watched a thick, tube-like bulge pushing up her stomach and she couldn’t help but rub it, eventually however her hand travelled lower, towards her outthrust clit. Fyra happily started to play with the sensitive nub to take away some of the discomfort, while her other hand found one of her breasts and began squeezing the huge, soft globe.
Kade’s eyes widened when he saw Fyra the Ageless, conqueror and all-powerful sorceress, playing with herself while she sank down on his member. In response his cock gave an involuntary twitch inside the elf’s pink, twitching depths, which caused Fyra to release a squeak of surprise and discomfort. However, slowly but surely the young man’s proud pole sank deeper and deeper into her, until Fyra felt the crown of Kade’s dick brushing against her cervix. This caused her to release a hiss as equal parts pain and pleasure coursed through her body. Fyra didn’t move for a while as she tried to get adjusted to the young swordsman’s size, moaning softly as the pole throbbed against her folds, causing her legs to tremble in pleasure. Once she thought she could properly handle Kade’s size, and she had sufficient strength in her legs, she began to move again.
Slowly the curvaceous elf began to bounce on the young swordsman’s pole, her firm, shapely buttocks slapping against his legs whenever she bottomed out. Fyra winced whenever the domed crown bashed against her cervix, but despite the discomfort she slowly picked up the pace. Meanwhile, Kade was moaning around the underwear stuffed in his mouth as the ageless sorceress’ hot cunny coiled and clenched around his throbbing shaft and pleasure washed over him. Pleasure he desperately tried to deny as he did his best to escape his bonds, but his resistance was meek and precum had begun to flow from his distended cumslit to his great embarrassment.
‘Ah!’ Fyra gasped. ‘St-starting to enjoy ou-ourselves, aren’t we?’ she added weakly as she felt the youth’s sticky, pearlescent juices running over her folds.
Kade yelled around her underwear and shook his head, but his prick gave him away by twitching happily inside of Fyra. The elf giggled and continued bouncing up and down the swordsman’s big cock, her hands had stopped groping her body after she succeeded in taking Kade’s member almost to the base, so to tease the poor boy she grabbed both of her breasts. This quickly caused him to stop shaking his head and stare intently at the way the elf’s creamy breastflesh threatened to spill out of her small, dainty hands as she squeezed the huge globes softly and teasingly. More precum was quick to shoot from Kade’s cumslit as he watched the show, and he even began to move his hips as best as best as he could, being tied down by roots and all.
‘Yes! Almost there!’ Fyra hissed, her thrusts had sped up in the last few minutes and loud, meaty *thwacks* had resounded through the empty camp as her sculpted asscheeks slapped down against Kade’s legs, they were no doubt pink by now. And, if she was correct, Kade was getting close too. The throbbing of his member had been getting more powerful, and the flow of precum had increased!
Sure enough, when his cockhead finally battered Fyra’s cervix aside and slammed into her womb he screamed loudly through his makeshift gag, a scream soon drowned out by the squeal of the elven sorceress as hot, thick white jizz was blasted directly into her womb. Fyra clenched her eyes shut and arched her back dramatically as an orgasm slammed into her. She squeezed her breasts tightly and squealed again while she trembled and writhed on top of Kade’s cock, all while he blasted her cunny full with babybatter. When she opened her eyes again however, she saw the annoyed face of her familiar a few inches away from her.
‘So this is what you’ve been doing while our armies are out fighting?’ he asked drily. ‘Fucking the man that just killed one of your Generals?’
Fyra could only stare at him with unfocused eyes for a few moments as she came down from her orgasm, her body trembling, but finally she swallowed and nodded. ‘Ye-yeah, I forgot how much fun sex was…’ she babbled as she slowly rose up from Kade’s softening pole, causing a few ropes of spunk to escape her gaping twat. ‘He needs to work on his stamina though, he’s already out cold.’ She noticed as he snored softly.
‘Shouldn’t we kill him?’ Parc asked as he looked at the slumbering swordsman while his mistress got dressed.
‘No, leave him,’ she said. ‘It’s been too long since our army had to deal with a genuine hero, let’s see how ready they are.’
‘Are you serious?!’ Parc almost screamed.
‘Yeah, we’ll have exciting battles! Comrades will be slain, love interests will be kidnapped and ancient weapons will be found!’ she explained with a beaming smile. ‘Finally I’ll be rid of my boredom.’
‘Whatever you say, mistress,’ the imp said in exasperation. ‘But are you sure we should leave him here? He might end up being killed by someone, or something, else.’
‘Oh don’t worry about that,’ Fyra said, waving away his worries. ‘There is a tribe of goblins living nearby; they’re mostly women now that most of their men have gone out to war. They’ll find him and have him “repopulate” the tribe. I’m sure he’ll have fun, plus they might teach him something.’
‘Alright mistress,’ Parc sighed while he shook his head. ‘Here, you forgot this.’ He added, while handing the sorceress a small, glass orb.
‘What would I do without you, Parc?’ Fyra said with a smile.
‘Well-,’ before the imp could answer however, Fyra muttered a few words and threw the orb down in front of her. It shattered and she disappeared with a large burst of purple smoke. ‘You could have at least let me make a snarky comment, mistress.’ Parc sighed in annoyance, and with one last look at Kade he followed her example.

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