Wednesday 12 December 2018

[COM] Prins and Bio-Attachments

A story commissioned by Liralii about a world with biological 3D printers that can print creatures that look like they walked straight out of a fantasy flick. These creatures are also called "Prins" and a group called UNABU hunt down the rogue ones.

This has also brought other interesting technology in the world, such as Bio Attachments.

This story has Natalie and a companion trying to find and protect an anonymous tipster that has information on a dangerous Prin...and what they do after.

Contains: monstergirls, futanari/strap-on, futanari on female, girl on girl, anal sex, vaginal sex, excessive cum


Prins and Bio-Attachments

‘Damn it! This thing is on the fritz again.’ Natalie Jenner cursed as she shook her arm. On it hung a PDHBS 12917 or a Prin Detection and Heartbeat Scanner 12917, if you’re feeling fancy.

‘Is everything alright, Miss Jenner?’ a smooth, female voice asked from in front of her.

Natalie looked up with an annoyed expression, in front of her slithered one of the things she was supposed to hunt, something UNABU was supposed to hunt. A creature printed out by a 3D biological printer called a “Naga” was slithering in front of her. She, and the Naga was definitely a she, slithered in front of the Master Sergeant on her lower snake half. The Prin was called Nagiko, and whoever had printed her originally definitely created her to use her for sex.

Nagiko’s breasts were enormous, probably bigger than the E-cups Natalie was sporting, and the UNABU uniform she was wearing over her human torso couldn’t quite hide it. She also was quite pretty, not that Natalie would ever admit it. Her hair was a light, unnatural blue colour with some dark blue streaks in it, the snake woman had pulled it back in a professional looking, business like bun. Her face was beautifully symmetrical with high, thin cheekbones and a sharp jawline, as well as a set of rather plush lips that hid her sharp, pointed teeth. Her only noticeable trait, aside from her green scaled snake half, were her slitted eyes that made Natalie uncomfortable.

‘I can’t get this damn PDHBS to work,’ Natalie shot back with a scowl, effortlessly rattling off the abbreviation of the scanner. ‘No heartbeats from Prins or humans, not even a map! I don’t like this.’ She muttered as she loosened her gun in her holster and looked around warily.

‘Do not worry Miss Jenner,’ Nagiko replied calmly. ‘Perhaps this section hasn’t been mapped out yet, besides didn’t our anonymous source tell us he or she had some information on Dracula?’

Dracula had been some big shot Prin in Britain, and was the reason Nagiko and Natalie were in some dilapidated building on the countryside. He looked like a vampire, pale, red eyes, fangs…even had a cape. Luckily he hadn’t got the powers of an actual vampire, but he was strong and smart and the way he killed could be pretty gruesome. When UNABU got an anonymous tip they immediately sent Natalie over, and Nagiko because the tipster was probably a Prin and seeing only Natalie show up could make him or her nervous. So they were charged with picking the Prin up so UNABU could get their hands on the vampire Prin’s, codename Dracula, location.

‘I didn’t say a little trouble wouldn’t be worth it,’ Natalie growled as she looked angrily at Nagiko’s snake half, despite it she still had broad hips and a big, round full ass that made Natalie a little jealous. ‘It just doesn’t sit right with me, is all.’

Nagiko stopped and briefly observed the Master Sergeant. Natalie Jenner was tall, about as tall as Nagiko was and the UNABU soldier did not have a snake tail. Her face was nicely shaped and attractive, even though wasn’t wearing any make-up and her expression had contorted into a focused, angry scowl as she watched closely for any danger. Hair dyed scarlet had been pulled back in a messy ponytail, the Master Sergeant's hair was streaked with a vibrant blue as well. Nagiko had no idea what the soldier’s original hair colour was. For a soldier, she was dressed rather casually wearing only a black tank top with a sports bra underneath to try and cover her large assets, while showing off her slender waist and flat, trained stomach. Her trousers were green cargo pants with many pockets and a holster for her handgun and combat knife. Her only other weapon was the shotgun slung over her back.

‘I am sure you are armed appropriately for any Prin we might face, Miss Jenner.’ Nagiko said with a smile tugging at her lips as she faced forward again.

‘Oh you can count on that.’ Natalie said while narrowing her eyes at Nagiko suspiciously.

Nagiko ignored her as she moved ahead Natalie Jenner was infamous for having a severe dislike of Prins, even a Prin like her that helped UNABU. Not that the young soldier made friends with humans that easily. When the two of them stepped out of the hallway and into a huge open room, which seemed to have several walls knocked down as well as a collapsed ceiling, Natalie’s ears picked up the sound of flapping wings. Far too large for any normal bird, and she quickly grabbed her trusty handgun from her holster.

‘Who’s there?’ she demanded in a loud, commanding voice.

Perched on one of the support beams that hadn’t been brought down to join the debris on the floor sat a harpy who curiously cocked her head at the Prin and the soldier. She was short, so short that Natalie had almost mistaken her for a child. Of course, when she looked further down she saw a pair of breasts rivalling hers ballooning from the harpy’s chest to know that that likely wasn’t true. Long inky black hair with bright purple streaks were held in two long braids to cover the harpy’s nipples though, to try and give her some semblance of modesty.

‘Hello?’ Nagiko said, moving forward slightly. ‘Are you the anonymous tipster we were sent to collect?’ she asked with a friendly smile on her face.

‘Wahaha! It seems you have fallen for my trap!’ An accented male voice said, and looking up Natalie and Nagiko saw a pale man wearing a cape and a pair of slacks standing on a broken beam with his arms crossed over his chest.

‘Of course he has to be hammy as hell…’ Natalie sighed as she pointed his gun at the “vampire” and pulled the trigger.

With unnatural speed and grace the vampire Prin dodged the bullet by jumping on the beam were the harpy was perched. ‘I got you UNABU fucks now!’ the harpy shrieked. ‘Come out and play boys,’ For a moment nothing happened, and the harpy turned to face Dracula. ‘What the hell, Cullen? Why isn’t anything happening.’

‘I told you not to call me that, Lexa,’ the vampire hissed. ‘Besides, why would my men ever listen to a woman,’ he said with a sneer. ‘Take care of our guests, men!’ he shouted. ‘Oh, and Lexa…you’re fired.’ He added as an afterthought before delivering a vicious kick to the harpy’s stomach and knocking her down.

‘What the fuck, Cullen!?’ Lexa shrieked as she landed on the dusty floor.

‘I told you not to call me that,’ the vampire Prin said in a cold voice as shadowy forms started to creep into the room. ‘You are rude and reckless and frankly unnecessary now that I have trapped one of UNABU’s finest,’ another gunshot echoed through the room and Dracula quickly jumped towards a shattered window to dodge it. ‘Now Lexa, Miss Jenner, I hope we won’t meet again.’ He said with a graceful bow before jumping out of the window.

‘Get back here you fucker!’ Lexa shouted, she was about to follow him and tried to spread her wings when a quick lizard man suddenly jumped out of the shadows and landed in front of her. ‘I don’t have time for this!’ the harpy snarled, and whipped her right leg forward in a vicious kick, cutting right through the soft scales of the Prin’s stomach. It howled in pain and clutched his belly as red coloured bio-goo poured from his belly wound, as flowed from his wound and splattered on the ground it slowly turned yellow. The lizard man tried to go in for another lunge as cut wires attached to his nervous system spilled from his wound like guts, but Lexa didn’t give him the time of day.

With a sigh the harpy rapidly spread and began to beat her wings, flashing the lizard man the brightly coloured  pink and cyan of the inside of her wings, while the outside was a dull grey and black. As he lunged towards her one of Lexa’s taloned feet grabbed his head, and crushed it with great force. The lizard man crumpled down in a heap as bio-goo leaked from his crushed head, meanwhile Lexa flew towards the window the vampire Prin had escaped from, only to be interrupted by two giant bats with enormous fangs.

‘Out of the way, assholes!’ Lexa shrieked, slashing at the membrane between the wings of the Prins with her talons.

‘It was a trap!’ Natalie hissed as another gunshot echoed through the room, a moment later a tall skeleton brandishing a battle axe collapsed in a heap as bio-goo and wires sprayed from the hole in the back of his head. ‘And both our target and “anonymous tipster" are escaping!’ Natalie yelled in anger as she aimed her gun at a huge black wolf that quickly ran up to her.

After a few shots the wolf Prin went down and Natalie quickly reloaded her weapon, only for a big, fat pale human covered from head to toe in black hair to jump in front of her. It roared and specks of drool landed on Natalie boots, but the Prin’s only result was receiving a snake tail in the face with bone-breaking force. The Prin tumbled and rolled over the floor, and didn’t get up again. ‘We have bigger concerns right now, Miss Jenner,’ Nagiko said calmly. ‘Like getting out alive.’ She added as several other Prins closed in around them.

A moment after they said that one of the monstrous bat Prins trying to stop Lexa fell from the air with a torn off wing, only to land on the huge, sharp horn of a Oni Prin. The creature screeched as it was impaled, and the Oni shook his head in confusion, which gave Natalie a chance to reload her handgun and fire a couple of round in the Oni’s head and body. Nagiko meanwhile casually slammed her tail into an approaching horde of small, black imps, which resulted in them slamming into the wall at the other end of the room.

When the Oni Prin went down, Natalie’s ears picked up the sound of a loud shriek and noticed the second monstrous bat Prin falling towards the floor with torn wings. She briefly caught Lexa’s eyes and the harpy grinned and licked her lips. Showing off her pointy teeth and black tongue. ‘I’ll deal with you two later, UNABU bitch and Prin traitor! First I’m going to go after Cullen and find a way to stuff his head up his arse!’

She was out of the window before Natalie could properly aim. ‘What a foul mouth that one has,’ Nagiko sighed calmly while wrapping her snake half around the body of an orc Prin that looked like he had stepped straight out of a fantasy novel. ‘Now let’s hurry and get out of here.’ She mused with a satisfied smile as she felt the Prin’s body breaking due to the pressure.

‘Never thought I’d agree with a Prin,’ Natalie mused as she leaped back to avoid the claws of a robotic Prin and emptied her clip in it. When it died, her PDHBS 12917 buzzed and constructed vague holographic 3D map of the building they were in, and a lot of signs of Prin life lit up across the map. ‘How the hell did he get his hands on a Prin with an inbuilt jammer!’ she shouted in confusion as she stared at the robot Prin, only to see a big Prin signature heading their way.

‘I guess we have little time to find out.’ Nagiko said as her ears picked up sounds of something large scuttling closer towards them.

‘I hate to ask this of a Prin…but you have my back, right?’ she asked Nagiko.

‘Of course Miss Jenner.’ Nagiko said with a lazy smile.

‘Good!’ Natalie nodded as she holstered her handgun and pulled her trusty shotgun from the holster on her back. ‘I will never understand why people would print something like that.’ Natalie said in disgust as she turned around to see a huge spider Prin moving towards them. It nearly took up the whole hallway!

Nagiko didn’t respond, but Natalie heard the sounds of the Naga beating smaller Prins off her with her tail. The UNABU soldier herself merely fired her shotgun at the spider Prin. It made an inhuman sound as two of his legs were blasted off and sprayed red bio-goo everywhere. Natalie sighed in annoyance, hating the fact that she had failed to kill the creature in one shot, she cocked her shotgun and fired again. She blasted a part of the Prin’s face off and the walls were bathed in the Prin’s bio-goo. But it was still coming.

‘Third time’s the charm.’ Natalie said with a cocky smile.

When the sound of the Master Sergeant’s shotgun fire echoed through the halls it turned out that, yes, third time was indeed the charm. Natalie had succeeded in blasting off the spider Prin’s entire head and it crumpled to the floor. That’s when she felt something sticky dripping down on her. ‘Oh no…’ Natalie shuddered as she looked up. Another, slightly smaller spider Prin sat perched on the ceiling, and with the corpse of the other spider Prin blocking her from one side, and Nagiko keeping a horde of other Prin’s off of her from the other side she had nowhere to run.

Quickly Natalie raised her shotgun, when she tried to fire however the spider Prin jumped down and landed on it. The Prin’s weight made the gun too heavy and it fell from Natalie’s hands who cursed and quickly pulled her knife, as she used her steel-toed boots to kick at the spider. It was a lot faster than it’s giant counterpart and quickly skittered and jumped to latch on a nearby wall, in turn Natalie threw her combat knife but the Prin had already jumped away and it merely embedded itself in the wall. Natalie went to pick up her shotgun, but was bowled over when a heavy weight slammed into her back.

‘No, fuck!’ Natalie cursed as she felt the large, hairy legs on her lower back.

‘I got you, Miss Jenner.’ Nagiko said, and Natalie heard the sound of the air being cut by something large and heavy followed by a loud thud. Looking to her side she saw the spider Prin splattered against the wall by a snake-like tail covered in green scales.

‘Let’s get the fuck out of here,’ Natalie said as she picked up her shotgun and pulled her knife from the wall. ‘Oh, and thanks.’ She said towards Nagiko as the two of them pushed themselves past the corpse of the huge spider Prin and ran for the exit.

* * * *

‘Ungh! Home had never looked so welcoming.’ Natalie groaned as she stretched her body out, it had been a long train ride back to Germany after which she and Nagiko took a cab to Natalie’s place. Neither of the two fancied going back to UNABU HQ to deliver their report, and since the Naga Prin had saved Natalie’s ass a couple of times back in Great Britain the soldier decided that she could crash at her apartment for a night.

‘You live here?’ Nagiko said aghast as she looked at the bright pink neon lights advertising sex and toys and several other XXX-rated things.

‘Technically I live above the shop,’ Natalie said. ‘But it’s a story I don’t really want to get into now, let’s just go.’

‘As you wish, Miss Jenner.’ Nagiko mused with a smile as the two of them stepped inside. A soft bell announced their presence and Natalie felt several eyes on her, but they quickly shifted towards Nagiko and lingered on her for quite a while.

A wolf whistle resounded through the store. ‘I didn’t know you were into Prins, Jenner.’

‘Don’t get excited Finland,’ Natalie shot back at a bald, skinny man standing behind the counter. ‘She’s UNABU too, can’t you see the uniform.’

Before The Fin could reply Natalie went behind the counter and up the stairs. Nagiko merely chuckled at the lewd stares of the sex shop’s patrons and followed after Natalie, but not before flashing them all a smile that showed them all of her pointed teeth. After she did that everyone in the store seemed to be staring at their feet or something else, she didn’t even feel any curious eyes running over her rear as she went up the stairs. Once she reached the top of the stairs Natalie nodded at her and opened the first door on her left.

‘It’s…not much.’ Natalie said sheepishly as Nagiko slithered inside.

‘Don’t worry, Miss Jenner,’ Nagiko replied as she ran her eyes over the small two-room apartment the Master Sergeant called home. ‘The quarters UNABU provides me with are not much larger.’

‘Cut the “Miss Jenner” crap,’ Natalie said, shutting the door as the last part of Nagiko’s snake tail came inside. ‘After saving my ass and putting up with my shit back in Britain, I think you earned the right to call me Natalie,’ she said. ‘Though I’m pretty sure you were only calling me Miss Jenner sarcastically in the first place.’

‘Now why would you think that?’ Nagiko mused with a sly smile.

‘Bitch.’ Natalie muttered, but a smile tugged at her lips.

‘What do they say? Takes one to know one?’ Nagiko shot back. ‘Now, where do I sleep?’ She asked in a more serious tone.

‘You’re about my height, so I’d say you can have the bed,’ Natalie thought aloud. ‘I guess I can sleep on the couch for a night.’

‘Alright.’ Nagiko said with a nod as she began unbuttoning her uniform.

‘Wh-what are you doing?’ Natalie stammered as she watched Nagiko’s pale skin coming into view.

‘I sleep in the nude, I hope you won’t mind?’ the Prin replied with a curious cock of her head as her business UNABU uniform fell to the floor.

‘I-.’ Natalie stammered as she stared at the nude Prin.

Out of the suit Nagiko’s enormous breasts somehow looked even bigger, they were pale and lovely and looked soft to the touch. Since her human form melded into her snake half from beneath her chest it caused a pair of vibrant green scales to cup the massive orbs, making the Prin’s tits defy gravity while it looked like they were spilling from a skimpy, shiny green bra. Natalie swallowed to wet her dry throat, and took a deep breath to tell the Prin not to worry. But her body had given her away.

‘Oho? What is this?’ Nagiko purred as she got a little closer to Natalie, despite her sports bra and tank top the UNABU soldier’s large, thick nipples were clearly showing.

‘Shut up, It’s just cold here is all.’ Natalie stammered as her cheeks turned a shade of red.

‘Really? I’d say it is nice and warm here, especially for someone like me,’ Nagiko replied with a broad, teasing grin. ‘Are you sure it isn’t…something else?’ she purred as she moved a finger over the indentation that the Master Sergeant’s nipples made.

The results were immediate and Natalie released a loud, feminine moan and quickly held onto the Prin’s shoulders. ‘My, my,’ Nagiko chuckled. ‘With nipples that sensitive it would be wise to have armour covering your chest.’

‘Sh-shut up, Prin!’ Natalie hissed with a face that was red of both embarrassment and arousal. ‘Let’s see how you like it.’

With that said Natalie reached for Nagiko’s breasts and grabbed the Prin’s nipples, she squeezed them roughly and Nagiko released an aroused sigh. It wasn’t quite the reaction Natalie had expected, or wanted, and with a growl she sank her hands into the Prin’s massive, soft breasts and began to grope and squeeze her jugs. Nagiko released soft, content moans and coos as the UNABU soldier’s strong, feminine hands massaged her  chest. Feeling the hands of a warm-blooded person running over her skin always turned her on immensely, even if her scaled hide was a lot more sensitive.

As her hands sank into the marshmallow soft flesh of the Prin, Natalie felt a sharp twinge in her lower belly and she pressed her thighs together in the hopes Nagiko wouldn’t notice. When she looked up from the Prin’s meaty jugs however she noticed how the Naga was looking down at her with a predatory gleam in her slitted eyes. Natalie quickly removed her hands from the Prin’s chest and wanted to step back, but it was too late. She felt Nagiko’s snake tail running up her legs and she screamed in surprise, before her lower body was wrapped up in the Prin’s snake half and her face pressed against one of the Prin’s massive jugs.

‘Do you wish to stop, Natalie?’ Nagiko asked. Natalie wanted to say no, but the way the Prin said her name caused another spike of arousal to go off, so instead she shook her head. ‘Good.’ Nagiko replied with a warm chuckle that reverberated through her chest.

Natalie clenched her eyes in anticipation of what the Prin would do next, but was surprised when she suddenly felt Nagiko’s tail release her. ‘Wha-?’ she stammered, disappointment tinging her voice.

‘You should get undressed first, silly,’ Nagiko said with a lick of her lips. ‘Or have you never done this before?’ she added with a teasing grin as she bent over to grab a cylindrical case from the pocket of her business suit.

‘What’s that?’ Natalie asked.

‘Strip and I’ll show you.’ Nagiko replied, her teasing grin growing wider.

Natalie grumbled but did as the Prin instructed her and pulled her top over her head, before removing her sports bra. She wasn’t doing it in a particularly slow or seductive fashion, but Nagiko’s eye still widened and she licked her lips as the soldier’s huge, round chest came into view. Natalie’s areolae were pink and wide while her nipples were big and fat, and looked very aroused. The Master Sergeant ignored the eyes of Nagiko taking in her big, bare breasts however and quickly bent over to undo the laces of her steel-toed boots. Once she pulled those off Natalie pulled down her underwear and pants to show her bare, moist pussy.

‘My, you were looking forward to this, weren’t you?’ Nagiko teased.

‘Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t,’ Natalie muttered as she crossed her arms underneath her bare breasts. ‘Now what’s in the case?’

‘A bio-attachment, I was tasked to get rid of it,’ Nagiko mused as she opened the case to reveal a flaccid, fat human cock. ‘But I think we can use it to have a little fun before I do that, right?’

Nagiko didn’t wait for an answer however, she simply placed the attachment above her groin and allowed it to seamlessly connect with her skin. But when several wires came out and shot towards her ass, she squealed in surprise. Once the wires penetrated her anus and invaded her anal tunnel though, her squeals quickly turned into moans and the bio-attachment began to swell until it was twelve inches in length and thicker than Natalie’s wrists. The wires disappeared as quickly as they had appeared now that Nagiko was fully erect, and Natalie swallowed audibly as she saw the globs of precum drooling from the Prin’s cock.

‘It’s…pretty big.’ Natalie stammered while her pussy clenched viciously, she hadn’t gotten laid in a long time.

‘Also…very sensitive.’ Nagiko squeaked as she ran a hand over her shaft, streamers of precum squirted from her cock in response.

Natalie watched as the Prin jerked herself off while gossamer strings of prejizz splattered on her floor, Nagiko was blushing and moaning and Natalie felt herself growing more and more aroused at the sight of her. Before she could jump the Prin’s bones herself however she felt Nagiko’s tail wrapping around her waist, and she was pulled towards her. Natalie moaned as their chests were mashed together while Nagiko’s new cock was squeezed between her thighs and currently throbbing against her dripping pussy.

‘Is this what you want, UNABU slut?’ Nagiko purred with her hands resting on the Master Sergeant’s full, firm ass. ‘To ride my cock so I can scratch that annoying itch?’

Natalie had never heard the polite, calm Nagiko talk like this. She wasn’t sure what she should do but her body reacted by covering the Prin’s cock with a small rain of femcum. Nagiko merely smiled a predatory smile and waited politely for Natalie to answer. ‘…Yes.’ She said eventually, with her eyes downcast.

‘That’s what I wanted to hear!’ Nagiko replied as she grabbed the soldier’s slim waist and lifted her up.

‘Wait! No!’ Natalie’s protests were in vain as the Prin slammed her down on her stiff pole. Natalie screeched as her folds stretched wide around the invading cock and her body twisted and writhed in Nagiko’s arms as powerful sparks of pleasure coursed through her body.

‘Fuck!’ Nagiko cursed as the Master Sergeant’s dripping cunny twitched and coiled around her shaft. ‘I bet you’ve taken Prin dicks larger than mine in your snatch, haven’t you?!’ Nagiko growled as she pushed Natalie down further on her cock.

‘Nooo…’ Natalie moaned as she felt hot jets of precum squirting from the tip of the Prin’s cock to coat her trembling pink walls.

But Nagiko ignored her and used her strength to push and pull the UNABU soldier up and down her cock, swirls of colour danced in front of her vision as Natalie’s hot, tight pussy milked her sensitive new cock. Natalie herself was moaning and trembling in the Prin’s grip, and Nagiko noticed the bulge that was pushing up her stomach every time she slimed the Master Sergeant down on her monstrous prick, but this only turned her on more. Nagiko moved faster and faster, squirting out a wad of precum each time she sank her shaft into Natalie’s welcoming quim, until her vision went white and her already fat cock swelled even bigger.

A howl of pleasure left Nagiko’s mouth a moment later, soon joined by Natalie’s squeals, as hot, slimy wads of seed rocketed from her distended cumslit. Natalie kicked her legs and arched her back as the Prin’s cum stained her pink pussy white and made her body twitch in orgasm. Nagiko had been quick and inexperienced, but the rough way she had treated the UNABU soldier really turned her on and her cunny wrapped around the Prin’s pole like a silken vice. Still, as she was orgasming Natalie couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘A-aren’t you the qu-quickshot?’ Natalie giggled as sweat dripped down her face and her chest heaved.

‘Bitch!’ Nagiko hissed, but she was grinning playfully. ‘Wanna give it another shot then?’ she asked, and Natalie suddenly felt something prodding against her asshole.

It was the tip of Nagiko’s snake tail and Natalie couldn’t suppress a moan at having her ass teased while she was experiencing a climax, Nagiko wasn’t about to stop at just teasing however. With a growl the Prin pulled Natalie off of her cock, much to the soldier’s annoyance who howled and moaned as Nagiko pulled her thick monstercock from her climaxing pussy. Natalie whimpered at the sudden empty feeling as the Prin’s cock escaped her abused cunt with a loud, wet, sucking sound. But when Nagiko pulled her tail away from her bum and instead pressed her slick, domed crown against it Natalie sighed contently.

‘A buttslut, aren’t we?’ Nagiko growled softly while her member blasted a wad of precum over the UNABU soldier’s anus.

‘Fuck!’ Natalie hissed as she felt the hot, clear slime splattering against her asshole. ‘Does that thing ever stop drooling spunk everywhere?’ She asked, ignoring the Prin’s comments.

‘Let’s find out, shall we?’ Nagiko asked with an impish glimmer in her eye, before suddenly pulling Natalie down on her cock.

‘Fu-fuck!’ Natalie cursed as her ring of muscles suddenly stretched around the girth of Nagiko’s massive cock, her pussy clamped down on a non-existent dick and her sparks of pleasure ran up her erect clit as her ass was suddenly penetrated.

‘Ngh!’ Nagiko groaned as Natalie’s anal tunnel squeezed around her member. ‘You sure seem to get excited about getting a cock jammed up your ass, don’t you Nat?!’ the Prin said in a breathy voice.

Natalie wanted to tell her to shut up and that she wasn’t enjoying it, but all she could manage was a meek moan and she grabbed the Prin’s shoulders for support, meanwhile Nagiko only groaned and moaned as she pushed the UNABU soldier down further and further on her pole. Natalie squeaked and wiggled her hips nervously as her anal tunnel spread around the Prin’s meaty shaft, and runnels of femcum rapidly flowed down the insides of her thighs as inch after inch of Nagiko’s monstercock disappeared in her bowels, while wads of the Prin’s previous load sprayed out of her pussy with each of Nagiko’s rough shoves.

‘Full…so full…’ Natalie babbled as her head was shoved between Nagiko’s huge breasts and the entirety of her cock was packed into her rear.

‘You’re about to get filled a little more.’ Nagiko chuckled, before she unleashed another orgasm.

‘Nooo!’ Natalie moaned as loud as she could, but as hot jizz filled her bowels she found she didn’t have the strength to scream.

‘Yes!’ Nagiko hissed in response as she began to use Natalie as a masturbatory aid again.

Natalie moaned and babbled as she was bounced up and down the Prin’s cock, she squeezed Nagiko’s shoulders tightly each time a wave of pleasure washed over her but the Prin’s didn’t seem to care. Streamers of jizz squirted from her stuffed ass each time Nagiko rammed her cock back into the UNABU soldier’s ass, and Natalie blushed fiercely each time it happened. But it didn’t stop her pussy from clenching and unclenching mightily in pleasure.

‘Ah!’ Nagiko gasped. ‘Your ass is amazing, Natalie! I could do this all night!’

Natalie only babbled some incoherent words before she felt the Prin’s tail wrapping around her waist, just underneath her chest, and suddenly she was pulled up and pushed down a lot faster. Her body and mind couldn’t handle such pleasure and it wasn’t long before her tongue lolled from her mouth and her eyes rolled up, all while her pussy spasmed wildly. But Nagiko didn’t seem to notice and happily continued to slam the Master Sergeant down on her cock.

‘Cuh-cumming!’ Nagiko shrieked a moment later.

Natalie made a soft, barely audible gasp as another wave of thick, slimy seed filled her bowels. Her legs trembled slightly and she felt fat runnels of hot, white goop flowing over the back of her legs as cum started to flow back past the tight seal of Nagiko’s cock and escaped the UNABU soldier’s tight rump. But Nagiko wasn’t done yet! Before the last few ropes of cum had left the tip of her cock, the Prin began bouncing Natalie up and down her cock again.

‘More…’ she purred. ‘More!’ she roared.

Natalie felt several more wads of semen squirting from her bum as Nagiko’s cock pounded into her, but as pleasure took over her mind the edges of her vision started to go dark and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh and the wet sucking sound every time Nagiko extracted her cock from the Master Sergeant’s bum started to grow softer and softer. Until eventually, Natalie slipped off into unconsciousness.

* * *

‘Ow…what the hell.’ Natalie complained as she woke up, her ass was sore and her legs felt all sticky and she was lying on something cool, but soft.

Opening her eyes she noticed that she was lying on top of Nagiko, whose hair had fallen out of the prim and proper bun it was held in previously and covered most of her face. Well, except for the happy, dopey smile on her face. Natalie had been using her breasts as a pillow and the Prin moaned softly as raised her head off of them. She tried to stand up but her legs felt weak and were coated with dried up semen, she also noticed a large puddle of cum staining Nagiko’s snake half, a puddle that had most likely escaped from her ass.

‘D-damn…’ Natalie stammered. ‘I think I know now why they asked Nagiko to get rid of that bio-attachment.’

‘Ooh…Miss Jenner, your ass is fantastic.’ Nagiko babbled in her sleep.

‘I told you to call me Natalie.’ The Master Sergeant sighed, before she lied down on top of Nagiko again and used her massive, soft breasts as a pillow. Their report to UNABU could wait a little longer, couldn’t it? She thought as she drifted off to sleep again.


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