Thursday 22 November 2018

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 10: The Dollokin Dwarves

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 10: The Dollokin Dwarves
Here’s chapter 10 of The 18 Inch Curse…and we finally meet the dwarves. It’s pretty plot-heavy and exposition-y. I still hope you like it.
Contains: M/F, huge cock, huge breasts, titfuck, vaginal sex, excessive cum.

Chapter 10 - The Dollokin Dwarves
The eastern road leading out of Greystone and to the home of the dwarves Kess had heard of was in surprisingly good condition. Even as they got further and further away from civilization and the road was less well cared for the road was perfectly straight and undamaged. Unfortunately, after they passed the last farm on their way to the mountain, the road started to become overgrown. Showing just how long it had been since anyone traded with the dwarves, if said dwarves even existed.
‘There better really be dwarves when we reach that mountain,’ Rickard complained. ‘I really hope we didn’t come all this way just to find out that some drunken merchant tried to impress Kess.’
‘It seems unlikely that the nearby farmers made this road,’ Ciara cut in. ‘And even if they did, they wouldn’t have it extend east this far. Seeing as we passed the last farm quite some time ago.’
‘Right, there has to be something here.’ Kess mused aloud as she flashed Rickard a smile over her shoulder.
The blonde had gotten off of her fierce black stallion and was doing her best to clear a path for the wagon, she did this while holding the reins of her black stallion in one hand while holding her axe in the other. Although the process was slow, Rickard had to admit that he enjoyed watching the blonde barbarian work…even if he was mostly staring at the way her broad hips swayed as she walked or the way her firm glutes tensed whenever she swung her axe. But after a while, even that wasn’t enough to keep him entertained and boredom started to settle in.
‘Maybe it’s best if we set up camp, I doubt we’ll be running into any dwarves today.’ Rickard sighed.
Just as he said this, a rustling came from the overgrown road in front of them. Rickard and both of his companions stared at the road in front of them intently, apparently all half-expecting that a dwarf would come bursting out. Instead, a deer burst out of one of the bushes only to suddenly stop in its tracks. Obviously not having expected to see humans travelling this road.
‘Well, at least it looks like we won’t have to eat our rations for dinner.’ Rickard mused with a chuckle, a chuckle that abruptly turned into a rather high pitched shriek when a crossbow bolt suddenly seemed to explode out of the animal’s head.
‘Guess someone had the same idea as you, Rickard.’ Kess said, completely unfazed, as the now dead deer slumped over.
Just as Rickard tried to come up with a reply, an unfamiliar female voice said something instead. ‘Actually, I was planning on making that my dinner for quite a while now.’
In response to hearing this unfamiliar voice, Kess readied her axe, Rickard made another startled sound while Ciara merely looked around to find its origin. But the owner of the voice revealed herself soon enough. Appearing from the same bush that the deer had burst out of was a small woman with auburn hair dressed in leather armour and lugging around a large, heavy-looking crossbow. Several fat rabbit carcasses hung from her belt, as well as a blade that was so long that Rickard wasn’t sure whether it was a dagger or a short sword.
‘You’re a dwarf!’ Rickard suddenly piped up.
‘Very observant,’ she replied with a fierce grin. ‘Humans haven’t come to these parts in years, what exactly are you doing here?
Instead of answering the stranger, Rickard merely stared at her. He knew it was rude, but he had never seen a dwarf before. Let alone a female one. He had always envisioned both genders as having beards, but this woman’s face was bare. Displaying her oval-shaped face with its softly rounded cheeks and delicate chin. Although Rickard wouldn’t call her “beautiful”, like Kess and Ciara, she was very cute. Her large, expressive blue eyes, small round nose and plump lips that seemed to be permanently set in a smile only strengthened that notion for him.
‘We were actually looking for a group of dwarves that is supposed to live in the mountains near here,’ Ciara finally said when Rickard wasn’t answering. ‘Are you one of them?’ She asked hesitantly.
‘Yes, I’m Brynn of clan Dollokin,’ Brynn said by way of introduction. ‘I can show you the entrance to our home if you do me a favour.’
‘What do you need?’ Kess asked, seeing as Rickard still hadn’t spoken up.
‘I may have been a bit too ambitious in taking this thing down, seeing as I have no way to transport it,’ Brynn admitted as she nodded at the deer carcass. ‘So, if you can load it into your wagon I’d be happy to show you the entrance to Dollokin, that way it’s a win for both of us.’
‘Sounds fair to me.’ Kess replied with a shrug, before she helped the dwarf carry the deer carcass into the wagon.
After that was done, Brynn showed everyone the best way to her home. At times, they still had to stop to clear a path for the wagon. But with Brynn’s help, things went a lot faster. While they worked, Rickard couldn’t help but look at Brynn’s body. For a woman, her shoulders were rather broad and her arms showed defined muscles, but with how tightly her leather armour clung to her body it was clear to see that she wasn’t all muscle. Although Brynn wasn’t quite as busty as Mystra or the other female goblins he had seen, her breasts swelled generously from her chest while her hips flared out broadly and her backside was large and deliciously round.
‘It’s rude to stare!’ Ciara suddenly hissed as she elbowed Rickard in his side.
Realizing that he had been caught, Rickard smiled awkwardly and blushed slightly. Apparently having heard Ciara, Brynn looked over her shoulder at the priestess and the young man with a curious look. ‘So, why exactly are you looking for us? Like I said, humans haven’t come here for quite some time.’
‘We, eh, we need to get to the Iros Islands,’ Rickard stammered after having been silent for a long time. ‘The road to Sernes has been closed off, so we hoped the dwarves might know of a different way.’ He explained.
‘Hm…merchants carrying items from the Iros Islands did travel through our city a long time ago,’ Brynn mused, thinking aloud. ‘We haven’t traded with humans in centuries, however.’
‘Why is that, exactly?’ Rickard asked, curiously.
‘I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough when you enter Dollokin,’ Brynn replied with a mysterious little smile. ‘Speaking of that… we’re here!’ She added, as she cut off a branch to reveal a set of massive stone doors built straight into the mountain only a few yards away from them.
Everyone stared at the doors with awed expressions. Well, everyone but Brynn anyway. The dwarf casually approached the massive doors as if they were nothing and, once she reached them, removed something hanging from her neck and stuck it into some small opening. As soon as they were over their surprise, they quickly followed Brynn. Just as Rickard, Ciara and Kess got closer, Brynn turned to face them.
‘I think this is a large enough opening for a wagon to pass through.’ She mused as she removed whatever she had stuck inside the doors and pushed against them.
Instead of the enormous set of doors carved straight in the mountains opening up, however, a smaller opening appeared in them instead. But like Brynn had said, it was large enough for a wagon to pass through. Once inside, Rickard and his companions had plenty of other things to stare at. Lanterns were attached to the cavern walls, and inside them were small green balls that glowed with a faint green light. As they travelled further over a smooth, cobbled path they also noticed beautiful carvings in the walls, as well as statues of dwarves. Oddly enough, many of said statutes seemed to be in need of repair and some of the carvings were cracked as well.
After traveling on the path inside the mountain for a while, the sounds and smells of a city reached everyone and before too long they encountered a pair of guards. They seemed to be surprised to see humans and even readied their short, but wicked-looking, halberds. Although they visibly relaxed when they noticed Brynn, and after a brief conversation between the three of them Rickard and his companions were waved through.
Dollokin itself was even more impressive than the entrance, the city was built around a large, clear underground spring with houses that seemed to have been carved out of the mountain itself. Most weren’t that impressive, kind of blocky with simple carvings. Other houses were more impressive, appearing more like underground palaces than anything else. Like in the entryway, there were several lanterns placed around the city, though these were far larger and gave off a much brighter light. Due to the extra light, Rickard also noticed that there were people walking around even smaller than dwarves.
‘What, eh, who are they?’ Rickard asked as he glanced at a woman that was nearly a head shorter than Brynn.
‘Gnomes,’ Brynn explained. ‘They lived in caves nearby before we settled here, so we decided to make an alliance. Their fingers are a lot more nimble than those of the average dwarf, plus they are more attuned to magic and nature. So together we’ve made some impressive things.’
‘I didn’t think they even existed.’ Ciara said in wonder as she looked at the several gnomes walking around.
‘Obviously they do,’ Brynn replied with a grin. ‘They just don’t like showing themselves too much, it’s a big, dangerous world out there after all. Especially for them.’
Aside from the gnomes, Rickard also noticed something else about the city. Mainly that there seemed to be portions of it that had been restored. He also saw some huge, humanoid forms made from metal and rock walking around.
‘Have your people been holed up here for so long because of a war, Brynn?’ He asked, curiously.
‘Something like that,’ Brynn said. ‘We can drop the deer off here, by the way.’ She suddenly said as she stopped in front of one of the large, palace-like buildings Rickard had seen earlier.
‘What is this place?’ Kess asked curiously as she looked at the carving above the entryway. It vaguely resembled a crossbow bolt.
‘This is the guildhouse of the Hunters,’ Brynn explained. ‘We bring everything we killed either outside or in the tunnels here.’
‘Are we supposed to find out why you aren’t trading with merchants any longer here?’ Rickard asked as they followed Brynn who approached a smaller building next to the guildhouse.
‘After we put everything in the storehouse, I’ll bring you to the head of my guild. Humans haven’t been here in quite some time, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for him to call together a Council meeting. They can probably tell you more about the state of our city and why trade has stopped, perhaps they can even find a way for you to get to the Iros Islands,’ Brynn explained. ‘How does that sound to you?’
Rickard had to agree that it was quite a plan. So after they had left the dead deer and rabbits in the storehouse of the Hunters Guild, which was surprisingly large and cold and filled with the carcasses of animals Rickard had never seen before, they spoke with Brynn’s guild master. He was a male dwarf named Hern with a rather dark complexion, he didn’t have a beard like some of the male dwarves Rickard had seen walking around the city but had an impressive bushy black mustache to make up for it. Like Brynn had said, Hern was quite surprised to see humans and wasted no time in calling for the other council members to gather.
So despite the fact that Rickard and his friends had only been in Dollokin for half an hour at most, they were invited to meet with the “United Council of Dwarven and Gnomish People”. Meeting a dwarf, finding their city and now meeting with their leaders? Today certainly had been an exciting day, and it wasn’t over yet…
* * * *
The United Council of Dwarven and Gnomish People held their meetings in the largest building in Dollokin, the outside also showed the banners of the several factions running the guild and its roof was decorated with gold while the outside walls showed beautiful carvings. Hern, the head of the Hunters Guild, was the one who led them inside while Brynn and other members of his guild led their horse and mule-pulled wagon to a nearby inn.
Once inside, Rickard had to do his best not to stop and stare at everything. After he had been to Yull and visited places like its library and the Temple of Hoten he thought he wouldn’t be surprised at such displays of luxury and wealth any longer, obviously he had been wrong. Fortunately he was able to keep up with Hern despite his gawking, and once they all arrived in the meeting room they found that they were the last ones to arrive.
Aside from Hern there were two other dwarves on the Council, as well as two gnomes. One of the other dwarves was a man with a rusty red head of hair and beard, he wore both in braids. Even while meeting with the Council he hadn’t bothered to remove his armour, which had obviously seen use. Next to him, sat the female dwarf. Her hair was brown and kept in a simple ponytail, from the dirt on her clothes Rickard figured that she was some sort of farmer. But what they farmed down here he didn’t know.
Of the remaining two gnomes there was one male and one female. The female gnome, sitting closest to the dwarf in armour, wore her pale blonde hair in a bun, which was decorated with two golden pins. She was also dressed the most richly out of everyone, wearing a beautiful blue dress while a golden necklace was wrapped around her slender neck. Rickard also happened to notice that the sapphire amulet hanging from the golden chain threatened to disappear between her rather ample chest. The male gnome was slightly older and balding, apparently he had come straight from some sort of workshop too, seeing as he was still wearing his leather apron and tool belt.
‘So humans did really show up in Dollokin,’ the armoured dwarf said in a low, gravelly voice. ‘What do you want from us?’ The others at the table looked at him with a shocked expression on their face, apparently they had wanted to go about things a little less rudely.
‘Straight to the point then, huh? We’re not going to exchange niceties and dance around the issue for about an hour first?’ Rickard mused, this time the shock of the Council was directed at him. ‘Well, that suits me just fine. We need to find a way to get to the Iros Islands. One of Hern’s Hunters said merchants who carried items from the islands passed through here once, but for some reason trade with the outside has been stopped.’
‘Yes, that has been quite a blow for us. Now we only trade with the few dwarven cities we are in contact with,’ the female gnome said. ‘Oh, forgive me I am Oria and I represent the Merchants of Dollokin. The man you first spoke with is Flint, who represents the Warriors. Sitting next to him is Herma, representing the farmers. The name of my fellow Gnome is Sherman, representing the Crafters and you already know Hern.’
‘Now that introductions are out of the way, we can continue,’ Flint replied gruffly. ‘Trade has stopped because of some internal strife within Dollokin several centuries ago.’
‘What sort of strife?’ Rickard asked.
‘Surely you’ve seen how some homes have been repaired?’ Sherman replied. ‘Well, let’s just say that my predecessor and Flint’s predecessor are to blame.’
‘How’s that?’ Rickard asked, but neither Flint or Sherman seemed to want to answer him. Fortunately, Herma, who had been silent until now, spoke up.
‘Flint’s predecessor wanted to use our Golems to go to war with another dwarven city, Sherman’s predecessor disagreed. So when the previous representative of Dollokin’s Warriors tried to make the previous representative of the Crafters agree by taking over his workshop and steal the building plans of the Golems, Sherman’s predecessor blew them all up,’ Herma explained. ‘No, we don’t know how he did that either, he must’ve kept that function a secret. As for Golems, they are those huge things made of metal and stone you might have seen walking around the city. Those are just the few we managed to save.’ Herma added, just in case Rickard had any more questions.
‘And because of that debacle, we’ve been stuck here for a long, long time. The only reason we aren’t all dead is because we have managed to use the surviving Golems to clear the trading routes between Dollokin and the other dwarven cities,’ Oria said after Herma finished her explanation. ‘We only recently managed to clear the rubble blocking the doors you came through, and repairs to the city are still being made. So if you want us to find you a way into the Iros Islands, you might be stuck here a while.’ Oria explained with a shrug.
‘Well, we could send them to Benzal’s workshop…’ Sherman suggested.
‘This whole mess started because my predecessor tried to take over that wretched place, Flint growled angrily. ‘Better to just let it rot…’
‘None of us are interested in using the Golems for war, we just need to find the secret to building them!’ Sherman continued. ‘Taking them apart to see how they’ve been made would only slow down the repairs, but if we had the original plans…well, our Crafters can have more built in no time and it would really speed things up.’
‘I’m not sending our Warriors to that place.’ Flint replied in a tone of voice that told the Gnome that he was done arguing. But obviously Kess didn’t catch that.
‘What if we go?’ The blonde barbarian asked, and Rickard felt a chill run down his spine.
‘Now that is an interesting idea…’ Hern mused, stroking his bushy black mustache. ‘What about it, Flint? I’ll send some of my Hunters along to show them the way. You won’t have to send any Warriors and the Crafters get the plans to build us more Golems.’
‘If we survive, that is…’ Rickard whispered to himself.
‘Bah! Do as you like.’ The armoured dwarf grumbled.
With that, the Council sent Rickard, Kess and Ciara to the inn they had prepared for them. Apparently they had already counted Kess’ question as agreement to do the task, and did not want to argue any further. Kess seemed to be fine with it, obviously, and just seemed happy that she got to try some dwarven ale, while Rickard and Ciara were less pleased.
* * * *
Rickard hadn’t been down in the common room of the inn for long, the dwarves there had stared at him much like he had been staring at Brynn when he first saw her. It had quickly made him uncomfortable, so he made his way up to the room. He shared it with Kess and Ciara, which was quite unusual, but rooms with beds large enough for humans were pretty pricey as it turned out. So everyone had decided to just go with it. But if he was already asleep before Kess and Ciara came up, they at least wouldn’t have to deal with any embarrassment.
Or so he thought.
A few hours after he’d gone up, there was a frantic knocking on his door and when he opened it he was faced with a worried looking, furiously blushing Ciara. ‘Kess is making an ass out of herself!’ The priestess blurted out before Rickard could ask anything.
Rickard curiously raised his eyebrows in response and followed Ciara back into the common room, where quite a commotion seemed to be going on. Of course that commotion turned out to be Kess, who seemed to be engaged in a brawl with about half of the inn’s patrons while the other half laughed and cheered her on. Rickard looked at the scene for about two minutes, before heading back upstairs. Or at least trying to, seeing as Ciara stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
‘Where do you think you’re going?!’ the priestess hissed.
‘Back to bed, Kess seems to have things handled here.’ Rickard answered with a shrug.
‘But…you have to stop her! We can’t let her do this, we’re guests here!’ Ciara replied frantically.
‘They don’t really seem to mind.’ Rickard said, while gesturing at the cheering patrons.
‘Just stop her, alright? What if they think all humans are like this?’ Ciara said in a frustrated tone of voice.
‘You got a point there, don’t think your average human could survive a bar brawl like this,’ Rickard admitted with a nod, before shouting. ‘Alright Kess, fun’s over! Time for bed!’
In response, the brawl came to a halt and the entire common room burst out into jeers while Kess turned to Rickard. Everyone abruptly stopped shouting rude and mocking remarks at Rickard when she did. ‘Come on, do I have to? I was winning here!’
‘We have something important to do tomorrow and I don’t know what we’re going to face, so I need you in top condition.’ Rickard replied, as he crossed his arms and stared the tall barbarian down.
Kess smiled warmly at that remark, and left the dwarves she had been fighting with behind. ‘I’m sorry boys, we’ll have to finish this another time,’ she stated, and the announcement was followed by cries of disappointment. ‘And you,’ she added in a softer voice as she pointed at Rickard. ‘Are going to make this up to me.’
‘How?’ Rickard asked.
‘I think you know how, Rickard.’ Kess replied as she grabbed one of his arms and pulled him upstairs.
‘What? No, you can’t do that,’ Ciara sputtered. ‘Do I have to remind you we share a room?’
‘You’re free to join us.’ Kess mused with a shrug.
‘Rickard?’ Ciara hissed as she glared at him.
‘Maybe we should have her continue her brawl after all?’ Rickard suggested, but it was clear that that answer didn’t make the priestess happy either. So he decided to just let Kess drag him along.
When they returned, Ciara made a show of stamping to her bed and getting inside it with a huff, making it clear that she was not fine with this at all. Unfortunately for her, Kess either didn’t catch the hint or didn’t care at all, seeing as she roughly tossed Rickard on top of his bed and started to tug down his trousers to free his monstrous member. Obviously Rickard did know, but the blonde barbarian ignored all his protests. Of course when Kess removed her top, his protests died down rapidly anyway.
‘Seeing as it’s such an important day tomorrow, we better hurry this up.’ Kess whispered, apparently certain that Ciara was trying to get some sleep.
With those words being said, she grabbed Rickard’s swelling member with both hands and started to work them along his beefy shaft in an attempt to speed up the process of his eighteen inch cock becoming fully erect. It turned out to help somewhat, although the increase of blood flowing to his dick was mostly because Kess’ frantic arm movements made her enormous bust shake in a tantalizing fashion. Unsurprisingly, the blonde soon caught him staring at her tits.
‘So I take it you want to try that again?’ She asked.
Rickard said nothing, but clear precum had started to dribble from the tip of his member. Apparently to Kess, that was a “yes”. So she stopped jerking him off and instead hefted up her massive, heavy breasts, before resting them on Rickard’s lap and wrapping them around his huge, precum-oozing prick. After she succeeded in wrapping her tits around Rickard’s girth, Kess didn’t move for several minutes. Instead, she waited as a small lake of pearly precum formed in her cleavage, lubricating both her bronzed mountainous tits as well as Rickard’s brawny shaft. Once she decided enough precum had gathered between her tanned jugs however, she wasted no time in working them along Rickard’s monstercock.
As the soft, huge bronze orbs slid down Rickard’s large, veiny prick the small lake of precum that had gathered in Kess’ cleavage overflowed, coating her tits with a small layer of Rickard’s silvery juices and making them shine alluringly. As the blonde continued to work her breasts up and down, she made sure to rub the pearly goo into her skin. The sight of this only resulted in more precum escaping from Rickard’s cumslit, and making one hell of a mess of the barbarian’s chest, which was something Kess took full advantage of by working her tits along the young man’s monster cock faster and faster.
‘Kess…’ Rickard groaned.
‘Going to cum already? You sure love having my tits wrapped around this big dick of yours, don’t you?’ Kess mused with an impish grin.
‘Hey, I’m only human…’ was Rickard’s strangled response.
Kess chuckled in amusement as she squeezed her breasts tightly around Rickard’s pulsing member, before slipping the portion of Rickard’s monstercock that still managed to escape her cavernous cleavage into her mouth. After she succeeded in that, she loudly started to suck on the tip of his prick, causing strings of her saliva to land on her chest, making an even bigger mess of it. Seeing as Kess wasn’t exactly being quiet, Rickard worriedly glanced over at Ciara. Fortunately, the priestess didn’t seem to be moving, meaning that she had either fallen asleep already or was doing her best to ignore her companions.
Just as he pulled his eyes away from Ciara, Rickard felt his balls clenching and announced his orgasm with a loud, strangled grunt. Kess’ golden eyes widened and her cheeks bulged out as the first volley of Rickard’s spunk filled up her mouth, but she swallowed it with some effort. Unfortunately, she quickly learned that she couldn’t keep up with the amount of jizz Rickard’s monstercock was pumping out, even her eyes started to water as she continued to swallow mouthful after big mouthful of his thick, salty spunk. So eventually, the barbarian simply decided to let the rest of Rickard’s climax escape the corners of her mouth to land on her huge, bare breasts.
‘Alright…I think we can all use some rest…after that.’ Rickard said between gasps of air, while taking a good look at Kess’ massive tits and how they had been splattered with precum, saliva and cum.
‘We’re not done yet, Rickard,’ Kess stated after allowing Rickard’s cockhead to escape her mouth. ‘Seeing as I had to cut my bar brawl short, I still have some excess energy I need to get rid off. And from where I’m sitting, it looks like you still have some left as well.’ She added, while pulling back.
As she moved away Rickard’s member escaped her cleavage, still completely erect. Kess grinned in response to the sheepish smile the young man flashed her, before removing her fur loincloth to show Rickard her plump, damp cunt. Without a word the blonde raised her hips higher and higher, until the fat crown of Rickard’s monstercock brushed against her darkened labia. As the hot tip of the beefy pole rested against her twat the barbarian babe released a soft sigh, before she started to lower herself on the massive prick.
‘Fuck! I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this!’ Kess hissed through clenched teeth, her mouth having formed into an animalistic snarl. ‘Ciara must’ve had her God’s assistance to take this beast of yours yesterday, otherwise I’m not sure how she did it!’
A muffled, somewhat indignant sound, came from the priestess, but this didn’t seem to be heard by Kess. Rickard had certainly heard it, however, and knowing that Ciara had been listening to him and the busty barbarian all this time kind of excited him. Which resulted in a plume of precum blasting from the tip of his dick with quite some force and filling up Kess’ twat. In response, the blonde made a small, excited sound which was abruptly replaced with a grunt as she forced several fat, veiny inches further up her pussy.
Rickard watched Kess struggle as she tried to fit as much of his monstrous member inside of her as she could for quite some time. Though he wouldn’t admit it, the sight of her fit stomach bulging out and her face strained with effort was a bit of a turn on. But the fact remained that tomorrow really was an important day for the three of them, so he decided to take charge. Or at least try to, he had his doubts that he would stand a chance against Kess. So with a grunt, he grabbed the blonde’s big, athletic behind, and roughly pushed his hips up.
‘What do you think you’re doing!’ Kess hissed, sounding as if she had the air knocked out of her lungs.
‘I just thought we had to hurry up since it was such an important day tomorrow? Weren’t those your words?’ Rickard asked, feigning innocence.
‘You ba- Ah!’ Kess’ curse was cut short as Rickard moved his hips again, and he wasn’t stopping either.
Although his thrusts were short and awkward due to him being incapable of lifting Kess, the blonde didn’t seem to mind it much. The folds of her wet, pink pussy lovingly wrapped around Rickard’s invading monstercock, while both moans, grunts and shrieks of pleasure passed her dark, plush lips. When Kess showed no indication of moving herself Rickard tried to have the blonde lie on her back, only to find that Kess complied quite easily.
‘I may have just dug my own grave,’ Rickard mumbled as he looked down at the busty barbarian, her face scrunched up in pleasure and covered in sweat. ‘But screw it.’
After those words were said, Rickard started to fuck Kess’ snatch hard and deep, making the blonde’s eyes widen while she clawed at the blankets underneath her. Rickard heard the tearing of cloth, but didn’t slow down at all. The only other sounds that filled the room were the meaty slapping sound of Rickard’s beefy balls hitting Kess’ firm asscheeks, as well as his own grunts of pleasure. Kess herself only seemed to be capable of opening and closing her mouth rapidly, as if she was a fish on dry land. There was also the obscene, wet sucking sound of Rickard’s monstercock sliding in and out of Kess’ twitching twat, and Rickard could swear he heard a softer, but similar, sound coming from Ciara’s bed.
However, after only a few minutes of roughly pounding Kess’ snatch Rickard felt his orgasm approaching. He tried pulling his hips back, but found that Kess’ long, strong legs stopped him from getting very far. When he looked down at her face, he found that she was flashing him a weak, but triumphant, smile, before using her legs to pull him back inside. Then, with a deep, dark groan of pleasure, Rickard had his second orgasm. Kess managed to release a quiet moan of pleasure as her pink depths were filled with thick, hot semen, most of which ended up escaping her pussy to stain the blanket she was lying on, before her legs became limp enough for Rickard to pull his hips back further.
‘I really need to work on my stamina…’ Rickard groaned after he pulled his monstercock out of Kess’ snatch.
‘After what you just pulled?’ Kess croaked as she felt a small waterfall of Rickard’s jizz escaping from her gaping pussy. ‘You bet.’ She added with a fierce, but tired smile.
‘…and suddenly exploring creepy dwarven tunnels tomorrow doesn’t frighten me as much!’ Rickard joked.
Before he could say any more, though, Kess silenced him by kissing him on the cheek and hugging him as if he was some sort of perverted version of a stuffed animal. Both of them fell asleep before they could hear the soft, orgasmic cry coming from Ciara’s bed…
To be continued.

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