Thursday 22 November 2018

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 6: To The Library

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 6: To The Library
Where Kess and Rickard have some fun at the library.
Contains: M/F, blowjob, huge cock, barbarian babe, muscle, public sex, huge breasts, excessive cum.

Chapter 6 – To the Library!
‘By the gods how did a woman like that become the head-priestess in the first place?’ Rickard growled underneath his breath as he gently closed the door to Katherine’s room behind him. ‘I swear, that devil is insatiable.’ He peeked at the redhead’s sleeping form through the crack before completely shutting the door.

So there was Rickard, naked as the day he was born, his groin and stomach shining with a mixture of girlcum, sweat and droplets of his own jizz, holding a pile of clothing underneath his arm, and a pair of boots in hand. His wrists were red and raw. ‘Three times before she untied me,’ Rickard cursed. ‘Three times! And now I smell like an ogre’s armpit and have no one to tell me where the hell the baths are. Ah well, better start looking…’

After having avoided several patrolling paladins, and a couple of young acolytes he didn’t want to scar for life, Rickard found the baths. It was a beautiful room with a stained glass window depicting a sun and several swirling clouds, while the baths themselves seemed to be large, round tubs carved into the marble floor with statues of busty women dressed like acolytes pouring hot, scented water into the tubs from the decanters they were holding. At least, Rickard thought all the baths would look like this, as several paper screens surrounded his bath to give him, and any other bathers, some privacy.

‘Wow,’ Rickard said, briefly stunned by how grandiose the room was. But he quickly tossed aside his dirty pile of clothes and jumped into the baths. ‘By the gods yes…’ he sighed as the warm water relieved his aching muscles.

He quickly began scrubbing himself clean as best as he could with only his hands, and even dunked his head underwater for a few moments to clean his messy hair. When he came up again he kept his eyes shut for a few moments, and relaxed. He lied in the water like that for several long minutes, before his ears picked up a sound. Slowly he opened his eyes…and saw, Ciara. Only this time she was fully clothed in a clear habit, and he was the one found naked in a bathtub.

‘I’m so sorry!’ the priestess gasped as she covered her face, but spread her fingers slightly to peek nonetheless.

‘We really must stop meeting like this…’ Rickard said drily, but made no move to cover himself.

‘Shouldn’t you cover yourself?’ Ciara cried.

‘After what happened yesterday?’ Rickard chuckled. ‘I didn’t think it would be necessary. You saw everything after all…and did a little more.’ He had to hold back his laughter when he saw the priestess’ ears turn red.

‘I did that…to help you,’ Ciara stammered.

‘Suuure,’ Rickard said, continuing to tease the dark-haired beauty.
‘You sure don’t act like someone who has been cured from corruption,’ Ciara huffed as she turned her back to him.

‘Lady, I have always been a mean little bastard,’ Rickard shot back.

Ciara turned to say something else to him, but before she could the sweet voice of Katherine echoed through the baths. ‘Oh Rickard, are you in here?’

‘Oh blast, the she-devil is awake!’ Rickard cursed under his breath as he rose out of the water, giving Ciara an eyeful of his flaccid member.

‘She is the head-priestess of her order!’ Ciara shouted, before her attention was caught by his dick.

‘The succubus acted more saintly than her!’ Rickard shot back, while trying to pull his pants over his wet legs.

‘You’re exaggerating!’

‘Not by much!’

As the two bickered, Rickard had managed to pull his tunic over his head and was currently in the process of putting on his boots. But before he succeeded, he heard Katherine’s voice again. Closer now. ‘Ah Ciara, have you seen Rickard?’ she asked the younger priestess.

‘Don’t you dare,’ Rickard whispered as the woman turned to look at him with an impish little grin on her lips.

‘Yes he’s right—’

But before Ciara could finish her sentence, Rickard hopped over one of the screens to escape from both of the wicked priestesses. He heard a shriek coming from the tub as he landed on the wet marble floor, but ignored it as he hopped over the next screen. And the next one. And the next one. He continued to jump over the screens, ignoring angered shouts, but when a familiar voice said: ‘Rickard?’ he just had to stop and look.

‘Oh hi Kess,’ Rickard greeted the barbarian babe without looking at her. ‘Of course you’re enjoying the baths as well.’

‘Where are you off in such a hurry?’ she asked as she stood up and got out of the tub, ignoring Rickard’s comments.

‘Uh…the library…’ Rickard mumbled, struggling to remember why he had come to Yull in the first place. Which was quite difficult when watching rivulets of water streaming down the titanic globes sitting high and mighty on Kess’ chest, or seeing droplets of them running down her fit, trained stomach.

‘You certainly have an interesting way of doing things,’ The blonde said with a cocked eyebrow as she turned to grab what little clothing she had, giving Rickard a fantastic look at her large, shapely rear.

‘What are you doing?’ Rickard asked, as he shook his head and tried to focus on the task at hand.

‘Coming with you.’ Kess replied matter-of-factly as she put on her skimpy top and loincloth.


‘Because every time I turn around you seem to get kidnapped, almost sacrificed, or nearly screwed to death, and it’s becoming a bit of a drag to save you from the brink of death,’ she explained.

‘All right, hurtful…’ Rickard muttered.

‘But also true,’ Kess shot back while putting on her boots. ‘Now let’s go.’ She shoved him forwards.

‘…never get any time for myself,’ Rickard mumbled to himself as he and Kess walked past the last screen, and left the baths.

* * *

‘Are you sure the library is this way?’ Kess asked as she and Rickard cut through one of the side alleyways, gripping her axe more tightly.

‘That’s what the guardsman told me,’ Rickard replied. ‘But he did look like he had been drinking, so I can’t be sure.’

‘And you’re sure this isn’t some trap set up by a corrupt man of the city guard?’ Kess eyed the shadows warily.

‘Maybe in any other city,’ Rickard mused as they rounded a corner. ‘But things seem a little too peaceful here. There is almost no crime, and very few beggars…and I doubt the city guard is the reason for that.’

‘So you think something’s wrong in Yull?’ Kess asked again.

‘Who knows,’ Rickard shrugged. ‘If there is, I’d rather not find out though…’

When they finally stepped out of the alleyway and into the crowded street, Rickard noticed the building the tipsy guard had described as the library. As for the rest of the street, they seemed to be as busy as the rest of the city. Merchants were rolling around kegs of ale and mead, pulling around carts with colourful looking sticks boasting strings sticking out of them that Rickard did not recognize. Above him colourful yellow and blue flags decorated the houses and shops.

‘Are they holding some sort of festival?’ Kess wondered aloud.

‘Maybe, I don’t know much about Yull,’ Rickard sighed, annoyed with the woman’s constant questions, and then grumbled, ‘Let’s just get inside.’ He crossed the street, trying to dodge all the busy people as well as the carts that rolled by.

Kess followed close behind him, only in her case the people and carts did their best not to run into the tall, muscled barbarian woman handling an axe. When she and Rickard stopped in front of the rather grand-looking library, they were approached by a sleepy-looking guard. ‘W-what’s the axe for?’ he grunted lazily.

‘To protect me from paper cuts,’ Rickard remarked drily. ‘Can we go inside now?’

The guard looked Kess over, partly to lewdly eye her curvaceous and athletic body, and partly to make sure if he was a match for her. But he quickly concluded that he wouldn’t be able to fight her, and waved them through while he slowly stumbled into the crowd to watch the party preparations. Rickard and Kess looked at each other and shrugged before opening the large, ornate wooden door and stepping inside.

‘Damn,’ Rickard said, his voice echoing through the otherwise silent library. ‘Where do they get the money for all this stuff?’ He looked around at the ornate library. Stacks upon stacks of books lined the walls of the first floors, while a spiral staircase leading to the second floor showed even more stacks, as well as statues of various gods and goddesses and glass cases which no doubt contained some fantastic relics.
‘I’ve missed places like this,’ Rickard mused as he approached a large, mahogany desk with a small, old and frail looking female librarian sitting behind it.

‘Can I help you?’ she asked, after shooting a disapproving glance at Kess.

‘I am looking for any books on ways to get rid of curses, hexes and things of that nature,’ Rickard explained. ‘Can you tell me where I could find  books of that nature?’

‘Second floor, the section on magic. The stacks next to the statue of Gitiya,’ the librarian informed Rickard, before returning to her work.

‘Thank you ma’am,’ Rickard said as he turned around, although he didn’t think the woman had even heard him.

‘What’s a Gitiya?’ Kess asked as she followed Rickard to the closest spiral staircase.

‘She’s the Goddess of Knowledge and Magic,’ Rickard explained as he ascended the staircase with Kess close behind him. ‘You don’t know of her in the north?’

‘No, most of your merchants only seem to want to worship Hoten when they reach the dark, cold north,’ Kess joked.

‘You don’t seem to follow the same gods as us, do you?’ Rickard asked, though it sounded more like a statement.

‘We have one God. But he seems to look down on those who ask him for anything, so we fight and we steal and we kill for ourselves, and leave him out of it,’ Kess said curtly, and Rickard thought it wise to ask no more about it.

With a heavy sigh Rickard reached the top of the stairs, and cursed himself mentally for being so out of shape. Kess simply stepped up next to him, and clasped him on the shoulder before pushing him forwards. They passed several other book stacks and statues as other gods as Rickard searched for the statue of Gitiya. Eventually he stopped in front of a statue resting against a large wooden bookcase which depicted a woman in long, flowing robes with a heavy tome underneath one arm and a third eye tattooed on her forehead.

‘I guess this is it,’ Rickard mumbled. He disappeared between the bookcases and started grabbing some heavy books.

* * *

‘Found anything yet?’ Kess asked, while leaning against the bookcase stuffed with tomes, giving anyone who thought about disturbing Rickard an angry glare.

‘No…No. Nothing at all,’ Rickard sighed, sounding defeated. ‘Only stories about how gods cured someone of his ailments, myths about a tree growing in the underworld whose fruits act as some sort of cure-all and all sorts of other horseshit I can’t work with.’ He sighed and leaned back.

‘Why would you want to get rid of this, ahem, “curse” anyway?’ Kess asked Rickard with a raised eyebrow.

‘Because I doubt that I’ll run into any other sex-crazed goblins, horny succubae or a certain barbarian who I doubt is human,’ Rickard shot back.

‘And what’s the real reason?’ Kess pushed.

‘It’s…It’s not important, alright!?’ Rickard nearly shouted as he stood up from table and walked deeper amongst the book stacks, leaving Kess where she was standing. He walked towards the end of the path between the bookcases, and found one of the glass cases holding a supposedly holy artefact.

Within it lay a long, single edged dagger with a slightly curved blade, with a sign reading “Helen’s Blessed Dagger”. The blade gave off a faint glow, and the gem set in the handle shined like the sun. ‘Helen,’ Rickard mouthed. ‘That was the same woman that made that holy oil, right? Though I’m still not certain about the holiness of that…’ he released a sigh as he ran his eyes over the rest of the contents, which were just some scraps of cloths and shining rocks. ‘Who am I talking to?’ Rickard wondered aloud, before grabbing some other books and returning to the table.

Once there, he noticed that most of the books that had previously been lying on the table had been put back in the stacks and Kess had disappeared. If it was anybody else Rickard would have been worried, but he knew the blonde could handle herself. So instead, he simply sat down and enjoyed the peace and quiet with a sigh. He began leafing through the pages of one of the books he found, but once again only found stories and rumours. With a frustrated growl he shut the book, and grabbed the next one…only to feel something brushing against his inner thigh.

‘Wow!’ Rickard yelled, nearly jumping from his chair. With a quick look under the table, he found where Kess had gone off to. ‘Kess!’ he hissed. ‘What the hell are you doing!?’

‘You’re acting a little stressed, and I would like to help relieve you,’ she purred softly while stroking his legs.

‘In the library?! In public?!’ Rickard whispered loudly.

‘Since when are you so shy?’ Kess asked with a catlike grin. ‘I don’t remember you being this shy around the crowd of goblins.’

‘That’s…because my life was in danger,’ Rickard hissed. ‘Now I need to go.’ He stammered as he stood up, only to have Kess dig her fingers into his waistband. This of course resulted in the barbarian pulling Rickard’s pants completely down, causing his half-erect cock to fall into the open.

‘Crap…’ Rickard cursed, before he quickly sat down again.

‘Glad to see you changed your mind,’ Kess purred teasingly.

‘When did you become this wicked, woman?’ Rickard growled as he tried to focus on the book in front of him.

‘You must be a bad influence on me,’ The blonde joked, and Rickard could not suppress a groan when her slender, but strong hands wrapped around the base of his swelling member and began to jerk it with long, languid strokes.

Rickard wanted to make a comment to prove his innocence, but his ears picked up the sound of shuffling feet coming closer and closer to the stacks he was sitting between. Without thinking he grabbed a fistful of Kess’ hair and pushed the plump, fist-sized cockhead against her velvety soft lips. The barbarian looked up at Rickard with a naughty glimmer in her gold-coloured eyes, and opened her mouth wide to accept the hot crown just as a young librarian walked between the bookcases and spotted Rickard.

‘I didn’t think anyone would be in the library today,’ the young man said with a friendly smile as he placed some of the books he was carrying on a nearby shelf.

‘Oh? And why is that?’ Rickard asked, trying desperately to make his voice sound even as his dick slowly pushed itself down Kess’ throat.

‘Because of the festival?’ the man replied while giving Rickard an odd look.

Just then Kess gagged loudly, and spat saliva all over Rickard’s groin as his member was pushed deeper and her gullet. In response Rickard quickly slammed the book he was reading shut and continued the conversation like normal. ‘What is the festival in celebration for, if you don’t mind me asking?’ He asked, trying to sound innocent as sweat started beading on his forehead.

The young librarian cocked an eyebrow at Rickard’s odd behaviour, but simply went on with his work as he spoke up. ‘Did you see the mural while you ascended the stairs?’ he asked, and waited for Rickard to respond. After he moved his head in a quick, desperate nod the librarian continued. ‘That scene depicts the slaying of a dark, false god by the Lord of Light Hoten. This city was built as a grave marker for the beast and to remember the great battle that took place here. So now, every year, we celebrate the slaying of this false god with fireworks brought from across the Jade Sea, which represent Hoten’s fire and chase off evil spirits.’

‘V-very…interesting,’ Rickard growled through gritted teeth as Kess seemed content with slowly bobbing her head up and down the length of his cock she had managed to stuff down her throat. ‘I’ve never…never he-heard of this legend be-before.’

‘It’s not very well known around Yull,’ the librarian said with a shrug. ‘And sir, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you alright?’

‘Fine. I’m just fine! Just a little s-stomach-ache is all,’ Rickard said rapidly, his voice rising in pitch slightly as the blonde barbarian ran her tongue over his plump cockhead in a teasing manner.

‘Well alright then, if you need anything just give a shout.’ The man gave a friendly smile before finally leaving Rickard alone.

When Rickard could no longer hear his shuffling footsteps, he released a relieved sigh and slumped forward. Accidently jamming his monstrous member deeper down Kess’ throat in the process. The blonde made a choked-off sound, and Rickard felt saliva bubbling around his fat, pulsing shaft but made no move to pull back. Not even when Kess’ fingers squeezed his thighs roughly and she stared up at him angrily. No, Rickard merely looked back at her and stuck out his tongue as he blew a fat wad of hot precum down her throat.

Kess released a loud glurk! as the wad of prejizz hit the back of her throat, but to show Rickard what a big mistake he had made she lifted her hands off of his thighs and instead wrapped them around the thick base of his massive member, and quickly and ferociously began to jerk him off as she roughly shoved her head forward. A sharp hiss of air escaped from between Rickard’s teeth when he suddenly felt his monstrous dick once again swallowed by Kess, the hot, tight and wet pressure around his shaft driving him wild! And the soft, but strong, hands around the base of his enormous pole jerking him off rapidly certainly didn’t help either.

It became too much! The stress of having Kess sucking him off underneath the table while the librarian came over, and the ferocious way she got back at him now when he wouldn’t pull back made his balls clench so strongly that it was a miracle they didn’t slam against the underside of the chair he was sitting on. Before the spunk rushing towards the tip of his cock sprayed down Kess’ belly Rickard could only manage a brief warning in the form of ‘…Kess!’

Unfortunately, he was too late as his hot, syrupy-thick jizz erupted from his distended cumslit the moment he had called the blonde’s name. Kess’ eyes widened, the outpouring of warm gunk sloshing down her gullet and almost straight into her belly.  The blonde barbarian babe did her best to swallow all of the salty cream, but soon found out that she wasn’t quite up to the task; she began coughing up runners of Rickard’s seed, yet all the while she didn’t stop milking his dick with her hands for more of his spunk. Semen ran from the corners of Kess’ mouth and her eyes began to water as she was not able to continue guzzling down the sheer quantity of the young man’s orgasm, and it didn’t take long before she simply gave up trying to swallow his load.

Rickard growled and set his jaw as he did his best to hold off on his orgasm. He didn’t know what would happen if someone saw him shooting his wad into some woman in the library of a holy city, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be congratulated for it. When he dared to look down at Kess however, and saw her with watery eyes and jizz escaping from the corners of her mouth and having it drip onto her massive, bronzed boobs he simply gave in and released what he was holding back. As a result his already fat cock swelled even more as the last few ropes of cum travelled up his monstercock and sprayed from the tip, causing Kess’ cheeks to be blown out like a chipmunk who had stuffed its cheeks while thick runnels of gelatinous white spunk sprayed from her nostrils, making even more of a mess of her face.

‘Alright, you had your fun. Now let’s get out of here!’ Rickard hissed as he pulled his softening member from Kess’ cum-lined throat and slack hands.

‘Not so fast mister,’ Kess whispered in a rough, but husky, tone of voice. ‘I still need to get some things out of my system before returning to the temple…’

‘Can’t you just pick a fight with someone like some sexually frustrated guys do?!’ Rickard hissed as he stuffed his dick back in his pants and frantically listened if he heard anyone coming.

Kess was having none of it however, and silently crawled out from underneath the table and clasped a hand around Rickard’s wrists and walked towards the end of the path between the bookcases, dragging a protesting Rickard along as droplets of semen slid off of her face and landed on her enormous, jiggling breasts. She only released him as soon as they were standing in front of the glass case, familiar to Rickard, only to unceremoniously take off her top and release her massive, cum-stained tits into the open.

‘What in the name of Hoten’s glowing cock are you doing!?’ Rickard asked loudly, forgetting to whisper.

‘Taking my top off,’ Kess replied drily, a small smirk tugging at her full lips.

‘Yeah I can see that,’ Rickard said in an annoyed tone of voice. ‘Why are you doing it though!’

Kess stepped closer to Rickard and leaned down so her face was next to his, and then growled into his ear: ‘So I have something to bite down on and muffle my screams as you plough my pussy.’

Rickard was briefly taken aback, but soon found his composure again. ‘Either my natural charisma has really fired up your sex-drive,’ Rickard began in a dry tone of voice, ‘or the stuff that the creature we fought pumped down your throat is still in your system. So I guess we better do this quick or you may rape some random guy in the street.’

‘If you’re done making excuses,’ Kess said with a sigh. ‘I’m right here…’ and with that she turned around, took her top into her mouth, and pressed her enormous breasts against the cold glass of the case in front of her.

‘I’m not making…’ Rickard began, but stopped himself when something between his legs jerked violently. ‘Fine, you got me.’ He pulled down his pants and focusing on the big, firm rump in front of him.

With a quick yank Rickard took off Kess’ loincloth, taking a brief moment to stare at her heart shaped butt in all its naked glory before laying his hands on her firm, bulbous glutes. Then came the difficult part. Due to their difference in height, Rickard had to stand on his toes or he could not slip his cockhead into the moist, dripping pink tunnel between the barbarian’s discreetly muscled thighs. Luckily, this did not stop him, and Kess’ muffled grunt quickly resounded throughout the empty library as his fist-sized cockhead stretched her twitching slit after a long day.

‘Well, let’s hope no one walks in on us. I bet I look quite ridiculous in this position,’ Rickard commented.

Kess only replied with an angry growl, and knowing what that meant Rickard quickly shoved his hips forward as best as he could while clinging to the blonde’s bronzed buttocks. Kess’ growl was quickly replaced by a pleased moan as the meaty cock between the young man’s legs was driven deeper inside her needy cunt, and her pink folds immediately tightened around the thick girth of the massive pole. Rickard gasped as the blonde’s hot, gushing snatch began milking his member, and could only reward Kess by firing a hefty wad of precum deep into her snatch. As the hot, clear gunk hit the sensitive walls of her pussy Kess relaxed, which gave Rickard the opportunity to slam his hips forwards again, this time deep enough to hit her cervix.

A loud, but muffled, shriek escaped Kess’ mouth, the blunt tip of Rickard’s monstrous member mashing against her cervix, but Rickard ignored it and slid his hips backwards while clinging to Kess’ lovely rump for his dear life, before unceremoniously slamming himself forward again. Kess’ loud, muffled scream echoed between the silent stacks, but Rickard didn’t let the fear of getting caught stop him now. He set to awkwardly pumping his hips back and forth. With the way he was carelessly and awkwardly slamming his dick into the drooling, quivering cunt of Kess, he accidently pushed her body forwards with each rough, hasty thrust. This left Kess to hug the glass case out of desperation as her pussy was assaulted by Rickard’s monstrous member and gave her small, pleasant little climaxes with each and every movement of the thick, vein corded pole.

Now having her giant breasts pressed against the cool glass combined with the sensation of a hot, fat dick making a mess of twitching, dripping snatch caused Kess’ eyes to roll up into her head from the sheer pleasure she was experiencing, drawing out a torrent of girlcum to squirt from her hot, clenching muff with explosive force and all over Rickard’s groin. And as she experienced this much needed climax, Kess violently bit down on her top and felt her whole body shiver in pleasure, fighting to remain standing while Rickard leaned heavily on her. After her orgasm passed, and she relaxed, Rickard took the opportunity to drive his long, meaty dick forward with as much force as he could muster in his position…and drove his monstercock straight into Kess’ womb.

In response to having her womb suddenly stuffed full of cock, Kess’ mouth fell open, causing her top to fall to the floor. Not that she had the strength to scream anyway as she rested her cheek on the top of the cool glass case and released a weak moan. Rickard’s monstrous member drove itself deeper into her womb and caused thick runners of girlcum to slowly slither down the insides of her thighs; he carelessly ploughed his hips back and forth and made the blonde’s legs shake while she clawed desperately at the case and tried to keep herself from falling down.

Rickard meanwhile was only trying to quickly blow his load, and get out of the library before he and Kess got caught. With his luck lately, why wouldn’tthat happen? Still, as he had pumped his load down the blonde’s welcoming throat only a few minutes ago he wasn’t close to reaching his orgasm just yet. So now he was simply driving his massive cock into Kess’ abused womb with wild abandon, leaving her hugging the case and resting her head against it while she desperately tried to remain standing.

Minutes passed as Rickard stood there on his toes working his member into the barbarian babe’s hot, quivering snatch in an awkward but ferocious manner. His hips burning and his tunic clinging to his chest as sweat streamed down her body. Kess wasn’t in a much better state, but she did seem to be enjoying herself much more as a small puddle of her orgasmic juices had formed on the ground between her legs and strings of drool clung to her juicy lips through which she moaned softly. A layer of sweat made her bronzed body shine in a tempting manner, but also made it quite difficult for Rickard to keep a grip on her bouncing buttocks.

Finally, Rickard felt a familiar tingle in his beefy, swinging testicles and gave one last final lurch forwards as his balls began to clench. As a large portion of Rickard’s member was shoved into Kess’ womb, the blonde was finally able to push a loud, sharp gasp of pleasure from her lungs and removed one of her hands from the case to lay it upon her trained stomach…where she found a bump that hadn’t been there before. When the realization hit her that this was in fact Rickard’s massive dick, she giggled girlishly while her moist, pink folds quivered around the huge cock and hugged the slab of meat tightly, more gushers of girlcum pouring past her plump, darkened labia.

This was apparently the last bit of stimulation Rickard needed. With a loud grunt his dick fattened slightly, and a huge outpouring of hot baby batter spewed from the tip of his monstrous member and directly into Kess’ womb. A loud moan echoed throughout the library before the barbarian stopped herself and instead bit on her lower lip, basking in a comfortable hotness spreading itself deep in her body. Rickard had to hold himself back from letting grunts of pleasure escaping his lips, too, as Kess’ moist snatch was doing its very best to milk all of his semen from his clenching balls.

When his orgasm finally came to an end, thick lumps of jizz were escaping Kess’ tight slit and flowing past the engorged base of his member. Both she and Rickard remained standing for a while, Rickard lovingly hugging the barbarian’s trained, shapely rear and Kess holding on to the glass case for her dear life…but eventually Rickard stumbled backwards, nearly losing his balance in the process, and quickly pulled his pants up.

‘Now I realize this may not be the most romantic thing to say right after sex,’ he began. ‘But I think we better get cleaned up and get the hell out of the library before someone finds this mess.’

‘Mhm?’ was Kess’ only reply. She was busy enjoying the afterglow of her last orgasm. ‘Oh yeah…gotta get cleaned up…’ she finally released the glass case she had been holding onto for the past few minutes and stood on her own two feet.

Then, without warning, she suddenly lifted the glass case and grabbed one of the scraps of cloth within it, setting to wiping the semen and sweat away that was clinging to her breasts and face, while a stunned Rickard watched.

‘Excuse me Kess…But are you cleaning your tits with a holy artefact?!’ he almost yelled.

‘Do you have a better idea?’ Kess asked nonchalantly, moving to clean the insides of her thighs.

‘I’m going to be struck down by some pissed off god any day now…’ Rickard muttered to himself, but didn’t make any further moves to stop the barbarian from cleaning herself off with the scrap of cloth.

* * *

‘So, what will you do now?’ Kess asked as they stepped out of the library, several curious glances fixed on herself and Rickard.

‘Well, I don’t think returning to the library is an option anymore. Especially if they find the mess we left,’ he sighed. ‘Not that it matters. Most of the solutions I found in those books were about using magic or finding gods in one way or another anyway.’

‘Then why don’t you try using those options?’ she asked as the duo quickly crossed the street and went on their way to the temple again.

‘Because, first of all, a magic user did this to me in the first place,’ Rickard said as he pointed at his crotch. ‘And secondly, gods and goddesses aren’t all that easy to find. Demons and monsters however? Those we find all the time!’ He was unable to keep some bitterness from his voice.

‘Luckily I’m around to save your skinny butt most of the time,’ Kess chuckled as she slapped Rickard’s ass. ‘But I don’t think we have much choice on this matter. I’m not fond of those that use the Clever Craft either, but they are currently the best choice.’

‘We’ll see,’ Rickard mumbled with a sigh as he and the barbarian babe turned into the alleyway. ‘Maybe I can slip into the library while wearing a disguise or something…’

The rest of the walk back to the Temple of Hoten was relatively quiet, with Rickard muttering disguise ideas to himself while Kess looked around warily. When they left the alleyway at the other end and walked onto an actual road again, the festival seemed to be in full swing. People were drinking and talking in the streets, there seemed to be a bard or a play on nearly every corner of the street telling of “The Slaying of the Dark God.” Everything seemed peaceful…Until Rickard heard loud bangs coming from the sky.

‘What the-!?’ he yelped in surprise as he looked up and saw colourful flames of a floral-like pattern in the skies. His instinctive worry, however, dissipated when he heard the people cheer; he figured it was all a part of the festival.

‘Should we celebrate as well?’ Kess asked with a hopeful look aimed at a large cask of ale.

‘We’d better check in with Katherine and Ciara first,’ Rickard said. ‘Before that crazy redhead sends a squad of paladins to find me and tie me to her bed or something.’

Kess made a disappointed little sound, but followed Rickard anyway. And a moment later, she would be glad she did.

Once they reached the temple the double doors suddenly opened and the angered screams of Ciara hit Rickard’s ears. Before he could turn to look at Kess, the blonde grabbed his arm and pulled him behind one of the large spires close to the door. After they were both properly hidden from sight, Rickard peeked out from behind the spire and saw a squad of paladins surrounding Katherine and Ciara as they exited the temple and headed towards one of the spires close to the door. Luckily not the one they were hiding behind.

These paladins, Rickard noted, were not dressed like the paladins of Hoten should be dressed. Sure, he vaguely recalled some of their faces, but the tabard that they wore over their gleaming armours was a sickly green instead of sky blue, and instead of being emblazoned with a sun showed a large, writhing mass of black tentacles with a single eye in the centre.

‘Oh I do hate it when I’m right…’ Rickard whispered under his breath as he watched one of the paladins slipping behind the spire and disappearing, his companions and Katherine and Ciara soon followed. Oddly enough, Katherine was not struggling.

‘Do you think there is a passageway in that spire?’ Kess asked, whispering in Rickard’s ear.

‘Yup, hidden in plain sight,’ Rickard sighed. ‘What do we do now?’

‘Well, we have to help them of course,’ was Kess’ immediate response.

‘I was afraid you would say that,’ Rickard groaned, yet he was the first to approach the spire across the way.

Both he and Kess circled around it, running their hands over the smooth stone. ‘There must be some groove of a door, something we can push to activate a mechanism…’ Rickard muttered to himself. His eye drifted to the axe hanging from Kess’ belt, and he shrugged, grinning. ‘Think you can make a doorway for us?’

Kess smiled back and knocked on the spire a few times while listening closely, before nodding to herself and grabbing her axe. In no time she had violently smashed a hole in the large spire. Looking inside Rickard saw a broad spiral staircase leading down deep, deep underground, and a faint green light burning at the end.

‘Well, that isn’t ominous at all…’ Rickard muttered to himself as he stepped inside and descended the stairs, with Kess close behind him.

To be continued.

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