Tuesday 4 December 2018

That’s Not How You Slay a Monster!

A female adventurer enters the tomb of Arch-Queen Sirya to find the secret to her beauty. But first, she must deal with the tomb's guardian...

he creature might not be exactly a troll, but I hope you enjoy it. Contains M/F, giant cock, breast expansion and a girl being used as a ona-hole


That’s Not How You Slay a Monster!

Nareza Shade self-proclaimed adventurer and master thief entered the catacombs underneath the ancient city of Nemon to look for treasures belonging to the long-dead Arch-Queen Sirya. She had slipped by many traps already, as well as some creatures awakened by the old magicks belonging to the guardians of the Arch-Queen, yet she hadn’t dared to open any of the stone coffins belongings to take any of their belongings. But she was almost there! Sneaking down the winding staircases she saw the silver gate that led to Sirya’s catacombs, she had to search through many of Nemon’s palaces and mansions for the heavy iron key that unlocked it, but she had finally found it! Along with some other goodies of course, she noted with a smirk.

‘Please let this be the right key…’ Nareza prayed as she fetched the heavy iron key from her pack. But she was in luck, as it easily slipped into the lock and she could turn it without trouble.

Nareza excitedly jumped up and down and slipped inside the catacombs, despite the fact that Nemon had long since been a dead city assaulted by creatures like the Yimir that had been created by the powerful magick users themselves, Arch-Queen Sirya’s grave was still in pristine condition. Giant pillars as thick as small towers held up the ceiling and were coated with a small layer of gold, while beautiful murals covered the walls and ceiling. In the centre of the room sat what Nareza was looking for, Sirya’s coffin. The lid was shaped like the Arch-Queen herself, her features were carved out beautifully, and she had charmed many a man with her looks. Yet the artisans seemed to have focused most on her chest, which looked enormous and made the adventurer wonder if she could even lift the lid.

‘With her lies the secret to her beauty.’ Nareza whispered to herself as she walked closer.

But, as the female adventurer should have expected, there was one last hurdle she had to face. From behind one of the pillars stepped a great big beast created by one of Nemon’s magic users, his skin was grey like and ogre but Nareza wouldn’t call it an ogre since his long, musclebound arms were covered with pale blue crystals while a long pair of boar like tusk protruded from a muzzle that looked vaguely wolfish. What Nareza did know was that he was definitely male. Between his tree trunk thick legs hung an enormous, flaccid prick and two heavy balls, each nearly twice the size of Nareza’s head.

As she looked the creature up and down, he gave her the same treatment…and liked what he saw. Nareza’s eyes became big as she watched the monster’s cock swell and drool thick, lumpy runnels of precum. But at the same time she felt flattered, she wasn’t bad looking after all. Her skin was a golden brown, unmarred by scars or moles except for a small beauty mark underneath her right eye and her pitch black hair was cut short to remain close to shoulder length, yet framed her heart shaped face perfectly. Unfortunately, the creature seemed more interested in her body as he reached out with his long arms and effortlessly shredded the tight leather top she wore to sneak around.

With a squeal the adventurer’s breasts came out in the open, each the size of a large grapefruit and capped with plump, dark nipples, the monster released a pleased growl at the sight of them and a moment later shot out a long, reptilian tongue that slobbered all over Nareza’s breasts and flat little belly before the tongue crept lower and disappeared down the waistband of her tight trousers. An involuntary moan slept past the female adventurer’s lips as the wet muscle teased her slit, and as a result the monster only assaulted her twat more ferociously.

Nareza moaned louder and louder, but her voice was soon drawn out by the sounds of the monster’s precum loudly landing on the floor. Looking back in the direction of the creature Nareza saw how his cock was now fully erect, and she swallowed audibly at the enormous size. With a grunt he pulled his tongue back into his maw before working a single hand over his giant member, he briefly looked at his cock before staring at Nareza. Before she could protest, he shoved his fingers down her waistband and effortlessly shredded her pants.

Nareza landed on the cold, marble stone with a hiss, right next to her pack that had fallen to the floor when her top had been shredded. The monster approached her menacingly with one hand on his member, but Nareza threw her hands in the air and shouted before he could do anything else. ‘Wait! Wait! I have a way to fix this for the both of us, now where was that oil…’ she muttered as rifled through her belongings spread over the floor.

The monster briefly stopped advancing to cock his head and stare at the strange woman as she rifled through her pack while shaking her shapely bum in his direction, before he could continue approaching her however she turned around holding a bottle. ‘This oil has helped me slip through some small cracks during my…adventures, let’s hope it works for you as well.’ She muttered as she crawled closer to the monster an poured out the bottle over his enormous member.

Using both hands Nareza did her beast to spread as much of the oil over the monster’s dick as she could, while thick lumps of sticky precum drooled from the distended cumslit and all over her tits. She managed to cover nearly the entirety of the enormous prick when the monster apparently had enough and picked Nareza up with one hand, and pressed the huge crown of his dick against her dripping pussy. ‘Let’s hope this works!’ Nareza gasped before clenching her eyes shut.

When the huge, domed crown managed to slide its way into Nareza’s pink depths she had the breath knocked out of her and she felt fuller than ever, but at least her little plan had worked. The monster too made a sound that could be interpreted as a sigh of relief as he pulled Nareza further down on his dick, causing a large bulge to appear on the adventurer’s formerly flat stomach. But the creature didn’t seem to care about any discomfort she might be experiencing, and merely shoved her down further until he found and obstruction. At first he growled in frustration, but then he merely shrugged as he worked Nareza’s body up and down along his cock.

It certainly was an odd experience for the female adventurer, she had been screwed by some tentacle creatures and big monsters before when exploring some ancient ruins. But this was new. Yet, it didn’t stop sparks of pleasure to run up and down her body as she was used like this, thick runnels of girlcum ran down her thighs as her body was used as a masturbation aid and her mind went white with pleasure. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, the monster didn’t last long after being pent up in a catacomb for so many years and with a roar that shook the pillar next to her, he came.

Once again Nareza had the breath knocked out of her as thick jets of hot, monstrous semen packed her pussy full. It was shot out with such force that the adventurer was certain that if the monster hadn’t been holding onto her, she would have flown across the room. But instead, she got to experience her belly bloating as her snatch and womb got filled with slimy spunk as the creature’s enormous cock jerked and twitched inside of her, when he was finally done however he fell backwards, slamming his prick deeper into Nareza, and began snoring loudly.

It was quite a task to extract the monster’s massive cock from her pussy, but with the help of the oil that coated his member and the massive load of cum he had fired inside of her it didn’t take as long as she expected. When she finally succeeded a wave of jizz escaped her snatch and her belly deflated slowly as she approached the Arch-Queen’s coffin, bow-legged while semen dripped down the insides of her legs. 

‘N-now, let’s see about that secret of her beauty.’ Nareza growled when she finally stood next to the coffin, and with a mighty growl she pushed the lid off.

Inside lied a skeleton dressed in fine garbs and a beautiful tiara, clutched in its hand was a small vial attached to a necklace. Nareza carefully took it, and when she was convinced the skeleton wasn’t going to jump at her she uncorked the small vial. ‘Let’s see if it actually works before I’ll sell it off,’ She told herself before taking a miniscule sip. ‘Huh, it doesn’t seem to be working. I mean, I don’t feel any different. Maybe I should find a mir-.’ Before she could finish speaking she felt a pressure on her chest and clutched her left breasts…which slowly began to swell bigger and bigger and bigger, until it felt like she had a pair of prize-winning pumpkins grafted on her chest.

‘Ah, so that’s the secret to her beauty…har har.’ Nareza grumbled sarcastically as she looked down at the massive globes, before she became distracted by something stirring in the background.


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