Thursday 22 November 2018

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 5: Welcome to Yull

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 5: Welcome to Yull
Here's a pretty long chapter. Or at least, I thought it was a long one at the time. I've written some lengthier stories as time went on.
Contains: M/F, succubus, big ass, big breasts, huge cock, excessive cum.

Chapter 5 – Welcome to Yull.
Ciara and one of the paladins spoke briefly, with her pointing to Rickard and the cart while they talked. After their conversation was finished, the paladin nodded and waved them through. With that said, Ciara spurred her horse back into action and rode towards the opened, heavy wooden doors. Rickard quickly followed her example, trying to ignore the hateful stares that the paladins shot at him and the cart.

Apparently they didn’t like people who slept around with demons…shocker.

They rode through the hallway of the fortress and Rickard couldn’t help but be impressed at the high ceiling and thick walls. The people who had carved it out of the mountains had certainly put a lot of work in it. Although the fortress would be useless, if not staffed with good soldiers…and there were plenty of those.

Men and women clad in leather and chainmail passed Rickard and the women on the horse, carrying spears and shields with swords strapped to their sides. Aside from the average foot soldiers, there were more paladins of Hoten roaming the hallway as well, with swords strapped on their backs and a large tower shield strapped to their arm.

‘I wonder how long it has been since anyone was stupid enough to try and take over Yull…’ Rickard mused to himself.

Eventually they left the dark hall of the fortress, which made Rickard see why all those soldiers were stationed here. The valley Yull was placed in was truly worth protecting with its long cobbled roads, lush green plains and the hint of a sparse forest at the edges of the mountains that surrounded it.

‘Must be nice, being blessed by the gods like this,’ Rickard thought aloud as he saw a farm in the distance. ‘Wish the dicks would spread their blessings a bit more evenly though…’

After about a little more than an hour, the city of Yull came into view. Or, to be more specific, the high brown wall that seemed to surround the city in a perfect circle. There were no signs of cracks or seams anywhere, and it looked as if the wall had just fallen from the sky to surround Yull perfectly. The only openings the wall had were the Northern and Southern gates, one of which Rickard, Kess and Ciara now approached.

As they rode through it, barely being noticed by the guards, Rickard gawped at the sights. Most of the buildings were built from white bricks and wood, and on nearly every street corner there seemed to be a temple dedicated to both minor and major gods. Of course, even a city as beautiful as this had its problems. There were still beggars sitting around, but in a city filled with people trying to appease their gods their bowls and plates were filled with several coins.

‘Looks like most beggars here are richer than any store owners,’ Rickard said to himself with a grin.

He didn’t see much of the city though, because after passing various stores selling charms, blacksmiths selling weapons that were supposedly blessed, and several large inns whose names were usually associated with a god or goddess, Ciara finally stopped her horse in front of a humongous temple with statues of a bearded man holding the sun with both hands flanking the door.

‘This,’ she announced as Rickard stopped beside her, ‘is the temple of Hoten.’

‘I gathered that,’ Rickard replied drily, but he couldn’t hide how impressed he was.

Two giant spires stretched towards the blue sky with a huge yellow-coloured sun suspended between them, ironically blocking out the actual sun Hoten was associated with. Above the large, opened double doors was a round, stained glass window that showed the image of Hoten’s face as he was often depicted. Bronzed skin, his hair and beard a shade of gold and eyes without pupils burning a bright white.

‘It is quite glamorous, isn’t it?’ Ciara asked him quietly.

‘Yeah, it will probably be the best cage I’ve stayed in,’ Rickard said bitterly, as he thought back to the way the paladins had looked at him when they were at the fortress.

‘Don’t worry, I’m sure head-priestess Katherine knows a way to get rid of your corruption,’ Ciara answered as she rode towards the doors.

‘Corruption?’ Rickard asked aloud.

‘Katherine will explain, don’t worry,’ Ciara said, with a sad smile.

‘Don’t worry Rickard, I’ll protect you,’ Kess said sleepily.

Rickard felt himself smile despite it all, and happily followed Ciara as they rode towards the temple doors. They were briefly stopped by the paladins standing guard, who yelled at them for trying to enter with their horses and cart. But when Ciara explained the situation, they were waved through. One of the paladins even walked behind the cart, and Rickard felt more than a little nervous as he felt the man’s hard eyes burning into his back.

‘Acolyte,’ Ciara called out to a slim blonde girl who stared at Kess clinging to the priestess’ back. ‘Please get high-priestess Katherine.’

The girl looked at Ciara with wide eyes for a moment before stammering a quick ‘Yes’ and running off…only to return less than a minute later with a tall woman dressed in a pure white habit with a golden sun emblazoned on a bust that might just have been able to rival that of Kess.

‘Man…where were all these hot priestesses back in my city,’ Rickard wondered, and only after he heard the blonde acolyte giggle did he notice that he had said it aloud.

The woman dressed in white turned her head towards him, she was mature and beautiful…but her features were severe. She had a sharp jawline and pointed chin, as well as high cheekbones so thin that they reminded Rickard of icicles. But her dark, wine-red lips still smiled pleasantly at him as her narrow, almond-shaped green eyes ran over him.

‘You smell off corruption, my child,’ the woman said in a low voice.

‘Oh stop it, you sound just like my mother,’ Rickard joked, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling behind the word “corruption” and the feeling this woman was giving him in general. It didn’t help…

She simply smirked before turning to Ciara. ‘Is this why you brought him here, Ciara? And that…demon?’

‘Yes Katherine,’ Ciara replied, visibly just as uncomfortable under the head-priestess’ gaze as Rickard. ‘I am ashamed to admit that the succubus was too difficult to exorcise on my own…and I hoped you had a way to cure Rickard of his corruption.’

‘Wait, wait, wait,’ Rickard interrupted the head-priestess as she was about to speak. ‘I came along with Ciara because I needed to go to Yull anyway, and because I really wanted to see that bitch of a demon sent back to the Underworld—’ he heard a hurt gasp coming from behind him. ‘—but now that I’m here, everyone suddenly starts muttering about corruption! So please tell me what is going on!’

‘Basically, your soul has been weakened thanks to your coupling with a demon and is therefore easier to take,’ Katherine said frankly. ‘Not only that, any half-competent demon can smell you from miles away. So Ciara brought you with her, hoping I could do something about any potential demons trying to rip you limb from limb. Isn’t that right, Ciara?’

‘…Yes.’ Ciara replied in a small voice.

‘Boy, that’s not good,’ he muttered drily. ‘So, is there a way from stopping all that from happening? Because I’ve kind of grown attached to my limbs over the years.’

‘As a matter of fact, we do,’ Katherine replied, ignoring Rickard’s attempt at one of his bad jokes. ‘Step off the cart and I’ll tell you more.’

He did as the head-priestess asked, and watched as one of the paladins got on the cart instead and directed the mules pulling it to another room. Kess and Ciara quickly followed his example, and all three followed Katherine. Their footsteps echoed through the hallways of the temple, and Rickard was once again impressed by the beauty of the place as he ran his eyes over several works of art lining the hallways.

‘We do have a bottle of holy oil, made by Hoten’s human lover and first priestess Helen. Made with a drop of his sweat, and containing a beam of sunlight,’ the head-priestess finally said, just when Rickard stretched his neck up to watch an elaborate mosaic on the ceiling. ‘It is said that spreading it over one’s body will cure him or her of any illness. And I am certain that the holiness will fight off corruption as well.’

‘Good, where is it?’ Rickard asked, willing to believe that such a thing existed if it could save his life.

‘It was locked underneath the temple when it was first constructed, waiting for someone worthy to get it.’

‘…Great. Nothing’s ever easy, is it,’ Rickard grumbled.

‘Would you like to see if you are amongst the worthy?’ Katherine asked.

‘Sure, why not…’

‘I’ll come with you, Rickard,’ Ciara said. ‘It’s the least I can do after what happened last night.’

Katherine cocked an eyebrow at the comment, but only said, ‘I cannot allow a priestess of Hoten to accompany you on this trial, as she is already worthy in the eyes of our god.’

‘Then I’ll go with him.’ Kess said, cutting off Ciara’s protest before it could begin.

‘If that is what you wish…’ Katherine said with a nod.

With that, she led all three of them down a set of stairs lighted by several torches placed several feet apart. When they finally reached the end, a large wooden door with a well-oiled dark iron lock blocked their path. Katherine quickly pulled out a heavy key, made from the same iron, and inserted it in the lock.

‘I wish you both good luck,’ the head-priestess said as she turned the key. ‘Find the oil, and bring it back to us to be cleansed. I’ll make sure to post a paladin at this door in case you return.’

And with those ominous words, Katherine opened the door. Ciara whispered a quick, ‘Good luck’ as Kess and Rickard stepped inside, and then the door closed behind them with a decisive *click*. The room they entered had but a single glass orb of light placed on a pedestal in the center; at the opposite end of the room was another door with a sun emblazoned on it. In the middle of that sun was another orb, only darkened.

‘I think we need to find a way to make the light reach the door so we can enter the next roo-’

Rickard’s rumination was interrupted as Kess swiftly walked across the room, and kicked the door down with a loud crash.

‘Or we can just do that…’ he conceded after the dust cleared, and the opened doorway came into view.

‘I don’t like puzzles,’ Kess said with a shrug as she and Rickard stepped in the next room.

‘You don’t say…’ was his dry reply.

The next room had a path leading across the room to the proceeding door…and a large drop that would no doubt end unhappily if you fell. Only, the path wasn’t properly lit. A few torches, that probably still burned thanks to Hoten being the god of light, merely showed small patches of the path.

‘How do those priestesses get the money to maintain a place like this…’ Rickard groaned.

‘Don’t question it, just find a way to get across,’ Kess said with a happy grin.

‘You do this thing a lot, do you?’ Rickard asked.

‘I’m a barbarian hero,’ Kess explained. ‘Looting temples is pretty much what we do.’

‘…Right,’ he sighed in response to her answer. ‘Anyway, can you go back into the previous room and see if we can move that orb of light? It will make passing this a lot easier.’

‘On it!’ Kess said, excited about getting further into the underground temple.

The self-proclaimed barbarian hero rushed back into the room, and after a loud grunt or two, which made Rickard think of something other than exploring the underground temple, she returned carrying the glowing glass orb of light.

‘It’s…heavier than it looks,’ Kess remarked with a grunt, but walked out in front of Rickard without complaining.

The path they walked on zigzagged dangerously, but with the help of the orb Kess carried there were no problems. The blonde had to call out a warning to Rickard sometimes so he wouldn’t fall, mostly because he was too focused on the way her big, firm rump twitched as she walked in front of him, but luckily neither of them fell to their deaths.

When they finally reached the other end of room, Kess put down the glass orb next to door and stretched her arm and arched her back, which did…interesting things to the massive round globes that were barely being contained by her skimpy top. Rickard swallowed audibly as he watched the humongous orbs of flesh jiggle, and quickly walked inside the next room.

‘This looks pretty straightforward…’ Rickard mused as he scanned the large open room, with a door at the far end.

But as soon as he had said it, he noticed a large, writhing mass scuttling down one of the walls from the corner from his eye. Before he could get a good look at what it was, however, it shot towards him faster than he could imagine! Rickard called out in shock, but luckily Kess quickly stormed into the room and pushed him aside.

With a yelp of surprise Rickard tripped and fell into something soft. A sudden sickening smell assaulted his nostrils. He had to supress another scream when his eyes finally got used to the dim light in the room, and he realized that he had in fact fallen into a pile of bodies. As he was about to warn Kess about the danger she was in, he found out that it was too late…

The large beast that had tried to kill him consisted of numerous dark tentacles and stood on six insect-like legs, and it only had one large orange slit-eye like a cat’s…. focused on Kess. The tentacle beast had captured the barbarian woman, but she wasn’t going down without a fight, as Rickard soon noticed. The beast made sharp, whistle like shrieks of pain as the blonde ripped apart several of its tentacles with her bare hands, something that made Rickard feel just a little sorry for it.

Unfortunately, the creature had too many tentacles for even Kess, and she was soon overwhelmed and suspended in mid-air as moist tentacles crawled over her athletic body. She gasped as one tentacle tore her top off, causing her juicy pumpkin-sized breasts to appear in the open.

Running his eyes over the barbarian’s bare, swaying breasts, Rickard was briefly mesmerized and unaware of the danger Kess was in. His eyes were glued to her dark, wide areolas and he watched as her suckable nipples began to stiffen. But when she screamed in defiance, reality came rushing back and Rickard felt his heart hammering in his chest.

‘Rickard! Do something!’ Kess yelled.

‘With what!?’ he yelled back, frustrated with the fact that he couldn’t do anything.

‘There should be some weapons on those-’

The rest of the blonde’s sentence was silenced as a tentacle wormed its way into her mouth and down her throat, but Rickard knew what she had wanted to say and quickly examined the corpses among him for a weapon he could use. He found swords and axes, but most were in a state unfit for fighting…not that he would have been able to use them if they were. He also found some daggers, but he doubted they would do anything against the tentacle creature.

Finally, he found something he could use on a corpse fresher than the others. He was carrying a longbow made of the heartwood of a yew tree…but it was unstrung.

‘Oh come on!’ he yelled at the ceiling.

Knowing what to do, he began to search the corpse for a fresh bowstring, and was only briefly distracted by another sharp, whistling shriek of pain as Kess violently bit down on the tentacle that had dared to enter her mouth. When Rickard finally did find the bowstring he was looking for, he still had to string the bow. Which was not an easy task for someone with his strength…but fear and adrenaline can make miracles happen.

After some fumbling with the string, he finally managed to string it properly, and quickly grabbed one of the arrows out of the corpse’s quiver, before nervously nocking it. Focusing on the obvious weak point of the creature’s eye, he pulled back the arrow until the fletching was past his ear, took a deep breath…and released.

A terrifying second passed as the arrow cut through the air, but Rickard released a victorious cry as the arrow sank into the tentacle monster’s eye. It released Kess, uttering another whistle-like shriek of pain, and started blindly flailing around its tentacles; even as dazed as she was the barbarian managed to dodge them. Rickard, unfortunately, wasn’t as swift, and one of the tentacles struck him. The blow shattered the bow he was holding, luckily softening the impact against his chest. But he still fell on his ass with a pained cry.

He recovered quickly and grabbed a nearby weapon, a battle-axe with a long handle and a pointed pick behind the blade, and shoved it in Kess’ direction, shouting her name. The blonde reacted quickly, ducking out of the way of a flailing tentacle and simultaneously grabbing the weapon, swinging the axe upwards at one of the tentacle beast’s legs as she stood up.

The leg snapped and a thick, grey-greenish ichor snapped from the wound as the axe blade buried itself in it, and with a defiant roar Kess pulled the blade out and brought the axe back down before the creature could recover. This time, she succeeded in chopping the leg off. Due to the onslaught of damage, the tentacle monster collapsed.

Wasting no time, the barbarian brought the blade back up and approached the thrashing creature’s closed, bleeding eye. Deducing that its brain must be near it, she brought down the axe again, and again, and again, until it finally stopped moving.
Now, with the tentacle monster hopefully killed, Kess quickly ran up to Rickard, who was clutching his chest.

‘Are you hurt?’ she asked him with a worried expression on her face.

‘Yeah,’ he said softly. ‘That…was very different than hunting deer with my uncle.’ He looked down at the shattered bow. ‘But what about you? That thing caught you and…’ He trailed off.

‘I’m fine…’ Kess said through clenched teeth, and Rickard noted how her eyes were slightly glazed over as she looked at him.

‘Well, let’s go get that oil, shall we?’ he said, trying to sound chipper as he got to his feet and approached the door.

But the still topless Kess was breathing heavily now as she followed him. He felt her huge, heavy breasts pressing against his upper back as he laid his hand on the door handle, and that combined with the blonde breathing hotly in his ear made him grow erect. Which was something the barbarian didn’t miss. She cooed happily and ran one of her hands over the tent in Rickard’s pants, and moaned as it twitched.

‘Kess, a-are you sure you’re alright?’ Rickard asked, one part nervous and one part aroused.

‘N-no…’ she whimpered. ‘That thing did something to me Rickard, I-I need help.’ Kess moaned while rubbing her broad, discreetly muscled thighs together.

‘We can turn back and let the priestesses take a look at you,’ Rickard said with concern in his face.

‘I-I need your help, Rickard,’ Kess groaned, before roughly grabbing his cock through his pants.

‘Alright, alright,’ he grunted in response as the blonde’s slender, but strong, hand began jerking off his member. ‘Let’s just get into the next room, because the sights in this room aren’t particularly arousing…’

Kess seemed to agree, since she released his cock, and Rickard quickly opened the door and stepped inside. He tried to shut the door before Kess could walk in, being pretty sure that screwing her while she was on some weird tentacle beast aphrodisiac would be akin to rape, but the barbarian’s strength triumphed over his and the door was simply pushed open. Shutting the door behind her, the blonde pounced on him.

‘R-Rickard…you, you said you were going to help me!’ The barbarian woman yelled as she lifted him partly off the floor by his tunic.

‘Well, I just thought I would let you-’

But Rickard was silenced when the blonde violently mashed her lips against his, and he groaned in surprise. The feeling of the barbarian’s surprisingly soft lips against his and the way her massive melons were pressed against his skinny chest, caused his dick to swell in his pants. Kess felt his growing cock poke against her leg, and she reacted to this by breaking the kiss and slowly, reluctantly, pushing herself off of Rickard.

‘C-can’t have you destroying another pair of pants now, can we?’ Kess giggled nervously, as she slowly tugged down Rickard’s trousers, and the blonde moaned softly at the sight of his rising member.

Rickard could scoot back, but he didn’t want to and even if he did, Kess would no doubt catch him anyway. Of course any thoughts to this effect were soon erased when the blonde ran her strong but gentle hands over his massive member, cooing as she traced the fat veins that provided his monster with blood with a slender finger until a dollop of precum escaped and slowly slithered down his thick shaft. Kess watched the pearly blob of pre with big, gold eyes and hesitated for only a moment before giving in and slowly running her tongue over Rickard’s prick and lapping up his prejizz.

‘Mmm…such a strong taste,’ Kess purred after smacking her lips together. She got to her feet and untied the knot that kept up her loincloth.

Rickard felt his mouth drop open as he watched the skimpy garment made of fur slowly fall towards the ground, bringing the barbarian babe’s pussy into view. Her labia had some of the plumpest, most delicious looking lips on it…so delicious in fact, that Rickard felt his cock twitch happily at the sight of them. And just above her mound, was a small strip of honey blonde pubic hair, which at this point was almost as wet as her snatch.

Apparently Kess was so aroused that she decided that neither she or Rickard would need any more foreplay, and with streamers of girlcum running down her discreetly muscled thighs and long, athletic legs…Rickard couldn’t disagree. Any protests died on his lips when Kess straddled his hips and pushed her pussy against his fat, angry purple crown.

A sharp hiss escaped Rickard’s lips as he felt the heat of the blonde’s hot and needy cunt brushing over his sensitive dickhead, and he grunted in lust as drops of the barbarian’s gelatinous juices slowly slithered down his throbbing shaft. When Kess tried to impale herself on the monstrous cock however, she only succeeded in making the fist-size crown splay apart her pussy-lips before it entered her pussy at a torturously slow pace.

Kess roared in a mixture of frustration and pleasure as Rickard’s cockhead slowly stretched her tight pink tunnel, and in response to the much needed penetration a positive fountain of her juices wetly smacked down on Rickard’s groin and stomach. This also succeeded in lubricating his thick, vein-corded shaft a little. After the blonde’s pussy stopped twitching and clenching in orgasm, his fat crown successfully disappeared into her juicy snatch.

He gasped in surprise at feeling his dickhead sinking into the hot, tight pussy of the barbarian and a thick blast of precum thumped out of his cumslit to coat the sensitive pink walls of Kess’ slit. In turn, she reacted to this by releasing a pleasured squeak, wrapping her strong arms around Rickard’s neck, and burying his face between her mountainous breasts. And although he wasn’t entirely sure how he should feel about Kess taking advantage of him all hopped up on the weird tentacle monster aphrodisiac like she was, he sure was going to enjoy the sensation of having his head practically enveloped by the barbarian’s babe’s massive tits!

So he began placing passionate kisses over every inch of soft, firm breastflesh he could find, and enjoyed the warm, muffled laughter that escaped the blonde’s lips in response. Which unfortunately resulted in Rickard getting pulled from her delicious cleavage to be kissed by the barbarian once again. He enjoyed the kiss, despite the lack of tongue, but was slightly frustrated when the kiss was broken again by Kess to release a shriek of both pain and pleasure.

Taking the thick, 18 inch dick apparently wasn’t as easy as the barbarian had thought as she tried to lower her pussy over the mighty, throbbing pole gently. ‘By the Underworld!’ she cried out. ‘I’ve seen a goblin take this beast, why can’t I?’ She began fucking the few inches that had fit into her moist pussy.

‘Well, in all fairness,’ Rickard began, ‘she was a priestess to a goddess of Lust and Greed and seemed to have her powers at her disposal.’

‘U-using magic is not fair!’ Kess cried out.

‘They don’t like it when you call it that, but yeah. She cheated a bit,’ Rickard joked, but Kess’ face remained dead serious.

‘Please Rickard…I-I need more,’ she begged. ‘It’s like this itch that is too deep for me to scratch. O-only you can reach it.’

Although he didn’t particularly enjoy the idea of the possibility that he could hurt Kess, mostly because she could hurt him way worse, seeing her so desperate made him want to help her. Especially because in this case “helping Kess” meant the same thing as “fucking Kess.” So Rickard laid his hands on the barbarian’s broad hips, and without warning sharply slammed his hips upward.

Not having expected the sudden movement, Kess cried out in surprise and pain as more of the massive cock slammed into her pussy. Pleasure followed soon, though, and the barbarian’s athletic body started to rock and shake as a strong climax hit her to dull the aforementioned pain, doing interesting thing to her breasts. Rickard focused on the jiggling mounds of appealing breastflesh as he quickly extracted his meaty pole from Kess’ fluttering pink depths, eliciting another squeal from her in response before another wave of pussy juice sprayed from her cunny.

But as the climax ran through the blonde’s body, Rickard didn’t simply stop. No, he mercilessly rammed his cock back into the blonde’s stretched, climaxing snatch and moved his hips in short, sharp bursts to slowly drive more of his muscular fuckmast into the barbarian’s needy muff. At this point Kess’ eyes had crossed from pleasure and her tongue hung from her mouth while she squealed, and the deeper Rickard’s member managed to plunge into her snatch, the louder her squeals got. Until…her voice suddenly got caught in her throat, and she fell backwards.

Rickard’s member wetly flopped out of her climaxing snatch, causing his shaft to be showered by another geyser of girlcum. But just as Rickard began to wonder if this had been enough, Kess spread her legs wider and uttered a single word: ‘More…’

Seeing her lying on her back like that with her twitching legs wide open, and feminine juices flowing from her gaping and twitching snatch, Rickard couldn’t resist. He was quick to crawl towards the athletic blonde and sit on his knees, before moving his hands underneath her large, firm heart-shaped booty. Before sinking his steel-hard, throbbing cock back into Kess’ pussy he gave her rump a fond squeeze, and just as she yelped in surprise, he slammed his hips forward and buried over half of his member into her welcoming slit.

Kess threw her head back and howled in response to Rickard ramming his dick into her needy, stretched snatch for the second time since their little sex-session had begun, and soon found out just how sensitive the tentacle beast had made her body as she felt her mind go blank, pleasure rocking her body and high velocity sprays of her femcum splattering against Rickard’s stomach, further soiling the state of the tunic he was wearing. Rickard didn’t appear to be bothered by his tunic getting soaked though, and instead continued pounding away at the barbarian’s clenching cunt, while simultaneously wrapping his lips around one of the blonde’s steel hard nipples.

Finally Rickard felt his cockhead hitting something spongy, after having managed to bury a full foot of his member in Kess’ sweet snatch despite the fact that her pussy muscles had been wrapping around his shaft like a silken vice with each of her orgasms. The blonde gasped sharply as the tip of his dick hit her cervix, and noticing her reaction Rickard was quick to take advantage of it and hit it with short, rapid thrusts of his hips.

‘Oh…gods Rickard…n-not so fast!’ Kess yelped between sharp, ragged breaths.

Unfortunately for her, Rickard seemed to be a bit too happy about being the one in charge during sex for once and was focused on sucking and nibbling on Kess’ sensitive nipple. So his rapid pace continued, and the blonde squealed and thrashed beneath him. When she reached for him with her hands to try and push him off, the barbarian’s strong arms simply went slack under the constant pounding of her cervix. As her cervix gave way to the mighty pounding pole, and Rickard’s cock slammed into her womb, she sung a different tune.

‘Yes! T-that’s where the itch is! K-keep going Rickard!’ she moaned happily as a full 15 inches of cock were now buried in her stretched slit. And just in case Rickard was thinking of pulling out anyway, she wrapped her legs around his waist and locked him inside of her…albeit with some effort.

Although it was difficult in his current position, Rickard began to pull most of his cock out before plunging what he could back into Kess’ snatch. With a groan he pulled her nipple from his mouth, watching how the barbarian babe’s muscled tummy got a nice bump every time he slammed his member back into her womb. Kess too noticed this and couldn’t help weakly bringing her hand up to lay it on her belly, and cooing each time her stomach, and hand, got pushed upwards by Rickard’s powerful pole.

This didn’t last long however, as the feeling of Kess’ hot and drooling pussy clenching around his cock soon became too much for Rickard, and he felt his balls starting to clench. Grunting darkly, he slammed all 15 inches of his member he could fit into the barbarian’s sweet muff and buried his face between her glorious knockers just as the first ropes of spunk spewed out of his distended cumslit. When the hot blasts of jizz started to fill her womb, and make her belly swell even more, Kess made no sound. Her eyes just crossed in pleasure and her mouth fell open as sprays of both her own girlcum and Rickard’s spunk sprayed from her twitching snatch.

After each of their orgasms ran their courses, both Rickard and Kess collapsed. Kess rested her head on the cold, hard floor. Rickard had the luck of landing right into the blonde’s warm, soft cleavage. His face tucked safely between her ginormous melons. Luckily, it only lasted a minute or two before their consciousness returned. But when Rickard tried to pull out…he couldn’t.

‘What’s going on Rickard? I-I already feel better…’ Kess moaned with her stomach swollen.

‘My, er, cockhead is kind of stuck in your womb.’ He explained as his repeated pushes and pulls only caused the barbarian woman to moan again.

‘Well, you’d better try harder,’ she replied. ‘We have to find that bottle of holy oil before another monster shows up…’

‘Actually,’ Rickard started, ‘we already have…’ He sheepishly nodded to the side with his head.

There it was, standing on a simple altar a few feet away from the couple and providing all the light in the otherwise empty room. The bottle was beautifully carved with a bright sun in the centre, with plants and flowers coming to life around it. Of course, Rickard and Kess weren’t terribly interested in that right now…

‘Well, then I guess you should fuck me until you go flaccid,’ Kess said off-handedly, but with a big grin on her face.

‘Pragmatic, aren’t you?’ Rickard said drily, but he did begin to move his hips again…

About an hour later…

‘T-that…took a little longer t-than I thought,’ Kess muttered in a frail voice as Rickard finally pulled out.

‘Well, y-you’re partly to blame for that as well,’ Rickard replied in a tired voice.

‘T-thanks for the com-compliment,’ Kess said with a grin, before moaning as spray of jizz escaped her cunt. ‘C-can you help me get rid of all this e-extra wei-weight though?’ She patted her belly, which was swollen thanks to all the jizz Rickard had pumped into her womb.

‘I think I have an idea…’ he mused, while straddling her waist.

‘Rickard what are you doi-’

With a sigh, he sat down on her stomach…which of course caused the large amount of semen he had blasted into Kess’ womb to leave her pussy, and it practically exploded out of her pink tunnel. Kess didn’t know how to feel as the geyser of thick, white spunk squirted from her abused snatch, but eventually the feeling of pleasure won out and with the sprays of Rickard’s cum, some of her own left her pussy too.

While Kess was climaxing, Rickard took the opportunity to finally wrap her massive melons around his cock. Unfortunately, no matter how much he rubbed her soft breastflesh around his softening cock…he didn’t grow erect. Much to his frustration.

‘Well…looks like I am well and truly satisfied for a change,’ Rickard muttered, trying to hide his disappointment.

‘Good for you,’ Kess groaned as she pressed her hand against her now flat belly. ‘Also, if you do something like this again next time I’m going to punch you.’

‘So this means there will be a next time?’ Rickard replied while waggling his eyebrows and helping Kess to her feet.

‘Not with an attitude like that,’ the blonde shot back, while playfully punching his arm. ‘Anyway, get that bottle and let’s return upstairs…I’m sick of this place, it doesn’t even have any good loot.’

‘I’m with you on…most of that,’ Rickard said as he put on his trousers, which had remained intact for a change. ‘But walk behind me this time while we cross the gap, alright? I don’t think we’ll need the globe for light this time.’

‘Good, I doubt I would be able to hold it anyway,’ Kess mused as she put on her loincloth.

Grabbing the bottle, they returned to the previous room, where the tentacle beast was luckily still dead. Before leaving Kess did grab her ruined top, and the axe still imbedded in the monster. ‘What?’ she said as Rickard shot her a look. ‘The goblins still have my old weapons somewhere.’ He simply nodded in response, and they left the strange creature to rot…

* * * *

They managed to cross the other two rooms with little trouble, the only problem being that both their groins were a little sore and their hips were quite tired. So obviously movement went a little slow. Luckily the paladin that Katherine had promised to post by the door was still there when they knocked, and was quick to get the high-priestess.

‘So did you get rid of that tentacle monster?’ was the first thing the high-priestess asked as she saw Rickard and Kess.

‘Wait, you knew that thing was downstairs!?’ Rickard shouted indignantly.

‘Well, yes…sorry for not telling you about it,’ Katherine said with an impish grin, having apparently dropped the act of mature, mysterious head-priestess. ‘But if you don’t set these sort of things up like a quest no adventurers would be interested in going downstairs for us.’

‘Why not just call the damn city guard!’ Rickard yelled as he tightly clenched the bottle in his hands. ‘Or the paladins!?’ he added.

‘Unfortunately the downsides to having a peaceful city like this, is that the city guard can’t deal with anything more strenuous than rowdy drunks. And we just can’t risk our paladins,’ she explained with a shrug. ‘So we have to make do with adventurers that pass through Yull.’

‘This…I…Just take care of Kess here, and let’s get rid of my corruption. If it is even real,’ Rickard grumbled while handing the high-priestess the bottle of glowing oil.

‘I assure you that your corruption is very real,’ Katherine said while running her hands over the bottle. ‘Timothy,’ she said to the young paladin of Hoten that had brought her. ‘Get Kess here to the baths, the acolytes there will know what to do.’

The paladin gently grabbed Kess’ wrist, at least the one that wasn’t angrily holding onto the axe, and led her upstairs. And while Rickard watched the blonde’s butt shake as she ascended the stairs, Katherine was there to grab his arm and pull him upstairs as well. The high-priestess led him through a hallway that looked like it was barely used, which was fairly obvious from all the dust.

‘So…where are you taking me?’ Rickard asked the high-priestess as their footsteps echoed through the dusty hallway.

‘I’m taking you to where we are keeping the succubus,’ Katherine explained. ‘So we might banish her back to her own realm, and cleanse you of your corruption.’

‘What? You couldn’t just exorcize her while Kess and I where downstairs?’ Rickard asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

‘No,’ was Katherine’s curt response. ‘Although Hoten’s paladins usually take swift and brutal actions when it comes to demons and corruption, I couldn’t say no to Ciara’s big puppy dog eyes when she asked to find a way to help you. So now we’ll have to deal with the exorcism of a different faith.’

‘Which one?’ Rickard asked curiously.

‘Zehani,’ Katherine said softly.


Zehani was seen as the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, but thanks to the way in which her priestesses worshipped her they weren’t exactly welcomed in the city of Yull. Of course Hoten, being a god of light, was often associated with purity, even though a lot of wars were started because he had a tendency to sleep around with human women who were already married. His priestesses didn’t tend to like Zehani much. Now that Zehani was mentioned however, Rickard was quite curious to see what his little purifying ritual and banishment of Violet would entail…

Fortunately, Rickard didn’t have to wait long to find out as they stepped into a large room with Violet standing in the centre of it. Three silver rings inscribed with runes and religious symbols surrounding her, keeping her from escaping. Painted on the walls were other symbols, used to ward off demons, and on the far end of the room were a variety of herbs, silver daggers and wooden stakes. There was even a large tub filled with water that Rickard assumed was holy.

‘These rooms were used by our paladins during our witch hunts,’ the high-priestess explained after seeing Rickard’s odd look. ‘It is not a proud part of our history…but I guess it still has its uses.’

Before Rickard could comment on it however, Ciara burst into the room carrying a bag. ‘I got what you asked for, high-priestess,’ she said, slightly out of breath, handing the bag to Katherine.

Katherine was quick to grab a small book with a deep, wine red cover and leaf through it before stopping at a page and chuckling richly as she put the book down on a nearby table, with some nasty dark stains on it. She then grabbed a large, foot-long gold-studded strap-on from the same bag that made Rickard swallow audibly.

‘Oh don’t worry, it’s not for you,’ she said teasingly. ‘It’s for our purple friend over there.’

‘Glad to hear, I was just about to sprint out of here,’ he replied. ‘Now, what do we do?’

‘Well, according to notes in the books the corrupted limb needs to be slathered in holy oil and then be inserted into the orifice it was last corrupted with,’ Katherine explained. ‘I honestly doubt if it matters, but you never know.’

‘I’m certainly not complaining,’ Rickard replied with a grin. ‘Anyway, give me the oil and let’s get it over with.’

‘Oh no, no, no, no Rickard,’ Katherine said teasingly. ‘It needs to be applied by a holy woman.’

‘So…what? You’ll do it?’ Rickard asked.

‘Are you seriously asking the head-priestess of Hoten’s temple in Yull, the most holy of cities, to oil up your cock?’ Katherine asked, acting almost offended. But Rickard saw something impish glitter in her eyes.

‘It’ll be a fun story to tell my grandchildren,’ he said drily. ‘Who else can I ask?’

‘Perhaps I can be of assistance?’ Ciara asked, sounding almost hopeful.

‘Always so eager to help,’ the high-priestess observed as she handed her the bottle. ‘Be sure to lather it up real good.’

‘Yes, high-priestess…’ Ciara said as dropped to her haunches in front of Rickard and gently set the bottle down next to her, while she hungrily eyed his groin.

After taking a few deep breaths the shapely brunette gently began tugging down Rickard’s trousers, exhaling sharply as his meaty cock flopped out in the open. Although Rickard felt as if he still needed some time to recover from his time spent with Kess, apparently his dick felt differently, as it soon reacted to Ciara’s hot breath upon it by starting to swell.

‘Come on now girl, who don’t have all day.’ Katherine said cheerily as she grabbed Rickard’s tunic and pulled it over his head.

‘Ri-right.’ Ciara mumbled as she undid the bottle’s stopper and poured some of the oil on her right hand.

Katherine then took the bottle from Ciara, and watched as the younger priestess nervously rubbed her hands together before reaching for Rickard’s member. When Ciara’s dainty fingers made contact with the warm, throbbing flesh of Rickard’s massive pole the both of them released a gasp. Now a little more confident the priestess firmly grabbed his dick with both of slender hands, and gently began spreading the oil over the fat slab of cockmeat.

‘So heavy…’ Ciara said, transfixed by Rickard’s muscular fuckpiece as it throbbed powerfully in her hands.

At this point his member was completely slick and shining with holy oil, but Rickard wasn’t about to tell Ciara to stop moving her hands anytime soon. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one in the room and Katherine was quick to clear her throat. This caused Ciara to look embarrassed, and quickly pull her hands away from the beefy, throbbing member as if it had burned her, and Rickard focused his attention on the high-priestess.

The first thing he noticed, that the only things Katherine wore were her white coif and the gold strap-on. Otherwise, she was completely naked and Rickard had to admit, despite her age she still had one hell of a body with huge, juicy tits that only showed the slightest hint of sag and a slender waist that flared out in a pair of nice, broad hips. When she noticed him staring the high-priestess simply winked, which only made Rickard more embarrassed.

‘Ciara, now it is your turn to oil me up,’ Katherine said, while jerking the gold-studded phallus.

‘But…Katherine, you’re a priestess yourself.’ Ciara replied with a confused expression.

‘I know, but it looked like fun when you did it for Rickard.’ The high-priestess grinned impishly.

‘Oh…alright then.’ Ciara replied nervously as she got to her feet, and slowly approached the high-priestess.

Much to Katherine’s disappointment though, Ciara was a lot quicker when it came to applying oil to the studded gold strap-on. She let the younger priestess know it by making a show of pouting.

‘Now, to banish this succubus and cleanse you of your corruption…’ Katherine began. ‘Which hole did you use last?’

‘Uhm…her ass.’ Rickard replied, slightly surprised at the high-priestess’ crude use of words. 

‘Kinky.’ Katherine mused.

Before he could wonder how in Hoten’s name Katherine had become a high-priestess, he saw Ciara step into the circle and clasp a set of  silver manacles around Violet’s ankles and wrists. She flipped a lever on a nearby wall. This caused the succubus to be suspended in mid-air with her ankles resting against her shoulders and her legs spread in a wide ‘V’ shape.

‘Now, let’s take our positions.’ Katherine said as she went to stand in front of Violet while pressing the crown of her strap-on against the demon’s drooling slit.

Rickard kicked off his boots and trousers, and with a sigh followed Katherine’s example. He wasn’t sure which crazy god or goddess had thought of a ritual like this, but he was at least happy that he wasn’t being killed by some stoic paladin. So he grabbed Violet’s plush purple buns and gently spread them apart to get a view of her tight, puckered asshole, and as if by some unspoken agreement both Rickard and the high-priestess pushed their hips forward.

In response the succubus howled—in pleasure at the double penetration, or in pain because of the oil, Rickard didn’t know. But both he and Katherine kept pushing their hips forwards until the entirety of their respective members, in the high-priestess’ case strap-on, were buried to the hilt within Violet’s tight, warm holes. When they succeeded, Katherine was the first to start moving her hips. Of course Rickard soon followed, and slowly the two caught their rhythm and effortlessly slid Violet back and forth. He over his own cock, and Katherine over her bumpy strap-on.

And as Violet squealed in her chains, rammed back and forth by Rickard and the high-priestess, enjoying both the hot, throbbing pole stretching her bowels and the strap-on with its bumps tickling the walls of her pussy, Rickard wondered just what had happened to Kess…

* * * *

As it turned out, Kess was doing pretty well. The paladin had led her to the baths of the temple, and the barbarian was enjoying her soak in the warm, scented water…and she wasn’t alone. No, the blonde was joined by the slim blonde acolyte who had greeted them once they entered the temple, and her dark haired friend as well.

Before stepping in the water the two acolytes had given Kess tea to drink with some leaves crushed in it, apparently to fight off any pregnancies a romp with the tentacle beast could have caused. This was followed by the two slender girls stripping from their dresses before one grabbed a pitcher of sweet-smelling oil, and rubbing it into the barbarian’s back. According to one of the girls, it was so the aphrodisiac that the tentacle creature’s tentacles were lathered with would lose its effect. Kess however, who had been feeling pretty satisfied after Rickard had scratched her itch, only felt her lust returning in full force as the slender bodies of the acolytes rubbed against her back and her arm.

The blonde barbarian’s lust didn’t go unnoticed, and the darker haired acolyte quickly grew bolder as she went to stand in front of her. With hands still coated in oil, she had then laid her hands on Kess’ massive, heaving breasts before she began rubbing the sweet-scented oil into her juicy breastflesh. Unfortunately for the two girls, Kess wasn’t one to just sit around passively. Which brings us to the current scene…

The dark-haired acolyte whose name Kess still didn’t know was currently underwater, between the barbarian’s discreetly muscled thighs and rapidly flicking her tongue against her stiff clit. Eager to both come up for air, but also to help Kess achieve orgasm. The barbarian babe herself was pumping one of her digits into the blonde acolyte’s asshole, who had introduced herself as Kimberly before sitting down at the edge of the pool, while simultaneously running her tongue over her bald, wet pussylips.

It didn’t take very long before Kimberly squealed and threw her trembling legs in the air. Kess watched the younger blonde squealing and moaning as she writhed on the floor with some pleasure, before getting distracted by the splashing of water and a gasp for air as the dark-haired acolyte raised out of the water. She glanced in the direction of the blonde acolyte, and shot Kess a mischievous grin before she dove back under water and began a renewed assault on the barbarian’s twat.

But all Kess could think of was the hard, vein-ridged monstercock of Rickard and only felt frustration at the acolyte’s attempts of satisfying her. Not that it stopped her from gripping the dark haired girls head before she began to violently grind her snatch against her face. The acolyte struggled as Kess rode her face, but surprisingly didn’t stop running her tongue over the blonde’s clit. It took a few moments, but Kess’ screech finally rang through the baths as she climaxed.

‘Damn…that was intense!’ the dark-haired acolyte yelled as she got back up, gasping for air.

Kess simply nodded as she relaxed in the warm water, trying to savour the small climax she had just received…

* * * *

In the meantime, Violet was being banged back and forth by Rickard and Katherine and apparently the holy oil his cock and the high-priestess’ strap-on were lathered with had an effect on the succubus. Her face was scrunched up in a mixture of pleasure and pain while her flawless purple skin was shining with sweat. Rickard hadn’t even known that demons could sweat.

But other than that notion, neither he or Katherine paid much attention to the succubus’ comfort. Rickard had made a grab for Violet’s massive breasts and was gently squeezing the soft globes, which caused streamers of milk to spray from the demoness’ nipples that loudly splattered against the high-priestess’ own chest. Katherine ignored this however, and continued methodically slamming her hips back and forth.

‘Puh-please stop,’ Violet whimpered. ‘I don’t want to g-go back to the Underworld. I promise I wo-won’t hurt anymore humans.’

‘Oh sweetie I know you won’t,’ Katherine said with a smirk. ‘Ciara, start chanting. Rickard, you should thrust your hips a little faster.’

And after saying those words, Katherine pressed her lips against those of Violet. Silencing the succubus’ moans as well as any further protests. At the same time, Ciara had opened the wine red book she had brought and began chanting words in a language Rickard didn’t recognize in a sing-song voice. He also decided to do as Katherine had said and increased the pace of his moving hips to match those of the high-priestess.

Soon the room was filled with Rickard’s loud grunts and the muffled moans from Katherine and Violet, mixed with the sound of wet slaps as Rickard’s beefy, orange-sized balls smacked against the succubus’ plump, wet pussy each time he hilted his member into her tight but welcoming ass. Over all the noise came Ciara’s clear voice chanting, almost singing, the words that would send the demoness back to the Underworld.

As Ciara’s chanting came closer and closer to the ending, her voice grew higher and higher and the chanting more frantic. In turn, Rickard’s grunts and the muffled moans became louder and louder, his thrusts more ferocious. It was at this time that Katherine broke the kiss, causing a loud, piercing shriek escape the succubus’ full lips while the purple-skinned slut was shaking in her bonds.

With a smirk the high-priestess pulled her golden strap-on from the demoness’ drooling and constricting slit, her smirk growing broader as she noted how the slick strap-on was still connected to the succubus’ eager pussy with thick strings of girlcum. She whispered a few words and snapped her fingers before stepping out of the circle. And as she did, the manacles around Violet’s wrists and ankles opened, causing both the succubus and Rickard to fall towards the ground.

‘You better keep moving, Rickard,’ Katherine said as she watched the young man lying on top of the moaning Violet.

Rickard decided this was good advice and quickly went to stand behind Violet, beginning to pump his hips once again, this time using Ciara’s rapid chanting as an indication of how fast he should move his hips. His stomach slapped against the demoness’ big, purple rump while his balls slapped against her drooling cunt and during all of it Violet remained lying on the floor, moaning loudly.

‘Hurry up, the ritual is almost over,’ Katherine said in an amused voice.

Of course at that time Violet’s tail, which had been mostly slack during the threesome suddenly shot upwards and wrapped around his throat. He made a choked sound but didn’t stop moving his hips; still, his expression must have been panicked, as Violet looked quite pleased with herself as she pushed herself on all fours and looked at him over her shoulder.

Rickard was not deterred at having his air-supply cut off by the succubus’ tail however, instead he raised his right hand in the air and brought it down as heavily as he could on Violet’s full, juicy buttocks. It had the intended effect of making the purple-skinned slut squeal in joy and loosening the tail around his neck, so Rickard did it again.

When the succubus’ rump was a much darker shade of purple than the rest of her body, Rickard was finally able to tug the slack tail away from his throat and take a deep breath of nice fresh air. Just as he filled his lungs with much needed oxygen, he felt his balls clench and the first ropes of thick, white jizz escape his piss-hole. As he came, Ciara also reached the end of her chanting and the three silver circles lighted up…

‘Rickard, you have to get out of there!’ Ciara called out, as she noticed the circles.

Unfortunately he didn’t seem to hear her, his eyes were clenched shut and his body was trembling against Violet’s as spurts of semen rushed out of his cock. The succubus didn’t seem to be doing so well either, her eyes had rolled back and her long tongue hung from her opened mouth while streamers of girl-lube splattered on the ground. When his balls had finally been emptied however, Rickard was quick to notice the glowing circles around him.

With some effort he pulled his hips back and managed to extract his cock from the succubus’ tight ass with a loud, wet *SCHLOORP* that caused Violet to make a pleased little squeak. Afterwards the demoness slowly climbed to her feet, but not before Rickard managed to crawl out of the three silver circles that held her.

Violet huffed in annoyance as she looked over her shoulder at Rickard and the three priestesses, she then proceeded to blow him a kiss before saying, ‘I’ll be sure to catch you later, Rickard,’ with a lot more confidence than Rickard liked.

He swallowed audibly and watched how thick wads of spunk escaped the succubus’ ass before the light enveloped her and she disappeared in a flash. It was only after he was sure that she was gone that he breathed a sigh of relief…and noticed the presence of Ciara at his side. The younger priestess was staring at him with big worried eyes as she pressed her hands against his shoulder.

‘How are you feeling?’ she asked.

‘Pretty good,’ Rickard replied. ‘But that might just be because I’m coming down from an orgasm.’

Ciara simply smiled at his sarcasm, taking it as a sign that he was truly feeling better, and turned towards Katherine.

‘What shall we do now, high-priestess?’ she asked.

‘Well,’ Katherine began as she finally took off her strap-on, revealing to Rickard that she was a natural redhead without removing her coif. ‘I think that I shall take Rickard to my quarters to make sure that he is feeling fine. In the meantime his companion is free to roam the city,’ she told Ciara. ‘Oh, and bring these exorcism things back to the paladins and ask them to bring the holy oil back to the underground room.’

‘D-do you need any help?’ Ciara asked nervously as she put the strap-on and the red book back in the bag they came in.

‘I think I can handle it,’ Katherine said with an amused smile as she looked at the hopefulness in the younger priestess’ eyes.

‘A-alright then…’ Ciara replied, trying to hide her disappointment as she left the room.

‘Well then,’ Katherine said as she put on her robes, and turned towards Rickard. ‘If you would come with me?’

‘What are you going to do with me?’ he asked after putting his tunic back on.

‘Oh, I will just make sure that you are completely cleansed of your corruption,’ she told him. ‘I just don’t want to do it here, far too depressing.’

Rickard let out a sigh, ‘Fine…’ he muttered, even though he didn’t trust that impish grin on Katherine’s face, or the glimmer in her eye.

* * * *

‘I should have seen this coming,’ Rickard said to himself as he lay on Katherine’s large, soft bed with his hands tied to the two wooden poles flanking the bed poles.

‘You weren’t complaining when I was tying you up,’ the head-priestess said teasingly as she gently tugged down his trousers.

‘Well, I was enjoying the fact that I was seeing a high-priestess of Hoten naked, for the second time I might add,’ Rickard retorted drily.

But there was no denying Katherine’s beauty. Her skin was a lovely alabaster white without any blemishes or scars expect for a small, heart-shaped beauty mark on her left breast that Rickard hadn’t noticed before. Like he had previously noted her chest was huge and heavy with only a little sag, and was capped with pink areolas and nipples. This time the high-priestess had also removed her coif showing Rickard that she was indeed a redhead as her curly dark scarlet locks fell a little past her slender shoulder and framed her lovely face.

‘Are you sure I’m allowed to do this with a high-priestess of Hoten, I don’t like the idea of going to the Underworld very much,’ Rickard remarked as Katherine hungrily eyed his swelling cock.

‘Psh, most of my paladins like to think that being pure means that they aren’t allowed to have sex, but they conveniently forget the fact that Hoten tends to be a real ladies’ man with both divine women and human ones,’ Katherine shot back while tossing Rickard’s trousers aside and crawling on the bed with him.

‘Well, that’s good for me isn’t it?’ Rickard asked as a smug grin tugged at his lips.

‘Oh yes,’ Katherine replied while wrapping her big, soft breasts around his now stiff cock. ‘Very.’

Rickard had to agree after his member was enveloped by the high-priestess’ huge boobs, especially when much of his lengthy shaft still stuck out from Katherine’s cleavage and the redhead decided to run her tongue over the fat, fist-sized crown of his cock. Rickard growled at the sensation of Katherine’s wet nimble tongue licking his cockhead clean and he began to make short, jerky movements with his hips to try and push more of his dick into her mouth, but he barely even managed to press his bell-shaped crown past her plush lips in his current position.

Katherine was content however to suckle on what she could fit in her mouth of his spongy cockhead, and moaned softly as small globules of pearly precum escaped his cumslit and filled her mouth. The head-priestess continued rubbing Rickard’s erect and vein-corded cock with her huge, soft breasts, but soon found that the young man needed more to reach an orgasm. So it was with some disappointment that the redhead pulled her mouth off of the precum drooling crown, and instead crawled off the bed.

‘Hey! What about me?’ Rickard yelled as he watched Katherine leaving the bedroom.

‘Be patient,’ she called out in a sing-song voice, and Rickard heard her opening and closing a door.

Less than a minute later he heard the same door open and close again and Katherine returned with a triumphant grin on her face and a bottle of oil in her hands. She was quick to crawl on the bed again, and smoothly undid the cork stopper before applying some of it not on her hands, but on her chest. After emptying more than half the bottle on her now shining breasts, she put it away.

‘Uhm, why the oil?’ Rickard asked curiously.

‘Well,’ Katherine began as she buried Rickard’s monstrous member in her warm, slick cleavage. ‘The succubus seemed to enjoy you ploughing her ass, so I thought “why not give it a try?” I just doubt my tight little butt is ready to accept this beast without a little lubricant.’

‘Your butt isn’t little,’ Rickard shot back as he watched the high-priestess’ big, meaty rump shaking behind her as she gave him a titfuck, and simultaneously slathered his cock with oil. ‘And why are you applying the oil with your breasts?’

‘It’s just more fun this way,’ Katherine admitted after a mock look of outrage on her face because of Rickard’s comment on her ass.

‘How did you become a priestess anyway?’ Rickard asked with an exasperated sigh, but a smile on his face.

‘I used to be an adventurer, but got my ass saved by a priest more than once and decided I liked sleeping in a warm temple more than on the cold, wet ground,’ Katherine explained. ‘I never thought I’d make it to head priestess either,’ she mused before pulling away from Rickard’s member to instead straddle his hips. ‘Anyway, enough with the history lessons. Let’s see if I can make this monster disappear…’

And after saying those words the redhead sank down on the massive shaft, and felt the fist-sized crown prodding against her tight anus. Katherine growled in frustration as she was unable to sink down any further on Rickard’s meaty pole and tried to force herself to sit down on his bell-shaped cockhead, but had no such luck. Fortunately, Rickard spotted the swollen nub that was her clit, and gave the sensitive button a rather rough pinch.

With a squeal Katherine’s tight balloon-knot ring first tensed up before relaxing and allowing Rickard’s fat bell-shaped crown to slip into her anal tunnel. The head-priestess released a loud, surprised yelp as his cockhead stretched her anus wide. Slowly but surely the redhead began to lower herself a little more on the meaty pole sticking up from between Rickard’s thighs, wincing and moaning all the while.

‘By Hoten’s glowing cock!’ Katherine cursed, grimacing and red-faced. ‘This is a lot more difficult than I initially thought…’

‘And you haven’t even managed to get it half-way in yet,’ Rickard teased as he placed his hands on the high-priestess’ broad hips. ‘What sort of priestess are you, to leave your flock suffering like this?’

‘D-don’t be a sm-smartass, Ri-Rickard!’ Katherine said between gasps and moans as the young man began to slam his hips upward while pulling her down to help with the insertion of his hot, throbbing prick.

Rickard ignored her comment, and simply set his jaw as he strained his arms to slowly pull the head-priestess down. The insertion of his pillar of cockmeat was slow and tortuous, causing the redhead’s bedroom to be filled with groans and grunts and moans as Rickard’s cock was slowly being sheathed in Katherine’s warm, tight anal tunnel.

After a little more than 9 inches had disappeared past the high-priestess’ stretched ring of muscles Rickard’s member gave a powerful twitch before thumping out a large welter of hot prejizz, which glued itself to the twitching walls of Katherine’s warm ass. She responded to this sensation by giving a sharp, loud shriek that resounded through her bedroom, and her poor abandoned pussy clenched strongly before large gouts of femcum sprayed from her cunny like a geyser, coating much of Rickard’s face and chest.

‘Y-you cum quite a lot don’t you?’ Katherine asked with a shaky grin.

‘That, eh, was just precum.’ Rickard replied, not sure if he felt proud or embarrassed about admitting such a thing.

‘Mmm…I-is there any way I ca-can convince you to stay?’ Katherine mewled at the revelation.

‘If you can find a way to shrink down my cock, then sure,’ he shot back drily.

‘Wh-why would you wa-want to shrink down this b-beast?’ Katherine asked.

‘Because, like I told Ciara when we first met, most women don’t want their organs rearranged when I fuck them,’ Rickard explained.

‘Wa-wait, you and C-Ciara-’

But the rest of Katherine’s sentence was cut short when Rickard smacked the redhead’s meaty rump. ‘No, I haven’t gotten together with Ciara like that,’ he said, exasperated.

The head-priestess only mewled in response to her slapped ass and made a show of pouting, but when Rickard began to gently rub her reddening buttcheek she grinned once again and gradually began working her hips, slowly fucking the 9 inches that had been inserted in her anal tunnel. Katherine’s grin quickly turned into a grimace again as the girthy vein-ridged shaft stretched the walls of her anal tunnel, thanks to the sudden movements of the youth’s monstercock.

Another small gush of girlcum sprayed from Katherine’s snatch as she rode Rickard’s dick, and with a squeal of delight the redhead placed her hands on his skinny chest and began riding him more ferociously, causing another inch of cockmeat to sink into the high-priestess’s warm butt. With now 10-inches of monstercock hammering into her eager anal tunnel, Katherine released another sharp squeal, thick gouts of pussy juices once again squirting from her fluttering quim.

As for how Rickard was doing? Despite the fact that Katherine couldn’t successfully bury the entirety of his prick in her warm and clenching ass, seeing the beautiful older woman achieve orgasm after eye-crossing orgasm as she rode his dick had an effect on him. So as he felt an all too familiar churning in his orange-sized balls, Rickard decided that he would no longer act gentle and began to slam his hips upwards as ferociously as he could.

The redhead’s response to the sudden rapid buttfuck was to collapse on top of Rickard, mashing her soft breasts against the young man’s own skinny chest while the redhead’s short, rapid shrieks of pleasure rang in his ears. With the busty, trembling high-priestess on top of him, Rickard felt his balls start to clench, and the first ropes of warm, thick ropes of cum rocketed from his cumslit to coat the walls of Katherine’s sensitive anus.

‘Gods! S-so hot!’ the high-priestess howled at the sensation of her rump being filled with the young man’s semen.

Rickard’s answer was to release a loud growl as he arched his back, wrapping his arms around the high-priestess’ slender back, crushing her soft, curvaceous form against him, which also caused his cum-spewing member to finally escape the redhead’s ass and to spray the remainder of his load over Katherine’s meaty rump and lower back.

‘That was…amazing.’ Katherine sighed.

‘Yeah, but I just wish women would stop chaining me up, tying me up and pushing me against the ground…’ Rickard complained, as he wriggled his arms around.

‘Yes, you’re such a poor thing for having sex with a beautiful, willing woman,’ Katherine said wryly. ‘Now excuse me, while I go and get cleaned up…’

And with that the redhead crawled off of the bed and turned away from Rickard, flashing him her juicy, cum-covered butt. With a wink at him over her shoulder she bent down to retrieve the bottle of oil, and once again left the room, thick drops of warm jizz escaping her gaping anus.

‘Hey! Aren’t you going to untie me!?’ Rickard yelled after her.

But despite his outrage, and the fact that he was still tied to the bed, the lack of sleep and the wild sexual experiences of the day had tired the young man out. Rickard slowly dozed off…

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