Thursday 22 November 2018

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 3: Product Testing for Aphrodite Industries

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 3: Product Testing for Aphrodite Industries
After the events of chapter 2 Nex gets a call from a researcher who works for Aphrodite Industries, asking her to test a new sexbot prototype. Ever eager to help…and get laid…and get paid, Nex accepts and quickly goes to the planet Eden where this sexbot is being kept.
Contains: M/F, big cock, sexbot, shortstack, big breasts, aphrodisiac.

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 3: Product Testing for Aphrodite Industries
After leaving Carchar behind with her payment, Nex was more than ready to return to Floating Eden where she could spend her credits and enjoy the good life once more. Of course, it wasn’t going to be that easy for the Xyli. When her ship approached the system’s warp gate, her holo-phone rang.
‘What now…’ Nex muttered, as she pressed the round device into her ship’s computer and answered the call.
Her view of space was replaced by the face of a young woman with a richly decorated office in the background, all tinged in green. ‘Ah, Miss Starshine I presume?’ the woman asked with a friendly smile.
‘Yes, what can I help you with?’ the Xyli asked in a business-like tone of voice.
‘My name is Amia Violetta and I represent Aphrodite Industries,’ she said by way of introduction, and Nex perked up at the name of the company. ‘We have been trying to contact you for a while, but unfortunately we have not been able to leave any video messages for you. So I’m glad I caught you today.’
‘I really have to upgrade that damn phone of mine…’ Nex muttered to herself in embarrassment. Her old holo-phone couldn’t record video messages. Luckily, Amia didn’t hear her comment. Or simply didn’t care.
‘Now, my reason for calling you is this. Going over your purchasing history, it seems like you have bought almost all of our sex toys. Some more than once,’ Amia explained with a warm smile. ‘And seeing as we’ve heard about your reputation as a Jack-of-all-Trades that does anything “from Bounty hunting to Babysitting”, I think we might have a job offer that suits you.’
‘You do? Well, don’t keep me waiting. I’m all ears, Miss Violetta.’ Nex replied, her plush black lips forming a smile.
‘First things first, I assume you’ve heard of our Companion Droids?’ Amia asked.
‘The androgynous robots made of those cables and goo?’ Nex asked, and Amia nodded in response. ‘I have. Never purchased one though, they looked too fragile to me.’ The Xyli explained with a shrug.
‘It is a common complaint we receive. At least, from several female customers who have chosen to make their Companion Droid male when they were first started up. So our researchers and engineers have created a male robot to satisfy the desires of those female customers. We have run it to several simulations, but haven’t found any volunteers for an actual test run.’ Amia explained.
‘I guess that’s where I come in?’ Nex asked with a grin.
‘Yes, we have found other means to test how tough they are and whether they can withstand the strength of the more…rough species that purchase our goods. But when it comes to sex, we have no data. And you Xyli have a reputation for breeding with species far larger and stronger than you are, so we were wondering if—…’
‘If it pays well, and I can have some fun, then I’m on the case!’ Nex said excitedly, cutting off the rest of Amia’s sentence. ‘Just tell me where to find you and I’ll be there as fast as my ship can take me.’
‘Excellent! I knew Aphrodite Industries could count on your unique set of skills for this task,’ Amia said while clapping her hands. ‘I’ll send the coordinates of the facility where we need you now. I look forward to meeting you in person, goodbye Miss Starshine!’ And with that, the call was over.
‘“Unique set of skills”? I know how to take a monstercock, there isn’t much to it,’ Nex snorted as she tapped a few buttons on the console she was sitting behind. ‘But hey, I’ll gladly take the compliment if it helps paying the bills.’ The Xyli mused with a grin as the coordinates Amia sent to her holo-phone were moved to her ship’s computer.
With that done, the Xyli flew her ship into the warp gate and set course to the system she was needed. Now that she was stuck in the warp for some time, Nex decided to head to her room. After all, this was where several of the toys she had purchased from Aphrodite Industries were. So seeing as she was going to test one of their droids, she should probably familiarize herself with their products once more. Or at least, that was her excuse as she shrugged out of her tight, clingy white suit and grabbed a vibrator with two foot long shafts that wiggled like tentacles after she turned it on.
Releasing a pleased sigh Nex lied down on the bed and spread her thick, shapely blue thighs and lined up the vibrator’s shafts with her eager snatch and twitching asshole before slowly pushing them inside. A moan escaped the Xyli’s mouth as the two fake cocks began to wiggle around in her holes, hitting all the right spots. She turned up the dial further and released a little squeak as the two shafts wriggled around and hummed loudly. With her free hand she weighed one of her big, heavy blue breasts and began to tease her nipple while lying back and moaning in pleasure.
For the next few hours in the warp screams of pleasure resounded through the Xyili’s ship while a loud humming came from her bedroom…
* * * *
When the warning came that the Silver Shafter would leave the warp gate soon, Nex just stepped out of a cold shower. Using her toys sure had been fun, but she felt that she was going to need her wits when testing Aphrodite Industries new droid. With an annoyed grunt the Xyli quickly dried herself off and put on her suit. It always felt as if the time she had to relax in the warp was far too short. She was back in the cockpit just as her ship left the warp, and quickly sat down in the pilot’s seat while turning off auto-pilot.
According to her ship’s computer she was in the Arcadia system on the fringes of civilized space, there were only a few habitable planets and most were popular for housing cities that catered to the black market. Nex’s destination was a small planet simply called Eden. It was where Aphrodite Industries had gotten its start, and was probably the safest place in this system. As she entered Eden’s atmosphere the speakers of her ship crackled.
‘This is ground control of the Garden, please identify yourself.’ A voice said via her ship’s communications.
‘This is Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades and pilot of the Silver Shafter. Miss Amia Violetta hired me for a job at the Aphrodite Industries facility located here.’ The Xyli replied.
The person at the other end was silent for a while. Perhaps verifying her information or maybe he was simply shocked in response to hearing the name of her ship. ‘Alright, everything checks out Miss Starshine. You are free to touch down at our space port. Dock number 3 is free, and I’ve been informed that Aphrodite Industries will take care of your fees.’
After the communications channel was closed off Nex smiled to herself. ‘Those Aphrodite Industries people sure know how to take care of a girl.’ She mused.
The Xyli whistled to herself when the Garden came into view. It was the planet’s largest city, and it certainly lived up to its name. Greenery and beautiful flowers grew among the sprawling, colourful buildings as ships flew overhead and hover cars drove around on glowing blue tracks. A few miles outside of the city was an enormous port from which large space ships constantly launched, only to make room for another. At the side were numbered docks sealed with plasma shields. Only dock number 3 was left unlocked, and Nex easily flew the Silver Shafter inside. Before she was even finished landing, her holo-phone rang.
As soon as her ship touched down Nex answered her holo-phone, and once again her view of the outside was obscured by the green-tinged face of Amia Violetta. ‘I’ve received word that you just arrived at our fair city,’ she stated with a warm smile. ‘I will send a hover car over to pick you up.’
‘And here I was hoping I’d finally meet you in person…’ Nex mused with a teasing little smile.
‘Don’t worry Miss Starshine, we’ll be spending plenty of time together in the testing area.’ Amia mused, her warm smile turning slightly mysterious.
Amia ended the call before Nex could answer, leaving the Xyli sitting in her ship with her mouth hanging open. ‘She could have at least said goodbye.’ Nex muttered to herself as she turned off the engine and grabbed her holo-phone.
Before leaving the Silver Shafter Nex stopped at her room again, this time to grab the belt she hadn’t worn since she’d travelled to Charon 4 to capture the Sorga. After slinging it over her slender hips she carefully checked if she had everything she needed. The glass bottle of milk she had procured on Charon 4 had been placed in storage; her bulky wristpad was placed safely in one of the pouches. And she put her holo-phone in one of them as well. She even placed her raygun, Starstunner, in its holster. Eden might be one of the safest places in the Arcadia system, but the Xyli rather didn’t take any chances. The only thing she hadn’t had with her was her credstick.
‘I’ll probably need that if I want to get paid…’ Nex mused drily as she searched her room, tossing several articles of clothing aside. She finally found it on one of her bedside table, hidden behind one of the toys she had used on herself while flying through the warp gate.
Now that she had everything she needed, the Xyli left the Silver Shafterthrough its cargo hold. As she exited the ship, Nex mused to herself how strange it was to have a dock all to herself. Whenever she spent her free time in Floating Eden it had been a bitch to find a dock that had room for her ship to spare. Still, she wasn’t about to get used to a luxury like this. Chances were that she’d be going back on Floating Eden after this job was complete, and Lorus and the other dockhands would have to find another spot for her amusingly shaped ship. While these thoughts drifted through her head Nex called the high-speed elevator that would bring her to the lobby, and grinned. She couldn’t wait to get back to Floating Eden. It was one of the few places she could truly relax.
The elevator arrived within moments and before she knew it, Nex was on the ground floor. She hadn’t even had the time to observe the building as the high-speed elevator rushed down. As it turned out, she hadn’t missed much. The lobby was a large, open area with a high ceiling and huge glass windows that gave a good view of the ships that were constantly arriving at, or leaving, the port, while several high-speed elevators were constantly in motion. In the centre of the lobby there stood two enormous pillars that projected several small holographic screens that any visitors could use. Between the pillars a small circular desk was built, behind it stood a robot that looked like it would offer additional assistance.
Although Amia had stated that there would be someone here to come pick her up, Nex didn’t see anyone carrying a piece of cardboard with her name on it. Nor did anyone approach her. So with a shrug the Xyli approached the desk. As she got closer she noticed that the robot was clearly feminine in appearance with long hair kept in a braid and an oval-shaped face whose features made her look friendly and approachable. And that was counting the fact that her chassis was a cold grey and her large eyes were completely green. Despite those unnatural features, her black lips looked plush and natural, and they formed a smile when Nex approached her.
‘How can I be of assistance?’ She asked Nex in a metallic sounding voice. Nex found it a little unsettling that those plush lips of hers didn’t move when she spoke.
Now that she was closer the Xyli noticed other things. Like the way that the robot’s “braid” was plugged into something underneath her desk. Although she had to get on her tippy toes to see it, Nex also noticed that the robotic receptionist had no lower body, she just seemed to be a part of the floor. Yet her creators had given her large breasts, and a crispy white blouse with several buttons undone. Apparently people still enjoyed staring at women’s chest while they talked, even if they were robotic. Nex mused with a smile.
‘A Miss Amia Violetta from Aphrodite Industries said that she would send a hover car to pick me up. Yet no one seems to be here for me,’ Nex mentioned. ‘Is there an area outside where cabs or whatever are usually waiting for people?’ the Xyli asked.
‘Cabdrivers and chauffeurs have to wait outside by the northern entrance to drive onto the anti-gravity tracks more easily,’ the receptionist answered Nex in her metallic voice. ‘Have you checked there yet?’
‘Er…no. Thank you for your help.’ Nex replied.
‘It was no problem. Come see me again when you require further assistance.’ The robotic receptionist said as the Xyli turned around and left.
Sure enough, when Nex exited the building she saw a cluster of yellow cabs and several other cars parked a little away from a wide, glowing rail that stretched out to the sky. But a single person stood out, it was a young driver standing near a sleek black hover car. He stood out because he was holding a holo-phone which projected an image of a four foot tall, blue-skinned Xyli wearing a tight-fitting space suit. That Xyli looked all too familiar to Nex.
‘I assume you’re looking for me?’ Nex asked with a grin when she approached the driver, he was young with dark skin and blessed with a broad jaw. When he heard her voice he looked up from the holographic image with a startled look in his eyes.
‘Yes, Miss Starshine. I will be driving you to the Aphrodite Industries offices here in the Garden,’ he said politely while putting the holo-phone away and opening the back door of the hover car. ‘I, uh, apologize for not meeting you inside.’ He added while clearing his throat.
‘Don’t worry about it, you were distracted.’ Nex replied as she parked her rump in the backseat, her lips stretching into a naughty little smile.
Unfortunately, her driver didn’t seem to want to respond to her teasing. Instead, he shut the door and opened the driver’s side door. ‘Please put on your seatbelt, Miss Starshine.’ He asked politely while he sat down and looked in the rear-view mirror.
‘Alright.’ Nex replied, but instead of putting on her seatbelt she undid a few of the magnetic strips that held together her suit.
‘Wh-what are you doing?’ her driver stammered curiously, as soft, blue breastflesh poured out into the open.
‘Sorry, but having a hover car’s seatbelt pushing against these strips while I wear it is just so uncomfortable,’ Nex replied with a theatrical pout. ‘You don’t mind, do you?’ she asked with an impish glimmer in her eyes.
‘N-no ma’am!’ the driver stammered. ‘As long as you put on your seatbelt its fine by me.’

‘Why, aren’t you a gentleman!’ Nex said with a beaming smile, while putting on her seatbelt. It was squeezed between her breasts, separating the two big, weighty globes.
The driver looked away from rear-view mirror when he noticed that the blue-skinned space babe was staring at him, and awkwardly cleared his throat. ‘Alright Miss Starshine, brace yourself. We’re going to lift off.’
With that said he properly started the hover car and the thrusters underneath the car fired up. At first they didn’t get to far off the ground and moved rather slowly, despite the fact that the thrusters at the back of the car were used as well. But when the hover car got closer to the glowing blue tracks and entered the anti-gravity field, the ride became easier. And before Nex knew it, they were flying along the anti-gravity tracks and above the city. The Xyli got a little closer to one of the windows and enjoyed the scenery as it flashed by. She saw buildings shaped like giant trees or flowers and even animals among the more common houses and plant-life, she even noticed wildlife living in the city. Or close to it. Apparently the Garden had earned its name.
With all the extravagant buildings she had seen on the way, Nex expected the offices of Aphrodite Industries to be something else. Unfortunately enough, it was rather plain. The series of building and towers made from white stone standing on the hill overlooking the city could resemble a swan or a dove if you squinted hard enough. But mostly, it was just big. Nex was a little disappointed about it, but at least they looked like they would be able to pay her. Her driver pressed a button on his dashboard as they were getting closer to the office and a small speaker crackled.
‘This is Thomas Barnes; I am arriving with Miss Starshine now.’ Her driver announced.
‘Understood. Miss Violetta should be waiting by parking lot B, please drop Miss Starshine off there.’ The voice at the other end replied, and with that the communication stopped.
Thomas nodded to himself and after driving for a few more minutes moved the hover car off of the anti-gravity tracks and directed it to a large parking lot while they slowly lost altitude. Once they had safely touched down, Nex noticed three people approaching the hover car. All of them were wearing lab coats, and at least one of them looked familiar to the Xyli. Although this time, her skin wasn’t tinged green. With a grin Nex removed her seatbelt and opened the car door before hopping out, giving Amia Violetta a friendly wave.
‘Hm…Despite the holographic image we received holding your appearance, I still expected you to be taller.’ Amia mused to herself as she stopped a few feet away from the Xyli.
Amia Violetta was a tall woman, who wore a pair of elegant red pumps that made her look even taller. Nex guessed she would be an inch or two over six feet without the things. Her skin was the colour of burnished copper and lacked any imperfections, except for a small beauty mark close to the left corner of her plush, inviting lips. Despite those plush lips, the rest of Amia’s face was sharp and angular. Beautiful of course, but she looked like a strict teacher, or dominatrix. Nex also noticed some fine, barely visible creases in the corner of Amia’s almond-shaped eyes, but in this day and age it was tough to discern someone’s true age. It was especially tough to guess Amia’s age, because those lines near her eyes were the only indication that she might be older than she looked. There were no streaks of grey in the inky black tresses she held in an intricate braid, for example. Nor did anything on her body look saggy.
While she looked over the other woman’s body, Nex noticed that Amia had some impressive curves to go along with her impressive height. Although she wore a rather unflattering purple turtleneck sweater, it couldn’t hide the swell of her impressive bosom. Nex doubted her breasts could be anywhere near the size of Carmine Cerise, Manorro Reef’s Sirian secretary, but they were still quite huge. Her waist flared out in some broad, baby-bearing hips that looked a little too large for the tight-fitting jeans Amia was wearing. But Nex certainly wouldn’t complain about it. After taking her time looking the other woman over the Xyli looked up at Amia, having to crane her neck slightly.
‘I’m sure most women would look short when compared to you,’ Nex shot back with a smirk. ‘Don’t let my size fool you though “good things come in small packages”, isn’t that what you humans say?’ she asked with a cock of her head.
A ghost of a smile briefly flashed over Amia’s features, before turning around. Giving the Xyli a great view of wide, ballooning buttocks squeezed in a pair of tight jeans. ‘If you say so Miss Starshine, I just hope you can handle Adonis. Now please follow me.’ She said, before walking ahead without waiting for an answer.
‘Bye Thomas, I hope we see each other again soon,’ Nex said as she waved her driver goodbye, he waved back at her awkwardly as she followed Amia. ‘So I’m guessing Adonis is the name of your new sexbot?’ she then asked as she followed Amia and her two companions, half walking and half running to keep up with them.

‘Yes.’ Amia replied flatly.
‘What? You’re not going to tell me anything else?’ Nex asked, looking up at the taller woman.
‘And spoil the surprise?’ Amia replied, smiling broadly.
The rest of the walk continued in silence. As they entered the building Nex noticed one thing. Almost every employee of Aphrodite Industries was handsome or beautiful; apparently being a part of a company named after some human deity of beauty and sex they had decided everyone should look the part. Even the two men that walked Nex and Amia were handsome and well built. Eventually they entered a high-speed elevator and rushed down a few levels.
‘This is where we test our new products,’ Amia announced as the elevator doors hissed open. ‘And here is where we keep Adonis.’ She said as she exited the high-speed elevator and stopped at the first door to the right.
After swiping a key card over a panel next to the door, it hissed open and Amia, Nex and the two other scientists could enter. The first thing she noticed was a large window that looked out into yet another room, in which a tall musclebound shape was standing. Before the window was a large console that projected several holographic shapes or screens with statistics. Nex cocked a curious pale eyebrow, but Amia ignored it all and approached the next door. Swiping her card over the panel next to it and turning to face the Xyli as it hissed open.
‘Would you please follow me, Miss Starshine?’ she asked politely. ‘David and Connor will stay here to monitor our progress.’ She explained, nodding towards the two male scientists.
With a shrug Nex did as Amia asked off her and entered the room, passing the taller woman. It was completely white, with tiled floors and walls, and rather barren as well. The only furniture there was a table and a single chair. Standing in the centre of the room was a seven foot tall, masculine, robot. He, because it was definitely a he, was pure white, just like the room they were in, with the only splash of colour on his body being the Aphrodite Industries logo. Which was a large red A standing on a blue scallop shell. His body was meticulously masculine with broad shoulders and muscles adorning its body, making it look like he was made of marble instead of metal.
‘Take of your clothes and place them on the table, please.’ A voice asked over the speakers. David or Connor, Nex didn’t know.
Still, she didn’t mind an audience. With a little flair the Xyli unclasped her belt and let it fall to the floor, before turning around to face the darkened window she knew the two male scientists were looking through. While her plump, black lips stretched into a wicked little smile she undid magnetic strip after magnetic strip, revealing more of flawless blue skin. After a few strips were undone her large, blue boobs spilled into the open. The shapely globes sagged down slightly due to their sheer weight and her dark blue nipples stiffened in the cold room. While winking at her unseen audience she began tugging down the rest over her suit over her big buttocks and thick thighs, before eventually kicking it off when pooled around her ankles. When she put everything on the table and looked to her side, she noticed she wasn’t the only one naked in the room.

Amia was sitting in the room’s only chair, wearing nothing but her lab coat and her red pumps. Nex took a moment to admire the way her huge, brown breasts sat high and proud on the woman’s chest, her dark nipples erect. Amia’s turtleneck had hidden a slender waist and a surprisingly fit stomach. The Xyli even noticed a hint of abdominal muscles. Meanwhile the researcher’s ass looked like it didn’t fit all too comfortably in the chair she was sitting on. Noticing that the blue space babe was watching Amia crossed and uncrossed her legs, flashing her plump, shining wet cunny to the watching Xyli.
‘So, why are you naked too?’ Nex asked while cocking her head in curiosity.
‘To make you feel at ease, of course,’ Amia said with a shrug. ‘Now please, approach Adonis so we may start this test run of ours.’ She added with a wicked smile.
‘Alright, so how are we going to do this?’ Nex mused as she stepped up to the sexbot. A pleasant shiver passing through her when her feelers brushed against the cool steel of his stomach.
‘For the purpose of testing we have set this Adonis sexbot to listen to the commands of my voice, this is why I am here,’ Amia explained. ‘So, let’s get started. Adonis, wake up.’ The researcher said in a commanding tone of voice.
Immediately the sexbot eyes lit up a bright blue, revealing his features more clearly. His face was broad and it looked like his creators gave him a chiselled jawline and a strong chin. He seemed to lack any ears or hair, though. Still, Nex thought he was handsome as he looked around.

‘What do you wish of me, Mistress?’ he asked Amia in a deep, masculine voice. Although his mouth did not move as he spoke.
‘Good news Adonis, today you will sleep with a real woman for the first time,’ Amia announced. ‘It will be this Xyli standing in front of you, her name is Nex. Please scan her for conformation and select a member that will fit her.’
‘Acknowledged,’ Adonis rumbled, and his eyes flared a bright blue as he began looking Nex over, the Xyli had to squeeze her eyes shut when he eventually came to her face. ‘Xyli, female, twenty-four years of age…calculating,’ Adonis muttered after he finished analysing Nex’s body. The Xyli picked up a barely audible whirring coming from the sexbot’s body, before his groin suddenly opened and something slid out. ‘Does this please you?’ Adonis asked Nex.
In response the blue space babe released a sharp wolf whistle. ‘You can bet your metal butt it does.’ She mused.
Now hanging between Adonis’ legs was a large cock that seemed to be made out of a soft, rubbery white material and was covered with soft-looking ridges. It was also a little over a foot long, and seemed to get even bigger as the sexbot grew erect.
‘Alright Adonis,’ Amia stated, while the Xyli watched the sexbot’s member and smiled lewdly. ‘Pick Miss Starshine up and penetrate her, then proceed with coitus on cycle 1.’
‘Understood.’ Adonis rumbled, before he reached down and grabbed the Xyli’s slender waist with his large, strong hands.
A soft squeak passed Nex’s lips as the sexbot’s surprisingly warm, mechanical hands closed around her waist and turned her around to face the window through which the other two researchers were observing them. A moment later she was lifted in the air and lowered on Adonis’ member. Nex hissed as Adonis’ hot cockhead splayed her labia apart and sank into her tight, dripping depths. Nex bit down on her plush bottom lip while her eyes lost focus as she felt the ridges on the sexbot’s monstercock teasing her folds as it sank inside her at a torturously slow pace. Once he was completely inside her Nex stared down at her bulging stomach, and breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, Adonis was only just beginning.
‘Commencing cycle 1.’ Adonis said in his deep voice.
Nex felt the hands of the sexbot tightening around her waist, and before she knew it Adonis lifted her partly off his member. Just like when he had first penetrated her, he did it at a tortuously slow pace, making sure that each of the ridges on his member had plenty of time to tease the Xyli’s folds. Once he had lifted her partway off his member, Adonis pushed Nex down again. This continued for several minutes and Adonis never picked up the pace, leaving Nex to twist and writhe and kick in his grip as she was teased by the sexbot’s massive cock.
‘I think she can take higher speeds than just cycle one, Amia.’ One of the researchers observing her said.
‘You’re probably right,’ Amia mused, still sitting naked on her chair. ‘You can shift into cycle 2 now, Adonis.’ She told the sexbot in a commanding tone of voice.
‘Understood Mistress,’ he replied. ‘Now shifting into cycle 2.’
‘F-finally!’ Nex gasped as Adonis began bouncing her up and down his prick a little faster.
While the sexbot’s ridged monstercock slammed its way into the Xyli’s twitching depths, Nex was gnawing on her bottom lip and looking at the window that only showed her and Adonis’ reflection. A wave of lust washed over her as she saw herself getting fucked by the tall, musclebound robot and not soon after strings of clear pussyjuice began to flow from her cunny. With an impish smile and wink directed at her reflection, and the two male researchers behind the glass, Nex moved her hands underneath her big blue breasts and weighed the two soft globes in her dainty hands before giving them a little squeeze.
‘From the look of it, I’d say she can handle cycle 3, Amia.’ A voice said over the loudspeaker.
‘Miss Starshine? Do you agree with this?’ Amia asked the Xyli.
‘Y-yes! Mo-more! Please!’ Nex squealed in reply while she teased her own nipples.
‘Well, you heard the lady Adonis,’ Amia said with a grin. ‘Shift into cycle 3.’
‘Affirmative, shifting into cycle 3.’ Adonis replied before suddenly picking up the pace.
A sharp, surprised gasp passed the Xyli’s plush black lips as Adonis suddenly started fucking her at a brutal pace. Her eyes widened and her legs began to involuntarily twitch and kick. Her hands fell away from her breasts slackly. All she could do was watch her reflection while gasping for air. Luckily, she didn’t feel any discomfort. In fact, lust was quick to cloud her mind as sparks of pleasure coming from her clenching, sopping snatch rushed up her spine towards her brain. Nex saw her stomach going up and down in her reflection at a rapid pace and heard her juices splattering down on the crisp, white tiles. But found that she didn’t have the strength to move her head around, so instead she rested it against Adonis’ wide, metallic chest.
‘Miss Starshine seems a bit weak, but it appears that she can handle this speed,’ a voice over the speakers said. Nex barely registered it. ‘So let’s see if she can handle some of Adonis extra features, let’s test the vibration.’ The researcher said over the speakers, barely bothering to hide his enjoyment.
‘Miss Starshine, would you like it if Adonis’ member vibrated?’ Amia asked the writhing Xyli.
‘Hnnhmm.’ Nex moaned by way of confirmation, while trying her best to nod.
‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ Amia chuckled as one of her hands disappeared between her thick, motherly thighs. ‘Adonis, engage vibrator mode.’ She then commanded her tone of voice husky as her fingers brushed over her pink petals.
‘Affirmative, engaging vibrator mode.’ Adonis replied in his deep voice.
And sure, soon enough a loud humming came from between Nex’s thighs as the sexbot’s massive, ridged pole began to vibrate strongly. The Xyli didn’t know whether to scream in pleasure or gasp for air, but all she eventually succeeded in was opening and closing her mouth like she was a fish out of water. Just like a fish out of water, she began to kick her legs and writhe in Adonis’ grip as he continued to pump his hips. The sexbot powerfully and rhythmically hammered his vibrating monstercock into the Xyli’s clenching and unclenching muff, all while her orgasmic juices seemed to constantly splatter loudly on the tiled floor beneath him.
‘How’s the vibration?’ Amia asked while rubbing her own pussy. ‘It’s not too strong, is it?’
‘Nnng…’ Nex replied, shaking her head. Whether it was in pleasure or as a way to answer Amia was unknown. But the researcher took it as the latter.
‘Hm…well, alright then. Turn up the vibrations, Adonis.’ She told the sexbot with a wicked smile on her lips.
Understood, mistress.’ Adonis replied and the humming coming from his ridged member grew louder.
‘Mmmmn! Hngh!’ were the only sounds that managed to escape Nex’s throat as she shook her head a little more rapidly while looking up at Adonis with wide eyes.
For the next few minutes the loud humming of the sexbot’s dick along with Nex’s barely audible squeaks were heard in the crisp, white room. Along with it was a loud, wet sucking sound whenever Adonis extracted his vibrating monstercock from the Xyli’s twitching depths, as well as a lewd *splat!* whenever an orgasm washed over the blue space babe, causing Nex to squirt in pleasure. At this point the Xyli was staring in front of her with glassy, dilated eyes while breathing heavily, her arms and legs hanging limply and her clit standing up painfully erect. Amia eventually broke the “silence” and spoke up, her own fingers rapidly moving in and out of her muff.
‘Is there anything we haven’t tested on Miss Starshine yet?’ She asked the two male scientists behind the window.
‘Well, the boys in the lab recently created a new blend that should give our Jack-of-all-Trades here some extra pep. It’s called Nymph and we were asked to replace it with the vanilla flavoured gunk Adonis would normally ejaculate when reaching his orgasm,’ her co-worker eventually said. ‘You could ask Adonis to cum to see what it’ll do to Miss Starshine?’ he suggested.
‘That sounds like a wonderful idea,’ Amia replied with a smile. ‘Adonis, cum for me!’ she then commanded the sexbot.
‘Yes mistress!’ Adonis replied, his voice taken on an excited tone.
‘Wha-?’ Nex managed to utter, before the sexbot suddenly slammed her down to the base of his cock.
The Xyli’s eyes widened and she clenched when she felt hot, sticky goo suddenly spewing from the sexbot’s cock to splatter against her twitching folds. A sharp shriek escaped her plush black lips a moment later when her libido suddenly spiked, and with it she felt a surge of energy. So while Adonis orgasmed and filled her dripping muff with his “sperm”, the little Xyli suddenly started moving her hips as best as she could. Amia raised an eyebrow at the sight and grinned.
‘Well, she certainly got her energy back,’ the female researcher mused to herself. ‘Adonis, resume cycle 3 and turn on maximum vibration.’ Amia commanded the sexbot.
‘Affirmative, Mistress.’ Adonis said again, grabbing onto Nex’s waist a little tighter as he began bouncing her along his ridged monstercock again.
‘Well boys, gather as much data as you can,’ Amia mused as she looked at the way Nex excitedly rode Adonis’ cock. ‘I think we’ll be here for a while.’
* * * *
‘I just want to say again how thankful we are for your service, Miss Starshine.’ Amia said, as she walked as slowly as possible so that the Xyli could keep up with her.
‘You’re thanking me?’ Nex croaked while her dry lips stretched into a shaky smile. ‘I was the one getting screwed mindless and getting paid for it.’ She replied while slowly stumbling after the female researcher.
‘Nevertheless, we got sufficient data to improve and ship out this model. We might even be able to add more features to the next model,’ Amia explained excitedly as they entered the parking lot and approached the same sleek black hover car that had brought Nex to Aphrodite Industries. ‘When we do build our future model, I hope you are available for testing once again.’
‘Oh I assure you, I’ll try to be,’ Nex replied with another shaky smile. ‘I just ask one thing of you.’
‘Name it.’ Amia replied.
‘Can you help me get in the car? I don’t think I have the strength to climb inside.’ Nex asked. Amia laughed, but she did as the Xyli asked of her and even helped her with her seatbelt.
Getting back from Aphrodite Industries to her ship was a blur for Nex. She vaguely remembered Thomas helping her out of the car and stepping into one of the high-speed elevators in the Garden’s port. But that was it. Once she sealed the cargo hold doors of the Silver Shafter behind her though, Nex wasted no time into getting to her bedroom and crawling into bed.
‘Amia offered to pay my docking fees anyway; I might as well make use of it…’ Nex mumbled to herself, before drifting off to sleep.

To be continued.

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