Thursday 22 November 2018

Jessica's Troubles - Chapter 8: Trouble with Mom.

Jessica's Troubles - Chapter 8: Trouble with Mom.
Jessica returns home to find her mother waiting for her. Angry, and a little drunk. Which leads to a...situation when Jessica's mother later comes upstairs to apologize ands finds her daughter asleep.
As you might have guessed from the description, and can definitely see below, this contains incest. So this chapter might not be your cup of tea.
Contains: Futanari, Futanari on Female, MILF, Incest, Oral sex while Jessica sleeps, big cock, huge breasts, excessive cum.

Chapter 8 – Trouble with Mom

When Jessica finally stopped at the driveway to her home, she was breathing heavily. She had never ridden her bike so fast before, especially not after a rigorous sex session with Principal Mary Irons.

Normally she’d be happy to be back home, where she didn’t have to hide the fact that she was a hermaphrodite. But now the large house seemed to loom over her threateningly. Gingerly, she placed her bicycle against the front wall and stuck her key into the lock of the entrance door as slowly as she could, turning it and quietly opening the door.

The lights were still on in the living room and Jessica could hear the muffled sounds of the TV—meaning that her mother was likely still awake. She took a deep breath and stepped inside, turning around briefly to close the door behind her.
Before it had even clicked shut, someone cleared her throat behind her. Jessica’s shoulders slumped.

‘Get into the living room right now, young lady,’ her mother said in an icy voice.

Jessica replied by releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. She locked the door, and did as her mother commanded.

Stepping inside the living room made Jessica instantly uncomfortable. It all looked too neat and professional, with the crisp, pale white floor tiles and the modern black and white paintings hanging from the wall that reminded her more of ink blot tests than art. The furniture consisted of a small round white coffee table standing on a black and white rug, as well as a black leather couch that was rather uncomfortable to sit on and a large chair of the same style. In that chair sat her mother, Meredith Rhudo.

It occurred to Jessica that the room seemed to fit her mother. Meredith was a self-made woman whom had started a small software company, that she directed now as CEO. Jessica wasn’t sure what the company did, exactly, but apparently it was important. After Jessica’s dad left, Meredith had seemed to lose herself in her work more and more.

When the two Rhudo women were in close proximity, it was visibly obvious that Jessica took more after her dad’s side of the family. Where Jessica was tall, standing a proud 5’10, her mother was around 5’5 with heels on; while Jessica’s skin seemed to have a natural tan to it, Meredith’s skin was a creamy white. The same contrast went for their eye and hair colour. Jessica’s hair was a dark, ash brown, and her eyes were a shade of brown a doe would be proud of, while her mother’s hair was a golden blonde, her eyes a pale, almost crystalline, blue.

‘Sit down,’ Meredith told—no, ordered—her daughter as she poured herself a glass of wine. From the sound of her voice, she had already had a few glasses before Jessica got home.

Jessica did as she was told, nervously plopping down on the couch as far away as she could from her mother. The older woman hadn’t bothered to change out of her work clothes. Her straight, golden blonde hair fell to her shoulders and was fashioned in a professional bob. Not a single lock was out of place, despite the fact that she looked as if she’d had a bit too much to drink. Her arched, blonde eyebrows were set in a scowl while her almond-shaped blue eyes glared at her daughter.

‘Do you have any idea…how worried I was?’ she asked Jessica in a soft, angry voice. Her plush, dark-red lips formed the words in a way that was vaguely tantalizing.

‘I—’ Jessica began.

‘Where were you!?’ Meredith snapped, before her daughter had the chance to speak. ‘I’ve called and texted you God knows how many times, and was about to call the police—if I hadn’t heard from Alice this morning…’

‘I was—’ Jessica tried again.

‘I know. I know you were with her. She told me.’ Meredith’s voice was chilly again.

Jessica didn’t know what to say. Oddly enough, this was probably the longest she’d talked to her mom in years. Most of the time, she opted to spend her time in her room, or down in the basement where fitness equipment had been set up so she and her mother could work out. When they did talk, the both of them usually tried to avoid talking about Jessica’s “extra equipment,” or sex in general.

And now that the subject was brought up, neither of them seemed to be too eager to delve into it. Meredith took another sip of wine, and Jessica averted her gaze. Instead, she looked down, running her eyes over her mom’s slender neck before her eyes fell inexorably on her chest.

Although her hair and make-up was still immaculate, Jessica doubted the workers at Meredith’s company would respect her if she wore her clothes to work like this. Her business suit was open, showing off her blouse, which in turn had more buttons undone than would generally be considered professional. To her embarrassment, Jessica felt something stirring in her pants at the sight of her mother’s pale, creamy breastflesh exposed like this. Her breasts were almost as huge as those of Mrs Irons’, but they lacked the principal’s sag, perkier and shapelier.

The young herm quickly shook her head to expel the encroaching dirty thoughts she was suddenly having about Meredith. They might be virtual strangers living in the same home, but they were still mother and daughter.

‘You know you shouldn’t have shown what you are to that woman,’ Meredith finally said, breaking the silence. ‘If word got out, people might bully you…’ Her voice grew soft. ‘Or leave you.’

‘I know,’ Jessica said defensively, trying to sound as formal as her mother had before. The face of Alison appeared in her mind’s eye. ‘But Alice hasn’t—’

‘You’re grounded for a month,’ Meredith cut in, her tone now devoid of any edge. She sounded tired. Defeated. ‘I’ll inform Alice that you won’t be coming to work, and you’re forbidden from seeing her. Come straight home from school. I’ll be making sure to stay in contact with Principal Irons. She’ll tell me when you leave.’

‘But—but—’ Jessica stammered.

‘No ‘buts,’ young lady! Now go to bed!’ Meredith snapped, a glimmer of fury appearing in her eyes again.

Jessica wanted to argue more, say it wasn’t fair and that it was her fault, not Alice’s. That Alice would need her help at the gym, or that a month away would mean she’d be out of a job. But it was clear from her mother’s expression that her arguments would fall on deaf ears. With a frustrated sigh Jessica got to her feet and stormed out of the living room, stomping upstairs without even bothering to get dinner, leaving Meredith to stew over her wine in a surly mood.

Once she was secure in her bedroom, Jessica fished out her cellphone and called Alice. Her boss answered immediately. ‘Hey Jess, how’s it going?’ the fitness enthusiast asked cheerfully. It sounded forced to Jessica’s ears.

‘Hi…’ Jessica said meekly, sitting down on her bed. ‘Listen, I—I can’t come to work for at least a month. My mother—’

‘I already know,’ Alice cut in. ‘It’s not a big deal. I’ll figure something out and I’ll be sure to have your job here when you get back. This is partly my fault, after all.’ She chuckled ruefully.

‘Thanks!’ Jessica replied once she’d overcome a brief speechlessness, exhaling gratefully.

They spoke for a little longer, about the gym and how Jessica’s grounding played out and how the teen wondered what the hell she would do to keep occupied for a whole month. But eventually, Alice had to hang up, leaving Jessica with no one to talk to. She tried to do her homework, despite the fact that she’d have the whole weekend for it, and to surf the web, but found that she was far too angry with herself and her circumstances to do anything like that. So, finally, she kicked off her sweatpants, shrugged out of her oversized shirt, and replaced them with some comfortable pyjama pants and a tank top before crawling into bed.

She fell asleep blissfully fast.

* * *

‘I should probably put these away now…’ Meredith remarked to the living room at large, her speech slurred, squinting at the bottle of wine she had just finished and the adjacent glass.

It had been a few hours since Jessica stomped upstairs. Meredith had simply continued drinking while starting unseeingly at the TV, hoping that if she put on the appearance of being unbothered by the confrontation with her daughter, she might actually stop being bothered by it.

It didn’t work.

With a small, barely audible sound of discontent, she turned off the large plasma wall-mounted screen and heaved herself, somewhat unsteadily, off the chair she had been sitting on. She returned the empty wine glass to the kitchen and slowly made her way upstairs. Giving her daughter’s room a wide berth, she entered the master bedroom and set to carelessly throwing her business clothes off. She was about to prepare for bed when she suddenly slapped her forehead in annoyance, giving in to her mounting frustration.

‘You finally get to talk with your daughter and you act like a complete bitch,’ she hissed to herself, standing in the middle of her room in her underwear. ‘I should apologize.’ She looked down at herself, blinking at her state of undress. ‘I can’t go like this, though.’

So decided, Meredith Rhudo opened her wardrobe and grabbed the first thing she could find. It was an old shirt that had belonged to her ex-husband. He had been tall, much like Jessica; the shirt would probably look more like a short dress on Meredith’s frame. Gazing at the shirt, she remembered how he’d left her a few years after Jessica was born, claiming he couldn’t deal with raising a hermaphrodite—although he had called her something rather more unpleasant.
Meredith had hated him for it, and tried ever since to protect Jessica from people like him…yet she missed him more than she cared to admit, and just couldn’t bring herself to get rid of some of his things.

‘Fuck it…’ she grumbled, unhooking her bra and giving her sizable breasts some freedom before throwing the shirt over her head. Without bothering to put on anything else or remove her make-up, she left her room and went to her daughter’s.

‘Jessica, can I come in?’ she called softly, knocking on the bedroom door. ‘Jessica?’

No answer came. Meredith slowly opened the door. ‘Jessica?’ she asked again, an instinctive motherly concern bubbling up at the lack of response. But then her ears picked up the sounds of soft breathing, and the light from the hallway poured into the room, showed the sleeping form of her daughter stirring underneath the covers. Well…partly underneath the covers, anyway. Jessica seemed to have kicked most of them off in her sleep. Meredith smiled fondly and crept closer to watch her daughter sleep, taking care not to make noise.
In the past she’d been very close to Jessica. They’d practice yoga together, or make use of the fitness equipment in the basement, chatting and laughing together easily. But as the girl grew older, and it became more and more apparent that she was a hermaphrodite, Meredith didn’t know how to handle it. She’d distanced herself, bit by bit, from her own daughter, justifying it to herself in a million different ways. She’d began making use of the gym she worked at, rather than the one at home. Both of them tried to avoid one another.

‘I’m just as bad as my ex…’ Meredith mumbled sadly to herself, reflecting on her treatment of Jessica as she gazed down at the sleeping teen.

Lost in these thoughts, she turned around to return to her room, resolving to have a long talk with Jessica the next day. On her way, though, Meredith noticed something.

Peeking out from the top of her pyjama pants was her daughter’s thick, erect shaft.

Meredith reflexively tried to avert her eyes, but she unexpectedly felt something new at this sight: a burning in the pit of her stomach.

It had been a while since she last had sex, a voice in her mind reminded her. She felt herself rubbing her thick, discreetly muscled thighs together. Meredith shook her head and ripped her eyes away—she couldn’t believe she would think a thing like that about her own child…but even as her eyes were pulled away from Jessica’s member, they couldn’t help wandering across the rest of her body. Jessica’s top had bunched up slightly in her sleep, showing her slim, feminine waist and ample, tanned underboob, along with some appetizingly hard abdominal muscles.

An involuntary whimper escaped Meredith’s lips. She took a step closer, resting her hand on her daughter’s flat, powerful stomach. Jessica stirred and muttered something in her sleep, but didn’t wake up. Emboldened by this, the voluptuous mother swallowed audibly, her hand slowly inching closer to her daughter’s hard member. Meredith bit her lower lip as both shame and arousal washed over her. She couldn’t stop her slender fingers from wrapping around the thick, veiny shaft.

‘Fuck, I’m a terrible mother,’ Meredith cursed herself breathlessly. Even as she said it, she pulled Jessica’s pyjama bottoms down further with trembling hands, revealing the rest of her teenaged child’s monstrous dick, as well as her big, beefy balls.

Meredith’s poor, aching slit clenched with a powerful need that refused to be ignored at the sight of the mighty pole. ‘It’s s-so big!’ Meredith stammered in an awed whisper, rubbing her thighs together agitatedly. ‘I—I should stop, I—should go…’

But years of sexual frustration, mixed with a bit too much wine, did not put Jessica’s mother in the best state of mind to listen to reason., The hand on her daughter’s shaft didn’t remove itself—began, in fact, to slowly move up and down. A low, pleased growl came from Jessica’s throat, sending a chill up Meredith’s spine and prompting her to glance guiltily in the direction of her daughter’s sleeping face. The teen’s plump lips had stretched into a happy, dopey smile, and Meredith felt something slimy running over her fingers.

Jessica’s member was leaking precum!

Didn’t that mean…she was enjoying this?

‘I do need to make it up to her…for earlier,’ Meredith breathed, her brain racing in a desperate attempt to rationalize what she so badly wanted to do and deciding this was as good a logic as any. And when Jessica released another moan in her sleep, her mother decided, right then, forcefully pushing aside all her internal conflict, to take it as consent.

With a pleased, shuddering sigh, the blonde dropped to her knees next to Jessica’s bed, resting her huge, heavy bust on her daughter’s muscled leg while wrapping both of her hands around the girl’s turgid, meaty pole. Feeling the powerful member throbbing against her fingers, hot and alive, caused her pussy to clench powerfully anew. Meredith pumped her hands up and down along the shaft, cooing softly as beads of warm, sticky precum ran over her fingers. They were quickly slick and shiny with the pearlescent cockjuices, and a lewd snikt- snikt- snikt- sound resounded through the room each time her hands passed over the large breeding rod, which itself was gleaming, lubricated with her daughter’s own precum.

Jessica, though, despite the sleepy smile on her face and the constant twitching of her cock, didn’t seem to be any closer to reaching her orgasm.

‘It—It wouldn’t hurt to go a little further, right?’ Meredith whispered, her mouth feeling suddenly very dry as she looked at the pearly precum drooling from her daughter’s cumslit.

Aside from the perverted sounds of Meredith’s hands sliding up and down Jessica’s precum-slick prick resounding through the room, there was no other noise. So when the blond mom belatedly realized no one would answer her, she took a deep breath and maneuvered her face closer to her daughter’s groin. Her heart pounded deafeningly in her ears. What would happen if Jessica woke up? How the hell could she explain this?

But despite her worries, Meredith didn’t turn back, her face hovering over her daughter’s intimidating cock. Breathing heavily, she gave its shiny purple head a nervous lick. When Jessica showed no signs of waking up, she lapped the precum covered crown again, longer and more boldly, her eyes glazing over as she savoured the pungent taste of her baby girl’s juices. She licked again, and again, until Jessica’s cockhead was slick not with precum, but with Meredith’s saliva.

‘It’s so…’ Slurp. ‘Salty…’ Slurp. ‘But so good!’ Meredith mewled. She needed more. In the back of her mind, she knew she would normally find this disgusting, especially with her daughter. But right now, the burning in her belly was in control, and all she wanted was to play as sloppily and as whorishly as she could with this mighty cock in her hands.

Meredith slowly pulled one of those hands away from Jessica’s stiff, throbbing shaft and began lapping her fingers clean. Once the salty, clear coating was gone from her fingers, she released a childishly disappointed sigh.

Of course, Jessica’s member was still covered with the salty gunk.

So, without even offering a token effort to stop herself now, Meredith stretched her red-painted lips in a lewd ‘O’ and lowered her head over her daughter’s throbbing monstercock. The hand she had just licked clean was quick to disappear between her thighs. Mindlessly ecstatic muffled moans escaped Meredith’s mouth as the precum-slick dick brushed over her tongue and slowly disappeared down her throat, all while her slender fingers dipped into her eager, dripping pussy.

Her ex-husband had been pretty well-hung, too, but the size of his member had been nowhere near that of the daughter they’d made together. After taking more than 9 inches into her gullet, Meredith gagged loudly, prompting Jessica to suddenly release a dreary snort, brow furrowing, her hips shifting minutely on the mattress.
So there Meredith was, tears of effort streaming down her face and smearing her makeup, with 9 inches of hard, throbbing cockmeat stuffed down her throat and too afraid to move lest her daughter wake up. To her relief, Jessica continued her peaceful breathing and said nothing. Meredith continued moving.

The blonde gently bobbed her head along the 9 inches of cock she could swallow, occasionally trying to shove more down her poor throat but never forcing it too strongly. After a few minutes she had managed to reach the 10 inch mark. By now her cheeks were wet with her reflexive tears, and her daughter’s member was smeared with her red lipstick. Through it all, hot pleasure and desire continued to wash over Meredith. Her panties were no doubt thoroughly ruined due to the way orgasmic juices dripped from her twitching cunny, and strings of saliva had escaped from her cockstuffed mouth only to run thickly down her chin.

But she wasn’t finished yet. Neither she or Jessica had reached their orgasm yet, and Meredith wouldn’t leave until she had accomplished both.

As it turned out, she didn’t have to wait long for it. After eagerly facefucking herself with the 10 inches of cockmeat she’d stuffed down her throat for a few more minutes, she suddenly felt her daughter’s titanic member expanding in her throat. Her eyes became as big as saucers, and another loud gag passed her plugged-up lips before thick, hot, creamy cum blasted from Jessica’s cockhead. Meredith coughed as the white slime coated the walls of her throat; unfortunately, this also resulted in jizz shooting from her nostrils and spraying from her mouth.

Miraculously, despite Meredith struggling loudly, moaning unconsciously, to swallow as much cum as she could, Jessica did not stir.

As for Meredith? The dumb, slutty smile on her face said it all.  There was something deliciously thrilling, to her shame, about the way her daughter’s orgasm made such a mess of her. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror on Jessica’s nearby closet, her face covered with semen, her shirt stained with yet more of the slimy gunk, as well as her own drool. She gagged happily around her child’s cock at the sight, and as her fingers dipped into her honeypot again, she squealed around the monstrous, slowly softening shaft, pleasure coursing through her body. She slowly arched her back, her head lolling back, causing Jessica’s now-flaccid cock to escape her cum-stained mouth. To keep her irrepressible sounds of pleasure from waking Jessica up, Meredith quickly slapped her hands over her mouth, one covered in her own juices and the other still coated with her daughter’s precum. Next thing she knew, she was lying on her back on the bedroom floor, writhing and twitching in bodily pleasure while she did her best to supress her orgasmic squeals.

After a while—Meredith didn’t know whether it was minutes, hours or days—her body stopped moving, and she came down from her climax, panting heavily. ‘Hah…’ she breathed huskily, weakly propping herself up on her elbows. ‘I really needed that,’ she murmured dazedly, looking down at herself. ‘I should probably take a shower…’

Trying really hard to not look at the state she had left her daughter in, Meredith hurried out of the room and stumbled into the shower. She didn’t bother trying to turn on the warm water, instead letting the cold streams pound down on her curvy form while she thought about the things she had just done to her own child.

Yet, for all the guilt and shame coursing through her,, her pussy still twitched at the mental image of her baby girl’s big, veiny cock, and the taste of its virile cum lingering in her mouth…

* * * *

When Jessica awoke the next morning, she nearly yelled out in shock. Her pyjama pants, covers, and even her own groin and stomach where covered in dried cum, and her flaccid cock was exposed. ‘Oh shit!’ she cursed. It had been ages since she last had a wet dream, but she knew the drill by heart. Quickly removing everything from her bed, she practically sprinted towards the washing machine, praying her mother wouldn’t get in the way.

Once she had accomplished her task and, breathing a little easier, went downstairs, however, she found her mother wasn’t there. Instead, she found a post-it on the fridge, which she promptly removed and read. It said:

There was an emergency at work. I won’t be back until later this afternoon. DON’T leave the house, there is food in the fridge if you get hungry.

Jessica ripped the post-it apart in annoyance and threw it in the trash before stomping back upstairs in anger. ‘I could use a shower,’ she grumbled to herself, stripping out of her dirty clothes and trudging into the bathroom. Shortly she was enjoying the warm water washing over her as she cleaned herself up, wondering what she was going to do with herself all day.

As if to answer her, the doorbell rang. Jessica wasn’t about to leave the shower to actually answer the door; it probably wasn’t important. But after the doorbell rang out persistently several more times, it became clear Jessica wouldn’t get to enjoy a peaceful shower anyway.

‘Who the hell could that be?’ Jessica groaned exasperatedly. She quickly dried herself off with a towel, donned some clean clothes, and rushed downstairs…

To be continued…

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