Thursday 22 November 2018

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 5: Colony Hasinta

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 5: Colony Hasinta
This story takes place a few weeks after the events that transpired in Job 4.
Contains: M/F, MM/F, double penetration, blowjob, shortstack, size difference, gangbang, orgy, multiple breasts.

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 5: Colony Hasinta
An insistent beeping resounded through the hotel suite in which Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades was currently residing. It was a fairly uncommon sound for the Xyli, but acted as a wonderful alarm clock at the time.
Nex awoke with a start amidst a tangle of bodies; she knew at least one of them personally. Nathan Evars, for once out of his space cowboy get-up, had draped a tanned, muscular arm over the Xyli’s large, soft blue breasts to grab the asscheek of an unknown Lavi lying at Nex’s other side. With a grunt of effort the Xyli grabbed the human’s thick arm and pushed it off of her, Nathan responded by mumbling something but otherwise remained asleep.
Nex’s plush black lips tugged up into a smirk as she looked at her companion’s sleeping face, the two of them had been close for the past few weeks. When she returned to Floating Eden after completing a bounty placed on the head of a Netarli called Alzeran Belzi by Oae Research, a bounty originally sent to Nathan Evars, she received a call for help from the self-proclaimed space cowboy. Apparently Oae Research had put out a hit on him this time. None of the bounty hunters they caught had admitted it, but if Nex’s meeting on Oae Research Station had been any indication they hadn’t been placed about Nathan passing on the job to her.
So for the past few weeks Floating Eden, a luxurious safe haven for most smugglers, bounty hunters and mercenary had turned into a battlefield for the human and the Xyli. Most of the credits Nex had made catching Alzeran Belzi went into buying new plasma cells for her trusty raygun, Starstunner, or replacing the shield generators in the wrists of her suit while any remaining credits had gone to paying off mercenaries. Floating Eden had station security of course, but they knew their clientele and were smart enough to keep their noses out of whatever business Nathan and Nex had gotten themselves involved in and guarded the embassies on the station instead.
But then, just as the funds of Nathan were running low (Nex never had all that much in her accounts to begin with), the attacks just seemed to stop. Neither the Jack-of-all-Trades nor the bounty hunter knew if they had simply scared off any future bounty hunters for coming after them, or if Oae Research had decided to call off the hit. But they weren’t about to complain. Instead they decided to celebrate!
This celebration had gone on for three days and now the Xyli finally had a chance observe the aftermath.
Currently they were residing in a suite of The Crimson Dome; a luxury hotel ran by Sirians. It was a lot larger than the room Nex normally rented out, and had somehow ended up becoming even messier than her rooms after a wild party. The pale, willowy figures of curvy female and wide-hipped male Lavi laid spread out on the king-sized bed, the sheets of which were stained with several bodily fluids, as well as food and alcohol. Spread out on the floor were several empty cans, bottles and food containers, amidst several people were sleeping. Nex couldn’t suppress a giggle when she spotted a Netarli male whose tentacle-like hair had slithered inside the damp snatch of a female human in their sleep.
Meanwhile a Zona was hanging from the ceiling by wrapping his tail around the chandelier; somehow he had managed to fall asleep like that. Nex shook her head in amusement and quietly got out from under the filthy covers, after which she carefully climbed over the form of Nathan and his several Lavi sleeping companions to answer her holo-phone. Careful not to disturb the people passed out in the suit any further Nex slipped into the bathroom and answered her holo-phone, realizing too late that the shower was running and that loud, vigorous moans were bouncing off the tiled walls.

‘Hello? Miss Starshine?’ a male voice asked.
‘This is her.’ Nex answered, just as the green-tinged, holographic face of a human man came into view.
For a moment the only sounds came from the couple in the shower as the man at the other end of the line stared awkwardly at the naked Xyli. ‘I am Ambassador Crane,’ he finally said to break the silence. ‘And I have a job for you, if you want it.’
‘Of course,’ Nex replied with an eager smile. ‘I’m a little low on funds after some recent troubles, so I can use the work. What do you need of me?’ she asked with a curious cock of her head.
‘I’d prefer not to discuss this over the holo-phone, especially not since it seems you have, eh, “company”,’ Ambassador Crane explained with a cough. ‘Please come and find me at the human embassy located on “the Hand” at your earliest convenience, we can discuss your job in more detail there. Crane out.’ With that, he ended the call with a flustered expression on his face.
‘Guess I better go get ready,’ Nex mused as she placed her round, clunky old holo-phone on the sink and waved the holographic shower curtain aside to see a musclebound, four armed Viden male and a curvy human girl in the throes of passion. ‘Make some room in here; I need to get ready for a job!’ Nex snapped with an amused smile as she slipped into the shower.
The Viden and the human exchanged a glance as the small, curvy blue woman entered the shower with them, but Nex’s appearance didn’t seem to be a deal-breaker for either of them. So while the Xyli hummed a nonsensical tune to herself while doing her best to clean herself up, the Viden pushed the human girl against the tiled wall and continued to pound her snatch roughly…
* * * *
After her shower was finished, and she somehow managed to find all her gear that had been strewn around the suite, Nex had said her goodbyes to Nathan and his many companions by informing them she had a job to do. That was when she found out he was going to continue the party at The Foundry, since the hotel staff felt that it was about time to send some cleaning droids into Nathan’s suite after three days of partying.
‘Wish I could join them,’ the Xyli mumbled as she stepped off the rail car that had brought her to the centre of the station. ‘Unfortunately, I have bills to pay.’ She told herself with a weary sigh.
The Hand of Government, simply called “The Hand” by everyone on Floating Eden, was located in the centre of the station. It was called thus due to the five skyscrapers, all curving gently so they would not touch the domed ceiling, with an artificial lake in the centre. Which made it look like; you guessed it, a hand. Within each skyscraper one could find the embassies of the races that built Floating Eden, the ones that called themselves the “rulers” of the station. Of course, as Nex found out when she and Nathan fought off a small army of bounty hunters, they didn’t actually do all that much aside from discussing trade routes and keeping the station running. As long as you paid the fees that come with living on a station security lets you do as you please, which was one of the reason why Nex and many other smugglers, bounty hunters and mercenaries called the station home.

Speaking of security, the entrance to “The Hand” was flanked by two guards wearing matte black power armour with a white hand emblazoned on their chest, when the Xyli tried to move past them they both stopped her. ‘Halt, what is your business here?’ one of them asked as he stared down at the short blue woman.
Nex looked at her face mirrored in the visor of the guard, fixing a few strands of her shoulder-length snow white hair, before answering. ‘Ambassador Crane sent for me.’ She answered in a bored tone of voice.
For a moment the guard was silent, Nex assumed because he had opened a comm-link with someone, so she amused herself by taking in her features. Surprisingly, weeks of fighting and several days of partying seemed to have had little adverse effect on her, there were no bags visible underneath her oval-shaped, slightly slanted eyes and she had managed to clean herself fairly well, despite the company she had in the shower. The only indication that showed how tired she really felt were the way her feelers were drooping somewhat.
‘You may enter,’ the guard finally answered, showing no indication that he was bothered by Nex using his visor as a mirror. ‘Ambassador Crane expects you at the Pinkie.’ He explained in a bored tone of voice before he and his fellow guard moved aside.
‘Thanks, hon.’ Nex answered in the same bored tone of voice as she walked into “The Hand”.
The place looked more like a park than anything else, several slender pathways and arching bridges were stretched over the artificial lake in an appealing pattern while the plant life and animal life found on the station was present mostly here. With the white and blue spires surrounding it all it was a beautiful, serene place. But if Nex was being honest, it didn’t look like it would be easy to fortify and all the security in their fancy power armour were mostly for show. Not that anyone would be stupid enough to try and take “The Hand” or Floating Eden; if they did they would have to fight off more than a few angry smugglers and mercenaries. Companies had invested in the station; governments had invested in the station.
Nex took her time crossing over the lake, watching the flowers and the fish swimming in a small section of the lake. All while getting a small thrill of the way politicians and businessmen looked at her with some disdain. But eventually she did arrive at the smallest tower of “The Hand”, the Pinkie as the guard had called it, and stepped inside without being hassled by any more guards. To the Xyli’s surprise the lobby was filled with plant-life too, as well as an enormous fish tank filled with exotic fish behind the reception desk. Also behind the large, faux-wood reception desk was a pretty young human girl.
‘Hello, I’m here to see Mister Crane?’ Nex said, but got no response. ‘Hello?’ she tried again.
When that didn’t work the Xyli grumbled and waved her arms in the air until the receptionist bent over her large desk and looked down. ‘Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t see you there, what can I do for you?’ she asked with an apologetic smile.

‘I’m here to see Mister Crane.’ Nex said again, this time far more tersely.
‘Ah yes, you must be Miss Starshine. He told me he was expecting you, please follow me.’ The receptionist said in a friendly tone of voice as she stepped away from behind the desk and waved Nex along.
Nex almost had to jog to keep up with receptionist who seemed a little too eager to show the Xyli the way, thus forgetting about the fact that her legs were a little longer than those of the small blue woman. Only when she stepped into an elevator with Nex did she realised this and flashed the alien woman an apologetic smile as she pushed the button for the fourth floor. When the doors closed Nex felt a sinking sensation in her stomach and before she knew it the doors opened again.
‘You’ve got to love high-speed elevators,’ the receptionist mused as she and Nex stepped outside. ‘I can’t even imagine what a bother it must be to spend several minutes in a confined space like it.’ She added as she led the Xyli to a door with a plaque that read Ambassador N. Crane on it, making sure to walk a bit slower this time.
After a knock on the door it was opened by the same man who had called Nex’s holo-phone, only not tinged green this time. The Ambassador was a handsome man with broad, open facial features that made him look trustworthy and deep, coffee coloured eyes. If the smitten look the receptionist shot him was any indication, the Xyli wasn’t the only one who thought he was handsome. The temples of his dark hair had started to turn grey and there were some barely visible laugh lines near the corners of his eyes and mouth, but aside from that it was difficult to determine his age. Due to the several advances in science and medicine since humans became capable of spaceflight their lifespan had almost doubled, Mister Crane could be anywhere between fifty or eighty.
‘Thank you, Miss de Groen that will be all.’ The Ambassador said as he looked from the receptionist to the Xyli. The receptionist smiled and left while Nex was waved into the Ambassador’s office.
‘Well, you’ve got me where you want me, Mister Crane. What now?’ Nex asked with a teasing as she watched the Ambassador slip into a large, comfortable office chair.
‘I’ve called you for a matter of grave importance, Miss Starshine. Please, sit down and I’ll explain everything.’ The Ambassador explained as he nodded at the plush chair in front of his desk.
Nex did as was asked of her, although she had a little trouble climbing into the large chair. While she struggled with the furniture the Ambassador pushed a button on his desk, closing the shutters and cloaking the room in darkness. Nex raised a pale, quizzical eyebrow as she tried to get comfortable, but said nothing.  When the last shutter closed a strange hissing sound came from the desk in front of the Xyli, worried about what might come next the Jack-of-all-Trades brought her hand close to her holstered raygun.
Then, to her surprise, the room lit up as the holographic image of a planet filled the space between Nex and the Ambassador. ‘This,’ he announced with a sweeping gesture. ‘Is colony Hasinta, one of the first human colonies. It has gone dark’ he added sombrely.
‘Not that I don’t enjoy making credits, but you do realize I’m just one woman, right?’ Nex replied. ‘If you’re dealing with raiders or pirates or something it might be better to hire a band of mercenaries, or ask a human government for aid.’
‘We’re not certain why Hasinta has gone dark, but we doubt they have problems like that. The colony isn’t exactly on the fringes of space.’ The Ambassador explained.
‘Then why ask me for help? Was someone on your colony doing something they weren’t supposed to?’ she asked with a little smirk.
‘…Yes.’ The Ambassador said after a few seconds.
‘Oh…well, what is it?’ Nex asked. ‘Look, I need to know just what kind of stuff they were doing, I’m not going to go if there’s a chance I run into giant mutated spiders or whatever you were experimenting on.’ Nex said when the Ambassador refused to answer.
‘Look, it’s nothing like that,’ he answered immediately. ‘Fertility rates have always been low on Hasinta; apparently it has something to do with the plant-life there. At first we thought it was caused by the fruits and vegetables that grew there, but birth rates have remained low even after we started sending in food from off-colony.’ The Ambassador explained.
As he talked small, holographic ships were shown going to the planet dropping off food.
‘Then, about a year ago, someone from Oae Research mentioned they had created an experimental drug to increase both fertility and virility. None of the existing medication we had the colonists try helped and, seeing as Hasinta has been slowly dying all these years, we had to give it a shot. So for the last year Oae has been building labs and experimenting with this drug of theirs, then about a month ago we stop receiving communications from Hasinta.’ The Ambassador explained.
‘It still seems to me that you can just send in one mercenary to see what’s going on, as long as you pay them enough to keep their mouth shut about this drug being tested on colonists.’ Nex replied with a shrug.
‘Perhaps,’ Ambassador Crane sighed. ‘But you have worked with Oae Research before and the news that you, together with Nathan Evars, fought off a small army of bounty hunters sent by them has reached even “the Hand”. If, for some reason, Oae Research has taken our colonists then perhaps you know what signs to look out for. Maybe you know where they were taken. Please, Miss Starshine, you’re our only—’
‘Save me the speech, Ambassador,’ Nex interrupted the Ambassador with a wry smile. ‘All I need from you are the coordinates and a lot of credits to help you with this and keep my mouth shut,’ she explained. ‘Waiving my dockings fees might also help.’ She added after thinking for a moment.
A nasty expression came over the Ambassador’s face when the Xyli interrupted him, but it disappeared so quickly that Nex could have sworn she had imagined it. ‘Of course Miss Starshine, please hand me your credstick and your holo-phone.’ He asked politely.
Nex did as he asked and was greeted by another nasty expression on the Ambassador’s face when he took her holo-phone; of course she was used to people reacting to her clunky old holo-phone like that by now. When she got them both back a few minutes later Nex whistled in appreciation at the orange numbers that appeared at the side of her credstick as she checked her new balance.
‘I guess that means that the payment for your silence is sufficient,’ the Ambassador stated in a dry tone of voice. ‘I have also entered the location of colony Hasinta into your holo-phone and I’ll make sure to waive your docking fees. When you locate the colonist and have any information for what happened I’ll make sure to transfer another sum of credits to your account. Is this deal agreeable to you, Miss Starshine?’
‘By the Matron’s tits, it is!’ Nex said excitedly as she stood up on her chair and extended her hand. ‘I’m on the case, Mister Crane!’ she said just as excitedly when the Ambassador grabbed her hand and shook it.
* * * *

Nex smiled to herself as her ship left warp space, Lorus’ disappointment when he found out the Xyli had managed to pay of her docking fees againwould keep her amused for days to come. That being said, she probably owed the big, four-armed dockhand a visit when she came back. After all, he had managed to make her docking fees disappear many times before. Although with Hasinta coming into view, she had to focus on something else.
When she entered the colony’s atmosphere she wasn’t hailed by any of the colony’s cities, although she did get bombarded by a ton of ads as she gained access to the extranet. Unfortunately, there seemed to be no news about what was going on. There were some articles on Oae Research however, so the Xyli asked her ship’s computer to read them while she tried to find a good place to land.
Apparently labs weren’t the only things built by Oae Research; several thin, white towers had also been erected all over the colony. Nex could even see some dotting the landscape as her ship touched down. Once the towers were finished, the crews that had constructed them just left. ‘Are there any missing person reports filed after these construction crews left the planet?’ Nex asked.
‘Negative.’ Was the ship’s Virtual Intelligence only response.
‘Hmm…Well, what was the latest “big news” for Hasinta? Can you bring it up on the, ah, big screen?’ Nex asked while powering down her engines.
A moment later her view of the lush, green planet was replaced by the holographic image of a news article, the headline of which read: ‘CURE FOR DECLINING BIRTHRATES FOUND IN LAIMA! DISTRIBUTION BEGINS TOMORROW!’ in big, blocky letters.
‘Seeing as the planet has gone dark after this report I don’t think this so-called cure was tested as extensively as most galactic governments want,’ Nex muttered to herself as she checked the power on her trusty raygun, Starstunner. ‘Here’s hoping I don’t end up fighting mutated spiders anyway,’ she grumbled to herself. ‘Computer, please input the location of Laima into my holo-phone.’ She asked as she got out of the pilot seat.
‘Affirmative.’ The synthetic voice of the ship’s computer replied.
Once the Jack-of-all-Trades finished checking her suit, its shield generators, and whether she had enough plasma cells for her raygun she took her holo-phone from where it had been slotted in her ship’s computer and opened the map of Hasinta that had been uploaded to it. As soon as she did, a miniature, bright green holographic planet appeared, hovering about an inch or so from the holo-phone’s surface. After a moment it showed a bright white dot, showing Nex’s location, followed by a bright white “X” a few inches away to mark the location of Laima.
‘Laima is a few miles east of here, you should be able to reach it on foot but it might take a few hours,’ the computer informed the Xyli. ‘There are also small towns North and Southwest of here and there are no signs of treacherous terrain. Although I should warn you that the map has not been updated since—’
‘Yeah, yeah, I got it, thank you, computer,’ Nex muttered. ‘Make sure to keep the ship sealed to all outsiders until I return. And, just to be sure, purge the air after I leave. I don’t know what Oae Research has pumped in the air but it might be safest to assume it’s dangerous to all organic life for now.’ The Xyli instructed the virtual intelligence as she left the cabin.
‘Understood.’ The computer’s synthetic voice said over the loudspeakers as the Jack-of-all-Trades walked towards The Silver Shafter’s cargo hold.
Before opening the doors of the cargo hold Nex grabbed the helmet belonging with her suit from an empty shipping container, like her suit it was such a light pink it almost looked white and seemed like it would fit her head perfectly. ‘I hate wearing this thing!’ the Xyli complained as she pulled it over her head.
For a moment, the cargo hold seemed dim thanks to her visor, but then the Xyli felt the strange sensation of her suit creeping up her neck and as soon as the material touched the bottom of the helmet her suit seemed to tighten and the room grew brighter. A heads-up display appeared showing the status of Nex’s suit, her shields and even her location. Of course the Jack-of-all-Trades ignored the last one; she loathed wearing a helmet so she had never properly calibrated this. Usually she stuck with her crappy old wristpad and holo-phone; it had taken army of bounty hunters firing at her to wear the thing at Floating Eden. At least it had been useful to show her the conditions of her suit there.
‘Hm…alright, enable air purifiers.’ Nex said as she pushed a small button below her right ear.
A symbol showing that the air purifiers had been activated appeared on Nex’s HUD and with a nod she opened the doors of the cargo hold. Any toxins or pollen would be filtered out by her suit, giving the Xyli clean air to breath. It was the next best thing to lugging around a tank of oxygen. With her hand on Starstunner’s grip she stepped outside, carefully looking out for any danger. When nothing came, she held out her arm to get a better look at Hasinta’s map and began to move towards the pale white “X”.
For the next few hours the Jack-of-all-Trades moved slowly, avoiding any of the colony’s roads and sticking close to the woods and overgrown area. One thing she did found out, often by being startled, was that the colony’s animal life seemed unaffected by whatever had happened to Hasinta’s colonist. After she hadn’t encountered another human for several hours Nex feared that Ambassador Crane’s theory about Oae Research somehow taking the colonist could be true, at least until she came closer to Laima. As she got closer and closer to the city she could hear moans, worried about the colonists’ suffering she quickened her pace. Only to discover that they were not moans of pain she was hearing, but moans of pleasure.
‘Well, it looks like everyone was simply too busy to contact anyone because they were having too much fun.’ Nex mumbled in amusement as she scurried behind a tree near the outskirts of Laima to get a better look at just what was going on.
The streets of Laima were filled with the sweaty, writhing forms of the colonists; all of them seemed so obsessed with feeding their libidos that they couldn’t think of anything else. Well, apart from finding more mates apparently. The Xyli saw some men and women fighting over a partner, almost like animals. But that wasn’t the strangest thing, whatever “cure” Oae Research has pumped into the air hadn’t acted as just a very, very powerful aphrodisiac. The colonists also looked different, it wasn’t that they didn’t look human they just all looked too perfect.
Well, perfect to Nex anyway. All the men seemed to be blessed with chiselled physique and fat, throbbing members that were well above average in size. While all women had impossible hourglass figures with huge breasts and broad, baby-bearing hips. Nex doubted, however, that the entire colony had spontaneously decided to start working out after modifying their bodies. It had to have been a side-effect of Oae Research’s cure.
‘Guess it’s time to check out that lab from the news report.’ Nex muttered to herself as she stepped out from behind the tree, but not before shutting off her holo-phone and putting her raygun on stun.

Locating the lab wasn’t all that difficult; it was shaped like a giant dome while the rest the buildings in the city looked blocky. Getting there was another matter however, seeing as the streets were filled with several naked colonists. Most of which would probably fight her if she didn’t join in on the fun, this was something Nex normally wouldn’t have a problem with but she had a job to do first. So instead, she decided to cut through some of the other buildings. It wasn’t as if the doors were locked, most of the doors weren’t even closed.
At first, this strategy worked perfectly. The Jack-of-all-Trades snuck in through back doors, cut through living rooms, hopped out of open windows and crossed through backyards. But she had been a fool to believe that all of the colonists, sex-obsessed as they may have been, would give up the comforts of their home. A lesson she learned as she walked into a living room where she found a woman lying on the couch, and she wasn’t alone. Her face and part of her body was obscured by the tensed buttocks of a musclebound man who, by the sound of it, was eagerly making use of her throat. But even though her vision of the woman was obstructed by the male colonist, it was clear that she was blessed with a huge rack as the Xyli noticed breastflesh peeking out from the side.
Unfortunately those two weren’t the only ones in the room; standing at the other end of the couch was another man using the female colonist’s snatch. And he just happened to be a head or so taller than the one fucking the woman’s throat. Nex cursed at herself as the man growled at her in an almost beast-like fashion and pulled himself away from the female colonists, who moaned weakly around the shaft still lodged in her throat. Nex wasted a few seconds observing the male colonist’s rippling physique and his massive, shining member that was practically pointing at her face, before she pulled Starstunner and fired a small bolt of plasma at the towering human.
The bolt of plasma hit the man straight in the chest and he fell to the ground shrieking and contorting in pain, which of course caught the attention of the colonist that was currently enjoying the woman’s throat. The Xyli gave him some time to at least extract his member from the female colonist’s mouth, before firing a bolt of plasma at his back. As he fell to the floor screaming in pain Nex aimed her raygun at the woman and listened carefully for anyone approaching. When nothing happened she checked the pulse of both of the male colonists, even set on stun her raygun could still stop someone’s heart. Especially if they weren’t wearing any armour!
Fortunately, they seemed to be alright. Well, aside from the plasma burn marking their chest and back, and they’d probably wake up feeling terribly sore. Now that she was sure she hadn’t killed two colonists, Nex left the house behind. The female colonist seemed far too tired to do anything and hadn’t reacted to the small blue woman firing at the two male colonists at all; the Xyli figured she was just happy to get some rest.
Now when Nex cut through homes and yards she was a little more careful, the next time she came bursting in a living room she might end up being caught by one of those brutes. And although it was a little tough to focus after the scene she had just witnessed, Nex managed to get to the lab safely. There were a couple of close calls where she was almost spotted by a couple in their backyard or another threesome in the living room, but she had managed to avoid those without firing any shots.
‘Damn it,’ the Xyli hissed to herself as she snuck closer to the entrance and noticed that the doors of the laboratory were open as well. ‘Here’s hoping a couple of scientists are still thinking with their brains and not their reproductive organs.’ Nex thought aloud as she stepped inside.
Yet despite the open doors the facility seemed to be deserted, although there were definitely signs of colonists having been there. Glass from shattered beakers and vials crunched underneath the Xyli’s boots as she made her way through the laboratory, and those weren’t the only signs of destruction. As she passed other rooms she noted smashed computers, torn clothing and other types of broken technology. Perhaps it had taken longer for some people to “transform” after the cure? Whatever the reason was, the colonists sure left behind a mess as they left the facility.
As the Jack-of-all-Trades made her way through the destroyed laboratory, in search for a computer that wasn’t smashed, a holopad deserted by a scientists or even hand-written notes that told her more about this mystery “cure” made by Oae Research, she encountered something strange. A locked door. Every other door in the facility was either left wide open, unlocked or was malfunctioning in some way, but not this one. Nex even pushed the button next to the door, but all she got as a result was a short buzzer sound that told her the door was locked.
‘Hello? If anyone in there isn’t a sex-crazed freak please open the door, I’m here to help!’ Nex said as loud as she dared as she pounded a fist against the thick steel door. She saw something move in the window, behind the dark glass. But no one answered her. ‘Ambassador Crane sent me to check out why this planet has gone dark, please let me in.’
When no answer came again the Xyli took a step back and checked the door again, next to the button she had pressed was a slot for a keycard. Nex smiled behind her visor and knocked on the door again. ‘Look, if you don’t let me in I’ll look around for a keycard; if the other researchers here left even their clothes behind I’m sure there is a card lying around with enough clearance to let me in this room.’ Again she got no answer, but as the Jack-of-all-Trades stepped away from the door an intercom crackled.
‘…fine, I’m opening the door.’ A female voice said from the other side of the door after a few seconds of silence.
‘That’s better.’ Nex muttered more to herself than to whoever was hiding in the room as she placed her hand on her hips, making sure her right hand was close to Starstunner’s grip.
To her surprise, she was greeted by a tall, Lathvirian with deep purple skin dressed in a tight, white garment that resembled a lab coat. It didn’t show any skin, but hugged the contours of her two sets of breasts in such a way that it could still be called obscene. Yet she stared at the Xyli in her tight-fitting space suit in disgust and as Nex came closer, she recognized something in those bright violet eyes. Mainly that they looked older than the woman those eyes belonged to. There was not a single streak of grey in her long, pitch black eyes and not a single wrinkle visible on her face, in fact the only blemish Nex could see was a small, beauty mark on her chin near her plump, almost black lips.
‘I guess you’re with Oae Research?’ Nex asked as she stepped closer?
‘How could you tell?’ the Lathvirian asked sarcastically as she tapped on the blue Oae emblazoned on the left side of her chest. Though all she succeeded in was making Nex stare at her four huge knockers. ‘Just step inside and you can ogle me all you want, your incessant knocking has probably already attracted more attention than we need.’ The tall, alien woman said with a roll of her eyes.
‘Done deal.’ Nex instantly replied as she squeezed past the Lathvirian woman and stepped into the room.
The Xyli was surprised to find out that the Lathvirian hadn’t been the only one in the room. There were several other humanoid shapes huddled close together, all wearing protective suits. Nex looked at them for several seconds before casting a curious glance in the direction of the purple-skinned Lathvirian. When she realized the taller woman wouldn’t be able to read her expression she tapped her visor to make it see-through. ‘What exactly is going on here? Tell me what happened to the colony.’ Nex demanded.
‘If Crane sent you, then you know what my group did here…and I assume he paid you a considerable sum to keep your mouth shut too,’ the Lathvirian began. ‘Well, after several months of research, trial and error and sharing information with the other labs built on Hasinta we thought we created the cure. Of course, we never expected a side-effect like this.’ The purple-skinned alien woman hissed.
‘Continue.’ Nex stated flatly, while crossing her arms underneath her bust.
‘Our superiors at Oae Research wanted to see results and the colonists here were desperate for a cure, so we pumped it into the air the same night as it was announced we had it,’ she explained. ‘Myself and many of the colony’s own scientists and researchers remained in the labs, to make sure it was spread everywhere and to make notes on how it affected plant and animal life.’
For a moment the Lathvirian was silenced and her composure seemed to crack a little, she seemed to be herself again after taking a deep breath however. ‘Then, the next day, a group of colonists started beating on the doors; they had already turned into those sex-obsessed freaks. But everyone in the facility was fine, the labs were sterile and the air was regularly cleaned. Most of our scientists hadn’t been exposed to the cure, until the doors broke down of course. Once that happened, everyone seemed to turn and before we knew it everyone started breaking the place down!’
‘…that still doesn’t explain why you, or they, are fine.’ Nex cut in while nodding towards the people in suits.
‘The cure was only supposed to affect humans, at least we got that right,’ the Lathvirian explained with a chuckle. ‘As for them? They just happened to be working in specialized environmental suits at the time, running further tests on the cure. It’s been…a rough couple of weeks, the suits recycle waste and there are rations here in case of an emergency lockdown. They can be eaten through a straw if necessary which isn’t exactly fun, but they survived.’
‘So now what’s your plan?’ Nex asked. ‘Should I inform Ambassador Crane that you and the colonists are mostly fine, but your cure worked a little toowell? Should I contact Oae Research and ask for more help? After all, I doubt you can screw up more than you already have.’
‘That won’t be necessary; we haven’t exactly been sitting on our ass waiting for rescue. Along with rations we managed to scavenge equipment, along with a vial of the cure and several notes and logs about its creation. We managed to modify it and work out any kinks we encountered after distributing the cure; this should bring the colonists back to their senses.’ The Lathvirian announced proudly.
‘Or you could make things worse,’ Nex replied. ‘But I don’t have any better ideas and since I don’t look forward to explaining this to Ambassador Crane and doubt that your people even want to talk to me, I say we don’t have a choice. So what do you want me to do?’ the Xyli asked reluctantly.
‘Not just you, us,’ the Lathvirian responded. ‘Normally we’d make a big batch of the cure and pour it into the distribution system in a laboratory’s basement, the cure will then be transported to the towers all over the colony through a series of pipes and sent into the air. Unfortunately we don’t have nearly enough of the cure for the whole planet and I doubt the distribution system is still intact, so we need to go to the closest tower and do it manually. After that, we can focus on fixing the distribution system in the basement and cure the rest of the colony.’
‘I’ll join you, but on one condition.’ Nex said after a moment of silence.
‘Which is?’ the Lathvirian asked in a wary tone of voice.
‘What is your damn name; you can’t expect me to trust you if you haven’t even given me that.’ The Xyli replied with a sly smile.
‘It is Reini, Reini Vahrin.’ She said as she extended her hand with a roll of her eyes.
‘Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades,’ Nex replied as she stood on her toes to shake the taller woman’s hand. ‘I’ll do anything from Bounty hunting to Babysitting, so I’ll certainly do this. Let’s go!’ she added excitedly as she released Reini’s hand.

Reini stared down at the excited Xyli for a moment, as if uncertain of her choice of teaming up with her before she walked over to a cabinet. Out of it she grabbed a large vial filled about half-way with a swirling red liquid and handed it to Nex. ‘The glass is Grewd-made, so it should be sturdier than some of the other vials and beakers that we lost here. Still, I’d like you to keep it on your person,’ she explained to the Xyli, who dutifully put it into one of the pouches on her belt. ‘As for you, please lock the door behind us and don’t let anyone in. I know I’ve asked a lot of everyone, but I need you all to be patient a little longer. We’ve almost fixed this thing, I can feel it.’ Reini stated passionately as she turned towards the other researchers.
There was a murmur of agreement and some nodding. Satisfied, Reini turned away from them and opened the door, waiting for Nex to follow. As soon as the two alien women stepped outside the door closed behind them and locked down, making the Lathvirian nod to herself. ‘So, how do we get to the tower?’ Nex asked as she followed Reini, jogging to keep up with the taller woman’s long strides.
‘I know where to go; we just have to find a way past the colonists. I suppose it’s too much to hope that you incapacitated them all?’ she asked.
‘I was tasked to make sure the colonists were alright, not take them down!’ Nex replied. ‘Even if I wanted to I don’t have nearly enough energy cells to take down an entire town and my fighting prowess aren’t much against people that are all so much taller than me.’ She added with a shrug.
‘Then how did you get here?’ the Lathvirian asked curiously.
‘I cut through buildings and gardens only have to bring down two people by stunning them.’ Nex announced proudly.
‘Good thinking, we might have to do that again,’ Reini mused, slowing down as they got closer to the lab’s entrance. She peered out into the city for several seconds, the sounds of sex echoing through the streets, before turning to the Xyli. ‘Stick close to me and keep your raygun handy.’ Were the only words she shared with the Jack-of-all-Trades, before she slipped out of the building.
Nex did as the Lathvirian instructed and rushed after her, trying her hardest to keep up with the purple-skinned woman as she ran for a house to the east of the lab as fast, but quietly, as possible. When there was no sign of any colonists in the house Reini immediately exited the house through the back door, not giving the Xyli any chance to catch her breath. As soon as she was outside, Reini began hopping over fences. Which was something the Jack-of-all-Trades had a little trouble with due to her height.
Yet, despite the hurry Reini was in, they made it to the outskirts of town without running into any colonists. Sure, there had been some outcries from certain homes when the two alien women passed through a backyard, but whether they were cries of passion or an indication that they had been spotted wasn’t clear. At least no one followed them, which was for the better since Nex was exhausted.
‘Come on, the tower isn’t far from here.’ Reini said as she pulled down her sleeve and looked at her watch. Nex didn’t know if she was simply checking the time, or if she had a map of Hasinta on it like the Xyli herself had on her holo-phone. And she was too exhausted to care.
‘Yeah…alright,’ Nex mumbled between gasps for air. ‘Just…walk a little slower this time.’
To Reini’s credit she did walk a little slower, making it easy for Nex to catch her breath. When the thin, white tower the Lathvirian had spoken of finally came into view however, Hasinta’s sun had already started to set. The sight of it made Reini break out in one last sprint, which made the Xyli groan as she reluctantly followed her. The inside of the tower looked a lot better than any homes back in Laima, there were some signs of neglect but everything seemed to be intact.
‘Over here, Miss Starshine. Please hand me the modified cure!’ Reini said excitedly as she booted up a computer at the far end of the tower.
After pressing a few keys the wall next to the computer slid open, revealing a sealed pipe. Reini opened it before snatching the vial from the Xyli’s fingers, the contents of which she carefully poured down the pipe before sealing it off again. Once that was done, she resumed her work on the computer. Then, after several minutes in silence, she pressed one last key and moved away from it with a sigh.
‘There, that should have done it!’ The Lathvirian said triumphantly as noise filled the tower. It was loud and oppressive and sounded like, the Xyli imagined, old factories.
The sound grew louder and louder until it sounded like an explosion went off! Then, all went silent. As she peered out of the entrance Nex saw small red dots slowly falling to the ground, they reminded her of luminous red snowflakes. But she also saw, and heard, something else. ‘Eh, how long until this cure takes effect, Miss Vahrin?’ Nex asked curiously.
‘I’m not sure, the first time we released the cure it was around midnight when most of the colony was asleep. At the longest, I’d say it will take six to eight hours to take effect. Why do you ask?’ Reini asked in confusion.
‘Well, all that racket caused by the tower seems to have caught the attention of some of the colonists and they seem to be making their way over here.’ Nex explained.
‘…Perhaps I shouldn’t have rushed the distribution,’ Reini muttered to herself. ‘Well, can you stop them?’
‘Yeah, but I’m not going to use my raygun,’ Nex replied as she pulled off her helmet, getting a confused look from the Lathvirian. ‘Look, I’ve been stuck in this suit watching everyone else indulge in their libido while I tried to focus on the job almost all day now. Seeing that we did all we could I think I’ve earned a few hours of fun with a hunky colony kid.’
‘What about me?’ Reini asked as the Xyli undid a few of the magnetic strips holding her suit closed.
‘Stay here and hide or come along, it doesn’t matter to me. Although I can’t imagine that being stuck in a lab for several weeks while everyone else was screwing one another outside has been any fun.’ Nex answered with a shrug.
‘You’re right, there wasn’t a lot of privacy…and although I definitely had it the easiest, I wouldn’t mind blowing off some steam. But if you tell anyone about this—’ Reini began.
‘Hey, I’ve only promised Crane not to tell anyone about what your company has been working about. If you want me to keep quiet about a Lathvirian accompanying me in an orgy you have to pay me out of your own pocket.’ Nex said before Reini could finish her threat.
The Lathvirian glared daggers at the Xyli, yet said nothing as she too started to remove her clothes. Once Nex managed to slip out of her suit she folded it in a neat little bundle and, together with her helmet, belt and holstered raygun, squirreled it away in a little corner in the hopes that it wouldn’t get dirty. With that done she flashed Reini a smile and waited patiently for the colonists to arrive, in the meantime she watched the Lathvirian trying her best to remove her tight-fitting outfit.
Once it came off, the Xyli could not help but let out an appreciative whistle. Whether her body was modified in any way or natural didn’t matter, she was gorgeous. Like all Lathvirians she had two sets of breasts with the top ones just being slightly bigger than the ones below them. And like most of the Lathvirians Nex had encountered, they were an impressive size. Both pairs larger than her own and looking deliciously soft. Apparently the Jack-of-all-Trades wasn’t the only one impressed because a pleased, almost hungry, grunt came from the entrance of the tower.
‘Looks like the fun’s about to begin. I hope you can keep up.’ Nex teased as a group of perfect examples of manhood stepped inside and approached the alien women.
‘Please little woman, I can handle my—Eep!’
Nex chuckled at the Lathvirian’s reaction as one of the men suddenly leaped forwards and did his best to encompass all four of Reini’s big breasts with his large hands, but she was quickly silenced as a large, precum-drooling shaft suddenly appeared in her field of view and forced itself into her mouth. This was followed by having two calloused hands grabbing the back of her head and holding her in place, as the large cock was forced deeper down her throat.
While Nex’s throat was being brutalized Reini was still at the mercy of the man who had first grabbed her tits, he remained fascinated by the soft, purple globes and was licking and squeezing them. All while his erect pole had slipped between the Lathvarian’s thick thighs to rub against Reini’s plump aroused labia. But the other colonists that had been attracted by the noise of the tower weren’t just going to wait patiently for their friends to finish. One of the female colonists, a woman barely a foot taller than Nex, slipped behind Reini and spread her firm buttocks apart and ended up sticking her face between them. The alien woman released a squeak as she felt something wet tickle her pucker.
‘Wh-what do you think you’re doing back there?’ She asked as her face turned a darker shade of purple.
The female colonist only answered with a little giggle before her head disappeared between Reini’s asscheeks again and her tongue continued to probe her butthole. The Lathvirian released an embarrassed moan at the strange, but pleasurable experience while grinding her soaked labia against the throbbing shaft that was still squeezed between her thighs. Unfortunately the colonist that seemed to be enjoying her rump was suddenly pulled away by another eager male, who abruptly shoved his erect member into her dripping twat. The upside however was that the female colonist hadn’t been the only one interested in the Lathrivirian’s purple butt, as Reini would soon find out.
While the pleased squeal of the female colonist who had just found a partner rang through the tower another male colonist already took her place behind Reini, and he wasted no time pressing the crown of his member against the Lathrivian’s spit-coated anus. Reini tried to protest, tell him that she had never done it before, but of course her words fell on deaf ears. Something between a moan and a shriek passed her plump lips as the fat cock forced its way into her bowels, spreading the walls of her ass apart. But she did her best to relax. Unfortunately, it was at that point that her other partner seemed to notice that his member was pressed against a warm, wet cunt.
Nex could only heard Reini’s desperate screams of pleasure as her vision was obstructed by the toned stomach of the man fucking her throat, but still she smiled around the girth of his fat cock as best as she could. Since her head was held in place the Xyli could not move her head in tandem with the colonist’s thrusts, so instead she settled for remaining in place and trying to relax her throat as she furiously fingered her twat. Although she wasn’t being fucked like Reini was, the sensation of a stranger’s monstercock throbbing against the walls of her throat while his balls slapped against her delicate chin still brought Nex such a wicked sense of pleasure that it made her eyes water.
Luckily Nex didn’t have to pleasure herself for long, because after a few more thrusts the man pounding her throat grunted and thick ropes of hot, salty jizz blasted from the tip of member. The Xyli eagerly began to swallow it, but before the colonist had even finished his orgasm Nex felt herself being pulled away. The climaxing cock was roughly pulled from her throat as she was lifted in the air, which resulted in the rest of the slimy cum splattering against her face and tits. The colonist that had been fucking her throat growled angrily at the man that had taken Nex away, but didn’t do more than that.
Nex gulped down one last mouthful of salty, sticky spunk as she peered down at the shaft that was about to pierce her swollen aroused little cunny. It wasn’t as big as Manorro Reef’s member, or some of the other dicks Nex had seen, but it definitely was one of the bigger cocks she had seen on a human. The colonist who was holding her let the Xyli admire his shaft a little longer, before suddenly pushing her down. Nex’s eyes shot open when the fleshy pole entered her twat and her legs twitched as her folds coiled around it.
‘That’s just what I needed after today.’ She whispered, more to herself than her partner. It wasn’t like he was listening anyway, as soon as Nex had finished her sentence he roughly pulled her up again.
Meanwhile Reini was squeezed between two musclebound colonists who were roughly making use of both her ass and pussy, all while groping at her huge breasts and without a care for her comfort. Not that the Reini felt much in the way of discomfort, although her senses were being overtaken by pleasure due to the assault on her holes and breasts. Until eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore. With a howl the Lathvirian climaxed and both her anal tunnel and her wet, twitching folds coiled around the shafts of the two colonists like a silken vice, forcing the two men to reach their climaxes as well.
A dopey smile spread over Reini’s face as she felt hot, human spunk filling both her twat and her bowels. But as she came down from her orgasm, she realized that the colonists weren’t done with her yet. Both men extracted their pricks from her ass and pussy, followed by a few strings of their cum, and before she knew it a new colonist took their place. He pushed the Lathvirian to the ground and wasted no time in sitting on her stomach and sliding his member between Reini’s breasts.
‘You humans are all so predictable…’ Reini muttered with a roll of her eyes as she did her best to squeeze all four of her breasts around the colonist’s shaft, making it disappear.
Nex continued to bounce on the big colonist’s massive prick, practically being used as a masturbation aid. This was an experience not exactly uncommon to her. Whenever another colonist approached her the one holding Nex would send him away with an angry glare, apparently intent on keeping her to himself. Which he proved by continuing to hammer his cock into her twat even after he climaxed, semen squirted from the Xyli’s cum-filled twat which each thrust and her stomach bulging slightly.
When the sun had finally set, Nex’s partner still wasn’t done with her and the other colonists also wanted to try Reini’s breasts. By now all four of the Lathvirian’s tits looked like purple, snow-capped mountains. But she continued to let every male colonist slip his shaft between them, all while the female colonists seemed to enjoy taking turns eating her out.
‘Haa…Looks. It looks like it might be a while until the cure takes effect,’ Nex babbled. ‘Tired yet?’ she asked.
‘Nope! You?’ Reini replied with a cocky grin.
‘I think I may have been a bit overconfident, especially after all the partying I did on Floating Eden. I’ll probably rest soon.’ Nex mumbled.
After those words left her mouth her eyelids felt heavy and started to droop, the last thing she saw before she fell asleep were the forms of the colonists shifting and growing smaller…
* * * *
The following day.
‘…So what are you going to do now?’ Nex asked as she stepped out of a shower one of the colonists had graciously allowed her and Reini to use.
‘We’re fixing the distribution system right now to fix up the rest of the colony. Once that’s done, I’ll probably stick around for a while to make sure that the cure won’t have a negative effect on the plant life or any of the animals or insects on Hasinta. After that, I’ll return to the Oae Research station and explain what happened.’ The Lathvirian explained as she just finished dressing up.
‘What about the changes the colonists have experienced?’ Nex asked as she looked outside the window of the home she and Reini had spent the night.
All of Laima’s citizens were trying to clean up the mess they left behind, all wearing ill-fitting clothing and looking uncomfortable in their bodies. Most of the men weren’t as musclebound as the day before, and almost all of the women no longer had exaggerated hourglass figures. Yet all colonists still seemed to be beautiful and in peak physical condition.
‘I’ll try to see if we can do something about that too, not everyone likes having their bodies modified like that. But this was all me and my fellow scientist could do with the materials at hand. What are you going to do?’ Reini asked Nex.
‘Collect the rest of my payment from Crane and sleep for about a week,’ Nex sighed. ‘Fighting bounty hunters, partying and saving a colony gets exhausting.’
You saved the colony?’ Reini mused with a raised eyebrow.
‘Alright, you helped,’ Nex replied with a theatrical roll of her eyes. ‘Anyway, I’m off. Give me a call if your company screws something up again, I’m always happy to fix their mistakes.’ The Xyli said and stuck out her tongue.
‘Yeah, yeah, Oae Research is incompetent. I get it already,’ Reini said with a wry smile. ‘Goodbye, Starshine and thanks for the help.’
Nex flashed the Lathvirian a smile as well before leaving the house and returning to her ship. Wondering for once what to do with her credits if she wasn’t going to spend it on sex or partying…

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