Thursday 22 November 2018

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 9: Stuck in Greystone?

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 9: Stuck in Greystone?
Contains: M/F, big cock, tanned skin, huge breasts, big ass

Chapter 9 – Stuck in Greystone?
When Greystone finally appeared on the horizon Rickard breathed a sigh of relief. He had told Kess and Ciara they would ride the rest of the day without rest so they could reach the small city. His excuse had been that the paladins of Yull could be right on their tail, but the truth was that he doubted his sanity could last another night camping outdoors while Ciara was masturbating loudly in her tent. Of course, the ride over to the town wasn’t exactly easy either. Trying to ignore the way the priestess’ nipples threatened to poke through her garb made Rickard’s pants feel uncomfortably tight, and he knew Ciara’s eyes had been on his crotch for most of the trip.
But as they approached the city surrounded by a tall wall made of grey stone, the sun setting behind it, a rider approached them. ‘What now…’ Rickard grumbled underneath his breath as the guard on horseback stopped them.
‘Hello there!’ the guard said as he reined in his horse. He was a tall man, taller than Rickard at least, with well-worn battered leather armour. Over it he wore a grey and black tabard with the heraldry emblazoned on it from some lord Rickard didn’t recognize. ‘May I ask you what you are planning to do in our fine city?’ His tone of voice was polite, but he was obviously suspicious of the trio of haggard looking folks that arrived so late.
‘We’re just passing through,’ Rickard replied. ‘We’ll be staying at an inn for a night and maybe buy some supplies, before heading towards Sernes to catch a ship towards the Iros Islands.’
When he heard Rickard’s words the guard’s face darkened. Rickard assumed it was because he mentioned the Iros Islands, where most magic users had made their home. But he soon found out that this wasn’t the case. ‘I’m sorry son, but the road to Sernes is closed. A group of bandits has set up a roadblock a few miles out of town and no one is getting past it without paying sums of money only the richest of merchants we can afford.’
‘Have you tried getting rid of them?’ Kess asked, still perched on her big black stallion.
‘Of course we have,’ the guardsman snapped, but when he noticed the wicked-looking axe hanging from her belt and her muscled, fit body his tone of voice softened. ‘We have sent a contingent of guards to try and get rid of them, but most of them got slaughtered. Whoever these bandits are, they have a lot more experience in combat then what we expected. So we can’t do much unless we get some help from Yull, or if Sernes sends its own people to take care of them.’ He explained and looked suddenly very tired.
‘Well then, eh, I guess we just have to wait it out,’ Rickard said quickly when the guard started talking about Yull. ‘Are there any inns you would recommend?’ he asked.
‘Be my guest,’ the guardsman snorted. ‘Greystone can use all the business that comes its way these days. Oh! And my personal favourite is The Quarryman.’ He recommended, before sending Rickard, Kess and Ciara on their way.
‘Thank you sir!’ Rickard shouted over his shoulder as he drove into town, before whispering to himself. ‘So I guess we won’t be staying at that inn.’
‘Why not?’ Ciara asked as she pushed herself a little closer to Rickard, squeezing her soft breasts against one of his arms. Rickard pretended not to notice.
‘That way when anyone from Yull comes asking for us, he won’t immediately know where we are.’ He replied.
‘Aren’t you being a little paranoid right now, Rickard?’ Ciara asked, still pressed against him.
‘No, I’m being very paranoid,’ Rickard shot back. ‘But with everything that’s happened to me over the last few weeks, I think I have a right to be,’ He muttered, before turning to Kess. ‘Do you see any inns that have a stable large enough to hold our wagon?’ he asked.
Kess shook her head in response and the party rode in silence for a while, before Kess spoke up. ‘I see two,’ she said. ‘But one is the inn the guard recommended and the other looks…expensive.’ Kess muttered while she pointed.
Indeed, the building she indicated was a wide, four-storey building with a large stable next to it. It looked well-kept and the occasional patron that entered or left the building was dressed richly. The wooden plaque above the door read, in flowing letters, The Slumbering Merchant.
‘Do you think we have the gold to stay in a place like that?’ Rickard asked.
‘Maybe for a night or two…’ Kess mumbled, more to herself than to Rickard.
After buying the wagon, the mule to pull the wagon, several supplies and Kess stallion they had some money left. But it wouldn’t last long; they would need to find another way to the Iros Islands. ‘I’ll see if I can arrange something,’ Rickard finally said. ‘Give me the gold, Kess.’ He asked as she stepped off the bench.
Kess retrieved the pouch of coins from her cavernous cleavage and tossed it to the young man, who barely caught it before stepping inside The Slumbering Merchant. The place was well furnished and at the far end of the room was a small stage for a troupe of musicians. The second floor even had several balconies where people could sit and enjoy the show, while well-dressed servants brought them drinks or food. Several of the richly dressed customers turned and glared at the short, skinny unkempt man in disgust, but Rickard ignored them and strode towards the innkeeper. He had a round, friendly face, but it abruptly darkened when he saw the youth approaching him.
‘Yes, can I help you?’ he asked Rickard, but his tone was business-like and lacked any kind of warmth.
Rickard ignored it, of course. ‘I would like three of your cheapest rooms and a place in the stables for my wagon, mule and my friend’s stallion as well as three warm meals, please.’ With a grin he watched as the innkeeper’s face darkened.
‘Listen here young man; this is the finest inn for miles around. Even our “cheapest” rooms won’t be affordable for someone like y—oh…’ the innkeeper abruptly stopped his ranting when a series of thick, silver and gold coins with the image of Hoten emblazoned on it clattered on his counter.
‘This should cover us for at least a night, right?’ Rickard asked as the innkeeper weighed the heavy coins from Yull on a small scale.
‘Y-yes it will sir, I’ll send out a stable boy to help your companions with their horses and have our cook whip up a meal, just a moment!’ he stated, still looking mildly shocked at Rickard’s apparent wealth as he disappeared through a door behind him.
Sure enough, after a few moments Kess and Ciara stepped inside the common room. Their entrance was a bit more obvious as the troupe of musicians abruptly stopped playing while the heads of many customers turned to ogle the priestess and the tall, barely dressed warrior woman. But when they approached Rickard, many eyes suddenly locked on to him and he could practically feel their jealousy. Maybe fighting monsters wasn’t so bad after all… Rickard thought to himself, but those thoughts were abruptly driven away when a servant carrying a tray with three plates of food approached them.

Before digging into his meal however, Rickard stopped the servant. ‘Sir?’ he inquired politely.
‘I’m sorry, but a kind guard told us about the blockade set up by a group of bandits on to road to Sernes,’ Rickard explained as polite as he could muster. ‘We need to go to the Iros Islands, but Sernes is the only port city I know of. Do you happen to know if there are any other port towns nearby?’
‘I apologize, sir. But I rarely travel. Perhaps you should ask your fellow patrons? Most of them are merchants after all, I’m certain they know the lay of the land better than I do.’ The servant explained with a friendly smile, before moving away.
‘I don’t think there is a chance I’ll get any answers out of them…’ Rickard mused as he began his meal, still feeling the angry glares upon him.
Across from him Kess was loudly wolfing down her food, while next to him Ciara was the total opposite of the blonde. The priestess hadn’t touched her food at all! Instead she breathed heavily and eyed the men in the common room hungrily. Rickard didn’t know what was in those fluids of the giant monster that had assaulted Ciara, but it was clear to him that it was the reason for the priestess’ sudden heightened libido. If they didn’t find a way to help Ciara get rid of it soon, she could just jump a stranger’s bones. Of course, bringing it up in an inn filled with people likely wasn’t a smart idea. Maybe he could discuss it with Kess and Ciara the next day?
‘I’m going to bed,’ Rickard said a few moments after finishing his meal. ‘I’m not sure how long you two can stay up, but see if you can find out about any other port towns or routes to Sernes.’ He explained with a yawn. Kess nodded and slowly slid Ciara’s plate over to her side of the table, Ciara said nothing. She didn’t even make eye contact.
Rickard just shrugged and approached the innkeeper again, asking for the keys to their rooms. He stopped at Kess and Ciara’s table to hand them their keys, before going upstairs. Once he found his room he unlocked the door and stumbled inside. He barely remembered to shut the door behind him as he kicked of his boots and approached the bed. Despite this being one of the “cheapest rooms” it was still relatively big and well-furnished, but Rickard didn’t pay any attention to that. All he noticed were the clean sheets and the soft mattress of the bed as he lied down and closed his eyes…
* * * *
It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes later when there was a desperate knocking on his door. Rickard’s eyelids felt like they weighed a ton when he slowly opened them. He didn’t get up immediately though, instead he blinked his eyes a few more times and turned to lie down on his side, hoping that the person at the other end of the door would eventually go away. Of course, that didn’t happen and the knocking continued.
‘This better be a damn emergency…’ Rickard grumbled to himself as he pushed himself out of bed and approached the door. ‘Yeah, what do you…want?’ He shouted as he opened the door, but abruptly fell silent when he saw that it was Ciara.
‘Can I…come in?’ Ciara asked between heavy breaths.
The priestess was worse off than she had been at dinner. She had removed her head dress, causing her dark brown locks of hair to cling to her face, which was currently slick with sweat and making her dark, olive skin shine in an alluring fashion. Her cheeks were flushed a dark red and her plush lips were moving in an interesting fashion as she gasped for air. Meanwhile her black priestess habit was clinging to her sweaty body, clearly outlining the curves of her huge, heavy breasts and her broad, curvy hips. Rickard was stunned for a moment, but eventually stopped his staring and stepped out of Ciara’s way.
‘S-Sure, come in, come in,’ he stammered, gesturing for her to step inside. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked as he closed the door behind her and quickly went about turning on some oil lamps.
‘I…don’t know!’ Ciara whined. ‘Ever since that…thing touched me with its…s-slimy tentacles I’ve been feeling hot and uncomfortable in my clothes.’ Ciara explained.
‘And how can I help with that?’ Rickard asked in confusion, while he tried not to stare at the priestess.
‘Kess mentioned that something similar had happened to her after you went upstairs. And that everything was mostly fine after she got it out of her system with you.’ Ciara explained nervously.
‘Ah…so you want me to help you with “getting it out of your system”?’ Rickard asked.
‘Yes.’ Ciara stated with a nod.
‘You do know how Kess “got it out of her system”, right?’ Rickard asked.
‘I-I might have changed and left out some words,’ Ciara replied with a shaky little smile. ‘Now will you help me?’

‘Well, I can’t really deny a request like that…but are you sure?’ Rickard asked. Ciara rapidly nodded, causing the young man to swallow audibly. ‘Alright, how do you want to start?’ he muttered nervously. Normally women just tended to jump his bones.
In response Ciara slowly removed her habit. Like Rickard had suspected when he first met her after his little encounter with the succubus in Wetwoods, Ciara was a lot curvier than Kess. Her huge breasts sagged slightly due to their weight and although her waist was slim, she showed just a little belly. Her slender waist flared out into a pair of broad, baby-bearing hips and Rickard was a bit disappointed about the fact that he couldn’t get a good luck at her rump. Between her thick, shapely thighs he spotted her plump snatch, its juices slowly running down her legs. Staining the white stockings she wore. Rickard realized he was staring and shook his head.
‘Oh right, getting undressed usually helps with this sex thing.’ He muttered as he pulled his tunic over his head and slowly tugged down his trousers. As his skinny legs came into view, so did his fat slab of vein-ridged cockmeat.
A desperate whimper passed Ciara’s lips as more and more of Rickard’s member appeared into view. When his trousers eventually fell around his ankles and the entirety of his, now semi-erect, monstercock was out in the open the priestess stepped closer. Breathing heavily.
‘It’s so big!’ she gasped as she reached a dainty hand downwards to grab the fleshy pole, just beneath the domed crown.
‘Really? I hadn’t realized,’ Rickard stated drily. ‘Now are you sure you’re going to be OK with this? You know, with you being a priestess and everything?’
‘Although I haven’t slept with anyone while I was in the service of Hoten, I’m not a virgin. I have enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh before I was an acolyte,’ Ciara explained while her lips stretched into a smile. It was part impish and part desperate. ‘But I might have some problems with something as large as this.’ She added, while squeezing Rickard’s thick shaft lovingly.
‘I think anyone who isn’t a goblin or a succubus would have trouble with it, yeah.’ Rickard replied.
‘But haven’t you and Kess done this before?’ Ciara mused, the strange smile still on her lips.
‘Yes, but I’m not sure if I would call her a normal person…’ Rickard stated drily. ‘Anyway, let’s take this slow.’ He said as he gently grabbed the priestess’ hand and pulled it away from his throbbing member while he approached the bed.
‘What are you doing?’ Ciara asked curiously, and sounding a little disappointed, as Rickard lied down on the bed.
‘I figured this way it would be easier for you to insert my member, maybe have gravity help out a little,’ Rickard explained. ‘Or maybe it’s because I just got out of bed and I’m a lazy bastard.’
But Ciara said nothing more. Instead she stared at Rickard’s monstercock as it stuck up from between his legs, casting a shadow over his skinny chest, and crawled on the bed with Rickard while breathing heavily. With a satisfied sigh she pressed the fat, purple cockhead against her dripping snatch, splaying her plump labia apart as she tried to insert it. Her satisfied sigh was quickly replaced with a squeak of discomfort however as her snatch was being stretched wide. Ciara’s legs trembled and the rest of her body shuddered, which did interesting things to her chest, sure. But Rickard was afraid that she was in pain and would fall and quickly grabbed her broad hips.
When the priestess’ warm, slick juices ran down his monstrous shaft however, Rickard realized that this wasn’t the case. After a few moments of getting used to his size, Ciara released another sigh of satisfaction and sank down further. Slowly but surely another thick, veiny inch disappeared into the brunette’s pink depths and her body continued to twitch and writhe in pleasure. Although it was clear by now that Ciara wasn’t feeling any pain, Rickard still held on to her hips. But was afraid to move as the priestess winced every now and then, when she thought he wouldn’t notice.
‘So full…’ Ciara moaned after a while, rubbing her stomach. It was showing a tube-like bulge, despite the fact that ten inches of Rickard’s monstercock still remained outside of her twitching quim. ‘H-how…did a s-small goblin manage t-to stuff so much of it inside her?’ Ciara asked, more to herself than Rickard, as she reached out and stroked part of Rickard’s shaft.
‘Well, she cheated by using the blessing of her goddess.’ Rickard replied.
‘I’m afraid I-I never le-learned anything like that wh-while I was a priestess of H-Hoten,’ Ciara babbled. ‘S-so I guess w-we’ll have to continue like th-this.’
‘You won’t hear me complain.’ Rickard mused.
‘B-but yo-you’re always com-complaining about something, RickARD!’ The rest of Rickard’s name turned into a squeal as the young man suddenly pushed his hips upwards slightly.
As a result Ciara shot him one of her best glares, but Rickard simply gave her an innocent look. The priestess grumbled something under her breath, but despite her apparent anger at Rickard began to move her hips as the flow of her juices increased. In only a few moments loud, wet sucking sounds resounded through the room as Ciara’s rode Rickard’s monstrous pole while her clear, orgasmic juices squirted from her plump muff with each thrust. Rickard himself was moving in tandem with the priestess, while holding on to her broad hips as if his life depended on it.

It had only been a few minutes since the priestess had climbed on top of him, but Rickard’s groin and part of his stomach were already shining with Ciara’s juices. When he looked up he noticed the blissful expression on the priestess’ face, instead of the troubled, almost pained, expression she had shown previously. Apparently what they were doing helped her get whatever had been troubling her out of her system, like she asked Rickard. That or she was simply enjoying the way in which they did it.
But after a few moments Ciara stopped moving completely and started gasping for air. At first, Rickard was worried that something was wrong with her. But when her sopping slit tightened around his member and refused to let go, he realized she had hit a big orgasm.
Ciara arched her back and her body twitched, making her breasts jiggle pleasantly as she continued to gasp for air while staring up at the ceiling. Although a part of him knew this was what the priestess needed, Rickard started to feel annoyed. She had been coating his member and stomach with her orgasmic juices for a while now, and he hadn’t even been able to reach one climax. Let alone a few small ones and a few big ones. So he looked up at Ciara and smiled impishly.
‘Well, I’m awake now…’ Rickard mused to himself, before pushing Ciara down on her back while he went to sit on his knees in front of her.
While this all happened Ciara released a squeal of surprise, but didn’t stop Rickard as she sank into the soft mattress. She felt his beefy cock throbbing against the walls of her climaxing cunny and mewled softly, but quickly started gasping for air again as the young man began extracting his massive, veiny pole from her clenching muff. Fortunately for her, Rickard roughly shoved his cock inside of her again after extracting only a few inches. She bit her lower lip in response to keep a shriek from escaping and kicked her legs in the air, but before she had a chance to chastise Rickard he did the same thing again. After only a few thrusts like it he found his rhythm and all Ciara could do was kick her legs in the air and claw at the sheets, all while trying her hardest to not wake any of the sleeping patrons with her squeals of ecstasy.
‘S-slow do-down!’ Ciara managed to gasp without releasing a loud moan.
‘Sorry,’ Rickard grunted. ‘But it’s been a while since I’ve been in charge during sex.’ He added, before pushing his head closer to Ciara’s chest and sucking a nipple into his mouth.
A sharp hiss passed Ciara’s lips and instead of trying to stop Rickard, she decided to rest her head on the mattress and move in tandem with him as best as she could. Of course, Rickard wasn’t done teasing her yet. One of his hands moved away from her broad hips and instead rested above her groin. At first the priestess sighed softly, but when the young man’s thumb brushed over her stiff clit she quickly covered her mouth with both hands to muffle the surprised, and lustful, shriek. Pleased with her reaction, Rickard decided to continue teasing the sensitive little nub of flesh as he pumped his hips and sucked on her stiff nipple, causing the priestess’ eyes to roll up in pleasure while she did her best to keep her mouth covered with her hands.
Ciara kicked her legs and writhed on the bed, but continued holding her hands in front of her head. Although at this point her squeals were loud enough to be heard in other rooms, despite the fact that they were muffled. Accompanying her squeals of pleasure were the lewd, wet sucking sounds coming from her sopping muff as Rickard’s monstercock pounded into it. But when Rickard gave her nipple a teasing bite, and brushed his thumb over her clit one last time, it became too much for the priestess. While removing her hands from her mouth she pressed Rickard’s head a little more firmly against her chest, while she began to shriek.
‘C-c-cumming!’ she howled after her orgasmic shriek ended. At the same time Rickard began to struggle in her grip and she felt him extracting his fat pole from her contracting cunt. A weak ‘No…’ passed Ciara’s lips, but she couldn’t stop Rickard.
Before she knew it his massive member escaped her orgasming snatch with a lewd *schlorp!*, and Rickard got up frantically jerking himself off. The priestess looked up at the young man in confusion, wondering what he was planning to do. When she saw the way his cock fattened up, it was already too late. Streamers of thick, hot seed blasted from the tip of his member and splattered against Ciara’s chin and neck, causing her to squeal as she felt it sliding down her body. But Rickard wasn’t done yet, several more streamers of jizz spewed from his distended cumslit and smacked against her huge, tanned breasts. Making the globes look like a pair of snow-capped mountains. His last blast of spunk peppered the underside of her tits with cum, as well as the rest of her stomach. Making it look as if she wore a dress made out of a strange white substance.
For a few minutes it was silent and only the heavy breathing from Ciara and Rickard could be heard. But the priestess finally broke the silence. ‘…I feel sticky.’ She muttered.
‘Sorry,’ Rickard stated weakly. ‘I was sure you didn’t want me to…you know, inside.’
‘True, still a warning would have been nice,’ Ciara mused as she scooped a bit of Rickard’s seed up with her finger. ‘Salty.’ She stated after sucking the finger in her mouth.
‘That was a little difficult, seeing as you were holding my head against your chest like that.’ Rickard shot back.
‘Y-yeah, well…’ Ciara stammered, but when she could not come up with a retort she got up on shaky legs and pulled Rickard’s sheets out from under him.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked in confusion, as he watched Ciara cover herself with the sheets as she approached the door, giving him a good view of her large, ballooning buttcheeks.
‘I’m going to ask a servant to draw me a bath, and since I don’t want to make my habit filthy I’ll be stealing your sheets,’ she responded childishly. But as she left the room, she looked over her shoulder and smiled warmly. ‘And thanks, Rickard.’ She added, before stepping out into the hallway.
‘I don’t need thanks I just want my sheets back!’ Rickard shouted after her, but still grinned as he lied down again.
Of course, before he could go to sleep, the door opened again. Only this time, someone shrieked loudly and Rickard abruptly sat up in shock to see a young woman dressed in servant’s clothes in the door opening holding something. Unfortunately Rickard hadn’t bothered to put on his clothes again. Both the servant girl and Rickard were quick to blush furiously, while the servant girl tossed what she had been holding into the room.
‘Yourcompanionsaidyouneedednewsheets!’ she yelled, before slamming the door shut.
Rickard hadn’t heard a word she’d said, but understood from the clean sheets currently lying on the floor that Ciara was behind it. ‘For a priestess she can be quite cheeky…’ Rickard grumbled to himself as he made the bed and tried to go to sleep again. It took him a little longer than before Ciara had come into his room, but soon enough he was sleeping like a log. He didn’t even notice when Ciara snuck back into his room to collect her habit.
* * * *
‘So, did you two have fun last night?’ Kess asked the next morning, while Rickard and Ciara entered the common room and sat down at Kess’ table.
Rickard didn’t know how she had found out. He looked as unkempt as always, while Ciara looked immaculate. Her robes were clean and she was breathing calmly once again. Maybe that’s how she figured it out? Luckily, Rickard didn’t have to wonder about the answer for long as Ciara spoke up.
‘How did you know?’ she hissed in embarrassment.
‘I didn’t, until now.’ Kess replied with a wicked smile.
‘I’ll go see about breakfast.’ Rickard quickly said, but Kess grabbed his wrist as he tried to leave the table.
‘Already taken care of,’ she stated. ‘And don’t worry. Even though I love seeing you two get all embarrassed, I won’t ask for details.’ She explained, trying to put the two of them at ease.
Ciara still blushed and looked down at her hands as she folded in her lap. But Rickard did breathe a sigh of relief. ‘Did you manage to find out anything about other port towns?’ he finally asked.
‘Well, after you and Ciara went upstairs some of the other patrons approached me,’ Kess began. And looking around Rickard noticed that there were surprisingly few of those patrons actually enjoying their breakfast. ‘Anyway, I think they were trying to get me drunk or something, because some asked to buy me a drink while others challenged me to drinking competitions.’
‘Kess, you didn’t…’ Ciara began.
‘I did, and made some good money with it too!’ Kess grinned, while fishing a bulging coin purse out of her cleavage, a different one from last night. Rickard was still holding that one. ‘But that’s not the point. After one of the merchants had a few, he became rather loose-lipped…’
‘What did you find out?’ Rickard asked.
‘Well, apparently there is a road to the east of town that leads to a small mountain. According to the rumours, it houses dwarves. The merchant said his grandfather used to do business with them, but now the gates are closed.’ Kess whispered, leaning in.
‘How is that going to help us?’ Rickard sighed. ‘Dwarves can’t help me with my “condition”, we need sorcerers for that.’
‘Well, the thing is. Most people don’t know what is on the other end of that mountain,’ Kess explained. ‘There might be sorcerers, there might be a port town, who knows? I don’t think we currently have much choice either, unless you want to fight bandits.’ She muttered with a shrug.
Rickard went silent and thought about what the blonde barbarian said. He didn’t fancy the idea of going up against those bandits that had barricaded to road to Sernes, then again Kess had slaughtered more paladins than he thought possible on her own back in Yull. Still, they had the element of surprise on their side back then; these bandits probably wouldn’t be surprised that easy. So either they had to wait in Greystone and watch their funds dwindle, or attempt to enter the mountain the dwarves called home, dwarves that hadn’t been seen in years.
When their breakfast arrived Rickard continued to think as he ate. While hungrily wolfing down his eggs and sausages he thought about the fact that they would be sitting ducks if trouble did come from Yull, so fighting bandits or talking with dwarves would be their only options…
‘I guess we’ll go with the dwarves,’ Rickard said finally, as he put his fork down. ‘But we should stock up on supplies, just in case it doesn’t work out and we have to camp outdoors for a while. Or face those bandits. Unless someone has a better idea?’
‘I’m all for it. I’ve never met a dwarf before.’ Kess replied with a broad grin.
‘So am I, the more distance between us and Yull, the better,’ Ciara said with a warm smile, before turning to Kess. ‘By the way, Kess. Where are all the other patrons?’
‘Oh they’re in their rooms. With massive hangovers.’ The barbarian replied while chuckling.
After breakfast they left The Slumbering Merchant, the innkeeper seemed sad to see Kess go. Apparently the amount of drinks the other patrons had bought for her and themselves had left him with quite a profit. From Kess’ winnings they bought some extra gear, mostly food, as well as extra torches in case the home of the dwarves would be dark for them. After that, they left town. Following the road Kess indicated.

To be continued…

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