Wednesday 21 November 2018

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 2: A Night to Remember

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 2: A Night to Remember
The second 18 Inch Curse chapter, also from back in 2012-2013. I didn't use to write descriptions for chapters and what kind of stuff you could expect in them back then, and I don't feel like rereading all of my old stuff to figure out what was in this chapter either. So I hope this gamble is close enough!
Contains: M/F, succubus, huge breasts, huge cock, excessive cum.

Chapter 2 - A Night to Remember.
Rickard paced back and forth in front of the entrance to the town of Wetwoods, only stopping to read the sign for the umpteenth time to make sure that his eyes hadn’t been playing tricks on him the first time he read it. Kess still hadn’t returned and he wondered briefly if something had happened to her…but at that moment the gate opened with a loud creak-ing sound.
Rickard took a deep breath and then slowly turned around…only to be relieved to find Kess standing there. But before he could ask anything of her, the blonde barbarian babe threw a pair of pants at him which Rickard (just barely) managed to catch.
‘Thanks Kess,’ Rickard said as he started to put on his pants. ‘Did you… see anything strange inside?’
‘Now that you mention it…’ Kess muttered. ‘I saw a lot of fires burning in the town square, but no one was there. They all seemed to be indoors, although I only saw lights burning behind a few windows.’ 
‘Damn…’ Rickard softly cursed. ‘I guess having some kid messing around with the sign was too much to ask for.’ He replied while he did his best to stuff his limp member in the too-small black trousers. 
After hearing Rickard mentioning the sign, Kess took a look at it as well. Her brow furrowed as she read and took note of how the population of Wetwoods seemed to have diminished so much after she had previously visited the town. As soon as she had finished checking the numbers, she got to her feet with a dangerous gleam in her gold-coloured eyes.
‘What could have happened here?’ she muttered, and then added. ‘We have to go and see if everyone is alright.’
‘Are you insane?’ he replied. ‘Who knows what could’ve happened here? There might be bandits in town! Or, or demons! I don’t know…’
‘Don’t overreact,’ Kess said with a slight smile on her lips. ‘I doubt we will find any demons in a small town like this. Besides, I saw some trashed houses near the tailor. Bandits, or maybe goblins are more likely.’ she informed Rickard.
‘And you didn’t think it was important to mention that, instead of “Seeing a few empty houses”?’ Rickard huffed.
‘I thought that, maybe, the townspeople were having a wild party…’ Kess said sheepishly, the dangerous gleam in her eyes had disappeared. ‘But still, we have to help them.’
‘How?!’ Rickard nearly shouted. ‘There’s only two of us! We’re not armed and barely clothed, and I have zero combat experience!’ he added angrily.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll protect you!’ Kess said with a smile as she tousled his hair before heading into town.
‘Well, that didn’t hurt my sensitive male ego.’ Rickard muttered, as he followed after Kess. But despite it, he felt safer. 
But even if Kess had decided not to head into town, there were no others nearby and with the goblins taking his supplies they couldn’t have lasted a week outside! So they didn’t really have a choice.
They both walked into the empty, eerily quiet town, not sure what to expect. The narrow cobbled street flanked with houses made of wood and stone, Rickard caught glimpses of people near the windows of some homes. But those people quickly closed the curtains, or ducked out of sight.
‘Clearly they’re not all that trusting of strangers.’ Rickard muttered to himself.
‘Can you really blame them with the state their town is in?’ Kess shot back.

‘In my defence, you thought that they were having a party.’ Rickard replied as he looked at some of the houses that lied deeper within the town. So far the houses they had passed had been occupied, and in a rather good state despite everything. Now he saw houses with cracked, or smashed windows, doors that were kicked down and gardens that were trampled. Even the other homes that were simply abandoned had overgrown, unkempt gardens.
Oddly enough most of the stores Rickard spotted looked a lot better than the houses, even if most of them had boarded up windows and doors and were clearly abandoned. The only places that looked as if they still saw proper use was a general store and a tailor, according to the signs hanging above their doors, there could have been more stores deeper in town however. But this was not Rickard’s concern when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.
‘Kess…where did you actually get these trousers?’ Rickard asked slowly, as he looked at the kicked down door which led to the shop of the tailor.
‘There weren’t any shops open at night, so I kicked in the door of the local tailor and took a pair.’ she answered without hesitation. ‘But I left enough coin for both the trousers and the door, so technically it isn’t stealing.’ she added in the same confident tone of voice.
‘…Right.’ Rickard mumbled, trying to wrap his head around the barbarian’s logic. But at least it meant that there wasn’t anyone else in the town kicking down the doors from shops to rob them…which was odd if they really were dealing with bandits.
As they continued walking Rickard wondered what they were really dealing with. It didn’t seem like any of the shops, aside from the tailor’s thanks to Kess, had been touched. In fact, whoever did this seemed more interesting in taking people. Maybe the goblins that had been so intent on sacrificing him had taken some people from Wetwoods before? Then again, the high-priestess had been talking like they only sacrificed one human a year. Then again, she could have been lying…
After a few more steps Kess suddenly stopped in front of a two-story building with lights burning behind its windows, causing the lost-in-thought Rickard to bump into her. Kess ignored it and looked at the sign hanging above the door. It was also one of the few buildings in this street that didn’t look as if someone had rammed in its door…
‘The Woodsman’s Rest,’ she read aloud. ‘Looks like we found an inn,’ she murmured. ‘Let’s see if anyone inside can tell us what happened here.’
The inn was about a street away from the town square, which had, like Kess had said, a lot of torches burning with no-one around. But before Rickard could wonder about why someone would waste burning torches like that, except for maybe a chronic fear of the dark, Kess pushed open the door to the inn and dragged him inside.
But the mood inside of ‘the Woodsman’ was nearly as sombre as outside. Only a few of the tables were occupied, and if all the dust was indication it looked as if the place hadn’t been cleaned in days. Not that the patrons themselves looked much better. There were only three of them, one of them was a thin old man as with wild grey hair and a hunted look in his eyes. The other two were women who flanked him from both sides, they both looked as if they were over 40 but were plumper than the old man and definitely appeared stronger.
‘Oh my, I wasn’t expecting any guests.’ An old leathery voice suddenly exclaimed, causing Rickard to turn around. 
There stood an old woman who was just tall enough to get above the counter. Her steel grey hair was pulled back into a bun and had a pair of twinkling brown eyes set in a friendly, albeit wrinkled, face. The bar she was standing behind also seemed to be the only area in the common room that was completely clean.
‘Yes, we’re sorry for entering the town without permission, but we needed a place to stay,’ Kess explained to the old woman. ‘But it also seems like your town could use our help.’
‘Oh do not worry about it, dear.’ The elderly innkeeper replied while she waved away the barbarian’s apology. ‘It is dangerous out at night, especially with those goblins around. Come on have a seat, and I’ll make the two of you something to eat and drink.’ 
 ‘Thank you ma’am!’ Kess replied with a smile, while putting down some coins on the counter. ‘I would also like a room for the night for my companion and I.’ 
‘Of course, of course.’ The old woman said with a smile as she looked at Rickard. ‘That will be fine.’ 
As she shuffled towards the kitchen, Kess followed her and asked questions about the goblins, apparently having some of the same ideas as Rickard, and wanted to know if they were the ones terrorizing the town, and that she knew were their lair was if they needed to get rid of them. And as the two of them disappeared in the kitchen, Rickard gratefully sat down on a nearby chair and felt like he was finally able to relax…
…if it wasn’t for the nagging feeling that something was very, very wrong, which was only amplified by the fact that the three other occupants of the room were staring at him oddly. The old man seemed to want to tell him something, while the two middle-aged women looked relieved. But before he could ask what was wrongs, Kess came back into the room carrying a tray with two steaming plates of food and two tankards of ale, and Rickard’s stomach grumbled loudly and he suddenly noticed how hungry he was.
So when the tray of food was put down, and Rickard grabbed a plate filled with mashed potatoes, several pieces of meat and beans, his attention was entirely focused on the meal. Across from him sat Kess, eyeing her plate just as hungry as Rickard, and after they both thanked the old lady as she walked back into the room, they attacked their food. It only took a few moments before the both of them had cleared their plate and sighed happily.
‘That was the best meal I’ve eaten in weeks.’ Rickard murmured while he rubbed his stomach, and took a drink of his ale.
‘I agree! It’s certainly a big step up from what the goblin’s fed me.’ Kess replied while she too grabbed her tankard of ale.
‘I’m glad you enjoyed my meal dearies, and rest assured there’s a big breakfast waiting for you tomorrow.’ the innkeeper told them with a smile.
Rickard grinned in response.
‘Yeah, it’s probably way past my bedtime,’ he said with a grin. ‘And hey! I haven’t slept in a proper bed for weeks!’ 
So he quickly finished his ale and grabbed the keys the innkeeper handed him.
‘It’s the first door on your left.’ she told him as he walked towards the stairs.
‘Thanks!’ Rickard replied cheerfully.
He felt better than he had in months! And whatever terrorized this town could probably wait until tomorrow. He turned around one last time to look at Kess, his eyes briefly glancing at the huge, juicy melons encased in a fur bikini, and asked. ‘Aren’t you going to get some rest?’ 
She shook her head in response.
‘Nah, I still need to ask the innkeeper some questions if we’re really going to fight those goblins tomorrow.’ She explained. ‘Besides, it’s been a while since I had a good ale.’ 
Rickard shrugged and continued his walk to the staircase, but he didn’t miss how the old man mouthed the words: ‘Get out!’. So as soon as he was out of sight, he ran up the stairs and unlocked the first door on his left before he quickly entered the room. As he slammed the door shut, he took stock of his chamber.
There was a simple rug placed with in the centre of the room, two short, thin beds , which probably meant that he would be sharing the room with Kess, a chest at the foot of each bed which could be used to store belongings…if he had any. And finally, a tall mirror placed against the wall which caused Rickard to jump when he saw his reflection.
‘Getting paranoid…’ Rickard muttered as he checked his reflection, there just being enough light to do so.
His hair was a mess, his skin pale, there were bags under his moss green eyes and his cheeks were slightly hollow. There were even signs of stubble on his chin, a rare thing for Rickard who was still called “a beardless boy” by men and women who didn’t realize he was 22…but that might also have something to do with the fact that at 5 foot 2, he wasn’t incredibly tall.
With a sigh he realized that he looked like a mess and that that might’ve been the reason why the people downstairs had stared at him so oddly, they already had trouble and probably suspicious of strangers like him and Kess…but then why had the old man mouthed the words ‘Get out!’ at him as he passed? Was he simply not welcome? Or was there something more going on? Or was he simply crazy?
Rickard briefly considered locking the door…but then decided against it, seeing as Kess wouldn’t be able to enter that way. So with a yawn he placed the key on the top of the chest standing at the foot of the bed closest to him, and took of his dirt streaked, previously white, tunic and crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow…
* * * *
…only to wake up an hour later with his feet in shackles and lying on a cold stone slab in the town square, surrounded by a large circle of burning torches.
‘Oh Godsdamnit!’ he exclaimed loudly to the heavens. ‘One of you up there must really hate my guts!’ he added angrily.
‘It sure seems that way, big boy…’ a seductive, feminine voice purred in reply.
‘Who said that!?’ Rickard shouted as he sat up and looked around.
‘I did…’ the same voice purred out, as a figure stepped from the shadows and Rickard gasped in surprise. It was the old innkeeper!
‘Well, I can honestly say I didn’t expect to see you.’ Rickard mumbled, dumbfounded. ‘And ma’am, it’s not that I’m not impressed with all this…but you simply aren’t my type.’ 
She laughed in response, a rich sound that did not seem to fit the old woman. ‘My, my…the others were usually terrified at this point, but you’re still making jokes…I’m going to have fun with you…’ she purred as she licked her lips, something that made Rickard shiver.
It had not escaped the innkeeper’s notice, and she grinned wickedly. ‘So, you finally see that death is upon you, don’t you mortal?’ 
‘Huh!? Mortal? What are you talking about you nutty old bat!’ Rickard screamed. ‘And hey, if anyone dies during sex it’s going to be you! You crazy old lady!! he added, apparently having snapped.
This caused the old woman to blink slowly, and look down at her own body before bursting out into laughter. This caused Rickard to stop yelling and cursing, to regard the innkeeper curiously. When she finally stopped laughing, she stared at Rickard hard. Her friendly brown eyes had changed to pale purple and the wrinkles in her face had slowly disappeared. Not only that, but she also seemed to be growing while her grey hair became darker and darker…
…when she finally stopped growing, she stood 5 feet and 7 inches tall with a youthful face and hair that seemed black at first sight, but was actually a very dark purple. But apparently the transformation was not yet done, because her skin turned a light shade of violet while two small black horns grew from her head, barely visible among her luscious, dark purple curls. Then her face started to change even more, her eyes becoming a bit more narrow and taking on a more almond shape before her lips started to inflate, growing fuller and plumper while they shifted into a darker shade of violet than her skin. Finally her jaw and chin became even more slender than they already were, while her high, thin cheekbones became more pronounced.  Making her face look a bit severe, but beautiful.
And, as a final touch, her slender hips suddenly expanded and her butt got a similar treatment, causing her brown dress to start tearing. And when her breasts started expanding, growing into a pair of melons that could rival those of Kess…her dress finally gave up, and fell off of her body…
When her transformation had ended, Rickard was staring at a tall violet-skinned woman with a pair of massive tits that stood high and firm on her chest, defying gravity and capped with big, round purple areolas and thick nipples. As his eyes drifted lower, he briefly looked at her inhumanly slender waist and flat tummy which…was missing a belly button, but ignored it when he spotted her plump cunt between her thick thighs.
‘What do you say now, human?’ the demoness purred, her voice oozing with lust and the promise of wild sex.
‘Oh, well that’s better.’ Rickard replied.
‘Eh, I mean…O no, a succubus!’ he shouted overly dramatic.
Another throaty laugh passed the demoness’ lips as she slowly and seductively walked closer to him, running her hands over Rickard’s bare, skinny chest. ‘Mmm…You’re a lively one, aren’t you?’ she asked, her hand drifting lower and lower towards his pants. ‘I have drained this village of all the young, strong men…now all I have left are old men with little energy, and scared little boys.’ she told Rickard with an exaggerated pout.
Well, at least now he knew why the population had decreased so dramatically…The succubus had taken every men young and horny enough from their houses, whatever they wanted to or not, and sucked all the life out of them, while others had no doubt fled… But that still didn’t explain why a demon would be in a small town such as Wetwoods in the first place. But as Rickard was thinking, the succubus continued to talk and caress his groin.
‘…I mean, priests dedicated to Hoten normally don’t  seem all that interested in sex, but this one certainly knew his business.’ she talked, causing Rickard to look at the temple across the square, its doors were kicked down and splintered and the white sun above the entrance was cracked. ‘But I showed him…I fucked him senseless and ate his soul! And took those of his followers as well!’ 
‘Doesn’t that seem a bit excessive?’ Rickard asked, as he looked around. Hoping to spot Kess or…someone that could help him.
‘In case you haven’t noticed…I’m a demon!’ she shouted, as she ripped open Rickard’s pants, exposing his half-erect member to the cold air once again.
‘Hey! Kess just stole those for me!’ Rickard shouted angrily.
‘Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to make it up to you…’ she purred while slowly jerking his cock. ‘And if you’re waiting for that blonde barbarian to save you, well I’m sorry to disappoint you but I made sure to enchant her food and…several tankards of ale. She’ll be sleeping for a long time…’ she added, before crawling on top of Rickard and pressing her drooling cunt in his face.
Rickard inhaled the succubus’ horny scent deeply, causing his cock to swell even more in the demoness’ hands before she lowered her huge, round bubble butt to his face and pressed her sopping puss against his lips. His face now obscured by her large, soft and shapely buttocks, and his fresh air cut off, Rickard ran his tongue over the succubus’ plump labia. The taste was…delicious! He quickly buried his tongue in the succubus’ hot, moist cunt to get more of her tasty fem cum.
The demoness moaned in pleasure and decided to pay Rickard back by wrapping her giant violet tits around his monstercock, running her tongue over his cockhead as it peeked out of her epic cleavage. And while she treated the plump, purple cockhead to a tongue-bath, she let strands of her drool fall between her titanic tits before she started to gently knead her massive breasts around his member. Rickard moaned into her sopping, violet pussy in response as his cock was simulated by the soft breastflesh of the succubus, pumping out several strands of his prejizz all over her face and breasts.
The succubus quickly used her long, dextrous tongue to lick up several thick, slimy globs of his prejizz from her face, before smacking her lips. ‘Tasty!’ she exclaimed, before pushing the fist-sized cockhead past her plump, dark lips and into her hungry gob as she loudly sucked on it and teased the cumslit with her tongue.
At the same time Rickard was focusing all of his attention upon the sensitive pearl that peeked out of the succubus soaked folds, getting several pleased moans from the sex demon as she sucked his cockhead. Desperate to get air, the young stud also used his free hands to knead the succubus large, soft buttocks…although it was more an attempt to push her off then to please her, yet she still wiggled her butt playfully as he did. But he couldn’t stand the heavenly (or perhaps hellish is more appropriate) feeling of the succubus’ silky soft breasts around his throbbing member any longer, and started to fill her mouth with his thick and salty spunk. 
Luckily, his orgasm seemed to have set off the demoness’ own. So while she was busy swallowing all of his hot, lumpy cum, his face was being showered with her clear ejaculate while her pussy fluttered and clenched wildly…but when her climax finally came to an end, and his face was sticky and wet, she got off of him and Rickard got a much needed breath of fresh air.
‘Mmm…Delicious! Salty…and is that a hint of goblin I taste?’ the succubus asked after she crawled off of Rickard and kneeled next to the altar, her tongue teasing his still rock-hard member while slurping up any strands of cum that clung to it.
‘…Hey! I’ll be the one making stupid jokes, thank you very much!’ Rickard replied while gasping for air, feeling very tired for some reason.
She ignored his comment, instead laying her hands on his deflated testicles and muttering words in a dark, rough sounding tongue that send shivers up his spine. ‘Aww…Feeling tired, babe?’ she asked without any real compassion in her voice. ‘This should fix you right up.’ she added, while squeezing his nuts.
In response his balls started to swell rapidly, filling back up with cum. Only they didn’t stop at their previous size but kept growing! Becoming as big as apples, then grapefruits and even more! Rickard groaned in pain, and when his balls finally stopped growing they were the size of small barrels and draped over his thighs and sagged part-way over the stone slab he was lying on.
‘W-what did you do to me!’ he asked the demon angrily, as thick slimy streams of prejizz continuously flowed from his cumslit to stain the tattered remains of his stolen trousers.
‘It’s just a little something I gave you to extend my fun, aren’t you happy? The others expired way to fast…’ 
‘N-No…*groan* I’m not happy, you c-cuh-crazy demonic bitch!’ Rickard shouted. ‘And l-last time I c-ceh-checked, a man’s s-soul is not linked to his g-gnads! His m-muh-mind? …Probably.’ he added between groans of pain and pleasure.
‘You’re right, of course, hun.’ the sex demon agreed as she tenderly stroked his precum drooling member, giggling softly when her hand got covered with the lumpy stuff. ‘But you know…All the lust and fear and hopelessness a man feels during his final fuck just makes your soul taste all the…sweeter. So, if this little spell on your babymakers here has the potential of making you last just a little longer, then it will only make your soul all the more delicious.’ she informed him, before placing her plump cocksuckers against his prejizz oozing crown…
…and when she began pushing his monstrous pole down her throat, lubricated by the continuous streams of precum that oozed from his cumslit, Rickard groaned in pleasure despite the fact that his death was only coming closer. 
Of course, this didn’t escape the succubus’ attention. No, she only worked faster to get the entirety of his monstercock down her throat, which bulged out obscenely thanks to his cock’s impressive girth. But she managed to swallow more of Rickard’s massive member than every other human woman he had met so far, and she did so without gagging. Instead she expertly used the muscles in her throat to bring him as much pleasure as possible, while swallowing the insane amount of thick and lumpy precum that he was pumping out and teasing the inches that remained outside of her hungry, warm mouth with her long, wet and dexterous tongue.
And when the she-devil managed to stuff all 18 wrist-thick inches of Rickard’s cock down her tight throat, a sensation he had not experienced before, Rickard could not hold himself back. With a roar of pleasure that would surely wake the entire town, he emptied his massive cum-bloated balls and spewed his hot nutbutter down the succubus’ throat and into her stomach.
She moaned and smiled around his girth as her stomach started to bloat slightly thanks to the massive quantity of spunk she was ingesting, but not a droplet of the hot, lumpy stuff escaped the corners of her mouth as it sprayed volley after thick volley. And when Rickard was finally finished, she began sucking on his softening member again! Skilfully using the muscles of her throat to keep him erect while she furiously bobbed her head up and down his length, roughly fucking her own throat. Only when she was certain that Rickard was fully erect and ready once again, did she slowly extract his massive pole from her gullet. After she completed this monumental task, she rose to her feet and showed Rickard how his deposit of spunk had turned her once taut belly slightly pudgy.
‘Mmm…that was quite the load of cum there, stud.’ the succubus complimented the exhausted looking Rickard as she patted her belly, causing it to slim down again.
‘Ni-nice trick…’ Rickard groaned as drily as he could.
‘Why, thank you.’ the she-devil purred. ‘But I’m about to show you a better one…’ she added as she crawled back upon the stone slab again, facing him this time as she straddled his hips.
She wrapped both of her slender, perfectly manicured hands around the fat trunk of his massive prick, and with a grin placed the drooling cockhead against her sopping wet puss. ‘Now…watch as I make this monstercock…disappear!’ she yelled before plunging down on his 18 inch member with a triumphant squeal!
Rickard groaned loudly as the entirety of his massive member was swallowed by the she-devil’s hot and sopping wet sex, another sensation he had never experienced. He then gasped at the sudden tightness around his member, and tried desperately not to cum again. Partly because, you know, the whole soul sucking thing. But really, it was mostly to keep his male ego intact.
‘Ah-already saw that coming…’ Rickard groaned lamely as he saw the outline of his cock pushing up the demoness’ stomach. ‘N-now, i-if you ha-had pulled a rabbit out of a h-hat, that w-would have been impressive.’ Rickard groaned with his lips having formed a shaky grin.
‘Well, I guess my talents don’t lie in magic tricks.’ she said with an evil little smile, while tightening her cunt around his dick in a delicious way. ‘But I am built for sex…’ she added in a breathy whisper as she slowly raised herself up.
Pleased with the lustful expression on Rickard’s face the she-devil plunged back down again, relishing the groan that left his mouth. She smiled broadly and began to ride him wildly, her giant tits shaking wildly as she rammed herself up and down the massive cock. Rickard groaned as he watched the violet funbags shake hypnotically, and soon found out that that sight was the last straw.
Rickard laid his hands on the succubus’ broad, firm hips, causing her to stop slamming her pussy down on his monstercock as he fired his first volley of cum. She moaned loudly as the ropes of hot cum splattered against the walls of her hot cunny and filled her up deliciously! When Rickard’s second and third volley spewed forth from his cock, her belly actually started to swell while her body shuddered in orgasmic pleasure. When his orgasm had finally cum to an end, the succubus looked like she was about to give birth while her pussy quivered around his member and his stomach was coated with her orgasmic juices.
‘Mmm…Another delicious meal.’ the demoness purred as her belly slimmed down again, Rickard thought he saw her horns grow slightly as well…
When Rickard’s member threatened to soften again the succubus pushed one of her plump purple nipples in her mouth and squeezed her tit, filling Rickard’s mouth with her sweet tasting milk.
‘Sorry stud, but no matter how much I love the taste of your cock I’d prefer to keep it hard for all the fun we’re going to have…’ she explained as Rickard swallowed down her milk.
In response his cock jerked to live again, and felt as hard as stone! The succubus gasped in response and teasingly wiggled her hips before she slowly started to pump her hips up and down again.
‘Yes! Keep drinking from me, big boy!’ she shrieked as Rickard sucked violently on her nipple, causing her pussy to flutter in response.
But soon her hip movements became wilder and her nipple escaped from Rickard’s mouth! Her breasts jiggled wildly as she rode his 18 inch member, threatening to concuss him every time she rammed herself down on his cock and her giant tits slapped against his face. Rickard groaned and moaned as he did his best to be a part of the sex as well, but it was difficult to work his legs with manacles around his ankles, and a pair of giant balls resting on his thighs.
So instead he looked up at the sky. Tinges of red were finally creeping up at the edge of the horizon, meaning that it would be light soon, hopefully that meant that someone would enter the town soon to help him, Kess had not closed the gate behind them after all…but if no one did? Well, then he should make the most of the situation! So he focused on the face of the demoness, whose expression was one of rapture.
The succubus long tongue lolled from her opened mouth, hanging only an inch or so above her huge, shaking tits, while her eyes were clenched shut tightly as she bucked up and down Rickard’s massive member. With a grin he grabbed both of her nipples roughly and began squeezing them, causing streams of her milk to spray over his chest and face.
The she-devil squealed in delight and hungrily kissed Rickard while digging her nails into his chest. ‘Oooo…You’re a naughty one!’ she squealed after she broke the kiss. ‘Maybe I should keep you, and turn you into a Incubus instead…’ she added with a thoughtful look.
Rickard swallowed audibly and smacked her big butt hard and she shrieked in surprise, he silently hoped that he had broken her off of that train of thought…
…but instead she squeaked, ‘Do that again! Do that again!’ While shaking her ass.
And with a shrug, he did. He smacked both of her shapely buttocks until his hands started to tingle, and the succubus’ buttcheeks were a darker shade of violet. But if it had hurt her, she showed no signs of it. If anything she was moaning louder and riding him more ferociously…which of course had an effect on Rickard.
With a dark groan he filled the succubus’ pussy with another load of his hot, slimy cum, making her belly swell dramatically once again. She gasped sharply and came to a sudden stop as her own climax hit her, her whole body trembled wildly before she shrieked loudly while her pussy squirted powerfully, coating Rickard’s stomach again. And like the first two times her belly started to shrink, but this time that wasn’t the only change…
This time the succubus’ tailbone started to grow dramatically, the tip taking on a different shape as it did, and when it was finally done a flexible tail with a spaded tip was wagging excitedly. 
‘Oh my that’s new…’ the she-devil exclaimed as she examined her new tail. ‘And it looks like my milk did the trick as well!’ She added as she noticed that Rickard’s prick was still rock-hard inside of her. ‘But if the effects don’t wear off after 4 hours, you might need to consult a cleric.’ she added with a grin before she started to move again…
* * * *
Kess suddenly awoke with a start! …Only to grab the sides of her head with a pained grunt. ‘How long have I slept…’ she muttered as she looked at several empty bottles and tankards of ale strewn over her table. ‘Odd, it’s not like me at all to pass out like this.’ she added as she stood up on shaky legs.
She wasn’t lying either.
Apparently a prerequisite to becoming a hero in the Frostlands was being able to drink even the most seasoned alcoholics under the table, and not be bothered by it. Maybe someone had put something in her drink?
Kess thought back to yesterday…
She had wanted to go to bed a half hour after Rickard had gone upstairs since the innkeeper was not willing to answer her questions for some reason, but she had kept offering her ale, so Kess kept drinking. She also remembered that she had wanted to ask the old men and the two women some questions, but after Rickard had gone upstairs the two women had pulled the old man to their feet while muttering, ‘Let’s go, dad!’ 
The old man had seemed unwilling to go, apparently intent on telling Rickard something, but his two daughters had simply pulled him outside.
Now Kess slapped her hand against her forehead, this was something she should  have noticed sooner! And she quickly headed up the stairs and heard…nothing. She heard no beds creak, no one snore and no one talk in their sleep.
She opened the door on her left, and found the bedroom to be empty…Rickard was no were, the only sign that he had even been here last night was his tunic lying on the floor.
‘Damn it!’ Kess cursed, and rushed out of the room.
She started to open other doors…but they were all empty, there was no sign of other customers or the old woman! In fact, the furniture of the other rooms was covered in layers of dust. No one had slept in them for quite some time.
So Kess was sure that something was wrong, she just didn’t know what…
She slowly got to her feet and went upstairs, deciding to talk with Rickard about it, only to stand in complete silence as she stood on the landing. There was no snoring, no one tossing and turning or talking in their sleep.
‘Damn it!’ Kess cursed again before storming back downstairs.
She didn’t know who or what could have taken him, but she had promised to protect Rickard. She rushed outside without thinking before it hit her. The town square had been kept alight the entire night! Something important must’ve been going on there, right? Maybe a cult was about to sacrifice him, the goblins sure had seemed to like that idea…
And when she heard a loud, feminine shriek coming from the direction of the town square, she started running again.
‘Looks like Rickard isn’t the only one in trouble.’ Kess thought aloud, before slipping into tight alleyway between buildings.
* * * *
Rickard was wheezing and coughing now as the succubus rode him, he had no strength left in his limbs and his eyelids felt as if they weighed a ton. But while he looked like he was wasting away, the succubus looked better than ever. Her horns had grown longer, as well as her hair, her skin also looked healthier and her eyes more full of life. Not only that, but she seemed to have grown taller too.
But just when his balls started to clench, and he felt as though his soul was about to be consumed with his final orgasm…a bright flash of light shot over his head and smacked against the succubus, who shrieked in surprise and pain as she fell off of his cock and the stone slab.
But she quickly jumped back up, baring her teeth at whoever had knocked her off of him and hissing angrily. She quickly stormed at the person Rickard couldn’t see, leaving him lying on the stone slab. He heard the demon shrieking and grunting in pain as the fight dragged on, until he heard a sound close to him and looked to his side. There he saw Kess sneaking out of an alleyway, warily checking her surroundings as she approached the town square.
‘Kess!’ he said in a faint voice, which was apparently just loud enough for the blonde to hear.
‘Rickard? You look terrible! What happened to you?’ she asked with a horror-stricken expression.
‘That’s normal.’ Rickard responded with a dry chuckle to try and put her at ease. ‘And I’ll explain later! First I need your help getting out of here!’ he explained hastily.
Kess looked at the manacles around his ankles and nodded.
So…how would he get out of this predicament? Rickard thought to himself, the demoness didn’t exactly look like she had a key on her…then again, she had not appeared in that form to him at first.
Rickard looked around on the ground until he spotted the remains of a brown dress.
‘Kess, check that dress for a key.’ he said while he signalled at it with his head.
Kess quickly approached the shredded dress and dropped to hands and knees as she searched the remains for a key and said in a puzzled tone, ‘Eh, Rickard isn’t this the dress of-’
‘I’ll explain later.’ he quickly said to cut her sentence short. ‘Now, the key?’
Kess was quiet for a few more moments before she triumphantly shouted. ‘Got it!’
The blonde quickly ran over to Rickard, her mountainous breasts jiggling softly, and unlocked the manacles around his ankles. But Rickard still wasn’t strong enough to stand, and before Kess could help him up,  a curvaceous violet body flew through the air and knocked him off the stone slab. And he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness as his body hit the ground…
* * * *
When Rickard finally awoke he was lying in a bed again, wondering if all that had happened to him had been some sort of crazy dream…until he tried to stand up and found that his body was still very weak, all he managed was sitting up in his bed. He sighed as he casted a look at the mirror in the room and gasped.
Kess had been right, he really did look terrible! His face was gaunt and his eyes sunken, and he looked even thinner than when he looked in the mirror the first time. And something else had changed too…Rickard flung his blankets aside, and looked at his balls.
Although they weren’t nearly as big as when the succubus made them grow, his balls were still a lot bigger than they had been before he had encountered her and now resembled a pair of oranges in size.
‘Glad that I got something to remember that purple haired bitch by.’ He muttered to himself as he lied down again, and looked up at the ceiling.
He remembered everything he went through the last few weeks. Wizards, bandits and crazy elves. He could add ‘Nearly getting sacrificed by goblins’ and ‘Almost fucked to death by a succubus’ to that list now, he thought with a grin.
‘I never would’ve thought that I’d go through all this just to get a curse removed.’ Rickard mumbled to himself.
‘What curse?’ a feminine voice Rickard didn’t recognized asked.
‘Some…witch cursed me and made my dick grow.’ Rickard answered without thinking. ‘It didn’t seem all that bad at first, until I figured out that most women don’t exactly enjoy getting their organs rearranged every time we had sex.’
‘Ah…’ the voice responded, and then cleared her throat.
When Rickard noticed that he had not imagined the voice he slowly sat up again, and was faced by a woman dressed in the garb of a priestess of Hoten who was staring at his prick with a deep blush on her face. Rickard didn’t move for a few moment, before he felt self-conscious and covered himself with his blankets again. He had never felt that way around Kess before, maybe because the barbarian had never paid that much attention to seeing him half naked before, and it wasn’t like she was wearing all that much herself.
‘Er, nice to meet you?’ Rickard mumbled as a way of introduction. 

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