Friday 23 November 2018

Allana's Adventure - Chapter 2: Allana and the Labyrinth

Allana's Adventure - Chapter 2: Allana and the Labyrinth

(Cover art was commissioned from the amazing queenchikkibug)
After nearly a year, here is another story starring kentayuki‘s lovely goblin cartographer Allana Goldgrave! The poor girl hasn’t had a job in months and as much as she might try to deny her nature, she can’t fight her instincts forever. Fortunately, a familiar face from the Guild of Adventurer’s offers her a job where she can hopefully blow of some steam…
Contains: M/F, goblin, shortstack, Minotaur, monster boy, huge cock, standing 69, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, large insertion, excessive cum.

Allana's Adventure - Chapter 2: Allana and the Labyrinth
Allana Goldgrave sat behind her desk, cartography tools clean and laid out neatly before her. Yet, the goblin was checking and cleaning her tools for the third time that day. And only the gods had kept count on how many times she had repeated these actions over the week. In truth, said actions were completely unnecessary, Allana hadn’t used her cartography tools in monthsand she desperately needed work.
And not only for the coin it offered.
For the last few days, Allana had become all too aware of her own pulse. It was pounding loudly and incessantly in her ears, and it felt as if her heart was about to burst out of her chest. Not only that, but she was very aware of her clothing and how tight and constricting her leather suit and fishnet pantyhose and gloves felt. It was obvious that her goblin instincts were telling her that she needed to breed, no matter how much Allana was trying to deny her nature.
Just as Allana was cleaning her brass spyglass rather…vigorously, the door to her office was thrown open and Allana nearly jumped out of her seat. The goblin was about to yell her standard: ‘This isn’t a brothel!’, but found that her throat was too dry for the words to come out. Instead, she waited to see who would come in, while rubbing her thick, shapely green thighs together.
Fortunately, it was someone she knew. Eve, from Gronwall’s Guild of Adventurers.
The blonde had come in one day, months ago, with a job. Only then, Allana had paid more attention to the coin she offered than to the person herself. Now, though, she couldn’t help but take in every detail about the warrior woman that had barged into her shop.
Where Allana’s facial features were sharp and severe and framed with deep purple, almost black, hair. Eve was the opposite with a soft and kind face, that was framed with straw blonde hair kept in a short ponytail. The girl was blessed with big, expressive doe brown eyes that made the goblin want to give Eve everything she might have asked her for. Underneath those pretty eyes, was a light dusting of freckles on softly rounded cheeks. Most of Allana’s attention was focused on a pair of plump, plush lips that looked more at home on a succubus, though. They looked positively kissable, especially with the light, pink lipstick coating them.
When Allana realized where her train of thought was taking her she tore her eyes away from Eve’s face with a little Tsk sound.
‘Am I… interrupting something?’ Eve asked, her big brown eyes growing wide and sad as she glanced down at the goblin who seemed frustrated with her.
Allana peeked at the warrior woman, it wasn’t exactly subtle since she had to turn her head again due to the missing eye, but she wasn’t in the right frame of mind to care. The goblin took some time to examine Eve’s body. The leather armour hid much of her curves, but couldn’t quite cover her broad shoulders…or her broad, breeding hips for that matter. When she realized she was staring again, Allana cleared her throat.
‘No, it’s…fine.’ Allana Goldgrave, grumbled. ‘How can I help you?’
‘Ah, right.’ Eve began, clearing her throat and her mask of professionalism returned. ‘I have a job for you.’
‘I’ll take it!’ Allana replied immediately as she excitedly hopped off of her seat.
‘Are you sure you don’t want to hear what it’s about first, Miss Goldgrave?’ Eve asked with a curious cock of her head and a raised blonde eyebrow.
‘I suppose I should.’ Allana replied, though she was already in the process of packing her tools.
‘Right,’ Eve muttered as she cleared her throat. Unsure about whether the goblin was listening or not, she decided to tell Allana what she needed to know anyway.
‘Far to the north of Gronwall, you can find the Titan’s Crown mountains. Though you probably already know that.’ Eve added sheepishly as she glanced at the large map behind Allana. ‘Some of our men and women in the guild reported that a recent landslide in the area had uncovered an ancient doorway, but of the six adventurers that we sent to investigate. Only two returned.’
‘Right…’ Allana said slowly. ‘I don’t know what they found in there, but fighting monsters is your specialty.’ She added while she slowed down in packing her things.
‘No, no, that’s the thing!’ Eve quickly stammered to reignite the goblin’s passion. ‘Those that came back revealed that inside they found a series of dark winding corridors and dead ends from which they barely escaped, they found no monsters at all. So a map of that place would be quite helpful for the guild and we’ll offer eight hundred gold pieces, three hundred now and five hundred upon completion.’
Allana was silent for a few moments. The pay was even better than when she had been asked to map out the forest to the west of Gronwall a few months ago, and with having to map out a labyrinth she had a good excuse to stay out of the city for a while and get rid of her frustration properly.
‘Well, I already agreed to take the job.’ Allana said with a fierce grin as she closed her pack. ‘So I’ll see you again in a few days, cutie.’ The goblin added, grin fading fast when she realized what she had just said.
Eve didn’t have the chance to respond before Allana slung her pack over her shoulders and rushed out of the door. She hadn’t even taken the first half of her payment.
* * * *
A few days later…
‘I shouldn’t have rushed out like that,’ Allana grumbled to herself. ‘If I had taken the money, I could have arranged some sort of transportation and this whole trip would have been a lot shorter!’
Though a small voice in the back of her head told her that it was probably wise that she hadn’t. Because, had Allana stopped at any stables on her way to Gronwall’s city gates, she’d probably end up screwing a stable hand or two. If the horses didn’t catch her attention first, anyway…
Allana realized the thought of sleeping with an animal should have disgusted her, and brought her way too close to the nature of a feral goblin, but it hadn’t. The first night outside of Gronwall, the cartographer had buried her fingers into her sopping green twat as soon as she finished setting up camp. Unfortunately, she then very quickly realized that her slim digits were not up to the task of bringing her to orgasm and she needed something much longerand much thicker.
‘Gods, get your mind out of the gutter…’ Allana said by way of chastising herself. ‘You got a job to do.’ She added, while glancing at a passageway that was twice as tall and twice as broad as an ordinary human. All of it, of course, surrounded by the rocks and boulders that had remained after the landslide.
‘As dark as a demon lord’s asshole,’ Allana complained. ‘Reminds me of home…’ She added with a wry smile.
Being a goblin, Allana had no problems with seeing with so little light. But in her profession, she had learned that it was better to be safe than sorry. So after searching her pack briefly, she found what she was looking for and pulled out a hooded lantern. She quickly lit it, which revealed several sconces lining the walls. Those that were near the entrance were bent and broken, probably as a result of whatever had sealed the entrance or the landslide that had revealed it to the world once more.
‘Well, that’ll do just fine.’ Allana mused as she spotted the torch holders and pulled a ball of string from her jacket pocket.
Whatever fat a female goblin gained seemed to go straight to their breasts, buttocks or hips. And Allana was no exception. Which meant she always brought a ball of Ironback Silk on jobs that took her far from Gronwall as a means to modify her clothing quickly. Fortunately, it was also going to be useful for her current task since she had brought a lot and the silk the Ironback Spiders spun was as sturdy as, well, iron.
‘Alright, all set!’ Allana grumbled after she succeeded in tying the string around the bottom of one of the wrecked sconces near the entrance. Even in heels and standing on her toes she had just barely managed to reach it. ‘Now lets see what this labyrinth holds…’
With that, Allana set off.
For the next few hours she wandered through the labyrinth, using only a ball of string to guide her back to the entrance while she carefully mapped out her passage through the corridors that were only lit by her lantern. Eventually, after reaching many dead ends and disabling quite a few traps, the goblin had reached the centre of the maze. An enormous, circular room which had four marble pillars, easily twice as thick as her whole body, holding up the ceiling. She could leave and hand over her map to Gronwall’s Guild of Adventurers, get her reward and let them sort out the rest. But something compelled her to stay.
Familiar dried white stains coated the pillars and the floor, far too large to have been left behind by a human man. The sight of which made Allana nibble on her bottom lip as she imagined a load that voluminous fill her womb. But what truly set her cunt ablaze with lust was the smell. It had crashed into her as soon as she set foot in the room, the scent of an aroused male beast. The smell was so powerful that Allana could feel her clear juices run down her shapely legs at a rapid pace. Before she knew it, she was standing in a small puddle of her own arousal. A little had even ended up in her ankle high boots.
‘C-come on, Allana,’ the goblin whispered to herself. ‘If you don’t leave now, you might not make it back to Gronwall.’
Just then, a large five fingered hand grabbed the side of one of the pillars and a bull’s head peeked around the corner. It made a curious sound, before it stepped completely into view.
‘Minotaur…’ Allana whimpered.
Beasts like these were already taller than orcs, who were a little over six feet at their shortest, which meant they really towered over her short form. Yet, as the Minotaur approached her, Allana didn’t move. Not even when she caught a glimpse of the massive maul in his free hand. Though it was not as if she was frozen in fear. No, Allana’s instincts had simply finally prevailed.
A single small, still sane part of her sarcastically mentioned that Allana’s remaining eye had probably taken on the shape of a heart as she ogled the Minotaur’s body. Obviously the cartographer didn’t pay it any mind as she took in the bronzed skin of the creature, despite the fact that he must have spent quite some time in the dark. Or how he was blessed with powerful male features such as his broad shoulders, bulging arms and a stomach that had been ruthlessly stripped of any fat to only show off hard abdominal muscles. Though, if she had to be honest, most of Allana’s attention was focused much further down.
Hanging from a fleshy sheath was a pink and brown mottled shaft, its wide head hung near the Minotaur’s furry knees and from it poured a continuous stream of thick, pearly fluid. At the sight of Allana, more of the creature’s enormous bullcock was pushed from the sheath while it slowly started to grow erect and in response to seeing it grow the goblin approached the monstrous man with a dreamy expression on her face.
‘Oh you poor boy!’ Allana cooed uncharacteristically. ‘How pent up you must be after spending so much time alone!’ She added as she raised her hand up towards the Minotaur’s heavy sack.
Allana’s small hands immediately disappeared as the Minotaur’s huge, heavy balls spilled out of her grip. Why she imagined that she could have even hefted one of the creature’s bloated nuts in her hands, the goblin didn’t know. But in her lust drunken state, she didn’t particularly care either. Instead, she moaned softly as the sheer size of both the Minotaur’s shaft and his balls were made clear to her, and she could practically feel her womb pulse with need while her legs began to tremble.
Because the horny little goblin before him was obviously more interested in cradling his balls than fighting with him, the Minotaur decided to simply drop the maul he had been holding. Allana did not react to the heavy weapon hitting the ground, instead she decided to bury her face into the Minotaur’s leathery sack, between his sweaty balls. The huge orbs muffled her moans and squeals of delight as their salty taste only drove the short and stacked cartographer wilder and wilder.
The Minotaur seemed content with letting Allana do as she pleased, at least for now, and the goblin was fully intent on taking advantage of that. The next few minutes were spent tugging on the creature’s huge balls or sucking on his leathery sack as it smothered the goblin’s face. If it were up to Allana, she would have spent the rest of her day right here. Just worshiping the Minotaur’s huge testicles.
Obviously, her partner had another idea.
While Allana was still off in her own little world, the Minotaur reached for her. Allana released a muffled little shriek when the creature’s large hand closed around her waist and lifted her up. Dragging her face up over his ballsack and enormous, precum-slick erection, until finally she was face to face with the giant, monstrous man. He regarded her with surprisingly human eyes, but Allana felt like no more than a doll in his large hand. Though, evidently, he saw her as a different kind of “toy”.
With his free hand, the Minotaur started to undress her. Buckles and buttons were undone rather roughly, and some simply torn off, but Allana wasn’t in much of a mood to care as her large green breasts came spilling into the open. Only when Allana was dressed in no more than her fishnet pantyhose, gloves and ankle-length boots did the Minotaur stop removing clothing. Well, except for tearing a hole in Allana’s pantyhose.
‘Come on! Stop being such a tease!’ Allana growled, some of her old attitude returning. Though she was clearly still furiously horny as she pushed her hips forwards as best as she could in the direction of the Minotaur’s thick fingers.
Allana swore she could see a smile appear on the creature’s bovine muzzle when his grip on her body suddenly shifted. Instead of having a single large hand wrapped around her waist, the Minotaur grabbed both her legs and suddenly pulled her towards his muzzle. Allana yelped and grabbed the creature’s large horns to steady herself, while she felt his long, wide tongue lap at her drenched snatch.
‘How very gentlemanly of you,’ Allana moaned. ‘But it really isn’t needed. Just give me that huge co-Oh!’
Whatever Allana had to say, the Minotaur clearly didn’t care enough to hear it. He simply kept lapping at the goblin’s dripping twat like a man who hadn’t drank in days. Which… might be a real possibility, considering that Allana didn’t know where the creature got his food or drink from. So he continued to drive the little cartographer over the edge with that large tongue of his, filling his mouth with Allana’s clear, orgasmic juices again and again until the goblin’s gloved hands started to ache from holding the Minotaur’s horns so strongly. But when Allana thought she could take no more, the Minotaur stopped.
‘About time! I don’t want you to wear me out before foreplay is over!’ Allana barked.
But her abrasive attitude quickly faded when the Minotaur pulled her body backwards. He didn’t need to use a lot of force, the goblin barely had any strength left in her arms so her hands limply released his bovine horns. Now she was hanging upside down in the creature’s powerful arms, facing away from him while his wide, precum-drooling cockhead was only a few centimeters removed from her face.
‘Well,’ Allana murmured, her dreamy tone of voice having returned as the scent of the Minotaur’s precum drifted up into her nostrils. ‘I guess this isn’t so bad either.’ She added, before burying her tongue into the wide cumslit as if she was kissing a lover.
In response the Minotaur made a noise between a man’s groan and a bull’s bellow before he buried his muzzle between Allana’s thighs once more. The goblin herself barely reacted to the presence of the monstrous man’s tongue brushing over her plump, darkened labia. She seemed far too preoccupied with the precum that filled her mouth. It was so thick and viscous that it was hard to swallow, and the heat and taste of it was enough for Allana’s pussy to clench and pepper the Minotaur’s face with her own juices. She quickly decided that she needed more, and grabbed the enormous shaft below her with both hands. Moaning softly when she realized her fingers didn’t touch.
‘This thing might wreck me…’ Allana whispered, bubbles of precum forming at the corners of her full, pretty mouth. ‘But by the Gods, I need it!’ She added hungrily as she started to slide her hands up and down along the Minotaur’s monstercock as much as she could.
And need it, she did. Because as much pleasure as worshipping the pillar of cock brought the goblin, and no matter how many times the Minotaur’s tongue sent her over the edge, she was never truly satisfied. Her womb still ached to be filled with seed while her pussy desperately wanted to be stretched by something bigger than her fingers. But only when her hands were dripping with long strands of the Minotaur’s pearly prejizz, and her belly was full of the stuff, did the creature seem to tire of teasing her slit with his tongue.
With a loud snort the Minotaur shifted his grip on the goblin’s body again. After releasing one of Allana’s legs, he wrapped his big hand around the little cartographer’s waist once more and pulled her up and away from his precum drooling member. Allana released a disappointed little sigh, but quickly cheered up when the monstrous man turned her around to face him again before he sank to his knees and pushed her onto the dusty floor before him.
‘Yes!’ Allana hissed fiercely as she opened her legs as wide as she could. Well, one leg really since the other was still being held.
Something akin to a chuckle bubbled forth from the Minotaur’s throat as he glanced down at the eager little goblin. He pulled his hand away from Allana’s waist and instead used it to pin her arms above her head, though she obviously wasn’t going to run away at this point. While the other fell away from the cartographer’s thick, shapely leg so he could grab his massive shaft and direct it towards the goblin’s dripping slit.
Allana was quick to stretch her other leg as well when the Minotaur slowly pushed his hips forwards. The goblin’s mouth was set into a grimace as the wide, flat crown of the creature’s massive cock made contact with her crotch. If she had been a normal woman, the Minotaur’s member never would have fit. Fortunately, all goblins were pretty sturdy and their women were practically made for breeding. So just as the Minotaur released a frustrated bellow, his large cockhead slipped inside of Allana’s pussy. Stretching it wide and pushing her belly up in the process.
Allana, who had been looking forward to this ever since she encountered the Minotaur, said nothing. Instead, her mouth was still set in a grimace, one that showed her pearly white teeth, while her single eye seemed to have trouble focusing on the large bullman standing over. Yet it was obvious that she was enjoying herself. Jets of clear girlcum were spewing out of her cunt, past the seal of the Minotaur’s cockhead, while her folds were twitching and trembling around it sporadically. Not that it seemed to slow the creature down in the least.
The Minotaur didn’t even give the goblin a chance to ride out the orgasm that was currently ripping through her small, stacked form. Despite how eager he had been to lick her twat earlier, now all he seemed to care about was his own pleasure. So with a rough thrust, he buried several more inches into the cartographer’s still climaxing slit. This time, Allana’s mouth fell open and she started gasping for air as another flurry of girlcum seemed to burst forth from her stretched quim.
Allana still wasn’t allowed a chance to catch her breath as the Minotaur stabbed his hips forwards again, and again. Seemingly intent on cramming every single inch of his meaty, veiny monstercock up the goblin’s twat. Allana wasn’t sure if she’d even have room for it all, but her concerns disappeared nearly as quickly as they entered her head as another orgasm tore through her body. This one came from the Minotaur’s cockhead unceremoniously battering into her womb. It should have hurt, but all Allana felt was pleasure as she arched her back and howled so loudly that it echoed throughout the labyrinth.
The way in which her stomach was bulging upwards, or how the Minotaur’s huge, leathery balls were resting against her meaty green asscheeks barely registered with Allana. Instead her back made contact with the dusty floor again, while she shook her head in pleasure. No doubt making a great mess of her hair in the process. But even though she had trouble focusing due to the way spots were dancing in her field of vision while her entire body went mad with pleasure now that it finally got what it had craved for, the Minotaur certainly noticed the state that she was in.
And in response to seeing the little stacked goblin covered in sweat and dust before him, writhing on the floor in his grip with an expression of poor joy on her face thanks to the way in which his massive shaft bulged her belly and made her pussy pop, the Minotaur could feel his own orgasm fast approaching. The bullman’s huge balls started to clench and partially dragged their way up Allana’s shapely ass cheeks, before he made a sound that was hallway between a snort and a grunt of pleasure.
Semen that seemed impossibly thick blasted from the tip of the Minotaur’s massive bullcock, straight into Allana’s womb. The poor goblin’s stuffed womb stretched even further as the creature’s prodigious load had nowhere to go with his large, wide cockhead in the way. The little cartographer’s stomach seemed to bloat outward even further, and showed no signs of stopping. Eventually streamers of thick, jelly-like spunk spurted from Allana’s pussy, past the seal of the Minotaur’s thick, monstrous cock to indicate that some of it did manage to escape from her womb. But going by the size of Allana’s stomach, it wasn’t enough. Not that Allana seemed to mind.
When the Minotaur’s orgasm finally came to an end, the goblin already looked about ready to give birth to his son considering how large her stomach had grown. However, when he roughly pulled his hips backwards with a groan and pulled his massive member from Allana’s snatch her belly rapidly started to deflate. A waterfall of thick white slime oozed from the goblin’s gaping twat, painting both Allana’s thick green thighs and the floor below white.
The Minotaur watched his handiwork with a satisfied sigh as he sat down, evidently he had needed this as much as Allana had. His member was still partially erect as he watched, with some curiosity, as the cartographer’s stretched muff slowly seemed to return to its previously tighter state before his very eyes. After which, to his surprise, Allana awkwardly climbed back to her feet.
‘More…’ Allana babbled as she approached the Minotaur while holding her belly. It had not completely deflated yet.
In response, the large, muscled bullman cocked his head and made a “huh?” sound.
‘I said more!’ Allana growled, as she grabbed the Minotaur’s softening shaft with her free hand and gave it a squeeze. ‘Now, do as I say before I take you back to Gronwall and throw you on the grill!’
The Minotaur snorted angrily in response to the goblin’s words, and decided to give her just what she wanted…
* * * *
‘Oh…what did I do!?’ Allana moaned while she used the Minotaur’s powerful stomach as a bench.
The monstrous man was passed out beneath her, broad chest rising and falling slowly while his tongue lolled out from his muzzle. His bullcock had retreated completely into its sheath and his body was soaked in a mixture of his own sweat, and Allana’s orgasmic juices. He had passed out trying to please her, and Allana doubted he would wake up soon. In fact, she had explored nearly the entirety of the labyrinth after the bullman took his nap.
‘Maybe I should go to a brothel the next time, I can’t let it get this bad again.’ Allana vowed to herself as she packed her map away. Though she immediately shook her head, it wouldn’t exactly help her reputation now, would it. ‘Finding a fuckbuddy or something would probably be better…’ Allana muttered as she started to gather up her string while walking back to the entrance.
As she considered the face of tall, strong Eve popped into her head, and Allana felt her face growing hot.
‘Guess that Minotaur didn’t finish the job properly after all…’ Allana muttered as she shook her head in frustration. But the thought of her and Eve did not seem to want to leave…

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