Wednesday 12 December 2018

The Cursed Man and the Goddess.

The Cursed Man and the Goddess.
Cover by JassBefrold

I think this was the first, and only, request I did with OCs. It's a non-cannon story with Rickard from the 18 Inch Curse and CrimsonInfiltrator's cow girl OC Milky.
Contains: Contains cowgirls, huge breasts, lactation, oral and anal.

The Cursed Man and the Goddess.
Rickard had left the town of Riverside far behind him as soon as the Floating Flask had reached the shore, the place had given him both good and bad experiences but he’d rather not stay there any longer. He had to reach Yull as fast as he could, there should be some sort of answer for his curse there, shouldn’t it? With that idea in mind he had walked the entire day on the dirt road and now night was falling, the sun was sinking below the horizon and everything was bathed in red and orange glow. Rickard sighed and stared at the sun sinking down and reflected on the last few days of travel before his ears caught deep, rumbling voices a little deeper into the forest to his right.

‘I should probably just walk away, I’m sure there are bandits in those woods.’ Rickard muttered. But human curiosity was a powerful thing, and after a few steps the young man couldn’t help but slip into the forest.

With the day’s dying light Rickard saw a large patch of trees chopped down, uprooted and cracked leading to what seemed to be a clearing in a forest, at the end of the make-shift “path” two large trees remained standing and Rickard had to dodge several odd holes in the ground as well as tracks that seemed to have been made by a wagon or carriage. Did these bandits steal one of those for themselves? Rickard wondered as he slowly snuck closer to the clearing, he saw some vague shadows but couldn’t really make them out. He sighed at his own stupidity and hid behind one of the large trees that remained standing and clung to the bark, which felt oddly…hairy.

As soon as Rickard was safely tucked away behind the tree, someone in the camp found a tinderbox and lighted a large campfire in the middle and Rickard’s mouth fell open. These were people…but their faces were an odd blend of bull and human, and their legs ended in bestial hooves. At least that seemed to count for the men, the women of the camp looked relatively normal except for the small horns poking out of their hair, and the fact that their legs too ended in bestial hooves. Even so, they were all clad in fine, sturdy-looking armour and wielded large swords, axes and warhammers and seemed to be at least twice as tall and muscled as Rickard, and were guarding a carriage the size of an inn.

Still, Rickard wasn’t about to find out who was in it and what the hell was going on. ‘Time to get out of here.’ He whispered to himself as he released the odd bark of the tree and turned to walk away.

Or at least he tried to, a hand large enough to enfold the huge carriage clasped around the young man’s body like he was a mere toy, and lifted him up. Rickard thought that all the times he had cursed the gods had finally caught up to him and now one of them decided to show his or her wrath, but when he was brought face to face with the one that had grabbed him he saw that it was merely one of the strange bullmen from the camp. Only fifteen feet tall and covered from head to toe in a wicked looking armour with a silver mask covering most of his bull-like face.

‘What do we have here? A little rat spying upon us?’ he said in a voice like a thunderclap that vibrated Rickard’s body.

‘N-no,’ Rickard gasped, struggling to breathe. ‘I was just looking for a fresh glass of milk and this seemed the perfect place to get it.’ He added, slightly red-faced.

‘A funny man, eh?’ the huge bullman continued. ‘Let’s see how funny you’ll be when I squeeze your pathetic body so hard that your heads shoots off into space.’

Before the humongous bullman could try this however Rickard heard the sound of a carriage door creaking open followed by a clear and feminine voice that sounded like a small silver bell. ‘Bring him here, Tyrtaios.’

The bullman, Tyrtaios, glanced at Rickard and snorted loudly as if to say that he had been lucky the woman had interrupted him. But without hesitation to huge bullman took a step into the camp and stuck his hand out towards the carriage were Rickard’s eye bugged out of his skull, and it was only partially because of the way Tyrtaios’ hand was squeezed around him. In the dooropening of the carriage stood a beautiful woman!

Although it was perfectly obvious that she had the same kind of cow-like features as the rest of her followers, Rickard doubted that any warmblooded man would care when he saw the ivory horns sticking out from the sides of the woman’s head while a waterfall of golden curls framed her soft, feminine face. She stared at Rickard for a few moment with her large, emerald eyes and the two briefly had eye-contact before the young man’s curious eyes drifted lower. Around her swan-like neck hung a choker with a golden cowbell hanging from it, but before Rickard could wonder why she would wear such a thing his eyes caught two humongous creamy breasts that seemed very willing to escape the white robe the woman was wearing. They looked to be nearly three times the size of the tall woman’s head, yet sat high and firm on her chest without seeming to need any sort of support.

‘Who are you, then?’ she asked curiously with the same clear voice she used before.

‘Mwah…’ was Rickard’s eloquent response as he stared at her long legs, which were covered in the same golden fur as the hair on her head, and looked confused at the dainty cow-like hooves that were supporting her.

‘Answer Galaxia,’ Tyrtaios said in a menacing voice while squeezing Rickard’s body. As an afterthought he added: ‘Please.’

‘I was just looking for some milk and beef, and your little camp seemed like the perfect place to get some,’ Rickard said drily. ‘Or maybe I was curious about who or what carved a path through the forest. Pick one.’

‘You are either fearless or stupid to talk like that.’ Tyrtaios snorted.

‘Definitely stupid,’ Rickard replied. ‘I don’t have anything to back up my bullshit. Speaking off-.’

Before Rickard could say anything else that would potentially piss off the giant bullman, the woman called Galaxia spoke up. ‘Tyrtaios, put him down. With that big mouth of his he will be a bigger danger to himself than others,’ she said with a faint smile. ‘Now what is your name?’ she asked.

Tyrtaios promptly released Rickard who hit the forest floor with a grunt, the young man glared at the giant bullman as he pushed himself up but didn’t feel like insulting him any further. ‘Rickard.’ He replied as he turned towards the blonde bovine woman.

‘No last name?’ she said with a cock of her head.

‘It’s not important, Galaxia.’ Rickard returned with a grin.

‘Oh please, call me Milky,’ the blonde said with a smile and Rickard looked from her face to her breasts with a confused look. ‘Now please, step into my carriage I’m sure you are quite shocked after seeing the appearance of me and my followers.’

‘Each day seems stranger than the last,’ Rickard sighed. ‘But, eh, I think I’d rather continue my travels now.’

‘On your own? At night?’ Milky asked as she looked down on Rickard with big, shining green eyes. ‘Surely that would be far too dangerous.’

‘I-…’ Rickard began, but the concerned look on the blonde’s face was too much. ‘Fine, I’ll get in.’ he eventually said with a defeated sigh.

Milky stepped out of the way and allowed Rickard to step inside her lavish carriage and his mouth fell open when he did, the luxury inside could match that of a nobleman’s mansion! A large wooden bench with dark, soft-looking red cushions was carved into the walls while a huge table was placed in the centre of the carriage and bolted to the floor while bookcases behind glass doors stood next to the couches. This also didn’t seem to be the only room as Rickard heard faint footsteps from above and saw an occasional humanoid shape moving around in a small hallway. But before he could explore further, his attention was caught by Milky as she plopped down on one of the couches and patted the cushion beside her.

‘So why do you travel this roads at night?’ Milky asked as Rickard sat next to her. The cowgirl was a lot taller than him and he was on eye-level with her breasts, not that Rickard found that a bad thing…

‘I’m trying to get to the city of Yull as fast as I can to get rid of a, erm, curse.’ Rickard muttered.

‘You’ve got cursed, in what way? Maybe I can help?’ Milky replied with a concerned look on her face.

‘I’d rather not talk about it,’ Rickard muttered. ‘But why are you and your companions traveling like this?’ Rickard asked to quickly change the subject.
‘Ah, well we are travelling the lands to look for more worshippers!’ Milky said excitedly.

‘Worshippers for who?’ Rickard asked in confusion.

‘For me of course, I am Galaxia Goddess of Bounty and Fertility,’ the cowgirl said proudly. ‘But that is such a mouthful, so most people just call me Milky.’ She said with a small smile.

‘Well, you certainly look worth worshipping.’ Rickard said with a smile, careful not to tell the beautiful blonde with an army of bullmen on her beck and call that she might have a God complex.

‘Flattery will get you nowhere,’ Milky giggled. ‘Still, Tyr did not leave you with a good impression of me and my followers, so what do you say to staying with us for a few days? I’m sure sleeping in a carriage will be a lot more comfortable than sleeping on the hard ground.’ She said as she looked down at Rickard with kind eyes.

‘You mean I get to ride around in a mansion on wheels protected by heavily armed and armoured bullmen instead of walking around getting stung by insects and bothered by bandits?’ Rickard said with a grin. ‘Well, I’m in!’

‘Perfect,’ Milky said with a smile. ‘With that settled, let’s have some dinner.’ After she said this she clapped her hands and two more people with cow-like features walking into the room. One was male, though he was smaller and had the facial features of the female cow people along with a slender waist and flaring hips, but the long loincloth definitely marked him as male. The other person was definitely female with black curly, shoulder length hair and lovely dusky skin, while her large bosom nearly knocked over the glasses of wine on the tray she was carrying.

‘Enjoy your meal, sir.’ The small bullmen said as he placed a plate of food in front of Rickard.

A moment later the female servant set down the glasses of wine and shot Milky a hard look. ‘Please drink responsibly my lady, you know how you get when you drink too much.’

‘Yes, yes, Kalonike,’ Milky said as she waved the servant’s warning away with an annoyed look on her face. ‘Enjoy your meal.’ She then said to Rickard as she started on her own food.

Rickard looked at the plate filled with carrots, lettuce and potatoes, no matter how much he moved it around he could find no meat. ‘Thanks.’ He replied with a forced smile as he began chewing down the rabbit food between big gulps of wine, at least they had good taste when it came to that. Next to him Milky also began drinking her wine and Rickard could swear that the taller woman was pressing herself a little closer to him, once she finished the entire glass Rickard noticed a blush creeping up her face while a dainty hand grabbed his leg.

‘Kalonike, more wine please!’ Milky called while reluctantly removing her hand from Rickard’s leg.

The same dusky cowgirl that had brought the drinks in the first place returned and shook her head at Milky before pulling the blonde cowgirl out of her seat. ‘I think I know just what to give you when you get into one of these moods,’ she said with a wicked grin. ‘Your guest can sleep on the couch, right?’ she added as an afterthought while looking down at Rickard.

‘Ehm, sure?’ Rickard replied, not sure what was going on.

‘Good!’ the bovine babe called Kalonike giggled as she dragged Milky along who began to protest. ‘Povi, turn down the lights so Lady Galaxia’s guest can get some sleep!’ Rickard heard her shout as she dragged Milky into the hallway.

A moment later the same bull boy that had brought in the food appeared and turned twisted on an odd knob on the wall causing the lanterns in the torch to go out until the room only remained lit by the campfire outside. He had also brought Rickard a pillow and blanket, which the young man gratefully took as he lied down on the couch. Just as he was about to go to sleep, he heard loud moans coming from upstairs. Moans that sounded like they came from Milky.

‘Right there! Right there!’ he heard the blonde squeal as Kalonike did something that no doubt pleased her greatly. Her squeals of joy were quickly followed by a low laugh from the dusky cowgirl who did something that made the other bovine babe scream in pleasure again.

‘Well, sleep seems to be out of the question.’ Rickard whispered to himself as he felt his member swelling in his pants.

* * * *

Amidst the sounds of aroused, feminine moans and teasing laughter Rickard had somehow managed to fall asleep last night, but he was roughly awakened the next morning by moving carriage. Only, his pillow seemed to have been replaced by a soft pair of legs, and although he couldn’t see the face of the owner due to the humongous globes of breastflesh that obscured his vision, he assumed it was Milky’s lap his head was resting on.

‘Good morning,’ Milky clear, cheerful voice said as she felt Rickard moving around. ‘Did you sleep well?’

‘Yeah,’ Rickard groaned as he sat up. ‘It was a bit difficult with all the noise you were making though, did you get hurt or something?’ Rickard asked innocently while he watched Milky’s face go red.

‘I-I, ehm, you are needed on the roof as a l-look-out.’ She quickly stammered as a way to change the subject.

‘A look-out? I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to actually attempt to attack this carriage, but all right.’ Rickard shrugged as he got out from underneath the blankets and got to his feet.

‘W-well, you can never be too sure,’ Milky said with some nervous laughter. ‘If you go through the hallway hear you should find a ladder on your left hand that leads up to the roof.’

‘Alright.’ Rickard said with a nod, and he followed the red-faced Goddess’ directions.

* * * *

‘Argh! This is so boring!’ Rickard uttered for maybe the fifth time in the morning as he watched the landscape of Sollai flash by. So far they had only travelled on the dirt road and the most interesting thing Rickard had seen was Tyrtaios’ head popping above the trees ever so often.

‘Do all humans complain this much?’ one of the bullman holding a heavy looking crossbow asked in a deep, rumbling voice.

‘Yes, but I am a special case,’ Rickard shot back. ‘Where are we heading anyway?’ he asked as an afterthought, none of the bullmen and bovine women on the roof had talked to him since he had arrived at the top of the carriage.

‘Galaxia wants to spread the word of our religion around this land,’ the bullman said as his eyes peered out along the road. ‘Our first stop is the town of Silverpines.’

Rickard nodded as a reply, more to himself than the bullman as he pulled up the map of Sollai in his mind. Silverpines had been his destination after Riverside as well, but even while travelling via carriage it would probably take them another day or two, even though it was pulled by about a dozen of large, musclebound bullmen.

As the day went on Rickard spotted some rough-looking men approaching on horseback, but as soon as they spotted what was defending the carriage they quickly rode the other way. Much to the disappointment from the men and women on the rough with him who seemed to be getting a little antsy for a fight. Rickard figured that it would be wise not to complain for the rest of the day.

When night finally fell Tyrtaios appeared again with the moon at his back and the giant bullman set about chopping down, uprooting or simply batting away several large trees to make a clearing in which the carriage could be parked. Rickard watched the spectacle with great interest, before he was shaken from his thoughts by a knock on the trapdoor leading up to the roof. A moment later Kalonike’s face appeared and looked around, only to smile when she spotted Rickard.

‘Ah yes, would you please join me in the woods to gather some firewood?’ she asked.

‘I think Tyrtaios is already on that.’ Rickard replied after the loud crash of a tree crashing down faded away.

‘Please?’ she asked with a naughty twinkle in her eyes and a broad smile that promised a great deal.

‘Alright, though I don’t see the point.’ Rickard sighed as he approached the trapdoor. Still, he’d be glad to be away from the battle hungry bullman…

Once both he and Kalonike had descended the ladder and left the carriage, which was now standing perfectly still to give Tyrtaios the time to clear a path and a clearing where it could be parked, Rickard and the dusky cowgirl entered the forest. Though a few feet away from where the giant bullman was tearing out trees and chasing forest critters out of their home. Being the gentleman that he was Rickard let Kalonike lead the way, he certainly hadn’t done it just to stare at her broad, child-bearing hips and large, shapely rear swaying to and fro underneath her thin white robes.

‘So, why did you really want me along?’ Rickard eventually asked as they disappeared between the shadows of the tree.

‘A frail little woman like me simply needs the help of a big strong man like you with a task like this!’ Kalonike said in a theatrical voice and shot a smile over her shoulder at Rickard.

‘You’re a head taller than me, if not two, and you look like you could easily pick me up and throw me at Tyrtaios’ head.’ Rickard replied drily.

Kalonike suddenly stopped and as a result Rickard bumped into her, her plush rear pushed against his hips and crotch, making the young man swallow audibly, and before he could move away the dusky beauty’s cowtail wrapped around his waist to keep him there. Kalonike released a low laugh and slowly begin to grind her large rump up and down, causing something to swell in Rickard’s trousers.

‘I just needed to get you away from Milky for a while,’ Kalonike purred. ‘The girl is in a new land and quite nervous, and when’s she nervous she drinks. When she drinks too much…’ the dusky cowgirl said. ‘Well, let’s just say we don’t want everyone to think our Goddess is a slut.’

‘You could have just told me that without dragging me into the woods,’ Rickard grumbled. ‘Not…that I mind terribly.’ He added as Kalonike pushed her rear into his groin a little more firmly.

‘The thing is, you probably have to sleep outside tonight with a bunch of annoyed men and women reeking of the sweat and dust that comes from pulling a carriage,’ Kalonike replied. ‘So I wanted to do something to make it worth your while.’

‘Like wha-.’

As soon as Rickard opened his mouth Kalonike’s tail unfurled around his waist and the dusky babe turned around and stuffed her tongue into the young man’s mouth. Rickard’s eyes widened as the older, taller woman’s tongue explored his mouth and made his toe curl. Even though he was loud and sarcastic, he hadn’t been that bad with women in the past, but he had never been kissed quite like this before. When Kalonike broke this kiss there were still a couple of threads of saliva connecting them, and only when she stood up back to her full height again did they snap.

‘W-well I’m convinced.’ Rickard stammered, hoping that the bovine babe wouldn’t see him blush in the dying light of the day.

‘No, I’m certain you need a lot more convincing.’ Kalonike replied while licking her plump lips and tugging down the robe she wore.

Enormous breasts the same lovely shade of brown as the rest of body escaped from their confines and jiggled slightly, capped with a pair of thick nipples that looked quite suck-able. Rickard’s eyes were glued to the huge, gravity defying orbs and he was pretty sure he was drooling, these had to be one of the largest set of tits he had soon so far, although Milky’s might have been bigger. Still, that detail wasn’t important right now. Noticing his stares Kalonike lifted the huge, heavy jugs and gave him a wicked little laugh that knocked him right out of his daydreams.

‘Enjoying the view, hm?’ she teased. ‘Right, now it’s time to see what you have.’ She added before dropping to her knees on the forest floor and tugging down Rickard’s trousers.

Eighteen inches of hard, vein-ridged cockmeat came down and slapped Kalonike in her surprised face, a bead of clear, thick precum had formed on the angry purple head and it was twitching ever so slightly. Kalonike purred and gently began to stroke it while fishing the young man’s heavy testicles out of his pants. Once the two beefy balls were out in the open the dusky cowgirl gave them a little squeeze and lapped up the glob of precum.

‘Mmm…Quite large, for a human.’ She said as she looked his member up and down.

Then without further comment, she spread her plush lips apart and effortlessly pushed the crown into her hot, wet gob, and she didn’t stop there. Rickard felt a pair of small, but strong, hands gripping his rear as Kalonike pulled him towards her, effortlessly shoving inch after thick inch of his monstrous cock down her gullet. Rickard was groaning and grunting as the cowgirl’s tongue teased his sensitive shaft as it went down her throat, she didn’t gag once and looked right at Rickard’s face while he had trouble keeping his eyes open.

Thick runnels of precum quickly started to flow from Rickard’s cumslit as Kalonike effortlessly swallowed and teased his monstercock, for the cowgirl though this only seemed to serve as a tasty threat as she effortlessly swallowed it down, which gave Rickard some extra pleasure as her throat contracted around his dick which each swallow. It was no surprise when the cowgirl’s nose eventually pushed against the young man’s stomach, the eager beauty had managed to push down the entirety of his massive member without trouble. Rickard looked down on her with wide eyes, before clenching them shut again as he felt Kalonike’s wet, nimble tongue teasing his balls.

‘Gods above you’re good at this…’ Rickard gasped, feeling slightly out of breath. Kalonike merely stared up at him fiercely, as if to say that she hadn’t even shown what she was capable of. To prove this point, she extracted the young man’s dick in one go as she pulled her head back. ‘W-what!?’ Rickard questioned, before his voice abruptly disappeared when Kalonike rammed his entire cock down her throat again by pushing her head towards his groin again.

The bovine beauty looked up at him with glittering eyes and held on to his bum more firmly as she pulled her head back again, before Rickard could utter a word she swallowed the entirety of his member again until she simply used his monstercock to fuck her own throat. The wet sounds of Rickard’s pole sliding down Kalonike’s throat resounded throughout the dark woods, accompanied by soft grunts and groans of pleasure from Rickard. Since he hadn’t met a woman that could stuff all eighteen inches of cockmeat down her throat yet, and even before his curse he never encountered a woman that could suck cock quite like this, Rickard wasn’t sure how much longer he would last.

‘G-going…to cum.’ Rickard gasped as his balls began to clench while more and more precum steadily flowed from his distended cumslit.

Egged on by this Kalonike bobbed her head up and down his massive shaft a little faster while she slowly removed on her hands from Rickard’s ass and used it to cup and massage his clenching testicles. The young man’s voice caught in his throat as this happened and he clenched his eyes, before releasing a dark grunt just as the cowgirl squeezed his balls gently. A moment later hot, salty seed spewed down Kalonike’s gullet, and the bovine beauty eagerly swallowed it all down.

‘Phew…th-that was amazing.’ Rickard said with a sigh as his prick softened in the dusky babe’s throat.

‘Hmm…’ Kalonike moaned as she released the young man’s butt and extracted the softening prick from her member. ‘Remember that when you’re sleeping next to one of our soldiers, because you might hate the fact that you’re not getting to sleep in a warm carriage,’ Kalonike said with a wink while pulling up her robes. ‘Now, let’s gather some twigs and get back to camp.’

* * * *

Although the night wasn’t the warmest there were several big campfires strewn around the clearing made by Tyrtaios, all surrounded by several bullmen and bovine women eating and drinking and telling stories. Rickard was disappointed about leaving the warmth of the carriage, but at least the soldiers seemed to have some meat instead of the rabbit food he had shared with Milky and looking at some of the soldier’s mouths he deduced that they had the same sort of teeth as a human instead of those of a cow. But Rickard didn’t have the time to ponder the reason for why Milky ate vegetables and not meat as he sunk his teeth into a piece of boar meat cut of the spit about the fire, and while chugging some ale from a flagon. Near him one of the bullmen was talking about how he hunted and killed the boar while the others cheered him on.

All in all, spending the night in camp wasn’t so bad. Up until the time came to go to sleep when he felt the warm breath of a bullman brushing against his neck, asking: ‘Do you want to be the big spoon or the little spoon?’ in a sarcastic manner. Rickard just clenched his eyes shut and thought of the time he had spent with Kalonike.

* * * *

The next morning he had awakened early and was the first watcher on the roof of the carriage while some of the bullman laughed as they ate breakfast. Unfortunately, like the day before, the time spent on the road was quite dull and Rickard scowled as he peered into the nearby forest. ‘How long is it to Silverpines?’ Rickard asked.

When he got no answer he was silent for a little while before saying: ‘Are we there yet? Hey, are we there yet? Are. We. There. Yet?’

‘Human shut up, we’ll be there at the end of today!’ One of the female look-outs snapped.

‘Argh! That’s going to take sooo long!’ Rickard growled as he sat down on the floor, but none of the other look-outs felt like indulging him as he acted like a child.

Unfortunately the rest of the trip commenced in silence as Rickard was bored out of his mind, he tried to open the trapdoor and sneak downstairs a couple of time but the withering glares he received the other look-outs kept him from actually doing so. When the world fell into the soft, orange glow of the sun sinking behind the horizon however, Rickard spotted the town of Silverpines. It was a large town that was close enough to be called a small city surrounded by a small stone wall, as well as the pine trees with the strangely coloured bark from which the town had received its name.

‘Finally…’ Rickard growled.

When they rolled past the opened gates the townspeople didn’t react as Rickard expected, sure there were some gasps of surprise and most stayed far away from the carriage, but there weren’t any riots being instigated or rocks being thrown at the strange bullman. Perhaps the looming shadow of Tyrtaios helped, or perhaps the people of Silverpines had simply seen it all. It wasn’t a strange thought, seeing as it was one of the towns you had to pass through if you wanted to go to Yull and it wouldn’t be odd to see some…strange pilgrims.

‘People of Silverpines,’ Milky’s voice rang clear throughout the town as she stepped out of the carriage, and Rickard noticed some of the men in the crowd taking a closer look. ‘I am Galaxia, Goddess of Fertility and Bounty and I would very much like to stay in your town.’

She let the sentence hang in the air for a few moments for the villagers to take in, mutterings such as ‘Great, another nutter…’ and ‘Best-looking Goddess I’ve seen in a while…’ reached Rickard’s ears as he looked down at the crowd, but they weren’t getting their pitchforks and torches just yet.

‘I know it must sound strange for a woman such as myself to claim to be a Goddess,’ Milky continued as she gestured to ourselves. ‘But give my followers a few days rest and I will tell you all about myself and my religion, but I will not ask this without giving anything in return,’ she explained. ‘You see, they call me a Goddess of Bounty for a reason,’ as if on cue several beautiful bovine women and smaller bull boys poured out of the carriage carrying kegs of ale and bottles of wine as well as large hunks of meat and platters of fruits. ‘Let us have a feast!’

In response the whole town erupted in cheers and began to help the bullmen and bovine babes, while others went to tell the rest of the town about the feast. Large tables were being pulled out of inns and taverns and brought to the centre of town while Rickard just wondered where the hell they had been keeping the food and drinks stored as he looked down on the carriage. As he did, he noticed that the roof was surprisingly empty and he decided to leave as well.

When he arrived in the centre of town, everything had already been set up. A huge circle of table covered in crisp white tablecloths and stacked with food surrounded a huge pine tree with silver bark that seemed to glow in the light of the oil lanterns and candles standing on the tables. As he gawked at it all he noticed Kalonike who smiled and waved him over. ‘Saved you a seat.’ She said with a wink as she patted on the chair next to her.

Rickard happily plopped down and found a plate full of bacon, eggs and sausages in front of him. ‘I noticed you ran off without breakfast this morning.’ Kalonike winked as she daintily placed a grape in her mouth.

‘Yeah well, getting spooned by a giant bullman isn’t all that fun, I don’t know how you ladies do it.’ He grumbled in response as he attacked his meal like a ravenous wolf.

Kalonike merely chuckled as she ate her meal of fruits and vegetables before gripping Rickard’s leg and slowly stroking it as he ate. As a result he nearly choked on a piece of egg, but it didn’t stop him from eating. Meanwhile Milky was holding a speech that Rickard barely heard, but a lot of townspeople hung at her lips as she spoke about Fertility and how she would actually listen to the prayers of her followers. Goddess or not, she certainly was charming, Rickard mused as he piled some more bacon on his plate.

The rest of the evening became a bit of a blur, he remembered eating a lot and drinking some ale before some of Milky’s followers started playing music that Rickard never heard of but still decided to dance to with Kalonike as he felt slightly tipsy and courage, he had switched between partners a lot and even ended up dancing with one of the women from the town as well as one of Milky’s bullboy servants. He even asked the Goddess for a dance, but she was quick to decline and instead drank some wine. When he awakened hours later he was lying on one of the tables surrounded by other townspeople and followers of Milky.

‘Time to go travelling again,’ Rickard said. ‘On my own,’ He added a little sadly as he looked at the people around him with a slight smile. ‘Guess I should get my things and say goodbye to Milky.’ He added as he carefully dodged the sleeping forms and returned to the carriage.

When he opened the carriage door he saw Milky lying on one of the plush couches, on the table next to her were a ton of empty bottles and knocked over glasses while one particularly large bottle was tucked between her enormous breasts. The blonde beauty was snoring softly and had her big, round rump stuck up in the air as she hugged the bottle. Rickard briefly wondered if he should wake her up or let her rest while telling one of her servants he had left, but before he could make that decision the bovine babe slowly blinked her eyes open and smiled.

‘Rickard!’ she cooed happily as she sat up, causing the bottle between her breasts to get knocked to the floor. She giggled softly as she watched it roll over the floor before she turned to look at Rickard again, with slightly flushed cheeks. ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked, her speech slightly slurred.

‘I, err, came to say goodbye.’ He stammered as he watched the tipsy cowgirl with some embarrassment. The white robe she wore was pulled down a little more than necessary and showed a lot of her enormous, creamy breastflesh, as well as the dark pink of her areolae.

‘Nooo…’Milky pouted. ‘You are such a funny little man.’ She added with a giggle.

‘Thanks?’ Rickard replied in confusion.

‘Come sit next to me.’ The blonde said as she scooted over and patted the seat next to her excitedly.

Rickard was briefly distracted by the way the cowgirl’s breasts jiggled as she excitedly bounced up and down on the couch, but he managed to shake himself out of it before sitting down next to Milky. The blonde squeezed herself a little closer to her and smiled down at him before running her hand up his leg until she found the tube-like bulge of his partially erect cock. ‘You know,’ she murmured, and Rickard could smell the alcohol on her breath. ‘I know of a more fun way to say “goodbye”.’ She said.

‘I think I know how you want to say goodbye,’ Rickard groaned as the bovine beauty’s small, but strong, hands squeezed his member through his trousers. ‘But I’m not so sure if Tyrtaios will approve.’

‘Don’t be such a party-pooper.’ Milky pouted.

‘Well excuse me for not wanting to be a stain underneath his hoof.’ Rickard groaned as a reply.

‘You are a funny man,’ Milky chuckled. ‘Now let’s go up-Whoa!’ as the blonde beauty tried to push herself off of the couch, she tripped and fell flat on the floor.

‘Milky! Are you alright?’ Rickard asked as he jumped to his own feet.

‘I fell…’ Milky pouted as she turned herself over.

‘Yeah I noticed tha-.’ Rickard abruptly fell silent when he noticed that her breasts had escaped her robes, her chest was enormous! Even on her tall frame. The young man ran his eyes over the humongous, creamy chest boulders capped with thick, suck-able pink nipples and felt his already half-erect shaft grow even harder.

Milky quickly took advantage of his stunned state and wrapped her bovine tail around his ankle and gave a little tug, Rickard released a cry of surprise and return and stumbled forwards…only to land face first between the cowgirl’s massive, and soft, jugs. Milky merely giggled in response and stroked his hair. ‘There, there, luckily you landed softly.’

Rickard shot something back containing the words ‘Wouldn’t have tripped,’ and ‘Your fault,’ but most of his words were muffled by the blonde’s breastflesh, and Rickard quickly fell silent when he found that it wasn’t worth arguing over. Milky cooed softly for a few moment as she stroked the young man’s hair, before Rickard felt something warm and wet dribbling down his cheeks and into his hair.

‘Oh my, I had no idea I was this full,’ Milky gasped as she picked out Rickard’s face from between her cavernous cleavage and the young man noticed thick runnels of milk flowing from her nipples. ‘Why don’t you take care of all my pent-up milk,’ she said with a blush and a naughty smile. ‘And I take care of yours.’

‘What are you talking abou-.’ Before Rickard could finish Milky shoved a fat nipple into his mouth and squeezed her breasts, launching several streamers of milk into his mouth which he quickly swallowed down.

While Rickard was busy trying to drain Milky’s breasts from milk, which was something the bovine woman was very eager to help him with, the blonde’s nimble tail released his ankle and began tugging down his trousers. Once his eighteen inch “cursed” cock came into the open, Milky giggled. ‘Oh my, it’s so small and cute!’ she cooed. For once Rickard felt a sting of pride and made a sound of protest around Milky’s nipple, but the bovine babe didn’t really seem to care. ‘This looks like it will be a lot easier to handle than the members of my followers,’ she cooed as her tail wrapped around the young man’s shaft. ‘Still, I guess that would also mean I won’t have any condoms that would fit you.’ She muttered to herself.

Rickard had no idea what she was talking about as he tried to endure the strange sensation of Milky stroking his cock with her tail, he groaned around her nipple in response to the Goddess talking to herself which seemed to give her an idea. ‘Well, I guess that means you’re going to be lucky enough to try anal with me.’ Milky giggled as she released Rickard’s head, and her flushed face turned slightly redder as soon as she uttered those words.

‘Are you sure about this?’ Rickard asked after releasing a soft burp and wiping the milk from his mouth.

‘Well…unless you want to be a dad?’ Milky said in a teasing voice as she wrapped her tail around his face.

‘It’s just…most women are afraid to take my member in their twats, and you want to try anal right away?’ He said with a blush as Milky pulled him a little closer with the use of her tail.

‘I can take it,’ she replied with a slightly slurred voice as she pulled up the hemline of her skirt. ‘Don’t worry, you’re a lot smaller than a Holstaurus.’ She added with a giggle as her plump muff came into view, the lips were swollen and wet and there was a small patch of gold hair above it.

Rickard nodded in response and worked three fingers into the cowgirl’s muff, bringing a moan from Milky’s lips before she sighed in disappointment as he quickly removed them and instead spread her juices over his member. With a nod towards the blonde beauty he pressed the spongy crown of his cock against her balloonknot ring of muscles, and slowly pushed himself forward. Milky squeaked in surprise as her ass slowly stretched around the meaty invader, but it quickly turned into a moan of pleasure as it was pushed deeper, and deeper into her anal tunnel.

‘M-more!’ Milky moaned before grabbing the back of Rickard’s head again while shoving her other nipple in his mouth.

Rickard growled around the fat pink nub in his mouth, but started suckling the cowgirl’s teat despite the fact that his stomach was already sloshing with her sweet, sweet milk. Meanwhile the young man slowly shoved his hips forward as he sank his prick deeper and deeper into Milky’s hot, tight and welcoming ass, the blonde reacted by releasing pleased little moans and squeaks as she clenched and unclenched her bum around Rickard’s thick monstercock. When, much to Rickard surprise, he managed to sink all eighteen inches of his member into Milky’s bowels, the cowgirl released a moan and began petting her own pussy as her flow of milk increased.

Milk quickly dribbled down Rickard’s chin as he had trouble swallowing it all, and as he began pistoning his hips it became impossible for him to keep the cowgirl’s nipple in his mouth. With a wet sounding *POP!* Milky’s nipple escaped Rickard’s gob, coating his tunic in a streamer of milk as the bovine beauty’s enormous breast plopped down again, Rickard merely groaned as he was showered with her warm milk but he didn’t stop thrusting his hips. Meanwhile Milky lied underneath him, fingering her drenched slit and giggling at the young man as her milk dripped down his tunic and face.

‘You found that funny, huh?’ Rickard grumbled, and Milky nodded in response. ‘Well, I’m glad I can amuse you in my humble little way.’ He shot back, before pulling his cock out of the cowgirl’s bowels until only the crown of his member remained entranced in her anal tunnel.

‘Wh-what are you do-.’ Before Milky could finish her question he slammed the entirety of his member into her guts again, causing the blonde to squeal in joy while two jets of milk escaped her breasts and splattered against Rickard again.

‘…that did not go as planned.’ He muttered as Milky was laughing at him once again.

‘D-do it again, do it again!’ she said with a blush as her fingers rapidly pumped in and out of her quim.

‘Well this tunic is ruined already,’ Rickard shrugged as he pulled his hips back again. ‘So I’m happy to be of assistance.’ He added before slamming his hips forwards again.

It had the same results with Milky releasing a pleasured squeal, followed by a fountain of milk spraying from her nipples to rain down on Rickard and herself. With a grunt Rickard did this again and again, rapidly extracting his member from the cowgirl’s clenching, twitching bowels before ramming his prick into ass again. After a while both the cowgirl’s and Rickard’s bodies where shining with a mixture of milk and sweat while the wet sucking sounds of Milky’s fingers plumbing her pink folds resounded throughout the carriage. Until finally, everything stopped when Milky released a loud, high-pitched cry.

‘C-cumming!’ she howled as her pussy clamped down around her fingers and she writhed on the floor.

As Milky’s body was rocked by orgasm her ass tightened around Rickard’s member like a silken vice and milked it roughly. Before he could even consider pulling out he felt his balls clenched violently, and with a grown he spewed his hot, creamy load into the blonde’s guts. Milky moaned as the walls of her ass were coated with Rickard’s thick white slime and she arched her back, while Rickard desperately tried to hold on to her as his body was rocked by his own climax.

‘A-aaah…I needed that.’ Milky moaned when her orgasm ended. Her body was covered in sweat and milk, and she was lying in a small puddle of her milk as well.

‘G-glad to be of service,’ Rickard said in a small voice when he finally managed to extract his softening member from the cowgirl’s rump. ‘Now, is there anything else I can help…you…with?’ he slowly fell silent as Milky soft snores resounded through the carriage. ‘Huh, I thought it was supposed to be the guy’s job to fall asleep after the deed is done.’ Rickard chuckled as he looked down at the sleeping woman.

He tried to wake her up a few times, but she seemed to be far gone at this point. Then Rickard tried to pick the cowgirl up and put her down on the bench again, but found his strength far too lacking to do so. Eventually he just settled on putting on her robes properly again while trying to clean up the mess the two of them had made. Once that was done, he quickly removed his milk stained tunic and folded it up underneath Milky’s head to act as a sort of makeshift pillow before changing into a fresh one.

‘Well, time to go.’ Rickard muttered as he left the carriage and slowly closed the door behind him, he already heard the general murmurs of a town waking up and decided it was best to leave as quickly as possible, before the bullmen found their Goddess and used their weapons on something else than a boar.


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