Tuesday 4 December 2018

You’ll Catch More Adventurers With Honey…

A female adventurer finds herself strangely effected after eating some pilfered honey from a hive of bee girls. Then the bee girls find her.
Contains: Futanari, futanari on female, breast expansion, huge breasts, big cocks, sex in mid-air, spanking.

You’ll Catch More Adventurers With Honey…
‘You did it Iris, you’re going to be set for the rest of your life!’ a slender young woman in tight leather armour whispered to herself as she climbed down a mountain, or at least it did at first glance.

But when one looked closer, it became clear that it was an enormous hive. Fortunately Iris hadn’t met any of the bees that inhabited it, and had no intention to. Of course, the angry buzzing that gradually came closer had tipped the young adventuress off to the fact that these monstrous bees likely figured out that someone had been in their hive. It wasn’t much further down until she reached the forest floor, but her pursuers had wings. So it wouldn’t matter how fast Iris would climb if they left the hive.

As luck would have it, no giant bees appeared in the open. But Iris could hear their angry buzzing through the walls. Apparently they thought she was still inside, likely trying to escape the hive on foot instead of scaling down the outside wall. ‘Guess I should be happy they didn’t count on a human as crazy as me!’ Iris whispered to herself with a triumphant smile.

After a few more minutes, time in which her heart was beating in her ears and she felt sweat running down her body, her boot-clad feet finally touched the ground. And even though her fingers were hurting from grabbing on to the hive, while her arms and legs were sore, Iris forced herself to run. The adventuress passed strange plants, giant flowers and other oddities, but ignored it all in an attempt to get as far away from the enormous beehive as possible. Only when her breath came out in ragged gasps and her legs began to feel like rubber did she stop to rest, and as soon as she did she burst into a fit of laughter.

‘Ah…I really did it, I really got away.’ Iris said after she calmed down, her soft lips forming into a triumphant smile.

Now that she was certain she was safe Iris opened one of the pouches hanging from a belt and from it she grabbed a glass jar. It was filled with an amber, almost golden viscous liquid. Although ‘honey from monster bees’ might not sound to appealing to most people, nobles considered it a rare delicacy and paid adventurer brave enough to bring them some an exuberant amount of money. Going into this, Iris told herself she was only interested in the gold, but after all she had gone through she had worked up quite the appetite.

‘…I can probably still live like a Lady as long as I don’t empty the entire jar.’ Iris thought aloud with a shrug, before twisting off the lid.

As the sweet scent of the honey assaulted her senses Iris’ mouth began to water and she wasted no time dipping a finger in the amber liquid. She scooped up a fair amount of honey before sliding her finger past her lips, and what a moan of delight she sucked the digit clean. Before she knew it her finger disappeared into the jar of honey again, and again. When Iris finally realized what she was doing she had almost emptied half the jar.

‘By the Gods,’ she whispered as she quickly screwed the lid back on the glass jar. ‘No wonder people pay so much for this,’ she added as she placed the jar back in the pouch on her belt and climbed to her feet. ‘I should probably keep moving, or I might just get tempted to eat some more.’ She added with a chuckle.

But after only a few minutes of walking Iris was sweating almost as much as when she was climbing down the wall of the beehive, while her leather armour began to feel a little tight and before she knew it the adventuress lost her balance. ‘What’s…going on? I didn’t eat that much honey did I?’ Iris asked herself with a wry smile as she started removing her armour.

Oddly enough her armour didn’t feel tight in the stomach area at all but in the chest region and Iris quickly found out why. Her previously apple-sized breasts were now almost the size of grapefruits and to make matters worse, they were also very sensitive. This was something Iris found out as she groped the expanding globes in astonishment.

‘Enjoying yourself?’ A strange voice asked as Iris’ moan echoed through the forest.

With her hands still on her breasts, and titflesh threatening to spill out of her grip, the adventuress looked up. Standing on a thick branch was a woman. Only…she didn’t look like any women Iris had ever seen. Her legs seemed to be covered by a strange, black chitin that went up all the way to her thighs, making it look like she was wearing boots. Meanwhile the rest of her skin was a dark, golden brown with black markings, and then there was the fact she had two sets of arms, which were covered in the same black chitin as her legs. One pair of arms was used to support a large pair of breasts, even bigger than those of Iris who currently had trouble lifting hers. Meanwhile her second set of arms was slowly moving up and down, which caused Iris to notice that the strange woman had a large cock sticking up from between her thighs. A cock that was leaking an amber liquid that looked similar to the honey she’d been enjoying.

‘I hadn’t expected the bees to look like this…’ Iris muttered in surprise as she looked the woman in the eye. She looked surprising human, if you ignored the antenna sticking out of her forehead…or the fact that her eyes were completely black.

Once the shock of the bee woman’s appearance passed, and Iris realized she had been staring, she quickly tried to get away. Unfortunately she wasn’t used to the weight of her enlarged chest and almost as soon as she had managed to scramble to her feet, she fell down again. As her, now melon sized, boobs hit the dirt she squealed in a mixture of surprise and pleasure, before trying to get away from the bee girl on her hands and knees. All while trying to ignore the pleasurable sensation of blades of grass tickling her sensitive tits.

The bee woman watched the adventuress awkwardly scamper away on her hands and knees for a few seconds, her honey-coloured lips forming a smirk, before she stopped pleasuring herself and her wings, which had been acting mostly like a cloak before this point, started to beat. Iris desperately tried to move faster as she heard the bee woman’s wings moving and looked over her shoulder to see her rising up from the tree branch, and moving towards her. But before the bee girl even caught her, Iris bumped into something. Something black, and chitinous. Iris swallowed hard and raised her head, only to see what she had feared.

A second bee girl stood in front of her, almost identical to the first one. Worst yet, she felt something hot and hard resting on top of her head, while something warm and slimy was running down her neck. As she shivered she heard the first bee woman land behind her, using at least one pair of hands to grab her waist. ‘So what do you say, should we return her to the hive?’ Iris heard from behind her, there was a strange buzzing sound whenever she spoke.

‘We should.’ The second bee woman replied, though she sounded uncertain.

‘Come on! It’s been forever since a human ate our honey without having an alchemist remove anything that causes side-effects like these. I say we have some fun with her!’ the first bee girl returned.

‘…it has been a while for me,’ the second bee woman admitted. ‘And only the drones are allowed near the Queen these days.’

‘That’s what I wanted to hear!’ the first bee girl said, sounding triumphant.

Before Iris even had a chance to try and defend herself, the bee woman behind her undid her belt and made sure to use all four of her nimble arms to undo her tight-fitting trousers. In seconds they were bunched up around her knees and the cool, forest air hit her aroused, darkened labia. In response Iris gasped softly, but was abruptly silenced when the bee girl in front of her grabbed her short hair and pulled her head up. When she tried to cry out in pain she was silenced again! Only by something completely different this time.

The large, domed head of the bee woman’s member had been jammed into her mouth and was accompanied by a surprisingly sweet taste. Iris thought of resisting, she even wanted to use her teeth. But when the bee woman’s second pair of limbs sought out her enormous, sensitive breasts and gave her thick nipples a pinch she could only moan weakly around the fat crown lodged into her mouth. When Iris angrily glared up at the monstrous woman she did it again, while an angry buzzing sound emanated from her throat.

‘Whatever you’re doing is really exciting the young lady,’ the bee woman behind Iris shouted as she slapped Iris’ rear, making the adventuress release a muffled squeak. ‘Now let’s see if I can find a place for my “stinger”…’ the bee girl mused aloud as she watched Iris’ soaked snatch clench and unclench.

‘Would you just get on with it? We can’t have more workers come looking for us and interrupting our fun!’ the other bee girl snapped as she continued to fondle Iris’ soft, heavy breasts.

This time the bee woman behind Iris simply sighed while tightly grabbing her waist with one set of arms, while her two free hands grabbed her buttocks. The adventuress tried to brace herself for what was coming, but still moaned in both pleasure and discomfort as the bee girl’s fat cock worked its way into her aroused pink slit while also pushing her head forwards. This resulted in Iris’ moans quickly turning into gagging sounds as the second bee girl’s shaft was forced down her throat.

Amidst wet-sounding *glurks-* and  *glarks-* Iris tried to raise her hands to grab the bee woman’s hips and push her away, while glaring up at her with tears of effort running down her cheeks. But the bee woman’s honey coloured lips merely pulled up in a sneer as she squeezed the adventuress’ huge breasts once again. While Iris clenched her eyes shut in pleasure as a result, the bee girl released the heavy orbs and instead placed her hands underneath Iris’ armpits while she continued to hold her head down with her second pair of arms.

Meanwhile the bee girl behind her was grunting softly as she pushed her hips forwards, watching with pitch black eyes how her hard, fat shaft stretched the adventuress’ pink pussy and disappeared into her pink depths. Only when she heard the beating of wings did she look up, and when she did she realized it was her companion who seemed to be getting ready for take-off.

‘Oh, we’re doing this?’ she mused as she unfolded her own wings. ‘I wouldn’t struggle if I were you, human.’ She added with a chuckle as she too began to move her wings.

Iris briefly wondered about which the two bee women were talking, at least until she felt a sinking sensation in her stomach and noticed the ground below her getting smaller. She did not follow the bee girl’s advice however and began to struggle; fortunately for her both of them were holding her tightly and seemed to have little trouble with continuing their business in mid-air. Both bee girls slowly moved their hips as their wings beat furiously, they weren’t even breathing hard!

Yet, despite her predicament some part of Iris felt excited. This time when she raised her hands to grab the bee woman’s hips, she let her. And the young adventuress didn’t try to push her away; instead she relaxed her throat as best she could as the bee girl’s sweet, beefy rod slid down it while her snatch lovingly coiled around the one in her pussy, making both of the bee girls moan.

‘Looks like she’s starting to get into it,’ the bee woman pounding Iris’ snatch mused. ‘Humans sure are odd.’ She added while lifting one of her hands to smack the adventuress’ behind.

Iris made a sound that was a mixture of a moan and a scream, which sent pleasant vibrations up the other bee woman’s shaft causing her to moan. It also made her release Iris’ hair, instead she hunched over somewhat and groped the adventuress’ enlarged breasts again. Behind Iris the bee girl pounding her pussy gasped as the young woman’s slit tightened around her dick when her companion teased Iris’ breasts. With a smirk she smacked the adventuress’ ass again, briefly making Iris loosen up enough for her to plunge her dick back into Iris’ depths.

This went on for quite some time; Iris had no idea for how long. All that existed for her right now were the bee girls’ member pounding down her throat and stretching her pink pussy, the hands on her sensitive knockers, the forest floor below her and the blows raining down on her reddening buttocks. It didn’t take long before the bee girls became stuck in a similar predicament. As they felt Iris’ throat and snatch tighten around their respective member while she writhed in pleasure, drool running from the corners of her mouth and orgasmic juices flowing from her clenching cunny pleasure started to cloud their mind.

‘B-by the Queen’s tits!’ one of them buzzed. ‘I-it would pr-probably be a good idea to land now.’ She stated and her companion nodded in agreement.

With that said the two of them started to land, all while carrying the writhing, climaxing Iris between them. But when they were only a few inches off the ground, it became too much for the bee girl who was still slowly sliding her dick in and out of Iris’ snatch. With a curse she climaxed, pumping the adventuress’ pink cunt full of amber spunk while pulling her against her. Unfortunately this resulted in the first bee girl having to carry Iris on her own, as she pulled her out of her companion’s grips. So she fell to the ground, luckily they weren’t as high up any longer.

But, like the first bee girl, her companion had been on the verge of orgasm. So when her member escaped from Iris’ tight throat, her balls clenched and she released a loud, pleased buzz while aiming her cock down. Before Iris or the bee girl that was still inside of her could process was happening, a hot, amber liquid rained down on them. Splattering in Iris’ short hair, or smacking against her forehead. Most of it seemed to end up on her huge, bust however, slathering the mountainous, heavy orbs with honey-like semen.

‘Well, that was certainly fun.’ The bee girl that had just showered Iris with spunk chuckled as she landed in front of her companion and pulled Iris up. The adventuress moaned as the softening bee prick was pulled from her pink depths; it was accompanied by the wet squelch of girl cum and amber semen leaking from her stretched hole.

‘It was, but what do we do with her?’ the other bee woman mused as she climbed to her feet. Both of them were silent for a moment, before the one that had helped Iris up spoke.

‘Let’s just let her go,’ she shrugged. ‘Searching for her was the first decent break the whole hive had in years and it was the first time I’ve gotten laid in years.’

‘True,’ the other bee agreed. ‘Plus, if she tells anyone about this place we either get a good fight, or some of the other girls can unwind like we did.’

With that said they both took off, leaving a dazed and very confused Iris.’

That was weird,’ she muttered to herself. ‘But at least I found some extra “honey” to add after I ate some.’ She mused as she pulled up her pants and crawled towards her belt.

Once she found her jar of honey she twisted the lid off again while awkwardly sliding some of the bee girl spooge off her tits and into the jar. ‘Here’s hoping the nobles enjoy the new flavour.’ She chuckled as she awkwardly got to her feet and began to stumble through forest, hoping to find some leaves large enough to cover her huge breasts.


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