Wednesday 5 December 2018

Shortstack Saturday – Paizuriel

Shortstack Saturday – Paizuriel
Cover by WCKDart

This is a story about Paizuriel, an OC made by WCKDart.  
She is a demon responsible for any technological faults, such as slow internet if I remember correctly. This story is about an (un)lucky man finding the way to summon her online.
Contains: Shortstack, demon girl, titfuck, vaginal sex, spanking.

Shortstack Saturday – Paizuriel
It was an average Saturday night when Roger de Fries was surfing the web just to have something to do. He had watched several videos on YouTube, read Wikipedia articles and of course watched plenty of porn. Seeing as he was single and living alone, currently he was dicking around on a message board where the original poster claimed he had found a way to summon a demon. Of course he was called everything from an idiot to a troll, but Roger had to admit that the so-called “ritual” to summon this demon looked pretty interesting.

All right, he typed. I’m going to prove you’re full of shit OP and summon this demon of yours.
The others in the thread either egged him on or told him he was lying or an idiot, but now that he had set his mind to it Roger had to do it. So as his lips tugged up into a grin he got out of his chair and collected the things he needed to summon this “demon”. He grabbed a red marker he had swiped from the office supplies from his job and lifted the old rug that had belonged to his grandmother and began drawing the “summoning circle”. He figured that a summoning circle for a demon should be red, even if he wasn’t using actual blood.
Drawing the damn thing was quite a task as it seemed to consist of several small letters, numbers and symbols you could find on a keyboard as well as smiley faces. Roger almost gave up a few times, but when the circle was finally done all of it formed a large red @-symbol on his floor.

‘Well, that’s done. What now?’ Roger mused aloud as he returned to his computer to see what else was required for this little ritual according to the OP.

Apparently he needed a sacrifice, no goats or unbaptized babies lucky but a piece of technology. Why would a demon need anything technological? Now I know its bull shit Roger thought to himself, yet he went in search for the piece of technology that would be his sacrifice. After a few minutes of searching he decided to place an old smartphone in the centre of the circle, he was going to give it to a young cousin but it was the only thing he could currently do without. Besides, if the ritual didn’t work he could still give it away.

‘OK now for the last step, an incantation,’ Roger read aloud. ‘Inommus eeht reyor sedrof gyolonecht, Paizuriel!’ he said the words without taking his eyes of the screen, expecting nothing to happen, when suddenly the sound of dial-up internet resounded through the room accompanied by flickering lights and his computer blue-screening.

Roger turned around in shock only to see his old smartphone bursting into strange purple flames which filled his living room with smoke. The young man’s eyes widened and he could feel his heart pounding in his ears. It had worked! The ritual had actually worked! He was surprised, excited and terrified. Mostly terrified. But when the smoke cleared and he saw the demon he had summoned for the first time, some of that terror faded.

Standing in the summoning circle stood a beautiful woman, definitely a demon with her iron grey skin and wicked purple horns that added almost a foot to her height, but beautiful none the less. Short, perfectly styled white hair streaked with purple and pink framed her oval-shaped face. Roger was reminded of a queen, perhaps even a goddess when he looked at her what with the sharp jawline, pointed chin and thin cheekbones. And if the look of disdain in her large, expressive eyes with the strange pale blue sclera was anything to go by she expected people to treat her as such as well. Of course Roger didn’t care and allowed his eyes to wander.

Quickly the young man’s eyes drifted away from the demon’s face and went lower, taking in her slender, swan-like neck and feminine shoulders, as well as the strange purple chitinous spines that protruded from her upper arms. But his attention was quickly stolen by something else, mainly her breasts. Despite being about a foot shorter than him the demon girl had some of the biggest breasts Roger had seen, the grey globes looked like they could fall from the skimpy black robe she wore if she breathed too strongly and looked far too heavy for her small frame.

Her waist was barely visible underneath her huge chest, but seemed to flare out into a pair of broad, baby-bearing hips. So broad in fact that her robes seemed to bunch up around it, giving Roger an amazing view of the simple black panties she wore. At this point he also noticed a thick tail, its length covered with wicked purple spikes and tipped with wicked pincers. As well as a pair of small wings extending from her lower back, he wasn’t certain if they could carry her weight. Her tail thrashed back and forth in annoyance as Roger took in the black boots that went up a little past her knees and the matching elbow-length boots.

‘Are you finally done?’ the demon grumbled in annoyance.

Roger stopped ogling her and his attention quickly snapped back to her face. She was looking back at him with an eyebrow quizzically raised while her tail continued to thrash around angrily. ‘Eh, yeah.’ He mumbled.

‘Well then what can I, the great demon Paizuriel, do for you? Do you require a faster internet connection? Or do you perhaps wish for infernal assistance in advancing human technology? But I must warn you, everything comes with a price…’ she said in an ominous tone of voice, her plush bright green lips moving in a tantalizing fashion.

‘Actually I-I just wanted to see if this summoning ritual I found online really worked.’ Roger replied awkwardly.

‘What.’ Paizuriel said flatly, her tail falling limp as she shot Roger an incredulous look.

‘Heheh, yes sorry but you can go now. I really have no interest in selling my soul.’ Roger added with an awkward chuckle.

Of course Paizuriel wasn’t just going to disappear and the constant thrashing of her tail had erased a part of the summoning circle. So before Roger knew it, the short, angry demon took a few steps forward with murder in her eyes. Without thinking Roger wrapped his arms around Paizuriel’s curvy frame in an attempt to stop her from hurting him, but only when he felt her soft, heavy breasts pushing against him did he realize he forgot about the tail. Oddly enough, the wicked looking appendage didn’t strike him. In fact, after a few seconds of embracing the small demon it grew limp and Paizuriel released a soft sigh.

‘W-what’s going on?’ Roger asked, confused.

‘Nothing!’ Paizuriel snapped, but Roger noticed her cheeks turning a darker shade of grey as he looked down at her. ‘Just let go of me.’ She added with a growl.

‘I don’t think so. Even if you weren’t planning on taking my soul or killing me, I’d have to say that it’s been a while since I’ve held a woman close like this.’ Roger mused as he pulled Paizuriel a little closer, causing the short demon to release another sigh.

Some of the anger drained from Paizuriel’s face as she relaxed in Roger’s embrace, only then did he remember the two huge grey globes that were squeezing against his stomach. Suddenly, his trousers started to feel uncomfortably tight and his lips tugged upwards to form a wicked smile. With a grunt he picked up the short, curvaceous demon, eliciting a surprised squeak from Paizuriel, and moved towards the couch.

‘Hm? For such a curvy little thing you’re quite light.’ Roger mused in surprise.

‘Shut up, human! What do you think you’re doing?’ Paizuriel asked trying just a little too hard to sound enraged to Roger’s ears.

‘Well, I think I know what I want from you now, demon,’ Roger answered as he gently placed the demon on the couch. ‘I want you.’ he added as he unzipped his trousers, allowing his erection to swing out into the open.

Paizuriel looked from Roger’s face to his member with wide, confused eyes before shooting him a glare instead. ‘I’m not a succubus.’ She replied drily.

‘I don’t want a succubus,’ Roger replied as he kissed Paizuriel’s cheek before slowly moving down her neck. ‘I want you, Paizuriel.’ He whispered in her ear.

A shiver passed through the small demon’s curvy form, making her breasts wobble lewdly, and although she still glared at Roger she didn’t seem to make a move to stop him either. So with a lewd grin on his face the young man decided to undo the knot keeping Paizuriel’s robes in place, a lewd grin that only widened as her huge, soft and heavy breasts spilled out into the open. For a moment Roger didn’t move, but then an idea seemed to hit him. Quickly he walked back to his computer, while kicking off his trousers that were still pooled around his ankles. He returned with a small bottle of lotion he occasionally used while masturbating and wasted no time in pouring the cool liquid over Paizuriel’s prodigious chest.

‘I’ve always wanted to try something like this!’ Roger stated excitedly as he continued to work the lotion into Paizuriel’s skin, only stopping when her tits were shining and slippery with the liquid.

Before the demon could even wonder what he was talking about, Roger slapped his erection between her breasts and pushed the soft orbs around his length as he began to move his hips. Roger’s dick had completely disappeared in Paizuriel’s cavernous cleavage, not an inch of his member escaped the warm, soft cocoon of slippery breastflesh as he wildly moved his body back and forth. But while Roger happily fucked the demon’s breasts and squeezed and massaged her heavy breasts, Paizuriel merely rolled her eyes.

‘Always with the “paizuri”, these humans.’ She grumbled underneath her breath.

Roger didn’t hear her, of course. He was far too entranced by the large, grey breasts that had swallowed his member. But he wouldn’t last long, after a few more desperate thrusts his balls clenched and his hot semen coated the sides of Paizuriel’s tits. With a satisfied sigh Roger released the demon’s breasts and watched, with some pride, as his white seed slid down from Paizuriel’s grey breasts down towards her stomach and stopping just above her soaked black panties.

‘Are you done?’ Paizuriel asked while cocking an eyebrow.

‘Are you kidding, that was amazing! You’re better than any succubus!’ Roger replied excitedly.

Paizuriel’s cheeks darkened slightly in response. ‘A meaningless compliment, but thank you. Although I still think you’d be better off with an actual succu—’

The rest of her sentence was cut off as Roger passionately kissed her, exploring her mouth with his nimble tongue while her plump, soft lips were squeezed against his. But he didn’t stop at just a kiss. No, Roger wanted more. And as Paizuriel melted against him, Roger grabbed her underwear and ripped it apart with some effort. Exposing the plump, darkened lips of Paizuriel’s aroused cunny to his eager eyes. Paizuriel moaned as Roger’s curious fingers brushed over her labia and broke the kiss a moment later with a girlish squeak as he found the stiff nub of her clitoris.

‘Sl-slow down.’ Paizuriel gasped, her stoic mask finally breaking.

Unfortunately Roger couldn’t slow down, not now. With a grunt he lifted the surprisingly light demon off the couch and instead pushed her down on the coffee table. Paizuriel released another feminine squeak as her large breasts were squeezed against the cold wood and Roger roughly grabbed her tail and lifted it to get a good view of her large, perfectly rounded buttocks and dripping snatch. With one hand wrapped around the demon’s tail and the other wrapped around his erect shaft Roger slowly pushed his hips forward, allowing his member to sink into Paizuriel’s hot, moist depths.

‘Fu-fuck! So tight!’ Roger babbled as the walls of the demon’s snatch gripped his cock tightly.

Paizuriel wanted to free her tail to teach the foolish mortal a lesson, but all the affection he had showered her with previously had left her as weak as a kitten and now all she could do was moan as her body gave in to sexual pleasure. It was a strange weakness to have for a demon, but there was little she could do about it. Her annoyance with herself abruptly faded as Roger shoved his hips forwards, sending a spike of pleasure to Paizuriel’s brain.

‘By Satan’s nutsack, can you take it easy on me?’ Paizuriel snapped.

That, as it turned out, was a mistake. While still holding on to Paizuriel’s tail with one hand Roger began to move his hips a little more roughly and when the demon opened her mouth to snap at him again, he simply brought his free hand down on one of her shapely buttocks. By now all Paizuriel could do was hold onto the coffee table as if her life depended on it, while setting her jaw as to not give Roger any more excuses to spank her. Unfortunately Roger quickly decided he didn’t need any excuses and brought his hand down again, and again, until Paizuriel’s buttocks were marked with his handprints.

Yet, despite his rough treatment of her body, Paizuriel couldn’t help but let the occasional involuntary moan pass her lips as her body shook and writhed on the table. Roger too enjoyed the sensation of her tight, demonic cunny tightening around his shaft whenever he spanked her or moved a little too roughly. But it had been a while since he had been with a human woman, so he knew he wouldn’t last long with a demonic one. After a few more rough, desperate pumps of his hips Roger felt his balls clenching up and groaned.

‘Cumming!’ He managed to say, just as he pulled his hips backwards.

White, hot ropes of jizz blasted from the tip of his member just as his cockhead escaped Paizuriel’s tight slit. She grumbled in annoyance as she felt the sticky goop splattering all over her back, her sore buttocks and even a part of her tail. But at least it was over. Or so she thought.

‘That…was amazing!’ Roger sighed in her ear, before teasingly nibbling on her earlobe. ‘Let’s go again!’

All Paizuriel could do by way of protest was release a weak grumble.

* * * *

The next morning Roger woke up on his couch with no real recollection of how he got there, but if the torn couch cushion and the shattered coffee table were anything to go by the rest of the night with Paizuriel had been pretty wild. Paizuriel wasn’t with him anymore, but he didn’t feel any different so he assumed she hadn’t taken his soul. But he quickly found out that he hadpaid a price.

None of his technology worked. His television, computer, phone…they had all died. And it wasn’t all confined to the living room either. His fridge was busted, so all of his food would spoil soon. And his washer and dryer seemed to have broken down as well.

Had this all happened due to summoning Paizuriel in the first place? Or had she done this as revenge when she left? But even though it would cost Roger an arm and a leg to fix or replace everything, he decided that it had all been worth it.


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