Wednesday 21 November 2018

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 3: Running into some old "friends".

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 3: Running into some old "friends".
Contains: M/F, size difference, huge cock, big breasts, large insertions, excessive cum.

Chapter 3 – Running into some old “friends”

‘It is nice to meet you as well, Rickard,’ the priestess replied as she tore her eyes off of his crotch and looked him in the eyes. ‘My name is Ciara, how are you feeling?’

Rickard mumbled something along the lines of, ‘I’m fine’, and looked away.

Ciara made him feel like a little boy despite the fact that she only appeared to be a few years older than him and Kess, but while Kess seemed to treat him more like a younger brother the priestess acted more like a worried mother.

Then again, she looked a bit more mature than Kess. Although the blonde barbarian had plenty of curves, she was far more athletic and her long limbs showed hint of muscle.
But Ciara? Even though she was wearing the heavy sky-blue robes of a priestess of Hoten, her full, rounded hips were still visible. As were a pair of breasts that nearly matched those of Kess in size, but Rickard didn’t want to know what the gods would do to him if he stared at the chest of a priestess with lust, he had been in enough trouble already.

So instead he looked back up into her worried big brown eyes.

‘Are you sure that you are feeling alright, Rickard?’ she asked again, speaking slowly.

Rickard looked at her warm, heart-shaped face, taking in the little beauty mark under her left eye as well as the pleasant way in which her full, pillowy lips moved as she talked. Then realized he was staring at her again, and quickly nodded his head.

‘Yup, I was just screwing a succubus a little sooner than I expected.’ Rickard said with an awkward smile on his face, then realized who he was talking to and cleared his throat.

The priestess simply ignored him and pretended  to fix the blue veil and white coif that covered her hair before focusing her attention on the blushing Rickard again, which made him feel as if he was about to be chastised by his mother.

‘I’m afraid this isn’t a joking matter, Rickard,’ Ciara said sternly. ‘You have been sleeping for nearly three days and I think you will need more time to regain your strength, time we don’t have as the villagers are getting restless!’

‘Why would they be restless?’ Rickard asked exasperated. ‘You and Kess dealt with the succubus while I was out, didn’t you?’

‘Not…exactly,’ the priestess said softly as she went to sit at the edge of his bed. ‘I managed to subdue her and keep her imprisoned in the destroyed temple…but she was too strong for me to banish on my own,’
It looked as if she was very ashamed of her own weakness.

‘I have Kess guarding her so no villagers will try to hurt her.’ she added.
‘Can you really blame them?’ Rickard asked. ‘She has killed their husbands, brothers or fathers and I’m sure others have fled, the whole village has fallen into disrepair because of her. They could rebuild and open up their shops again, sure. But nothing will ever be the same.’
‘I can understand their rage at this demon, but if they get close enough they might break the holy circle in which I have imprisoned her and set her loose once more.’ Ciara explained.

‘And that would be…bad,’ Rickard said slowly as pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. ‘Still, there must be something we could do to buy us more time, I can barely stand…’
‘There is no “we” here Rickard. As you said, you can barely stand. I will figure something out for us, I am sure the good people of Wetwoods will listen to reason.’

‘Yes, I’m sure they’ll listen to a priestess of Hoten, even though one of the priests of your order was responsible for summoning that damn demon in the first place.’ Rickard replied in his usual dry tone.

This clearly didn’t sit well with Ciara, as she quietly got off the bed and left the room, she didn’t even slam the door in anger…

‘Way to piss off the woman that saved your life Rickard, good job.’ he muttered angrily to himself, before lying down again with a sigh.

It did not take long before he slowly drifted back into sleep…

* * * *

He woke up a few hours later by someone banging on his door, there was an orange/reddish look to the sky and it looked like the sun was just about to set.

‘Come in!’ Rickard shouted, well tried to shout, in a raspy voice.
The door opened, and in stepped the old man from the previous night carrying a wooden tray with a plate of food on it, as well as an empty clay mug and a pitcher of warm, mulled wine.

Rickard blinked in confusion as the man put the tray down on his knees.

‘I, eh, am the actual owner of this inn,’ the old innkeeper said, while nervously licking his lips. ‘She was originally going to take me…you saved my life when you showed up, mister.’ he explained. ‘I tried to warn when you came into my inn, you know.’ he added in a small voice.
‘You know, in hindsight,’ Rickard started, as he took a bite out of one of the small sausages on his plate. ‘I should have known that something was wrong. That ‘sweet-old-lady’ routine was such a cliché that only something with the imagination of a demon could come up with it.’
The innkeeper released a short bark of a laugh, before nervously looking out of the window.
‘Still, everyone is nervous with that, that…creature around. Why hasn’t the priestess gotten rid of it?’ he asked Rickard, desperate for an answer.
He noticed that the innkeeper said the words ‘creature’ and ‘priestess’ with the same amount of disdain. Apparently the townspeople trusted Ciara just as much as the succubus, there was no telling what they would do to them if the 6-foot-tall barbarian babe wasn’t around.

Rickard had his doubts that the true answer would please the old man, so instead…he lied.

‘She has to build up her powers,’ Rickard lied, while keeping a straight face. ‘So it might take a few days before she can banish the succubus.’

The innkeeper smiled in relieve at his lie and started towards the door.
‘I was certain it was something like that,’ he muttered just loudly enough for Rickard to hear. ‘My girls said she wasn’t able to do it, but I told them that Hoten would not abandon us now. Not after all the hardships we faced.’

As the old man turned to him again, Rickard focused on his plate and poked at some small carrots with his fork, unable to face the innkeeper.

‘If there is anything else you need, please tell me, sir,’ the old innkeeper said with a smile. ‘It’s the least I can do for you after everything you’ve been through.’

‘Some pants would be nice.’ Rickard mumbled as he poured himself a cup of mulled wine.

‘I’ll be sure to get you a pair.’ he promised before leaving the room, and shutting the door behind him.

Rickard munched down the sparse meal of sausages, carrots and potatoes, not trying to think about the fact that this was probably some of the last supplies the innkeeper had, and hoped that the old man would spread around his lie to buy them a few more days.
He then slowly drank the mulled wine, sighing contently as warmth spread through his body. He drank two more cups before putting the tray with the empty plate, cup and pitcher down next to his bed before lying down and drifting off to sleep once again.

* * * *

Rickard’s sleep was once again disturbed by loud yells and pounding on the door of the inn, when he tried to get up to see what all the fuss was about…he managed to land on his face quite spectacularly. Luckily someone had taken away the tray with his plate of leftovers and pitcher of wine, or he would have made an even more embarrassing scene.

He tried to push himself up off the floor, only to find out that he was still as weak as a new-born kitten.

‘Yet another fantastic display of my awesome masculinity…’ Rickard groaned.

Luckily he didn’t have to remain on the floor for long, moping about his lack of strength. As Ciara quickly burst into his room, got a good look at his skinny ass as it appeared from under his blanket, and wrapped it around him before helping him to his feet.

‘What’s going on?’ Rickard asked Ciara, acting as if she hadn’t just found him lying on the floor.

‘There is  a group of goblins in town,’ Ciara told him. ‘Looking for two humans that escaped their lair a few days ago, I bet you don’t know happen to know anything about that?’

‘It’s pretty hard to forget a group of people that watched you, uh, about to be sacrificed.’ he told the priestess, deciding to leave out just what a certain goblin woman did to prepare him from his sacrifice.

‘They really are vile creatures…’ Ciara whispered to herself, and then added louder for Rickard. ‘They don’t seem to be set on violence, however. Even if the townsfolk aren’t especially happy to see them.’

‘Then what do they want?’ Rickard asked.

‘Well, one of them, apparently their leader, seems to be pretty set on speaking to the “male”, who I assume is you.’ Ciara explained.

‘Guess I can’t catch a break…’ Rickard sighed, ‘Let’s just see what they want from me. At least keep them away from Kess, we don’t want a succubus running around if we do have to deal with those goblins.’

Ciara helped Rickard out of his room, and down the stairs. He didn’t mind leaning on her for support at all, and enjoyed her curvy form pressing against him. When they were finally downstairs in the common room, the priestess sat him down on one of the nearby chairs and approached the door.

‘Are you sure that this is a good idea?’ she asked, as she approached the door.

‘No,’ he snorted. ‘But starting a fight between the goblins and the townspeople, while possibly releasing the succubus again, sounds like something I really should try to prevent, don’t you think?’

‘You have a point…’ she sighed, while she unlocked the door. ‘Do you think you can handle this woman on your own, though? Because I will try to keep the peace outside while you two talk, I can’t be here for you if anything goes wrong.’ she explained, as she laid her hand on the door handle.

‘I’m sure I’ll cut an imposing enough figure to stay out of trouble.’ Rickard said drily.

If anything, he looked like a madman wrapped in his blanket, with wild hair, crazy eyes and general gaunt appearance. But hey, it might just scare her off…

When Ciara did finally open the door, the yells of the people and goblins outside grew louder. But when everyone spotted the priestess, they all grew quiet. Waiting to hear just what she had to say. Ciara spoke to one of the goblins and a few moments later a familiar goblin entered the inn.

‘You boys don’t cause any trouble now, and girls don’t tease anyone.’ the goblin high-priestess said in a chastising tone of voice before shutting the door behind her, leaving Ciara to deal with the crowd.

‘So what do you want from me?’ Rickard asked.

The high-priestess pouted. ‘What? No “hello” after we shared a night of passion?’ she asked, while putting her hands on her hips.

‘Night of passion? You threatened to kill me!’ Rickard shouted in anger, trying to ignore her choice of outfit, which only consisted of a purple leather strap that (just barely) covered her plump green nipples and areolas. To complete her outfit she wore a small purple thong, the tiny piece of fabric unable to completely cover her plump, soaked labia, and a pair of thigh-high fishnet stockings and knee-high boots.

Her wet, plump black lips formed into a smile while she shook her head.

‘A simple…misunderstanding. I did not know that you were one favoured by Lady Hyasint.’

‘…what?’ Rickard responded flatly as he looked up from the juicy green breast flesh that the goblin showed off.

‘After you left, you’re semen seemed to open a hidden passageway. There we found a heap of treasure, enough to rebuild our society.’ the high-priestess explained. ‘Surely, you were sent by the Goddess herself…’

‘O…kay…’ was Rickard’s only response, afraid that he would call her “crazy” if he said more, and he didn’t want to change her mind now that she had decided not to sacrifice him.

‘So we tracked you down to this village to thank you, but we didn’t exactly get the warm welcome we expected.’ she said, finishing your story.

‘The people of Wetwoods had had a rough couple of days, a succubus killed off most of their men,’ Rickard explained. ‘I guess they just couldn’t handle a small army of goblins marching into their village, now.’

‘We could help, sir. If you command it!’ the high-priestess offered, in a passionate voice.

‘All right, cut the crap,’ Rickard finally said. ‘You don’t seem like the type to take orders from anyone, which means that you already have your mind set on helping these people in the first place.’

The goblin grinned impishly, and the 4 foot something woman climbed in the chair across from Rickard. ‘I don’t mind playing the submissive role every once in a while, you know?’ she replied, slowly licking her plump lips. ‘But you’re right, I wouldn’t mind helping this town out. And I’m sure the rest of my companions wouldn’t either.’

‘But why?’ he asked, while trying to keep his swelling cock from escaping his makeshift robes.

‘Our people were practically neighbours for years, and they never brought out the torches and pitchforks to our caves or gave any annoying adventurers “Quests” to wipe us out and take our treasure,’ she explained. ‘So in return we never “sacrificed” any of their people. It’s the least we can do, plus we might be able to move out of those dank, musty caves.’

‘Do you think they will accept your help?’

‘I’m sure they will once they see the shit-ton of gold we collected, the only ones that love gold more than you humans are the dwarves.’ the goblin joked.

Rickard sighed and rubbed his forehead, it all sounded great in theory…but would the townspeople accept? And even if they did, what would the people in the surrounding cities or towns think? Races such as goblins and orcs were often seen as monsters by most humans, and they probably saw humans in a similar light. But perhaps it would work.

‘Call in Ciara, and some of the townspeople. Maybe you guys can talk it out.’ he finally said.

The high-priestess scampered down from her chair and approached the door, a little nervously, and spoke with a woman, presumably Ciara, before she, the priestess, the old innkeeper and a skinny grey-haired woman came into the inn, while the rest of the crowd nervously peeked inside.

After Ciara shut the door behind her, everyone sat down at Rickard’s table. The goblin girl noticed that there was no place for her, and instead of grabbing a chair from a different table crawled on top of Rickard’s lap…and made sure to grind her big, luscious bottom against his growing prick.

‘Hello everyone, the name’s Mystra!’ the goblin high-priestess introduced herself to everyone, including Rickard who never heard her name before.

She then began to explain her plan to the people in the room, how they could use the treasure she and her goblins had found to pay for the building materials to repair old homes or build new ones, how the goblins could move in to protect the village and have a home for their own. But as she spoke the expression of the grey-haired woman darkened more and more, while the innkeeper rubbed his chin and was clearly considering the idea.

As Mystra was finishing her story, telling how she got the idea because of how well the village had treated them in the past few years, the grey-haired woman jumped of her seat and interrupted her.

‘Are you mad!? I would never let a bunch of green little monsters live in my village!!’ she shouted, and slammed her hands on the table.

‘And since when is it your village, Margret?’ the innkeeper asked. ‘Last I checked you’re just a seamstress and our dear mayor was the first one to go once that demon was summoned, the fat fool even went willingly.’

‘You know what I mean Cid, you old fool!’ the seamstress shouted. ‘They might be helping the demon for all we know!’

‘If they did,’ the innkeeper sighed wearily. ‘What would have stopped them from killing us and setting the demon free as soon as they stepped into the village.’

‘Maybe they want to steal from us! Take the rest of our men! You know what a bunch of sex-freaks those female goblins are!’ Margret sputtered.

‘She has a point there.’ Rickard whispered softly, only to have Mystra driving her elbow into his stomach.

Cid sighed.

‘Look Margret, we all lost someone important thanks to the succubus. But these people are trying to help us! We can’t turn them away, especially not now that our village is in a state like this.’

‘We could call for help from a nearby village, maybe they could send some men over to help us rebuild!’ she countered.

‘If I might interject,’ Rickard finally said as he joined the conversation.

‘Right now, you’re village is severely weakened. And sure, you might get some help from a city or town that is close-by, but how long will it take before they arrive, or even get the message? And will you even be able to pay them for the work they do as you are now, would they even stay once their work is finished?’

‘…What’s your point?’ the grey-haired seamstress asked.

‘My point is that your town is ripe for the taking for any group of thugs whose leader has half a brain,’ He responded.

‘And these goblins have been living in the mountains for years now, if what Mystra says is correct, so I’m pretty sure they know how to defend themselves from bandits and who knows what else. Add to that the fact that they have enough gold to buy this town, and you get the perfect group of new villagers and guards.’

Margret seemed to think it over for a while before she walked towards the door, shaking her head. ‘I just…don’t know if I can.’

She then opened the door and left.

‘She lost her husband to the succubus, her brother and son too,’ Cid explained. ‘She trusted Alfred, our priest, we all did. And he caused all this,’ the old man said, practically spitting when he mentioned the priest by name.

‘It’s going to be difficult to rebuild the city with your goblins, Mystra. A lot of people won’t trust you, but I’m sure they’ll understand that it is the only way.’

‘Well, that makes me feel very welcome…’ the goblin high-priestess said sarcastically.

‘I’m sorry, but it will take time for the people of Wetwoods to put our trust in strangers again, and I’m certain they will be especially wary of non-humans…’

‘You could bring the rest of the crowd inside,’ Ciara interjected after sitting in silence for so long, mostly shooting looks of disgust at Mystra’s barely clothed body. ‘Perhaps it will help goblin and human to understand one another better.’

‘I’m afraid it won’t be so easy, but we could try.’ Cid said.

‘Then can I go back upstairs, please?’ Rickard asked. ‘Normally I don’t sit naked in a tavern, pub or inn after I’ve gotten completely wasted, doing so beforehand kind of defeats the purpose of drinking.’ he joked.

‘Come on, I’ll take you back upstairs.’ Ciara said as she got up from her seat.

‘My, my, you’re quite naughty for a priestess, aren’t you?’ Mystra cooed as she crawled off of Rickard’s lap.

But the priestess simply ignored the goblin and helped Rickard to his feet before they both ascended the stairs. ‘So, do you think that the villagers will accept the help of the goblins?’ he asked, as they stood on the landing.

‘Chances are they won’t like it a whole lot,’ she answered him. ‘But like you said, they might not have a choice in the matter.’

‘Well, let’s just hope they don’t all kill each other down there,’ he sighed. ‘And if they do, I hope they’ll be quiet. I can use a full night of sleep.’

‘I hope you don’t mean that,’ Ciara said, rather darkly. ‘And you slept for nearly three whole days, remember?’

‘Geez, holy men and women just can’t stand my dark humour, can they?’ he joked as Ciara dragged him in his room, and gently helped him on his bed.

‘Or perhaps you’re just not funny…’

‘Hurtful…’ Rickard said with an exaggerated pout. ‘My sense of humour is one of my few good points.’

The priestess snorted in response, but Rickard saw a smile tugging at those plump, beautiful lips as she walked towards the door once again.

‘I’ll send Cid up with your breakfast in a few minutes, and I’ll see if there is anything else I can do to make you recover faster tonight.’ she said before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

As promised, some ten minutes later the innkeeper came with another tray of food, this time there stood a pitcher of water and an empty cup on it as well as a plate with two slices of bread with baked eggs on top of them. Meanwhile the sounds of arguing voices reached his ears, apparently the rest of the townspeople and goblins had come inside.

‘So how is it going downstairs?’ he asked as he filled his cup with water and took a bite of the slightly stale bread and hot baked egg.

‘Lots of yelling,’ Cid grunted as he sat down on the bed that belonged to Kess. ‘Some people seem to be warming up to the idea already, but Margret seems to have been telling some of the townspeople what a bad idea this is after she left our conversation. It will be difficult to convince them…’

Rickard finished his slice of bread and drank down the cup of cold, fresh water. He wasn’t sure what would happened next, the people of Westwoods were already unhappy with the presence of the succubus, and if those unhappy with the sudden appearance of the goblins figured out they came to their town because of him…

‘I can understand their reluctance, before they proclaimed me as a saint they tried to kill me you know…’ at the mention of this, Cid looked shocked. ‘…I shouldn’t have said that, should I?’ he said with a fake, good-natured smile. ‘But hey, if I can forgive them it seems like you can trust them.’

‘I guess,’ Cid sighed. ‘But those female goblins are dancing on the tables and the males are drinking all my booze. So I already love ‘em, so do all the few remaining men in town. But the women are a bit suspicious of those goblin girls after the disaster with the succubus, which makes sense, luckily a lot of them see that we need their help.’

‘I wish there was something I could, Cid. But it’s all up to Mystra and your people now,’ Rickard said as he put the tray next to his bed again. ‘Putting a nightstand in your rooms might be a good idea, by the way.’ he added before lying down once again.

The old innkeeper grinned as he got of the bed and picked up the tray. ‘I’ll take that under advisement, should I ask that priestess to check in on you, Rickard?’ he asked as he went to leave.

‘Nah, she said she would check up on me tonight,’ he responded. ‘Besides, it might be better to keep her downstairs if things do go wrong.’

Cid nodded as he left the room and Rickard listened to the sounds of the people downstairs for a while, it did not take long before his eyes felt heavy. He couldn’t believe how the small effort of walking up and down a set of stairs could make him feel so exhausted, of course he wasn’t as fit as your average adventurer…but that damn succubus had really drained him of his energy…

* * * *

‘Huh, mmm…wassat?’

Apparently the gods didn’t wish for Rickard to catch a few hours of undisturbed sleep these last two days as he was once again awakened, but this time by a far more pleasant sensations…

From under the covers came loud, wet slurping sounds and the occasional loud gloek! or glurk! And a part of Rickard was feeling really, really good!

As he opened his eyes he noticed, thanks to the dim light of the setting sun, that there was a small shape under his blankets. He lifted the blankets and saw the satisfaction in Mystra’s big, glittering emerald eyes as she tried her best to swallow more of his fat, vein-ridged monstercock.

‘Why am I not surprised?’ Rickard groaned.

The goblin slowly removed his big, throbbing cock from her tight, warm throat and gave him one of her naughty grins, saliva and precum hanging from her plump, dark lips and connecting her to his cock.

‘You’re awfully grumpy for someone who wakes up from a beautiful woman sucking his dick, you know that?’

‘Maybe that’s because the last two times I had sex I nearly died…’ he shot back drily.

‘Aww, poor baby,’ the goblin said as she clasped his cock in both of her small, dainty green hands and began to stroke the wrist-thick member. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make you aaall better.’

Rickard snorted in response.
‘Yeah right, because engaging in strenuous activities like sex will make me all better.’

‘The healing powers of Lady Hyasint’s priestesses are fuelled by lust and joy.’ Mystra stated.

‘If that is true,’ Rickard gasped in response, as he started to breathe heavier from the high-priestess’ skilled little hands. ‘Then your order is going to be very popular here.’

‘I’m sure it will be,’ Mystra said, her hands speeding up making wet shluck! shluck! shluck! sounds echoing through the small bedroom as hot, lumpy prejizz slithered over her hands. ‘But as a saint, you are entitled to special treatment.’

‘And what does that mean?’ said saint asked.

‘That the high-priestess herself will deal with your injuries, even the tiniest of scrapes.’ Mystra said letting go of his cock as precum oozed from its cumslit, and licked her hands clean.

‘I think that this religion is starting to grow on me…’

‘Just wait until you actually see the results of my power before converting…’ she purred before tossing the blankets off the bed and crawling closer to Rickard, before straddling his hips and positioning his fat purple cockhead against her gushing snatch.

Rickard looked up at the curvaceous emerald-skinned girl in the dim light, and felt his iron-hard member twitch in response. The only thing Mystra still wore from when he last saw her, were those thigh-high fishnet stockings. Her huge (for a goblin) breasts were completely bare, and the round, juicy flawless globes set high and firm on her chest.

Without hesitation he laid his hands on her big, meaty buttocks, and as he sank his fingers in the soft emerald globes of her ass he dragged Mystra down…

The high-priestess gasped sharply in response as his fat, meaty cockhead splayed her plump labia apart and sank into her drooling little snatch. She shivered on top of his pole as the first 10 inches of it disappeared in her tight cunny, moaning loudly as she felt the crown of his monstrous member pushing against her cervix.

Mystra remained still for a while, trying to get used to the size of Rickard’s cock, but after what felt like an eternity to the horny youth she started to move, a loud, drawn-out moan passing her plump black lips.

‘Oh…I swear I will never get used to this…’ she groaned while rubbing her swollen clit.

‘If it’s any consolation,’ Rickard grunting, his hands squeezing her juicy rump. ‘You’re able to handle it better than most human women.’

‘Flattery will get you everywhere, young man.’ Mystra said with a broad grin as she began to ride him faster.

As his cock pummelled into the goblin’s snatch, making her flat belly bulge in the most fascinating way, Rickard couldn’t help but gasp as he stared up at the ceiling and roughly squeezed Mystra’s plump buttocks. She cried out in pleasure and laid her hands on his skinny chest in response, her nails scratching at his skin while his iron-hard pole battered against her cervix.

‘Ungh,’ Rickard groaned as he arced his hips. ‘Going…to…cum!’ he growled through clenched teeth.

‘Try…to hold on!’ Mystra responded, sweat streaming down her face before her lips formed into a dopey little smile.

‘Not a chance!’ Rickard said sharply, annoyed that he wasn’t “allowed” to cum after lying in bed for days, his balls packed with spunk. ‘You don’t have your little string this time!’ he whispered in her ear, before nibbling at the pointed tip.

‘Oh Goddess, here it comes!’ she shrieked before pushing herself up.

As soon as she had finished her sentence, the goblin girl came. Her shriek was loud, surely loud enough to wake everyone in the inn, and her whole body trembled as she showered Rickard’s stomach with the clear ejaculate that squirted from her quaking cunny.

But that wasn’t all.

Mystra mumbled something after she stopped screaming, and the hands that she had laid on Rickard’s chest glowed with a purple-pinkish light. The scratches she made on his skin started to close, and some of the pains and aches in his joints and muscles started to fade…but he felt hornier than ever.

The goblin’s hot, tight pussy set off Rickard’s climax as it squeezed around his member, making him groan loudly as his orange-sized, cum-packed nuts clenched and started to unload his hot, creamy gunk into Mystra’s climaxing cunny and straight into her womb.

Mystra gasped in a mixture of surprise and lust as she felt her womb swell with the human’s epic cumload, and when his cock finally stopped spewing jizz she looked as if she was 4 months pregnant.

‘Damn, pent-up much?’ the goblin asked, cocking an eyebrow.

‘Not anymore.’ Rickard responded with a sly smile.

‘Then why is your cock still hard?’ Mystra asked before she started to gently rock her body.

‘All right,’ Rickard groaned. ‘Maybe I still got some more in me,’ he admitted. ‘But I just feel so much better than I did before we started this…and oddly enough, a lot hornier too…’

‘One of the side-effects of healing with Lady Hyasint’s power,’ Mystra explained. ‘It’s not that bad, really.’ she said with a shrug, before she started to work her hips once again, rising and falling on Rickard’s massive member.

He moaned softly as she slowly started to fuck him again, his hands still on her rump he made sure to give her buttocks a good squeeze, enjoying how his fingers sank into the soft green flesh…then he slapped one of her shapely buttcheeks, hard.

But if it hurt, or put off, Mystra in any way she didn’t show it.

No, instead she seemed to increase her pace, which forced a lot of spunk out of her cunt to coat Rickard’s belly while the lubrication of the ball-batter still in her tight, pink tunnel only made it easier for her to deal with his size. Soon she was slamming down on his cock with the same speed and passion as before, moaning and screaming in Rickard’s ear each time his cockhead slammed against her cervix.

Finally, his cock slammed past her cervix and into her womb, causing the high-priestess’ shriek to get caught into her throat while her eyes rolled back. She had stopped moving, and Rickard’s would have been worried that something was wrong if it wasn’t for the way how she smiled while her tongue lolled from her mouth. So he continued to hammer his cock into Mystra’s womb while her pussy twitched and squirted around his cock, causing her whole body to suddenly twitch and shake.

‘By Hyasint, what a rush…’ the goblin croaked softly, sweeping bank her inky black hair to get it out of her face

‘We’re not done yet…’ Rickard said through clenched teeth.

‘Oooooh, if you’re going to cum do it in my mouth this time…’ Mystra said with glee before slipping of his cock.

Rickard’s member left the goblin’s tight, cum-packed cunt with a loud, wet sucking sound and was covered with strings of thick, slimy cum and clear femcum. But it was quickly cleaned by the hungry green girl as she ran her tongue over his cum-stained member, loudly lapping up the mixture of Rickard’s jizz and her own girlcum.

And as soon as she finished, Rickard’s balls clenched strongly. Signalling that he was about to cum, and Mystra quickly slipped his pulsing bell-end into her warm, hungry gob.

With a groan from Rickard, thick, lumpy jizz rocketed from his cum-slit and straight down the goblin’s gullet. She had to swallow his fat nut-butter quickly, or she would drown in it (though Mystra would probably brag about it in the afterlife). But despite her heroic effort, ropes of spunk still shot from her nose and escaped the corners of her mouth.

‘Mmm…Delicious!’ she moaned after taking Rickard’s cock from her mouth. ‘I haven’t eaten all day, and that really hit the spot.’ she added, as she patted her slightly swollen tummy.

Rickard chuckled as he looked at her, tendrils of cum clung to her chin, her plump, once black lips were now white and caked with cum and her inky black hair clung to her face.

‘Now,’ Mystra said, eyeing Rickard’s still stiff prick. ‘I think we should-’

But she was cut off by someone storming into the room…
‘What do you think you’re doing! He needs his rest!’ yelled the shapely form of Ciara.

‘He looks healthy enough to me…’ Mystra shot back with a naughty smile, fondling Rickard’s cock.

Ciara stared at his huge, throbbing member and blushed, looking away.

‘Rickard, by the gods cover yourself!’ she hissed.

Embarrassed he did as she asked of him and scrambled to pick up the blankets, but Mystra casually kicked them away.

‘Why should he, you didn’t seem to mind looking at it before.’

‘Wh-what do you mean?’ Ciara stammered.

‘I’m pretty sure I saw a shadowy figure peeking at us through the cracked door,’ Mystra said, her smile broadening. ‘But I’m sure that wasn’t you, now was it?’

‘I-’ Ciara stammered, before rushing out of the room.

‘She needs to have that stick up her ass replaced with a nice, hard cock…’ Mystra murmured as she watched the priestess go. ‘This one would do, I think.’ she added, while rubbing Rickard’s cockhead against her cheek.

‘Yeah…most women aren’t all that crazy about vaginal sex when it comes to sex with me,’ Rickard said drily. ‘So I doubt anal will be an option.’

‘Was that a challenge?’


‘Are you, challenging me, to stuff this beast up my butt?’ Mystra asked.

‘Eh…’ was Rickard’s eloquent reply.

* * * *

Kess stood in front of the old temple of Wetwoods, despite not having slept in days she was awake and alert and watching out for any trouble. In the last few days the succubus kept inside the circle made by the priestess Ciara had tried to seduce her into letting her go, and when that didn’t work she resorted to shouting insults at her.

But now, she was quiet.

Someone approached the temple, and Kess stepped forward. She was about to ask what the person wanted, but recognized the figure as Ciara and instead stepped aside.

‘What are you doing here at this hour?’ she asked.

Ciara flushed and looked away. ‘I, uh, need to check the circles for any faults.’ she replied, while nervously licking her lips.

‘She has been awfully quiet,’ Kess said, thinking aloud. ‘Could be she found something…’

Well then, it’s a good thing I came, right?’ the priestess said with a nervous smile before she went past Kess and stepped into the destroyed temple.

It had clearly been the succubus’ lair for quite some time. Splintered benches laid spread around the floor, and several holy books were ripped apart or burned. The she-devil had even had the gall to defile the simple wooden figure of Hoten that was placed upon an altar at the far side of the temple.

‘You know, if you’re sexually frustrated. You probably shouldn’t come to a succubus,’ the purple skinned beauty standing in the centre of the temple said, a ring of light surrounding her. ‘Not that I don’t…appreciate you visiting me.’ she added with a throaty voice, while stroking one of her humongous breasts.

‘Wha-’ Ciara stammered.

‘No use denying it, sweetie,’ the succubus continued. ‘I’m a creature of lust, I can smell it on you. You need sex. You want it.’ she purred.

Ciara felt her body growing hot as she remembered peeking in on Rickard and that goblin, she couldn’t understand how such a small creature could take a man’s…penis so large. She remembered feeling aroused, and even a little jealous. But to the succubus she yelled:

‘Shut up!’ and channelled her powers in the circle, making a powerful shock course through the demon’s body.

The succubus shrieked first, and then moaned.
‘Oh my, I had no idea you were into the rough stuff! You’re pretty kinky for a priestess of Hoten.’ she said mockingly.

It was going to be a long night for Ciara…

* * * *

‘Uuungh, o-oh goddess!’ Mystra shrieked.

She was clinging to the headboard while Rickard was behind her, trying to shove his cock up her ass as she wanted. But even with all the lubrication they had used, from Mystra’s saliva to some sort of ointment one of her goblin companions had brought, Rickard had only managed to put little more than the crown of his cock up her ass.

Yet every time he asked her if she wanted him to pull out, she refused and tried to allow more of his monstercock. And now her anus was stretched widely around Rickard’s girthy prick, and with short rapid thrusts of his hips he tried to push in more.

‘Come on…’ the goblin high-priestess groaned through clenched teeth. ‘You can be a little rough.’

‘Look, I don’t want to hurt you.’ he said with a sigh, his hands on her broad hips.

‘Well aren’t you sweet,’ Mystra said drily. ‘But I tried to kill you, remember?’

That seemed to get a rise out of him, and Mystra howled in a mixture of pain and pleasure as Rickard forcefully slammed his hips forward, ramming a couple more of his thick inches into her bowels. Femcum streamed from the goblin’s twitching cunny as she felt the piece of meat throbbing against the wall of her stretched anal tunnel.

‘Oh my…’ she said, her voice hoarse. ‘I think you just turned me into a buttslut.’

‘Why am I not surprised…’ Rickard responded drily, while he groaned at the sight of the goblin’s anus stretching around the girth of his member.

But before he allowed Mystra to come up with a clever remark, Rickard slammed his hips forward again.

‘Unnngh!’ the goblin groaned as another inch was hammered into her bowels. ‘You’re a bastard, you know that?’ Mystra murmured sweetly as she looked over her shoulder at him.

‘So I’ve been told…’ Rickard groaned as the goblin’s hot anal passage clenched and unclenched around his sensitive pole, trying to milk his balls.

He had managed to stuff the first 8 inches of his cock in the goblin’s tight, warm ass so far, but they had been going at it for hours…and Rickard didn’t know how much longer he could last inside Mystra’s tight little ass. So instead of trying to ram more of his monstrous member past her balloon knot asshole, he began fucking her with the 8 inches already inside her with short, rapid thrusts.

The goblin clearly wasn’t opposed to this as her soaked little snatch started to dribble femcum all over the sheets of the bed when the monstrous started to hammer into her bowels, stretching her ass wide. And as the small climax coursed through her body, Mystra growled something in the rough sounding goblin language again, but this time the purple-pinkish glow surrounded her ass…

Before Rickard could question what was going on, Mystra’s big emerald rump and broad hips plumed up a bit before his eyes. And as he slammed his hips forward, nearly 8 more inches than before sank into the high-priestess’ shapely rear, making her scream in a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

‘What…what just happened.’ Rickard stammered as he groaned at the sensation of having 16 fat, vein-ridged inches of hard cockmeat buried within the hot, tight ass of a small, shapely goblin.

‘Oh goddess,’ Mystra gasped as she pushed her hand against her belly, the bump that Rickard’s cockhead made being painfully obvious. ‘It was just a little spell created by my teacher, to have a little fun with big boys like you,’ she explained with a shaky smile, her juices loudly dripping on the bed. ‘I don’t like using it a lot though, as it makes my hips and ass so damn big…’

‘Please explain to me how that’s bad again?’ Rickard asked as he sunk his hands into the abundant emerald assflesh.

‘Just shut up and fuck me.’ Mystra growled, before placing her hand on the headboard again.

It was a command Rickard happily followed, so he slowly drew his hips back until only his cockhead remained in the goblin’s anal tunnel…and slammed his hips forward. Mystra shrieked as 16 inches of Rickard’s monstercock were slammed into her bowels, and showered the bed with her clear ejaculate…but Rickard simply did it again…a little faster each time.

Soon enough the goblin was moaning and shrieking loud enough that Rickard was certain that a group of goblins would burst in and skewer him! That was if he didn’t drown first…His hips had turned into a blur as he hammered his member into the high-priestess’ tight, twitching bowels, and droplets of femcum were almost continuously dribbling from her aroused slit to soil the bed.

‘G-Go-Goddess…! I-I ca-can’t t-take much more of this!’ Mystra shrieked in a shaky voice, her eyes rolling up in her head.

‘Don’t worry,’ Rickard grumbled. ‘I’m nearly there.’

Despite those reassuring words he continued to ruthlessly pump his hips, slamming his cock into the green slut’s tight ass while his big, low-hanging balls smacked against her drooling cunny every time he plunged his cock into her. Mystra’s screams had stopped, and instead she clenched her teeth as strings of drool clung escaped from the corners of her mouth.

But despite his lust and joy of being able to cram his monstrous member nearly entirely into the goblin’s ass, Rickard wasn’t able to last much longer.

‘Cumming!’ he growled as his balls clenched.

Mystra managed to find her voice one last time to release a soft whimper as Rickard’s huge cock spewed its load of thick, hot, creamy spunk in her bowels, before slumping forward. As he unloaded his cum in the goblin’s tight anal passage, Rickard watched with fascination how her flat belly started to expand once again.

‘I’m starting to wonder if my new found virility is a problem…’ Rickard mused as he eyed Mystra’s swelling belly.

When his balls had finally been emptied, again, Rickard pulled back. A loud, wet schlooorrp! resounded through the small room as his softening prick was removed from the goblin’s ass. Some of his spunk back flowed from Mystra’s now gaping anus, but as if by reflex she tightened the ring of muscles, refusing to let any more of his creamy load escape.

‘So, what now? Had enough?’ Rickard asked cockily, desperately hoping that she didn’t see how tired he was.

He was answered by a loud, un-ladylike snore from the goblin.

‘Ah, well…yes I thought so.’ he mumbled in response, throwing his blankets over her sleeping form.

Not wanting to wake her, or sleep in the mess they made on the bed, Rickard swung his legs over the side and tried walking over to Kess’ bed, she wasn’t using it after all…only to find out that Mystra’s healing powers hadn’t completely fixed him, and that the boost of energy he had received had ran its course.

‘Oh crap!’ he uttered, before falling flat on his face again.

Rickard nearly cried out in agony when the pain in his muscles and joints returned, his hips seemed to hurt especially strong. He groaned in pain as he dragged himself to Kess’ bed, and crawled into it, falling asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow… 

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