Thursday 22 November 2018

Tani - Chapter 2

Tani - Chapter 2

(ART BY kentayuki)
A sequel to my Shortstack Saturday story starring Tani. A character created by @kentayuki​ and myself. Like the title says, Tani finally gets summoned! Unfortunately, there does seem to be a tiny misunderstanding about why she’s there…
Contains: M/F, shortstack, succubus, size difference, cockgrowth, ball expansion, huge cock, big balls, excessive cum, throatfuck, vaginal sex, huge breasts, big ass.
Also be sure to check out kentayuki's stuff

Tani Gets Summoned
Mervin finally finished lighting the beeswax candles that were set up around the summoning circle his mistress, and teacher, had crafted. It was carved into the stone along with several protective runes and decorated with silver and copper, no slapdash summoning circle made with chalk for Odelia Rinmer’s apprentice, no sir! Once he finished lighting the last candle while saying a prayer, he retrieved a book on demon summoning, one he had found in his mistress’s study, from the weathered table that stood within the room he began chanting the spell to summon an imp to assist him with his studies.
Officially, he was not ready for demon summoning yet. But if his mistress returned from her duties at court and saw that Mervin had successfully summoned an imp and put it under contract she would be so proud of him! And, in turn, it would mean that he was ready to learn more and would no longer be stuck practicing the same dull spells over and over and over again! Mervin grinned confidently as he clearly spoke the last few words of his summoning spell and intently stared at the summoning circle, scared to even blink.
One second passed, then two and then three. Mervin wondered if he messed up in saying one of the words, before he felt a sudden hum of power pass through the room that made the hairs on his arms stand on end. Where first had been nothing now stood a small, female demon that looked quite surprised. Mervin was sure she wasn’t the only one, however. Seeing as he had not quite expected an imp to look like this.
Obviously she really was an imp, of this Mervin was sure. Her skin was dark purple and flawless and she was over three and a half feet tall. Then there were the jet black horns that peeked out of her pale lavender hair, as well as her other demonic features like her bat-like wings and her tail complete with spaded tip. What Mervin hadn’t expected from an imp, though, was her beauty, her luxurious clothes and, well, her body.
Despite the fact that the top of her head would barely brush against Mervin’s stomach the imp had a pair of breasts that any professional courtesan would be jealous of. Each of the soft-looking, perfectly shaped and oh-so-perky globes were easily bigger than the imp’s head, and barely seemed to be contained in her top. Said top consisted of a black piece of cloth that was slung over her chest in such a way that her nipples were covered, and was kept closed by a demonic-looking silver Omega symbol which barely seemed to keep the piece of cloth together. What he could see of her stomach and waist that was not obscured by those massive tits were both flat and slender respectively, before flaring out into a pair of broad and curvy hips. Which were both enticing and perfect for childbearing.
Her sex, meanwhile, was covered by what could only be described as a loincloth. It was pitch black, except for the bottom part which had been coloured silver and was cut in such a way to resemble the Omega symbol that kept her top closed. From his current position Mervin could see her tail swinging around excitedly, as well as the swell of her large purple buttocks. He was certain that her loincloth have a back part… The rest of her outfit consisted of a pair of pristine white opera gloves that went up past her elbows and matching white boots that made her appear just a little taller, these went up to about her thighs.
‘Master, what is it that you require of me?’ A smooth, seductive female voice suddenly rang out, and Mervin realized he had been staring.
The imp’s question didn’t make him stop said staring in the least, however. Instead he pulled his eyes away from the little demon’s legs to look her in the eye. Like he had first noted, she was beautiful. A beauty mark was visible just underneath her right eye, the only mark visible on her otherwise flawless purple skin. Said eyes were a pitch black void, aside from her pale, almost luminous blue pupils. It was oddly beautiful, like the rest of the imp’s face. Her face had sharp, angular features due to her high, thin cheekbones, sharp jawline and pointed chin. Her nose was small, cute and slightly pointed, while her shining black lips looked plump and soft. Everything about her had an odd, ageless quality about it.
‘Uhum,’ Mervin began, clearing his throat while pretending as if he wasn’t impressed. What kind of magic user in their right mind would admit to thinking an imp was attractive anyway? ‘I will be practicing my spells today. I need you to do chores around the tower and fetch me any books I ask for, is that clear?’
‘What.’ The imp replied flatly. She had looked oddly happy about being summoned until Mervin had explained what her tasks for the day would be. ‘What do you think I am, some sort of imp?!’ She suddenly hissed angrily.
‘Yes,’ Mervin replied smoothly as he showed her the summoning spell he used by holding up his spellbook. ‘So, do you agree to this contract?’
Instead of a reply, Mervin only got to see the purple-skinned imp stomp her feet and whip her tail around while she shouted in anger. He couldn’t understand most of it, but he heard the occasional phrase like: ‘That little blue bastard!’ or ‘He tricked me!’ what heard the most, however, was ‘I am not an imp!’ but imps weren’t exactly known for their intelligence so he decided to ignore most of the small demon’s angry rambling.
‘So, do you agree to this contract?’ Mervin repeated again as the imp calmed down.
‘What was it again, I do chores and fetch you books?’ The imp asked, clearly still annoyed.
‘Yes, that’s it.’ Mervin replied with a nod.
‘Fine. I accept!’ The imp shrugged.
‘Excellent, what is your name, imp?’ Mervin asked.
‘Tani.’ Tani answered.
‘Tani, I hereby place you under contract. You are to do chores around this tower and this tower only, fetch me spellbooks and do anything else I require.’ As Mervin spoke these words, energy filled the room and black Omega symbols appeared on the back of Tani’s hands, or to be more specific her white opera gloves. This indicated that she was now serving Mervin.
‘You may now step out of the circle.’ Mervin ordered, and Tani stepped into the room now that there no longer was an invisible wall to hold her back.
‘What do you require of me, Master?’ Tani asked with a curtsy while she glared up at the young wizard-in-training.
‘I need you to return this book to my mistress’ study, then clean the room thoroughly before making your way to the library.’
‘As you wish.’ Tani replied as she grabbed the book that was handed to her and made her way out of the summoning room.
* * * *
The reason Tani had accepted being summoned as an imp was because her current Master was clearly new at the whole “summoning demons” thing. First of all, his contract left her with way too much freedom. Sure she was bound to the tower, but that was the only restriction placed on her. If she was a little more powerful she could have just thrown the young man to the ground and had her way with him then and there. But seeing as that wasn’t the case, she had time to do things her own way. Fortunately she had some time, at least until her Master’s mistress would return and ruin her fun, anyway.
Still, she didn’t feel like rushing things. This was the first time she had been summoned in decades. Getting even one bite of a human’s soul would certainly rejuvenate her and make spending time in Hell a little more bearable. Speaking of Hell, she was just glad to leave it. Even if it was for a short period of time. Looking out of one of the tower’s windows it did seem as if she had ended up in a more fantastical world than she had hoped for, though. Of course, since there were literally endless parallel worlds which all had a version of Hell, Hades or whatever it was called in this world, it ended up as sort of a crapshoot where or when you ended up whenever you got summoned.
‘Shame, I would have liked to have seen what the “intar net” is…’ Tani muttered to herself as she continued exploring the tower until she found the study her Master had spoken of.
Unfortunately, due to her contract, she actually did have to clean the room. Which she did begrudgingly. It took some time, but once she deemed the study “clean enough” Tani made her way to the library. Hey, she was a succubus, not a maid! Although she had heard stories back in the Circle of Lust that told of humans that liked their succubi to dress up as one…
Once she arrived in the library, Tani got a good look at her Master before approaching him. She had to admit, he wasn’t too bad now that he had removed that smug look from his face. He was nearly six foot tall and fairly handsome, his face was long and had a strong jawline that was dusted with dark stubble. His cheeks were a little hollow and there were bags underneath his dark eyes, but Tani was certain he could handle her. Her Master looked young enough, after all.
‘Finally, there you are,’ the young man said when he spotted Tani, and the regard she had for him instantly went down again. ‘Come here, imp. This is a list of books I need, please gather them.’ He added, shoving a piece of rolled up parchment in the small succubus’ hands once she came close enough.
‘As you wish, Master.’ Tani replied with a strained smile before she disappeared between the towering bookshelves in search of the books the wizard-in-training needed.
Tani managed to find every book her Master had written down, but before she returned them to him she spotted something interesting. It was a thin grimoire with a battered, deep red covered and a bent spine that had been hidden behind several thick tomes. The pages within were made of a strange black paper and filled with pink, demonic runes, Tani couldn’t help but smile mischievously at the sight of it. The book contained several spells that most ancient succubi could cast on instinct, honestly it probably belonged in the Circle of Lust. How a human had gotten their hands on it, Tani didn’t know. But she used her tail to pick it up, she was sure that her Master wouldn’t mind if it was returned to their original owners now, would he? Especially not since she was going to use it to have some fun with him first…
‘What took you so long?’ The wizard-in-training grumbled as he watched Tani stand on her tippy toes to put the stack of books on his table. He didn’t bother to help her.
Tani only replied in a strange, sharp sounding language that her Master didn’t understand.
‘I-…what?’ He asked, and Tani repeated the words. All she got in response was a blank look. ‘I’m sure it’s not important,’ he eventually sighed. ‘Just…please go to the kitchen and put everything in order, and return here with some cutlery when you return.’
Tani nodded, quietly repeated the same phrase and did as was asked of her. The young man pulled at the collar of his robes and breathed heavily as the small, curvy succubus left the library. He hadn’t even noticed the thin, battered book that she had been carrying around with her tail…
* * * *
Tani took her time studying the grimoire further as she cleaned the kitchen, she had cast a fairly powerful, but slow acting, spell on her Master before she left. Actually, she had cast it three times, he had simply confused it for her babbling in a demonic tongue. She could only smile evilly to herself as she imagined its effect before collecting a handful of spoons and returning to the library, deeming her work in the kitchen “done”.
When she returned to her Master he was red-faced and sweating, Tani hadn’t missed how his robes were pushed upwards ever so slightly at the crotch either. It was one of the advantages of being as short as she was. With a satisfied little smile she dropped the spoons on the table, and the young wizard-in-training nearly jumped out of his chair in surprise. Seems like he had been trying very hard to focus on his work so he wouldn’t have to pay any attention to his growing lust. Unfortunately for him, Tani was here now.
‘Ah, thank you…’ He croaked as he picked up one of the spoons and started to focus intently on it.
Tani didn’t know what he was trying to do, and merely replied with another spell. A different one this time. The spoon her Master had been holding slipped out of his hands as his eyes widened while Tani, from her current position, watched as his robes slowly pushed upwards a few more inches as her satisfied little smile broadened. The young man shot Tani a glare that was a mixture of confusion and anger, but the curvy little succubus looked as innocent as a demon could. So Tani’s Master returned to his studies, or at least tried to.
Whatever the young wizard-in-training had wanted to use cutlery for Tani didn’t know, because whenever he tried to cast a spell it failed abysmally. Then again, she was probably the cause of this failure. Because whenever she was sent to accomplish a task, she would reply with a spell that would either increase his lust or subtly made his member grow an extra inch or so. This continued for about an hour until her Master’s cock was now so large that it nearly brushed against the underside of the table he was studying at and it was made painfully obvious that he had an erection.
‘Oh my, Master!’ Tani gasped theatrically as she dove underneath the table to “clean”. ‘Do you require my aid with this?’ She asked sweetly, while wrapping both of her tiny hands around his impressive, cloth-covered shaft.
A choked gasp passed the young man’s lips in response to the succubus’ touch, after which he fell silent for a few moments. He seemed to consider Tani’s offer, but clearly still thought of her as nothing but a brainless imp. ‘That will not be necessary, please resume cleaning.’ He eventually replied, although not before loudly clearing his throat.
Tani spoke a few words in that demonic tongue that no doubt sounded as if she swearing in frustration at her Master’s words, while in actuality the short and curvy demon was smiling to herself as she watched as a damp spot formed on the front of her Master’s robes. Still, she did as was asked of her and resumed cleaning. Although she did make sure that she was close to her master while she was working and would occasionally brush against him, or wiggle her behind as she scrubbed the floors. After a while, the young wizard-in-training that had summoned her was clearly looking at her instead of focusing on his work. Just like Tani had planned.
‘Gods damn it!’ He eventually swore. ‘How am I supposed to work like this?’ He asked no one in particular. ‘You, imp! Cease your cleaning and come here to service your Master!’ He ordered Tani.
‘As you wish, Master…’ Tani purred seductively, and she tried not to let the smug look on her face show as she crawled underneath the table.
There, she came face to face with her Master’s monstrous erection. Apparently, he hadn’t been wearing anything underneath his robes. So as soon as Tani crawled under the table to please him, he had thrown the garment open. And now a long, thick shaft that was bulging with veins and drooling precum was pointed straight at the tiny succubus’ face. By human standards, he was huge! But Tani found that it could still use some work, especially after the way her Master had treated her the last few hours.
So with a wicked smile on her face Tani wrapped her small hands around the young man’s impressive erection and gently began to stroke it while she buried her face between his testicles. She alternated between kissing his balls and whispering demonic words at them. Above her, her Master groaned while Tani’s eyes sparkled mischievously as she watched the fleshy orbs that she had been peppering with kisses slowly swell in front of her while she felt his dick growing even larger in her hands.
Warm, gooey slime had started to pour from the young man’s cumslit, all over Tani’s hands. Some of it even shot from the tip of the wizard-in-training’s cock with enough force to cover the bottom of the table he was sitting at, as well as the short succubus’ back and shapely behind. Yet Tani’s Master had not achieved an orgasm so far. He was enjoying himself, though. That much was clear. Even with how she was focusing on her Master’s cock and casting spell after spell Tani could hear his desperate moans echoing through the library. Then, the wizard-in-training suddenly pulled his chair back and stood up, causing his massive penis to slip out of Tani’s slick hands. The succubus feared that her fun was over already.
‘Gods! Use your mouth, you good-for-nothing imp!’ Her Master cursed as he suddenly grabbed her by the horns and pulled Tani’s head up towards his plump, precum-drooling cockhead. ‘I don’t want to be here all day!’
‘Of course, Master…’ Tani said lovingly, before she dutifully opened her mouth. Her Master didn’t even seem to notice how his member had grown to be comparable in size to that of a stallion’s, while his testicles were almost as big as a pair of apples.
Then again, that was probably her fault. The formerly intelligent young man that had only seemed interested in advancing his magic was gone. Currently he only seemed interested in satisfying his lust, and with a grunt he shoved his hips forwards. The crown of his monstercock easily slipped past the tiny succubus’ plump black lips, and disappeared down her throat. Tani’s cheeks and throat did bulge out due to her Master’s sheer girth, but she did not gag as inch after inch of the fleshy pole was forced down her gullet. If he had been in more control of his faculties the young wizard-in-training would have been impressed with the tiny woman’s skills, but as things were he only saw her soft lips and tight, wet throat as a way to get himself off.
Which, honestly, was just fine with Tani. She swallowed his thick, hot precum eagerly and moaned as if it was the best thing she had ever tasted. Meanwhile her skilled, nimble tongue caressed the underside of her Master’s beastial shaft to please him even more, while her hands were busy groping his heavy, cum-filled testicles. Her Master’s mind might’ve mistaken her for an imp, but his body certainly knew she was a succubus. Because of that, it didn’t take long before Tani could feel the young man’s grip on her horns tighten while she felt his balls starting to clench in her glove-clad hands. He was going to cum.
‘Oooh…Gods!’ Her Master groaned, before a flood of hot, syrupy jizz was blasted down Tani’s throat.
The way in which Tani was rapidly swallowing the young man’s thick white jizz brought him even more pleasure, but with his salty cum the succubus tasted something else. A strange energy filled her, one that she hadn’t experienced in decades. And her tiny body shuddered in pleasure as her clear juices coated the insides of her thick, dark purple thighs. She had just consumed a tiny bit of her Master’s soul. It was delicious and she wanted more! Luckily, her Master didn’t seem to be done with her yet either. The young man stumbled backwards, reluctantly pulling his monstrous shaft from Tani’s talented throat, and collapsed in the chair he had been sitting in only moments before. He was clearly exhausted, but the look in his eyes made it clear that lust was still raging through his body.
Tani said nothing as she stepped away from her young master, she merely pulled on the demonic silver Omega symbol that had been struggling to keep her top closed. This, of course, resulted in the piece of black cloth to slip down, revealing the short succubus’ huge breasts. Immediately thick, but clear, slime resumed flowing from her Master’s cumslit and rapidly formed a puddle underneath his massive erection. Smiling, Tani gave her hard, violet nipples a little pinch before turning around to show off her rear. The wizard-in-training had noticed early that the small, curvy demon’s loincloth didn’t have a back part, but he had tried to ignore it. Now, however, he was staring so intently at the ballooning, heart-shaped globes that he didn’t even notice the the thin, red book that Tani was still holding with her tail.
From behind her Tani could hear several loud, wet splattering sounds and smiled to herself. That puddle of precum had no doubt grown even bigger. With that smile still on her face the succubus began to undo the straps that kept her loincloth up and, as it drifted to the ground, she turned around again. Her poor Master released a strangled sound at the sight of Tani wearing nothing aside from her white opera gloves and thigh high boots, and moments later a blob of precum shot from the tip of his cock with enough force to land on the succubus’ prodigious chest.
‘Oh my, Master,’ Tani teased as she worked the pearly fluid into her chest, thus giving her huge, dark purple breasts a lustrous shine. ‘Could it be that you’re not satisfied yet?’ She asked innocently.
With a sudden roar the young man rose up from his chair and approached the short succubus, his opened robes finally falling from his sweaty body in the process. Tani grinned and released a pleased little yelp when the wizard-in-training picked her up with surprising strength, before he pressed the hot, pulsing crown of his monstrous shaft against her aroused cunt. The curvy demon said nothing, nor did she do anything to stop her Master as he began to force her down on his massive prick. Why would she want to?
For a normal human woman, fitting the young man’s dick into their sex would be impossible. But Tani’s demonic twat stretched impossibly to accommodate her Master’s thick, veiny cock and it did not bother her in the least. In fact, Tani was giggling and moaning as her wet cunt tightened around the young man’s beast of a member, it’s bulging, pulsing veins teasing her folds in just the right way.
The wizard-in-training himself was moaning and groaning even louder than Tani was, his arms buckling as he tried to force her down further on his monstercock. The demon might’ve been tiny, but it seemed like her huge breasts and big, shapely rear still made her quite heavy. Fortunately for Tani, sheer lust and willpower seemed to fuel the young man to continue holding her small, soft form against him while he pushed her down on his long, meaty shaft.
After nearly half of her Master’s horse-like cock was packed into her pussy Tani was releasing small, muffled cries of pleasure as she buried her face in his chest and stomach. Her formerly flat belly had been bulging outwards slightly as well, but it was more for the wizard-in-training’s benefit than anything else. Tani would be able to take the rest of his monstercock with ease! This was clearly shown when she slowly but surely she sank down further, helped by both the forceful way in which her Master was pushing her down, as well as the lubrication provided by the copious amounts of precum that was still bubbling forth from his cumslit and, of course, Tani’s own juices.
So eventually, the entirety of the wizard-in-training’s massive member had disappeared into Tani’s muff. The curvy little demon was shivering in pleasure against her young Master’s body, her legs hanging limply and feeling like rubber while she had her arms wrapped around his waist. Of course, being a succubus, Tani still wanted more. She hadn’t had a human partner in ages and wanted to make the most of the opportunity., Unfortunately, she eventually realized that her poor Master didn’t seem to have the strength in his arms to lift her back up. So she decided to offer some advice.
‘Master…’ She murmured softly, happily in an attempt to catch his attention. ‘Why don’t you throw me on that table and continue ravaging me?’ The tiny demon cooed lovingly.
‘…good idea.’ The young man snarled hungrily, before he took a few steps towards the table he had been studying at earlier.
Tani released a few cries of happiness at the sudden movement, and she and her Master left behind a messy trail of precum and pussyjuices. As soon as the young man got close enough, he carelessly swept the books he had been studying along with his notes, quills and anything else in his way off of the table. Making an even bigger mess of the library and no doubt destroying several priceless grimoires. Tani released the book she had been holding in her tail to join the mess on the floor, before she let go of her Master’s waist and allowed him to lower her onto the table.
For a few moments, nothing happened as the wizard-in-training took in the small, purple-skinned demon’s appearance again. This time, she was wearing nothing but her boots and gloves and her beautiful face had turned into a mask of pleasure. Pale lavender, almost white, hair clung to her face, slick with sweat. While her huge, heaving breasts were shining in the sunlight that filtered through the library windows due to a combination of his precum and her sweat. Then, suddenly, Tani’s Master pulled his hips back with a roar. A roar that was soon joined by Tani’s own pleased squeal as several inches of the young man’s monstercock were swiftly extracted from her tight, wet cunt. All of a sudden Tani felt very empty, but only for a moment. Because her Master quickly, brutally rammed his hips forwards again.
Another squeal escaped Tani’s throat, only to be abruptly silenced when her Master pulled his hips backwards yet again, catching the little succubus off guard. He repeated his earlier actions and quickly slammed the entirety of his prick back into Tani’s tight, wet depths. Her young Master rapidly began to fuck the tiny succubus in a rough, beastial fashion. But Tani didn’t mind, she might have been little but she wasn’t some delicate doll. In fact, seeing the formerly bright, studious wizard-in-training acting all primal and intent on breeding her, all seemingly on instinct, turned her on incredibly. Before she knew it Tani was wiggling underneath her Master in pleasure, watching him glare down at her, snarling, while hammering his monstercock in and out of her sopping pussy was enough to set off several small orgasms and before she knew it she felt the young man’s cock swell even larger within her.
‘…fuck!’ Tani managed to croak, before a wave of hot semen, just as thick as her Master’s first load, flooded her womb.
With it came the same strange energy as before, and Tani had successfully consumed another tiny bite of the young man’s soul. But while the wizard-in-training had been taken by a wave of fatigue after his first orgasm, right now he simply kept going! Tani wasn’t bothered by this in the least, fortunately. She had enough energy to spare. So the young man continued to thrust his hips, but even as his load of jizz was turned into a frothy cream due to the way that his dick was hammering into the succubus’ cum-filled pussy, not a single drop escaped…
* * * *
Odelia Rinmer returned after a long, boring day of acting as the advisor to the local duke. She despised being taken away from instructing her apprentice and her own magical studies, but she was technically in the duke’s employ. Still, she just wished the old man wouldn’t be so blatantly obvious in ogling her. Well…technically she was older than him, she just didn’t look it.
Odelia barely looked like she was in her thirties with her flawless, porcelain white skin and pitch black hair. There was not a hint of a wrinkle anywhere and not a single grey hair. But her eyes, those deep blue eyes, showed hints of a long, long life. Yet, she did not show her age and she was a great beauty. Her long black hair had been pulled backwards into a neat bun, not a single hair was out of place. This showed off her swanlike neck, and left her oval-shaped face completely unobscured. She had put on some light makeup to accentuate her cheekbones and let her lips appear that much fuller, while eyeshadow and gave her blue eyes a smoky quality. Of course, the duke rarely paid attention to her face.
Like most people who studied magic, she wore robes. They were fairly protective when practising alchemy or simple spells and were easy to slip out off too. Odelia’s robes, however, were rather tight and the rich embroidery upon it only served to accentuate the lines of her, rather large, chest and her broad, motherly hips and shapely backside. So obviously, most of her employer’s stares were drawn to her…assets.
‘Mervin!’ Odelia called out after shaking her head in an attempt to forget about the old duke. ‘Mervin?!’ She called out again, a little concerned. Normally her apprentice would be at her side immediately, eager to learn from her and impress her.
Fortunately, she found the young man where she had expected to find him. In the library. Only, he wasn’t alone. Odelia’s eyes widened as she saw a small, purple-skinned form moving her body up and down in Mervin’s lap. And the creature was indeed a her as it had a pair of breasts and buttocks nearly as big as Odelia’s, although they looked far larger on her small form. She was also holding a strange, thin red book and was occasionally reading words from it in a strange language.
‘A demon!’ Odelia hissed, and the small, curvy demon immediately turned her head towards Odelia.
Before the demon could recite any spells from the book she was holding, however, Odelia quickly recited a spell of her own. And in a puff of black and purple smoke, the demon had disappeared. Odelia had exorcised the small demon and she had returned to the Underworld where she belonged along with, unfortunately, the grimoire she had been holding.
Odelia quickly rushed towards Mervin to see if her apprentice was alright. Fortunately, he was still breathing, although he looked exhausted. Which meant that the demon, probably a succubus, hadn’t taken his soul. Relieved that the young man was fine, Odelia’s attention shifted elsewhere and her eyes slowly widened as they fell upon her apprentice’s crotch.
‘By the Gods…just what kind of book did that foul creature find, Mervin?’ Odelia asked, before swallowing hard.
A meaty, pulsing obelisk covered in bulging veins was sticking up from between Mervin’s spread legs. Legs that were spread because his testicles were nearly the size of a pair of grapefruits. Odelia nervously licked her lips as she looked at it. How did her skinny apprentice have enough blood in his body to bring such a beast erect? As she wondered about this, Mervin was whimpering weakly on the floor.
‘Don’t worry, my apprentice. I will find a way to undo this.’ Odelia whispered soothingly, and then yelped as a sudden plume of clear slime blasted from the tip the monstercock in front of her and landed on her robes. ‘Perhaps…perhaps I should find a way to calm you down first…’ Odelia added quietly, more to herself than Mervin. She hadn’t noticed how her hard nipples had become visible even through the thick cloth of her robes.
Odelia questioned her motives for a few moments. Was it really wise to get sexually involved with her apprentice, even if it was for a good cause? Did that little demon manage to get a spell off on her after all? But as another bolt of precum came sailing down and once again landed on her robes, Odelia figured that after having spent years of her life on studying magic and denying herself the pleasures of the flesh that she had earned herself a little fun! So with that thought in mind, she slipped out of her robes and freed her large breasts before starting on the herculean task of trapping her apprentice’s monstercock between them…

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