Thursday 22 November 2018

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 4: Reclaiming the Oae Technology

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 4: Reclaiming the Oae Technology
A few months after a string of jobs, ending with testing a sexbot for Aphrodite Industries, Nex Starshine finally gets another job offer from an old friend.
Contains: alien girl, futanari, futanari on female, shortstack, tentacles, big cock, aphrodisiac, orgasm denial.

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 4: Reclaiming the Oae Technology
‘I finally get another job offer and my employer wants to meet in one of FloatingEden’s most popular clubs?’ Nex mused as she looked up at the holographic,neon-pink letters that read The Foundry. ‘I love this job already!’ The Jack-of-all Trades said with an excited grin as she stepped into the club.
It had been a couple of months since the Xyli had had a job. Of course that was the way it went in her business. Sometimes there was so much work to be done that you couldn’t take a step without being offered another job. While other times you resided in your safe-haven watching credits vanishing from your bank account, and hopefully having fun in the process. So when an old friend called her up on her holo-phone and asked her to meet him about a job, how could she say no? Especially when the meeting would take place in The Foundry.
The Foundry was a, well, foundry that had been converted into a club after all factories, the dock and several other facilities had disappeared in the bowels of the station. Now all machinery was removed from the bottom floor and replaced by a shining dancefloor that lit up with every step you took and platforms with stripper poles that went up to the ceiling. The largest of the platforms, in the centre of the dancefloor, was occupied by Neutron Starr. One of Floating Eden’s most popular strippers.
Apparently the young man had just started his dance routine yet and, despite this fact and that it was early in the day, he had attracted quite the large crowd. Not that Nex could blame them, humans had been the ones that had introduced stripping to most of the universe and the Xyli had to admit she liked the way they moved. Besides, Neutron wasn’t all that bad looking. Currently he was dressed in some lewd imitation of an old-fashioned space suit, complete with a plastic bubble helmet. Which was the only part of his suit he had discarded so far.
Nex shot the stripper a wink as she passed the raised platform, admiring his broad, open facial features and the way his wavy black hair clung to his face. She doubted he had seen her however, with so many men and women tossing disposable credsticks at him and reaching for his crotch. Not that it mattered to the Xyli, she was certain she was in for plenty of fun on her mission anyway.
‘Hey barkeep, pour me a Crimson Butterfly…and put it on Nathan Evars’ tab.’ Nex told the many-tentacled creature behind the bar as she struggled to climb onto the barstool next to a Lavi in skimpy clothing. 
‘I’ll never understand how you can drink sweet crap like that, lil’ lady.’ A familiar voice said, accompanied by the sound of spurs.
A moment later a familiar man sat down next, a man who could only be described as a “space cowboy”. Nathan Evars wore a black Stetson and a long black duster. All in all, he had probably seen far too many of those classic westerns from before humans became a space faring race. But despite the cowboy boots, with spurs and all, and the rest of his get-up it was unwise to underestimate him. His duster was lined with high-quality shield generators and, although they were shaped like revolvers, his rayguns were not something to mess with. There was a reason he was one of the most dangerous bounty hunters around.
‘Really, you might as well ask for a silly straw to drink through, Starshine.’ Nathan grumbled.
‘Oh yes, bartender! Please give me a silly straw to drink through…and put a little umbrella in there too.’ She told the bartender, while flashing Nathan an impish grin.
‘Need to watch my mouth around you,’ Nathan chuckled. ‘Just a beer for me, barkeep.’
After a moment a bottle and an empty glass were placed in front of Nathan, while Nex received a wide-rimmed glass filled with a swirling light red liquid…with an umbrella and a silly straw in it. Nex wasted no time in wrapping her plump black lips around the straw and drinking in the sweet alcohol, while making eye-contact with the handsome space cowboy. His dark eyes glittered as he opened his bottle and took a long draw from it.
‘Now that we bantered, let’s discuss business.’ Nathan grinned.
‘Normally I’d like to chat a bit more, but fine. I need the credits after all.’ The Xyli mused after sucking the last bit of her drink to her straw.
Nathan’s grin stretched a bit wider and he took his holo-phone out of one of his duster’s pockets. After fiddling around with it he placed it in front of Nex just as it projected the holographic image of an old-fashioned wanted poster. The picture on the poster was that of a purple-skinned Netarli who, despite lacking a visible nose and having long hair consisting of tentacles, Nex could only describe as attractive. Underneath the picture, written in large block-y letters, stood:
WANTED: Alzeran Belzi
FOR: The theft of experimental technology from Oae Research.
REWARD: 10 000 credits if returned alive and with the experimental technology intact to the Oae Research Station.
LOCATION: Last seen in the Oktoli System on planet Kraki 8
‘Not bad, not bad at all,’ Nex whistled as she slid the holo-phone back to Nathan. ‘So what’s the catch? Why aren’t you going after this lady yourself, Mister Bounty Hunter?’
‘You got me. The truth is, we used to date. So it would be…awkward taking this job.’ Nathan explained with a sheepish smile.
‘You and her used to go out? Man, you humans will really sleep with anything.’ Nex snorted.
‘Said the pot to the kettle.’ He  replied with a toothy grin.
‘Ouch! You got me there,’ Nex said with a theatrical wince. ‘Anyway, I’m on the case! What can I expect from this ex of yours?’
‘I’ll send any information I have on her to your ship’s computer,’ Nathan said as he tapped some buttons on his holo-phone. ‘Now go, I don’t know how long Alzeran will stick around in one place now that Oae Research put this bounty on her.’
‘Yeah right, you just want to hit on the people here without me getting in your way… But you did pay for my drink, so I suppose I’ll take your advice.’ Nex said as she jumped off the barstool.
As she was leaving The Foundry Neutron Starr was in the process of sliding out of his suit, showing off his broad shoulders and chiseled muscles to the crowd. And she heard Nathan hitting on the Lavi that had been sitting at the bar next to her. She overheard the words ‘…but I’m male!’ from the wide-hipped Space Elf, followed by Nathan saying ‘Well, nobody’s perfect…’ just as she left the club.
* * * *

Not long after leaving the club Nex returned to her room in The Crimson Dome and got her things, before going down to the docks to get her ship. Luckily she had managed to pay off her docking fees in time for once, so she got into The Silver Shafter without a problem. And, after doing her pre-flight check and the countdown, left Floating Eden’s docks without any issues before disappearing into the nearby warp gate.
‘Well now that I have some time to kill, let’s check out that file Nathan sent me.’ Nex sighed aloud after she set her destination.
With that said she stuck her holo-phone into the ship’s computer and, after tapping a few buttons, the view of the warp gate’s swirling colours was replaced by a black and green screen showing her inbox. While humming to herself the Xyli opened the message she received from Nathan Evars and downloaded the file on Alzeran Belzi.
‘Former Netarli commando, something about a dishonourable discharge…blablabla. Turned to mercenary work and bounty hunting in the year 153 of the New Galactic Calendar. Hired for security by Oae Research in the year 157 of the New Galactic Calendar due to her reputation. Expert marksman, trained in hand to hand combat etcetera, etcetera…’ Nex muttered as she skimmed Nathan’s files.
‘And the Oae folks want her alive and with whatever technology she’s stolen intact? Guess I better get prepared.’ The Jack-of-all-Trades sighed as she pushed herself out of her chair.
Luckily she hadn’t spent all of her credits on paying off docking fees, fuel, her room in The Crimson Dome or just while having fun. The Xyli had also bought a new suit, made especially for her species. The thing was such a light pink that it appeared white in most light and had two large, round generators encircling her wrists to power her shields. It’s size also adjusted automatically to her body while it kept her cool or warm. It wasn’t perfect, the magnetic strips sealing her suit shut were a little old-fashioned, and wearing her bulky wristpad was annoying with the shield generators in the way. But it was a small price to pay for a suit that offered her such protection.
Other than that she had a few extra toys stuffed in the pouches on her belt and bought some extra plasma cells for her trusty raygun Starstunner. All in all, she hoped it would be enough to catch Alzeran alive. If she couldn’t, and lived to tell the tale, then she probably had to fly from planet to planet to find something else…
A synthetic voice blared over the loudspeakers, causing Nex to return to the pilot’s seat with a nervous sigh.
‘Well, guess I’ll find out just how ready I am for all of this soon enough.’ Nex mumbled to herself as she grabbed the wheel and disengaged the autopilot. Just waiting for to arrive in the Oktoli System…
* * * *
Kraki 8 was a large Netarli colony, apparently Alzeran wanted to hide in plain sight. Fortunately for Nex, she didn’t seem to be very good at it. After entering the planet’s atmosphere and gaining access to the local extranet, which was announced via bombarding her ship’s computer with bunch of annoying ads, Nex ran a search for the Netarli using the picture from her Wanted Poster. She instantly got a bunch of interesting hits.
She seemed to be wanted for some crimes in smaller towns, mostly robberies that had been very violent. But the more interesting hits were rather…pornographic in nature. It depicted Alzeran and men and women of various different races doing several raunchy things to each other. Using the Netarli’s tentacle-like hair, her ass and even something large and swollen between her legs.
‘I didn’t know Nathan was into that sort of thing…’ The Xyli mused with a grin, before she continued to look through the videos.
In all videos and images she wore a clingy, brightly coloured suit. The parts protecting her forearms and legs were clearly metal, but the rest of the suit looked almost…alive. Nex tried to shake the thought as she skimmed through the rest of the videos, all while doing her best to fight her own arousal. Then she noticed something. The last three videos all showed a red door in the background with a creature painted on it, very pretty prominently, in yellow. It looked like something Earthlings called an octopus. In any case, the Jack-of-all-Trades decided to search Kraki 8’s web again.
‘Gotcha!’ Nex whispered to herself as she changed the course of her ship.
Apparently the symbol belonged to some criminal group calling themselves The Golden Kraken who called the city of Mern home. If Nex had to guess, Alzeran had sold the tech she had stolen of Oae Research to that group. Or at least tried to, she didn’t have an idea as to why she would stick around shooting amateur porn in their base. Unless The Golden Kraken had forced her into prostitution? It seemed unlikely with the Netarli’s training however. Perhaps she had joined the group for protection? Maybe that’s why she had committed the robberies? Could they be nothing more than a part of her initiation?
‘You’re not a detective here, Starshine. You’re just a Bounty Hunter. Take care of any gang members that might get in your way, catch Alzeran and return her to the Oae Research Station. That’s all you need to know.’ Nex whispered to herself as she set The Silver Shafter down in the outskirts of Mern.
* * * *

The town was eerily quiet when Nex walked through its streets. The few people she saw quickly scampered out of her way when they noticed the raygun hanging from her belt, despite all being a lot taller than the Xyli. Not that she blamed them when she noticed the bullet holes and the burns left by plasma rays on the walls around her. It was clear that the presence of The Golden Kraken was no secret here, if this was their doing anyway…
Finally the Jack-of-Trades noticed that there was someone besides her in the streets, it was a person dressed in black armour with a matching black helmet whose back stretched on for about another foot downwards before ending in a point. Probably to make room for a Netarli’s tentacle-like hair. But what caught Nex’s attention was the yellow octopus emblazoned on the front of this stranger’s armour.
‘Excuse me?’ Nex yelled as she approached the figure, keeping her hand close to her trusty raygun.
The person’s head snapped up and Nex saw that it was a young Netarli male, so young in fact that he hadn’t even sprouted the tendrils that normally hung from their chin. ‘S-Stop right there!’ he commanded in a cracking, teenage voice as he awkwardly raised a plasma-rifle. ‘What’s your business here, woman?’
‘I’m just looking for your base, kid,’ Nex replied while raising her hands. ‘You are with The Golden Kraken, aren’t you?’ she added when gave her a confused look.
‘Haha, The Golden Kraken? They’re all gone! Sister Alzeran made sure to take care of them, they can’t hurt us anymore! Now the people will protect Mern, something the local police or military never could!’ the Netarli rambled as his mouth formed a smile that looked just a little crazed to Nex.
‘Sister Alzeran…Alzeran Belzi?’ she asked.
‘Yes, she has returned to save us from that wretched gang! Now we are save…yes, save.’ The young man babbled as he slowly lowered his rifle.
Something about the haunted look in the youth’s eyes told Nex that he didn’t believe that. With her hands still raised she slowly made her way past him, but the Netarli barely seemed to notice her. Alzeran is from Mern, huh? Nex thought. I probably should have read those files Nathan sent me a little more thoroughly.
‘Nothing I can do about that now, though,’ she said aloud. ‘Time to find this base now, because I doubt anyone would actually tell me.’ She added while looking over her shoulder at the young Netarli who was looking at his feet.
Of course just walking up and down Mern’s streets didn’t give her much, most buildings looked the same to her eyes and she couldn’t exactly kick down every door with her raygun down expecting to find Alzeran sitting there. But that’s when she noticed a group of armed and armoured individuals marching past her. Some were wearing old armour belonging to The Golden Kraken while others were wearing cheap, home-made crap, or nothing at all. When Nex noticed that they were surrounding a group of scared looking women, she remembered some of the porn movies Alzeran had starred in and decided to follow them…
Luckily, her instincts turned out to be correct. The group disappeared into some dark alleyway, at the end of which the Xyli noticed a large steel door. There were some remnants of yellow paint on it and Nex was certain that this was the old hideout of The Golden Kraken, and the place Alzeran Belzi was currently residing in. The armed men and women shepherded the unarmed, scared women inside and Nex was all set to sneak inside after them, but unfortunately a single man stayed behind to guard the entrance. But once again, the Xyli was in luck because the guard posted at the door was one of the few that wasn’t wearing any armour.
‘Clearly they’re new at all this.’ Nex mused, as she rested her hand on Starstunner.
Of course she could pull out her raygun, put it on stun and blast the guard. But perhaps there was a way to get inside without using violence? With an impish grin the Jack-of-all-Trades removed her hand from Starstunner and instead released a few of the magnetic strips keeping her suit close, allowing some of her heavy, soft blue boobs to spill out into the open as she stepped into the alleyway.
‘Halt! Who goes there!?’ the guard near the door squeaked nervously as heard the sound of heels clacking against the pavement.
‘Oh hello!’ Nex said with a happy grin. ‘A man with a yellow tentacle monster on his armour told me to go here if I wanted to have some fun! Is this some kind of club?’ the Xyli rambled, doing her best to sound like some kind of fun-loving party girl. Which, she had to admit to herself, wasn’t that difficult for her to pull off.
‘Sure…why don’t you go inside?’ the guard said slowly as he lowered his gun, his eyes glued to the exposed, jiggling cleavage of the small, alien woman. He didn’t even seem to notice the raygun hanging from Xyli’s hip.
Wow, they are really new at this, Nex thought to herself as she stepped through the door the guard held open for her. Either that, or they don’t care what happens to Alzeran. She added mentally, while descending down some stairs.

Once she reached the bottom of the stairs she found proof that The Golden Kraken gang had really been dealt with. Dried, dark blue Netarli blood coated parts of the wall and the floor along with plasma burns, cheap melted heaps of duraplastic furniture had been shoved against the far walls, the new occupants of the building too lazy to clear it out, usually with heaps of weaponry and armour too damaged to be used by anyone. The Netarli that had brought the scared looking women to this place quickly looked up when they heard Nex’s footsteps, one even aimed his weapon at her.
‘You one of the girls for Alzeran?’ he asked.
‘I sure am!’ Nex replied, once again trying her best to sound like a fun-loving party girl.
‘Good, good…’ the man sighed as he lowered his gun. ‘I hope these are enough people to satisfy her. Go on inside and don’t worry about us, we were just leaving.’
Sure enough once Nex reached the bottom of the stairs all of the men and women shoved past her, eager to leave. None of them even bothered to take her raygun, or even ask about it. Either capturing this bounty was going to be one of the easiest jobs ever, or they had a good reason to be scared of Alzeran. Whichever it was, Nex decided it was time to find out as she approached the door she had seen in the amateur porn flicks Alzeran had starred in.
Slowly Nex pushed the door open and immediately her sense of smell was overwhelmed by the scent of sex, while her ears picked up weak moans and a lustful laughter. Once she had pushed the door open far enough to see the inside of the room, the Xyli had to suppress a gasp. This room was furnished a lot better than the one she had just left, but on almost every chair or couch or table sat or lied a barely conscious man or woman. Some were even lying on the floor. Besides naked men and women, the room was littered with empty cans, bottles, wrappers and other containers that used to have food. As well as various shopping bags that contained more food and drink.
When Nex entered the room she noticed how every person in the room had their eyes open and were moaning weakly. Almost as if they were high. But the stiff nipples and erect penises or wet vaginas pointed at something else…aphrodisiac? In fact, the only people that didn’t look like the rest were the women that had just arrived and were huddled in a corner…and a powerfully-built Netarli who was holding onto the tentacle-like hair of one of her kinswoman as she mercilessly fucked her throat.
One of the captive woman’s eyes moved towards the door, which resulted in her spotting Nex. Her eyes went from the Xyli’s face, to the raygun hanging from the holster on her hips. And before Nex could signal for her to be silent, she started screaming.
‘Please, miss! You have to help us! She’s been forcing everyone to bring her food and…partners ever since getting rid of this damn gang! But she’s crazy! Crazy…and dangerous, more dangerous than they ever were!’
Alzeran looked at Nex from the corner of her eye with a smirk as the woman begged for help, her hips never stopped thrusting. The Xyli froze in place and took in her features. She was taller than most Netarli women, probably a little over 6 feet with broad shoulders and hints of muscle under that strange armour of hers. Her skin was a deep, dark purple while her tentacle-like hair was a shade lighter, it was a lot longer than had seen on the other Netarli women. Stopping short a few inches above her firm, shapely rear. Also unlike the other Netarli women, she had a penis. Quite a sizable too, if the way her partner’s throat was bulging out was any indication.
Still, Nex only froze up because of Alzeran’s look for a moment. Once it was over, her hand clasped around Starstunner’s grip as she pulled it out of its holster. With its power-level still standing safely on stun, Nex wasted no time in firing off several shots at the Netarli hermaphrodite, careful not to hit the woman who currently had Alzeran’s cock stuffed down her throat. Unfortunately the odd, brightly coloured suit absorbed the impact without any trouble whatsoever, and Alzeran remained standing…and suddenly Nex noticed an eyeball opening just above the Netarli’s chest. It was staring at her.
‘By the Matron, what is that thing?’ Nex gasped as the strange eye continued to stare at her.
As Nex watched, Alzeran’s suit seemed to grow thicker at her left side while it pulled away from her chest, causing the odd eye to disappear and exposing the Netarli’s two large, firm purple breasts capped with thick, light purple nipples. But while Nex watched the suit reform in confusion, the reinforced side of Alzeran’s armour suddenly shot towards the Jack-of-all-Trades, having formed into tentacles. Nex tried to dodge out of the way, but was too late as the strange appendages slipped into her suit and wrapped around her breasts. They were slippery and…coated with something.
‘Guess I was right about the aphrodisiac.’ Nex muttered as she felt her body growing hot. Starstunner slipped from her fingers as the suit pulled her closer, while Alzeran released a dark grunt as she seemed to fill the poor Netarli woman’s throat with her seed.
‘A Xyli, huh? You are rare in these parts,’ Alzeran mused as she turned to face Nex, carelessly pushing away the woman that had been pleasuring her as she coughed up her seed. ‘A shame you barely leave Xyl or your colonies, I heard such lovely things about what you can do with those small, deliciously curvy bodies.’ The strong hermaphrodite purred.
When she noticed Nex breathing heavily and her thick, dark blue nipples stiffen underneath her suit the tentacles fondling the Xyli’s curvy form returned to her suit. But it didn’t return to cover her chest, if anything it exposed more of her body. Nex hungrily took in the large, shapely breasts of the hermaphrodite and the flat powerful stomach below it. Slowly her eyes drifted over the abdominal muscles, taking in the flare of her hips, before resting on her crotch.
Sticking out from between her powerful thighs was a fat, veiny purple dick, somewhere around ten inches Nex guessed, with two fat, smooth balls hanging underneath it. ‘Got your attention, huh?’ Alzeran chuckled.
Looking up, once again Nex noticed how beautiful the Netarli was, despite the fact that she lacked a nose. Her jawline was, perhaps, a little strong for a woman and the pale blue eyes with the with pupils slitted like a cat looked a little ominous, especially with the black sclera. Of course the Xyli didn’t mind, especially with the aphrodisiac arousing her so much.

‘Hm…enjoy what you see?’ Alzeran purred and Nex nodded numbly. ‘Good, now why don’t you show me that Xyli tongue I heard so much about.’
Nex did as was asked of her and stuck her tongue out far enough that the purple muscle nearly disappeared between her breasts. A pleased groan passed Alzeran’s lips and with a smile she pushed a passed out Netarli off the coffee table, before parking her firm, shapely rear on top of it.
‘Now, let’s put it to good use, shall we?’ she purred while giving her member a loving stroke.
With a numb nod the Xyli slowly stumbled closer to Alzeran, before dropping to her haunches in front of the powerful hermaphrodite. Once she was close enough she wrapped her long tongue around the fat purple shaft without hesitation and used the dexterous muscle to slowly stroke the meaty pole, moaning softly as she tasted the several women that had pleased the Netarli’s member before her. Alzeran merely released a pleased groan and used her tentacle-like hair to grab the back of Nex’s head, and slowly pull her closer.
Nex made a surprised little sound at this but didn’t struggle against the grip, instead allowing the throbbing dick to slide past her velvety soft lips and into her mouth. All while continuing to work her tongue up and down the rest of Alzeran’s length. Another groan passed the hermaphrodite’s lips before she closed her eyes with a chuckle, not noticing that one of the pouches on Nex’s belt was currently open. Or that the Xyli’s hand was rummaging around in it. Only when Nex’s wet, nimble tongue released shaft and was replaced by something cold and metallic did she suddenly opened her eyes.
‘What is this? What is this!’ Alzeran suddenly shouted as she roughly pushed the small, curvy blue woman away from her.
‘An Aphrodite Industries cockring. I brought it in case I bumped into someone cute after finishing this mission, but I guess it came in handy even earlier than that.’ Nex explained with a cheeky smile.
‘But…the suit’s aphrodisiac…’ Alzeran mumbled in confusion.
‘Oh that? I’ve taken more powerful stuff just for fun.’ The Xyli chuckled as she crawled backward to grab her raygun.
‘Then I guess I have to dose you up with more, you little slut!’ Alzeran shrieked as the suit produced more tentacles.
‘Cockring command: start vibrating!’ Nex shouted.
A soft hum emanated from Alzeran’s crotch and the hermaphrodite almost doubled over while the tentacles shooting from her suit grew slack. ‘What the hell is this, you bitch!?’ the Netarli growled angrily.
‘Cockring command: turn up vibration.’ Nex said with a smug smile and the humming grew louder.
‘Wh-what do you want?’ Alzeran growled.
‘There is a very big bounty on your head, lady. I intend to claim it, so why don’t you come with me and I’ll take that nasty little toy off?’ Nex replied while pointing her raygun at Alzeran’s face. ‘You ladies, follow us but don’t run out in front of us in case things go wrong.’
‘What m-makes you think I’m going to come with you?’ Alzeran asked with a shaky grin.
‘Cockring command: turn up vibration.’ Nex said again, her smug smile widening as she watched Alzeran’s grin disappear.
‘M-m-my men will, ah, sto-stop you!’ Alzeran babbled.
‘I doubt it, they don’t seem very loyal to you. Maybe at one point they were, after you killed off this Golden Kraken gang, but now they’re just scared. So walk!’ she commanded.
Nex didn’t know whatever it was the edge she had put in her voice, or the fact that Alzeran couldn’t take it if the cockring’s vibration would be turned up again, but the hermaphrodite listened and walked ahead of her. She followed close behind, raygun pointed at her back but hopefully out of reach of any tentacles and after a few moments, the newly captured women followed her. Some of them trying to drag the drugged-up men and women lying around with them.
None of the armed and armoured men and women that had left when Nex walked in had returned, fortunately. Slowly she and Alzeran walked up the staircase. Once they opened the door leading into the alleyway Nex found that there was still a guard posted at the door, but when he noticed Alzeran he quickly lowered his rifle.
‘Drop it, mister!’ Nex barked, pointing her raygun at the guard as soon as she appeared in the door opening.
Startled the guard quickly followed her command and the plasma rifle clattered to the floor and the Xyli quickly kicked it away. Once it was out of reach, Nex reached into another pouch on her belt with her free hand and handed the guard a pair of handcuffs. ‘Cuff her.’ She said, while nodding at Alzeran. He did what she asked of him almost eagerly.
‘Thank you,’ Nex said with a little smile. ‘And I apologize for doing this.’ She added, before blasting him with a stun ray. One of the women behind Nex screamed, but she ignored it.
‘Now to test a new toy…’ Nex grinned as she picked what looked like a sticker from her pouch and slapped it on Alzeran’s rear.
The Netarli released a needy little whimper and nervously rubbed her thighs together, but Nex paid it no heed as she used her wristpad to access her ship’s computer. The sticker on Alzeran’s asscheek lit up and the woman behind the Xyli looked confused. After a few minutes, something a little bigger and slightly wider than your average humanoid flew into the alleyway and opened up, sweeping up Alzeran before closing again.
‘How do you like my new “fetching” droid? See you back at the ship!’ She yelled into the droid, before tapping a button on her wristpad and sending it back. ‘Meanwhile, you ladies better lay low, hopefully things will calm down in Mern now that both The Golden Kraken and Alzeran Belzi are gone.’ The ladies nodded numbly in response and Nex hoped she had gotten through to them, but she had no time to stick around. She had a bounty to cash in on…
* * * *

Nex returned to her ship without any issues. She got some curious glances on the street from the men and women who had seen her in Alzeran’s lair, but apparently the information that she had captured the hermaphrodite wasn’t out yet. Which was why Nex wasted no time in lifting off and leaving Kraki 8 as quickly as possible. Only when she entered the warp gate leading out of Oktoli System, and set the coordinates for the Oae Research Station, did she leave the cockpit and went down to the cargo hold to get her bounty.
When she opened the droid in which Alzeran currently resided the Netarli practically fell out. That’s when Nex realized that the cockring clasped around the hermaphrodite’s shaft was still humming, so she flashed Alzeran a semi-apologetic smile as she took a few wobbly steps forwards.
‘W-what…do you want?’ the Netarli asked through clenched teeth.
‘It might not be the most powerful stuff I’ve ever experienced, but that aphrodisiac of your creepy space suit is coursing through my body and it’s going to be a long, boring flight through warp space. So I’m taking you to my quarters, up we go.’ Nex explained, while pointing her raygun at Alzeran with a cocky grin.
The Netarli grumbled something under her breath, but did as the Xyli asked. Even though she did seem to try to use her suit to attack her again, but the strange, organic material didn’t seem to be able to form into a tentacle. Nex grinned and tore the, now useless, sticker off Alzeran’s buttcheek, causing the powerful hermaphrodite to release a surprised yelp. She glared at the Xyli over her shoulder, only to have Nex stick out her tongue childishly.
The walk to Nex’s sleeping quarters was a slow one seeing as Alzeran’s hands were still cuffed behind her back, making it difficult for her to ascend the staircase with pleasure coursing through her thanks to the vibrating cockring. Of course, the Jack-of-all-Trades could have made it easier by giving the command to stop the vibration, but the Xyli didn’t want to risk having the Netarli escape.
…and the whole thing kind of turned her on, if she was being honest.
When they finally left the staircase leading down towards the cargo hold behind and made their way through The Silver Shafter’s narrow hallways, they arrived in Nex’s quarters. Toys were strewn about the room or peeked out of the many storage compartments that she had built in her quarters. A bed, larger than you would normally find in the sleeping quarters of a space ship this size (especially for a Xyli), dominated the room. And, after removing her handcuffs, Nex carelessly pushed Alzeran towards the bed.
The Netarli made sure to roll onto her back, as not to fall onto her throbbing erection, before trying to jump off the bed to attack the Xyli. But Nex merely pressed a button underneath her nightstand before Alzeran could do anything. So before the hermaphrodite knew it ropes made of hard light appeared from underneath the bed and wrapped around her wrists and ankles, effectively tying her to Jack-of-all-Trades’ bed.
‘You didn’t think you were the first prisoner of mine that I ever took up to my quarters, were you?’ Nex chuckled as Alzeran struggled against her bonds and glared at the small, blue woman.
‘If I get out of here…’ Alzeran growled threateningly.
‘You won’t!’ Nex replied in a sing-song voice as she picked up a short, thick vibrator up from the floor.
Alzeran glared at the toy as the little blue space babe climbed on top of the bed, before she resumed her struggle against the hard light ropes when she felt the Xyli’s small hands grabbing her heavy sack and raising it up to get a better look at her anus. A pleased coo passed Nex’s plush black lips as she got her first look at the Netarli’s tight little pucker and she just couldn’t resist squeezing the base of her little toy, causing lube to spray from the tip of the vibrator. Now that the hermaphrodite’s asshole was coated with lubrication, Nex slowly pushed the vibrator into Alzeran’s anal tunnel. All while she gently massaged the Netarli’s testicles.
Alzeran shook her head in denial and struggled even harder against her bonds as the fat little vibrator pulled apart the walls of her ass and slid inside, occasionally accompanied by blasts of cold, slippery lube. ‘You bitch!’ the Alzeran hissed.
‘Oh don’t get so mad,’ Nex replied with a pout as she raised her head to look the Netarli in the eyes. ‘We haven’t even started yet!’ she added as she switched on the vibrator.
The Netarli abruptly stopped struggling against the hard light ropes and opened her mouth to scream, but no sound seemed to leave. Nex watched in amusement as the hermaphrodite’s big cock twitched and jerked, desperate to cum but not being able to. Satisfied the Xyli jumped off the bed again and released the magnetic strips keeping her suit sealed one by one.
‘Now that you’ve finally calmed down a little we can have some real fun.’ Nex purred as she unclasped her wristband, removed her belt and allowed her suit to simply slide off of her curvy form.
With that taken care of she once again climbed on top of Alzeran, this time sitting on the Netarli’s flat, powerful stomach while the hermaphrodite’s hard cock slid between her buttocks. Slowly she started to move her hips up and down, sighing softly as the meaty pole throbbed against her curvy buttocks and moved over her tight pucker. The Jack-of-all-Trades decided to tease the Netarli like this for a while, until she felt those strange tentacles of her suit wrapping around her thighs and poking at her buttcheeks. Not soon after, the familiar sensation of an aphrodisiac rocking her body came.
‘Y-you’re going to re-regret that!’ Nex hissed through clenched teeth. ‘Cockring command: vibration maximum!’ she shouted.
A high-pitched wail exploded from Alzeran’s throat and the tentacles holding onto Nex abruptly released her. But the Xyli didn’t climb off the Netarli, instead she shot her a fierce smile while raising her trembling hips. Clear, orgasmic juices flowed from Nex’s clenching cunt like a waterfall, splattering onto the hermaphrodite’s jerking, twitching shaft before Nex roughly slammed her hips down.
Alzeran’s wail abruptly ended in a gurgle when the drenched, soft walls of the Xyli were hugging her shaft tightly. Nex meanwhile released several high-pitched little squeaks as Alzeran’s cockring was resting against her labia and buzzing around her iron-hard clit.
‘Fu-fuck! You’re whole dick is like a vibrator!’ she babbled as she awkwardly raised her hips, before roughly slamming the entirety of the Netarli’s member back inside when she realized her legs weren’t strong enough.
For several minutes the cabin was filled with the weak, desperate moans of the two alien babes as Nex did her best to ride Alzeran’s member, accompanied by the buzzing of the cockring around the Netarli’s shaft and the vibrator in her ass. Luckily for both of them it didn’t take long for Nex to reach her first orgasm. Thanks to the aphrodisiac Alzeran’s strange suit had pumped in her. So with a loud squeal the Xyli slammed her hips down, her buttocks slapping against Alzeran’s powerful legs, and arched her back dramatically as colours danced in front of her eyes and pleasure wracked her brain.
…but she quickly recovered.
‘Haa…haa…time to get serious.’ Nex growled as she tried to regain her breath.
A panicked look appeared in Alzeran’s eyes and Nex noticed her suit, nothing more than a glorified mini-skirt made out of tentacles now, reached out for her. The Xyli wasn’t about to give the Netarli a chance to do any more damage however as she abruptly raised her hips with new found strength. As a result the tentacles shrunk back, while Alzeran’s eyes crossed in pleasure as her nearly every inch of her schlong was suddenly exposed to the cold air. With a triumphant roar Nex pushed herself back down, groaning softly as the purple hermaphrodite cock stretched her clenching cunny wide again.
‘P-p-please…le-let me cu-cum!’ Alzeran begged with wide eyes.
‘So you can coat my skin with that aphrodisiac crap again? No chance!’ Nex snarled as she reached back and softly squeezed one of the Netarli’s balls. ‘If you wanted a chance to empty these you should’ve acted like a good girl.’
Alzeran whined in response and began to struggle against her bonds again, leaving Nex to try and stay on top of her. That was just what the Jack-of-all-Trades did, of course. In fact, she tried to move her hips in tandem with those of the Netarli whenever she pushed her own hips up and tried to escape. Eventually the hermaphrodite seemed to give up on trying to escape once again, instead trying her hardest to fuck the curvy blue space babe riding her dong.
‘Good girl! That’s what I need!’ Nex growled while putting a hand on her stomach, just above the tube-like bulge that was constantly appearing and disappearing.
The Netarli ignored the comment, however. Instead she continued to work her hips up and down as roughly as the hard light bonds allowed, while her blue eyes were fixated on the Xyli’s large, bouncing boobs and her aroused, stretched cunt. Strings of drool occasionally escaped the corner of Alzeran’s mouth, so focused was she on the heavy, soft-looking blue globes and the way the Xyli’s muff hugged her purple prick.
‘B-bless the Matron!’ Nex babbled as another climax washed over her.
Orgasmic juices squirted from her snatch and she squealed in joy, but Alzeran wasn’t about to slow down. Nex felt her eyes rolling up and she nearly fell out of bed. But even with pleasure rocking her body, she managed to stay on top of the strong Netarli hermaphrodite.
‘Fi-fine, you want to play rough? We still have hours in warp space!’ Nex snapped, trying her hardest to sound tough and hoping that the effects weren’t diminished by the tears of pleasure springing up in her eyes.
* * * *
When the warning that they were about to leave warp space finally came Nex had planted her ass on Alzeran’s face and was holding onto her firm, shapely purple breasts while the Netarli was eating her out. The Xyli meanwhile returned the favour by stretching out her tongue as far as she could to lap her own juices from the hermaphrodite’s stiff cock, all while wondering just how Alzeran’s organic suit was still clinging to her body.
Perhaps it’s better that I don’t know, Nex thought warily, before releasing a soft moan when the Netarli’s tentacle hair began to tease her snatch too. At least that freaky eye hasn’t showed up again…
‘I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself down there,’ Nex mused after pulling her tongue back into her mouth. ‘But I have to return to the cockpit now so we don’t float around aimlessly in space.’
Alzeran made a noise that almost sounded like disappointment, but did pull her tongue from the Xyli’s snatch and stopped using her tentacle-like hair to tease the small blue space babe as well. Leaving Nex free to jump off the bed and slip back into her suit, while the Netarli remained tied to the bed with the Jack-of-all-Trades’ juices coating her chin and cheeks. A soft humming still came from Alzeran’s crotch, Nex hadn’t taken it off even once during her crazy lovemaking with the hermaphrodite.
‘Cocking command: vibration minimum.’ Nex sighed. She didn’t want to risk Alzeran’s suit getting fully powered up again, but she was almost at the Oae Research Station so she could at least make things easier. She did make sure to pull the vibrator from Alzeran’s ass before she left her sleeping quarters, however.
After hurriedly making her way through the hallways Nex burst into the cockpit, just in time too because as soon as she sat down in the pilot’s chair The Silver Shafter burst out of the warp gate and into normal space. Nex quickly took over for the auto-pilot and steered the ship into the direction of what she assumed was the Oae Research Station. The place was larger than any research station the Xyli had ever seen, three circular floors each far larger than Carchar, the space station Mannoro Reef had called home, were attached to a long, thick mast. And each of those floors had three more masts, smaller copies of the main one, sticking out of it horizontally. Likely leading to docks and the like. As Nex gawped at the massive station her ship’s speakers suddenly crackled, startling her.
‘You are entering restricted space, identify yourself.’ A deep voice stated.
‘You are speaking to Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades of The Silver Shafter I have captured Alzeran Belzi, the Netarli on who Oae Research have placed a bounty. I have come to deliver her to you.’ Nex explained quickly. She didn’t want to know what sort of defensive measures the station had set up…
‘…Understood. You are cleared for docking in the second bay of the first ring, Miss Starshine. We will send someone to collect Miss Belzi and handle your payment.’ The voice said after a few minutes of silence, that felt like hours to Nex.
‘Roger.’ The Xyli replied as she breathed a sigh of relief and followed the instructions she had received.
The Oae Research Station looked even larger up close as she flew past the massive ring. Looking inside of the large windows she saw large, white hallways that looked far too clean. Yet, despite the size of the station it looked deserted. Occasionally she saw a bright blue flash coming from a hallway and caught a glimpse of someone walking past, but that was it. All in all, Nex was happy that she wouldn’t see much more than the one of the docking bays as the massive steel doors of the station opened up and allowed her ship inside.
Once she had safely set down The Silver Shafter, and the docking bay doors had shut, Nex returned to her quarters and quickly freed Alzeran from her bed. After helping the dazed Netarli to her feet Nex quickly cuffed her hands behind her back again, before the two of them slowly made their way down to the cargo hold. Once they were there, Nex opened the cargo hold doors and waited for the people that would come to collect Alzeran and pay her bounty.
As it turned out, she didn’t have to wait long because as soon as her cargo hold had completely opened up the doors leading out of the docking bay opened up and a slender Lathvirian with purple skin a few shades lighter than that of Alzeran stepped inside, followed by two tall, muscular Viden wearing rifles so massive that Nex doubted one could wield it if they didn’t have two sets of arms.
‘I see that you weren’t lying about having Miss Belzi on board, good,’ The Lathvirian said with a smile that was less than warm, while looking at one of her Viden guards from the corner of her eye. ‘Still, I must ask how you managed to get hold of this bounty. We only sent it out to a few, privileged bounty hunters.’ She asked as she stepped closer.
Nex looked the Lathvirian up and down, there was something…off about her. Her skin lacked any wrinkles or blemishes and it was difficult to guess her age, but something in the woman’s eyes told the Xyli that she wasn’t young. It was the same for her guards, the Viden were far too tall and their muscles hadn’t come from hard labour or even hitting the gym. Apparently Oae Research didn’t mind that their employees indulged in modifying their bodies, and that was if they hadn’t done it to them themselves!
‘Nathan Evars gave this bounty to me.’ Nex eventually replied and Alzeran gasped almost inaudibly next to her.
‘Hmm…I see,’ the Lathvirian mused as she grabbed a holo-phone out of her figure-hugging business suit. After typing something out on the holographic keyboard that had formed next to it she smiled at the Xyli again. ‘It seems you are telling the truth about that at least. But did you really catch Miss Belzi? She’s was a highly skilled woman even before she put on that suit.’
‘It was surprisingly easy, actually. All she seemed to care about when I got to her was eating and fucking, although going by the behaviour of the locals she could also be surprisingly violent.’ Nex explained.
‘Perhaps there are still some kinks to work out,’ the Lathvirian muttered underneath her breath, before she realized Nex was listening to her and changed the subject. ‘That still doesn’t explain how you caught her.’
At that, Nex smiled broadly. ‘Just with this little toy,’ she said as her smile stretched even wider. ‘Cockring command: release!’
Alzeran’s orgasmic scream bounced off the docking bay walls as thick, gooey white ropes of jizz blasted from her diamond hard pole almost continuously. Both of the Viden dodged out of the way while the Lathvirian shrieked in surprise as her expensive black business suit became coated in semen. When Alzeran’s long awaited climax finally came to an end she collapsed, while her slimy seed was dripping from the shocked Lathvirian.
‘You see, she was perfectly fine lacing innocent men and women with the aphrodisiac her suit gave off. But when I simulated that cock of hers too much and denied her a chance to orgasm, she became as meek as what Earthlings call a “lamb”. Sure, she tried to get out of it sometimes, but I just cranked up the vibration of this little toy. Did that answer your question?’ Nex explained with a cocky grin.
‘Yes, it did. Credstick, please.’ The Lathvirian answered with barely contained anger.
Nex pulled her credstick from one of the pouches on her belt and approached the Lathvirian who placed it in her holo-phone. ‘There, 10 000 credits just as promised. Despite the fact that you were not asked to hunt this bounty in the first place, you can believe we will have words about this with Mister Evars. Now leave this place, Oae Research has no further business with you.’ She hissed as she tossed Nex’s credstick back to her.
It wasn’t something you needed to tell the Xyli twice. She waited for the musclebound Viden to pick up Alzeran and quickly closed the cargo hold doors, allowing herself a chuckle as she heard the strange, sticky wet sounds of the cum-covered Lathvirian moving away. ‘Here’s hoping Nathan won’t get into trouble because of this.’ Nex whispered to herself as she returned to the cockpit, eager to fly away from the eerie station and return to Floating Eden to spend her hard earned credits.

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