Friday 23 November 2018

Allana's Adventures - Chapter 1: Allana and the Tentacle Woods

Allana's Adventures - Chapter 1: Allana and the Tentacle Woods

Cover art provided by kentayuki and posted with his permission. Originally posted here.
I wrote a story about Kentayuki’s Allana Goldgrave. What can I say, I have a weakness for shortstacks already and a bad-ass mapmaker that tries to supress her goblin nature (but ultimately fails)? It seemed too fun not to try!
Contains: Goblin, shortstack, tentacles, big ass, big breasts.
Allana Goldgrave belongs to Kentayuki.

Allana's Adventures - Chapter 1: Allana and the Tentacle Woods
‘I already told you, the brothel is on the other side of town!’ Eve heard a muffled voice yell through the thick wooden door just as she was posed to knock.
‘Come on, love. You can’t fool me! You goblins are all the same.’ A deep voice replied.
Eve didn’t want to wait around outside to find out what would happen next. Very quickly she pushed the door open while grabbing onto the handle of her sword. However, it seemed like her help wasn’t needed. Eve had opened the door just in time to see a big, pale man with a thick neck crash to the floor, holding his crotch. His falling to the floor revealed the other occupant in the room to Eve’s eyes.
Looming over the fallen, whimpering man stood a goblin dusting off her glove-clad hands. Like all of her kind, she was between three and three and a half feet tall, but Eve couldn’t be completely sure of her height due to the brown, ankle-high heeled boots that she was wearing. Her eyes drifted a bit higher, over shapely legs and thick dark green thighs clad in fishnet stockings. This particular goblin was dressed far more conservatively than Eve was used from her kind.
The goblin was wearing a suit. The kind that Eve usually saw on dwarves, although this one was definitely meant for women, and the cut was different. She wore a black skirt that managed to contain the goblin’s broad hips and big buttocks, if just barely. A black belt with a shining silver buckle was closed tightly around her waist, making it seem even thinner while her hips appeared to be that much broader because of it. The jacket was brown and appeared to have been made from some kind of leather instead of fabric, and also seemed to show a great deal of cavernous, freckled green cleavage. The only thing really covering it was the same kind of material as the stockings that covered her legs. The same material again covered her arms as well, or what Eve could see of them anyway. Seeing as the suit jacket seemed to stop at the elbows.
As Eve ogled the goblin she noticed how she wore a choker that looked similar to the belt around her waist, and even had other belts like it that ran underneath her arms or around her wrists by her gloves. To Eve it seemed as if it would be quite a hassle for the goblin to put her clothes on, or take them off.
‘This isn’t a brothel.’ The goblin suddenly snapped at Eve in an icy tone of voice as she approached her, not caring about the way her heels dug into the side of the man on the floor as she stepped over him.
That was when Eve realized she had been staring at the small green woman for a while now. She cast a worried glance at the man on the floor and quickly raised her hands in an apologetic fashion while shaking her head.
‘A-apologies,’ she stammered. ‘I didn’t mean to stare.’
The goblin said nothing and merely glared up at Eve. The effect wasn’t diminished by the fact that she only had one eye to glare with. It also managed to make Eve feel much smaller than the woman before her. After an audible swallow, she quickly decided to continue speaking.
‘This is Goldgrave Maps, isn’t it?’ Eve asked quietly.
The goblin’s single lilac eye seemed to light up at this and she gave a short nod. ‘That’s correct,’ she replied, extending a hand. ‘I’m the proprietor, Allana Goldgrave.’ She said by way of introduction as Eve shook her hand.
After introducing herself she walked back to the man groaning on the floor and grabbed him by the collar of his tunic. ‘What services do you require of me?’ Allana groaned, as she started dragging the big man out of her offices.
‘Uh…’ Eve stammered, as she watched the impressive feat of strength from the small green woman. ‘I come at the request of Gronwall’s Guild of Adventurers,’ she began, her tone turning professional. ‘My superiors have told informed me of your skill as a cartographer and how you can take care of yourself, that you helped them create maps for dozens of-’
‘Get to the point!’ Allana growled as she finished dragging the man outside.
Eve blushed and cleared her throat as she recalled what her superiors had told her to request from the cartographer. ‘Far to the west of here there is a stretch of woods, so unremarkable that it doesn’t even have a name and no maps of it seem to exist. There wasn’t a need for any. Until now. Over the last few days we received reports from merchants and travelers that every tree, plant and animal has slowly withered and died. We want to send some of our people to investigate, but without a map we would most likely end up lost.’
‘Which is where I come in.’ Allana guessed.
‘Correct,’ Eve replied as she pulled a large, heavy pouch from her belt and dropped it on the goblin’s small desk. ‘No one knows what kind of risks are involved in this job, so there are two hundred pieces of gold in there. You will receive another three hundred if you return with a useful map.’ Eve explained.
I’ll do it.’ Allana replied, while crossing her arms underneath her chest.
‘Don’t you want some time to think it over?’ Eve asked. ‘There will be no back-up and the woods are unmapped, nobody will come to save you if something goes wrong.’
‘I can take care of myself.’ Allana replied with a shrug of her shoulder.
Eve silently met her gaze and her eyes drifted towards the goblin’s right eye. It was covered with a black eyepatch, and Eve doubted she had lost it while making maps. She lingered on Allana’s face a little longer than what was deemed professional, however. Resting on those plush, dark green lips or the dusting of freckles underneath her eyes… Then she remembered the man she had just dragged out of her office, and shook her head.
‘As you wish, I will inform my superiors that you have taken the job,’ Eve sighed, before turning on her heel to exit the goblin’s office. ‘Good luck!’ She called over her shoulder.
* * * *
Just like the guild representative had said, the woods were dead, out of the way and probably unimportant. Yet, Allana was happy to be away from the city for a while. Gronwall was just so full of people. Having them all press around her, smelling them. It was a constant struggle for Allana to repress her desires! All her life she had struggled to make something of herself, to not be like those feral goblin women that just spend all their lives in a cave existing only to be screwed and pump out babies. And by “making something of herself” she didn’t mean “becoming a professional whore” like seemingly every other civilized goblin. Not that Gronwall’s citizens seemed to care a lick that she tried to be different from the rest of her people, however…
That representative of the Guild of Adventurers had taken her serious, though! But. Allana had to remind herself, she had caught her staring. Then again, Allana had looked at her as well… Well, who can blame me? She thought to herself. The representative had been a pretty blonde girl. Tall and strong too. Allana realized that her mind had wandered and rubbed at the back of her head with a frustrated sigh, no doubt making a mess of her normally immaculate dark purple hair.
‘Focus on the job, Allana…’ She growled to herself.
Allana had already mapped out the road from Gronwall to the woods and its perimeter, but now it was time to go inside. She checked the dagger hanging from her belt and found that it slid from its sheath with ease. Then she nodded confidently, and strode inside…
The path she had chosen could barely be called that. It was a patch of dirt made by the feet of the few people that had passed through the forest in the past, trampling over and killing the plant life underneath long before the strange phenomenon had gone through the woods and killed everything else. It was just as the guild representative had said, every tree Allana saw was a withered, grey thing. She didn’t actually see anything green until she got deeper into the forest.
Suddenly, vines seemed to be everywhere around her. They were a bright green and nearly as thick as one of Allana’s arms. They seemed to be sticking out from the ground, crawling up the bark of a tree or hanging from their dead branches. Most of them seemed to have burst out of the trees, in fact. What caught Allana’s eye the most, however, was how they all looked rather…phallic.
‘Been that long since I allowed myself to get a good hard fuck, eh?’ Allana cursed while biting down on her bottom lip.
With a shake of her head, and the wry smile still on her face, Allana updated her map and continued walking. She decided to go to where the forest was greenest, there she would most likely find what was responsible for what had made these strange vines grow and the rest of the forest rot. If she had found that, she could finish her map and go home. Then the Adventurer’s Guild would wipe whatever it was out and get the glory and the treasure, while Allana got paid. Which was all that mattered to her. Her days of treasure hunting were behind her.
After moving even further into the forest, the goblin cartographer’s eye fell on a trail of destruction. Something seemed to have crashed into the woods with great force, leaving a deep groove and several shattered trees in its wake. Since it was a good landmark to orient yourself to, Allana decided to follow the trail of destruction and mark it down on her map. Fortunately, she didn’t get too close. Because she soon caught a glimpse of what had crashed into these woods.
It was a great big rock. Nothing to worry about on its own, perhaps, but several vines had burst from it. Green, like the ones all around her. And black vines, even thicker than the green ones. All of them seemed to have wrapped themselves around the remains of the trees the rock had crashed into and whatever this creature was now resembled a monstrous tree on its own.
‘I think I’ve seen enough…’ Allana muttered as she turned and prepared to walk away.
Of course, that just had to be the moment that she stepped on one of the vines. Allana nearly slipped and fell, but fortunately managed to keep her footing. She cursed and swiftly continued moving. Or at least attempted to. With all the strangeness going on within the woods she really should have expected that there was something unnatural about those vines. But she hadn’t. The goblin fell flat on her face when the vine she had just stepped on suddenly wrapped itself around her ankle and started to pull her up in the air.
A startled yelp passed Allana’s lips, but she didn’t stay surprised for long. With a determined grimace she pulled her dagger from its sheath and took a swipe at the strange, wiggling vine. Unfortunately, the blade seemed to just slide off. So Allana tried again, and again. The goblin kept cutting at the vine until another one wrapped itself around her wrist, tight enough that she had to drop her weapon.
‘Fuck.’ Allana cursed, as more of the green tentacles, because that was what they were, slowly came to live and approached her.
All those thick green appendages worked all the buckles that her clothes had with surprising ease and dexterity, resulting in piece after piece of her suit falling to the forest floor. Only when Allana was wearing nothing but her gloves, her fishnet stockings, her panties and, of course, her eyepatch did the tentacles stop. And by then, her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily. Feeling excited at being undressed by this unseen monster that had bound her wrists and thick shapely legs
‘Let me go!’ Allana growled, or at least tried to. Her voice had risen several octaves since the last time she spoke and her plush green lips had formed a hopeful smile.
The tentacles, or whatever creature they belonged to, seemed to realize what the goblin really wanted. Without warning a tentacle slithered into Allana’s, suddenly damp, panties and the cartographer couldn’t help but release a soft moan. It didn’t stay there for long. Instead, it simply tore the garment off and made way for one of its larger, slimier brethren.
‘Please…’ Allana breathed, while staring at the newcomer with a wide, desperate eye.
It gave her what she wanted. The big, slick tentacle pushed its way into the goblin’s dripping slit and Allana cried out in a mixture of pleasure, relief and shame as her aching cunt finally got filled. Other vine-like appendages approached her orifices now, drawn by her cries. One of them decided to silence her, and hammered down her throat quite abruptly. Allana gagged and sputtered, but like all female goblins she appeared to be made to take dicks that looked to be far too big for her. After a moment’s discomfort, she relaxed her throat and let the tentacle have its way with it. Its surface seemed to be coated with something akin to honey, and she moaned at the sweet taste of it.
By now, the cartographer’s instincts had completely taken over. Allana had forgotten all about making a map, making money or caring about her good reputation. Everything was pushed from her mind. Everything but breeding. Her throat bulged as one tentacle violated her throat and her normally flat belly showed the occasional bump as another started to pound into her eager womb. Her juices and her saliva mixed with the strange, sticky coating of the tentacles, and Allana’s face and the insides of her thighs quickly became a mess. But all of it only made her moan all the louder around the phallic vine sliding in and out of her mouth.
It seemed to signal to the other tentacles surrounding the goblin that she still had not had enough, and they only seemed too eager to give her more. So it came as no surprise to Allana when she felt another slimy tentacle slip between her thick, rounded asscheeks, only to poke against her asshole. In response she started to wiggle in the grip of all the strange, phallic vines. But not to escape. No, she only tried to aid the unseen tentacle in penetrating her tight little hole. Luckily for her, it did not need her help. Slowly but surely inch after slimy inch of the green appendage slid into her bowels. Stretching out her anus and pushing out her stomach even more. And all Allana could do, all she wanted to do, was scream in pleasure around the tentacle that continued to mercilessly used her throat.
The fact that Allana’s small, curvy green body was being violated by three thick tentacles already didn’t stop any of the other phallic vines in the forest. When the tentacle working its way in and out of Allana’s ass began to speed up, two thinner tentacles slowly creeped towards her chest. The fishnet material that had been covering her breasts had been pulled away long ago, so they were free to wrap themselves around the freckled green globes with ease. A particular high pitched, but still muffled, moan passed Allana’s lips as the slimy appendages gripped her tits from the tips of her sensitive, dark green nipples all the way to the base of her boobs. And once they had a good hold, the strange tentacles again showed surprising nimbleness by squeezing the huge, soft orbs in a milking motion.
Yet another one slipped between the goblin’s tits, uncaring that the globes were already being squeezed by two of its kind. As the tentacle started to move Allana could feel it bump against her chin, or brush over her lips. It seemed as if it wished to go into her mouth as well. However, even in her current state the goblin knew she would never be able to take it. So the phallic-looking vine had to content itself with just her cleavage.
Slowly Allana’s body was being coated with more of the slick, nectar-like substance that these tentacles seemed to exude. Her breasts were shining with the stuff, and a mixture of it and her own saliva was running from the corners of her mouth. The insides of her thighs had also been liberally hosed with both her own girl cum and the nectar, while the occasional rivulet of it managed to escape her tight asshole as well. All of this only seemed to attract more of the strange vines.
Within moments those others that had approached her took to satisfying themselves with the goblin’s body in strange ways. Allana could feel them sliding underneath her armpits, and the back of her knees. Some simply tightened themselves around her arms or legs. A small part of Allana worried if she would end up bound in a bundle of tentacles, never to see the light of day again. But this was silenced by the part of her that derived nothing but pleasure from the strange sensation that all those extra tentacles brought.
In the end, Allana never knew how much time had passed as she hung there, suspended by those strange vines. Her mind would go blank several times, and it seemed as if the sun was in another position in the sky in the blink of an eye. Then, suddenly, the tentacles all stopped. Allana lazily blinked and looked around in confusion. Or at least as best as she could with one of the huge, vine-like appendages still stuffed down her throat. Before she could start to wonder about what was going on, however, she got her answer.
Allana’s one eye widened as the strange, sweet smelling nectar that the tentacles were coated with started to spray from their tips. Her dark purple hair was glued to her face as it was glazed with a strange, slimy yellow cum. She could feel it running down her arms and legs too, while her breasts practically disappeared underneath the outpouring of spunk. She had a little trouble focusing on that, though. Seeing as her stomach, her womb and her bowels were slowly packed full of the stuff.
Even from her current position Allana could see how her stomach started to swell, and she was thankful that she was a goblin. But even for a body like hers, all of this was too much. Rivulets of the strange nectar started to leak from her stretched anus and pour from her poor pussy. She also couldn’t keep swallowing and quickly started to sputter and gag as strings of the slimy yellow spunk blasted from her mouth. Then, when every tentacle finally finished their orgasm…they unceremoniously dropped Allana.
She landed with an “Oof!”, and said landing caused excess cum to spray from her gaping holes. Yet, despite everything that had happened Allana still felt a pang of arousal. The strange, nectar-like semen covering her made her skin tingle and her pussy clench desperately as if it hadn’t been just pounded by a monstrous tentacle. As she got up and looked at the strange, monstrous tree formed by tentacles she had the sudden desire to approach it.
Wouldn’t it be nice to just stay here? Allana asked herself, as she glanced at the huge tentacles that now hung slack among the trees. And she took a step towards the tree.
You won’t have to care about your reputation anymore, a soft voice whispered in Allana’s head, and she took another step. No one will judge you when you give in to your desires.
Allana prepared to take another step, but faltered. ‘What am I doing?’ She asked herself as she shook her head to clear it.
Trying not to give in to her goblin instincts was a constant struggle, but it had never been this bad. Especially not after she had a chance to unwind like she had just now. Allana turned to collect her discarded clothes and gear, but then became suddenly aware of how something in the tree had opened. A large, monstrous orange eye was staring right at her.
‘Fuck!’ Allana growled as she hastily grabbed what she could and took off running.
This seemed to have been the right decision, because as soon as she started to run several tentacles reached for her. The ones that had had their way with her were moving slow and sluggish and were easy to dodge, probably thanks to having tried to tire the lustful goblin out. But as Allana got closer and closer to the edge of the forest, the strange vines seemed to move faster. Fortunately, she wasn’t some long-legged human or elf and could dodge most of the ones that came for her with ease.
Once or twice she was grabbed, but due to being liberally covered with the tentacles’ sweet-smelling cum she was even more slippery than they were and could wiggle out of their grip. When she finally escaped the woods, she collapsed and tried to catch her breath. Now that the moment of terror had passed, all her strength and stamina seemed to have faded.
‘I…I doubt that they’ll accept a map in this condition.’ Allana said with a wry smile as she held up the chart that she had thankfully managed to snatch along with most of her clothes.
It was torn in places and covered in dirt, it was even wet with some of the nectar that was still clinging to Allana.
‘What a mess…’ the goblin cursed as she looked herself over. ‘Guess I better find a way to sneak back into town, or I’ll have to deal with my neighbours whispering about me behind my back for the next few months…’ She complained as she cleaned herself up as best as she could before dressing up. Afterwards, she headed back towards Gronwall, her body still hot and her pussy aching due to all the strange nectar…

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