Thursday 6 December 2018

Shortstack Saturday - Selna Woodson

Shortstack Saturday - Selna Woodson

Gnome bar wench with lots of spunk and pepper, knows how to handle a crowd, works a little under the table for tips.

Contains: M/F, MM/F, shortstack, gnome, big cock, oral sex, vaginal sex, public sex, excessive cum.


Selna Woodson
Rickter Foolchild stared miserably into his pint of ale as he recalled the events that had transpired the last few days. The half-orc’s band of mercenaries had captured the fortress of some minor noble for their master, losing many good men (at least by mercenary standards) in the process. Only for their master to stab them in the back when they came for payment and with the loss they had suffered they couldn’t fight him on it, instead running with their tails between their legs.

‘At least the ale is good…’ one of his companions mumbled. Rickter and the others at the table grunted in agreement.

‘Well, aren’t I glad to hear that.’ A voice piped up, causing the table of mercenaries to nearly jump out of their seats in surprise.

The owner of the voice was a gnome by the name of Selna Woodson, the owner of the tavern they were in and it’s only waitress. She was a small thing, seeing as her head barely came above the table she served, but she was a lotof woman despite that. A simple, ankle-length brown skirt looked like it was a little tight around her hips, hips that Rickter could only describe as “breeder hips”. But perhaps that was his orc half talking. She was also the bustiest gnome he had ever seen. Her chest would have looked fairly modest on a human or elf girl, but on her frame those globes looked huge! She had even undone a few buttons of her simple white blouse to showcase her pale, freckled cleavage.

‘Seems like you folks are having a bad day.’ Selna said, causing Rickter to look up at her face.

Rickter had trouble pegging an age for the gnome. She looked youthful with her full, freckled cheeks and feminine jawline. Those large, innocent blue eyes glittering behind her small spectacles didn’t help either. Nor was there a single grey streak in her curly, shoulder-length auburn hair. Yet she had to be fairly old if she had started this tavern all on her own? But his musings were caught off by Karl, one of his group’s best archers and a human with some elven blood flowing in his veins.

‘Try a bad week.’ He grumbled as he slammed his mug down.

‘That’s an understatement,’ Rolf, a young human and their group’s newest addition, grumbled under his breath. ‘Stuck in some small town without any entertainment. Not one whorehouse in sight! But at least the ale is good.’ He grumbled.

‘Men…have some respect for the women.’ Rickter growled dangerously.

‘It is no problem, sir. Your people are correct, we are but a small village and there isn’t much to do. But…’

‘But?’ Rickter asked curiously.

‘If you want, I can supply some of the…“entertainment” your man here is looking for. If you have the coin, of course’ She explained as she nodded at Rolf, those pretty pink lips of hers stretching into a sly smile.

Rolf released a bellowing laugh. ‘A little forward aren’t we, little lady?’

‘It is a good way to make some extra coin, especially on a slow night such as this.’ Selna shrugged.

It was true, aside from Rickter and his man there wasn’t anyone around. The locals had left hours ago and the bard who had paid for his food and drink with song had retired to his room. A single passing adventurer was still here, but he had fallen asleep at his table. With a sigh Rickter grabbed his coin pouch and tossed it at the gnome.

‘Is this enough for the three of us?’ he asked. If the others wanted to join in they just had to pay the woman themselves.

Selna eyes lit up as she opened the pouch and saw its contents. ‘Oh I think it is…’ she purred hungrily, before ducking underneath the table with ease.

Rickter and his men shared a confused look before the half-orc gasped. Looking down he saw the gnome’s tiny hands undoing the laces of his breeches before she, with some effort, fished his limp member out of them. Selna looked up at him with an impish smile as she began to stroke the fat piece of meat with both hands, trying her hardest to have Rickter grow erect. Luckily for her, it had been a while since the half-orc had been with a woman. So his beefy shaft was soon standing fully erect and threatened to knock the table over.

‘Hm? I guess it’s true what they say about men with orc blood in their veins,’ Selna chuckled, before adding. ‘It’s so warm and heavy…’

Rickter’s cheeks darkened dramatically as he felt his member resting against the gnome’s face, the fact that his men were watching him with envy in their eyes certainly didn’t help matters. Yet despite the situation he remained aroused, although that was mostly due to Selna’s expert handling of his prick. Her soft, dainty hands continued to try and stroke as much of his thick, monstrous pole while he felt her velvet soft lips peppering his cockhead with kisses.

‘It’s far too large to fit in my mouth,’ Selna’s muffled voice complained. ‘I guess I have to try something else.’

For a few moments nothing happened, only the faint sound of cloth slipping off of something was heard. Until finally something soft and round was pushed against Rickter’s shaft, causing the half-orc to release another gasp of surprise. Selna chuckled in response and the soft globes began to slide up and down and up and down, bringing a pleased growl from Rickter’s throat.

‘I’m glad you like my breasts, sir,’ Selna purred in a breathy voice. ‘They might not be as large as those of some human women, but I know how to use them.’

‘Oh that you do.’ Rickter whispered as he leaned back in pleasure to let the gnome do her thing.

Another chuckle bubbled forth from Selna’s lips and she continued sliding her breasts over the half-orc’s monstercock. Pretty soon the sensation of her hard nipples and soft tits teasing the slab of cockmeat caused fat, smelly globules of precum drool from Rickter’s cumslit. Selna didn’t waste a moment and quickly began to lap up the slimy, salty globs without complaint. Rickter sighed and closed his eyes as he felt the gnome’s small, dexterous tongue running over his shaft, eager to catch every droplet of precum. Of course, he knew now that his precum had begun to ooze from his shaft that he wouldn’t last much longer. And he wasn’t afraid to inform Selna, or his companions sitting at the table, when his orgasm had arrived.

‘Cumming!’ he growled loudly.

A soft squeak came from underneath the table, followed by several loud, obscene *SPLATS!*. Karl and Rolf quickly scooted backwards while Rickter smiled sheepishly at them. When the wet smacking sounds finally came to an end, Selna crawled out from underneath the table too and she was a mess! Her glasses were practically glued to her face thanks to Rickter’s thick, slimy white spunk and several long strands hung from her chin and jawline. More of the sticky white stuff clung to her breasts and was seeping down, towards her stomach. Making it look as if she hadn’t discarded her blouse at all. But despite her appearance, Karl eagerly stepped up to her.

‘My turn now.’ He growled as he grabbed her waist and lifted her up on the table.

‘Wait let me get cleaned up first!’ Selna giggled happily as she lied down on the table.

‘No need,’ Rickter growled as he effortlessly tore her skirt to pieces and began wiping the worst of his cumshot off of her breasts and face. ‘This should do it, right?’ he asked his men.

‘Definitely.’ Karl replied hungrily as he fished his erect member out of his pants and grabbed Selna’s legs to pull the gnome closer to his side of the table.

‘W-whoa, easy there big guy!’ Selna protested as she removed her cumstained glasses to see Karl’s long, slender dick looming just above her drenched muff. ‘You’re no orc, but that’s still pretty big for mEEEE!’

Selna’s sentence ended in a shriek as Karl pushed his member inside of her. Despite the fact that he was gentle and took it slow, the poor gnome’s cunt had never been so packed full of cock. Unfortunately when Karl finally felt a tight, hot pink pussy clinging to his member, he had no intention of pulling out. So all Selna could do was pound her fists on the table and bite her lower lip as she was filled up with Karl’s pole. Stars were already dancing in front of her vision and she had trouble breathing, yet despite the discomfort sparks of pleasure made her legs twitch and her cunny gush.

‘Gods…would you look at her stomach?’ Rolf pointed out as he saw a small bump pushing up the gnome’s previously flat belly. ‘Are you sure she’s alright?’

‘Pl-pleash…do-don’t stop.’ Selna slurred before anyone else could answer Rolf, her legs giving another twitch.

‘You heard the lady, she’s fine.’ Karl growled as he rested his hands on the gnome’s broad hips and continued pushing his hips forwards.

‘I guess?’ Rolf muttered as he scratched his neck. ‘Hey, mind if I join in?’ he asked a moment later.

‘Be my guest,’ Karl replied before tsk-ing. ‘Guess this is all she can take.’ He said to himself when he found he could only insert a little less than half of his cock into the gnome’s muff.

Selna merely replied with a weak, but happy, gurgle to that revelation. Meanwhile Rolf was removing his clothes while the rest of the mercenary group had gotten up from their table to see what their companions were up to. They were mostly ignored however as Rickter was too busy masturbating; while Karl had started to slowly move his hips back and forth.

As soon as Rolf was out of his clothes he climbed on top of the table as well. The wood creaked softly, but seemed to be able to hold the combined weight of the human and the gnome. Once he was certain the table wouldn’t break underneath him Rolf unceremoniously shoved his cockhead into Selna’s mouth. At first the gnome moaned weakly around the human’s cockhead, but the little thing was quick to relax and suckle happily on the shiny purple crown. 

Rolf grinned eagerly in response and slowly shoved more of his member down the gnome’s eager throat only to find, to his surprise, that the small woman seemed to be lacking a gag-reflex. ‘Gods! This lady sure is something…’ Rolf said to no one in particular as he began to bounce his hips up and down.

Silently the rest of the mercenary group surrounded the table and watched in amazement as the small gnome took the two human cocks like a champion. And for several minutes nothing but the wet squelching sounds of Karl’s prick sliding in and out of Selna’s tight, soaked cunny accompanied by the soft, meaty slaps of Rolf’s balls hitting the gnome’s forehead were heard. Occasionally Selna kicked at the air as a large amount of clear juices flowed from her muff, meaning she had probably hit a climax, but besides that she didn’t struggle or protest.

‘Oh fuck, I think I’m done…’ Rolf babbled as his buttocks tensed and pearly white ropes of jizz blasted from the corners of Selna’s mouth. ‘That was amazing.’ He added as he pulled himself away from the gnome and climbed off the table.

‘Heheh…thank you.’ Selna croaked weakly.

‘C-cumming!’ Karl roared as soon as the gnome had finished speaking.

As his spunk blasted into Selna’s wet, clenching pink depths the gnome’s eyes widened. As it turned out, the poor girl wasn’t prepared for just how much cum a mercenary that hadn’t gotten laid for months could pump out. Sure enough, before Karl had even finished firing his first volley his seed was already flowing out of the gnome’s stuffed pussy. Not that this either seemed to bother Karl or Selna as the bodies of both twitched in pleasure.

‘Hm…thank you for your patronage.’ Selna said lazily when Karl finally pulled out.

For a few moments the gnome lied on the table in peace, being only seconds away from allowing sleep to take her as she enjoyed the sensation of Karl’s slimy seed drooling out of her abused snatch to stain the insides of her thighs. Only for a spark of energy to hit her when someone loudly cleared his throat and spoke to her.

‘You aren’t telling us you’re finished, are you?’ a deep male voice asked, followed by the sound of several coin pouches landing on the table close to her.

‘I guess not…’ Selna replied with an impish smile as she watched how several of the men around her began undressing.


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