Thursday 22 November 2018

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 1: Catching the Sorga.

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 1: Catching the Sorga.
My first story set in a more Sci-Fi universe and the birth of Nex Starshine, the shortstack jack-of-all-trades. In this chapter, she hunts for, and captures, and alien beast with two dongs. So if that is not your thing, leave now!
Contains: Alien girl, shortstack, tentacles, clothing damage, beastiality, big cock, dual cock, big breasts, excessive cum.

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 1: Catching the Sorga.
The sound of a holo-phone going off echoed through the hotel room of the space station Floating Eden currently occupied by Nex Starshine. The short blue alien babe belonging to the all-female Xyli race lying between the strong bodies of two human males, with some reluctance the Xyli opened her large, oval-shaped and slightly slanted eyes and crawled from between the two hard bodies to fetch the phone that she had squirrelled away in the skimpy number she had chosen to wear the day before to hunt for some men. A Grewd released a snore that shook the room as the space babe’s dainty foot patted down a few inches from his face, and with some muttering in his sleep he turned his short, musclebound body over and scratched at a small crystal formation growing on his ass.
‘Looks like I still got it.’ Nex whispered to herself as she had to manoeuvre past several more sleeping bodies of men, women and those with multiple genders of several species. Apparently she had had a fun and, if the state of herself and the room were any indication, messy night. Still, she couldn’t let a prospective client wait for her to get cleaned up, so she snatched the little round device from her top, which one of her partners had somehow managed to plaster to the wall, and pressed the little green button on its side to answer.
‘Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades speaking,’ Nex introduced herself to the person whose face appeared in the holographic image, he reminded her of an Earth shark. So he had to be a Ahin, those guys were dangerous to mess with. Not only were they strong as hell and have teeth that go through almost anything, they made for some excellent lawyers. Still, Nex continued her introduction as professionally as a person could when her tits were plastered with the jizz of at least nine different species. ‘I do anything from Bounty hunting to Babysitting, and what can I help you with today, sir?’
The Ahin’s green-tinged face began speaking something in his own rough language, and Nex quickly had to motion for him to stop. ‘I’m sorry sir, my holo-phone is an older model it does not have an in-built translator, please speak the Earth tongue we use for trade,’ the Ahin nodded and began speaking Chinese, causing Nex to cut him off again. ‘N-no, the other one, sir.’ She stammered nervously.
‘My apologies Miss Starshine,’ the Ahin said with a voice that sounded like he regularly gurgled shards of glass and gravel soaked with whiskey. ‘My name Manorro Reef and I am a collector of alien species. My sources tell me you are an expert on catching and delivering rare animals?’
‘Yes sir, I am.’ Nex answered enthusiastically. She had caught alien beasts in the past, sometimes because some city’s zoo was lacking something, and sometimes because people have certain needs that couldn’t be fulfilled otherwise. Not that Nex was one to judge.

‘Very good,’ Manorro replied with a grin that showed of a mouth filled with dagger-like teeth. ‘There is a certain creature, a rare creature, that I want. But it is on a planet that has a reputation for being quite nasty, most prominent Alien Hunters have already denied my request,’ he explained with an angry glare. ‘The planet I’m talking about is Charon 4, as the humans call it. Are you still interested?’
Nex was silent for a while, Charon 4 was a dangerous planet with flora and fauna that did some nasty things to people that tried to trespass on their home. As some human colonists had found out in the past. Still, Nex needed the money. ‘Depends, what’s the pay?’ she asked with a curious smile.
‘2000 credits, plus I will pay for any and all travel expenses including any docking fees you may have already accumulated,’ Manorro replied. ‘But, you will have to come and deliver the creature to me personally.’
‘I’m on the case!’ Nex replied, she had ramped up quite the docking fee over the last few weeks and couldn’t exactly be picky.
‘Excellent,’ the Ahin replied. ‘I will send you the coordinates to Charon 4, as well as a data-file on the creature you are hunting for me. Once you have it, contact me again and I will send you the coordinates to my residence. I sincerely hope you do not disappoint me, Miss Starshine.’ And with that, the call ended.
‘I’ve heard nicer ways of people telling me not to die, but who cares! Grumpy will pay off my docking fees and I get to go on an adventure!’ Nex said cheerfully. ‘I should probably get cleaned up first though…’ She added as she put her holo-phone on a nearby nightstand and snuck into the bathroom.
‘Ah what a mess I am.’ Nex giggled as she observed her face in the bathroom mirror, her eyes were completely black except for two, deep pink irises that were currently looking at her messy state.  Ropes of jizz hung from the small blue feelers sticking out of her forehead and her shoulder-length white hair was plastered to her face while colourful cum was dripping from the corners of her plump black lips.
With one last look in the mirror the Xyli hopped into the shower and turned the knobs. A moment later her 4 foot frame got bombarded with hot streamers of scented water and Nex went about cleaning herself, the blue alien babe might’ve been short but there was a whole lot of woman to clean. Round, heavy breasts bigger than Nex’s head hung from her chest and obscured much of her slim waist, but her flat stomach and deep navel were still visible. With soft moans of pleasure the Xyli cleaned the wads of semen that had dried between and underneath her breasts, and couldn’t help but give the dark blue globes a little squeeze before reluctantly moving her hands down her waist and towards her wide, flaring hips before she went about cleaning the lumps of cum clinging to her bountiful butt and the insides of her thighs. Next her fingers found her plump, ready snatch…this took a little longer to clean.
* * * *

After her shower and saying goodbye to the people she had spent the night with, and her second shower, Nex managed to open up her closet and got her things. First she stuck her holo-phone into a slot of her bulky wristpad and got the data Manorro had sent her, including his number, netcom address and some bank info, no coordinates yet though. Still, she could use those to pay off some of her bills, but first she had to read up on her prey so she opened the document the Ahin had sent her with the use of wristpad’s touchscreen. At the top of the document she read the word: Sorga.
She read the snippets of info, and looked at some of the pictures. Most were too vague to make out, but Nex got a general idea of what it looked like. It seemed to have six legs, with four large, muscular looking legs near its hindquarters and two slender legs with wicked looking claws closer to its head, which looked like a blend of a reptile and wolf. But Nex wasn’t certain. Still, this looked like an interesting case, and Nex couldn’t wait to get started! The Xyli sent the coordinates to her ship’s computer, and put Mannoro Reef’s bank information on her credit stick.
With that out of the way she put on her excuse for a spacesuit, a silver coloured cat suit that covered every inch of her body, but was so tight that it moulded itself perfectly around her expansive curves, and as a bonus she had it opened down to about her belly button, revealing a lot of glorious blue cleavage, while the rest of her suit had been sealed shut with the help of magnetized tracks. With a chuckle she slung a slender belt over her hips, on it hung her trusty raygun Starstunner along with several pouches in which she kept her credstick, holo-phone and other goodies. The rest of her things Nex put in a backpack which she slung over her back before leaving the room.
As she left the room and walked down the lobby Nex got a few looks, from men and women alike, and she wasn’t afraid to flaunt what she had. With an impish grin on her lips she swayed her hips as widely as she could and puffed out her prodigious chest as she walked, before she reached the reception desk she had made two men trip over their own feet, one woman walk into an open door and one alien that looked to be of a shape shifting race trying to turn into multiple people at once. It was good to know she hadn’t lost her touch yet.
‘Will you be settling your room’s bill today, Miss Starshine?’ the lady behind the reception desk said, she was a tall Sirian woman with deep red skin and a set of serious orange eyes that peered down over her glasses at the short Xyli.
‘Any all expenses will be paid by Manorro Reef.’ Nex said triumphantly as she fetched her credstick from one of the pouches on her belt.
The Sirian grabbed the credstick and stuck it in the slot on the holo-screen of her computer and ticked in some numbers. Nex saw the head of the Ahin appearing along with some numbers and letters -but in reverse- and a few moments later the woman behind the desk nodded and handed the Xyli her credstick back. ‘Everything seems to be in order,’ she nodded. ‘And thank you for your stay in the Crimson Dome, we hope to see you again Miss Starshine.’ The receptionist said, and Nex was certain that she had to fight the urge to add. ‘If you have money, anyway.’
‘Hopefully you’ll be able to join the fun next time, grumpy.’ Nex replied with a wink, and she walked away. But not before seeing the red-skinned woman’s face getting even redder, whether it was in anger or embarrassment Nex didn’t know, and she didn’t really care either as she stepped out of the Crimson Dome and into the space station Floating Eden. If Nex didn’t know any better she would have thought she was on an actual planet, and not a floating hunk of steel in outer space.
On top of the high, huge domed ceiling a blue sky was projected with a large, bright light in the centre that was supposed to resemble a sun. Floating Eden was one of the first space stations built by both humans and aliens and had been constantly expanding and improved upon over the years and was currently packed full with slender paths paved with gleaming black metal plates, tall buildings, as well as glowing blue tracks built high and close to the ceiling to act as roads for several hover cars, while supply wagons and rail cars holding visitors and tourists noisily passed by Nex on old railways built all over the station. There was even plant and animal life! The station was also one of Nex’s favourite hide-outs as it was seen as a truce zone, no gangsters or militaries dared to touch it, which suited someone like Nex just fine. She had stirred up trouble with and for nearly every faction.
As she walked through through Floating Eden Nex did her best to ignore all the shops she passed when she stepped out of an elevator bringing her down deeper into the station, or entered one of the rail cars to go to the docks , she had her doubts that Manorro would count a pair of new boots as “travel expenses”, but when she finally arrived at her destination and stepped out of the rail car, a huge form stepped in her way. ‘Ah…Miss Starshine, finally here to pay your docking fees I presume?’
‘Hey Lorus,’ Nex said by way of greeting to the huge, four-armed dockhand. ‘I have Manorro Reef to pay of my docking fees and fuel costs.’ She said, handing him her credstick.
Lorus pulled a thick, circular object from his overalls, a newer model of holo-phone, and snatched the credstick from the Xyli’s fingers. He stuck it in a slot, brought some holographic keyboard into existence, and went to work. Like the receptionist from the Crimson Dome he tapped away and was quiet for a second, before cocking his head and pulling the credstick from the slot of his phone and handed it back to Nex with a snort.
‘Everything seems to check out,’ he grumbled. ‘Now get that abomination of a ship out of here.’
‘Oh don’t take it out on my ship just because I’m not paying you the usual way.’ Nex shouted after Lorus as he walked away from her and entered the docking bay, he ignored her of course.

With a chuckle Nex followed him into the metallic depths in which ships were docked, the trip was silent except for Lorus who was grumbling to himself in an alien language the Xyli didn’t understand. Eventually they stopped in front of a large set of metallic doors and they stopped walking, Lorus tapped in some numbers on a number pad on the wall, and a moment later the large doors hissed open to show a humongous hanger with ships of several shapes and sizes parked within. Through a transparent plasma shield Nex could see the inky blackness of space, as well as the vague glow of one of the universe’s many warp gates.
‘Well, what are you waiting for? A kiss goodbye?’ Lorus grumbled, shaking Nex from her muses.
‘Oh don’t act like you won’t miss me,’ Nex teased while sticking out her tongue. ‘But don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.’ And with that she turned around and walked towards her ship, while making sure to wiggle her hips for Lorus’ benefit.
With that she approached her Xyli-made ship, a blend between a medium-sized cruiser and cargo ship and shaped like a large, human-shaped silver penis. It had been an older model, and was a lot faster than your average cargo ship but the shape of it made a lot of its pilots uncomfortable, not Nyx though. She had even lovingly named it the Silver Shafter which was painted in hot pink letters along the sides with a lovely pin-up of herself sitting on a smaller version of her ship on the cargo hold, which naturally looked like two large testicles. With one last look at Lorus she opened the cargo hold and stepped inside.
Closing the hold behind her Nex entered her quarters, which was a bit larger than on most ships, but with the company the Xylia occasionally brought along this was a necessity. Nex stored her backpack in one of the many storage compartments in her room and went on to the cockpit were she turned on the ship’s computer, and parked her rear in the pilot’s seat before starting her pre-flight check. Just as she finished the check-up a voice crackled over her speaker, Lorus had one hell of a timing.
Silver Shafter, come in Silver Shafter. Are you ready to set off?’ Lorus asked, and Nex could practically hear a part of the man dying as he uttered the name of her ship.
‘As ready as I’ll ever be Floating Eden, I’ll be warming up my engines so please start the countdown.’ Nex replied as she started the massive thrusters underneath the cargo hold.
‘Roger, ten…nine…eight..’
Nex waited patiently as Lorus started his countdown and watched the plasma shield carefully as her ship began to float in the hanger. When Lorus’ voice crackled over the speaker and said ‘…zero, you are ready for take-off.’ The shield fell and the Silver Shafter flew into space. As she left Floating Eden the Xyli set her course to Charon 4 with the coordinates she had sent to her ship’s computer before, and flew into the nearby warp gate.
‘Well, I got a few hours to kill before reaching the closest warp gate to Charon 4,’ Nex mused as multiple colour flashed past the windows. ‘What to do, what to do?’ she wondered aloud, and her mind drifted to her favourite vibrator. With a grin she got up from the pilot seat and retreated to her room.

* * * *

When the computer gave the warning that they would be leaving the warp gate soon, Nex grumbled loudly as she slid the humming, foot-long vibrator out of her gushing, twitching slit and got out of soft bed. She didn’t want to bother putting her clothes back on until she actually reached Charon 4, so her blue curves were out for all to see. Not that anyone could actually see her through the flashing colours of the gate, but the thought sent a naughty tingle down the blue babe’s spine. When she reached the cockpit again Nex plopped her bare, blue rear down in the pilot’s seat just in time as the Silver Shafter shot out of the warp gate and back into the inky blackness of space.
The Xyli took her ship off of auto-pilot, and set off for Charon 4 on her own. Apparently the actual warp gate of that planet had been shut down after some human colonist had found the planet uninhabitable. Dangerous wildlife, huge carnivorous plants that acted much like the Venus Flytrap, or those that would release spores that would either paralyze you or act as an aphrodisiac. It certainly wasn’t the most fun planet you’d ever visit, but Nex needed her creds so she put her ship through its paces and flashed by several smaller planets and moons before the huge, green orb came into view. Looking down with its blue sky and a large landmass close to the equator it looked fairly close to the planet Earth, but as most colonist had found out the hard way it wasn’t so…
With a sigh Nex flew her ship down, closest to where the Sorga was last spotted according to the data-file Manorro had sent her. Unfortunately, most of the planet was covered in a dense jungle, so Nex had to fly around until she found an old camp where colonist had tried to settle in the past, luckily it wasn’t completely overgrown yet and she set down the Silver Shafter safely before she did a quick scan of the planet. While the ship’s computer scanned the planet, Nex left the pilot’s seat and gathered her clothing and gear. Once the scan was complete she grabbed her holo-phone and opened the cargo bay doors before stepping outside, she immediately regretted her choice of attire. Her silver jumpsuit combined with the heat and humid air made it feel as if she was being cooked, but she didn’t want to risk wearing something skimpy and getting stung by some crazy insect, with a groan of discomfort she used her wristpad to access the controls of her suit in an attempt to cool down. In response a cooling agent was pumped through sets of miniature tubings worked into the Xyli’s suit, invisible to the naked eye. It didn’t get rid of all the heat like the more modern suits, but it would have to do. So with a satisfied sigh Nex pressed on and disappeared into the jungle, while she occasionally checked the holographic map of Charon 4 that she had uploaded to her holo-phone. Luckily it wasn’t that outdated.

A bright white dot on the holographic map showed where the Sorga was last spotted, and what was hopefully its territory. With one hand the short Xyli held her phone, and with the other she pushed leaves as large as her forearm out of the way while doing her best not to trip over roots as thick as her leg. Occasionally Nex stopped when she heard a strange noise or something scuttling around behind her, which made her free hand snap to the raygun at her hip. Once the sound passed, the Xyli continued walking through the overgrown jungle.
‘I hate going to uncivilized planets like this,’ Nex grumbled. But then stopped short when she saw a huge tree covered in bumps that looked suspiciously like the breasts of a human woman. A slender, cat-like creature covered in red needles approached one of the nipple like protrusions and started drinking from it. As Nex watched it curiously she noticed something between his hind legs, and it was definitely a he, growing bigger and bigger. ‘But I guess it this planet isn’t all bad.’ She mused as she continued her trek through the jungle, but not before making a note of the tree. She could use some of its “milk” when she had company over.
With that idea firmly planted in her head, Nex didn’t pay attention as she stepped over another root, because this one was moving! The Xyli shrieked as the root wrapped itself around her ankle and dragged her over the jungle floor. Nex barely managed to hold on to her holo-phone as she was pulled in the air. ‘My oh my, it has been quite some time since we had visitors.’ A feminine voice said in a smooth, sticky voice. Nex saw the owner of the voice upside down and looked in confusion, was she some form of intelligent plant-life? Or one of the original inhabitants of Charon 4.
Sticking out of the bark one of the largest trees Nex had ever seen was a humanoid woman with luminous green skin who had pink petals growing from her head and falling to nearly her waist. Her lower body was still encased within the tree however, not that it mattered much seeing as the Xyli’s eyes were glued to a humongous pair of breasts hanging from the creatures chest with a plump pair of nipples from which a sticky, sweet-smelling resin dripped. The strange woman smiled, and the bark around her widened a bit to allow several thick tentacles to push themselves past her.
‘Ever since the humans left it has been so boring,’ she pouted with rose red lips. ‘But now that you’re here, I can have some fun again!’ she giggled.
Before Nex could protest, one of the vines wormed itself past her plump black lips and into her opened mouth, it seemed to be coated in the same sweet-smelling resin as that which dripped from the strange woman’s nipples, and as soon as the taste of it hit Nex’s tongue her mind went blank and she stopped struggling. The holo-phone fell from Nex slack hands while one of the thick vines pushed itself deeper down her throat, showing an obscene, tube-like bulge as it explored her throat. Its brothers meanwhile decided to shred the Xyli’s suit to get some fun of their own, and a moment later the space babe’s humongous blue boobs popped in the open, shiny with sweat.
‘So nice and soft…’ the strange woman purred as she squeezed one of her own breasts, which caused several strings of sticky resin to squirt from her nipple while four of her vines wrapped around the space babe’s wrists and ankles to hold her aloft.
As the woman in the tree pleasured herself by squeezing her breasts overflowing with resin, her vines squirmed over Nex’s body. Two managed to entertain themselves by wrapping around the short Xyli’s massive boobs and squeezed them softly, but the last one wrapped itself around Nex’s legs and slowly slithered over her plump thighs towards its goal, Nex’s plump, blue slit which was now positively streaming girlcum thanks to whatever the first vine had pumped in her mouth. When the head of the vine creeping up her thigh pressed against her twitching labia, Nex’s mind became clear once again, and with great effort the Xyli fought the tentacle holding her wrist as she lowered her hand towards the holster of her raygun.
‘What are you doing?’ the strange woman coming out of the bark asked as she watched Nex struggle. As a response the Xyli pulled her raygun out of her holster, and opened fire on the strange woman. She shrieked in pain and the vines abruptly released Nex’s body. She hadn’t thought this through completely, and a moment later the curvy blue alien fell out of the air. ‘You big meanie!’ Nex heard the strange creature yell before she sank back in the tree.
‘Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!’ Nex cursed as she came closer and closer to the ground, there was a patch of vibrant white flowers with a pale yellow fruit that looked vaguely like melons right underneath her. ‘Let’s hope those break my fall!’ Nex squeaked and closed her eyes. A moment later a wet splat was heard, and Nex opened her eyes. She had barely felt anything, the strange fruits had been very soft and now she was covered in a sticky amber goop.
With a relief sigh she stood up on shaky legs, and was about to walk back to her ship to cancel the contract. She had no phone, and had not uploaded to map to her wristpad, so she didn’t know the way, and on top of that her suit was shredded which made her sweat like crazy and loved her exposed to all sorts of nasty stuff. But when she saw a strange, green globe projected from the ground a few feet away from her. It was her holo-phone! The thing might’ve been old, but it was a lot tougher than most of the newer models, it seemed. So with a triumphant laugh Nex snatched up her holo-phone, but this was short lived as she heard the rustling of many feet behind her. As she looked behind her, the Xyli’s heart sank.
Behind her stood something that wasn’t quite a spider, but not really an insect either. Nex looked at a creature with a brightly coloured slender yellow body and a large round head from which a thin, slender elephant-like trunk protruded and supporting it were ten long, slender limbs. The creature briefly looked at the squashed fruit, and then to Nex a few feet in front of it before releasing a loud, high-pitched whistling shriek. Nex eyes widened in confusion, which grew even wider as the creature’s body ballooned out and it spat a foul-smelling bright green liquid out of its trunk and towards Nex. The Xyli managed to dodge it, only to watch it land on a nearby tree were it ate through the wood, while any plant-life close by blackened.
‘Let me guess,’ Nex said in an annoyed tone of voice. ‘These are your kids clinging to my tits?’
In response the creature released another angry, whistling shriek and its body began to balloon out again. Nex didn’t want to risk getting melted into a puddle, and fired her raygun before sprinting further into the jungle. Her first two shots missed horrifically and merely left a few smoking black holes in the tree behind the monstrosity, but her third shot put a nasty hole in the creatures side, causing it to drip acid all over its own legs. The thing shrieked in pain and hobbled after Nex with two damaged legs, but it didn’t seem to slow it down at all.
‘I…just…can’t…catch a break!’ Nex lamented between breaths of air as she sprinted between trees and plants to try and shake the creature that was running behind her. It didn’t have much of an effect as it easily climbed on top of the trees with its agile limbs. So Nex resorted to firing wildly behind her, she didn’t have much luck with that either.
Since the Xyli desperately wanted to stay alive, and the creature behind her really wanted to kill her, both missed the wicked claw marks along the trees they passed, and Nex didn’t even notice the fact that she was very close to the bright white dot on her holographic map. Once she stumbled into a clearing however, a loud, deep roar that made every instinct in the Xyli’s body scream that she needed to flee, it became clear that she had stepped into the Sorga’s territory. Even the bright yellow thing that had followed her decided that the little blue alien wasn’t worth it and began backing off, unfortunately a flash of grey scales and black claws put an end to it before it could escape.
‘Well…guess I found the Sorga.’ Nex said to herself after an audible gulp sounded through the clearing and two sets of glowing yellow eyes looked in her direction.

Slowly and menacingly the creature approached her and Nex lifted her arm and fired her raygun, too afraid to think about turning it on “stun” first. Her finger pressed the trigger…but nothing shot out of it. The plasma cell inserted within the weapon had ran dry! Luckily, she still had a fresh one in one of the pouches on her belt which was, miraculously, still around her waist. Unfortunately, the Sorga didn’t seem to want to wait for that to happen as slowly stepped out of the shade and into the open, revealing a body covered in iron grey scales that stood a nearly two feet taller than Nex even when standing on all six legs. A mane of dark green hair went grew from its head and went to the base of its tail, it seemed to be the only hair on his powerful body. While the Xyli was struggling with grabbing her power cell, the Sorga simply bumped into her and knocked her on her curvy bottom.
Now at the beast’s mercy Nex was too terrified to even move and simply closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable as the Sorga moved his scale covered, vaguely canine muzzle closer to her. Instead of eating her though like she was afraid would happen, the beast sniffed her before sticking out his long, slender tongue and lapping her sticky breasts. Apparently he liked the taste, because after releasing a surprised snort he began licking her boobs more excitedly. Still affected by the resin of the strange tree-lady Nex’s breasts were quite sensitive and she released a little squeak every time the Sorga’s tongue passed over the sensitive blue nubs.
‘Wo-woah! E-easy there boy.’ Nex half giggled, half moaned as the Sorga continued to noisily lick her tits, but she was too afraid to push his large head away.
Only when the sticky mixture of the resin that had been clinging to the vines slithering over her boobs only moments ago, as well as the eggs she had fallen into, were gone did the Sorga stop and released a plaintive whine that didn’t fit such a mighty creature. Apparently he had a sweet tooth, who knew? And it was definitely a male Sorga as Nex noticed a large member pushing itself out of  a hidden sheath between his hind legs. It didn’t look canine or reptilian, more something that you would see on a large horse! The thing was nearly as long as Nex’s leg and about as thick as her forearm. To make matters worse…there were two of them.
‘Oh boy, you got a hit of that resin too didn’t you?’ the Sorga only released a whine in response. ‘Well, those damn tentacles didn’t manage to get me off and you worked wonders with your tongue just then. So what do you say to helping each other out?’ the Sorga quizzically cocked his head at the smaller creature. ‘Just come with me after the deed is done, and don’t tell anyone about this either, you big brute.’ She added with a grumble. As a reply the creature released something that sounded vaguely like a bark.
‘Then we have a deal,’ Nex said with a nod as she slowly pushed herself to her feet. ‘But you are much too tall for me, so we have to find a way to go about this,’ Nex muttered to herself as she looked around. She spotted a large, fallen over tree trunk and grinned. ‘That’ll do it,’ She said to herself as she slowly walked over to it and pressed herself against the trunk, hissing as the bark scraped against her sensitive bust. ‘Come and get it!’ she said in a sing song voice as she wiggled her butt as best as she could in her current position.
The Sorga wasn’t about to pass up and invitation like that and happily trotted over to Nex and a moment later she felt the big beast’s duo of cocks slapping onto her back, they were heavy and oh so hot, just having them rest on her back like that made her cunny dribble juices even faster. A moment later two of his hind legs rested near her body on either side, while the other two remained behind him. Meanwhile his forelegs were placed in front of the log and his head nervously peered into the jungle while it breathed heavily, apparently making sure it was safe to breed. Unfortunately for him, Nex wasn’t in much of a patient mood.
‘Fine, I’ll do it you nervous Nelly.’ Nex grumbled as she reached back and grabbed one of the Sorga’s members. The beast released something that was half a needy whine and half an annoyed growl. Once he felt the slightly pointed crown of his dick brushing against the hot, soaked lips of the Xyli’s slit however, he released an almost silent whimper and roughly smashed himself forward.
Nex was in time to release his member, but wasn’t completely prepared for the hot, iron-hard shaft slamming itself into her slit. Luckily, the Xyli were an all-female race and their bodies could adapt members of nearly every shape and size thanks to nature, and with some help from splicing, so she wasn’t hurt when the beastly cock stretched her insides wide. Nex gasped and tried to relax as the Sorga battered away at her pussy with one huge cock, while his second dick slid between the blue babe’s big, bouncing buttocks and over her lower back. Nex shivered as the hot shaft dribbled precum all over her back, and she began using the trained muscles in her slit to tease and pleasure the beast’ thick, pounding member.
‘You…could…have…warned…me…before…getting…rough!’ Nex managed to squeeze out those words between deep intakes of breath that the Sorga continued to knock out of her as he ferociously ploughed his hips forward.
The Sorga made a growled something that sounded apologetic, but he didn’t stop ploughing his massive hips back and forth. Nex merely released an airy giggle as one beastly member pounded away at her insides and she felt more lubrication spraying from her constantly clenching slit  each time the Sorga roughly shoved his prick forwards. His other monstrous member meanwhile was still all too happy to slide between Nex’s plump buttocks where it became covered with its own slimy, hot precum, the Xyli patiently waited for it to enter her unattended asshole, but apparently the Sorga had no intention of pulling his hips back far enough to allow that.
So it was something she had to do herself. ‘Alright…slow…down…you…big brute!’ Nex gasped, and her voice rose an octave as the Sorga’s member hit a spot deep within her cunt that had needed scratching for some time now.
After the big beast had found the spot that made the Xyli beneath him quiver and shake in orgasm, he didn’t seem to be all that inclined to listen to her. Instead he released a howl that shook the trees nearby and continued to ram his cock into Nex’s folds, which made the blue babe weak in the knees and caused lubrication to run down her legs while her twat began to desperately milk the monstrous cock that was slamming away at her insides. With a defiant snarl the Xyli roughly grabbed the Sorga’s second member, which was still content with just sliding between her soft buttcheeks, and gave the shaft a squeeze, only then did the Sorga stop moving his hips.
The beast growled dangerously into one of Nex’s pointed ears, but she would have none of it. ‘Why don’t you make sure this bad boy finds a warm spot of his own?’ she growled back as she pressed the slightly pointed crown of the big beast against her twitching, needy little anus.
Once the tip of his second member brushed against the balloonknot ring of muscle the Sorga stopped growling, and instead slowly and gently pushed himself forwards, leaving Nex to release a low, pleasant moan as her ass got spread wide around the massive, beastly cock. It took a few moments of the Sorga pushing his hips forward, and Nex kicking her legs and trembling against the log as both her big, blue butt and her twitching twat got filled with big, monstrous alien cock, but the beast had finally succeeded in filling both of the Xyli’s holes completely.
‘Well? What are you waiting for, get on with it!’ Nex growled between clenched teeth.
Apparently understanding that the little blue woman was challenging him, the Sorga released a snort and began moving all four of his hind legs in unison as he pounded his two cock into Nex’s body, leaving deep furrows in the bark of the log as he moved. Nex didn’t seem aware of any danger though, and wasn’t in any sort of discomfort either. Instead she howled loud enough that she was certain she had awakened the entire jungle, but as her fat, sensitive nipples scraped against the bark and both her hot little butt and welcoming muff were stretched by the Sorga’s cocks, she found that she just didn’t care.
It seemed like the Sorga felt the same way as he released another loud, tree-shaking howl, claiming the small, curvy Xyli for himself as his duo of dicks violated her perverted body. In response the jungle fell quiet, there was no singing of birds, neither the sounds of rustling leaves or insects scuttling about. For a moment it seemed like the entire planet had fallen silent to allow the Sorga to breed his bitch, and only the sounds of Nex’s desperate moans combined with the squelching sound of her pussy and butt being violently fucked by the big beast were heard.
‘T-that’s…the spirit!’ Nex howled as the wildly pistoning members pulled her body back and forth. ‘B-but I…got…some tricks…as well.’ She gasped, and with a smirk she tightened her welcoming butt and pussy, making the Sorga incapable of moving.
The beast howled in frustration as he struggled to pull his hips back, but with a girlish giggle Nex kept him right where he was, using the muscles in her butt and snatch to milk the Sorga’s throbbing poles, just when he was about to release another frustrated roar Nex relaxed, and the Sorga began pounding his hips again. The Xyli allowed herself to be banged up against the log for a few moments again, biting her lower lip in pleasure all the while as orgasmic juices pattered down on the jungle floor. But then she tightened her holes again, much to the annoyance of the Sorga.
‘Not fun when someone isn’t doing what you want, huh!?’ she teased while tightening her anal tunnel around the Sorga’s dick even tighter.
He responded with giving her an apologetic whine and Nex decided to let it slide, allowing the big beast to continue thrusting his beastly shafts into her hot depths at his own pace. Unfortunately for Nex her constant teasing seemed to have brought him close to orgasm, and he was very eager to release his seed into her. His tongue was lolling from his mouth as he rammed his powerful body forward, apparently he had been holding back on Nex before because right now the log she was pressed against groaned loudly as if the beast’s feet were about to crush it. Nex herself too felt like there would be a permanent indentation of her tits pushed into the log with how the Sorga was pushing her body forward each time he sank his mighty members fully inside of her.
Yet, despite the danger and the creature’s roughness Nex was having the time of her life, she couldn’t remember the last time she had been fucked quite like this, and despite the constant dribble of lubricant, she now actually released a powerful geyser orgasmic juices all over the jungle floor while her eyes had rolled up and her tongue lolled from her mouth, but the best was yet to come. Suddenly, the Sorga’s duo of cocks swelled to nearly twice the girth they had been before, and a moment later the Xyli felt hot streams of outrageously thick seed filling both her bowels and the depths of her pussy, having the heat filling her up simply became too much for her orgasm wracked body to handle, and she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness just as she felt her belly beginning to swell.
* * * *
When she awoke it was still light out, and there was something heavy pressing down on her. ‘Good, I didn’t sleep for long,’ Nex murmured as she began the difficult task of crawling out from underneath the Sorga. ‘Just like most men, falls right asleep.’ Nex cursed to herself as she felt the bittersweet sensation of two huge cocks being extracted from her sensitive snatch and tight anus with a loud, wet sound. As soon as his large members has been pulled from the Xyli, they disappeared again in the reptilian slit between his legs.
‘By the Matron that thing came so much I can barely pull my legs apart.’ Nex grumbled as the Sorga’s sticky seed coated the insides of her thighs and had almost succeeded in gluing her legs together. Luckily, the blue space babe managed to get to her feet and stand up normally, although thick strands of spunk still hung between her legs.
‘Ah well, I’d better get this thing loaded up before he wakes up, I don’t think he’ll be so happy to see me when he’s not hopped up on that resin,’ Nex mused as she opened one of the pouches on the belt that was stretched wide around her swollen belly. ‘Or maybe he will be, but then I’ll be stuck on this planet forever.’ She said with a chuckle while grabbing a small black bar from her pouch.
With a small grunt of effort she twisted the bar, revealing a blinking red light, and dropped it to the ground. Her long since discarded holo-phone, which was still lying in the clearing, showed a red light on the holographic map that projected from it, overlapping the white dot. Then she accessed her ship’s computer via her wristpad and shot out one of her A.I. controlled “fetching” droids, and while she waited for it to arrive, she eyed the Sorga nervously. Luckily, the beast seemed to be in a deep slumber, he didn’t even wake up from the loud thrusters of Nex’s droid as it set down into the clearing.
The “fetching” droids Nex had outfitted her ship with were used as a cell for any creatures she might have to capture and were an easy way to bring them back to the Silver Shafter, since Nex’s small body couldn’t possibly drag something as large as the Sorga back herself. This model was nearly twice the size of the Sorga and looked like a blend between an old hovercar and a coffin as it was all rough, clunky lines and angles, but it could still contain the strongest of animal. Nex quickly hopped to the side of it and put her hand on the scanner there, giving her access to a small, old-fashioned keyboard. She quickly tapped some keys causing the droid to slide open and a moment later several thick steel cords with claws at the end of it shot out and approached the Sorga, wrapping themselves around his body and gripping his limbs so he could not fight back. Miraculously, it still slept as Nex dragged his body into the droid and shut the lid.
‘Another successful job.’ Nex sighed as she sent the droid back to her ship.
Unfortunately, the Xyli had to walk. She loaded a fresh plasma cell into her raygun, and carefully returned to her ship with her holo-phone in one hand, and her gun in the other. Luckily, smelling like a Sorga made the denizens of the jungle stay far away from Nex, she didn’t even have any trouble with any insects trying to sting her nearly nude form. Yet she was certain that every creature knew exactly where she was going, after all it was hard to miss the trail of thick, smelly Sorga jizz that she was leaving. Once she passed a familiar looking tree, Nex knew she was getting close to her ship, and with a smile on her face she stepped a little closer to it.
‘I’m sure Mister Reef wouldn’t mind if I took a little something extra from Charon 4.’ She mused as she holstered her raygun and grabbed a large glass bottle from one of pouches before she began to gently milk one of the trees “teats”. Once she had filled the bottle, she safely placed it back in her pouch. It was a miracle it hadn’t been broken after all the things she went through, but Grewd craftsmanship was simply excellent.
After she left the tree behind her it didn’t take long before she stepped out of the jungle and her beautiful ship came into view. Nex released a heavy, pleased sigh for having survived such an ordeal, and quickly ran back to her ship and opened the cargo hold. Stepping inside she saw that her droid had already touched down there, and judging from the sounds coming from inside her good friend had woken up. Nex smiled a little sadly and closed the cargo doors behind her.
‘Sorry buddy, but you’re worth a lot of money to someone,’ she said, and she could swear she heard a sad whimper as she passed through the large hold and went to her living quarters. ‘But before meeting him I can use a shower…or three.’ She mused as she looked at the state she was in, and with that she stepped into the large, luxurious bathroom not normally found on a ship like this and shrugged off the scraps of her suit.

To be continued.

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