Thursday 6 December 2018

Shortstack Saturday - Triana Flasche

Shortstack Saturday - Triana Flasche
Coverart by Queenchikkibug

This Shortstack Saturday story is set in Lucianite’s Of Men and Mythics world, and I had the honour of writing about the first OMAM Imp! It’s about a naughty imp secretary trying to help her boss relax. I had a lot of fun with this one! It also helped that Lucianite helped out with brainstorming and editing.

Contains: M/F, shortstack, blowjob, size difference, vaginal sex, excessive cum.


Triana Flasche
The atmosphere in Lurix Softworks was tense, they had been bought out by Redwares, a Mythic Megacorporation, a few days ago and as of yet it was uncertain how many people would keep their jobs. So as she passed by several desks, a few of Triana’s colleagues were giving her the stinkeye. Sure, she was a Mythic but Redwares had been started, and mostly run, by Orcs whereas she was an imp. Completely different from those brutes who, surprisingly enough, thrived in the cutthroat world of business.

But she wasn’t going to try and explain again how she had nothing to do with Redwares’ decision to take over Lurix Softworks, not that she had done her reputation any favours by playing the role of office prankster for so long. No, she was here to help her boss, Randal Lure, through this tough time. It was her job as his secretary to make his work easier, after all. Not that Randall needed a secretary, but she had been at his side ever since he started the company in his parents’ garage so he wasn’t going to get rid of her now.

‘Hey, how’s it going?’ Triana asked as she curiously stuck her head into Randall’s small office without bothering to knock.

‘Still waiting on a visit, a phone call, an email…anything.’ Randall replied with a sigh.

The man sitting behind the desk was tall and thin, never seeming to be able to put on any weight no matter how much junk food he stuffed his face with. But to Triana’s eyes, he looked even thinner than usual. His auburn hair was a mess and by the looks of it he hadn’t bothered to shave the last few days.

Triana, in contrast, was dressed very professionally. Her long, almost luminous orange hair was kept in a professional, business-like bun while her loose bangs framed her heart-shaped face and innocent, doll-like facial features. There were no bags underneath her large, expressive red eyes either and she was impeccably dressed. A pitch black business suit hugged curves of her modest, but shapely breasts tightly. Though her skirt was a little too short to be considered professional, and looked as if it barely fit over her broad, baby-bearing hips. Although it didn’t seem to bother Randall, or the rest of Lurix Softworks’ employees for that matter.

‘Well, I’m sure you’ll hear something soon, Randall. Until then, would you like to go out for lunch or something? Knowing your metabolism you’ll be a skeleton in days if you don’t eat enough.’ She said with forced cheer.

‘I can’t, what if they call if I’m not here? Everyone here has been with us from the beginning, I owe it to them that they hear whether they’ll have a future with Redwares or not as soon as possible. Maybe I can work something out with the Orcs, don’t forget that this concerns you too, Triana. Triana?’ As soon as Randal finished talking, the imp seemed to have disappeared.

Even with heels on, his secretary was barely over three feet tall. So Randall curiously leaned over his desk…but saw nothing. ‘Great job, Randall. Your crazy ranting scared her off.’ he muttered to himself as he sat down with a sigh.

As soon as he did however, he nearly screamed in surprise as he felt a pair of small, nimble hands running up his legs. ‘Oh, you’ve sounded crazier, Randy. Didn’t get rid of me then, won’t get rid of me now.’ Triana mused.

Randall swallowed audibly before pushing his chair backwards to peek underneath his desk and, sure enough, he was greeted by the amused, pale blue face of his imp secretary. Triana merely released one of Randall’s legs and waved sarcastically, before she quickly brought it down again to grab his zipper. Randall was quicker however and his big hands clasped around the imp’s slender wrists, stopping her.

‘Wh-what are you doing?’ He babbled.

‘What does it look like?’ Triana replied with a grin that showed off her sharp canines.

‘We can’t do this in the office!’ Randall hissed.

‘You need to relax somehow, Randy. And since you don’t seem to be in the mood for a spa weekend right now, I think this is the best way.’ Triana shot back, her expression turning a little more serious as she spoke.

‘But… ‘ Randall began, but abruptly closed his mouth when the phone on his desk started ringing.

‘Shouldn’t you get that?’ Triana asked, while cocking an eyebrow.

‘I-…damn it! Just be quiet, OK?’ Randall whispered as he released the imp’s wrists.

‘I promise nothing!’ Triana hissed back with a, well, impish smile as she fished her boss’ prick out of his trousers.

Despite his protests, Randall’s member was swelling up fast in Triana’s small, soft hands and he managed to keep his voice surprisingly even as the imp began jerking him off while using both her hands. Before she knew it, Randall’s cock was as hard as iron and throbbing powerfully against her slender digits. From the sound of it, Randall was arguing furiously about something with the person at the other end of the line, and Triana’s impish smile became a little broader as she eyed the fat, purple cockhead in front of her.

Without a word Triana opened her tiny mouth as far as she could and, careful not to have her sharp canines hurt Randall in any way, slowly pushed her head forwards. There was a brief pause in the conversation Randall was having, but it quickly continued. To Triana’s amusement, Randall was actually sounding a little more heated than he did before. So while smiling around his girth, she forced more of his length down her throat. Suddenly Randall brought his fist down on his desk, making the imp jump and stop moving.

‘No, that is simply unacceptable!’ Randall shouted, and as he waited for the person on the other end to finish their reply his hand moved underneath his desk to grab one of Triana’s pointed ears.

‘Bafterd!’ Triana moaned around his cock, teasing her ears was cheating!

Regardless, Randall continued rubbing her ear and talking as if nothing had happened. So, once Triana realized glaring up at him from between his legs had no effect, she decided to get him back. While holding on to Randall’s shaft with one hand she reached into his pants with the other and grabbed his testicles, which once again brought Randall’s conversation to a halt. While smirking around his beefy cock Triana began to gently massage his balls, or at least as much of them as she could fit in her hand, while doing her best to force more of his length down her throat.

Although Randall’s voice remained even, Triana knew her actions had an effect on him. Randall’s member was throbbing powerfully against the walls of her throat and she could feel beads of precum running down her gullet. Unfortunately, Randall’s teasing was having the same effect on her. Triana couldn’t suppress her moans and was having a little trouble with deepthroating Randall’s dick, causing strings of drool to run from the corners of her mouth and fall on her business suit as she rubbed her thick thighs together.

But just when Triana thought she could go on like this no longer, Randall suddenly slammed down the phone. She was so surprised by this that she simply allowed his cock to escape her mouth and his sack to leave her hands as he rolled his chair back. Then, suddenly, Randall got out of his chair and reached underneath his desk. Triana couldn’t suppress a scream of surprise when she felt his hands around her waist, before he suddenly pulled her out from underneath his desk and placed her on top of it instead.

‘What the hell is going on Randall?’ she asked with wide, panicked eyes.

‘I think,’ Randall began with a triumphant smile. ‘That I may have just saved everyone’s jobs thanks to you.’

‘Randy, that’s amazi-…oh, no-not fair.’ Triana babbled when Randall suddenly lunged forward and began kissing her neck, slowly but surely moving closer to one of her pointed ears.

‘I haven’t even begun to get you back for that stunt you pulled underneath the desk just now,’ Randall whispered in her ear. ‘Even if it gave me the confidence to argue with that Orc.’

‘Ahaha, see? I-I did it all for you!’ Triana muttered as her cheeks turned a darker shade of blue. ‘Now, I should really get back to work!’ she quickly said, before releasing a sharp gasp as Randall nibbled on her ear.

‘You’re not getting off that easily!’ Randall hissed as he grabbed the hemline of Triana’s skirt and pulled it up. ‘Really Miss Flasche, no underwear?’ Randall asked as he caught sight of Triana’s plump pussy hidden between her thick, light blue thighs and the small patch of orange pubic hair above it.

‘…Argh! Fine, but if we get caught I’m going to sue your ass for sexual harassment, you hear me!’ Triana snapped. She was the one that was supposed to tease Randall and get him to relax, how was she supposed to know it would end like this?

Yet despite her harsh words, Triana eagerly spread her legs as Randall’s hand disappeared between her thick thighs. His big fingers dipped into her dripping honeypot without much resistance, and the small imp couldn’t suppress a moan as his digits began to explore her pink folds. And to top it all off, the evil bastard never stopped nibbling and sucking on her sensitive pointed ears. Triana did her best to glare, but the effect was somewhat ruined by her flushed cheeks and the way her drooling pussy clenched eagerly around Randall’s invading fingers.

‘Guess that’s enough foreplay?’ Randall mused as he noted the small pool of Triana’s juices on his desk with an amused smile.

Triana said nothing at first, but when Randall’s fingers sank into her large, shapely buttocks and she was pulled close to the edge of the desk, she gasped in surprise and couldn’t suppress a giggle. A giggle that turned into a gasp for air as soon Randall pushed his member into the imp’s small, tight twat. For a human, his dick was pretty average in size. But for Triana, he was huge! The tube-like bulge that pushed out her stomach could even be seen through her business suit, and the size of it made Triana moan and gasp for air.

‘Be a bit gentler, Randy! Want me to scream loud enough for the whole office to come see and what’s wrong?’ she hissed, before sucking on her bottom lip.

‘You didn’t seem to have a problem with that Orc from Redwaves potentially finding out that I was enjoying the company of a lady.’ Randall retorted.

‘Th-that was different, he wasn’t on the other side of that door!’ Triana replied.

‘Fine, guess I’ll have to find a way to keep you quiet then.’ Randall mused, before lowering his head and pressing his lips against Tiana’s.

Triana beat against Randall’s chest and mumbled something in his mouth, but decided to just give in after a moment or two. It would probably be karma for all her years of teasing Randall and playing pranks on her co-workers if someone walked in on them now. So as she fenced tongues with Randall she wrapped her short legs around his waist and tried to match his rhythm. If the way he was moaning into her mouth was any indication, she was doing a good job of it. Seeing as her hands were free she shrugged off her suit jacket and unbuttoned her blouse, freeing her modest but shapely breasts and showing off her bulging tummy more clearly.

As a result, Randall broke the kiss to get a better look, leaving Triana to try and silence her moans by nibbling on her lower lip. So to get back at Randall, she began to squeeze and massage her breasts as he continued to furiously pound her snatch. If the way his member was throbbing against the walls of her cunny was any indication, she was doing a good job of getting back at him. So good in fact, that Randall’s breathing quickly grew heavier and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

‘Triana…your legs?’ he eventually gasped.

‘What of them?’ Triana asked with an evil little glimmer in her eyes.

‘I-I’m going to cum…’ Randall answered.

‘So?’ the imp mused with a raised eyebrow.

‘I’m not wearing a condom!’ he added as he stopped pumping his hips.

‘Should have thought of that before you started this.’ Triana said with a toothy smile as she grabbed Randall’s tie.

‘You’re an evil little bitch sometimes, you know?’ Randall groaned as the imp pulled him close and silenced him with a kiss.

Just in time too; the both of them moaned loudly in each other’s mouths as Randall climaxed which, incidentally, set off Triana’s orgasm. The curvy little imp trembled against Randall as she felt hot, sticky seed painting the walls of her climaxing cunny white, and Randall squeezed her buttocks tightly, doing his best to remain standing on his shaky legs as he filled Triana’s twat until her stomach started to swell. Before either of them knew it however she was completely stuffed, and ropes of Randall’s seed combined with the imp’s girlcum squirted from her too-full quim, dirtying Randall’s desk even further. Neither imp nor human cared about the mess though, and both broke the kiss with a cheeky grin.

‘So,’ Triana began as Randall stumbled backwards and practically fell into his chair, extracting his softening prick from her cum-filled snatch. ‘When are you going to tell everyone the good news, Randy?’

‘Well, I wanted to tell them immediately after the phone call but found that I had more…pressing concerns to deal with.’ Randall said as he looked at Triana sitting on his desk. Even with her bun knocked loose, her stomach swollen with his seed and more running from her gaping cunny she was a vision.

‘What are you waiting for now, then?’ Triana asked with a raised eyebrow.

‘Oh,’ Randall replied. ‘I just figured the two of us should celebrate in private for a little while longer.’ he mused as his dick began to swell again.

‘Well, I couldn’t agree more, “boss”!’ Triana replied with a broad, toothy smile. ‘Though you’re going to have to come to me, I can’t really feel my legs.’ she added in a more embarrassed tone of voice, her cheeks turning a darker shade of blue once again.

Now how could Randall refuse an offer like that? Before Triana knew it he jumped to his feet and began kissing her neck and teasing her ears again, filling the small office with sounds of pleasure. Of course, the rest of Lurix Softworks’ personal would eventually hear that they all still had a job from a sweaty, but happy, Randall Lure. But that’s a story for another time.


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