Friday 23 November 2018

Trudy Hunt - Chapter 3: Into the Lion’s Den

Trudy Hunt - Chapter 3: Into the Lion’s Den

Cover art provided by the amazing kentayuki, as always, whose also Trudy’s co-owner and helped me edit!
In this chapter, some lucky(?) young man comes by to clean Trudy’s pool. You’ve all watched porn, I assume you can guess where this goes?
Contains: M/F, huge breasts, big ass, size difference, muscle, bimbo, MILF, buttjob, titfuck, excessive cum, vaginal sex.

Trudy Hunt - Chapter 3: Into the Lion’s Den
‘Alright, John! You’ve got nothing to be scared of, just ring the damn doorbell!’ John Schwimmer mumbled to himself in an attempt to psyche himself.
David, a friend that was on the same swim team as he was, had asked him to take over his Summer job as a poolcleaner. Well, more like begged, actually. These last few weeks David had looked exhausted during practice, and even a little jumpy. So John figured he’d do his friend a solid and take over this job so David could deal with whatever was bothering him. Plus, the house he was supposed to go to was within walking distance of his own. So it was really no problem.
Still, now that he was actually standing before the house where he would work, he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. Although it couldn’t quite be called a mansion, it was still the largest house on the block. It wasn’t as if there was anything scary about the building itself, if anything the garden was so perfectly tended to that John doubted there was a single blade of grass out of place and the building itself was so clean that he swore he could see the brickwork gleam.
No, it was the stories that John had heard about the place. Ever since he had started swimming and building muscles his mother had warned him to stay away from here, talking about the woman who lived here as if she were some sort of monster. And then there had been David’s appearance… what if his boss really was as terrible as his mother seemed to have hinted at?
Unfortunately, whether John would ring the doorbell or not no longer mattered since the front door was suddenly thrown open!
Standing in the doorway was a blonde, one that couldn’t be more than five feet tall. Or she would be, if it wasn’t for the high heeled, open toed sandals on her feet. Even with them on John found that she had to look up to meet his eyes, though he could not see hers behind the designer sunglasses perched on her small, cute nose. He found that he could not force any words out of his mouth as he observed the woman’s plump, soft-looking lips wrap around the straw resting in a glass of cold iced tea.
‘You’re not David…’ The blonde commented, confused, as the straw slipped from her mouth.
‘Eh, no.’ John replied, when he finally remembered to talk.
Though he could only manage two words, and not much more, as he continued to unashamedly eye the woman. Why did David ever want to leave this job behind? What he could see of her face was gorgeous, it had a sharpness to it he often saw in older women but also a softness he found in girls closer to his own age. Meanwhile her blonde hair was kept short, in a pixie cut, and a had a sort of wildness to it that indicated that she might’ve just gotten out of bed.
However, if John had to be honest it wasn’t her face that took up his attention…
After the blonde had pulled the straw away from her lips, John couldn’t help but follow it and the glass it was in. That was when he became aware of her chest, or at least stopped being incapable of looking directly at them. John was vaguely aware that he swallowed audibly while he looked at the massive melons, both of the globes had to be bigger than his head, easily, and seemed heavy enough that he doubted he could lift one of them with just one hand.
Both of them were just barely encased in a white T-shirt that had the word HUNT spelled on it in black letters, while the T was a part of a set of crosshairs. Both it and the letter H were stretched wide over the enormous breasts as the shirt clung tightly to the blonde’s stacked body. In fact, it was so tight that John could see tanned skin through the material of the piece of clothing, as well as the blonde’s hard nipples.
‘Hello?’ The blonde suddenly piped up, waving a hand in front of John’s eyes. For which she had to get up on her tippy toes. ‘Cat got your tongue?’ She asked with a curious cock of her head.
Either she hadn’t noticed him staring, or she simply didn’t care about being ogled. John managed to yank his head down and away from the blonde’s hypnotizing chest, trying to ignore the way in which they swayed just slightly as she waved her arm and hopped up and down on her toes. But that was when he noticed how her shirt was tied in a knot just below her bust, revealing her waspish waist and a tanned stomach with just a bit of fat on it. Then, finally, he resisted the urge to look lower and instead made eye contact with the short blonde again.
‘Ah, yes. Sorry!’ John stammered. ‘David said he couldn’t make it and sent me in his place.’
‘Oh, that’s just too bad.’ The blonde pouted as she looked John up and down. ‘But it’s alright! You look like a fine, strong young man as well!’ She added excitedly.
John didn’t want to brag, but he mentally told himself that the blonde’s words were a bit of an understatement. Years of swimming for high school and now college had left him with strong arms, broad shoulders and a muscular, well defined torso. His chest and shoulders looked even bigger due to his narrow waist, and he made sure to put it all on display by wearing a tight white wifebeater. While a simple pair of swimming trunks adorned his waist.
He kept his black hair short and his broad, angular jaw was smooth. The little dimple in his chin, combined with his straight, white teeth made for a smile that made many a girl’s hearts melt. Though his deep, doe brown eyes certainly helped with that too. So he decided to try one out on his potential employer.
‘How rude of me!’ The blonde suddenly gasped, bring a dainty hand to her full lips. ‘I’m Gertrude Hunt, by the way.’ She said by way of introduction, reaching out with that same hand. ‘But please, call me Trudy!’ Trudy added with a broad smile.
‘I’m John,’ John replied as he took her small hand, satisfied about the effect he seemed to have on her. ‘John Schwimmer.’ He added, wincing slightly. Her grip was surprisingly strong and her hand lingered a little longer than necessary.
‘Follow me, I’ll show you to the pool!’ Trudy exclaimed excitedly as she released John’s hand and effortlessly spun around on her heels to show him the way.
‘Gladly!’ John replied, and that one word definitely wasn’t a lie.
The reason John had decided to stop staring at Trudy after he had caught a peek at her breasts and waists was because he feared he’ll never make it inside if he didn’t pull his eyes away. Now he was certain about of it, because Trudy had put on a pair of Daisy Dukes to finish her ensemble. If they could still be called that, anyway. The garment barely seemed to qualify as underwear with how little denim there was and how much of Trudy’s huge, tanned asscheeks were left on display. They were big for sure, but the short blonde clearly took care of her body because John was sure he could bounce several quarters of those heart shaped assglobes.
As John continued to stare, Trudy suddenly stopped in her tracks. Since he had been mesmerised by her broad, swaying hips and large buttocks John noticed this too late, and bumped into her. With the added height of the heels on her sandals the blonde’s mouthwatering ass made contact with John’s crotch, and with her so close to him John became aware of a flowery scent that he couldn’t quite place filling his nostrils and making his head spin in a pleasant way.
‘Sorry about that,’ Trudy giggled as she threw open the door that led to her living room. ‘I guess you’re more eager to start work than I thought!’ She added, while not so subtly pushing her behind back a little further.
‘Yeah…’ John mumbled, as he brought his hands up to Trudy’s slender shoulders the combination of her scent and the softness of her ass driving him mad.
Before he did something he might have regretted, however, his eyes fall on the large trophy case directly across from him and Trudy.
‘What’s all this?’ He asked, as the blonde led him inside.
In it he saw a rack holding a bow, a rifle. Sitting in front of it were pictures of a younger Trudy in pink camo and an older, barrel chested man with grey hair posing with her and several animals that had shot with either arrows or bullets. Also in the rack was a fishing pole, and several trophies as well as more pictures. Only this time, there was a woman in them as well that seemed to be the mirror image of Trudy, only shorter and with longer hair. All of it didn’t really fit the image John had of Trudy.
That wasn’t everything in the case, though. John spotted several gold, silver and even a few bronze medals, along with a picture of a very young Trudy on the balancing beam and a bright pink and white leotard hanging behind the frame.
‘I started take home the bronze when puberty hit.’ Trudy mused as she joined him in looking at the trophy case.
John glance, not too subtly, at her chest before examining what else was in the case. There were more pictures of the barrel chested man and the blonde that looked like Trudy, who he assumed were her parents. Pictures of them celebrating Trudy graduating high school, and then college. Pictures of them together with Trudy after what looked like a marathon. And many more.
But there was one picture that stood out to John. It was one of her father, back when he was still completely blonde, and her mother who was obvious pregnant, standing in front of a small storefront that read “Hunt’s Sporting Goods”. Next to it in the case stood or hung several pieces of merchandise with the brand, like trucker hats, T-shirts, shoes or bidons.
‘You’re that Hunt?’ John asked, incredulously as he looked at the shorter woman.
The Hunt brand was a pretty big name among athletes in and around town. It couldn’t compete with the major manufacturers of sport’s equipment, but there was no denying the quality and popularity of their goods. Once again, John was left to ponder just why David would leave a job like this behind.
‘Yep!’ Trudy replied as she proudly puffed out her chest, which meant John’s eyes immediately drifted away from her face for the umpteenth time since he’d met her. ‘Tell you what. Why don’t I get you something a little more comfortable to work in before we head out to the pool?’
‘Oh you don’t have to-’ John began, but Trudy had already disappeared back into the hallway and went up the stairs by the sound of it. Leaving behind only an empty glass on a cabinet near the door.
Curious, John decided to start looking around while he waited for the blonde to return. His flip-flops slapped against the hardwood floors as he stepped into what had to be the living room, it looked…comfortable. A grey couch that went into an L-shape dominated most of the room, and looked big enough for him to lie on without any problems, while the floor in front of it was covered with a fuzzy white rug. A low wooden coffee table with legs that were elegantly curved stood on the centre of the rug, while a glass vase full of purple carnations stood atop it next to remotes and a stack of magazines. The flowers certainly smelled nice, but it wasn’t the same as Trudy’s perfume.
On the wall opposite of the large couch hung one of the largest plasma tvs John had ever seen, the sound had been muted but it appeared that Trudy had been watching some sort of bodybuilding competition. Which made sense, considering the business she and her parents were in. Pulling his attention away from the television and looking forward again John looked right outside through the large window and glass sliding door to show Trudy’s backyard and the large pool he should be cleaning. Though it looked pretty clean already…
‘Sorry to keep you waiting!’ Came Trudy’s bubbly voice from behind him.
John looked over his shoulder, and instantly forgot about why he had been hired to clean a pool that didn’t look like it needed it. The only thing that remained of Trudy’s original outfit were her open toed, high heeled sandals and designer sunglasses. Everything else had been replaced by a tiny bikini, and “tiny” definitely was the right word.
The pieces of pale pink fabric didn’t leave much to the imagination. First John’s attention was drawn to her top. It only covered her nipples, and then just barely, from where he was standing, John could easily see her pink areolae peek out from her triangular pieces of fabric. The bottoms of Trudy’s bikini weren’t any better at covering what they were supposed to cover either. Her plump labia was highly visible due to the way that the piece of fabric dug into her pussy.
‘Do you like it?’ Trudy asked.
‘Yes!’ John answered immediately, not even looking at what she was holding up.
‘Well then, why don’t you try it on?’ The blonde asked excitedly.
Only then did John notice what Trudy was holding. It was a pair of swimming trunks, mustard yellow and it seemed a lot tighter than the one he was currently wearing. Like with the shirt he saw her wearing before she switched to her bikini, the word HUNT was written on it. This time the brand was going vertically down the left leg and the letters were a deep green instead of black. He couldn’t believe she was just giving it away, it would probably cost him quite a bit of money if he were to get it from a store.
‘Here’s hoping it fits!’ John said with another one of his winning smiles as he approached Trudy, trying not to stare too hard at all the exposed, soft-looking bronze boobflesh squeezed into that tiny bikini. ‘Is there anywhere I can try this on?’ He asked as he took the trunks from her hands.
‘Well, why not here?’ Trudy suggested, bubblegum pink lips tugging up in a smile that showed her pearly whites.
‘You mean you’re heading to the pool already?’ John asked.
‘No?’ Trudy replied, confused. ‘Oh, I get it! You’re shy, aren’t you?’ She mused as she put her hands on her broad hips.
John could feel his ears grow red at the older woman’s comment. He didn’t know why it bothered him this much, perhaps he simply didn’t want to be treated like a little boy. But he decided to call Trudy’s bluff, so with a shrug he pulled his wifebeater over his head to expose his torso to the blonde before him. He gave her a chance to admire it for a moment or two, before slinging his new swimming trunks over one of his broad shoulders and reaching down. When he slipped his fingers into the waistband of his trunks, however, he couldn’t help but hesitate.
‘Need some help?’ Trudy asked with a curious cock of her head.
Before John had the chance to respond Trudy strolled towards him in a fashion that reminded the young man of a hungry lioness. He didn’t have the time to contemplate that thought, unfortunately, seeing as the blonde dropped to her haunches and the sight of her huge, firm butt sticking out made it difficult for him to focus on anything else. As he watched her tanned, heart-shaped buttglobes he noticed that he could just barely see the back of her bikini bottoms, everything else disappeared into her asscrack. When he felt Trudy’s fingers brush against his, he snapped back to reality. But, he decided to let her do as she pleased. This time, she’d be one looking at him in stunned silence.
Or so he thought, at least. When Trudy yanked his trunks down, a little gasp did pass those plump lips of her followed shortly by a soft, meaty impact hitting the young man’s thigh. John couldn’t help but smile smugly as he glanced down at Trudy to gauge her reaction. But to his surprise he found that the blonde had pushed her sunglasses up to rest on her forehead, evidently to get a better look at his member.
‘You’re definitely bigger than David!’ She giggled, her attitude hadn’t changed a bit but there was something off about how casual Trudy was about all this. And, for some reason, the glint in the older woman’s baby blue eyes worried John…
‘How do you even swim with this?’ Trudy wondered aloud as she ran a dainty hand along John’s shaft.
It was only just filling up with blood but the meaty stalk nearly hung down to his knees, and was about as thick as Trudy’s wrist. While she ran her hand over it John noticed how she was currently tracing some of the fat, throbbing veins that decorated his monstercock with her fingers. She was rewarded with a low groan from the young man that had stripped nude right in her living room, while his mighty member twitched against his thigh.
‘I bind it down against my leg with athletic tape…’ John groaned as Trudy’s nimble fingers teased a bead of precum from his cumslit.
‘You must use a lot of tape, then!’ Trudy replied conversationally, but her eyes appeared to gleam even brighter as she watched the bead stretch into a rope of precum before it landed on the beautiful hardwood floor.
‘Uh-huh.’ John muttered with a clenched jaw as he felt his member slowly rise.
Trudy noticed as well and instead of gently running a hand up and down the beefy pole she now decided to grab it firmly. John’s body responded immediately, and another rope of precum soon hung from the tip of his monstrous shaft as Trudy began to pump her slender, but strong, arms back and forth.
‘Sorry, but I think it’s simply impossible to fit you into your new trunks like this!’ Trudy stated with a shake of her head. ‘But don’t worry, you will once I’m done with you!’ She added playfully, but the hunger in her blue eyes had now become very apparent to John.
With that she began to pump her arms even faster, her small, but defined, biceps bulging as she stroked the heavy slab of meat. Her vigorous arm movements made her enormous boobs quake violently until, to neither her surprise or John’s, her nipples slipped into view. Yet the sight of those hard pink nubs was enough stimulation for John that a rope of precum shot from the tip of his cock and splattered against Trudy’s tits.
‘That’s it, let it aaall out…’ Trudy cooed while she leaned back to make sure John got a good look at the way in which his precum slid between the blonde’s breasts.
It wasn’t af if Trudy left him with a lot of choice. Almost as soon as the last bead of the silvery, sticky fluid had disappeared into her cleavage, she eagerly pushed her body forwards and continued jerking him off. John could feel her soft lips brushing against the tip of his cock, leaving bright pink lipstick smudges there, while her hands ran up and down his huge shaft. It forced a second plume of precum from his cumslit, and a third. Both of which coated the blonde’s massive rack with even more of the clear slime. But Trudy did not seem to want to move on from the handjob, much to John’s disappointment.
Once again, the scent of Trudy’s perfume teased his nostrils just as the blonde began tonguing his cumslit, trying to milk more precum, or cum, from his balls. It reminded John of when he bumped into the blonde and nearly lost control. Back then she was still fully clothed and somewhat decent, now she was practically naked with his precum dripping from her titanic tits.
‘Why don’t we do something to make this go down faster?’ John growled as he grabbed Trudy’s slender shoulders.
‘Oh?’ Trudy replied, pulling her lips away from John’s cockhead and leaving yet another smudge of her bubblegum pink lipstick behind. ‘Like what?’
Instead of responding verbally, John merely pushed her and since she was balanced on her heeled sandals Trudy easily lost her balance and landed on her meaty behind. John felt guilt wash over him almost as soon as he pushed her, but guilt was replaced by lust yet again when he found Trudy give him a look that seemed to translate to “finally”. So instead of apologizing, he stepped a little closer, close enough for his shaft to be pressed against the blonde’s face.
‘Now, why don’t you put those tits of yours to good use?’ He growled, while nudging his hips forwards with enough force to make Trudy lie down.
When he straddled her waist as soon as she was in position, John could have sworn that the blonde looked disappointed about the fact that he wanted to use her tits. But as she looked up at the monstrous length that was casting a shadow over her bombshell body, the smile she had graced John with until now slowly returned. And it only widened as the young man dropped to his haunches and unceremoniously shoved his huge prick between her enormous tits, the passage between them still slick with John’s own precum.
‘Let’s just get this out of the way first…’ John growled as he grabbed Trudy’s tiny pink bikini top, before roughly yanking it from her body and tossing it behind him. ‘Now we can get started.’ He added, still growling, as he squeezed the blonde’s mountainous mammaries around his huge, throbbing shaft.
Now that the blonde’s tiny top was no longer “in the way”, John began to move his hips. Trudy yelped as the young man’s monstrous, pulsing dick dragged back and forth in her cleavage, while the fat cockhead peeked out from between her huge breasts whenever John’s stomach brushed against them from the other side. Slowly John began to move a little faster, his movements aided by the precum that spilled from his twitching cumslit with every one of his thrusts.
Within moments, Trudy’s massive tanned tits were practically shining with John’s pearly prejizz, and she quite seemed to enjoy the sensation of having the clear, slimy fluid run down her chest and even began to rub it into her flawless skin. Once the blonde was satisfied with the amount of precum she had spread over her breasts, she decided to instead help John with holding the huge, heavy jiggling globes in place. Which was something the young man was only too happy to take advantage of.
John’s pumping hips rapidly sped up in the next few minutes. The sound of his stomach and beefy balls slapping against Trudy’s massive, slipper tits resounded through the blonde’s living room, accompanied by his dark grunts and the Trudy’s own soft moans. Meanwhile, John showed no signs of slowing down. Trudy’s scent, the sensation of her soft breasts hugging his cock… it drove him mad with lust and it did not take long before the pounding of his heart was all he was aware of.
‘That’s it, let it aaall out,’ Trudy repeated, as she felt John’s dick swell up even more. Thought it sounded more like an order now. ‘I know a great cleaning company who always gives me a discount, so don’t worry about making a mess.’ She giggled, in an attempt to mask her obvious hunger.
John clearly hadn’t heard her comment, though. Either of them. But he had finally reached his limit and his balls began to clench as he threw his head back and groaned darkly. Hot, slimy jets of semen blasted from the tip of his monstercock and Trudy cried out in joy as the sticky ropes smacked against her chin and ran down her swan-like neck. More of it bubbled up from her deep cleavage, spilling over her enormous tits and her own dainty hands as those of John fell away limply.
‘Seems like somebody was a little pent up,’ Trudy giggled, licking one of her fingers clean from spunk. ‘But I hope you aren’t done yet…’ She added, pouting a little.
John stared into space for the next few seconds, hands still hanging by his side as his dick twitched between Trudy’s boobs. But her words did manage to penetrate the fog of lust that clouded his mind, and with a snarl he rose to his feet, pulling his monstercock from the blonde’s cleavage that was sloppy with cum to reveal that it was still proudly erect.
‘Does it look like I’m done?’ He growled arrogantly, though breathing heavily from his explosive orgasm.
Trudy didn’t seem to notice. Instead, her baby blue eyes were drawn to the heavy ropes of cum that hung from the young man’s veiny shaft. But his confident answer made her lick her bubblegum pink lips hungrily, and she opened her legs invitingly. When John was about to drop to his haunches, though, she surprised him by putting her thick, shapely legs up in the air…before making the heels of her open toed sandals disappear behind her ears.
‘You did see the medals, didn’t you?’ Trudy mused with a confident purr that was unlike the bubbly tone she had spoken to until now.
Now that John noticed now that the blonde had presented her snatch to him in such a way. He immediately pointed his dick down towards Trudy’s pink slit, that was still just barely covered by her bottoms. John stood there bowlegged for a moment, and slowly started to sink lower. When the crown of his monstrous shaft made contact with Trudy’s fabric covered labia, John pounded his whole body down forcefully. The designer sunglasses that had been resting on the blonde’s forehead the whole time John was fucking her tits finally slid down to cover Trudy’s blue eyes as her body shook with impact. She couldn’t help but threw her head back and cry in pleasure as John’s hot, pulsing balls were flattened against her globular asscheeks.
That wasn’t all, of course. The loose knots that had been holding Trudy’s bikini bottoms in place had come undone because of John’s rough, downward thrust. Leaving the small piece of fabric wrapped around the head of his massive shaft as it forced its way further into the blonde’s soaked, twitching snatch.
‘I’m glad you liked that, because I’m not about to stop!’ John growled as he raised his body up. ‘But then, that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?’ He asked as he watched rivulets of Trudy’s girlcum run from her slit down her belly and towards her cumblasted tits.
‘Yes!’ Trudy gasped. Though John didn’t know if she was responding to his question, or merely screaming in pleasure as he buried every last inch of his cock in her pussy again.
Whatever the case was, the blonde was clearly enjoying herself. Her twitching pink folds mercilessly milked John’s huge shaft whenever it was buried completely inside of her cunt, and clear juices continued to flow from it to leave clear trails behind on her bronzed skin and washed away the occasional rope of cum in the way. So, of course, John simply continued to mindlessly hammer his cock down into the blonde’s trembling slit.
Despite the amount of cum that John had blasted over Trudy’s tits, which was currently sliding off onto the floor or the blonde’s own face due to the way the huge funbags jiggled and shook whenever he rammed his cock home, the blonde’s sopping wet pussy was already close to coaxing more cum from the young man’s balls. Trudy could feel his cock swelling inside of her, stretching her pink tunnel even wider, and was aware of the way in which John’s fat testicles trembled whenever they made contact with her tanned backside.
‘Mmm…’ Trudy moaned, licking up an errand rope of cum that had ended up on her face after it had no doubt slid down from her tits. ‘More.’
That one word was enough to send John over the edge as hot jets of jizz, that remained just as hot and thick of before, began to spew forth from his twitching cumslit. It was only then that he remembered that he wasn’t wearing a condom, and the bikini bottoms still wrapped around his shaft certainly didn’t count, but when he tried to pull out Trudy’s snatch clamped down around his monstercock just as his viscous seed packed her womb full. He lost his balance, and slammed the entirety of his dick into the blonde’s snatch one last time.
Excess cum sprayed from Trudy’s slit as a result, quickly followed by her own clear girlcum as all of it was enough to set off the blonde’s own orgasm. With a snarl that resembled a predator showing its teeth she started to rub one of her enormous breasts, her one hand being far too small to encompass even half of the bronze globe, while she teased her clit with the other one. Evidently trying to prolong the explosive orgasm that washed over her.
When their respective orgasms finally came to an end, John found the strength to rise to his feet. A mixture of his semen and precum together with Trudy’s own juices began to flow from the blonde’s stretched pussy after his massive member left with an obscene, wet sucking sound. This was followed by something wet falling to the floor, as Trudy’s thorougly cumsoaked bikini bottoms slid off of John’s shaft.
He was still painfully erect, and the sight of a cumblasted, well-fucked Trudy certainly helped with keeping it that way, but the way he had been fucking her like a jackhammer left his legs tired and sore. John had just enough time to stumble towards the couch before collapsing, his dick slapping wetly against his flat stomach while he looked up at the ceiling.
Then, suddenly, he felt a weight settle on his lap and something soft sliding around his cock. When he looked back down, he saw what he had expected. Trudy. She was an absolute mess, but clearly didn’t lack any energy. John’s own tired face was reflected back to him in Trudy’s sunglasses, sticky with cum as they may be, and the blonde merely smiled as she started to sway her hips up and down. Slowly at first, but her movements grew more frantic and her bronzed asscheeks began to clap together. Only barely obstructed by John’s monstercock.
It was as if she was twerking around John’s shaft. The huge pole bounced and slapped against Trudy’s huge, jiggling buttcheeks and he could already feel how precum resumed to flow from his cumslit. Still glancing backward Trudy put her hands behind her head, and upped her pace. Before he knew it, blobs of the silvery liquid appeared on the blonde’s expansive backside, joining the ropes of spunk and patches of girlcum that were already decorating it.
‘Seems like you’re ready for another round!’ Trudy exclaimed excitedly, her baby blue eyes shining hungrily behind her sunglasses as she eyed John’s broad chest from over her shoulder and licked her plush, pink lips while she continued to show off how well she could control her buttocks…
* * * *
‘Well, I’m pooped!’ Trudy sighed cheerfully as she got off the couch and stretched her back in a cat-like fashion. ‘I think I’m just about ready to take a shower and go to bed!’
‘What about… the pool?’ John mumbled softly, barely aware that it had been awhile since the sun set.
‘Oh, right! I completely forgot about that!’ Trudy giggled girlishly. ‘I’m sure it’ll be fine.’
‘I don’t think I can make it home…’ John muttered, more to himself than to Trudy. The blonde’s response barely having registered with him.
‘Well, you can sleep on the couch for tonight,’ Trudy replied. ‘Some friends are coming by to clean the house tomorrow, though. So I need you out by the afternoon.’
‘Alright.’ John croaked, briefly wondering if these “friends” would get the same treatment that he had gotten.
‘Of course, you can stay for breakfast if you like?’ Trudy asked innocently.
John wasn’t so sure if he wasn’t going to be the breakfast, though. Still, he nodded slightly in response to her question.
‘Anyway, I hope to see you again next week! You’re doing much better than David!’ Trudy said with a bright smile. ‘And you can keep the trunks, of course!’
And with that, she was off. John looked at the discarded, stained trunks on the filthy floor as he listened to Trudy ascending the stairs and let go a heavy sigh.
‘I guess I know why he wanted to quit now…’ John mused with a wry smile, before falling asleep. The last thing he saw before he drifted off to sleep was a mental image of David’s exhausted, panicked face as he realized his foolishness in taking over his friend’s job…

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