Thursday 22 November 2018

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 2: Entertaining the Ahin.

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 2: Entertaining the Ahin.
Although most of Nex’s jobs will be stand-alone, this chapter is a follow-up to the first job she did,  the story I posted before this one, “Catching the Sorga”.
Contains: Girl-on-Girl, oral sex with a long tongue, big dicks, gangbang, an alien with a huge dong screwing Nex, some titfucking and lots of spunk.

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 2: Entertaining the Ahin.
‘Ah, there you are!’ Nex mused to herself as she spotted a small space station floating behind Raina 2’s enormous moon.

After taking several showers to get the scent of Sorga jizz off of her, Nex had contacted Mannoro Reef who had sent her these coordinates. At first the Xyli wondered how the Ahin could live on Raina, his species could live both on land and undersea, but its moon was too large and far too close. Making the seas treacherous and the earth shift. Luckily, Mannoro was kind enough to give her the hint that he lived closer to the moon than the planet.

‘This is space station Carchar, please identify yourself.’ A smooth, female voice crackled over her ship’s speakers.

‘Hello Carchar, this is Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades and I have a delivery for Mannoro Reef,’ she replied. ‘Am I cleared for docking?’

‘Just a moment, please.’ The smooth female voice said in return.

For a moment everything was silent for the soft rumbling of the Silver Shafter’s engines before the ship’s speakers crackled again. ‘You are cleared for docking Miss Starshine,’ the female voice said again. ‘Please approach docking bay 3 and we will take you in.’

Nex did as instructed and slowly steered her ship closer to the station until she got close enough to spot a row of numbers with thick steel doors below them that looked big enough to allow medium-sized cruisers and some of the smaller cargo ships inside, she had found the docking bays. As she approached the thick steel doors hissed open to reveal a bright blue plasma shield. Once the doors were opened completely that fell away too and Nex flew inside. When she set down the Silver Shafter the plasma shield was rapidly re-erected and the doors slowly closed, while this was going on the speakers of her ship crackled again.

‘Miss Starshine, if you would please open your cargo hold I will send someone to retrieve Master Mannoro’s…package.’ The female voice said again.

‘Roger that!’ Nex replied, and tapped on some buttons as soon as the heavy steel doors were completely shut.

While her cargo hold opened, the Xyli slid out of the pilot’s chair and rapidly left the cockpit to meet the crew that would retrieve the Sorga. Who knows, she might be able to slip away with one of them to have some fun! Her last sexual experience had been with the big alien beast, and although laying with the big, powerful beast had been fun in its own way, she was eager to sleep with something a little more humanoid as well. As she approached the cargo bay she undid some of the magnetic strips of her old suit, her other one had been ripped shreds after all, to reveal a lot of tantalizing blue cleavage…

…only to realize that the pick-up crew was all female, and none of them seemed to have any eye for her.

‘This the “package” you were delivering?’ a Viden female asked, having two of her arms crossed while gesturing to the fetching droid in which the Sorga was held with her remaining two.

‘My, he’s quite the big one!’ a tall muscled Zona said while peering through the small slits of the fetching droid’s lid, swaying her tail to and fro. ‘I’m sure Mannoro’s entertainment will get some enjoyment out of him once he has been properly trained.’ She added while unzipping the overalls she wore with a sigh, exposing plenty of dark yellow flesh covered with bright green ‘birthmarks’ that looked more like tribal tattoos.

‘Ladies, you are paid to work, not to chat,’ an all too familiar smooth female voice said from outside of the ship. ‘Now, get that creature to the pens. I’m sure Master Reef will make sure that it will be properly trained.’

‘Yes Miss Cerise.’ All the workers said in unison as they loaded the droid on the back of a small hovercar often found in stockrooms and cargo bays like this one.

‘The name is Carmine Cerise, or C.C. if you prefer,’ the owner of the voice said as the hovercar drove off with a soft whirr. ‘And I am instructed to take you to Master Reef.’ She continued  as she stepped inside the cargo hold.

A pale eyebrow rose as a tall, Sirian woman stepped into the cargo hold. Her inky black hair was pulled back in a prim and proper bun, giving Nex an excellent look at her facial features. She looked severe and mature with a set of dark, red-brown eyes that were hidden behind classes that were perched on a dainty nose, her plump, black painted lips seemed to be set in a permanent pout. But slightly grimaced when she saw the messy state of the Xyli’s cargo hold.

Nex’s own plump black lips formed a smile as she rushed downstairs. She just had to get a better look at Carmine, and she might as well introduce herself in the process. When her boot clad feet hit the bottom step, she looked the Sirian up and down. C.C. was dressed like a secretary, she wore high black heels and pitch black fishnet stockings that showed just a hint of her long, shapely red legs before disappearing underneath a black, knee-length skirt.  She had some lovely legs, and broad hips that her skirt couldn’t quite hide, but the blue space babe’s eyes soon drifted higher.

Over the Sirian’s slender waist and flat stomach, before they rested on the red-skinned woman’s breasts. Something told the Xyli that Mannoro hadn’t hired her for how many words she could type in a minute! The tight, black business suit she wore showed off the curves of her enormous chest perfectly, and the giant red jugs looked like they would put Nex’s to shame. Before she could properly figure out how big Carmine’s jugs actually were however, C.C. cleared her throat and got Nex’s attention back to her face.

‘If you are finished ogling me, we can go to Master Mannoro’s office and you can get your payment.’ The Sirian said with a slight huff.

‘My, all you Sirians are so serious,’ Nex said teasingly. ‘But you’re right, I got my credstick so let’s go!’ she said excitedly, before pointing to a small stick poking out from her cleavage.

‘As you wish,’ C.C said stiffly. ‘Leave the cargo hold open so that Master Reef’s crew can return your fetching droid.’ She added as Nex stepped out of the hold and slid a panel away to reveal a console.

‘Hm…I can trust Mister Reef and his people won’t put anything illegal in my hold?’ Nex asked while crossing her arms underneath her impressive chest. Well, impressive for her stature anyway. ‘Because if he wants me to smuggle something, he’ll only has to ask.’ She added with a playful grin.

‘I swear that we have no such intentions,’ the Sirian said with a sigh. ‘Now, if you would please follow me.’ The playful grin didn’t disappear as she followed C.C., though it wasn’t all because she enjoyed teasing her, it was mostly because she got to enjoy the Sirian’s shapely ass wiggle back and forth underneath her skirt from up close, oh the perks of being short…

They were soon out of the docking bay and stepped into a wide, tall hallway. It was crisp and white and some panels in the ceiling gave off a bright light, some screens were attached to the walls showing the wild oceans of Raina 2 from up close acting like windows. The only piece of colour was a thick red rug that dampened the footsteps of C.C. and Nex, but other than that there wasn’t much to look at. Luckily for Nex, the Sirian’s legs and butt was all what she needed.

They passed some doors that looked uninteresting, before passing through a door at the end of the hallway that hissed open. The Xyli briefly stopped staring at Carmine’s ass to realize that they stepped into a large, round room. A couple of big, soft leather chairs with a metallic frames stood around, while a luxurious and quite large, pitch black desk with a built-in computer, holo-screen and keyboard stood next to a large door. Behind it stood a comfortable looking desk chair, which C.C. took place in.

‘Master Reef is behind that doo-.’ Carmine was interrupted by a musical sound coming from her glasses. ‘Just a moment.’ She said, before pressing a unseen button on the right arm of her glasses, near the lens.

Nex saw the face of Mannoro Reef appear in reverse in the right lens of C.C. glasses, she heard the soft, sharp growls of the Ahin’s mother tongue. But Carmine seemed to understand him, was there a built-in translator in her glasses? Or had she taught herself the language. In any case, after a short conversation Mannoro hung up and the Sirian turned to face Nex. ‘Apparently I am to join you.’ She said, sounding wary as she got out of her chair.

Nex merely raised a curious eyebrow but both she and the Sirian stepped inside, and the blue space babe’s mouth fell open. When compared to the rest of the station, Mannoro was living in the lap of luxury. The floor was made of a dark, red wood, either real or fake putting a floor like that in a metal space station wasn’t cheap, and neither was the giant mahogany desk behind which Mannoro Reef sat. He was twice as tall as Nex, bordering on 8 feet in height and broad, musclebound body hidden away behind a luxurious black suit. Despite resembling a shark, his facial features were strong and broad and the Xyli wasn’t afraid to call him handsome.

At the far right of the room stood a hot tub big enough for four of Mannoro’s kind, but instead of more Ahin Nex spotted several women. Humans, the four breasted Lathvirians, and a gorgeous Malkivian, all giggling and playing in the water while several enormous screens behind Mannoro showed the Intergalactic Stock Exchange and several news feeds. Mannorro was both about business and pleasure, it seemed.

‘Miss Starshine, such a pleasure to meet you in person.’ The Ahin said in his rough, accented voice as he looked the Xyli up and down while smiling politely, but he merely managed to show off his sharp, pointed teeth while slightly lighting up his face.

‘You’re not exactly bad to look at either, especially when your face isn’t tinged green.’ Nex shot back with a smirk as she took in the rusty brown colour of his skin, and the strange, spikey protrusions coming out of his head and acting like hair, they looked like the slicked back hairstyle human businessmen liked to wear.

‘Now, I normally like to handle payment privately, over the Extranet, but when I saw you in our first conversation…well, I wonder if you would like another job.’ Manorro grumbled.

The desk the Ahin sat behind was taller than she was, and the Xyli had heard some noises and saw two pairs of smooth, feminine legs sticking out from underneath it. She got the idea of what Manorro’s job offer would be, but she decided to humour the big guy. ‘I could always use the extra creds,’ she said with a grin. ‘What would this job entail?’

Manorro coughed, something that sounded like a small thunderclap in the room. ‘This is never easy for a man to admit, but I have trouble…achieving an erection,’ he said, and Nex almost thought he looked embarrassed. ‘I’ve tried pills and even some surgeries, but nothing helps. I only get hard when I…watch. That is why I have all this,’ he said gesturing to the women in the tub. ‘As well as a pen with several animals to “entertain the girls while I watch. But lately, it hasn’t been working so well.’

‘Really, even with those little hotties taking care of you?’ Nex mused as she looked underneath the desk. There was a pink skinned Zona with blue, swirling markings that was tugging on the Ahin’s massive, limp prick and peppering it with kisses while her tail teased his testicles. Next to her was a Lavi, often called “Space Elves” by humans, all pale and lovely rubbing her modest chest against his cockhead while she looked up at him like an eager puppy.

‘Sadly, no,’ the Ahin said with a shake of its large head, and the girls made a sad sound in response. ‘But when I saw you I felt something, so I wonder would you be willing to put on a show for me? I will refuel your ship and make any repairs to it that it might need, as well as pay you another 2000 credits, more if I’ll achieve an erection and actually got off.’

‘Sounds tempting, who will be my partners?’ Nex asked.

As a reply Manorro flashed his teeth in another shark-like grin and pressed a button on his desk. A door near the hot tub that Nex hadn’t spotted before hissed open and four Lavi males walked in, like their female counterparts they were pale and lovely and blessed with broad hips and a slender waist. If it wasn’t for the large, vein corded cocks swinging between their legs Nex might have actually mistook them for female Lavi, not that that was an uncommon occurrence.

‘These gentleman will be your partners,’ Manorro said as the four men lined up in front of Nex. ‘As well as Miss Cerise over here.’

‘What!?’ Carmine suddenly spoke up. ‘Excuse me Master Reef, but this is not what you are paying me for. I am not one of your slu-HU! Whoa!’

Without warning Nex had lifted the back of C.C.’s skirt as she stepped closer to Manorro’s desk, revealing a pair of black, skimpy panties that the Xyli had tugged aside with ease. Before Carmine could protest the blue space babe’s long, purple tongue had shot past her black lips and slowly wormed its way into the Sirian’s tight, hot twat. C.C.’s mouth opened and closed a few times, but she made no further movement as Nex stood on her tippy toes while trying to push her tongue further into the red-skinned babe’s extremely tight, clenching cunt.

‘I’m sorry Miss Cerise, please continue?’ Manorro rumbled as he tented his long, thick fingers in front of him.

C.C. only released a loud, pathetic moan as she pushed her rump backwards and bowed her torso closer to Manorro’s desk, this resulted in Nex’s face getting stuffed between the Sirian’s big, soft red asscheeks while her tongue shot deeper into her twat. With a mewl of her own, muffled by Carmine’s buttocks, the Xyli pushed her black lips firmly against Carmine’s plump, darkened pussylips and eagerly drank up the juices that flowed from her aroused twat. While the small, but curvy, blue babe teased her snatch, somehow managing to find each and every one of her sensitive spots, Carmine noticed how the cocks of the Lavi began to swell.

‘Big, aren’t they?’ Manorro said to Carmine in his native tongue, although to Nex’s ears it was nothing but muffled growls and roars. ‘It cost me some money in splicing and certain medication, but they have become the appropriate size for our Xyli friend to enjoy.’

But the Sirian had long since stopped listening to her boss, Nex’s powerful, dexterous tongue was taking a toll on her and reminding her that it had been ages since she got laid. Without hesitation she grabbed the hips of the closest Lavi, and pulled him towards her until a fat, precum drooling cock slapped against her glasses. Carmine’s eyes crossed to get a good look at it and she breathed heavily, causing the Lavi to groan as the Sirian’s hot breath wafted against his sensitive shaft. C.C stared at it for one more second, before pulling back her head and opening her mouth wide.

The Lavi got the hint and roughly slammed his hips forward, sending his cock past C.C.’s plump, velvety soft lips and down her throat. Not being quite as prepared as she thought she was Carmine gagged loudly as the Lavi’s huge prick rammed into her mouth and down her tight throat, she sputtered and gagged around the hard, powerfully pulsing cock loudly, but the Lavi seemed to occupied with getting his own rocks off to worry about the Sirian and he slowly began to move his hips. While C.C. tried to fight her gag-reflex and peppered the young Lavi’s cock with spit each time he pushed his member down her throat, her pussy was going crazy and filled Nex’s eager gob with more of her tasty pussy juice than she could handle!

While the Sirian’s juices ran down her chin, and splattered on her cleavage, Nex was using her tongue to prod against C.C.’s cervix and tried to get inside. This only resulted in the red-skinned woman to release a moan, muffled by the huge cock pummelling away at her throat, while her snatch tightened around the Xyli’s long tongue even more. By now Carmine’s stockings were stained with her own juices and her legs were trembling, the Sirian didn’t know if she could remain standing much longer and she didn’t care! Then…it happened! The tip of Nex’s tongue penetrated her womb and she released a loud, pleasurable howl that sent shockwaves of the huge Lavi cock sawing in and out of her throat, and suddenly everything happened at once.

The Lavi released a loud, dark grunt that didn’t fit with his feminine appearance and thick ropes of salty jizz jetted from his distended cumslit, at the same moment C.C. lost the strength in her legs and fell to the floor, causing the Lavi’s cock to be extracted from her maw with a loud, wet popping sound. Nex was just in time to extract her tongue from the Sirian’s tight snatch, and as Carmine lied on the floor a cannonade of jizz smacked her in the face and against the large amount of cleavage she showed.

‘Don’t tell me that was it!?’ the Ahin grumbled angrily as he pounded his hands down on his desk.

‘No, no…just getting started,’ Nex purred as she looked at the whimpering, twitching heap on the floor that was C.C., thick runnels of orgasmic juices flowing from her twitching pussy. ‘Gentleman, please focus all your attention on me and let the Sirian rest.’ She purred as she slowly undid the rest of the magnetic strips and allowed her suit to fall open.

A unified gasp came from the mouths of all the Lavi as Nex’s curvaceous blue body was revealed in all its glory, even the young man whose jizz was currently dribbling between the Xyli’s breasts started to get erect again. Nex smiled broadly as she wiggled her broad hips to and fro and slowly shimmied out of her suit. As everyone watched her captivated, the room had fell completely silent, it seemed like Manorro even turned down the volume of screens lining the walls. The silence was finally broken when the Xyli’s credstick slipped from between her sticky breasts, and clattered on the floor.

‘Oh my, better keep this safe.’ Nex said with a giggle as she bended over to pick it up, making her breasts sway softly while sticking her rump in the air.

When she clasped the slender, almost cylindrical, stick between her fingers the blue space babe kicked off her suit, which was currently pooled around her feet an approached Manorro’s desk. As she did, she made sure to sway her hips in an exaggerated manner, which got her a wolf whistle from one of the human girls in the hot tub. Nex smiled at her in return and licked her black lips with her long tongue, before tossing her credstick to the Ahin, who snatched it out of the air without trouble.

‘I hope you enjoy the rest of the show, sir.’ She said innocently, before releasing a giggle as she felt two fat dicks resting on top of her head. Apparently the Lavi didn’t want to wait any longer.

‘My, my, aren’t we eager?’ the Xyli purred as she raised her arms and wrapped her slender, dainty hands around the fat, pulsing poles.

Both of the young men groaned in unison as Nex’s fingers wrapped around their shafts, and the Xyli cooed as she felt thick, tacky runnels of precum washing over her fingers. Manorro had sure made the boys sensitive, but getting all messy and sticky with jizz wasn’t exactly a bad thing in Nex’s book. Even if it did take a few showers to clean it all off. But instead of musing about these things aloud she merely looked at the Ahin for a moment, before turning towards the closest Lavi monstercock. Despite the fact that they were a little taller than she was, the Xyli had the advantage of her long tongue. So with a grin up at the owner of the massive member, she allowed the dexterous purple muscle to escape her mouth and wrap itself around the tasty, pre-drooling cock.

The cock’s owner released a loud, drawn-out moan as the Xyli’s tongue moved itself along his member, cleaning up the thick, sticky globs of precum that clung to it. Nex merely hummed as she tasted the salty treat that poured from the Lavi’s cumslit, while the hand wrapped around the pole of the other young man was covered with tacky wads of clear, oozing precum and the owner of the dick released a plaintive moan as a rope of his pearly juices squirted from his pulsing member and into Nex’s snow white hair.

With a grin the blue space babe unwrapped her tongue and made it slip back in her mouth. She smacked her lips a couple of times and gave the Lavi whose member she had just licked clear an appreciative grin, before turning to the one whose cock she was still stroking. ‘Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.’ Nex said with a grin, before shoving him.

The Lavi responded with a yelp as he stumbled backwards and landed on the cold, wooden floor. Before he could react the Xyli crawled on top of him and straddled his hips, the plump, dripping snatch of the short blue woman only a few inches away from his pulsing, drooling member. He looked up at Nex and she merely cocked an eyebrow by way of reply. The Lavi’s face became determined and a moment later he grabbed hold of Nex’s broad hips, his fingers sinking in the soft, pliant blue flesh, and with a grunt he slammed her down on his monstercock.

‘Oh!’ Nex yelped loudly as a huge dick slammed into her depths and stretched her insides widely. ‘I needed that…’ she purred softly.

Immediately the Xyli began bouncing herself up and down on the Lavi’s member while releasing loud, lewd moans, which were slightly exaggerated for Mannoro’s benefit, while the Lavi underneath her groaned and gurgled and strained to keep up with her. Coming from behind her came rapid snikt- snkit- snikt- sounds, and looking over her shoulder the Xyli saw two other Lavi’s rapidly stroking their drooling members while looking at Nex like they were a pair of abandoned puppies.

‘Never been with a Xyli before, eh?’ She chuckled as she laid her hands on her big, soft buttocks and spread them apart to reveal her tight-looking anus. ‘If you’re willing to share with each other, there is room enough for both.’ She said in a sing-song voice as she continued to bounce on the monstercock buried in her snatch.

The two of them looked at each other for a moment before rushing towards Nex and lining their members up with her winking asshole, and pushed their hips forwards. Two more massive members filled her body as they speared past her anus and slammed into her hot, clenching anal tunnel causing the Xyli to clench her eyes shut and release a howl of pleasure, allowing her tongue to loll out of her mouth. Three monstrous dicks were pistoning in and out of her sensitive body, and only a thin wall was between them. But as Nex heard the three Lavi releasing grunts and groans of pleasure as they pushed and pulled their bodies back and forth, Nex realized that she was missing one of the hung Space Elves.

Before she could comment on that fact however, the last Lavi came from the left and his shaft was pointed towards the ladies playing in the hot tub. Nex laid a hand on his butt to adjust his position but before she could, another hand, a dainty red-tinged one, grabbed the Lavi’s buttocks as well. ‘What do you say to sharing this one?’ Carmine said in a slightly raw voice as she gently parked her rear on the face of the young man lying on the floor, her dark eyes sparkling impishly as she looked at Nex over her glasses. ‘And you, get to work!’ she barked at the Lavi whose head she was sitting on.

‘M-my, you sure changed your mind about this whole sex thing, didn’t you?’ Nex mused as the cock in her pussy jerked and slammed harder into her snatch.

‘Hmpf!’ C.C. snorted. ‘I just want to see if I can get a raise out of this ordeal! Now let’s get on with it!’ the Sirian said, but her already red-skin turned a shade darker.

Luckily for her, Nex wasn’t in a mood to argue. So quick as a flash she wrapped her tongue around the huge, vein-corded pole and used the strong, dexterous muscle to jerk the Lavi off while licking his member clean. Carmine gasped indignantly and bowed her head forwards to run her tongue over the shining, pre-drooling head while grinding her snatch into the face of the Lavi she was sitting in, who responded by excitedly slamming his hips up and down and driving his prick deeper into the Xyli’s slit.

While both of the space babes did their best to make the Lavi whose cock was standing between them cum first with their tongue techniques, the two currently ploughing away at Nex’s hot, twitching bum were reaching their limit. Both of the Space Elves were moaning unashamedly and their tongues hung from their mouths as they rapidly jerked their hips back and forth, their beefy balls slapped against the Xyli’s big, soft rump as well as her thighs as they roughly slammed their cocks inside of her coiling, welcoming anal tunnel, turning Nex’s ass a light shade of purple as they slapped repeatedly against her formerly blue buns.

Nex did her best to keep her composure however. Even as juices were rapidly pouring from her aroused, rapidly clenching and unclenching twat to pool on the Lavi’s groin, she continued to please the cock of the Space Elf in front of her. With a moan that was muffled because her tongue was sticking from her mouth the Xyli laid one hand on C.C.’s chest, and she made sure to squeeze the soft, massive jug through the suit she wore, while she used her other hand to massage one of the young man’s beefy testicles.

Carmine quickly followed the Xyli’s example and weighed the Lavi’s other testicle before she placed a hand on one of Nex’s bare breasts, and gave one of her dark blue nipples a sharp pinch. Nex gurgled happily before her dark pink eyes rolled up, showing only the blacks of her eyes while her tongue rolled off of the Lavi’s fat, pulsing prick and her head ended up resting between the Sirian’s massive breasts. In response to the sudden tight, constricting tongue releasing his prick, the Lavi released a loud, pleasurable moan and his massive member jerked up and released a thick welter of hot, molasses thick jizz that whooshed through the air before it landed with a loud, wet splat which was in turn was followed by a feminine squeal.

‘Ten points!’ yelled a purple-skinned Lathvirian whose top pair of breasts had been soaked with the Lavi’s cumshot,  and the other girls giggled in response before one of the human girls yanked off the four-breasted babe’s top and started to lap up the Space Elf’s tasty seed.

As things started getting hot and heavy in the hot tub, Nex was clinging to C.C. like her life depended on her. White flashes went off behind her eyes as sparks of pleasure coursed through her body, this time the Xyli didn’t have to exaggerate her loud moans as her body rocked and jerked against the Space Elves that were pounding away at her holes, behind her the two Lavi released pleasured wails of their own, and a moment later Nex felt hot, sticky seed blasting into her guts and clinging to the walls of her anal tunnel. Despite the fact that neither of the Lavi spewed quite as much spunk as the Sorga had, she still felt her stomach swell slightly due to the combined load of the two.

Meanwhile her cunny had gone haywire and was squeezing and coiling around the Lavi’s member like a silken vice, trying desperately to milk it for its seed while showering the young man’s groin and stomach with thick jets of girlcum. Of course this meant that the poor Lavi lying underneath her couldn’t last much longer either, and with a loud scream, muffled by C.C.’s hot, dripping cunny, he came as well. One last soft scream left Nex’s mouth as her pussy got packed full with seed, splattering against her sensitive twitching walls and filling her passage up before she slowly came down from her orgasm.

But there was no time to rest as a huge shadow was cast over the little orgy. ‘Scram.’ Said the voice of Mannoro Reef, and a duo of loud, wet sucking sounds followed by two soft *POPS!* were heard, and Nex felt a sudden emptiness as thick seed flowed from her stretched anus, before to big arms wrapped around her waist and gently pulled her up, causing the last Lavi cock to escape from her needy snatch.

Nex released a sad moan, but was silenced when she stared in the face of Mannoro Reef. ‘You’ve done it! You’ve really done it!’ he rumbled happily.

‘Done what?’ Nex asked groggily as seed continued to flow from her sore, tingling holes.

With another one of his patented shark-like grins the Ahin turned her around in his big hands and pressed the Xyli against his broad, muscular chest. ‘Look down.’ He growled.

Nex’s eyes grew wide and her slit responded by clenching powerfully and sending a spark of pleasure up her clit. Mannoro Reef was about as large as the Sorga, if not bigger. The head of his member was flat, much like a horse’s, and it was about as thick as the Ahin’s own wrist! And to top it all off, small bumps went up the entirety of his member, except for a few inches near the crown. Flaccid his dick had already looked impressive, but this was something Nex hadn’t expected.

‘My…and I’m getting paid for this?’ Nex mused as she spread her legs a little wider.

‘If you think you can handle it.’ Mannoro growled softly.

‘You’ve never been with a Xyli before, have you?’ she shot back with a cocky grin.

Mannoro snorted and shrugged his shoulders softly, before lowering Nex. When his big, flat cockhead brushed against the swollen lips of her hot, dripping pussy. Strings of girlcum and of the Lavi’s previous load splattered against the Ahin’s massive cock as he rested it against the Xyli’s muff for a moment, but when Nex released a sigh of annoyance Mannoro merely grinned and pushed his hips upwards, while dropping the short blue babe down.

Pleasure hit the small woman like a freight train as her elastic quim had to accommodate the thick, long monstercock and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish on dry land as she slowly but surely sank down the Ahin’s mammoth pole, the small bumps on his member tickling her folds all the way. With Mannoro’s prick filling her up her pussy got packed to full, causing runnels of girlcum as well as the Lavi’s seed to squirt from her snatch as she sank down further and further on his pole.

‘You are worth every credit I’ve paid you, Miss Starshine,’ the Ahin groaned as he released the Xyli’s waist and gently grabbed her breasts. Although the blue, soft orbs were huge for a small woman like her, and looked enormous on her small frame, they disappeared in the Ahin’s large hands. ‘Truly remarkable.’ He mumbled as he noticed the thick, tube-like bulge that was pushing out the Xyli’s stomach.

While Nex was riding the waves of pleasure she received from getting her sensitive pussy penetrated by Manorro’s beastly cock, the Lavi that the Ahin had chased off previously had jumped in the hot tub with the girls, and the sounds of copulation now echoed through the office. Well, all except one. The young man that had Nex riding his cock only moments before was still lying on the floor, his face sticky with the juices from C.C., who was currently standing over him.

‘You didn’t think you can just run away without properly pleasing me, do you?’ the Sirian asked as she slowly took off her tight-fitting black business suit. ‘Of course, it would be hard to match up to the Xyli’s tongue-work, but I expected a little more.’ She mused while slowly unbuttoning the crisp white blouse she wore underneath the business suit.

‘I’m sorry.’ The Lavi replied in a meek voice while he watched her, and his member slowly grew erect again.

‘Oh, I can think of a way you can make it up to me…’ Carmine purred as she shrugged out of her blouse and showed her massive red breasts held in a small, black lacy bra.

Nex watched, with slightly unfocused vision as Manorro bounced her up and down his member without a care for her comfort, how C.C. unhooked her bra, and the Xyli made a pleased little sound at the sight of those red jugs of hers. They would look more at home capping an old-fashioned rocket, enormous and red with only a small hint of sag due to the sheer size of her breasts, and capped with thick, light red nipples as thick as the Sirian’s own thumbs. As a result, the Lavi’s swelling member was suddenly completely erect. Nex chuckled, but didn’t get to see the rest of the spectacle as her eyes crossed in pleasure when Manorro’s pinched her nipples and increased the pace of his hips.

C.C. briefly stopped tugging down her skirt and underwear when she heard loud, pleasurable squeals coming from a few feet in front of her and she looked up. Nex was carelessly being pulled up and down by her Master and her big blue boobs were jiggling up and down as the Ahin had put his hands on her broad, soft hips for now, and Carmine smiled to herself. Manorro Reef would be in a good mood for a few days after today, perhaps tomorrow she could ask for that raise she wanted. But now, she had her mind on something else entirely. After her skirt and panties pooled around her ankles the Sirian carelessly kicked them away, and squatted over the Lavi lying on the floor while she straddled his hips.

‘Now, try to do your best. I don’t know when the next time will come that I get to cut loose like this, so I might as well get some fun out of it, understood?’ the Lavi nodded in response to the Sirian’s words, and without further ado C.C. slammed her hips down.

A scream of delight left the red-skinned woman’s mouth as her sodden pussy got penetrated by the Lavi’s monstrous member, who in turn released a pained grunt as he realized that the Sirian’s were known for their extremely tight pussies. But Carmine didn’t allow him to get used to her tightness, and simply slammed herself up and down the monstrous cock. ‘Yes! Yes! I needed this sooo much!’ C.C. mewled as the Lavi’s pole scratched an itch only Nex’s tongue had found before. ‘Keep going! Move your hips!’ she barked as her heavy breasts shook with every movement of her powerful hips, while the Lavi growled in discomfort below her and did his best to follow her commands.

At the same moment Manorro barked similar sounding commands to Nex. ‘I have almost reached my limit, Xyli! Keep moving!’

Nex weakly jerked her hips up and down, but with pleasure wrecking her brain with each of the Ahin’s mighty thrusts there was very little she could do but let her tongue loll out of her mouth while her climaxing cunny milked the Ahin’s massive member with each clench and quiver. She did meekly reach out with her dainty feet to try and massage his leathery sack, but it seemed to have little effect. It took several more minutes of Manorro using her as little more than a masturbatory aid, slamming her up and down his member while her stomach bulged because she was filled with so much cockmeat, before he released a beastly roar, soon followed by Nex’s own high-pitched wail.

The Ahin’s huge balls clenched before thick streamers of jizz spewed from the tip of his member to fill the Xyli’s quim, Nex released several more moans after her orgasmic wail as her slit trembled pathetically around Manorro’s member. His seed was thicker than most species she laid with, but if this was the result of him being an Ahin or simply because he had been saving up for so long Nex didn’t know. Her belly slowly swelled up thanks to his almost jelly-thick seed, and the quantity of it all certainly didn’t help. It was only a matter of time before a mixture of the short blue woman’s pussy juice and the Ahin’s seed rushed past the tight seal of his monstercock to splatter on the floor below them.

The sounds of something wet and sticky hitting the floor resounded through the office, causing Carmine to try and focus her eyes as the Lavi’s member continued to plough itself deep inside her. Once she was able to see properly she noticed a large puddle of thick jizz between the feet of her Master, and when she looked up she saw Nex with her head resting against Mannoro Reef’s chest with a stomach the size of a beach ball. Carmine’s pussy twitched and clenched around the Lavi’s member, who released a scream that was a mixture of pain and pleasure, as she climaxed at the sight.

A moment later the Ahin gently pulled Nex of his still-erect member and laid her on the desk, causing several more runnels of jizz to escape her muff in the process, and he looked down with a toothy smile. ‘Fantastic! Simply fantastic,’ he chuckled, but then his eyes fell on Carmine. ‘Miss Cerise, I require your assistance.’ He said, pointing at his member.

‘Certainly sir.’ C.C. replied in a breathy voice as she lifted her massive mammeries for him to inspect.

‘I’ve been waiting to handle this puppies ever since I hired you.’ The Ahin growled as he grabbed the Sirian’s huge, heavy red breasts and squeezed them roughly, but expertly.

Carmine released a moan as sparks of pleasure ran down her spine and caused her to, once again, crush the young Lavi’s cock with her tight pussy. But Mannoro wasn’t about to stop there, with a soft growl he lifted C.C.’s breasts and wrapped them around his iron-hard, cum-slick cock. Carmine cooed as the small bumps on his member tickled the sensitive flesh of her breasts, before moaning loudly when her Master began sliding his dick between her breasts. The flat head repeatedly bumped into her face and coated her lips with jizz before the Sirian got the hint, and wrapped her plump lips around it. She wasn’t nearly skilled enough to properly suck the massive member, but she did what she could as sticky Ahin spunk slithered between her huge jugs and made it easier for Mannoro to fuck her breasts.

Nex watched the spectacle dreamily as her stomach slowly deflated, Mannoro slowly began to increase the pace of his hips and firmly held C.C.’s breasts, tightening them around his pole a little with each forward movement of his hips, while releasing them a little as he moved back. As for the Sirian, she had difficulty allowing the Ahin’s crown to enter her mouth every time he slid forward, and pretty soon a mixture of drool and precum was dripping from the corners of her mouth while she released muffled moans of pleasure as the bumps on her Master’s cock teased the sensitive skin of her breasts.

Just as the Xyli’s eyelids began to feel heavy Mannoro released another roar, and his cock jerked up. A moment later another fat load of spunk spewed from his cock, landing into C.C.’s hair and managing to knock her bun loose, causing her inky black hair to fall over her face as thick lumps of jizz blasted against her full, black lips and glazed the tops of her huge, outthrust tits…

* * * *

‘I am…sorry for my rough behaviour, Miss Starshine.’ Mannoro coughed after everything was said and done and the participants of the little orgy in his office had managed to get cleaned up.

‘No worries, this was the most fun I had in weeks!’ Nex beamed as she squeezed a breast through her suit.

‘Nevertheless, I will pay you for your discomfort and, as promised, I’ll add a bonus for taking care of my little “problem”.’ The Ahine replied.

‘Little?’ Nex giggled.

‘Here is your credstick back, I’m sure the payment is sufficient,’ Mannoro said, ignoring the Xyli’s comment. ‘I hope we can enjoy a partnership in the future.’

‘Oh so do I,’ Nex mused as she pushed a button on her credstick to see her reward flash at the side of it in bright orange numbers. It was a big one, even counting the cost of a new suit and docking fees at Floating Eden she would have plenty of spending money. ‘Goodbye Mister Reef, be sure to give me a call sometime. For either business or pleasure.’ And with that said, she left the office and stepped into the waiting room with Carmine Cerise.

‘Hey Red, so-.’

Before the Xyli could say anything else, C.C. spoke up. She was completely cleaned up and looked the same, except for a few buttons undone on her blouse and her loose-kept hair. ‘I sent my contact information to your ship, be sure to give me a call sometime and I’ll be sure to ask for a day off,’ the Sirian said without blushing. ‘Keep that tongue of yours well-trained.’

‘Will do.’ Nex replied, to demonstrate she licked her lips.

Once Nex returned to the Silver Shafter her fetching droid had been placed back in her cargo hold, like promised. She nodded to herself and closed the hold, after which she checked the entirety of the hold and the rest of her ship to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Sure, she had fun with Mannoro and his people, but that didn’t mean that she trusted them. When nothing was found, she returned to the cockpit and did her normal pre-flight check, before setting off into the inky blackness of space…

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